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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1950, p. 13

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'HURSDAY. APRIL 21th, 1950 Plenty of Time Yct 'There arc a few people who are inclined ta wait too long be- fane planting but, say the experts, ion everyone li that catcgary there arc at least twenty who wili rush. Bath extremists lose. Generally there is no need ta hurry planting, a few days or even a fcw wceks in most parts of Canada will not make much difference. And with very tender tbings that wihl not stand any froat, It is aiways bcst ta wait until sail and air are really warm. In the vegetable line same fur- ther explanation la nceded. Here the goad gardener always spreads out bus sawings ai the dificrent kinda. The saund plan la ta di- vide tbe sced inta at least threc parts. The iirst is sawn a little on the eariy side, the second about the normal time, the last ht east two weeks later than usual. With a standard long - eason, vegetables like carrats, beets, beans, and so on, even more spreading out is advisable, as this lengthens the season for fresh- fnam-the-garden craps. Flrst Plantimigs Aside irom those extra caniy jobs, which should be carried out just as saaon as anc can get a spade in the ground,-hawn work, swect peas, planting nursery stock, etc.-the other garden rou- tine divides itself into threei spring phases. There is the1 planting ai the vcry hardy flow- ens and vegetables which do notj mind a bit aifnost or even snaw. *There anc the semi-hardy sortsj -T.-- CAN.A- AN. ... T-.S.A» . ... -- . . vlT. % O'àMIJ PAGE that can stand a littie irost, thaugh they do not like it. Final- iy there are the very tender plants that irost wili kill and even severe coid will damage. In the first category came fiowers and vegetables that under normal conditions would seed theWselves. These are things like alyssum, cosmos, poppies and scores ai ather flowers. They are ail specially listcd as hardy in any goad Canadian seed cata- logue and are simulanly described an the sced packet., Among ve- getables in this taugh graup wili be lettuce, spinach, carrots, pan- snips and, ai course, garden peas. In the second group there is a great variety ai fhawcrs. It is at thîs time, when danger ai seriaus frost bas passed, that we get started plants transplanted out- side-things like petunias, zin- nias, etc. In the vegetable line, beans, the iirst corn and pota- tocs, the main planting ai beets, carrats, etc., will go in at this peniod. These are Tender One must be most careful witb the tender graup. Soul, as welh as air, should be thoroughly warm before these go autside. 0f course with seed and bulbs, which will not be pushing through the surface for a few days, anc can gamble a littie, but as a ruhe with the tender group there is nothing ta be gained by rushing in ahcad ai time unlcss special protection is ta be used. Among the very tender fhawers are cannas, glad- iahi, dahlias and any ather very BUpANWY A W EKY NF RM' .r4 ER IC i B 1- -0 ýONTREAL-"Was it lever bat!" is a teen-age description ai most ai aur kitchens lest summer. Let's nat hope so, but this summer, might be just as bad. MWdll, if it ia,, my prescription for relieving that f"slavin over a hot stove" feeling is ta get - ..,..yourseii a FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE equipped with the Cook-Master Clock Contrai. Then you'il Ibe able ta slip a wboie meal into the avnadbeat it for the cool autdoors. The Cook- Master viii turmi an the aven and turn it off ait the times you set. "Isn't that sometbing?" as the kids aay. Yet it's anly anc cf the marvellous leatures ai the Frigidaire Electrie Range that's waiting for your "oba" and "ahs" at yaur Frigidaire dealer s. Beter stop in soon. Paitivdly Your Lasd Chance ta send for this- SPECIAL OFFER ai a dollar-value Plastiw'Juice Container! It's yous for just 25c and ten cents for mailinki Designed Ifor your kitchen convenience - it's unbreakahle - non- touic -spili-proof and it holda five cupa ai leit-oven ucm. For yurs, sim pi>' end me - Barbara Brent, 1411 CreseentstS., Montreai, P.Q. - a 35e Postal Note or stem pia ndE one label from a Bovril boti (The label cornes off easily wben soaked in warma wat; for a iew minutes.) This off er expires April Soth sa do send NOWV! 1 Like To Tell Yass Success Stories about favourite buywords ai mine. The Success Stary ai RED ROSE TEA AND COFFEE began with an idcal of qualit y-sa that naw the Red Rose name means flavour perfection in thousands ai Canadian homes! And I know voiu'11 agrce with the "Red Rose Fans" that Ried Rose Tea ils good tes - roîn the moment you teste that verr first, fiai ourful sip 1 Remember, toa, that because it s goad tes, g aetually gives more cups ta the pound - its flavour goes a lo ng, long way ! Red Rose Coffee is as good as Red Rose Tea. Always fresh -alwavs flavourful -once you've tasted this fuli-bodied cofice, vou'Il never be satisfied with any other!1 Sa do ask your grocer for these )Red Rase successes -the flavour-wise tea -the taste-satisfying coffec. I'm sure you'Ill iake a year-'round, ciack-around habit ai thora 1 À Very Special Off er, Moherai BDest Way ta discover wbat wandere The fol kalat CALUMET Rleinz have de- B A KI \G signed handy, POWVDER does plastic cap coer for your b-ing that ft ave the s ta trv it for timeSirlyl athefncit 5 owadheithee-ouscin-m ae tops ai HEINZ 3orsi ! e BABY FOOD ici, el you that tinswhcababyCalumnets two.. daesn't eta fuil!tins whoe baby wy action -first in the mixing time SiplyIcae th baanc of ail yaur baking perfectly leavened, the Baby Food un the tin, caver it lighit and meIting as a dream. But with this plastic caver and store it -ceing is believng-so try this in your reirigerator. And another favourite Calumet recipe ai mine t'me -and-moncy laver is the spe- ... .'est-Ever Mu/]lins- cially designed Baby Food Saver- 2 Clips sifted ilour 21/2 tspns. Calumet Baking a plastic scoop for remaving the Powder lest deliciaus marseis ai Heinz 2 tbspns. stigar BabyFoa fro th tin TAe. 3/4 tspn. sait BabyFloo frm th ti. Thee /3 cup shortening Plastic Cap Caversa ndIE wa Baby 1 egg, weii-beaten FoodSavrs re our lityouil ift3/4cup milit FoodSavrs re yursil -osli lftfleur once, measure, add baklng simply write ta me - Barbara owder, sugar, andi sait and sift into Bret, 411Crecen St, Mntral, owl. Cut lJn shortenmng. Combine Bret, 411Crecet S., onte* egg and xnlk and add ai i st once to P.Q.-enclosing onl>' 10e in coin. fleur mixture. To mix, draw spoon or postage stanps and 3 labels from ide of bowi toward centre (15 times), turnlng bowi graduall1-. Irou: He'nz Baby Food tins. And Chopa oon through batter (10 bc sure ta tell me whether your times). 4lex stir ols' untii ail plour I amnpened (oni about s strokes). baby is a boy or a girl, so F'il inow Turn ino greased uffin pana, fi- ,,,,htcr ta send these baby "Ispe-. mg each about 2/3 full. Bake in bot Il(400* F.) about 25 minutes. Sciala" in pink or biue 1 Makea 10 large muffins. iAlwas, Thinh there's a real tbnill *in setting out aul * -*; i.- t Ii e fecessary ingredients that go into a truly fine cake. Eegs, why JEL.-O Jeio Pdwde desi-, Yaungsers Love Gav-Loohi1, hortening, ciiocolate, vanilla...ý Preoh-Taiting Desserts ... that's and mast important ai ail, the Èct are always s0 populer with 3-aur fine ingredients when the cake the young-fry. And with thvir nour is SWANS DOWIN CAKE mothers, too 1 For Jell-O desserts FLOUR!I Ive fouod that Swans are as economicai as they're good ta cat .. . and it's so very cas3ta Down mikes consistently finer, make Jcll-O desserts anti salads! fluffieIr cakes . . . cakes that are Such a grand assortment ai flavours aiways successfi! For yau play o choose fram, toc! . .. Strawberry extra safe whcn you use Swans Raspberrv, Cherry, Orange, Lemon: Down. You see, it's milled by Lime and Pineapple. Everyone in specualists in making cake flour - lac famiiy ivili enjoy the fresh- anntismdefa the choicest ftsîng appc'aling fiavouir of deii- af saft wiieat and siited a.,er andi ious Jeul-O. Tiaat's why I urge aver again untul it's 27 turnes as îou ta serve it aiten! fine as ordinary flour! 'For Men On I,"? - Not At Ail ... It used ta worrv me finding bonds, documients and mtich-lived fam ily jcwcliellrv lying unprocected in odd drawers and cupbâoards. Then a fl/ good frieod put mc wisr, "n*li1 " chie said, "vou can c hase that aId worrv right out ai your mimd*for less lnq than two cents a da. .Do what*I do. Store vour ables in a Safeti' Depasit Box nt the BA-NI 0F 3JONTREAL. Aiter ail, Safet>' Deposit Boxes areo't r markcd 'For Mca Onty'." if I were you, I'd go right round ta your nearest branch ai the B ai M and rent vaur awn Sa rtv Deposit Box. Within minutes you'il bave given your .-aiuable Lthe best protection moacy can bu>'. Youngstcrà Have A Wonderful Time playing outdoors in April's ires> nir . .. but soantirnes their amn are rougb enaugh ta « procluce bumps 'n' bruises. Tbat's wby it's sueh a good adea ta hiave a boule ai SLOAN'S LINNIMENT handy! Its soothinz. pcnetrating lient brings quick -~ relief ta sore spot.s. No wonder ofuansa Canadian nmothers consider Sloexas Liniment e melirine cabinet mu".It gets righit ta th" '*root" of the pain.. roliives te discomfort af sprains - tîff net-k -neu- ralgia nnd riicumaîît-iim! A-zk your druoeiàt for Sioansa Liniment tomor- row. Its just 40e a bouleti 1 Ontanio's iorty-four producing gold mines ncportcd bavlng mili- cd duning the montb ai Fcbruany 808,659 tons ai arecocntaininig 196,576 ounces ai gohd, 24,513ý ounces of silven, with a total*val- ue ai $7,672,499, the Departmcrnt ai V'ines states. Altbough the month bas only twcnty-eight days, the number ai gold ounces is the bigbest sînce January, 1943, exceptifor the last three months ai 1949. Likewise the value is the highest since De- cember, 1942, excepting again the hast quarter ai 1949. The grade ai are for the manth amounted ta $9.49, which Is the bighest since June, 1946. The daily averages ai 28,88 1 tons af arc milled, tbe 7,021 ounces ai gold produced and the value ai $274.018 ton each day are the bigbcst since August, 1942. During the month ai January, thec mines had milied 858,836 tans ai are containing 195,574 ounces ai gold, 26,241 auces ai silven, with a total value ai $7,49 1,263. Did You Realize How Much, Lif e Depends on Water? We can live wîthout bouse or clothing for manths, we can live without food for days,,but ta live without water is figured in terms af hours and minutes. It is samething we seldom think about. Water is cammon, easily accessible, and cbeap. It is cheaper than dirt; you can buy water in our cities, delivered by tap ta youn bath and sink, for about a nickel a ton, while just ordinary dirt fi costs tnom a dollar up, and tapsoil cames at around $10. It is only when a crisis occurs that we realize aur dependence upan water. Even then we most- iy take stopgap measures such as prohibitîng the watering af lawns or shutting off the suppiy for a few hours a day, or, as in New York recently, going witbout shaving on one day a week. In a paragraph, bere are ten af the most important uses ai wa- ter, every one of which has been the basis ai hundreds af volumes of technical wniting: maistune in the air makes organic lufe possible; drinking water is aur greatest physical need; plants, fram lowiy lichens in Niagara Gorge ta giant Douglas firs ai British Columbia, grow only where there is water; the sea is the home ai fish and ai other food used by men; steani power and electricity depend on water; mechanical and chemical processes in industry need water; froni earliest times, water has provided men with a means of transportation; water dictates the location ai cities and farms; in the iorm ai ice, waten is used universally for cooling and pre- serving; water is the great deter- minant ai political boundaries. With s0 many demands upan it, there naturally is competition between ane use and another. Sometimes municipal or federal governments must step in and establish pniorities. They niay prohibit street washing, or re- duce withdrawal for electric power generating, or ration the supply ta industries. Our disregard ai the impor- tance ai naînfaîl and water supply has become a dangerous influence in aur civilization. It leads ta fauity economic ideas, confuses our thinking about colonization and immigration, blinds us ta the consequences af building bigger and bigger cities, and leads us into wrong judgments about the location and prospects af factor- ies. Water ia benevolent, when properly managed. It can be productive and will support pros- perous communities if its flow is wisely used. Our water pnoblems are the outcome ai aur efforts ta adapt our physical environment ta aur economnic and social needs, without reckoning sufficiently on nature's unchanging ways. By dryingZ up marshes and lakes we have destroyed the hom- es and breeding grounds ai use- ful water-fowl and fur-bearers. By clearing lake and stream banks ai bushes we have expased the waten ta sunsbine, wanming it so that At is spoiled for the best fish ie. By denuding bilîsides ai trees we have increased water wastage and lowered the water' level in great areas, making it im- possible for the roots af food plants ta find moisture. By in- adequate management, we run short af water flow for produc- tion ai eiectricity, as in Ontario last year. soft, flesby' stemmed planta. melons and squashes came in1 graup and so do cucumbers,p pers and pumpkins. Corn tomatoes are also associated warm weatber and as a rule main planting af bath usualî in then. Cheatint Cold IVeather One can specd things mmi ially by starting the tirst sque melons, cukes and even tomat under protective paper caps more permanent plastiecocvezi Next Week-Transplanting, a ing întercst. Gold Production For February Was $7,672,499 interest ai the masses, playing scrutiny ai the members, who are ehene 438 Bowmamivflle 42 Kine St. E. MI 4 ~44~ d 3 i OF CAP0B0A5RD FiTTSD PLr.U614 WITM oRoNlAsty UIN40 AP40 SeoRaWUo Iiemty IN PL&OU. 010 LIN( 41e WITU BRUSH 0F WRAPPIh, PAPEk O.. NEW U6ES FOR OLD DRAWERS - ->. ® U6@uces-r kI~' 7-ZMLO F HEAVy PYOD ~* ... IITTUO WIV4 S,4EL.VeS. H4UM& ON WALL. f 'or more information on theje and mon., other idea, wrute Tom Gard, c!o MOLSON'S (On tario) Li4ilT1FD, P.O. Box 490, Toron to, for te illustra ted booklet ".4ROLUN'D THE HOME".. The this pep- and wlth ter- iash, itoes sor .s. Our Share of Profits (by Joseph Lister Rutledge) We wouldn't argue for a mo. ment that industrialistsa or cap. >taliots are blgger-hearted or llvc by a stricter moral code than tie rest af us. We think tbey are us They came fram the same sor af bomnes, went ta the samq 8chools and churches and stil remain people like us, no mattei where they cllmb. But there art always those who suggest thai there la a vast difference in the Intereats and -thinking af the mer who create industries and the men wbo work for them. A very littie tbought shauld convince uc tbat these two are niutually de- pendent. Neither couid sueccee without the other. Our failurE ta realize this springs maini; tromi the mistaken thinking about profita. That word bas been made ta- suggest aamething that one ci these parties geta that the other dôesn't share. .Let us take a laok at tbe whole opération af industry and see wbether we don't get dur rea- sanable share af tbe various pro- fits ofilis operations. Ta that end, let us divide the sales dol- lar just at is was divided a short wbile aga in a survey made of 800. member iirms af tbe Cana- dian Manufacturers' Associatian. Tbese flrms represented 400,000 of us workers and annual sales of $312 billions. The dollar divides this way. First 40.3 cents for materiais, but included In this cost of materials is a large item for the wages of the labor that produced these ma- teniais-m a word, some of us, Wages, salaries and employe benefits were another 24.4 cents and al of tbat benefit cames to us. Taxes absorb 14.4 cents. As we can't very well deny that the social Ienefits the government is praviding must be paid for, either by ourselves, or by same other agency, such as industry, this. item then represents sanie casts that otherwise would bave beer a personal tax. Then mainten- ance costs 10.8 cents. These in- clude municipal taxes, which otberwise we would bave ta meet, and power, water and administra- tion coats. As tbese keep the bus- iness aperating they are benefits that we sbare equally with mnan- agement. Then there's selling ex- pense, almost *. cents. Sales make Profits, so they benefit capital, but they also create jobs, sa they benefit the worker. Then there is tbe iast item of profit 6.2 cents. Surely, that much-disputed item rightly belongs ta capital. As a matter of tact, balh of these pro- fits were retained by the industri- es ta meet emergencies, to prateet jobs, ta assure benefits. There also the wonk bas, at least, an equa1 share. The worker thus starts with 24.4% of the grass takings for himseif, plus at least a similar proportion of ail material costs that are represented by wvages. Along with this lion's share be divides equaiiy with capital ail other benefits af oper- ation. Porrid4ie Loyers dawn ta human nature lnstead af painting men ta their truc des- Watch Your Oats tîny. It can and wlll came ta the leaders and millions af ordin- rChcmiistry is stepping inta the ary people and familes through picture more and more as Uic the riew quallty ai lite and the e decîsive agent in cstablishlng the nwtawr hc o ie [real nutrition values in îarmn pro- te thase who lîsten ta Hlm and rt ducts and their effects an animais, abey. mart cudd In an inspired demacracy every ma lcudd indivîdual, wbatever bis back- il This fact bas been demonstrat- ground or bis bralnpower, bas an er ed recently in the Canada De- e ua chne a pay g a dci c atent ai Agricuèlture where sive part. at tests have been made on aats For evcryone can listen ta God. ie grown in widely separated aneas And everyane wbose beart la !n and ai different varieties. The ilncabeudbyG hr ie resuits show promise ai better awdilhingcn tbe used y ad £hee ,y guidance for the future in estab- anrd nwh h c-aiga h is lishing balanced dicts for f arm wnd aanimals-and porridge lavera. ýd Populan conception ai a good Does Retiremnent 'e variety ai oat is usuafly anc witb y gaod yiclds, high wcight per Hasten Death ? t bushel and thin hulîs. Such a ce varicty may have a good feeding There secms ta be a somewhat f value, but net necessarily. Chem- papular impression that wbcn a .r ical analysis gives a much better man wbo bas led an active and idea. ai pratein and fat ëontent, regular lufe retires he signs bis le for instance. Results ai such an- awn death warrant. Actually, ne- ýe alyses at the Chemistry Division ports The Financial Post, there ai o the Central Experimental is na real proaf that he is hasten- )Fanm, Ottawa,. are veny striking. ing on retarding the end. it Qat vanieties 'varied tram 14 A man wbo suddenly leaves [- ta 17 per cent in protcin-Victory bis job and faces a radical change .t gave 15.45 and Cartier 17.15 per in ie, with no interesta, is cen- )f cent. This means that 111 pounds tainly nisking a breakdown, if net t- ai Victory would be required ta worse. i. equal the protein ai 100 pounds Available statistics, howcver, 0 ai Cartier. Some vanieties con- do net confirm any sudden mon- i tained twice as much fat as tality aiter tbe normal retlning others-Roxtan, 5.48 and Exeter, age. The dcath rate is prett-e 2.70 per cent, that is tbe samne bigh at this periad anyway, but [t amount ai fat in 100 pounds ai the acceleration scems ta be ýs Roxton as i 203 pounds ai Exe- steady. ,f ter.__________ __ - The varicties used for these tests were gnown at Agassiz, B.C.; Finding Ways To Scott, Sask.; Winnipeg, Man.enR dc sOttawa. The average poti ]euc hoe .ost (content ai ail vanieties teste-d was 0 slowest at Agassiz and ighest at O Government E Winnipeg and Scott. The tat scontent was highcn in the Scott "Since bath major palitîcal par- r test than at any ather three tics arc tahking ai the neéd ai rpoints. finding ways ta reduce the cast S ai government, the taxpayer can Everone an Lstenhope that the discussion will s Evryo e Ca Litenmean something pleasant for bis pockctbook," stated C. J. Har- The word Democracy bas suf- ris, Sccretary ai the Canadian fered much duscredut fromn two Unity Council. Mn. Harris was causes. commenting on a radio address First, it bas been misused and by Hon. D. C. Abbott in which the twisted by extremists ai night Finance Ministen announced that and leit, wbo bave made it by careful consideration would be turn a butt ion their gibes and a given ta the proposal ai Opposi- cloak for their tatahitanian aims. tion Leader George Drew for a Second, it bas sometimes stood Royal Commission ta devise ion nathing much cxcept in- means ai reducing the cast of efficiency because wc, wha inher- governmcnt. îted the benefits af dcmocracy, "The fedenal government this have iailed to live in a way that yean will be spending $2,400,000,- makes democracy passible. 000" painted out Mn. Harris. 'It For demacracy in its truc sense is almost impossible ta cffect any can be made up anly ai those wbo etonomies in dcpartmental ex- deliberately prefer the good ai penditures when examination ai the wboie ta their awn sefiîsh- the spending ai, this vast sum ai ness. Its essence is not tbe widc money must be made in commit- sharîng ai pnivileges, but the tee af the wbole House. Whilc a wide sharing ai responsibility. Royal Commission might event- The strcngth ai democracy is ualhy discaven means ai cutting strength af buman character. But gavennment spending. a mare im- the evidence ai history teacbes mediate solution ta the pnoblem that ýeven at is best buman char- would be ta make use ai the ma- acter is not cnough. chinery that exists ta subject So taday, we must look beyond government expenses ta careful the punel'y buman conception ai examination-that is, the Public democracy ta the furthcr vision Accounts Committee. ai an inspired democnacy in "This Cammittee," stated Mr. which every indîvidual net only Harris, "was created fon this very contnibutes-bis best, but is also purpose. The Cammittec can cal instructed and guided by God witnesses and examine accaunts Himself. in detail. It does net, but it Inspined democracy will inot sbauld, nicet evcry ycan. In this came about by the action ai a way the nation's financial busi- few leaders appealing ta the self- ness wauld be sujected ta the Tour General Electrie Appliance Dernier WITI4 DWARF PLANTS.( PLAT. SMOOTI4 GANOSTONtr Oit Sf4ALE PLACEO IN '300 ON 860O0F COARSW Aw ultimately responsible to, the peo- are getting for their mmoney; la pe for al gvernment spending. their public affairs this in, a ser- In their private affairs, Canadians vice Canadians deserve but rare- make sure they know what they 1Iy get" Harmony in Colour with Murphy eW~ ~ WASHABLE WALL PAINT Easçy Spradlug e-Lnv.g N. e m B&do ON SALE AT LANDIR DROS. HARDWAR There are twenty-five units ai the Canadian Cancer Society op- erating in the Province ai ntario. Funds raiscd during the month ai Apnil will aid these local units in carrying on thein wark. Waa 1 fooled yesterday! I had been travelling in the Muskoka area and dropped ini on an aid friend who had juat purchased a fairly large summer hotel. As we relaied before a comforting blaze in the fireplace 1 began to rave about the large artistic wrought-iron hinges on ail the doors of the huge common room. My hast chuckled and said "'Come on aver and examine them more closely". Imagine my amazement when I found my "«artistic wraught.. iron hingeo" were made of cardboard! T'here's na denying the fact they were attractive. With tliese April showeza 1 find it difficuit to walk acroas lawng where there in mna idewalk. Just yeeterday, rigbt in my own back yard, I sunk almoot to- my rubber tope on a dirt path that I intended ta surface laat &Hi. I amn .til in a quandary as to wbich to uselid paving or atepping atones. In case soae athera are in the same dilemmaq, IPv. ad illustrated twa or three of the best methade I have There's atml plenty af usefulness left in an aid bureau drawer. The chap acroas the street bas put ame ta good use about his home. Twa of bis idan.are shown and b th are prcia.J na' toys are stared in the ane that ia covered and painted s gay colar. The other one, made into strong shelves, in in the basement ta hald his partially Uaed paint cana. When I moved my family imta aur preaent houa. the agent remarked, O0f course, you'Illbave ta lay a new linoleum in the kitchen". Would he be aurPriaed ta aee the lame linoleum five years and several coats of paint later! It is extremely easy to stipple a painted floar and what is even mare important at this time of the vear--jL wo't show the dirtl -t St- 1% À ý" ý 9 Floor Polisher 42 King St. 9. Stop Eaiy Make Tur Old Li»I»w Smile 7 RING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 77~ -â No more back-bneaking hours of buffing by hand! No mre wrestling with a clumsy, weighted brush! Jut guide yaur ncw G-E Floor Polisher over waxed surfaces and you get a speedy, gicaniing poliah ta pratect and beautifyyour floor. X-4%%Xxà -LEIJL4nizam Higgon 1 $5950 Complots wih twO pellshlns hruches end two Iamb's we.I buffem STEPPING STONE PATR ON( OF A SFRIES PRFSINIED BY 4 A A PLIB 1 1 TffE CANADIAN STATESMAq. IROWMANVrLLLr.'ONTAIIIC) ERMSArANic Tor eeriElectric AplneDae 17 RING ST. E. PHONZ 77%, BOWMANVIOLLE jehone 438 Bowmanville

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