PAGE SIXTEEN T~ CAKAD!AN BTATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE. ONTAP.IO MAT 11&. 1S50 Ccrtwight Twp. Council Has Busy May Session The regular meeting of Cart- wright Council was held on Mon- day, May lst at 8 p.m. D.S.T. Members ail present. Reeve Heaslip in chair. Minutes of April meeting read mand adopted. TiMr. Bentley, Millbrook, County Weed Inspector, explained many changes in Wced Control Act and Intimated a more rigid control this year. Tir. Allison, Sec'y of Rowan's Beach Assoc., asked for garbage collection along Lake Shore, and offered to supply forms so that each cottager might have a vote, whether they watt it or flot and number of times per week. 0f f- ci' accepted and Cierk to send forma te each ratepayer, about 450, and report the result of vote next meeting. As the necessary petition and map of Caes. Arca for street light- Ing was presented, Clerk înstruct- ed te ask Hydre Commission to submlt estimate ot cost. Mir. Don Beer present re insur- ance on truckc an d snowplow and bonds for Collecter and Treas- uirer, and robbery insurance. The Clerk instructed te reject notices from hospital for indigent patients as they were not residents of Cart- wright. Ex-Reeve N. Green, represent- ing Pedlar People explained the different kinds of culverts. Coun- cil to take matter up with Road Engineer wvhen he is here on May 8, if one would be satisfactory for Beacock-Crozier Bridge. Clerk instructed to have piano tuned. Considerable discussion re some large amounts of arrears of taxes owed by some ratepayers. Clerk instructed to place same with Ross Strike K.C., Bowmanville, for col- lection. Reeve signed orders on Treas- urer as follows: Municipal World, popula- tion Census Register-- $ 3,96 Don Beer, Ins. Premium, Treas. and Col. and Rob- bery Insurance -------- 38.00 County Treas., Hospitaliza- 1tion, Mrs. Doris Elliott 30.00 H. Thompson, Treas., post- age, Arrears Tax Notices 6.20 Prince Albert Greenhouse, wreath late Wmn. Beacock 12.00. H. Thompson, Clerk, April salary 65.00 Road Voucher No. 4 - 1354.78 Council adjourned ta meet on Wednesday, June 7th, at 8 p.m. Please not change of day as T.B. X-ray is being beld here on Mon- day, June Sth, 7-10 p.m., and Tuesday, June 6, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Darlingion Twp. To Advertise For New Assessor Darlington Council met May 4th with the members ail present. Mr. Trimble, Contractor, and Rep- resentative from Eastern Steel Co. addressed the Council re machine shed, They were advised to draw up suitable plans and estimates. The matter of Overhead bridge or sem-cloverleaf an new highway at Lots 22 and 23 in Con. B. F. was left in the hands of the Reeve. Mike Nemis complained that the dumping lot was a nuisance and wanted it cleared up. This matter was left te the Road Supt. Wm. Tait asked for cuivcrt to be placed at the road entrance te his property. This was agrced upon. Discussion took place regarding Assessor and Equalization of As- sessment. The bis wcre read and on motion ordered te be paid. The Council agreed te pay 50.00 toward the upkeep of the Town- ship Park. Road Supt. prcsented bis report and vouchers which were on motion ordercd te be paid and report filed. By-Law No. 1158 te vary By- Laws with the Ontario Shore Gas Ce. was introduced, given its sev- eral readings and ordercd te be signed, sealcd and numbcred. By- Law No. 1159 te borrow $20000.00 for Current Expenditures was in- troduced, given its several read- ings and ordered te be signed, sealed and numbered. Resolution was passed for the Clerk te advertise for an Assessor. Duties to commence immediately. On motion the meeting adjourned. The following bis were paid: Bell Telephone Co., ser- vice charges --------- $ 3.40 Counties' Treas., Hospit- alization -------- - ----- 481.08 Treas. City of Oshawa, relief _.------- ------- 15.60 Sheppard & Gill, relief fuel and fuel for hall 173.28 H. M. Kyte, relief wood 28.00 J. D. Hogarth, April sal. 175.00 J. D. Hogarth, Excise and postage -------------------- 5.00 Relief ----------- 302.11 Roads and Bridges, Maint and Repairs 4797.08 J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. Be methodical if you would suc- ceed in business, or in anything. Have a work for every moment, and mmnd the moment's work.- W. Matthews. NO0TI1C E TO0 FARMERS! We will pay as high as $6.00 Cash for dead or crippled animais. SmaIl animais removed free. We pay 1% per Mb for old horses. Phone Collect to:- Bert Cresswell BOLTON - PHONE 658 Shop 38 King St., Anl Advisory Couneil nas Deen establisnea in accorclance with a reso- lution of the United Nations Generai Assembly to aid and advise the U.N. Commissioner for Libya, Adrian Peit, In the formaion of an independent government for the former Italian colony. Here, the United Nations Commissioner at a meeting In Tripoli contera wlth the Council's Secretary, Mr. Thomas Power of the United States. ENNISKILLEN Tir. and Tirs. Gardon TicLean, Uxbridge; Tir. Neil TicLean, To- ronto, spent thýe week-end with Tir. and Tirs. Alvin Boyd. Tirs. A. C. Thoman bas been visiting her many frîends in the village. Special Tiother's Day services will be conducted on the Ennis- killen Circuit next Sunday. Par- ents who wish to have their chul- dren baptized may do se at the baptismal service at each appoint- ment. Those wishing ta join the Church by letter and profession of faith wîi also be received at these services. Tirs. Sêymour returned on Sat- urday last after an absence of nearly three weeks. She accomp- anied ber mother, Tirs. H. Kruse te Swift Current, Sask., spending ten days in Chicago, visiting ber aunt, Tirs. Gea. Bail. Tir. E. J. Harrison. Tir. R. J. Weaving, Toronto; Tir. Ailan Stainton, with Tir. and Tirs. W. H. MIoore. Tir. and Tirs. O. C. Ashton, Lais and Charles, with Tir. and Tirs. S. Rodman, Port Perry. Tir. and Tirs. L. Stainton and family with Tir. and Tirs. H. Stain- ton, Tyrone. Tir. and Tirs. Reg. Coombes and son, Bowmanville, with Tir. and Tirs. Harold Ashton. Tir. and Tirs. R. Vanstone and Gary, Whitby, visited Tir. and Tirs. R. TicNeil. Tir. and Tirs. A. Leadbeater and Georgie visited in Lindsay. Tir. George Reid, with Tir. and Tirs. M. Stainton. Tir. and Tirs. W. H. Moore have rcturned home from a week's visit with friends in Tarante. Tir. and Tirs. R. TicNeil, visited Tir. and Tirs. A. E. TicNeil, Hay- don;- Tir. and Tirs. Wellington Train- er, Miss Violet Traîner, Miss Ka- tic Wotten, Tirs. Collins, Oshawa, were visitors with Tirs. Mary Griffin, Bowmanville Hospital. Tirs. Griffin is very plcased to see any of ber friends and neighbours, she always tries to have a cheery smile through the pain she is stili suffering quite often. Tirs. E. A. Werry and Betty Jane, in company with Tirs. Doug- las Cole, Bethesda, visited Tirs. Sydney Lancaster, Newtonville, on Tuesday. Tir. and Tirs. F. W. Werry and family attended a birthday party in honor of Tirs. W. A. VanCamp which was held at the home of Tir. Percy VanCamp, Blackstock. Tirs. Harold Milîs and Bruce. spent a week's holiday with ber sister, Tirs. Jennings, Acton, and rcturned home on Sunday with Tir. Milîs, Shirley and Chester who spent the week-end at Acton. Tir. and Tirs. Carl Ferguson and famîly, visited Tir. Floyd Brown's and Tir. Raymond Bottreli's, New- castle. Tir. and Tirs. Adam Sharp were visitars at Tir. and Tirs. Cccii Rob- inson's, Newtonvilie. Tir. and Tirs. Fred Ferguson, Bowxnanville, at Tir. and Tirs. Carl Ferguson. Tir. and Tirs. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, Tir. and Tirs. Clarence Avery, and family, Burketon, with Tir. Albert Okes. Tir. Howard Oke, and Miss Nel- son, Oshawa, with Tir. and Tirs. Walter Oke. YOUR EYES and Vision Rewritten from previous copyrights of Optometrlst Disney Bldg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa. Phone 1516 No. 105 The physical welfare generally if flot constantly in vîew makes progress very hard and a very extreme task to some students. It is hard for the individual de- fects of each of the individuals of a class to be considered. Ac- cording to the regular routine the brilliant student can read and retain much and place much in the writing of notes, etc. It may be said that excessive amount of reading and writing is necessary in the attaining of an education. The consequence, of course is that some students may become mere scribblers while others may re- tain their free hand in writing Lthrough to the end. Vision of the student has much to do with -thiL ýYOURS TO PRO TECTr The MAGNOLIA WARBLER is known by his bright yellow breast streaked with block, and his black bock and wings, with striking white and yellow markings. Feeding on small wormns and insects, ho is a very beneficial bird, and should be protecfed. Ho lives ini northern evergreens. Y US * BJO CARLING'S' THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WAWCRLOO, ONTARlO %! 0 141 CAftLNr,'g 70C Hampton C.G.I.T. To Entertain Mothers and W.M.S. The Wo-be-lo C.G.I.T. of Hamp- ton United Church met Monday evening, Tiay 8th in the Church basement with the President, Lorna Warrack in charge. Meet- ing opened with C.G.I.T. purpose, Lord's Prayer and the hymn. Minutes were read and approved, the collection taken, and then the business was taken. The main point of this was that next Mon- day evening, Tiay 15, will be our closing meeting, te which our mothers and the ladies of the W. M.S. will be învited. Nancy Coutts took charge cf the Worship Service. The pro- gramme, planned by Mary Nid- dery, was especially interesting. It started with a sing-song, some- thing new for our C.G.I.T. Tirs. Blanchard took the last cfiapter in our study book, "Growing With the Years". The highlight of the programme was an informative and interesting talk on the ini- terests of Normal School, and teaching, given by Dorothy Ad- amson. Lorrene Warrack took charge of the recreation. Wc closed the meeting by singing "Taps". Hampton Club Sponsors Unusual Hard Time Dance ý An'yone passing through Hamp- ton hast Friday evening, May Sth, would wonder why the people seen entering the public school were wearing sucb a strange conglom- eration of costumes. The occasion was the Hard Times Dance span- sored by the Ladies' Service Club of Hampton, with Eari Luke's or- chestra providing the music, and Harold Balson calling off the dances, of which there was bath round and square dancing. The costumes were many and varied, a good indication of how well the people entered into the spirit of the dance. Tirs. Tom Woodlock was voted the best dressed lady in the bard times fashion. A potato sack skirt, com- bined with a red cape and a pair of Grandma's high-button boots, made her look really bard times. taverne Clemens, as the best dressed man, held up bis trous- ers with a kerchief tied around bis waist. His odd shoes and socks went well with this. Other cost- umes ranged fram worn-out aver- aIls to a slightly worn black lace dress. There was an excellent turn- eut of bath young and old ta this hast dance of the season and let us hope that the Service Club will sponsor just as many good dances next winter as they did this past one. A new nylon fibre helmet wil] give soldiers better protection than the steel helmet. lb. 31< >kg. 24< lb- 47e lb- 37e Pkg. 319 B-t 319 B-or' Tin lie W PRICE Ti 29e OBITUARY MISS MAUD M. .TENNINGS The death occurred suddenly in the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, April 30 of Maud Mary Jennings. A daughter of the late F'rank W. Jennings and Eunice Sykes, the deceased was born in Chicago, Ill., and had lived in Osh, awa for the past 15 ycars. She was a member of Sîmcoe St. Unit-* ed Church. A grand-daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Sykes, one of the first established residents of Osh- awa, the deceased is survîved by a number of cousins in this comm- unity. Tirs. John A. Cox of Bow- manville is the last surviving member of the immediate family. Rev. John K. Moffatt and Rev. J. S. Wilson of Simcoe St. United Church conducted the service at the Luke - Mclntosh Funeral Home May 3rd. Interment was in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. MRS. BYRON FARRELL After a brief illness of three days, Lucy M. Kelly, beloved wife of Byron Farrell, Long Sault, pass- cd away quietly in Bowmanville Hospital April 29. Born March 12, 1880 she was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly of Clarke, She was an adherent of the Methodist and United Church ahl her life. She married Tir. Ar- thur Hughes at Blackstock on De- cember 4, 1904, who predeceased her in June, 1935. On June 10, 1939 she re-married to Mr. Byron Farrell of Long Sault where she resided until her death. She leaves to mourn her pass- ing, her hubsand, one daughter, Mrs. Earl Fowler (Myrtie Hughes) of Oshawa; four stepdaughters, Tirs. W. Smith (Myrtie) of To- ronto; Mrs. T. Bathgate (Rena), Mrs. C. Bradley (Ruth) both of Bowmanville and Tirs. R. Sim (Grace) of Long Sault; three sis- ters, Mrs. Elmer Hall (Mabel), I Trs. Fred Fice (Bertie), Tirs. Herman Hall (Pearl) ail of Osh- awa; two brothers, Tir. Fred Kelly of Orono and Mr. Herman Kelly, Oshawa. One sister, Tirs. Stev- ens (Etta) and one brother Wmn. Kelly predcceased ber two years ago. The largely attcnded funeral was held from Northcutt & Smith Funcrai Chapel, Bowmanville May 2. Interment was in Hampton Cemctery. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. D. Cresswcll, of Tyrone, who spoke very bighly of the deceased. An abundance cf beautiful flowers brought rnany messages of estcem, love and sympatby.. Palîbearers wcre: Miessrs. Otto Virtue, William Brown, Norman Woodiey, Robert Hodgson, Lionel Byam, Fred Smith. Fricnds and relatives from Belleville, Toronto, Oshawa, Or- ono, Burketon, Bowmanville and Tyrone attcnded the service. The poet's line, "Order is hcav- en's first law", is so eternally true, so axiomatic, that it has become a truism; and its wisdom is as obvious in religion and scholar- ship as in astronomy or mathe- matics.-Mary Baker Eddy. The taste's the test for tea! Canadians buy more Salad*a C than any other brand. 5-T-R-E-T-C-H your Point Dollars C-I-L PAINTS have the high hiding qtsalities, the atout resitance to wear and weather, wbich make your paint dollars go farther. Before you paint- Phone 573 "119":D culNI Bowmanville ANN PAGE-VITAMIN uBP'ý-SLlCED MILK**DREAD CUSTOM GROUND A&P BOKAR COFFE A&P NECTAR ORANGE PEKOF. BLACK TEA - IONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE - OGILVtE GINGERDREAD MIX ALL PURPOSE ]ROBIN HOOD FLOUR ANN PAGE-S-or, Jar l9c-16-oz. Jar 35q MAYONNAISE EVAPORATED MILK 2 tanfl ins 25c FANCY RED COHOE SALMON 1/' in3crtin57c FEATURING RED & BLUE BRAND PORTEEHOUSESIRLOINiv SWI FT'S PR EMlu M, SL ICED wING orDBONELss mouim DOLOGNA ..- Stea s o fou nis - lb79c SWIFT'S PREMIUM, LOOSE F OUR A&P MEAT BUY F THE WEEK BROOKFIELD, Pure Country Stj BLADE BONE REMOVED POIXSAIJSAG BLIUAE ROAST CE* *n REE WELL TRIMME 59c RACIBEITS SHORT RIB RGAST C59C IO% mU W l ilfi%0%U MILK FED GRADE "A"l _FG & DIESTS -b. 85% 59e BACKS & NECKS * fb.259 PEAMEALED COTTAGEBOU£S s .lb. W5 SMOKED &HANKLESS, PICNIC STYLE POU MSOULDERS -lb. 4M< CHOICE SLICED BIREAKAST BACON « lb. 55e C LA RK'S IRISH STEW QUAER IONA DESSERT PEURS*« CANNED MEAT KAN- CATELLI COOKED S]PAg[El CAMPBELL'S TON. SOUP1 CONCENTRATED SUPER SUS LARGE ISO « Vu-fb plcg 51C 24 -oz jar 26c ~-Pkg294c 7-lb bag 47c 32-az jar 59c Tini 24W Pkg. 120 Tini 390 Titi 12e 2 Tring 21< Pkg. 330 Pkg. 33< )BEEF Kyll l b.32 *lb. 390 lb. 39e TUA Enduring colour for C LXEA E outuide trim CLXE A E O-I-L TRIM and TRELLIS "'On. Cocit magic"Y For furn-tir, Specially made for outdoors and in: door and window walls, woodwork- frames and other automobiles, too. - ~ outside trim. Better Easy to use, easy hiding, better colour 2 ih to cdean. and glose than ý - 4rc colours, also ordinary paint,. 9 special colours Soelo<rs and black. l for automobiles. IEE YOUR C-1-L PAINT DEALER HIGGON ELECTRIC BOWMANVILLE E. F. DECKSTEAD COURTICE LEONARD H. BARTON NEWTONVILLE "Support NationatlIeautifl.atieu Campolgi,, May 13th-27th" CANADIANIDSTIE L The Radiïo VOLJR A&P PRODUCE BUY 0F THE WEEK BUY THEM BY THE CASE, THEY'RE LUSCIOUS No. 1, Large 12's CUBAN PUNEAPPLEXS Eaoh 25g CASE Or 12 $2.9e GRANGES Californie Navel Dos. 9 BANANAS Golden Ripe, Fuly Flvoured, lb.19 If~ Freali Curly Leaf, Waalied, Cello0i17e SPIN C Ready to Cook, No. 1 Pkg. I TO AT ES Texas, Hand SeIcted 23<l AVUV~ Native Grown, Dcli,. GREU 0141ONS No. 1 Lare3 1e A&P SUPER RICHI QUALITY MEATS R - -- - - - - - - - a? ýý,ii rý m KEN PAGE BrKTEM -THE CANADIAN STATESRAN, BOWM&NVILLE, ONTA]tl() TffUPJMAT, MAT Ilth, 1950 BROWN'S Congratulations to Tir. and TMm Cyril Avery (nee Gladyu Wottgn) on the safe arrivai af their daugh- ter. A wee aiter for Joyce, Law. rence and Lloyd. We weclome Tir. andTirs. St«. Couch and Linda to our commun- lty and are sorry to loue Tir. and Tirs. L. Brown and family. eur Star Taxi driver, who have moveit te Newcastle., Tir. and Tirs. Jack Preusley, whe have been visiting Tir. and Mm'. Frank Parker and Miss BetCS Stephenson, Ottawa, visited witl~ Tir. and Tirs. George Stephenson, iast Thursday and Friday, enroute to their homes in Toronto. Have you purchascd your tick- et on the car, from the Newcastle Rinkettes? Time ia running short. Buy now and help the new arena. Miss L. Knapp has been viuit. lng Tir. *id Tirs. Cyril Avery last week. Miss Gail Allun, Orono, vlulted her grandparents, Mr. and Tir. Wellington Farrow, on Friday and Saturday. Nice to sec "The Honeys" back SHORTENING JEWEL - MAPLE LEAF PuhE~P ASBT. CH]=iaaa p FINE CANADIAN OLD OIEES FOR SANDWICHES LOAF CHE= QUAKER GATS LAG y N EWPO RT FLUFS P IONA-NEW LOW PRICI TGNATOES 'y LIGHT MEAT-NEW L0Y TUNA FISH *- 1 '12 - Pi anal Vegelaýlei