'ÂGE FOUETEEN THE CANADIAN~TATESMA~i EOWMAIIVULE. ONTÂRTO In the Dim and Distant Pasi Prom The Statesman Filesj 71ft7 Tears Ato Tyrone-Mr. F. Wilbur leff WelyClarke, president of Good Friday to commence the EihSho îtrr oify esnsduties on the Greaf presided over an open meeting Lks whîch jncluded numbers f rom the Mt. Vernon-The choir was en- rilee Club under Mr. F. H. Frost. tertained royally at the home of Rec>tation and readings were con- Jas. Garfatt. Wibuted by Misses Allin, Joness, Kendal-Alex Henry unfortun- aiosken and Williams, and Messrs. ately bad bis fingers crusbed in R. H. Stephens, T. G. Bragg, j. a chaffing machine. frcDonald, W. Inch and T. Wea- terilI. Miss Bertha Tamblyn and Twenty-Flve Years Ago b4r.,Norman Allun were the solo- Neli Pttns itiehoe Oshawa Rotary Club elected Nelie attn'slitle omeJack Young as their new Presi- an,.Puke St. was burnèd to the dent. eround on Easter Saturday night. Miss Lillian Becker, graduate Maple Grove-Mrs. Fred R. of Oshawa Hospital, bas been en- Foley's "At Home" in the interest gaged as assistant to Miss Berta d'i te W.M.S. was a great suc- Harris, the Public Health Nurse. ýess. Officers of the Salvation Mr. F. B. Whiting, town asses- A.rriy assisted by their music and sor for several years, passed away finging. very suddenly at bis borne. William Lycett Says Life Insurance protects your family. But if you live to a good old age, tbe values t you accumulate in your programn give 1 you an income for refirement.t LET'S TALK THIS OVER WMl. L. LYCETT Bowmanville. Ont. Phone 2382 Mns. Parker Bayne, Chengfu, West China, on homeland fur- lough, addressed Miss Vesta Spar- go's Young Ladies' Class and the Teachers' Training Class about ber worlc in China. Solina-Mrs. Elgin Taylor en- fertained forfy members of the Ajult Bible Class in ber home. Mms. John Baker, Charlie Short- ridge and B. G. Stevens won the confosts. Newcasfle-Rev. E. B. Rance- ley, Toronto, conducfed the com- bined Easfer and W.M.S. anniver- sary services àt Newcastle Meth- odist Church. Miss Grace Bragg, Mrs. Chas. Cowan and Miss Edna Rickard were the soloists. Orono-M. L. Staples' home was sfruck Sunday by lighfning and running along telephone wires started a fire in the bath- room resulfing in considerable loss. A transformer on a nearby polo was also burnf ouf. Watch Your Step In twa recent posters issued by the Industrial Accident Preven- f ion Associations, people in in- dusfry aro warnod "watch your step" nof only when using ladders but also whon on the ground. The illustration on one poster shows a man descending a ladder and a rung breaking as ho places bis foot upon if. Tho bulletin carnies the worthwbile advice- foday is a good day fa inspect ladders. The other bulletin il- lustrating an upfurned nail in a board, a blooding foot and a man in the background on a stretcher wifh bis foot bandaged, carnies the toxt "Just a nail . .. mâ'y cost a f6of !" The bulletin puts across the idea that not only must ahl upturned nails be gathered up put ouf of harm's way but that and immediato first aid for al injuries is essential. Question of Ownership ~uru , A ~ ar ~(by Joseph Lister Rutledge) NEW ~ UI Ir h. *-~ Ot William H. Wilkerson of Rome, HEIN C M FoiGeorgia, bad an idea Wben lie told his friends about if fbey listened wifb the mild attention that friends give to an idea that appears f0 them sligbtly cock- eyed. Tbey binfed that prehaps Wilkerson would get on better if he sfuck f0 bis job and didn'f play around with wild-eyed no- 7 tions. His acquaintances merely ~ said be was "nuts" and let if go If looked as if tbey might bave .~been right, for nobody but Wil- kerson believed thaf bis idep-to build a machine that would make ifs own nails and drive them if- sf-belonged anywbere but in a Heath Robinson cartoon. Wben bie approached the research ex- perts, fhey, so f0 speak, drove the lasf nail in the coff in of bis hopes. The patent office files, tbey assur- ed bim, were bulging wif h botter ideas thaf bad beeni mouldering there years on end. If migbf bave ended there-an idea, still-born A.D. 1932-but Wilkerson couldn'f or wouldn't gef if ouf of bis bead. The friends, the acquaintances, the experts had convinced tbemselv-i 6 es. They hadn'f convinced WiI- Lim itedkerson. He had $6,050 of bis own, Limitedand perbaps thaf made bim sfub- born. Anyway, ho set up bis own machine shop and bogan tinker- ing away, in bis own time and af IRMtbattdd and westbonnd every day, Canadian National's his own expense. If took quite f4mots Conineta. Liited spedsacrss anaa -a few years and mosf of bis dol- fanos TConinetalLimted spedsacrss anaa -lars before hoe finally licked the Iinking the Eastern Provinces with the spreading Prairies, the idea into shape-a rough machinei supporting a roll of wire that if towering Rockies and the Pàcific Coast. YoulIl be treated actually did cut into the required longf b, point and bead and to a panoraunic view of the constantly changing, ever colorfu! drive,-three nails f0 a second. Canadian scenery ... viewed By 1945, the hast figures we have, he had pyramided bis $6,050 e.hrough the picture windows of the Between into a quarter of a million, on ouf-r put of thrce quarters of a million Inviting bedroom-buffet-Iounge MONTREAL machines, and be was giving em- cars, modern sleeping casdiin OTTAWA ployment f0 scores of workers.c i TORONTO"The aufomafic nailing machine"c càm and coaches.TO NT said a furniture company official,c WINNIPEG who saw if faking some of ther ,I Pery mile of your jourrley SASKATOON costly kinks ouf of bis production problems, "doesn't do a thing, ex- isahap avntr we yuEDMONTON cepf make if possible for a man h ahapyadvntrewhe 3OUJASPER to do four fimes as much." Bute the"Jspo Wy" crssthaf of course is, in furn, the only I travelth"Jse a ars VANCOUVER thing that makes if possible foro Canada - by Canadian National workers f0 earn twicc as muchv for maforially less effort.q Lot us nof approach our morals 1'ou enjoy courtes y and de pendable service... you trayel fao craftily. William Wilkcrson,s in comfort, in, accommodations to suit your travel budget in the face of the sympathctic dis-n belief of bis friends and the ridi- -drawing room, compartment, bedroom, bertb or coacb cule of bis acquaintances, spent h yuarrive rel reshed wben you travel by train. his own timo and bis own money M * ~ Otf back an idea in whicbh le aloneg belived Thre ouln'thaveM bee ay iea bu fr hm.There t would't hae bee anynailing C mciefactory, or workers em-h ployed af profitable wages, f0 theS greafer profit of Rome, Goorgia. 1 1111 ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES into a quarter million dollars in 0 tematter of a dozen years. We a pause to ask, who is the rightful fa ownWr of the accruement? a ct the Greatest, Value in Ginger Aies * a I~i1 - Outside Pointe Sightly Higher 108 M ioulder. Wben scbool -teachers ,uld solemnly assure us that ie scholams with the leasf intel- oence, worsf manners, dirtiest ils, weme our children. Wben ie preacher upbraided us for be- ýirregular in Cburch attend- ice. When the grocer said quite nphafically, "No more credif". Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 Ibs. Cet New Pop, Vi., Vigor Wbat à thrtlli Sony lim eIlIot gyhUw girls, womsen, men. whIo Rêveroouldt gain belore. are now Proud of hpey haUjrlokn bdU TbeY ttrank thée aivgor-bullding, flb-buildln tonte. Otrez. 11, tonte.' îulanta, Inylrtos.e trou. vitainin fi,. ru..r bond. linprovÏ Appetits sud digestion 80fod ae -yu ,ar strength sud noUrubhmen.pu 5 B o aboues. 1 ont tear aetting ff'o fat. Stop when youv. gginai he 5. 1 1,b or 01 : h1a. You nesit for normal welebt. *ot ieTry fainous Ostrez Tonte Tabiea o nvio "a adited. Pound§. thtiS vS!>'du>. As aau drkuui.a PONTYPOOL The top brass af Ottawa ai bickering between themsehves i f0 the proper defence factios 1 be used by Canadians if an wben fhey are aftacked by a outside power. General Wortl ingfon, a wonderful soldior, sa3 "prepare now." Broake Chaxto, a smart ]jolitician says "perpal affer awbile" or you may go staL If the smart cookies at the fa can'f agree, how do they expe< us poor dubs af the boftom of fh pile fa know whaftat do. Any farmer on the back con cession knows if is goad busines ta have your plowing done in th faîl, f0 be able fo fake advantag of any type of spring weafhE conditions, parficularly the kmn that jumps af you right on th heols of winfer. We'll lay ou twobits on the soldier's opinior H1e, no doubf, bases bis judgmen on the axiom thaf f0 be prepare, for an offense is the besf type a defence. Apparenfly, Ontarro College are going ta% lower the strict aca demic enfrance requiremonts ex isfing af present, SO thaf if wi] be possible for scholars wbo ar quite able in somo part iculai course, but not f00 clover aca demically in all courses, to ente a bigber hall of learning, wher, fhey would be able fa pursue th, general curriculum and concen frate specifically on the cours fhey wore mosf proficient in ii the lower school. If someone bac only proposed that change fort: years ago the writer mighf bavu been promoted ouf of grade eight The subjocf he was most inferesf ed in was the med head in fin seat just ahead. Most of us think of Saskaf cbowan as one big area devoid a. trees. If is therefore astonisbine f0 learn that 37 per cent of if! area is covered witb foresf. Thi leaders of the same province dlaim thaf unfil fhey set up a mil. f0 kiln dry and process info ply. wood, the poplar, besides pull milîs f0 process Jackpine, bahsam spruce and poplar, they are goini fa continue ta miss a splendid source of revenue. One day lasf week we noficeci a decided sbift in the local popu. lafion. On the train f0 Peferborc we spotted Velma Cochrane Gwen Ransbermy, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Hallaran, Alex McMasfer, Mcl Bowins, Mrs. Paul Mucha, Mrs. Paul Nimigon, Nick Bad- luk, Madeline Boggs, Miss Haney, a former school feacher. my wife and I. Wben my wife disappeared ln "ladies wear" in the big Zehler store, I wbihed the fime away chatting fo one of the clorks (one of our own local girls), Ola Kirk, who tells me she bas been work- ing thero for three months and likes if fine. She looked 'wisffuh every time the. name of George was mentioned. Affer aur shopping spree was finisbed, we bad time to catch a show before train time. The Qd- eon was showing "Francis," a tale of a talking army mule. If any of this cohumn's meaders are ser- vice veferans, lot me assure you, ,'ou will thoroughly enjoy the picture. If you were hike tho vriter, a mule skinner in the army, thon you'll gef double your nonoy's worth. But, anyone who ikes good acting and dlean com- edy shouldn'f miss "Francis." The water is subsiding easf of he village and by the time this appoars in print, the road sh4uld be back f0 normal. Af the fime of writing, Harry Ricbardson's chlar stili had four foot of waf or in if. To make mat fers worse, a ellar window was heff open, the old air blew in, now fhey have ce f00. Their furnace bas been .seless for a considerable time. 'ho bouse is a modemn one, wifh rchways instead of doors, wbich moans thaf a coal oil beater in :ne room is no good because ifs caf automafically floats f0 the )ther rooms. Added ta the misery )f lit fIe heaf, is the constant ampness. On top of these an- ioyances, Harry was seriously ill 1is winter and is stili feeling niserable. Your scribe can breathe mare ssily now. On April 14, he and Rewritten fram previaus copyrights af C. 0.TUCR 'fOptometrist Disney Bldg. (Opp P.O.) Oshawa, Phono 1516 No. 102 Usually glasses are recommend- ed for conservation of oyesighf except in those cases wheme fhe mproper tone of the muscles may be improved and in somo of these cases comfomt may be expected vithout glasses being worn af all. A still further need of those afflicted with oye trouble is in- telligent advice on the came of th eyes and their healfh as one bears upon another. There is no reasonable doubt thaf good oye- sight and good bealth go fogether uito commonly and anyfhing thaf may ho dono ta encourage, mromofe and maintain this union will tond fa longfhen the span )f life, wif h the comfort of good jision. (Copyrighted) e il c a a tg ti rt s. qi t] vi 'b.urT~CruAV A~TT. qa#f. te.~ Wben the people who owned the morfgage on our farm gave us thirty days to eifher pay up or e get off. When we lived for a sol- as id month on boiled pot atoes oe (nothing else) during January id 1927. When they carried the wife Ln ouf on a stretcher, bound for Osh- h- awa. Hospital and the reports ys were not foo favourable for a few n~, days. When all these tbîngs e happened, we had one sheet an- e. cbor oufto windward, we bad )p each other. We are both a bit et shop worn now, probabhy ie wouldn'f appeal te anyone alse. Se, seeing we're stuck wifh each other, mighf as well make the besf ofif from now fi the end ssof the road. id Spring fimmunization ke Programn Planned by aCounty Health Unit ýd The winter immunizafion pro- )f gram in the larger sebools bas now been completed and p4ans ýs are already underway for tbe t- spring. An immunization clinîc r- is held in rural schools every sec- Il ond year, and at these clinics the -e scbool children are protected r against dipbtheria, fentaus and t- smallpox. Parents are invited t0 ýr bring their infants and prescbool ,e children for immunization agaînsf e wbooping cough, as well as the L- diseases menfioned above. ýe This spring, clinics will be held n in the schools of Hastings and d Warkworth, and Seymour, Percy, y' Cartwright, South Monagban and e Hamilton Twsis L If is interesfing ta note that be- cause of the extensive immuniza- e tion program which bas been fol- lowed by the Healtb Unit since ifs -beginning in 1945, and because of ýfthe co-operafion of the parents g and doctors, the number of sho schildren requiring the initial pro- e tection bas steadily decreased. I 1946, 1805 children received 3 .1 doses of diphtberia toxoid, while -in 1949, 166 cbilren were given pthe complete series. 1, Parents are confinuing to bring gtheir infants and preschool cbild- 1 ren to their family doctors or teo clinics operafed by the Heahth 1 Unit for protection againsf dipb- * theria, wbooping cougb, tetanus iand smallpox. In 1946, 577 in- fants and preschool cbildren were given their initial series, while in 1949, 618 received immunizations1 at clinics staffed by the Health Unit. Infants should receive their first immunizations at six months of age, and reinforcing doses ares necessary to mainfain immunity.c Wool Prices at Record LevelsV 1 The recent issue of Wool News 1reports that producers of wool enter the 1950 season with pricesn at record levels in ail high- producing countries and ofi world imarkets. Men of experience ini world economy are pointing ouf tbat wool always is closely linked with the general ecorromy. The inference is that unless the world's economy shows a "sub- stanfial recession the prospects are that wool prices cannof fail to continue on favourable levels. "Furthermore, if must be noted tbat because of the high prices thaf have prevailed, stocks of wool in Great Britain and otber major manufacturing countries are low and that these counitries, as a resulf, will be in the position of baving te make heavy pur- chases in order f0 keep their tex- tile mills running. "In spite of this hopeful outlook friends of tbose who produce wool are wary of making fore- casts. Bearing in mind tbe un- certainfies that surround world affairs and the possibilities sug- gested in regard fe synthetics and in manufacturing processes.there still is wisdom in an urge not te abandon sensible caution and t0 maintain a reasonable conserva- tism in regard fe flock exten- sion. "Regardless of wbat may de- velop in the counfries of beavy wool production7 bowever, there sfill is little danger of an over- supply to the point that will make nature. Because a spming is very Favorite Topic Talking About The Weather By the fime this report reaches t he reader, the cold and unkindly weafher wihl probably be an ifs way back ta the ever-hasfing me- frigerator af the Nort h Polo. But af the present timo the tem~pera- f ume is stili nuisbehaving. Imagine a femperafure reading of 15 degrees on the 14th of April. Accarding fa the Globe & Mail, this is the lowesf meading for this fime of spring sînce 1868. Ima- gine coal dealers fhrivîng on the profits from spring coah sales. Imagine greenhouse aperaf a r s feverishly stoking -their furnaces againsf the cold wind. If is «reparted thaf vegefable and tobacco growers bave been piling sfraw on their hofbeds. In the compamafively warmor coun- tios of Essex and Kent, near the soufhwesfern tlp of the Province, farmers have planted pofafoes, heffuce and cabbage. Alfhough spring seoding was general mn Essex, Kent, Middle- sex and Elgin at this time hast yoar, no grains have yet been plant ed. Maple syrup season is again back in full swing. Tapping the sweot-sapped bard Maple is usu- ally an acfivify confined f0 lafe winfer and oarly spring. At thîs wrifing, 24 days of spring have elapsod and the huckefs are stîll hanging on the trees. Residents of Bowmanville and district bave been pafiently wait- ing for the approach of warmer weafher, meAarking each day that the southern breezes can't be far away. But on April 13th wo had snow flurries for almost haîf the day. The wind was brisk and cold. This lafe spring mecails by con- trasf the sprîng of about four years ago. Affer a comparatively mîld winfer, the snow began melting oen the first day of March. Excepfionally mild wea- ther bad removed ahl snow, and most ice, by about the 4th. Tom- perafures crept up day by day, fmom the low fiffies fo the bigh eighties. Cifizens af this part of the pro- vince were walking around for mosf of the monfb in ligbf jackets or sbirfsleeves. The peak tom- pemafure was meached around the 26th of the month wben the mead-i ing wenf up ta approximately 87. Thaf was one of the earliest springs on record in the memory of this reporter. The weafher-wise persan wil fhink ta himsehf, "The faîl must have been short and the winfer eam]y thaf yeam." Not sg. There was no snow ta speak 'of until thaf fime. The winter was very lafe and the spring vemy early. Theme are no mules with mother YOUR HOUSE Can Smile, Too! Whatever the state of ifs disrepair, no matter how old if is, we can make if ýonce again a happy dwelling-place. PHONE 772 The Grayson Guild of Woodcrafl IIay & Hetherington = **t,*. *~.tSA.J StJ~4*, *OJt, f Ù~~4li'~ JUST FOR STUDENTS It is Important that high school and coilege people prepare themselves for the years to corne physicaliy as well as mentaily. Diet should be considered care- fuily. Be sure you drink plenty of milk . . . lt's a food that's easy to work and study on, yet it contains ail the essential vitamins and minerais to provide energy and aid complexion. Drink Glen Rae's milk and see how mueh better you, too, nxay feel. Ask our Milkmen for REDDI - WIP an effortless way to glamorize every day's Cesserts. * * *If ail the peo pie tbo wvork for the telephone compar*y, Andi ail the Peo pie who earn a living by making the things th.e telephone company needs, And ail the peo pie two bave their saviqgsiveiled inh the telephone con>pan y, And ail the peo pie uJ.o de pend on gooti telephone service Io run tbeir'businesses andi manage tbeir hornes; If ail tbese peo pie, wvitb tbeir families, lived in one ci, This Cii y-IViî -No-Name would be by far ib. larges: its Canada, andi one of the largestinl the world, Keeplng puce with the growing needs ef communifles everp. whers for more end botter telephon. service hua juken lots of work ond lots of mono>'. Oni>' a flnanclali>' heulthy telephon. compon>' cou curry en Chis big lob. Telephone usera, emplo>'..,, shoreholders - evéyone hot a vital interest ln a service Chut mou.. a. much ta th. welfare of sa mon>' people. THE BELL TELEPHONE , COMPANY 0F CANADA Own.d and operaî.d by Cunudjuns for Canadiant ..------- t ~ - m wet does flot mean that, the other seasons of the year will be dry. Because a spring is very lafe does not necessarily mean a late fail. March has corne in like a lion and has gone ouf like a tiger. The groundhog may or may not see his sbadow. If means nothing. Nature does darn well what she pleases, and man Just struggles along doing bis best to accommo- date himself f0 ber. He neyer produces rules for overcoming nature. He just produces make- shifts wbich take the sting out of the losses caused by a freak- ish season. Royal Conservatory, of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATUONS * JUNE, 1950 Applications andme smua rah fthe Censrvatory nie lur thon MAY 1, l19». 135 COLIJO! STREET ICIV ",2TORONTO 2B, ONT. IrMTR-qnAv. APRTL fflh- lom 'AGE TOURTZM TEM CANADL4XàSTATESM«. BowIL&Nmn£Lr. ONTAMO