T}IURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1950 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO PAGE THREE ~ The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan Orono Band Holds Successful Entertainmient and Dance in Orono "Scenes from Operaland" by years during which time he play- Hayes was the highlight of the ed with the various bands Q vnn' program at the Orono throughout the land. As Mr. Ty- Bad Concert given in Orono rrell put it "Milt fot only learn- Town Hall Friday evening. This ed to be a musician but he alsc collection of waltzes and marches had the ability to hang on to whal with the entire band crûntributing, he had learned". sounded more like Boston "pop" An excellent trio from Cobourg orchestra than the "home town also provided entertainment with band". pleasing renditions of a few old The chairman for the event Mr. favourites xith "Church in the C. B. Tyrreli, opened the concert Wildwood" and "I Corne to the with a few words of explanation Garden Alone" being outstanding- and appreciation then things got Lloyd Stinson, Milton Harper under way beginning with -0 and Albert Hirock formed the trio Canada" which the band play ed. which kept everyone spellbound, The program consisted of mar- wondering how Mr. Hircock reach- ches, overtures and waltzes. The ed some of those extra low notes. President of the band Carlos Mrs. M. H. Staples accompanied Tamblyn, Played a trumpet solo them. "My Heaven of Love" after which Jack Wilson, one of the younger tribute was paid to the leader of members of the band, in women's f.he band, Milton Tamblyn. Mr. garb, sang "If I knew you were Tamblyn has led the band for 36 coming I'd have baked a cake", SDUFFERIN PARK, TORONTO 2 LEM MqAY 3-m18 $1.15 Admission (including fax) CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADMITTED FIRST CLASS LUNCH COUNTER Tag Day This Saturday The Canadian National Institute for the Blind, to provide many services to blind people, and to carry out its programme foi the prevention of blindness, needs your sup. port. Tag Day will be conducted in Bownian- ville this Saturday. Your contribution is needed. The Institute's current campaign is under the sponsorship of the Bowmanville Advisory Committee to the C.N.I.B., Miss Helen Cryderman, Chairinan. N 'b' L l~ ê<$<#(ES. t4q~ SEUCTICèVA Cash -Trade -Terms 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN- Radio, heater and lifeguard tubes. Low mileage. 1937 DODGE SEDAN- Radio. A-i condition. 1934 MASTER CHEV. COACH- Completely reconditioned. 1935 PLYMOUTH COACH - $150OOO Running condition. 1929 FORD COACH - New paint. - - -- -------- $150300 Snook's Auto Sales Phone Port Perrv 197-r-23 Blackstock Mr. hares WodKitchener, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cobledick spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. L. Thompson and Jean, Black- stock. Mrs. Oliver, Bobcaygeon, is with ber daughter, Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, Hampton, and Mrs. Wes. Hoskin, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood zind Allie. We were sorry to hear of the deatb of Mrs. Byron Farrell of Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell spent the winter in Orono at the home of Mrs. J. Eagleson and just recently returned to their home in Tyrone. Miss Viola Noden spent the week-end with ber mother, Mrs. lia Noden. Miss Shirley Porter. R. N., Osb- ava, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Miss Margaret Flintoff, Osh- awa. was home for the week-end. Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, and Mr. Dick Morton, Port Coîborne, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Morton. Miss Audrey Billings, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Sunday visitors witb Mm. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hunter and sons IKennetb and Douglas, Toronto. Mr. Mac Holdawav, Newtonvillei visited bis grandparents, Mr. and' Mrs. E. Hancock. Mr. MuraY Paterson, Toronto,I was bomt for week-end. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton ,%ere ber nepbew and bis %vife, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adams, Bowmianville, and Mrs. G. Bower,! Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Hancock attended the funeral of Mr. Sycd- ney Wonnacott at Pickering on Monday. Mr. Wonnacott was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Hancock and leaves to mourn his passing bis wife and six children. Mrs. A. F. McKenzie attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. John Renwick in Keene on Tuesday. There was wonderful response to the blitz campaign for funds to build a new United Church here, last Wednesday. It is expected the objective of $25,000 will be reached. The full report will be published later. LINOLEUM RUBRER MASTIC Coloured Wall Tile CERAINIC -PLASTIC ESTIMATES FREE Work Guaranteed H. G. HEAL Phone 2902 Bowmnanville i r- it 9 h d e e r Iwhich created roars of laughter. B A V IfP He was accompanied by Neil BLACKSTOCKJ UIII Stewart. ____ Roy Forrester and Carlos Tamb- Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Hutton were lyn rendered a trumpet duet for in Kemptivîle visiting Mrs. Hut- the hearty endorsement of the ton's sister wbo was very ill. We audience, "Little Pearls". are glad to report she is improv- Glen Tamblyn, Belleville, son ing. of the Bandleader, favored with Mr. Ivan Thompson has purch- two piano solos, "Dark Eyes" and ased afn colbu odieo "Tico Tico". Wish Glen was his sehool route when the road around more of ten to play for us. conditions improve. Thanks were extended to Wm. Armstrong our popular merchant. We are glad that Miss Eva Par prince, who spent many hours !s now in her own home after be- measuring the band uniforms and îgi omnîl îc atFî sordering them. He should feel on account of lher accident. -proud when lie looks at them. We Mrs. Mark Weldon. Uxbridge. -understand hie was one of the izen- visited Mr. and Mrs. James Parr )erous supporters who made the and Miss Eva Parr. tuniforms possible. Miss Gertrude Henry, Sher- In closing the fîrst part of the boumne House Club, Toronto, was evening the band played "Gala home. Night" showing exactly how they Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. felt on this glad and memorable Roy Taylor on the arrival of their evening. It was expressed by first grandchild. A baby girl was many that we do not have enough born to Mrs. Garnet Murray at of these exhibitions of music and Lindsay Hospital last week-end. we are sure that many people did Rev. and Mrs. Fred Riding, Bar- 7not know how well the Orono bara and Paul, Union City, Penn., )Band cotild play until last .night. with Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. We extend to the band congratu- We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Lorne lations and continued success in Hoskin, Murray and Allyn to our their labor of love in keeping community. They have moved Orono on the musical map. from Solina to their farm north of Dance Burketon. The chairs were pusbed back b y Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hall and the band members and dancing famîly, Mr. Eddie Russell, Fen- commenced. The music was sup- elon Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. Har- plied by Roy Forrester's Orchestra old Wheeler. (these boys also deserve a hand). Mrs. George Nicholson took During the course of the dance Doris Hamilton, Jessie McArthur the guest artists re-appeared on and Shirley Hamilton to the Jr. the programn and Albert Hirock Auxiliary session of the W. A. An- put on a display of bis musical nual Convention in Toronto Satur- ability by singing "Billy Boy", be- day. ing first the mother witb the high- St. John's Anglican Chucb is pitched voice and then Billy with now closed for renovations and his deep bass voice. Glen Tamb- decorating. Plans have been lyn again made everyone happy made for service for one month. with more piano selections. . The members go to Nestleton The concert and the dance were Presbyterian Church the first two well attended and let's hope it Sunday mornings and to Caesarea won't be too long before there is Cburch for the next two. another one of this kind. Miss Vera Forder, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. John Forder. RED CROSS CAMPAIGN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staniland jIN CLARKE TOWNSHIP and family with Mr. and Mrs. George Staniland. A splendid record of almost Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson, 1 230<, of the objective of $300.00 Nestleton, with Mr. and Mrs. Les- bas been reached by Clarke Town- lie Mountjoy. ship in the recent drive for funds Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Swain and for the Red Cross. The tbanks of, Judy with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence the local executive is beartily giv- Marlow. en to many of the scbool teachers j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Women's Institutes, Church org- Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. anizations and Lodges, as well as Neil Malcolm. other individual canvassers. The Mr. and Mrs. John Argue, Bow- following is a summary of School manville, with Mrs. George Fow- Sections of donations: 1er. Port Granby S. S. 1 -----$ 9.35 Rev. and Mrs. George Nichol- Lake Shore S. S. 2------------ 12.50 son, Mrs. Wm. VanCamp and Mrs. Newtonville S. S. No. 4- Norman Malcolm were in Toron- Private subscriptions ---- 94.75 to attending the W. A. Convention. United Church W. A - _ 5.00 This item was contributed: May Trail Rangers -------------- 8.00( Day pased off quietly in our vill- Brown's S. S. No. 5 ----- 29.00 age until midnigbt, when 6 teen- Crooked Creek S. S. No. 7-- 5.00 age boys, held a demonstration Antiocb S. S. No. 8 - -------- 10.00 ia front of the Community Hall Lockhart's S. S. No. 9 ---23.50 where the Council was in session. Kendal S. S. No. 13- After firind a few cannons and Two dances--------------- 13.66 sboving cars around and block- National Film Board-------- 3.90 ing them up on bardwood, tbey Women's Institute ----- 5.00 proceeded to finish off in front of Private subscriptions__ 11.85 Martyn's Store. They worked in Kirkby S. S. No. 14 _ -------- 21.00 weasel-like fashion, on hearing a Leskard S. S. 15-------------- 29.00 noise or seeingz lights of approach- Cowanville S. S. 16 -- - --- 10.00 ing cars tbey ran like beck. Just IVIcLean's S. S. 17 ---- -- - 21.00 a boyish demonstration and no Sixtb Line S. S. 21 -------- 25.00 harm donc. Clarke Union Home and Girls' Auxiliary chool Club ----------- 10.00 Girls' Auxiliary met at the Orono- home of Mrs. John Hamilton with Women'3; Institute ------ 5.00 8 members present. Mrs. Nichol- W. A. Park St. Churcb --- 10.00so eathradnofhele Hethr eka Lodge .F -- 25.00 of Canon Tusnes. She suggested Priate e bscriptios -276.25 tbat we read the remainder of the Privte ubsripion ---_26.2 bok at following meetings. Roll Total received -------------$688.79 call was answered.witb an Easter text. Secretary read the minutes, seconded by Ruth Hamilton. Mrs. ORONO PERSONALS Nicholson reported that it had Miss Elizabeth Waddell, Toron-1 been decided against buying a to, spent the week-end at hier watch for Miss Holman,a Division home here. Girls' Secretary. Instead she is Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fraelick and to be given a Dominion Life Mem- family, Prince Albert, were Sun- bership for the W. A., to be pre- day guests with Miss M. Davy. sented by Mrs. Ousler on Aprîl Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oliver and 29 at the Girls' RaIly. Next meet- family, Bobcaygeon, visited Mr. ing May 16 at Mrs. Fred Hamil- and Mrs. Neil Porter. ton's. Membersbip cards were Mrs. A. Drummond attended distributed. Two more member- Newcastle United Churcb on Sun- ship cards are required for Helen day mornine and assisted withj Mitchell and Ruth Whitfield. It their Sunday School anniversary was decided to make candy anci Mr.ues soîoist. fancy sandwiches for bazaar in as. guastinLno asda June. Roll caîl next month is to at bis home here Thursday even- eifraino uligo t ing, following a heart attack. Ai- John's Church. Everyone enjoy- tbough not in the best of health e the programme arranged by Ruth Hamilton to the hostess for her kind hospitality. Women's Association Women's Association of United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Hill with Mrs. Russell Motintjoy presiding. Meeting was in charge of Mrs. Frank Hoskin's group. Mrs. C. Forder read the Devotional and led in prayer. Mrs. Gilbert Marlow gave a very in- teresting account on gardening whicb sbould help us in getting, our flower gardens ready for spring. Mrs. Neil Malcolm play- ed a piano solo. A vote of thanks xvas given the Amateur Contest Comittee. Mrs. James Ginn will be sent a note welcoming ber back to the village and also telling ber she bas been made an Honorary Member of the W. A. in recog- nition of her past services. Vice- Presidents are to be a committee to visit and welcome the new familles to our community. Rol caîl was answered with "My Fa- vourite Hymn". The roll caîl for the May meeting is "Wbat you are doing or what you have done for the bazaar". Mrs. Frank Hoskin conducted an interesting quiz. A dainty lunch was served by host- ess and group in charge. According to a government conducted survey, 1,644,000 Cana- dian bouseholds cook with wood or coal, 826,000 with gas, and 623,000 with electricity. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Ronale Scott, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. Mr. H. Jaynes, Oshawa, Mrs. W. Milligan and Bernice, Newton- ville with Mr. and Mrs. Be. Jaynes. Mrs. W. Baskerville and Mar- ilyn atended the wedding in To- ronto of Miss Doreen Clark to Mr. Ronald Scott, both of Toronto. Mr. nd Mras. George Skelding and family with Mrs. Olive Mere- dith, Maple Grove. Miss K. Riches visited friends in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch and Mrs. A. Samis, New- castle. Mrs. F. Wilson, Oshawa, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. W. Bakerville. Mr. Sam Powell purcbased the farm formerly owned by Mr. Ail- an Martin. Mrs. M. Dean. Orono, spent Sun- day witb Mr. and Mrs Ken Dean. Mr. Archie Hendy, London, spent the week-end at bis home. Mr. Aif. Brown bas sold bis day with Mr. and Mrs. Kea. Dean. farm to Mr. John Hartwig, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Jack have moved to their cottage. Mrs. Harold Skiner, Tyrone. witb Mr. and Mrs. AIf Brown. WALKER STORES FEATURES KEN WOOD The ideal gift for weddings - one they will always cherish. Mother will really thank you on Mother's Day, Sunday, May l4th, for a lovely Kenwood Blanket. Our Special Offer to help you is our excellent Lay-Away Plan. $1.00 DOWN secures the blanket and 50e per week or more if you wish until the blanket is paid for. Its so easy you won't miss the small payments.. Ask to-day about this plan. KENWOOD VICEROY Plain colours, ends bound with 6" taffeta ribbon individually boxed in colours of ivory white, charm pink, sky blue, lime, orchid, maize, tur- quoise, grey and wood rose. $50 L Size 72" x84". $5.0eacAm KENWOOD FLORAL TINT Tone on tone blankets, ends bound with 6" satin ribbon, individuaily boxed in colours of larkspur, zinnia, juniper green and wood rose. $1.0ec One size only 72" x 84".-------- 1.0ec KENWOOD FAMOUS Plain colours, ends bound with 6" satin ribbon, individually boxed in colours of white, cedar. bur- gundy, blue gold, turquoise, rose, peach and green.$25 One size only 72" x 84".---------$25 each KENWOOD RAMCREST Plain colours, ends bound with 4" satin ribbon, individually boxed in colours of blue, rose, cedar, green, wine and peach. Size 60" x 84" Size 72" x 84" $8.95 each $10.50 each KENWOOD NORWAY CAMP BLANKET Good weight, sturdy, in attractive colours of red with black border, red and black check, green and black check, browvn and tan check. Individually packaged. $9 Size 66" x84", whipped ends- ---$89 each ~) Special To-Day MARIGOLD 51-gauge, 30-denier, fully fashioned dark seams $1.59 pair A new low price for a 51-gauge, first quality nylon hose. They corne in all the newest shades and in ahI sizes. Sizes 81/ to il BLANKETS JOIN THE KENWOOD LAYmAWAY CLUB A small deposit each week buys a KENWOOD BLANKET. KENWOOD is the ideal -gif t - sof t, warm, fl1eecy beautiful in its delicate pastel shades. Decide no,ý on a KENWOOD. Join the KENWOOD LAY -AWAY CLUB In the KENWOOD pass book we enter up each week the small deposit you make. When you want it the blanket is paid for. Find out about this easy plan. KENWOOD RAMCREST BLEACHED WHITE Whipped ends, parcelled in pairs, plain white and in two colour borders of rose and green, blue and gold, green and cedar, cedar and gold. ~pi One size only 72" x 90". pi RENWOOD FAMOUS BABY BLANKETS Bound ahl around with satin ribbon, individually gif t boxed in colours of pink, blue or white. $.5ec Size 36" x 50".------------------ m SAVE!aiSAVE!m LOVELY LADY 45-gauge, 30-denier, fully fashioned dark seams $1.34 paiz The lowest price yet for 45-gauge, fîirst quality nylon hose. Lovely spring and sumnmer shades. Sizes 81/z to il 2</d.e4 $/s&e a8inde PHONE 451 TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOF BOWMANVILLE KING ST. E. INTRODUCING OUR NEW LINES 0F TMMSDAY, MAY 4th, 19;0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TMME ---o- HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tompkins, Burketon, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers and Barbara. Rev. Geo. Murray of Keene was a tea guest of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. 'Wray visited Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackle- ton, Salem, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clemens. Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. La- verne Clemens. Mrs. Bruce Yeo and Miss Ruby Colwill visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis and Miss Beatrice Colwill, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kersey, To-, ronto, visited bis parents prior to leaving this week for Sault St. Marie district, where he will have charge of a Mission at Gordon Lake for the summer montbs. Mrs. H. Bradley, Haydon, is ili at the home of ber son Lorne and Mrs. Bradley. Her many Hamp- ton friends wisb for ber a speedy recovery. Mrs. E. H-. Cole, Mrs. W. G. Doidge and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds attended the District Executive meeting of the Women's Institute, at the home of Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Orono, when the program for the District Aninual was arranged and other important business transact- , ed. Rev. George Murray of Keene, occupied the pulpit on Sunday ev- ening, giving a splendid discourse on" What is Rîght with the Church". Women's Institute meeting will be held this Thursday afternoon. Program in the charge of East group. Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bow- '. manville, will be guest speaker, and Mrs. Geo. Annis and Miss Louise Pearce, Ebenezer, wil pro- vide music. Ail ladies welcome. Glad to know Mrs. C. Daw is progressing favorably after ber operation at the Women's Coll- ege Hospital, Toronto, and return- ed home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, San- dra and Donald, Peterboro; Mr. Neil Yellowlees, Tyrone; Mr. and 5 Mrs N.E. right, Maple Grove, at N. C. Yellowlees'. Haarlam (Holland) will raise a statue to the fictional boy who ~ beld his finger in the dyke. Colored water squirted by Rome police later identified dem- onstrators, wvho were arrested. Bill Butlin, Britain's million- aire "king of holiday camps", was a drummer in Canada's World* War I Army. Many businesses in Springfield, Illinois, are named "Lincoln", af- ter that city's distinguished son, Abe. 1 ý