THURSDAY, MA'? 4th, 195fl TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO 3OLINA Our sincere sympathy is ex- tended to the family of the late Mrs. J. J. Smith who passed away on Monday, at Gormley. Mrs. Smith was a resident here for many years. Messrs, Jack Baker, A. L. Pas- coe, Harold Pascoe and Bruce Tnk attended the Masonie Fath- er and Son banquet at Bowman- Ville. Little Jean Baker underwent an eye operation at Sick Child- ren's Hospital last week and re- ,turncd home on Sunday. our Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin before they moved to Burketon. Bruce Tink was master of cere- monies and Mrs. Roy Langmaid and Mrs. Roy Langmaid read an address expressing the best wish- es of this community to Lorne. Maxine, Murray an~d Allyn and gratitude for ail th?ïr help. Har- old Pascoe presented theirt with a coffee table on behaif of the com- munity. Lost Heir gamnes were enjoyed and lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder lrYOURS TO PROTECT The BLACKBURNIAN WARB- LER is one of the most brightly- colored of his fomily. The maie is black, white, yellow and fiery orange. Protect him-he feeds to a great extent on insects, which he often catches on the wing in the manner of a flycatcher. Y US T* s eY CARILINGIS THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO t O 945CANLNGED70A and Helen at Jack Large*s, Bow- manville, and attended the fun- eral of Mr. Edward Large. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cham- berlain and family have moved ta Taunton. Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Pearl Leach, Fellowship convenor. in charge of the pro- gram. The worship service on the theme "Living in harmony with Gad" was presented by Pearl and Jean Montgomery, during which Pearl tohd the story of the hymn "' Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" by John Greenleaf Whittier. The theme of the worship service was con- tinued i the topic given by Betty King. Humorous readings by Ev- elyn and Donald Taylor were en- joyed and games were conducted by Donald. The final meeting of the season will be held next Mon- day evening in the form of a social night with Ewart Leask and Jean Montgomery in charge. Sorpe of the young people at- tended the Drama Festival at Centre St. United Church, Osh- awa, this week. Mother's Day service will be held May 14 and there will also be a Baptismal service. Mrs. Burney Hooey pcesided for the temperance programn at Sunday Schooh when Mrs. Jack Baker gave the story and Carolyn and Edith Pantling sang. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry, Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended the funeral of Mrs. Charles Werry at Oshawa. hast Wednesday. Mr. Jack Baker attended a Shorthorn Sale at Caledonia last Wednesday. Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended the Presbytery meeting at St. Pauh's Church, Bowmanvihle. Rev. George Murray, Keene, was guest minister at Church on Sunday. Eldad anniversary services will be held May 28, with entertain- ment on May 29th. More details later. Congratulations to Gordon Pas- coe on completing his final year in Mechanical Engineering at Un- iversity of Toronto. Visitors: Miss Lorraine Tink, Ebenezer, at Russell Vice's. Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, at home. Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peter- boro, at home. Miss Evelyn Taylor is home from Peterboro Civic Hospital on three weeks' vacation. Misses Lena Taylor and Iheen Balson with Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Linstead, at Springvilhe. Women's Instltute The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held in the basement of the church, April 13, with president, Mrs. Roy Lang- maid presiding. It was decided ta ask for short course on *"Your] "Ce " " Ik s *,b gASfladt f er ba g s. ... *The new Sonotone wlth the Invisible Eur-Moid will nover b. notlced by friends . .. only you wil know how Il i giving you new ocae of heuring power. booklef SONOTONE COMPANY 0F CANADA UIMITED 229 YONGE STREET TORONTO, ONTARIO Nome -. - YOU NEED THIS GREAT F000 IN YOUR DIET J-) ~W.4O W V W ~ i.'V1.ç7~* w TYRONE ý> Mrs. H. Findlay and Bruce, sUnionville, Mr. Dean Findlay, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow. Mr. and Mrs. C. Shred and Sheila, Mrs. N. Yellowlees and girls visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Shred and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Haynes, Bowmanville. Mr. Neil Yellowlees accompan- led Mr. and Mrs. I. Ellicott, Pet- erboro, on a trip to Rochester. N.Y. Mr. Sid Jewell visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright and Marion visited Mrs. W. Wright, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stainton. Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. A number visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary with the apening of. the trout season. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Norton, Locust Hill, were pguests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner on Sun- day. Mr. John MeMahon, Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. T. Zekveld, Bethesda, ,Àho celebrated the twenty-fifth anni- versary of their wedding on April 27 at their home. Mrs. Edith Anderson, Toronto, visited..Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Sandra and Donald Ellicott, Peterboro, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. Miss Muriel Edmonstone, Bow- manville. with Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey. Mrs. Harold Skinner with her sister, Mrs. Alf Brown, New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Philp and children and Mrs. Taylor, Peter- boro. with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp and Miss Jean Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodman and children, Downsview, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodmani. Mrs. E. Lean, Mr. T. Lean, Roseneath, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haynes, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart. Mr. ar)d Mrs. Harry Jones, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mr. Brenton Mecullough visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold and Mrs. Mina Hugson, Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham, Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. W. MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. G. Astley and Jeanette, Pickering, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John. Mr. W. Hambly, Mr. Milton Virtue. Mrs. S. Beckett and Joan visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonna- cott, Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyr and Ronnie, Blackstock, visited Mrs. E. Shantz. Miss Jean Haynes and Ronald Rahm, Bowmanville. with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Again we were shocked to hear of the sudden passing of one so well known in this community. namely Mrs. Byron Farrell, in Bowmanville Hospital, April 29. Funeral service was held May 2 at the Northcutt and Smith Fun- eral Parlors. Interment to Hamp- ton cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett, Daw- son and Arvilla, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Rahm, Saintfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Mrs. Jos. Alldread visited Mrs. W. Robinson, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett and Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd All- dread attended a shower given Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Scu- gog Island, on Friday night. Don't forget the Tyrone Circuit Pot Luck supper which is ta he held in Trinity United Church on Friday. May 5, at 6:30 p.m. A splendid program will be provid- ed. Any former members are cordially invited. Rev. A. E. Cresswell was guest speaer t te Grafton Men's As- sociation annual service on Sun- day, which included Vernonville and Wicklow. L.O.L. held an "At Homne" in the community Hall on Saturday with a good attendance. Progres- sve euchre and crokinole were played. First prizes went to Mrs. Lance Plain and Gardon Baker and boby prizes to Don Stainton and Verna McRoberts. Ail en- joyed a social evening with a de- licious lunch being served. Thankofferlng Service Children's Food" the early part of July. Mrs. John Baker Sr., Mrs. Tom Baker, Mrs. Burney Hooey and Mrs. Harold Pascoe were appoint- ed a committee to compile the Tweedsmuir history. Each stand- ing committee convenor gave her report which showed a very suc- cessful year. Mrs. Isaac Hardy, district di- rector, took charge of the election when these officers were elected: Pres., Mrs. F. G. Leask, lst vice, Mrs. W. Yellowlees; 2nd vice, Mrs. Tom Baker; sec'y-treas.. Ms. Ralph Davis; ass't sec*y-treas., Mrs. Burney Hooey; district di- rector. Mrs. Roy Langmaid; In- stitute directors, Mrs. John Knox, Mrs. H. Tink, Mrs. J. Baker Sr., Mrs. J. Yellowlees; press report- er, Mrs. Burney Hooey; pianist. Mrs. J. Smales; ass't pianist, Mrs. J. Yellowlees; auditors, Mrs. Bur- ney Hooey and Mrs. C. Hamer; delegates ta district annual, Mrs. E. R. Taylor and Mrs. H. Pascoe; alternatives, Mrs. J. Yehhowlees and Mrs. C. Pascoe. Mrs. Tom Baker presided for a short program. Piano solo by Mrs. I. Hardy. Mrs. John Knox gave a few points from the book of etiquette on making introduc- tions and how ta set a table prop- erly. Solo by Mrs. J. Smales brought the program ta a close. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Orono, district president, will be speaker at the meeting next Thursday. based on "As. ye wouhd that men should do unto you. do you even so unto them," was very interest- ing. Collection was received by John Cook and Jimmy Coombes, members o! Mission Band. The choir sang a suitable number and Rowland Coombes favoured with a solo, "Living for Jesus". Ser- vice closed with hymn "Will yaur anchor hoid?" Young People's Play Tyrone Young People's present- ed their play "Singin' Bill Fcom Blue Ridge Hill," Friday evening, in the community hall. A record crowd gathered in good time ta watch a splendid performance under the direction of Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Warmn and long ap- piause was accorded the presen- tatian af the play, the final ap- pearance of the cast, and the di- rector as she feeingly said "thank you" for the beautiful silver cheese and cracker dish presented ta hec by the president o! the Young People's, Rowland Coombes. Enthusiastic appl- u s e a 1 s o greeted the Davey si-sters, Joan, Kay and Joyce, as they danced two numbers with their mother as accompanist. Mrs. H. Theisburger, Tycone, and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowman- ville, were the lucky winners of the Club 41 draw for a chester- f ield set and braided rug. The stage was a delightful set- ting of the living room of the Elm Tree Inn in the Blue Ridge Mountains, owned and managed by Mrs. Josie Bradley, played by Veronica Friend, aided by hec daughter Beth (Gwen Davey). Boarders at the inn were the aid maid Green sisters - Carnie (Mrs. Bill Jewell), the older and dom- ineering one, and Katie (Bessie Yeo), the yaunger and sweeter one who finaily turns an the eI- der sister and asserts herseif. AI- so at the inn were Lee Mitchell (Bill Jewell), a gentleman with fine manners. Miss Jessalyn tPeveraux (Doris Park), a noted writer,- and hèr French maid. Francis Bordelaise (Doreen Rahm) came to the Inn to find peace and quiet. Instead. Jessalyn becomes involved in a bank robbery. She makes two firm friends Rev. Durin (Wesley Hilis), a likeable bachelor clergy- man, and Bill Stevens (Rowland Coombes), village handym an, who had come to the village 25 years before and just stayed and is far from being the "old .fooil' Carnie and Jessie Wright (Marie Taylor), the local collector and "gosýsip", thinks him ta be. How he. with the aid of Newton Ellis (Larry Rosevear), help Sheriff Roberts (John Coombes), round up the real crooks is a real story. In a thrihling scene in Act three, Bill's true identity becomes known. Beth,- Katie and Jessa- lyn aIl find happiness and the curtain f aIls on a mast delightful scene. It was truly a good perform- ance and the young.people are to be eongratuiated and encouraged in their efforts; also in their ob- jective to raise funds for the church building fund. A real community "thank you" goer'~ o the cast and director. ]KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Toronto, were at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elgear. Toronto, were in Kendal Thurs- day evening. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woodcock (nee Shirley Therell) Toronto, on the birth of their son, April 27. Mârs. Luxon and Marion visited Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Hughes, Part Hope. We regret to heacn that Mrs. Blake Alexander was taken ta Oshawa hospital Monday. We hope she will soon be well again. Robt. was home and accompanied his mother ta Oshawa. Mr. and Mcs. Ray Hughes, Mrs. Luxon and Marlon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer. Spring must be here ! The basebaîl boys hehd a meeting Monday marning ta plan for the coming seasan. Let's ail join together in making it a good sea- son. . A carload o! ladies from Ken- dal attended the meeting Friday afternoon at the home o! Mrs. Rolph, Orono, ta plan for the côming annual convention here on May 30. The whine o! the sawing mach- ines have been frequently heard the hast couple of weeks, getting next winter's waod ready. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Wallace, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reynolds. Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Eacl Burley were, Mrs. Patter and Mc. Mead, Peterboro, Mr. Jim Gardon, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barnes. Mr. Graydon Cacley, Bruce and friends, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Alexander, ta try out the fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stevens and Marion, Newtonbcook, Fred and Les Stevens, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevens. The trout season opened here Saturday with very cold and un- pleasant weather, vet by 4 a.m. the cars stacted ta appear on the roadsides near the creeks, with the fishermen off to try their luck. A few reported a good catch. You can harness a zebra, but it won't pull. WESLEY VILLE Sunday Schoi was heid at il with Mr. Clarence Nicholis acting as Superintendent. Church was held Sunday evenîng with a good attendance. On May 7th, the Church is to be reopened and ser- vice will be heid at Il with spe- cial music by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Doggett. The young people met Wednes- day evening in the sehool house with 13 present. Mr. Allan Hold- away, the canvenor, gave the tap- ic on "Faith". There will be no meeting next week as the Young People are presenting their play 'Pigtaihs" at Campbellcroft. The West End Group of Wo- mens' Association met at the home of Mrs. C. Payne to begin work on their prajeet. Mr. and Mrs. John Sehlick, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bee spent Saturday in Hamilton. AN OPEN LETTER. TO OUR CUSTOMERS' W A.LrER : C O A L "5CPQd w ùnb G. Lgiie ~OAN lIVIJLIL 11 f"OROTO 1the Our hOnest Pas1i12le , Sld ope i1ilt.Y to adt7s sta ti 13case f a onto iveth )P thi s I .Ileil l u uStone lted cCause 0f rate s Peesevc edid at Oet.. Coal d uring tha 0use hort YcoaJ l C In the e off seas Orer Work 'nch )iproductionil~~ 'g o17 terrn PeOPle W 01r1 rnhus 1 - ýer 1 t l-f livery 1ften c lrîng t oratnrp rc Y.The he bu.,dayrpbusS nna apparen t) thj e of the »n date of 1'aossI ieYah ad sb. thsthh5 e2 flfie off S 1 ~Th calave the k* n ccWJ re w~~a r , r afre d 1P1T te 3 rrWh1- . cal : receive. S1zes 0f sor lingbew savhItu. w m ld epren t uav* hicjh is S tIP anut t 1 ie err weanhavetwe 7 f0r ,lte cso nd 0strnuj as)2 '~Asq COlers % and ci CUS, casht on de._ kep gth e odtion wea e 10 alternaiv e. Ua e-,,LYIng at sthev ee s as .,.ctated fr0ntv te r.WrPOJiCY i fiio1 t ann onth te than t a nPl - e o en t h eIvi u l n O ns . - t Pad l ncre a Ob- cl sofeac in tertim ne. hoas ta best a b cai Inlia o the You h bv Iesed, W early Lith euSt ~~grb serespon Ou n tI 0nue to ,but we JknJJcon ti Y e a n Spite SUsed ,Ybut o guarnteeof sip^purcaWl . bes arrynSubs greatOfthe factUs bu shipnienjlhaSe uI' L e - susani b IeSuggest t1hat the el" c m i gr U . " i n t ' fa d ou t e a w e t h n e e d >I;tt Ifi e~Cfl urn ~2deu~ th1a j~ ori the OurettereWjJFWintr M the n 0 h radngs thaIt h true be.tlfde liionh5 ainite h rave ve currP~ed n h ood thespirit th e Past uIner, a ln hic it s Wr l'Il£SUEPARI) Yours Ver tru1, GILtL UBJR C'. IM~ fanager. The Sheppard and G'il Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone 715 BD WNAN VILLE Ring Si. E. Every watch shouid be cleaned and oiled once a year. Bring yours in for free inspection by our experts. Ai our work is guaranteed. ELGIN OWNIRS. Now you can get tbe amazing new DuraPower Mainspring* for mont Elgin modela. mi MARR'S cJewellery TErURSDAY, MAY 4th, 195n TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Mrs. W. T. Nichohîs. Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholls attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Byam of Stouffvilhe. Mr. and Mrs. George Tufford spent Sunday in Coldsprings. Several from here attended the Hobby Show at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill and Dan- ya Jane spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough and Laurel returned hame to Port Hope after visiting with lier aunt and uncle. Mrs. Lloyd Burhey and daugh- ters, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mcs. Roy Nichais. Mrs. Perey Hoskin and children of Welcome spent Monday with Mrs. George Dinner. Mc. and Mrs. George McCull- ough of Newtonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell Monday ev- ening. At the time of the 1941 census there were 3.32 persans per square mile in Canada. Belgiumn has more than 700 persons per square mile. ,Hearing Booklet is yours for the F Ne.w, 16-page asking. Just îîll in the coupon, I