ant4team rn ,gDra County's Ereat Fctn4y Journcd'l VOLUME 96 G. M. Goodfellow .-&Meuddenly While gr1lidayingin U.S. ""Citizens were shocked ta hear of the sudden passing early Tues- 'day marning aifGraydon M. Goodfellw 0 prominent in the printing and publishing business i Oshawa and Whitby, at Mo- bile, Ala., where he was on a holiday with his wife. He was ap- parently in good heaith wher they leit on Jan. 28 for three weeks' holiday in the Southerr States. He camplained of feeling III on Tbursday and decided tc go ita bospital at Mobile. The dactors decided ta aperate and found a ruptured appendix con- dition, whîch had degenerated tc peritonitis. Mr. Goodfellow pas- sed away in the aperating room. He succeeded bis father, the late C. A. Gaodfellow, as publish- -er ai the Whitby Gazette and G. M.Goadfellow Chronicle, whicb later merged with the Oshawa Daily Times. At his death he was vice-president and managing director of Good- feIlow Printing Ca. and a direc- tar ai the Oshawa Times Ltd., which publishes the Daily Times- Gazette. Mn. Goodfellow was active in community affaira in Whitiy: He was president of the Liberal Association ai Ontanio Riding. A Masan, he was past district depu- ty grand master ai Ontario dis- trict. Mr. Goadfellow was prominent in the affaira ai Ontario County iwhich he lived al bis lii e. He was past president ai the Wbitby Rotary Club, past president af the Whitby branch ai the Red Cross Society, a member ai the board ai gavernors af theOnlar-. to Ladies' College, Wbitby, for Board ai Education and was'ac- tive in the Wbitby Chamber af Commerce. He was also a mem- ber and officiai af the Whitby United Church. He leaves his wife and twa daugbters, Mrs. Leroy Toli ai To- ronto, and Virginia, at home; also his mother, Mrs. C. A. Good- iellow ai Whitby. Telephone Company Ereci Public Booth Next Royal Theatre The interest ai citizens was aroused this week by workmen ai the Bell Telephone Ca. digging in the lot between the Royal Theatre and the Jury Jubilee Building. As usual the custamary number ai sidewalk engineers gatbered ta inspect th Job and fibd out what was going an. The Statesman learned from Trevor Davison, a former Bow- mnanville boy, who is now with thc Bell Ca. in Oshawa thal the company was exeecting a new public telephane bootb at this location. JHoward Hancock Selîs Massey-Harris 'bAgency to Mortons J. Howard Hancock announces that be has sold his Massey- Harris farm implement and ne- bave purchased machines -during the past feW manths will gel the service due their equipment. Mr. Hancock bas appreciated the patronage ai those who bave donc business with him, and trusts that the aId customnens will continue caming ta the new pro- pitars. who are rrsured (i re- liablc and trustworthy service. BOWMANVULLE, ONTARI09 THURSDAY9,FEBRUARY 9th, 1950 Trinity United Church Nembers Hear Favorable Reports for 1949 Ai Annual Congregational Meeting A goad represenlation ai tbe church family gatbered in Trini- ty United Church on Wednesday, February lat for the annual con- gregational meeting. The excel- lent reports read irom the numer- ous deparîments ai bbe chunch re- vealed increased membership and activity in ail organizations with a fine spirit ai co-operatian exist- îng between the members and tbc minister. Rev. S. R. Henderson who acbed as chairman for the meeting ex- pressed his appreciatian ai the work donc in a f ew remarks foi- lowîng the brief worship service. "God bas blcssed and guided us in 1949 and we shail progresa in as far as God directs ah 'aur aclîvi- ties in 1950", he said. Dr. J. C. De- vitt was recording secnebary for the meeting. Church Treasurer Ray Diiling gave an encouraging financial repart shawing a surplus of $246.36. During the yean the Sun- day School purchased a moving piclure projector and showed a balance in the bank ai $409.65. S. R. James also reported that the 1949 allocation for the Mis- sianary and Maintenance Fund ai $4,100 bad been reachcd leaving a balance af $11-70. The aclivities ai tbe Evening Service Commitîce, reported by jW. Pascoe revealed incrcased in- tereat and better attendance dur- ing the current year. Special solo- isba, religiaus films and Fire- ide Hours have produced en- couraging reaulta but the cam- miltee is loaking forward ta even larger congregabians during the caming year. Jim Nokes staled that the Young People's Union had exper- icnced ils beat year yet with a memberahip ai 70 enlering unlo ail local and presbytery activities. A number ai the young people parbicipabed in summer camps at Pretoria and Oak Lake, and a grqup attended the Bay ai Quinte Conference at Kingston. The Union gave the M. and M. Fund $130 and lhey now bave a bank balance ai $95.52. Miss Marlon Beliman reporbed Ihat there are 36 membens ai the Girls' Mission Band who meel unden the leadership ai Misa Bell- man and Mrs. Edwards. $50 was sent ta Oshawa Presbytery last yean. The Boys' Mission Band bas been reorganized by Mrs. W. Leask, Mrs,. D. Alldread and Mrs. S. R. James. A comprehensive repart ai the Canadian Girls In Training was given by Lamna Fletcher. There were three groupa ai teen-age girls in the fins al aofa 1949 who concluded their projects by a Chineâe Festival in May. The groups were re-arganized in the -FalI under the leadenship ai Miss H. Pritchard and Miss M. Farm- er, with a membership ai 24 girls. The girls take an active in- terest in Missianary activities as weil as lQcal prajecîs. Their do- nations included $15 ta the M. and M. Fund and $15 ta the National Girls' Work Board. Mrs. S. R. James reported that there are now 44 members ai the Evening Auxiliary ai the W.M.S. whose contributions have made it possible ta adopt the 9 year aid Italian child for another year thnougb lthe Save the Children Fund, and $389 was sent ta the Oshawa Presbytery. The Baby Band naw boaats 160 members under the leadership ai Mrs. S. McMurter. W.M.S. Aflernoon Auxiiiary bave been doing a valuable work in the cburcb wilh 67 annuai members and 18 lufe members. Mrs. R. Hoakin reported that Osh- awa Preshytenial received $651.60 from the Trinity Graup. Mrs. P. Greenfieid sîated that the large and active membership ai the W.A. is continuing ta raise funds through variaus means ta provide necessany additions ta the church furnishings. Women ai Ibis onganization bought and made up materials for the Junior and Intermediate choir gowns. Their present balance is $323.35. Donations ta wortbwhiie com- munily prajects have been made by the Jack and Jill Club which naw bas a membership ai 65 couples. Howard Jeifery reparted a bank balance ai $20.23. There are 44 members in the chair with an average ai 25 at Sunday services. Under the lead- ership ai Mr. R. G. Harle the choir bas progressed in their choral efforts and thein contribu- tions ta the service ai sang is in- valuable. In the past year the senior choir bas been augmented by a Junior Choir ai 48 members and an Intermediate choir ai 23 girls ai the teen-age group. Mrs. Albert Cale bas given contînued assistance with the Junior Choir. Mr. Harle announced the choir's plans ta present the cantata "From Olivet ta Calvany", at Easter. Forbes Heyland, reporting for the nominating committee sug- gested the following naines for the Chuncb Session and the Board ai Stewards: Session: W. J. Berry; W. P. Corbett; Earl Os- borne, Roy Webber, G. R. ElliolI., RobI. Mutton, Harvey Hardy, L. M. Dewell; Stanley McMurter, T. (Continued on Page Six) O ver-Ail Picture of Unemployment Local and National Fairly Normal An *unwarranbed scare bas been in bbc air Ibese pasî few montha negarding bbc future ai employ- ment la Canada. Similar feelings have been evident in the talk ai some ai bbc cilizens ai Bowman- ville. A survcy was made ai the opinions af seve±'al ai bbc nespon- sible men in the bigger businesses in town ta find bbc general atti- tude bowands bbc future ai cm- ployment. O.J. Presson ai Goodyear stales Ihat bbc number ai employeca at bbe plant is the same as il was a yean ago, and Ibat there appeans ta be no neason for a draslic change eithen way. About 60 men have been taken on in bbc pasl two montha. Stnikes in motor in- dustries may neduce tbc staff siighîly Ibis Spring, althaugb this siack may be overcome by bbc neturnata production ai garden hase. No Necd For Alarm The wbole pictune is so close ta us, claims Mn. Presson, that we cannot accuraîely judge the future ai employmcnt. Over bbc past four years there have been annual prediclians ai a slump. But eacb year bas denied Ibisi ican, and Ibere is notbing ta mndi- cale Ibat 1950 wil nol be a yean ai slabilîly. Twa years aflen the finst World War Ibene was a momenlany slump. Then prospeniby returned and nemnained witb us for anoîben nine yeara. Sbouid the same pat- tera accur during bbc present posî-wan period, Ibere sbouid be no neal cause fon wonry until 1956. But even Iben wc should nal wor- ry unduly, since governmenl con- trais have pncvcnted wild buying and seiling and will probabiy tend la maintain a greater degree af slability than aflen the final Great War. Wlntcr Slows Atriculture Acconding ta Ed. Summers, dis- trict agricullunal represenlalive, there appears ta be more fanm Slabor ai a bigb quality available aI Ibis ime than aI any lime since bbc lasI war. Two wceks ago there were thnee applica- tions by "likely loaking young ichllows" for fanm work. This is Uic langeaI number fon many months. The presenî seasan, due to Uic gencral slackening off ai farm wark, la bbc pooneat periad for placement. jThe war forccd m fvarn;ers wbo couldat &et help ta buy big macbincny wbicb now enables tbem ta work witb a amailen numbc af i bied banda, cdaims Mn. Summers. Howeven ne doesn' Mr. Summers. However be doesn'b wisb ta predict what the future ai farm macbinery will be as a nesuit. Stcady Improvement at Foundry Acting supeinlendent Tom F. Rehder ai bbc Bawmanvilie Faundry bas a sligtly difiercat story inoni that ai Goodycar. LasI Mancb Ibene was a sharp drap in iaundny production amounling perbapa b 50 %. Eigbl la bcn men wcre laid off. But since tbab lime Ibere bas been a steady incecase in business, espccially in malle- able iran. Business is now up ta about 80% afitis former level, an increase ai 305o aven tbe past ten montha, and the impnovemcnt continues. AIl laid-off erTiplyPas are back except twa. Wben asked ta ac- canal for the siump, Mn. Rcbder sîaîed Ibat he tbougbt that Ibene was no aven-ail drap in business bebind il. Immedialely following bbc war manufacturera pnoduced beavy stocks ai maleriala fan con- sumption. A back-log was built up whicb waà incneased due ta bbc drap in buying ai the consumer because ai a grealen choice ai pro- ducîs as time wenb on. For a few monîba il was decided la gel id af these stores witbout buying furîber foundry producîs. This mdy have accounbed ion bbc 1cm- ponary recession, and il wauld ap- pean Ihat bbc situation is now sta- bilized. Absolutely No Crisis According la an analysia made by bbc Financial Post thene aeed be no wanny about bbc emplay- ment situation, based on the fol- ]owing quotalion, "To lialen la some ai the near-bystenia vaîced in certain quartera anc migbb tbink Ihat there xvas a major un- employment criais in Ibis coun- try. There is no such lbing. At bbc lime ai bbc survey less Iban 5%5vaifIhe total wage cana- ing farce wenc wilhoub cmploy- ment. Altbough lack ai wonk means misery and uncetainty la the individuais involvcd, the pre- sent level af unemploymenb finda as great a numben of salisfied cm- playeca in Canada as Ibene werc during the five years preceding 1929. This was considcred ta be a pcniod ai great praspenity and (Conitinued on Page Six) Chcamber Commerce Discuss Closing Hout On Saturday Nights.' A full scale meeting of the dl.é rectors and the committees of Bowmanville Chamber ai Camà; merce was beld Manday evening at the Lions Community Centre, Ordinarily the committees met separately. But it was feit that a more coordinated effort could be produced should the entire body assemble together. Due ta- the very satîsfactory results and the large turnout the next twa meetings wil be held in the same manner. Chairman W. S. Morrison of th e Commercial Cammittee gave a report regarding the clasing hours of businesses in town. There is at present only one by-law cov- ering closing hours, and this ap-: plies ta fruit stores only. The Chamber is thinking of applying for legisiation which will set the Saturday night closing bour at 9 p.m. It was decided that a meeting of ail the merchants of the town should be held in the near future to determine a uniform .closinit hour, and ta decide an statuatory holidays. Notices will be sent ta ail mierchants advising them af the date of the meeting, and an advertisement will be published in next week's Statesman draw- ing the meeting ta the attention of merchants. The Chamber trusts that there will be a good turnout. The Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the lunchean for the vis- itors when the County Council camnes ta inspect the Bowmanville' Hospital. Next meeting ai the Chamber will be Monday, March. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the same place. Your Last Copy The above la the heading af a notice in bright red let- ters being mailed ta subseri- bers this month who have neglected to renew their subscription to The States man for 1950. This Is, there- fore, just a reminder ta our delinquent readers to send, In their remittance at once if they do not want their paper stopped. Your prompt co- operation ini this malter will avoid disappointment ta yau as well as greatly faciktating the work in our office. Thase who have sent I their sulj. scriptions will notice that their labels, In samne cases, have not been changed. We ask your indulgence fer a short time. The subscriptions bave been coming In sa fast that we have been unable to find lime bo correct the mail- ing list. Thank you! 1 The James Publishing Co. Parting Gif t For Dr. C. W. MacCharles On Leaving for Korea Dr. C. W. MacCharles, senior medical officer ai health of the Northumberland a n d Durham Counties Health Unit since its founding in 1945, was presented with a brief case last week at Ca- bourg before his departure ta take up his new duties with the United Nations in Kborea.r Dr. MacCharles will engage in public health work in Korea, and bas been granted a year's leave af absence by the Health Unit here.t The presentation was made by. Reeve E. R. Woodyard, Orono, chairman of the 1949 caunties Board of Health. The reeve ex- pressed the gratitude ai the healtht unit for Dr. MacCharles' guidance1 duning the formative years which9 ioilowed the organization ai the1 health unit here. Dr. MacCharles leit Jan. 31 for New Yor~k and will0 fly to Korea on Feb. 15., I J. W. Nosewortby, M. fan South York will addLçess a meeting to-igbt (Tbursday) in behalf ai the Durham County CCF Association in bbc Sonis ai England Hall. Mn. Nosewontlyiy a forceful and entertaining speak- er. His subject: "A Governnientl B2*trav-al." Music wvill be supplied1 by Wm. White, baritoiie, Toronto.1 Unless there Is a disastrous change ln bbc weatber, hockey fans fnom througbout bbc district will be crowding into Bowman- viile's new Memonial Arena on Saturday night for the Intermediate O.H.A. game between Trenton Flyers and Mike's Imperials. The locaîs defeatcd Trenton in tbeir firat game bene, but reports indicate that the Air Fonce lads have been considerably strengtbcned since that, time and bave defeated Port Hope and several ather te.ams recently. Il la regretîed that The Statesman went ta press Wednes- day nigbt before the final score ai the game between the league- Plans Being Made For X-Ray Canvass In Bowmanville Last week The Statesman pub- lished a preliminary notice of the T.B. X-Ray Survey which will take place in Bowmanville on March 13 to March 17 inclusive, at the Lions Cammunity Centre. Previous to the actual X-ray there will be a camplete canvass of the town by ladies of the Home and School Club. The town has been divided into 12 sections with a captain ini charge of a team of 10 ladies who will make sure that every home is can- vassed. This canvass bas been scheduled for Feb. 27 ta March 10. Durham County Boy Living in Winnipeg Receives His K.C. It la always a pleasure for The Statesman ta report the succesaL- fui careers of the native sons of Durham County. The Winnipeg Tribune made mention recently of - Edgar G. Trick, born in Hampton, Ontario, on Nov. 4, 1881, who was appointed King's Councillor by the Manitoba pro- vincial government. The an- nouncement tvas made by Hon. J. 0. McLenaghen, Attorney General. Mr. Trick, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trick, attended public achools in Cobourg and high school in Coiborne. He graduated in 1902 from Toronto Normal School, teaching public and high schools in Ontario and California until 1906 when he moved to Winnipeg. There he studîed law at the-Manitoba Law School, affiliated with the Uni- versity of Manitoba. Following his caîl to the bar of Manitoba in 1912 he spent f ive years in partnership wlth Nor- man A. McMillan. For thirteen years, from 1918 to 1931, lie was head of the law firm of Trick, McArthur and Kay, and subse- quent ta that partnership he prac- ticed alone until 1948. At present he forms one-haif af the firm of Trick and Restall, 410-411 Childs Building, Winnipeg. Mr. Trick was born on the f armi then owned by "Uncle Henry" Elliott, Hampton, actually his great great uncle, the father of1 Henry, James, John, Tom, and Mrs. Katèrson, and grandiather of the late Dr. Jabez Elliott. He is past president of the South Winnipeg Conservative As- sociation and a former director of the Winnipeg Conservative Club. He is a member of the Ki- wanis Club, and is past master of theA.F. and A.M. We well remem- ber Mr. Trick visiting in this dis- trict in 1948 and honored the edi- tar with a caîl. Homnemaking Club Plan Trip To Peterboro Industries Bowmanville Hom em ak i ng Club were guests at the home ai Mary Pickard on Jan. 23. The club was lionoured again by having Miss Jean Noble, Home Econom- ist, with them. It was decided the club along with several other clubs would on Tuesday, Feb. 28 go ta Peter- bora on a sight-seeing tour. They wiil visit the Quaker Qats plant; Silverwoods Dairy and the Carpet Factory. The girls learned how to make cherry pie. Lunch was served at which they enjayed their cherry pies with whipped cream. Ruth Robbins thanked Mrs. Pickard for the use ai ber home which contributed ta a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Staples left last week for a holiday in Flani- da. What can be possibly called Newspaper Day took place at the wcekly meeting ai Bowmanvile Rotary Club Friday at the Bal- moral Holel. Ailen thc business ai the meeting had baken place, Wessely Hicks, feature wriler ai the Toronto Telegram, gave a short talk on the Newspapen, dur- ing which be complimented the Bowmanville S t a tesman, ne- marking on the high standard ai ils journalism. The visitons introduced includ- ed Fred Tremeer, inspector ai the Unemployment Insurance Com- mission, Gond Clemens, on the staff ai bbc Galt Boys Training School, and Hayden MacDonald and Mcrv Cryderman, bath of Oshawa Rotary Club. It was announced that Ladies' Nighb :wil be beld Wednesday, Feb. 15, at tbc Boys Training School. Rcv. Sam Henderson told thc memnbens thal Rotarian Bill Ten- ant had suffened a stroke, and is now in hospital in a very seniaus condition. A lenglhy and well-wrillen letter from Evencît Biggs, Guelph, Rotary Foundation Scholan for District 247, attcnding a univen- sity ia England, was read. Il was an accounI of travela aven Eng- land, stnessing observations on the advanced agicultunal methoda ai the Englisb. This nevolulion in techniques bas taken place in the lasI decade under the stimulus ai the war, and bas brougbt fanm mechanîzabion in England loaa point .gnealer than that reached ia Canada, he stated. Breezy Introduction John James, M.P., iatroduccd the speaker, Wessley Hicks. Il was such a breezy and stimulating effort that il bas been included word for word for the enjoyment of aur neadens. "Our speaker ai the day bas led bbc sont oa ife which 90 percent ai us, if we could start aven again, would like Ncstled in an arlificial grave ai cedar trees Ibat bas suddcnly appcarcd lu bbc show-window ai tbe Hydro Sbap, is a Boy Scout 'pup lent'. Hangiag aven bbc en- brance la a leagth ai nope and a canleen; nearby la a khaki colored kaapsack. Ta bbc nigbb ai bbc lent, pnoudly guanding bbc 'camp' is bbc bi-colored Union Jack. To the lefti btbbcslump of a bnec, an axe and a few chips for bbc campfime. This is bbc dîsplay wbich bas been pneparcd by bbc local Boy Scouts Association in prepanatian ion bbc annual Finan- cial Campaiga in aid ai bbc Boy Scouts ai Bowmanville. Il is sym- bolic ai just anc ai bbc many ac- ivities wbich Uic lads ai Cub and Scout groupa arc privileged ta parbicipabe in. The purpose ai Uic bouse-to- bouse canvass wbici4 will take place Pcb. 6-20 is ta provide a sultable building and cquipmcnb ion bbc "boys ai baday, who will be bbc mca ai tomonrow". At Uic present lime bbc Boy Scouts and Wolf Cuba mccl in a roam in bbc former Organ factary. Haweven Ibis accomodation is availabie ta only six small groupa a wleek. A Boy Scout Hall would give la many marc Bowmaaville boys the opporbuniby ai participabing in the characler building pro- gram iniliated by Lard Baden- Powell less than 50 years ago. la spibe ai thc lack ai propen facilibies, bbc Association la plan- ning ta atart anobhr Cub Pack which will include boys trom the; 6c PER COPY to be able ta record. My first con- tact wilh this esleemed ncws- paperman was during High Scbool when we met on the football field when playing Oshawa Collegiabe. Evea at Ibal early age he showed a considerable athletic prowcss whicb developed aI the University ai Toroato whene he played on the backiield with two Dominion Champiansbip teama. As a side- line he also took up rowing for Vansity and participatcd in thre Henleys. Who's Who also relate that be, on anc occasion took on the University ligbt-¶ueavyweigbt boxer and flattencd him. Rumor bad it thal bis opponent actually stumblcd and feli against a post but aur bera was given credit for the win. The ruxuor was neyer subsbantiated. There is no mention ai bis schol- nslic achievements up ta thîs point, but thene musI have been some recognized abilily along Ibis line because he weat ta. the Bos- ton Daily Post for bis early ncws- paper training, retunning ta To- ronto's Salunday Night as an as- sociale editon for four ycans. The next step was ta bbc Toronto Daily Stan, whcre he remaiaed until be joined the navy il months laten. Shortly ai 1er D Day, bbc Star asked bîm ta return as a War Correspondent, anc ai tbc moal intereating jobs ai bis cancer. He was present ta sec Al- fred Krupp captuned and was thc final correspondent mbt the Krupp munitions faclory aI Essea. He also dropped, I imagine f rom a plane, mbt the Ubaye Valley thraugh wbicb Hannibal took bts elephanîs and legions inb Nortb- ena Ilaly duning bbc Punie Wars. Reporter Has Cali Some here will recaîl those wans allbough I doubt if any took part. The Maquis were still fight- ing when be landed although moal ai tbc surrounding country had beca liberated. Afler 'V.E. (Cantinued on Page Six) south part oai bbc town. In al probabiliby tbey will mccl in bbc new Ontario St. Scbool. Eveny week, tbroughout Can- ada 10,000 Scout Leaders who are inbcrested la your boys, give gladly and fneely ai thein lime and effort Ibat lads in aur com- munities migbt ahane in bbc world wide fellowship ai Scouting. Vour donations ta the Boy 9caut Campaign will help bbc Scouters ai Bowmaavillc ta more efficient- ly carry on thein work wilh bbc boys af tha bawn. The ideals and purpases ai Scouling cannaI be surpasscd, and bbc lad wbo bas been a Cub on Scout ranely finds bimscli In difficulty witb society and bbc lawa. You migbî be inbcneslcd la knowing juat wbal Lard Baden- Powell said ai Ibis world widc an- ganizalion: "The aîm ai Scout training is ta replace Self witb Service, ta make lads indivldually efficient, morally and pbysicaily, wilh bbc abject ai using that ef- ficienc>rin Uic service ai bbe community. Ia othen words, we aim fan bbc practice ai Christian- iby in aur everyday life and deal- ings, and nat mcncly bbc profes- sion afitis bheology on Sunday." BE PREPARED la thc Scout Motta! You too can adopî the motta and BE PREPARED whcn bbc canvasser caîls at your home fan your donation, large or amall, which will bring inta rcallty bbc bopea of the Scouts and Cuba af Bowmanville for a grcatly nccded Scout Hall ai their ow". NUMBME4 leading, undeicatcd Lakciield beam could b. reporbed because It was schcduled ta be the game ai tbc year. Anyone who stays home on Saturday will miss a real treat. Mike Osborne's beam i- cludes: fnam left ta, rigbt, front row-Don Gilhoolcy, Bob Bird, Jerry Farrow, Phil Burkhart, Tod Lintner, Bill Lowe and Doug Furey; back row-"ýMike" Osborne, Coach-Manager; Taffy Hayne, Bob Hicks, Gea. Piper, "Buck" Cowle, Bill Bagneil, Bill Dalby1 Maxie Yaurth and Ken Summensford, Sec. Absent were "Slip'l Rowe, Don Rundle, Glen Youles and AI. Densem, Trainer. Ivan Hobbs Elected Pros. Community Council foôr. 1950 Ivan Hobbs was elected Chair. man ai tbc Bowmanvillc Com- munity Council at the finat meetý- ing ai tbc executive for 1950 hcld Thursday evening in the Lions Community Centre. He will suce ceed Andrew M. Thampson wha bas held bbc office for thc past twa years. Other aificers elecbed from the executive included Rev. S. R. Henderson, Vice President; Mise Jean Tabacki, Recording Secre. Ivan Rabbi 1tary and Fred Cale, Treasurer. A commitîce compoaed ai A. M. Thampson, Chairman, M. S. Dale and Bill James was appaintcd ta >bring in a siate ai comrhlttee Chairmen and members, to b. pnesented at bbc next meeting to be hcld this evcning. Other business included re-or- ganizing for tbc coming year and tbc appainîment ai Councillor Dale ta pelilion town couacil canccrning bbc annual Commun- iîy Council Recrealional grant. Trinity W.M.S. Makes Plans For Presbyterial Meet Membens ai Trinity W.M.S. met Tuesday aiternoon witb Mrs. G. L. Wagar's group in charge ai tbc wanship service. The group con- Iinued their study ai bbc book, "Gnowing Wilh bbc Years" with Mrs. Wagar, Miss Leba Jackson and Mns. R. J. Hoakin leading in the discussion. Mns. R. R. Nichol- son gave a talk an Missionanies and Agriculture. Following bbc rail eaul and pres- entation ai reports furîher plans wene made for bbc Preabylenial meeting at Trinity Cburch an Feb. 23rd. Mrs. A. S. Baker spake an thc book "Prayer and You" and Mns. W. . Ives gave a revicw an bbc book "Be glad you are a Protestant," and suggested that all membens read these two books. Mns. Hoakin closcd the meeting with prayer. Postmnaster Asks Co-operation In Addressing Mail Acting Posîmaster John Kent requests that ail local mail ad- dressed ta bbc Bowmanvilic Post Office bear bbc complete name and initiais ai bbc receiver, plus tbe post office box number or streel address. Ia bbc case af peo- ple recciviag Ihein mail at lbe wickcts these letters should b. marked General Delivery. This request bas been made so that sarbing and delivery ,of bbe mails may be speedcd up and at tbe ame lime giving bbc new members ai the Post Office staff cvery possible assistance in ac- curately sorting bbc mails. Your co-operalian is respectfully salie. ited in tbis urgent malter. Toronto Telegram Feature Writer Tells Interesting Story at Rotary 0f Interviews with World Figures Boy Scouts Plan Driv e for Funds To Build Much Needed Scout Hall s.,