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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1950, p. 15

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TNU~RSDAY. MAV 4t19 T CA2iADZA2I UTATESIEAN, EOWMM~VLLU, ONTAETO WAGI V!N' IIev. J. Griffith, Casieton, Nominated President of Bay QIuinte Conference AI Mleeting of Oshawa Presbytery Pickering United Church was hast on Wednesday ta representa- tives af 25 United Church Wo- mnan's Associations ion the lang- est and Most enthusiastic presby- tenY meeting yet held. The mnnlng session opened with the prayer by president, Mrs. A. A. Crawle ai Oshawa. Q ~eviiA. E.Young ai Pickering ~Jl iven up bis Presbytery ieeting ta extend a sincere wel- corne. On behaîf of the Presby- tenial W.M.S., President Mrs. Thomas Norton of Brougham brought good wisbes and hapes fon achievement in the work. Resignations ai the ]st and 2nd Vice-presidents w e re- received with regret and accepted. New officens elected were, Mrs. H. T. Failaise ai Whitby an.d Mrs. W. C. Ives ai Bowmanville. Dele- g ates appointed ta attend Domin- Ion Council were Mns. H. M. Smith oi Oshawa and Mrs. M. Tamblyn ai Orono. Gratifying Reports Annual reports showed a sus- tained and steady growth in al depantments. Secretary received reports irom 37 sacieties, 32 ai hch have affiliatcd. Treasuirer (~rted a balance on hand of "8.79. On motion of Mrs. Fal- Saise seconded by Mrs. Frank James ai Oshawa, $50 was donat- ed ta Orono building fund for which Mrs. Tamblyn extended sincere tbanks. Mn.. William Murkar ai Pick- ering reponted 131 letters sent out fon the temperance essav con- test and thanked the association for their interest and beip. Nine- ty-tbnee entnies bad been receiv- cd. Newly appointed Literature sccnetary is Mrs. C. Naylon ai Columbus. Mrs. E. Wand bnouight greet-, ings f rom Peterbono and spoke on Presbytery W. A. work. She said that the Presbyteny W.A. was a great he]p in iollowing the pre- cepts ai Cburch Union. The United Church bas donc ail she promised but the former "Ladies Aid" must bnanch out. Each so- ciety and each member was necd- ed. 'Con-tentment is ambition gone ta seed," she said. Plans and rules 'were set for W.A. work and numerous beips were available sucb as the war- sbip service, institution, a n d vaniaus bookiets including the new "Standard list for parsanage funniture." A splendid poster for the 25th anniversany was on display. She announced that June il had been selected as the officiai birtbday ai the United Church and a large mass meeting wauld be beld in Maple Leai Gandens. There are now aven 6400 W.A.,s with 170,000 members. The Worship Service Devotional period lu charge ai Whitby W.A. was led by Mrs. R. H. MvcCarl and Mrs. James Read on the theme "The Women at the Tomb" using the Easten Message 'Because He lived, we, too, shahl Live," led ta the impressive com- munion service conducted by Rev. A. E. Young assisted by Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. Ives, Mns. Joseph MacKenzie ai Courtice and Mrs. G. Paul ai Toronto. Sweet peas centred the tables for the luncbeon served by mcm- bers ai Pickening W.A. Head table guests introduced by Mrs. Crawle included four framn Ton- onto and f ive from Peterboro. At the afternoon session, Mrs. W. A. Jackson urged secretanies ta include with their 1950 reports a lisf af 1951 officers. 'The par- MON'ýTIREAL-Now what is it that people like moýst about chiocolate? Its icli flavour? Its tcmpting colour? Ilts crcamny smoothness? Probably ail threc whicn you camne igit clowý-n to it. And I'm sa picasc(I ta find that B A K R 'S TINS WEETENED CHOCO- LATE provides ail thncc in any of my chocolate dishoq. Bkr'has that deep, dark deliciousness thfat makes chiocolate the "moýt reqiucsted" flavour, for Baker's is ail pure chocolate with nothing addcd, nothing taken away. Do try Bakcr's the ncxt inîci you want ta have a particularly' grand frosting, or a superb chocolate cake. 1 know you'Il enjoy Baker's icher flavaur. Mfay's Longer Days mcan Jaunis ta thie eountry and evenings out af door >q I find I spend more time away frorn home in thpe Spring ani Summcr months . . . that's why my Saicty Dcposit Box mt the BANK 0F MONTREAL is flot onlv a canvenience - it's a nececssity. l'masurs Mny valuables are properly protected when they're ini the vault of mv 1B of M branch. And one of the nicest tiiings about this arrangement is that it's sa inexpensive! You can rent a &fety Deposit Box for Iess 1 han two cents a day 1 Sa ask about 1 hig service at your ncarcst Bof M branch tomorrow. You'Il find a B of M Safety Deposit Box will give you a wonderful sense af securityl 'Planning A Bridge Part y? Your ist af "nef hing-bilt-thie-besL'" refres- 'ments won't be complote without RIED ROSE TEA!1 Yes, Red Rose is a taste-treat te cause happy corn- ment. among your bridge gucsti. And it's net just a apecial occasion trcat, but se economicai that voet can makze an cvery-day, yca.,r-'round habit af it! I)iî Sou know that a delicious. flavour-packcd cup af Red ýose Tea costs -ou less thhan a cent - inclmding the crearn and sugar' lus a simple, inathemnatical factl Because lRed Rase Tea is geod tca, it actually gives you more cups per poiînd - its flaveur gees a long, long way! Jit one more thing. Wlien you're ordcriag your lRed Rose Tea, ask for 'Red Rose Caffte, tea! Yeu will fiad that Red Rase Coffea is as good as lied Rose Tea. Just For Us Wonenl ..-. the a ~makcrs of that good DURHAMý% CORNSTARCH kcnow that a i hmandIv tehantite Ynake cooking 1 t ~ . pleasure! Thait'g wlv t! y'v It's ALWAYS In Demand in aur sitent monflhs d b ouse nt mealtimrs ... that's why ifigning tLhis brand new Durlîim 1 make a particular point ef bav- Cern Stareli paýCk7age fliat's a in" I geod supply of BMEINZ plcasure te open! Just pinch "le 'rO'\LTO lKETfChUP always on top and rail backz-no fumblirig ],and! Theres scarcely a cish that «with a knife or otber shani in- docsn't taste twice as tempting etrument ta open it ! Inside you'Il whcn if s flavourcd witli zesty, ex- find "Durham" carcfulty prateet- ci ting licinz Ketchup!1 Just try i ed in a paper bag. Thon, wlica You'IlIfind se many taste-wise uses yau've fjnjshied uîsbngl it, replace fer ibis lleinz "Flaveur Magie"! the ]id and veur corn starch m-ill . . iL's perfect witb cegg dishes, bc protccted coiipletely frein duit stcws and liashes ani wonderful in 'tii the ncxt tirue yeu iuse it. Anid r Ous f course the Ilciaz Chef you'ilbc thrilled 1,N the hîscieus uses plenty af rich, rosy pedigrced recipes on every packýage af Dur- "Ar-istocrat" tomatees as a base in bain Corn Starch!1 One et my licinz Ketchiup - se na wonder f 1avouritcs is ; Maunie Walnuilt i's goodl Wlien rating aut an )Cream-so good wlica its inade nt homo bc sure tll look for the with Durham!l fameuis rcd bottle. I/ Your Hisband bas eiscaveretl Sniisg, That't Row 1 Feeli I've tlirrcs a Ise " p iscovered a sure, Side ta Sprîng s~ure way ta inako gaLr!ilin g . . iscuits that are lv'r s lin- . ght as fenthers! sworrtao l1us prcàt WtubCALUMET ieni! SLOAN'S BAIING POW- LINIMEINTDE I've found brings wendcr that biscuits,, fui rel ieCf 1<' cakes and muffins are lightler, ]Muscles soi-e froin digging andi planting! ln fart, Stoan s is a won ?uficr, sa much more cvenly der for ail kinds of acles !i' n. 1. r'î 1I mi ls at "double-acf ion" It brings am;nl quirk relit fc ta '% 'e ard about that docs the folks suffcriug fioi spr:in.s - siff liaick! es, Calumets double ac- necks - neuradgia or rhcuimatism. tion proteets baking succcss, al l'au sec,is Pcneý1r.tinglit it geus Illeie'va Inl the mixing bowl, rigbt ta the reot ef tlt' ache . . . ilieusands of tiny', evecn -sized goothes it - rle-~fte u orgcs- blublcs are formed ta Start raising tien. l'in nc"er withîout, a bo i le alro ogh we iudi of Sloaa's JLinimentiî -W intiio duh hn iud Summer, Spring or 'al ...j' iîii l u vn huad \acb a comifort f Ask vour lruiggiîst 71noritncw, lively little bubbles Isor Slonnas Liniment tomerrow . .. continue ta raise and hold the it's only 40c a boule!l mixture high, light and even! yhere's Cood licason wliv this Silver Moon Cake is sa popular. It', tenider, light, anj mclt-in-youir-mauotth. Thcrc's a rzsýon for t/me tote, andthie supcr-fiaeness, the supcrb (clý-iflc'ss f SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR is the an-I. cr Try luis and sec if you don't agrce lus anc of ilie brU,: cakes yeu'e evcr mue SILVER Moo>r CAKE Î / 1(.5 egg whites) 3 cups sifted Swans 5Dewn 2'3eup bte rother shortenimg Cake Fcur 1 4 cups sugar 3 tasponsCalmetBakn.ý1Ic mrnlk Powder 1teaspoon vanifla 1/2 easoon ait5 egWhites ,sif no-. Icemeasreadd akIg poderand sait; stft together three lims. re__, uttr, fl4SLar racualy.crc.sm tDgether iintit fluify. .Addflou, atcrzatey wil iilka s a. nuunt at a time, beatiîng after sonage group had been privileged ta meet in the newly decorited Pickering pansonage. The citizen- ship gnoup discussed a new tem- perance contest. Mns. Clayton Lee, for the visiting group, ungcd that people shouid be made ta feel that they are wanted and stressed the importance of hospi- tai visiting. Representatives af the new W.A. at Brougham were intro- duced. The temperance essay contest was endorsed by the meeting and societies urged ta make mare donations before Christmas s0 that the committee will be able ta make definite plans. An invitation from Gneenwood W.A. for the faîl Presbyteny meeting was accepted. Discussion about the annivensany in June resulted in plans for a Presbyteny picnic in Lakeview Park ta be planned by a committee compris- ing Mrs. W. F. Baker, Mrs. Rex Harper, Mrs. W. A. Jackson and Mrs. W. C. Ives who will advise associations. An exceptionally fine worship service was presented by Mrs. J. Glover, Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Mrs. Crossman and Mrs. H. Werry ai Kedron W.A. on the theme "Look well ta this day." "Today weli spent makes every yesterday a dream ai bappiness and every ta- morrow a vision ai hope." This \vas iollowcd by a solo, "How 'beautiful upon the moun- tains" by Flexington Harker suna by Mrs. Arthur Drummond ai Orono accampanied by Miss Lou- ise Osborne ai Bowmanvillc. Guest speaker was Mrs. S. Han- na af Toronto wbo spoke sincere- ly and earnestly on "Our living l"'aith." She said, "Faith is the master key ai lufe. It means ta believe, ta trust and serve. Man does not hold beliefs but bis be- liefs bold him." We must believe in lufe, in doctors, in business in- tegnity. No matter bow cold and liieless it seems, we must trust and have faith. Trust each other, for nothing is s0 preciaus as a Christian friend. Then we must obey by serving, for iaith without works is dead. "There are many ways that W.A.'s can serve Christ. Reveal His way in countenance and ac- tions and by prayer. Be sure ta lend a hand and neyer bury even that one talent. Some work bet- ter in grou ps sa find the best way ion youn local W.A. As evidence ai wbat has been accomplished, in 1947 the 170,000 W.A. inembers raised nearly thinty-two million dollars. "*Foster devotion and deveiop iellowship and iniendship. Love and undenstand each other and learn not ta be easily hurt. Em- phasize visiting newcomers, the sick and lonely. Have the work ai the cburch at your iingertips sa that you may appeal ta the nd iv idu ai. Mrs. Fallaise of the courtesy committee thanked ail who had contributcd ta the success ai the meeting. Mrs. Crawle added ber pensonal tbanks and boped that new contacts and friendships had been made and new encourage- ment received. SOUTH NESTLETON Guests wlth Mr. Walter Sharpe wene Mr. and Mrs. Sanfield Stt,- pies, Cavan, and Mr. and Mns. David Staples, Sarnia, the latter coule hdjust returned from ther hneyoonvia seroplane to Bermuda. Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Uxbridge, Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Johnston, Bunketon, and Mrs. R. W. Mar- low witb Mn. and Mrs. K. Bur~- ton. Friends pnesented Mrs. Bur- ton wlth a bcd back reut wlth which she ia able ta enjoy *sltting up for a short time each day. Mn. and Mn.. John Staples and gnandson Bobby Byrce, Mn. and Mn.. Roy Stapies and Margaret Lynn, Pont Hope, with Mn. and Mn.. Davison and Mr. and Mn.. Gist. Mn. Russell Nesbltt, Toronto, Mn. John Bradburn, Janetvilie, and Mn. and Mns. Gen. Falconer and daughten, Bownianvllle, wlth Mn. Elmen Nesbitt and Mn. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Marion, Eleanor and Elaine In Beaverton with Mr. and Mns. Russell Francis ta celebrate Mn. Jas. Thompson's 79th birthday. Mns. Harold Beacock visited her mother, Mi~s. P. White. Miss E. Hicks, Toronto, with Mrs. Gea. Hicks and family. Mn. Philp Langfeld, Toronto, at his home. Mn.. Norman Lansing is spend- ing a few days ln Oshawa. Mn. Onvilie McKee drives ta Oshawa ta work each day since roads are better. Miss Eva Williams, who has been staylng with Mn.. Shepard, Caesarea, is visiting at ber bro- tber's, Mn. and Mns. Clanke Wil- liams. Mn. Arthur Hyland has pur- chased anothen car. Mn. Cecil Wilson has lnstalled hydro at bis fanm home. Mn.. Geo. Fonder and Mn. Wal- ter SIzarpe visited in Peterboro. Mn.. Jas. Fonder and Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Nicholson, Blackstock, wene Sunday guests ai Mrs. Fon- der and Mn. Sharpe. Congratulations to Mn,. Jas. Farder, who is now a gneatgrand- mother. Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, nec Kathleen Taylor, have a daughtcn. Mrs. Geo. Bowers drove a car- load ai Womcn's Institute mcm- bers ta the W.I. executive meet- ing in Orono on Friday. Euchne Party held at the home ai Mn. and Mn.. Thos. Langfcid, spansored by Nestieton Women's Institute, was quite a success. Mn. and Mrs. R. Davldson celc- brated their thirteenth wedding anniversary on May lst. Mn. and Mn.. Donald Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison, Margaret and Douglas enjoyed a motor trip ta Port Hope. Mr. Larman Hyland spent two day. with bis mothen, Mrs. Thos. Hyland, Bunketon. This smàll hamlet was. once known as Boomington. Miss Gwen Wilson spent a week practice teacblng at Bethany and was at home fon the weekend. Nestîcton Young People have WITH OUR At ALL seasons our care saves wear. NOW, it pays you double dividends. To serve your best interests, however, we need your co-oper- ation. Let's arrange a definite time to service your car or truck. Then we can do a thorough job on it . . . and you'll get first class service. You always get top-notch products when we use Imperial Oil Lubricants and we plan to make our own services top-notch, too. That's our best way of saying: "We value your business." W. R. (Bili) Mutton IMPERIAL ESSO STATION BOWIMANVILLE 111 Liberty St. S. Phone 992 been practising their one act play which is to be pnesented in the Drama Fetival in Oshawa Mon- day evening. A goodly represen- tation from Nestleton enjoyed the joint league meeting in Cadums Thuruday evening. Mr. Arthur Huibert was able to traverse hie customary mail route May lut wlth the openlng of the road south of the village- the Crozier or Beacock line. Mr. Ivan Thompson was A town with his recently purchased regulation school bus. Now that roads are lmproved he can travel his proper route. St. John's Anglican church con- gregation will hold service in Nestieton Presbyterian church at 1l &.m. for the next two Sundays whlle renovating the interior of their church in Blackstock. COURTICE A large crowd greeted Canon Warner, Toronto, who was guest speaker at Courtice Church on Sunday evening and who deliglýt- ed bis audience. The choir con- tributed suitable music under the direction of Mr. Frank Walter. Choir members with their part- ners were royaliy éntertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams recentiy. Games were enjoyed, and a joliy sing-song which was climaxed by an abun- dant lunch brought a pleasant evenlng to a close with many thanks extended ta hast and host- ess. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Tubb on the arrivaI af thein littie son, Paul Edgar, at Oshawa Hospital on Apnil 24, a brother for Gary. The many friends hereý would like ta extend sympathy ta the family of the late Mrs. Chas. Wer- ry, Oshawa, who passed away last week. The late Mrs. Werry was a nesident in this vicinity for several years before ber mar- niage ta Mr. Werry. Mrs. Joe MacKenzie, Presi- dent of the Courtice W.A., and Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Gea. Bar- ber attended the W.A. Conven- tion at Pickering. April meeting af Cour t i c e Country Couples Club was held at Ebenezer with the President, Lloyd Down, presidîng. A re- port was given on the Box So- cial held in aid ai Orono Church Fund. Sam and Mrs. Vancamp, Norman and Mrs. Hannan were a committee appointed ta arrange for a bowling party, beld April 29 at the Mayfair Bowling rooms, Oshawa, with an attendance af thirty. Ail returned ta the Globe restaurant for refreshments aften the game. Program was in charge of Stephen and Mrs. Jeffery, and opened with an Easter hymn, and Mrs. Jefiery read a story on the arigin of Easter customs. A com- ic opera was presented with Mns. Lloyd Down at the piano, and taking part were-Lloyd Down, Harry Worden, Alan Down, Carl Down. Guest speaker, Mn. Steve Saywell, Oshawa, was introduced by Mns. Ivison Munday. He gave an intcresting and appreciative talk on his recent trip ta Florida, accompanied by Mrs. Saywell, and also presented some lovely films. Mr. Munday voiced the thanks ai the club ta the speaker. Bountiful refreshments w erne served, and a social time enjoyed. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Archer on the arrivai af a littie son. Glad ta repart baby Douglas Alan, little son ai Alan and Mrs. Wilbur, home from the Sick Chlldrcn's Hospital, Toronto, and doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Or- ioIe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Zion, with Alan and Mrs. Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, Belleville, were Sunday callers wlth Mr. and Mn.. Roy Dunn. ENNISKILLEN Service Club ladies met at the home of Mrs. L. Wearn on Apnil 25 with 8 present. Evening was spent sewing for Bowmanville Hospital Nursery. Lunch was served by Mrs. J. Siemon, Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Mrs. M. Thomp- son, and-th hosteI Next meet MARES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Baves Ton Money on Tour Fuel Costa Phone or Consult JACK BROUGH PLU1WBING - REATINO Division St. S. Bowmanv2 'le New Phone - Office 615 Rouie Phone 2384 Hampton, Mr. and Mnr. E. J. Xer- sey, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mr. E. J. Keruey la leavlng for Sault Ste. Marie for the summer. Mr. and Mns. Howard Pethick, Mr. Hugh Armnstrong, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, at S. R. Pethlck's. Mn.. Verna Wood and Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Peth-! Ick visited Mrs. W. Sheppard at: Port Hope hospital.1 Mr. and Mrs. D. Gray and Car-1 ol, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. M. MacDonald and Gerald, Bow- manville, Mr..and Mn. We. Brad- burn, Blackstock, were Sunday visitors with Mrn. J. Adams and Ruth. Mr..and Mrs. Berwin Adams and family, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton and family were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kitson, Bow- manville. Mn.. A. Radbill, Leeds, Eng- land, at Mr. and Mrs. Harold M4llls'. Master Ray Ashton spent Sun- day with Master Bert Werry.. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke vislted Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson at Trenton. Mr. and Mn.. Bob Smales, Mn. and Mns. W. McKlnstry, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Mrs. A. Leadb eater and Georgie spent a day in Oshawa with friends. Mrs. Howard Stevens has re- turned home from visiting with her daughter, Mns. C. R. Walton, Kingston. Mrs. Jack Hierod and Charles, Weston, Mrs. H. FlewellIng, Tor- onto, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Griffin in Bow- manville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne, Ebenezer, at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland's. Mr. and Mns. L. Wearn and family with Mr. R. Acton, Ux- bridge. Mr. and Mns. A. Leadbeater with friends in Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milis and family with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Milis, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne and Terry, Mr. Reg Dem- ster, Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. Keith Ferguson, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mns. Walter Ferguson. Frozen fruit juice is available. Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL 0F DANCING - Oshawa*a M-Mas BALLET - TAP - TOE Character Barre SATURDAYS at Masonle Temple, Centre Street, Oshawa or Write: 18 Patricia Ave., Oshawa IV\ Tbfs wonder-working ncw wafl paint covers almost any surface thoroughly and uàiformly witb one coat. It washes without streaking. Walllde îs avii able in a wide varier>' of colora. FLAT-a real professional finish that ghea Qt- walls a rich sheen.$1 5 SEMI-GLOSS - Authentie Willimtmsburg Qt. Restoratiaa colora ihat spve a soft, mellow $17 sheen. GLOSS-Dirt-rcsisting finish that can be Qt- $1'085 washed quickly and easily. FREE - "Coter Dynu.ia fw er No m." io.khs J. H. Abernethy PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 85 King St. W. Bowmanvllg COMIUS IY POPULAR DIMANDI "CHIEAPIU DY THÉE DOZUN" Rosedale - Choice Quallty Clark'. - Tomate, or Vegetable Tomaio Juice Trn 3 /25C T'fis95C Sop 215A.'8 Garden County - Choice Tins______ Toaies20:T 225ins 145 9UN-S ROYAL-MT. 9UALITy Pride of the Valley - Std. ÇlÎced PEACHEI Green Peas TinOz 3/25c Tn 95c 15O.20c is$ ' British Columbia Pack - Fancy Pink Tin 22c$. Salmon Tin 23c T'I'. $ 2. 7 2 D.oEcO.-a TL Clark's Inl Chili Sauce î Pork &Bean "200z.2/25c iL $1.49, G L EN C R Signostof atisacton i.,2/23c .~$1.3 KERNEL COR.N T. 2/19c Tins $ 1.0 I Our Guerantes Dominion Store is vncondtion. elIy grarnteed t. Vive y.u 'e 100% Scatisf action " CHRISTIE'S-PiUMIUM-PIiN r SL SODAS MAME LE» PURE LARD moNAouNé PASTRY FLOU R MONfARCNi-CNOOLA OR CAKE MIXES *INGMBAVAD OAU MIX MONARCH KfAti"-UALD RissiNio MIRACLE WHIP 29C 7Lb. 8 o. 49c 1t11: 35c 'e..-I 33c 16 o»45c INFANT FOODS 3Tins PIF BRAND DOG FOOD 15 Os. l c Tins '1015 DOMINION PEANUT BUTTER jS 29C VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY. FlubAi, SATURDAY. bMAI 441,,Sth & 4th 9c 9 33 OUNWOD-CHOICE quALIY DESSERT >PEARS inOz2/25d Tins $1.45 Firm, Golden Tellow Ripe Dananas IL - 19C Sweet, thin-sklnned and full of Juice .Jumbo Size 176'o Mexican Oranges - doz. 45c Excellent for Slicint or Preuervlng Ripe Pineapple - each. 29c Sweet, thin-sldnned and july Flonida - Black Diamond Bise 9618 Grapefruit . . . 3 for 28c 1canada No. 1 lN.B. Pota:oes £ 5-lb. bat 10-lb. bat - 39c 29c Excellent for Sauce, Jeily or Jans cape Cod Red Ripe Cranherries I L.19c Ontario No. 1 Nushrooms lmported Long White New Polaloeu IL e 55C LOW PUICE FOR TRIS WEEKEND .;.-DOMINION STORES LIMITED 1 1 -VUMDAT, IWAT 4th, 1950 44v>4aM/ Tm CANAMM STAT33m«. BOWMANM=. oimm

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