'l q'v m r a !,l&"A W .r A'PWlU. nXIA c.fiy ? a *urbiAfl, *VhJI *OLA, " Ll AMl -U V1 W . *= t- HAMPTON Vote on Township School Area question at the school, May 20. See notice in classified section. Mr~. and Mrs. Anson Balson of Moffatt spent a day with his par- ntMr. and Mrs. J. Balson. ;teday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hooker, Kinsale; Mr. and Mrn. Harvey Balson and family, Oshawa, also visited. at home. Home and School Club Hamnpton- Home and School Club meeting was held in the ZÇchool bouse with the President jaà the chair and Miss Horn pre- ded at the piano for singing "0 Wuanada". Minutes were read by Mrs. Chas. Warren. 1 Mrs. R. Farrow, Convener of Nomi.nating Committee geve her report which carried, as follows: Pnes., Mrs. Woodlock; Asst. Pres., Mrs. D. Widdecomb and Mrs. Bruce Yeo; Sec'y, John Warrack; Asst. Sec'y, Mrs. Chas. Warren; Cor. Sec'y, Mrs. Jack MacNab; Treas., Mrs. .Clarence Yeo. Money on hand $21.95. A Pienic will be held in June with Raymond Farrow, Mrs. Chas. Warren and Mrs. Clarence Yeo, with power to add to their num- bers, as committee for picnic ar- rangements. Pins aie to be given ta the Entrance successful candi- dates. Several ladies who attended the O.E.A. Convention in Toronto gave their reports. Mrs. Will Igon Health; Mrs. C. Yeo on *là*'Ph and Alcohol; Mrs. B. Yeo on Music, by Dr. Leslie Bell; Mrs. T. Westlake on Panel Discussion and Parent Education. Mrs. Reynolds said it was a great opportunity to attend this convention and hear such wonder- fui speakers. She also gave a fine talk and thanked everyone for their co-opqration the past ye;ýr. Senior room won the money for most parents present. Mrs. Clarence Yeo then took charge of the program and called ed on Bert Payne for a splendid piano solo. Ed. Youngman, Ponty- pool, was guest speaker and spoke on conservation of soul by plant- ILittle boys can be helpful, butJ Insurance la better. George White INSURANCE 110 Wellington Street Phone 9571 BoWmanville1 0 Four SiLS ters Bridesmaids for La Prairie . Clarke Wedding. Mr. and rs. Carl LaPrairie are pictured above thtee brothers, Messrs. Richard, Jules andi Paul LaPrairie; with their attendan\,f ollowing their marriage in St. Joseph's and Master Edward Gerrard Clarke, brother of the bride. Roman Catholie C erh, Bowmanville, on Saturday, May The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clarke, 6th. From lef t to r t in the above photo are the bride's Bowmanville, and the groom is son of Mr. andMrs. Adolphe four sisters, Misses 1ria, Jacqueline, Colleen and Patricia LaPrairie, Toronto. Clarke; the bride and &oM; Mr. Ray Hlannigan; the groom's ing trees. He saici bis helpeý a planted 150,000 trees in a eek. He works for the Lands andk'or- ests Dept. He was very humoýus at times and serious at Otýer times. He was very interesttg and every one enjoyed his talk. ' Franklin Truh favored wib violin solos accoffipanied by Miý Mary Niddery on the piano. Coý lection was received and God Savè the King sung. Lunch was served in abundance. Mr. and Mrs. Youngman had tea with Mr. and Mrse Yeo. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coppin, C;3h- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. 'ff. Baskerville. Mrs. F. Wilson io has been visiting the Baskervilis -Teturned home to Oshawa wil them. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, MnI and Mrs. Sam Powell, Floyd, Dorene and Elaine attended the wedding in Oshawa on Saturday of Miss Evelyn Laverty to Mr. Raymond Hollanci, bath of Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stevenson and sons Ed and Douglas, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes had Sunday tea with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, Port Granby. Miss K. Riches visiteci Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riches, Cambray. Mr. Alf. Brown visiteci his 1mother Mrs. H. Brown, Toronto, at Roche's Point. on Mother's Day. Mr. Wallace Greendale and The teacher, Miss K. Riches, Ruth Payne of Toronto, called at and her pupils of the Lake Shore Len Oughtred's on Sunday.1 Scbool are to be congratulated Mrs. S. Milîs and Miss Winona Ho upon the appearance of the school Snell, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mr grounds. Mrs. Harold Barrowclough.1 1 Messrs. Tom and Jack Nobes Mrs. C. Beighton, Mrs. Edgar Jax and Mr. Fred Allen, Toronto, vis- Barrowclough and Helene, and we ited Mr. and Mrs. .8ev. Jaynes. Mr. Wilfred Bee attended the 20th Ch anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Reg in at Port Hope.1 NE TmàVIyYyT, Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred andda Donna with Mr. and Mrs. Van- da: natto, Kendal. B Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKly, Several from the community i Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Al- went to Port Britain Friday night Bo bert Thrasher. to see the pictures which Mrs. He Mr. Arnold Wade is in, Coch- Robent Sculthrope was sbowing Mr rane for a week on business. of their boneymoon in England. JO anc Mrs. Beggs, Lindsay, has been nie spending a few days with berD aunt, Mrs. Sam Smith who con- ]KENDAL we tinues in poor healtb.______Br Mrs. Agnes Darlington bas ac- Mr. and Mns. Len Oughtned Mo Icep ted a position a's companion and Donna, Wesleyville, visited wil 1for a lady in Toronto. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave I eMr. Chas. Morris, who lu im- Vannatto. tw. y roving in Port Hope hospital, Mn. and Mrs. Aylward Little Mr r. xpects to return home this week. and Bàrry, Mr. Alec Little and Fis L- Mr. and Mrs. Clelanci Lane and frîend, Toronto, with Mrs. Neya 1 r.11n ere inJ.C.Moone, E Sun. Mr.and Mrs. C. Elsey and Sel ciad to a)tend the funeral of Mr. Carol, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. cie dWil Canbrey, an uncle of the George Mercer. lads5 mentioned. Mr. and Mrs. R. Keykoop, Port Pol d I. Bert Bunt bas accepteci a Hope, are spending a few weeks bl sPO51ion with the General Motors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jillison pl Of C.hawa and left on Monday and Christina. i dfor h,, new job. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ganbutt of wbl Mrs David Merrill, Mr. and Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. -h sMrs. -lec Mernill and Mrn Wal- Swarbrick. lace Mrrill, Warkworth, came u C Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.- on SUI.lay to see Mrs. Willis bhas. Campbell, nee Juanita Jones. ho is convaîescing at Bannes, who were. mannied at home. Tyrone on May 6th. The happy The k~eral service for Mr. couple will reside at Leskard. James Sttke was held in the Unit- Mr. Leslie Stevens spent Sun- ed Church3unday afternoon with day with Mr. and Mrs. AI. Stev- Rev. H. A.Bunt officiatîng. The ens. church waifilled ta overflowing Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, with sYmPthjiingfriends afid Gordon and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. neighbours Nho gaet a hi Milton Lowes and Ronnie, Peter- last respect%~ a very quiet, un- borough, with their parents, Mr. assuming mal who bias lived in and Mrs.. N. L. Patton. this communil for a lang time. Mr. and Mrs. John Patton and Most beautifU. flowens in great Roy and Mns. N. Patton attended profusion fille( the entire front the funenal of Mr. Jas. Stone on of the chunch. The family very Sunday and also called on Mrs. generously left thnee pieces for Alexander and Mrs. Eddie Cour- the evening serVee for wbich we oux. were very gnate4l Burial took Mn. Robert Alexander was place in Bowmahcille Cemetery. homne for the weekend. We arc Thene was a flic congregation pleased ta learn that Mrs. B. out Sunday evenin&for the Moth- Alexander is feeling much better. er's Day service. Nv Bunt took Sunday guests calling on Mis. as bis text ana of 4e command- Eddie Couroux also included: Mr. ments: "Honour thý father and and Mrs. Alvin Lowes and Joan, thy mother?' Four \abies were and Mrs. Milton Lowes, Peter- baptised, viz: Robent David son borough; Mns. Howard Quantrij of Mn. and Mrs. Ro% .jBunîey' Gloria and John, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas James, son M Mr.I ancd Ted Coatham, and Mn. and Mrs. Mns. Floyd Milison; Ynederick Orley J. Mercer. Isaac, son of Mr, and Mý. James Congratulations are extendeci ta Stark; Robert Truman, go, of MÉ. and Mrs. Ted Coatham, nee Mr. and Mrs. Truman ýender- Grace Mancer, who wera marriad son. by Rev. A. E. Eustace in Onono. May 10th. Thiey will make their home in Orono. WESL YVIL L aRoy Sleep and William Mencer WESLEYVILLE ttendedth executive meeting of the South Durham League in Woman's Association met at Port Hope, Saturday night. The the home of Mrs. Clanence Nl - teams this year include Kendal, olîs Wednesday afternoon. %~t Newcastle, Garden Hill, Welcome. end group, under Mrs. AnnÈv Pelicans (fnom Port Hope) and Thorndyke, pnesanted a very niJý Cambonne. Kendal's first gamp Mother's Day programme. is at Newcastle, May 24tb, with Misfontune struck the home ai the Pelîcans playing here Maý- Harnv White whan f ire destno\v' 27th. e d their dwelling on Tuesday daspite the fine brigade being pre- ý sent. AlI the -contents of the home wane saved. The play "Pigtails" was helci for the fifth time at Port Britain Tr school bouse with a good attend- Success r'p ance. Clanence Nicholis left on b ke it with 3M.IC! Thunsday ta visit han parents, Mn. and Mrs. Peter Andenson at West- meath. Dr. and Mrs. Cable andi family, Rochester, are visiting Mr. andi grated lemon rind and Mrs. Perey Snell. rd uft once, then uift int Mr. Douglas Barnet spent the ~atyflour (or 13~ weekend in Toronto. fas) 2 tps Mg Mr. and Mrs. Annoldi Thorn- dyke and family spent Motber's sait and V4 c. fine gra Day with har parents. Mr. and i corn flakes, slightly Mns. Joshua Brimacombe, Osaca.> pitted dates. Combir Miss Helene Barnowclough, of "ü,%tp.vnl Lakepont, spent the weekend at *g mik tp.vnl home. melted. Make a wellj Miss Jean Duff and Mr. Doug- liquida; mix lightly. las Barnet attended the Teachers' ~ Bake in modenately Convention at Port Hope. mnts ev a Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinner and Yield-6 servinge. famîly spent Mother's Day with .. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Snell. Miss Jean Duff spent the week- < end %%'ith lier parents ini Myntle Mr. Wilfred. Bee spent Sunday S.S. No. 9, Clarke YIrs. Frayne and Mrs. Mary Dwie spent Friday with Mr. and rs. Bob Kent. rwo babies in this section, nie Kent and Gordon Allun, ere baptised at the United -urch, Newcastle, Sunday morn- VIrs. Geo. Barchard spent Sun- iy with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. irchard, Newcastle. Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. )b Kent's were Mr. and Mrs. nderson, Bowmanville, Mr. and 's. John Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. in Henderson and family, Mr. id Mrs. Bill Kent and Mrs. An- eEvans, ail of Oshawa. Mrs. Russell Osborne spent a eek with her daughter Betty at -ntford, .and attended the other and Daughter Banquet ih ber. Mlr. and Mrs. Max Fisk and is, Trenton, with Mr. and rs. Chas. Fisk and Mr. John sk. Home and School met last iesday evening at the school. ,eral items of business were ýared up and a committee ap- 4nted to plan a picnic to be Id in June. Mrs. Brown, Orono, ayed several selections on the no and Donna Brunt and Mur- [Gibson gave their speech ich they delivered at the W.C. _11 rhe New Government of Canada T.U. Speaking Contest in Orono, John with Mrs. Clement, Oshawa, Friday night. I on Saturday.1 Several attendeci the W.C.T.U. Public Speaking Contest in Orono Friday evening when three girlsi from No. 9 spoke: Donna Brunt, Muriel Gibson and Eleanor Os- borne. Although they weren't in the prize winning class they did verq> well. Mr. Russell Osborne and Mrs. Fred Bowen attended the Durham County Ratepayers meeting at Clarence Allin's the other even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and Sunday visitors at Mrs. Bow- en's were Mr. and Mrs. Alden Gibson, Mr. and'Mrs. Claire Wic- ket, Maurice and Beverley, Mr. andi Mrs. Peter Kitchko, Ray and Rickie, and Mr. Dennis Gibson, all of Oshawa. Mrs, Brunt, Donna, Arvilla andi Byron at Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Gar- don's, Newtonville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rickard, IBryon and Ra]ph, Beavrtn spent Sundav with Mr. an& Mi SPRING SHORTIE COATS REDUCED TO CLEAR 5 only - regular $ 17.98 TO CLEAR t 11.98 2 only, green- sizes 16 and 18 1 only, blue- size 14 1 only, black- size 18 1 only, Urey- size 14 GREEN SHORTIE COAT 1 Only - Size il Regular $14.95 To Clear - $9.95 FULL LENGTH SPRING COAT 1 Only - Navy - Size 14 Regular $22.95 To Clear - $ 14.95 Haroldi Pedwell. ,Mr. and Mns. John Ostopowich andi Donna Marie, Whltby, with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson, Ger- aid, Russell and Carol Marie. TO SVERYWEfERE Air, Rail or Steanmshlp Consult 3 UR & LOV L Bowninvllle 15 King St. W. Phone 778 UOT+iii BRASSIERES éVhether it's a bandeau or a longline - in satin, nylon or broadcloth - vou can lind what you want in Gothie, the farnoîi bras with the exclusive Cordtez Uphift. Bonds We recommend them' for investment A. E. Ames & Co. Llnmlted Business Eatablished 1889 3ý20 Bey Street, Toronto Tefrphone WA. 3611 MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER VICTORIA NEW YORK( LONOON, ENOLANO casserole (6-cup size) 4 c. corn syrup, 1 tbs. à * c. orange juioe. Mix andi to a bowl, 1i 5 c. once-sifted c. once-sifted hard-wheat ic Baking Powder, !Yý tsp. nulated sugar. Mix in 3% c. crushed, and M c. cut-up ne 1 well-beaten egg, ',-2c. la andi 3 tbs. shortening, in dry ingredients andi add Turn into prepared dish. hot aven, 3750, about 40 .5, t,' r WaLme0 St14set&*?"fdld I'Truly a Pleasamt Place to Shopr Phone 451 Bowmanville a * ~ .~ f NYLONS, OUR EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE TRIS WEEK First quality 45-gauge nylons, fully fashion- ed, 30-denier, summel shades of Sunlite and Rose Blush, sizes 8½/2ta 101/2. Only 98Ç pair It's wiser to buy two pairs to guarantee matchi#ig. New Improved GENERAL *ELECTIC WASHERS 'aTVie new Improved General Electric ,Washers get your clothes cleaner than ever *-.and they're easier than ever ta operate! Buit with the fine materials and thorough workmanship G-E is famed for, the new models feature a sturdy wringer ... and a smoothly styled tub in gleaming white enamel that's easy ta dlean and stays cleaui1 FOR DEPENDABLE REPAIRS . a DUR EXPERT SERVICEMEN! Our service department is known for first class workmanship and quality replace- ment parts. Whenever yoyr appliances need attention, cail us!1ID146~ Higgon Electric Tour General EIectrio ApIlance Dealer Pne438 BowmanvillC 42 King St. E. King St. East limiLqnÀv iffAv ixth 1950 e i PAGE TER=