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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1950, p. 14

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PAGE FURTEENTflT ~ANAf .7 JT MAITPOWMA TV T.TW flM'ýADTY The Newcastle Independent Mliss Margaret Ash Mr. arnd Mrs. Roy Mann, Osh- Mrs. George Jamieson. Ca awa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack journeyed 10 Toronto on Mondý Wade on Sunday. with the Cornwall Calumett( Mrs. H. J. Ragen, Toronto, bas for their game in Toronto. been spending a few days with. Mrs. Lorne Paeden, Starkvill Mrs. Floyd Butler. spent last Wednesday with Mv Mrs. Floyd Butler spent a few and Mrs. George Smith. days witb friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. BonathE Mr. Carl Fisher, Cornwall, and girls visited Mrs. Belly< sperit Tuesday with his mother, Trenton, on Sunday. Mrs. Laura Fisher and bis aunt, We are pleased 10 say Mr. ai ________________________ IMrs. Chas. Finley are recoverir nicely after a bad attack of t] flu. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Quelc Scarboro, visited themn on t! LI NOL EU lu Miss Dorothy Stapleton spei last weekend with ber aunt Mr RUER ER George Smith. With skipping, roller-skatin NA S T IC and marbies going strong in th village Spring must realiy L here. Speaking of Spring rE Coloured minds us that the bail season w: soon be here. That's why th Wall TueLadies Softbali Club are holdir WallTilean open meeting in the kitche of the hall on Monday, April Il CERAMIC - PLASTIC at 7:30 p.m. They hope that a the young girls over 12, with a eye towards softball, will atten( JBig dance coming up nw1 the Firemen's Dance on April 1, ESTIMATES FREE For more details read "Comir -Events" column. Work Guaranteed The lake bas been overflowin with hopeful fishermen of lat( And the truth is tbey are sti' hoping. The run hasn't been u H . G IRHE A L 10anything so a nd vacated their premises at BA Phone 2902 Bowmanville Garage the first of this week. W guess they figured Spring had se in for good. Can't even cour on sure things these days. IAnotber of our beloved pioneer Iresidents passed to her reward Ilast week, in the person of Mrs. JRobt. Adams wbo bad reacbed the good age of 86 years. Always ari an industrious and bard-working ýay woman, wbo bad spent most of ;es ber life in tbis vicinity and ba< endeared herself bo a very large le. number of people, as was express- Ir. ed in many ways during ber ill- ness and dteath. This dear lady an was privileged 10, enjoy life up ealmost until the last and their farnily get-togethers whicb were nd often, as Grandrna enjoyed then ngalmost the most of anyone in at- rig tendance. Her cburcb, borne anc h family and neigbbours will miss be er glad smile. She leaves to mourn ber passing one daughter, Mrs. Geo. Barber, one son, Cecil, nI and their familles. One daughter, rs Mrs. John Walter, and one son, Thomas, predeceased ber. Those ng atfending the funeral fromn a dis- he tance were, Mr. and Mrs. Norrr be Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gay, Mr. -e- and Mrs. Robt. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. i11 Fred Gay, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. he Wes. Gay and Mrs. Ada MeQuade, îg Toronto. Rev. F. Yardley was n the officiating clergyman witii 0.l interment aI Ebenezer cemetery. .11 C.G.I.T. of Ebenezer Church n met on March 25, at the borne of ýd Lorraine and Muriel Tink. Pres- 's ident Jean Down conducted the A~. meeting. Plans were made for '1 preparing at our next meeting a personal packet for Canadian g9 Church Relief abroad. Alrnem- Cbers participated in the worsbip iservice. This was the first meet- P ing of our missionary projeet "Growing witb the years." Ac- g9 tivities for future meetings were A. planned. A contest was conduct- e ed by Ila Crago. Next meeting et April 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the home rif of Jean Down. At Ibis meeting t he topic will be the "History of Ebenezer Churcb." SOpen night was beld by Cour- lice Explorers Group in the Cour- lice church on Wednesday even- ing. They had as their guests their parents and the C.G.I.T. A demonstration was given show- ing the different activities that bave been undertaken during the year. Recreation was led by Shirley Antil and the devotional service was conducted by the girls, witb Norma Bradley lead- ing the worsbip theme. Mrs. C. Penfound gave a short address and luncheon was served. Thursday evenxng, March 30, a gathering was beld at Varcoes Community Hall with well over one bundred in attendance wben a miscellaneous shower was given Miss Edith Balson and Mr. Ernest Gearing, whose marriage takes place on April 8. With the usher- ing in of the surprised couple, Rev. Frank Yardley took over as master of ceremonies and very humourously opened the even- ing's activities witb most pleasing remarks about Edith and Ernie. Mr. Ed. Pidduck made a speech and in turn asked Editb and Ernie to accept the numerous gifts. Af- ter opening their many beautiful presents, thanks were extended 10 Iheir friends and relatives for their kindness. Refreshments were served at the booth. The Fun Frolies of 1950 pre- sented at the Courtice Cburch on Friday night under auspices of Woman's Association, by an Osb- awa cast, was well received, and had a very eood attendance. Solina Dramatic Club present- darn excellent play at Eben- ezer cburch "Grandpa's Twin Sis fer" with the following cast: JGrandpa, a cantankerous old man, Ewart Leask; Maggie, bis Irish cook, Pearl Leach; Louise, bis grandniece, Betty King; Bet- ty, bis granddaughter, Mona Fer- guson; Edgar, his grandnepbew, Harold Clendenen; Clara, Edgar's bossy wife, Jean Montgomery; The Widow Williams, an undying fiame, Gladys Yellowlees; Adam MePherson, a specialist in saving, Stan Milîson: Directress, Mrs. Everelt Cryderman. The play was much appreciated and the proceeds are for Orono Church Building Fund. Best wisbes .to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wiibur, on the arrivaI of a little son at Oshawa Hospital on Marcb 26. Mrs. Wilbur is borne but due 10 a blood condition the baby is in Toronto Children's COURTICE ,HEATRE - BOWMANVILLB THURSDAY APRIL 6 i ULJL U" FRIDAY « SATURDAY- APRIL 7 - 8 ALSO A MATINEE FRIDAY 2 P.M. YOUNGERBROTHER-iSj WAYNE JAMS RUCE GERALDINE 208ERT Scr.., Pay by Edna Ah.Rt TECHNICOLOR CARTOON AND SHORTS NON. - TUES. - WED. - APRIL 10 - Il - 12 ALSO M TN E MONDAY dUNEHAVE* R Y BOLGEk-RPGRON MIAE MOVIETONE NEWS COLOR CARTOON MATINEE WEDNESDAY 2 P.M.s THE HIT IVITH EVERYBODy!i CHILDREN'S DELIGHT! AN ALL CARTOONf JAMBOREE! MIOTHER! DADDY! GRANDMA! GRANDPA! COME AND BRING THE CHILDREN! 100 MINUTES A"D 1,000 LAUGHS! --Ili 1 1 FOR SPRING Make your own acces- sories to brighîen your spring outfil. Gimp and Corde for bags and haIs. Crochuet Cotton and Sky- tone for gloves. We carry a wide range of pastel colours, red, navy and brown. CLEARING BROKEN LINES 0F Corde 50e a Spool Daisy Cotton in White and Ecru Pattern Books ... . . . and Needies J. W. JEWELL "dBIG1-2V" 27 King St, W., Bowmanville PHONE 556 'YOURS TO PROTECT- The WHITE-TH ROAT'S whis- tling sang is a typical sound of Conadian springtime. He feeds on the ground, search- ing among the leaves and twigs for beeties, grosshop- à pers, weed seeds and wild bernies. Protect him-he's a m U.m m~~.valuable pest destroyer and Thats aU Ita greraeieu >9 Apply freeiy. and rub. C I Q xor. Adit brin8 wkI J ~ j relier to muacular =ancad THE CARLING IREWERIES LIMITEO peint. neuralgia, lumbago. WATERLOO, ONTARIO LANGE !COPI'OICAL su c 5c DRINB 609 TYRONE Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mrs. 1Clarence Woodley wbo celebrated .their 251h wedding anniversary 1on April IsI. Several from bere attended the funeral of Mr. Thomas White aI Nortbcutt and Smith funeral par- lours, Bowmanville, on Sundav afternoon. Burial took place in the Bethesda cemetery. Sym- pafby is exlended 10 those be- reaved. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Glaspeli and cbildren visited Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMahon, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar. Mrs. W. Miller spent a few days in Bowmanville. Miss Lillian McRoberts, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeRoberts. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Friend bave returned from a pleasant holi- day in Jamaica. Mr. Friend also spent a few days in Washington and New York. Mr. Victor Freeman and child- ren, Brampton with Mr. and Mrs. H. Pbilp. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent visited Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Colby, West Hill. Mr. Leslie Smith. Miss Wbeeler and Mr. J. Smith, Toronto, visited Mrs. J. Smith. Mrs. W. Worden is spending a couple of weeks in Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett and children, Guelph, Mrs. F.mmerson Connor, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Trenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodlev' and attended their reception. on Saturday aflernoon and evening. Several friends met aI the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everf on White afler altending the funeral of the laIe Mr. Thomas White wbere a cup of tea and lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and children wif h Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yeilowlees Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch, Base Line. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beckett who quietly celc- Cattie on farms in Canada at December 1, 1949. Iotalled 8,243,300 compared with 8,251,300 aI December 1, 1948, according 10 the Dominion Bureau of Statis- tics. The number of mihk cows was 3,570,000, an increase of 30, 600 ov.er the estimate for Decem- ber 1, 1948. The total of ail other caIlle decreased by 38,600. Sheep numbers bave declined steadily for five years. The esti- mate of 1,235,100 sheep and lambs on farms aI December 1, 194 was 6.6 per cent beiow the 1,322,30() of a yeàr eariier. Decreases oc- curred in ahi provinces except Prince Edward Island and Mani- loba. There bas been a steady de- crease since 1942 in the number of horses on farms. There was a furîher decrease of 5.6 per cent froin December 1, 1948 10 Decem- ber 1. 1949, the est!mafe of total numbers being 1,841,900 and 1,738,000 bead, respectively. The number of borses decreased in aIl provinces during this period. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Plione Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitby FINE QtJALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention 10 detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide sehection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbs in stock! brated tbeir 48th wedding anni- versary April lst. The family presented tbemn with an electric radio. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Buttler and Son- -ny, Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byarn. Mr. and Mrs. John Hilîs and family, Mrs. H. Hilîs, visited Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Orono. Mr. F. L. Byarn visîted Mrs. iJ. Lillicrapp, Canninglon. Mr. George Alldread attended the Safety League Drivers' ban- quet at the Royal York, Toronto, Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson, Wilma and Reggie, Oshawa, MVr. Ross and Miss Verna MeRoberts with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard and Mrs. McRoberts. Mrs. D. Stainton. Mrs. H. McClure, Mrs. J. Cook and Mrs. Everton White altended the Deeley - Saunders wedding a t Oshawa on Friday evening. Mrs. W. Rabm visited ber mo- ther, Mrs. M. Griffin in Bowman- ville Hospital and was tea guest of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hayward, Bowmanvil le. Congratulations are in order 10 Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Deeley (nec Miss Minnie Frances Saunders), Oshawa. We welcorne ber to our community. Tbey were married in St. George's Anglican Churcb, Oshawa, Marcb 31. The many' friends of Mrs. Laura Virtue wisb ber a speedy re- covery from ber illness. She is in Bowmanvilie Hospital. Several members of the Masonie Lodge attended the 251h anniver- sary of fhe Grenville Lodge in Toronto on Friday nigbt. Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread visited bis brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci] Alldread, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colbary, Brook- lin, Messrs. Eddy Haylock and Frank Colbary, Long Brancb. visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. .Mr. Albert Hawkey visited bis brother, Mr. Richard Hawkey, Bowmanville, wbo is quite il1. Mrs. Mac Sedore and children, Island Grove, and Rena and lan Graham, Haydon, with Mrs. W. Rabm. Mr. Wre lord Cornîsb, who suf- fered a bad accident and was in the Oshawa Hospital bas returned home. Jr. Young People met aIt th home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilîs on Sunday evening witb a good attendance. Mr. Rowland Coombe attendance. M r. Rowland Coombes, president, took charge of the business period. Mr. Bill Jewell gave the devotional. Mar- ilyn Pbilp took charge of the following program: Pasty Phil- lips read a slory; Bessie Hilîs played a piano solo; Wesley Hilîs gave the topic and Gwen Davey gave a reading and Wesley Hilîs led in a sing-song. Conlests were enioyed and lunch was served. Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed in the church next Sunday morning. Special Easter music will be given by the choir. W.M.S. will meet Tbursday of Ibis week at the home of Mrs. W. Rahm. Although the weafher and roads were bad, quile a number atfended the reception aI the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley. 48th Anniversary Congratulations are in order to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beckett, Tyrone, who quietly celebrated their 48th weddine anniversary al their home April ist. Oliver Beckett, son of the lafe Mir. and Mrs. Thomas Beckett, Vlcaford, and Edith May Webber, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Webber, Burketon, Nere married April 1, 1902, at the home of ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Pascoe, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Beckett lived in Burketon for a short lime, Ihen moved fo Meaford. In 1916 Ihey noved f0 North Saskatchewan, icar Shellbrook and farmed for several years. Owing to tbe iii health of Mr. Beckett they sold out and moved to Tyrone in May, 946. They bave a family of six boys and six girls, 15 grandchildren nd 13 great grandcbildren. We trust Mr. and Mrs. Beckett vili bave many more years of HAYDON Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodley on celebrating their 251h Wedding Anniversary. W. A. will be beid at Mrs. W. Blackburn's and Mrs. T. Cowi- ing's next week. Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hamp- ton, with Mrs. Chas. Garrard. Mrs. Clinton Biglow, Tyrone. with Mrs. Don Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Tbomp- son and famiiy at Mr. Earl Thompson's Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. H. Asb- lon's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens and Lynda at Mr. Harold Moore's, Bowmanville. Miss Jean McLaugblin. Burke- Ion, aI Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. Mrs. Alice Tbompson, Oshawa, aI Mr. Roland Thompson's. Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Hamp- ton, aI Mr. W. Blackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and familv aI Mr. Edgar Wright's, En- niskillen. MVr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Vernon, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Bowman- ville, aI Mr. Wm. Trewin's. (Inlended For LasI Week) Mrs. Elmer Walker and Bar- bara bave returned home after staying witb Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker for several weeks. We are glad bo report Ihat Mrs. J. H. Walker is improving. Several from here attended the Services at Trinity United Church on Sunday evening and beard Miss Olive Rankine sing. Bible Class social evening was beld at A. Read's on Friday with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mr. James Brown's, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech, Bowmanville, at Mr. M. Ber- trim's. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Or- ono, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- ton. Cameron Olesen. Enniskillen aI Mr. Lloyd Asbton's. Wednesday. in 1949. roi New hearing comf ort invisible eac ngd provides hiddonon earke Is senstionol S o no f a s e s t i y , P o w e r f ule n d .c o, s nc a l, fa o m SONOTONE COMPANY OF CANADA.LTD. KLPiose tnd fro, our new 16 pge onqntome Nome.............................. Limited, Addres........................... Cisy..............Pro... KENDAL GINGER CUP PUDDINGS Mix and sift twioe, then sift into a bowl, 1Y2 c. once- M.adMrs. Don Little and sift ed cake flour, 2 Y tsps. Magic Baking Powder, y2 tsp. son David, Mr. Alec Little and satep. ground ginger, V2 tap. ground cinnamon, Ys lady friend, Toronto, visited Mrs . tsp. each of ground cloves and grated nutmeg. Cut Neya Little. .'., in finely 5 tbs. chilled sbortening and mix in Y2 c. Mrs. Lorne Paeden and Mrs . lightly-packed brown sugar. Combine 1 well-beaten Ken Soper were guests of Mrs. iesUfflî0 egg, V4 c. corn sy'up and 3,ýc. milk. Make awelhin Jennie Hoskin.. dry ingredients and add hiqwds; mix lighty w h a fork. Two-thirds 11H1 greased cup-cake dishes Mrs. Langstaff visited Mrs. with batter. Bake in moderate oven, 3501, about PecyBule ndMr. eni 25 minutes, or cover each pudding with wet Hoskin.cookery parchment paper, tie down and steam iseMrs. aoyd Geah andR ndi for 25 minutes. Serve bot with vanila sauce. baby Bobby.Yil-sein. Messrs. Laurence Tabby and Joe Pilkirogton, Oshawa, were . . . . Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs '. ...~ Thos. Hilditch. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .: pst od DOMINION for Easter STRICTLY FRESH ýY TO OUR STORE SOLD AT MA]RKET PRICES HOT CROSS BUNS Dozen 30c "HEINZ QUALITY PRODUCTS" Tomato KETCHUP eot.2,5c TOMATO SOUP TIR* 12 c BAKED BEANSTi 8 4SPAGHETTI 2Tns29C AUNT SALLY-WITH PECTIN 24 FI. 0.. STRAWBERRY JM L42 DOMINION-FULL NUT FLAVOUR-DELICIOUS PEANUT BUTTER PRIMROSE ERAND-SWEET MIXED PICKLES REGATTA OR BLUEBIRD-STD. 9UALITY TOMAMES 2 28,,c>- 27c R-ORE CR OAKLEAF--CHOICE-CREAM STYLE Golden CORK 2 2;1 25C CULVERI4OUSE-SIZE NO. 4 CHOICE PEAS TIR 1 5c LYNN VALLEY-STD. ÇUALITY-GOLDEN CUT WAX BEANS 2T 1 CHOICE QUALITY--COLUMBIA RASPBERRIES Ti. 26C QUEEN-S ROYAL-STD. QUALITY-SLICED PEACHES "TIR 16< RICHMELLO-ORANGE PEKOE Tea B ag s:,6 7< f% 34c EGGS WANTED Fresb We pay hghest market pric 0s for *ggs. Shipping DUTCH tagi aydilabi dit Our SETS stores, Sec manager for particulars. Reg. groding Mb.- 23c station 0-29. Give Yau 000% Satisfaction. DOMINION STORES LIMITED 16 0.3 5c 16 ..r 8 Dare's BISCUIT SPECIALS Sandwich Cocoanut Peanut Cello Bags 1lb. RI-EDU -E ea.ONTE5 PRUNES k.*25C DR- JACKSON'S--NEWPORT FLUFFS açg..31<c MONARCH-PASTRY 24 Lb.$ FLOUR a.,1.5 BARKERS-TASTY CRISP SODAS sog. 14c DALTON'S Jelly Powder SPECIAL 2 for lc Christie's Brown'n Serve ROLLS pkg. i7uitj & t§Ja 1/e,4 Ripe Sweet Cuban Pineapple - Ontario No. 1 Cooking Onions Green Top ]Bunch Carrais Green Pascal Florida Celery Chilian No. 1 Spanish Onions (;alifornia Iceberg Head Letiuce extra large --ea. 35c -3 lhs. 15c - 2 - for 21c large size 48's . 2 for 25c large 2 lbs. 21c size 6018 2 for 29c VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY SATURDAY APSIL 6th - It AHl Ma4rchandise Said At Your Domninion Star. Os Un. Condiflonally Gudaranf.cd To Domino Weston 'S 22ALE 8-oz. pkg. 2 c 30-oz. boîlle Anozgelu 35 c 2 for 23c b" Stock Up LOCAL EGGS - DELIVERED DAIL'l MARSHMALLOWS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rusk, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer. Mr. Peter Kiecker, Oshawa, vi- siled Wm. Curtis and family. Mrs. C. Roacb. Toronto, spent tbe weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer., We regret to learn Ihat Mrs. Wm. Robinson bas been ordered 10 take several weeks rest and is at the home of ber brother, Mr. Bert Robinson, Orono. We hope she wvill soon be well again. The girls Rainbow Club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Luxon. The programa for Achievement Day being beld in Orono on April 12 was discussed and plans made. Some of the girls were unable to be present due 10 their Easter exams. The weatherman played a bad April Fool ocn folks Saturday. Insfead of a fine warm d.iy we bad a real snow storm and every- Ihing was again mantled in white; Mrs. Wm. Jackson attended the funeral of ber mother's only sis- ter, Mrs. Giîl, in Toronto last Kendal Farm Forum wound up their season's activities with a Pot Luck supper on Friday even- ing. The rest of the evening was spent in games, crokinole and the usual social chat. Tbe melting snow and the rain of Monday night have brought the local creeks to their higest flood stage Iis year. On Tues- day morning Jackson's Bridge and the two on the seventh are aI full capacity witb the waer over the road near both bridges on the sevent. Some bridges on sideroads are washed out. Electrie impulses have been, used t0 direct fish int a net. Increased production costs in tbje cotton textile industry are evidenl in the fact that new spin- ning macinery foday costs about $22 10 $27 per spinde installed, as against about $10 some twelve years ago. Imports of rayon fabrics from United States 10 Canada ave in- creased from 1,227,000 yards in 1938 10 more than 9,000,000 yards pu PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTn ý.kt" àbý1- eft.. M 4ie :&Z - - -,-atoqae 1 tewi uu, yy n4m,

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