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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1950, p. 7

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? CANAD~AN STATUELAN. EOWUN&MYITZ.U flN9~AWfl HAYDON Send Copy In. The ScreecIi OwI Junior league 'ta the Girls' Lake- IUn ____ ~ ' Forshoýe League and in expected ta - Z W.A.ws ed tMn amsNetWeks a eBIOWING NEWS group. The wlnning team will lie Hanson Thursday. Bible read- Weekedwthte .'s. e I -ing was read-by Mvrs. Hanna and _____Papern 33 the devational by Mrs. W. Martin, lqext week's editloii of The at a ayidcto seasan.rph Mr.ith prayer by Mrs. C. Siemon.. Caaadian Sttesman wM l, of the enthusiasm, fun, and num- Local gamea wifl likely be Play- - 1f.James Taylor, Yellowknife, lier many friends were pleased Mrs. P. Porgett took charge of the Issued as usual onThrsa ber of people we hope ta have ed Tuesday evenings at the Cent- X4W.T., la vlsltlng his aiter, Mrs, ta see Misa Jean Rundie at home program in the absence of Mrs. D. moln.W wod as next year,, aur league will be of rai Public School grounids with the Alice Clarke, Davision St. for the weekend with her moth- Carr. Readings were given by ong.W wul ac, tebs Tepry o on fs am onM dy a'29 Mr. and Mrs. L. WA. VanDriel er, Mrs. W. J. S. Rundie. Jean is Mrs. Jack Patta, Mrs. C. Sieman - however, that advrthe ad bst. he arty aon i games n oo om nvil Mtanday, oMpsas 9 fO agpent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mn. rogessing slawly and is flow at and Mis. P. Forgett. Lunch was hrua tirepdnal u havfie tests. The results were that follows:, B. Boddard, L. Quack- DonFegusnHamltn. LTors Cnaecnto.de sreas r. .Crrsgou.~ early as possible. Most (a) were award a sucker, (b) enbush, N. Johnson, M. Quinney, 4 MrTorodontinoCatam A letter haa been received from The meehanieal staff ,i'm had a gaod laugh; and that in the M. Perfect,' M. Willet, B. Watt, K. Mi a row d A swin ath .and, Tod Linter of Whitby and star Erie Robertson, Recreation Su- be takng thefr 24th of May future they (a) will be m re Branigan, S. Kiston, B. Fairey, B. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..Ucentra fewydayw with Dr. and Mn. J.C. Austin. etepae wt iesI- pervisor of Sunnybrook Hospital, holiday on Frlday and Satun- alert when looking at advertise- Patfield. Any other ginls who Co n r.M .Mraperils during the wlnter has been which statea: I"Will you please day, MLay 26 and 27. How- ments, <b) will learn how to 'tie would like ta try out for the team Responsibility of Young Peopet otligth con fyu COtaw and rs. . . ura in Oshawa Hospital with an convey ta the people ai Haydon eve, the business office wil a te or apron. are cordially invited ta be at the the Home". She said tlatitwshtoiainin lown te Ottwawer wek-end guests ai acute append. The lateat ne- Community, my sincere -thanka be open eveny day next week. The presentations came nexi. practice at the Public School much easier ta be courteous, id a uooieC aueII Col. and Mns. L. T. McLaughlin. parts state that he is progressing on behalf ai the patients in Sunny- For the tournament doubles* grounds next Tuesday evenmng. ly and thoughtful outside a h Misa Olga Tod ia holidaying favourably. brook Hospital for the three doz- Jackie Elliott received the record _________ home. The old lesson aiof uam1iyorntln1deppr with her aiter, Mn.. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hughes en decks ai playlng cards they sa ofh certificates for bath herseli and q hyFther and Thy Mo~e" I eel orbadmne Wright, Hamilton. and iMr. E. R. Hanna, Toronto, kindly donated. Ih was most kind AtVMcONh wsabet.Te r inhiy .YoungPoOple ge'y ogwa oad hem n enru prt eeldh St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met May 10. were week-end guests with her ai these good people ta think ai anly near competition (trailing by Have Varied rgani oahpyadgo f The tirne was spent in practising mother, Mrs. G. E. Pritchard. the boys, who are still hospitaliz- Mr. and Mrs. Samn Dewell, Of 25 pins) was, Loraine McFarlane A fteget ftee for the ne-affiliation service on Master Jimmie Hughes returned ed as a resuit ai their war service, Hampton at Ray Cameran's. and Bob Gallagher. Those on the Banquet MayAU ai re thne guestaiss vIn wadato-denerssIn- May 16. home with them aiter holidaying and I can assure you their do- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currie, Ta- wining teami in the tournament AAy2n eetakdb isDre Congratulations ta Donald Leask with his grandmother. nation ls moat acceptable and ap- ronto, at Robert Killen's. also received record certificates. Hh osi evc a ilycniard a e aytrngchraterincondcln Who won first place and a ilver Mr. and Mrs. Alan Greville, To- preciated as we do use a tre- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan, Cochrane They eeBr twrtwakeYugPohps eie tg Mnday cneta nmb e aYougPol' h oice iTeCnd mnedal in the W.C.T.U. elocution ronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wylie mendous amount ai playing carda, and daughtero, Courtice; Mr. and Elliott, Ken Crawford and Art evening began with quiet muicactivities will take place ti ttsa.Yuaet ecn contest helxi at Orono on May 12. and son Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Don which appear to be the main form Mrs. Morley Flintofi and family, Vance. Sylvia Bucknell and yours as Miss Helen Nelles played "Lar- weekend-First, the SpartsDy ralae n ou scesan Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tudor and Cox, Cooksville, were Mother's of indoor amusement during the Maple Grave, ai Wes Cameron's. truly theri received certificates go" on the piano.Teth eaitGnvaPr on auda.hscompitnndem rtc famil, Mis Diss hyEvan, To DayEuesnsai heirparetsar. paient' lesurehour. MrMandtrs. . Hutenl, Mot-setitlag usta aam stastaue frr"Moher' Day waspresntedby Bu wil leae GayonBuas 2:30 ctio beseakaa catinud an ranto, wene Sunday quests wit and Mrs. K. E. Cax, Kingston The Public Schaol pupils are real, ai Hans Geissberger's. the high averages thnoughout the Christian Fellowship convenera, p.m. icesn nlec o h u Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Rd. E. busy getting ready for their mua- Mn. and Mrs. William Siinger- year. At lasi the big moment Ruth Rabbins and Ruth Prescot T heUinh b iîdt u Mrs. S. Mawdesley, Southport, Mn. Robent Rehder, youngest ical festival the latter part ai this land and Lynda, Courtice, ai arnived when the beautiful ArtThUno abe Iv Lancashire, England, is visiting son ai Mn. and Mrs. Ernie Rehder month. Perey Davidson's. Hooper Trophy was awarded ta Rosa Metcalf was called ta the attend the Evening Fireside Sr o erewe a r rv her daughter, Mns. J. Kane, High wili graduate this Saturday from Mr. Roland Thompson han pur- Mn. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, Toron- Bob Gallagher and his team. It piano ta begin the programi by vice ai Newcastle Y.PXUti n h oda hnyuhl Stee, o tre onhs uen' nieritKigso, hae aca.ta; Mrs. J. Hancock, London; Mn, wili be kepi, I believe, ai the piaying "Napoleon's Last Charge", Sunday. Anyone desining rn-te nsavnidDbnkp M r and M rs H . S. Ben ett with h s degref irEteterlingEnthenstory Rai theasse- andntat onhor ablesttaelprovtde same ofothe scontraiaavenortaelespeedopa- * St e et for thr e m o th a Q u e n's U nH e si y K n g t n c hs e d cia o r. a ndsrv c My y r nrs.lp la lan d r f a m - s h o ol. i d r f th i lectio n , w ith h u m o ro u s ad lib b - sh o u d g et in to u ch w ith P e i e t a i i s a h e e r t d c r s laine and Johanne, were week- gineeing. H has acceptd a was hed on Sunday wih ur Pas- Sc ot and famiy, O hawa, ai Mrs, that there will be fa Nngadntshssing cftton * 5n gusiswihihnnprenstnhpsTton itCTh nCaadinn en-tonin hage.F.i.nGaseh'arsget.ndaning Ou tank taan"cinunhin aiYor Siie, Fnalyon a"dyhvennSunh and Mns. M. Thurston, Lindsay. ea-icncinPtnoog. The villagers have been busy Mn. Jim Randal at North Osh- e av e illing and ail who elps comayn.hmc iteannual banquet wii be hein Kdreastayuefan Notice is published In The On- R. A. Smith, 14 Condor Ave., spring cîeaning thein yards and awa for thec weekend.cmaeteatyucsces. piano.aiy n Toronto, in renewing his subscrip- lawns this past week. Mn.n Ms ora eaha Hope ta see you bowling in the the Sunday School raom, be1 -iy lot onadfm taria Gazette that Durham To- tion ta The Statesman writes: M.adMs omnLaha al Miss Madlyn Wiicox, Fellow- ning ai 6:30.'Vur surrePndtins an te as ily cjyrednlh oto-an Mrs. Alice Thompson, Oshawa, George Alldnead's, Tynone. fai!ship Convenen on Presbytery Ex- sneey bacc Pnd tsatinrLte d willayWe e yraigteoto-onMr. and Mns. Eanl Thompson and Miss Pearl Leach, Sauina, ýt , ecutive, gave a talk on "The Aim news that appears in your paper. Girs'mRv.nE F. rmst'ng Capi. and Mrs. W. J. Brown and 1 would like ta compliment the family, Mn. and Mrs. W. Bidgett NoManeMl oeaan'sRut r.Grs Sofltball af Feliowship"._________ tw hlrn apBrevst tf naral ie elpandand family, Bowmanville; Mn. MssM&ilMoean uh'Mn. George Mahon provided In the Ed-itor's Mai cd their parents, Mn. and Mrs. newspaper. and Mrs. Frank Osmond and fam- Shaw, Oshawa, ai Ruseli Stain- Te g eF r e ute etranetwt i J..J B. wnB ndow.nndaMsd .MHs.mnyndienari hi naiveilyMrMandMrsaDoaldrhom- tn'navoal endiionai I Wlke To-_vocal_________________ Softn11gsals hve eclxie S. Harnden. i ay redinhsatv son and family, Newcastle; Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre were VYith Four Teams day Where Jesus Walked", &cm oedatclyta ae~c tawn ai Bawmanvilie wili be Jim Fallis, Cadmus, ai Mn. Roi- dinner guesis ai Harvey Cross- campanie.d by Miss Helen Nelies London, May 1. btefloiga nesv n Mn. and Mrs. Fred C. A. Reid, pleased ta learn that.Rev. H. W. and Thompson 's. man's, Kedron, and supper guests A new girls' softbail league bas ai the piano, and sang "Jusi For 296 WartleyR.cniuumagreavetin .E . r ume, mch. anvisited aMn. and Poin t he Bai Wlorofdivie nt., 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and ai ot er's , N nt O ha a, on been formed in iis vicinity this Today" as an encore. Dean Friend George:ca ai n i Sa k ch an a - Mns. f e.Bru mland ocL ai. received te Bachonrtai Divnity MoceotsaDay year made up ai teams from Sa- Miss Ruth Rabbins then intro- I have jusi nead with coni-ccigt eprsfo h ~r niar a th Bomanill Nua-degree ai the annual convocation fmlTrno a hi otg. Mn. and Mrs. Gearge Sonley and lem, Maple Grave, Shaw's and duced the guesi speaker, Mrs. C. erable interesi and pleasuretePdusDisonDpamnta cries. ini Divinity ai Victoria University Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and Ted. Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Aub- Baw;manvilIe. This league is a' Naylor, Zian, who spoke an "The issue ai The Satesman, May, Arclue taa Mn. and Mrs. H. G. Moses, Kam- and ciosing exencises af Emman- family, Toronto, ai Mn. Henry ney Hirock, Oshawa, ai Fred Cam- loops, B.C., have matored hene in uel Coilege, Toronto, held May 2. Ashtan's. cran's. their English Morris car ta visit Mn. L. M. Sauch, son ai Mn. and *Mr. Fred Casile, Miss Grace Mrs. Fred Camenon visited Mrs. C MEI"'PIE LSPRO A EVC Mn. and Mns. E. B. Moses and Mns. Mrn. Walter Souch, Bowmanville, Trewin, Toronto; Mn. Wm. Vintue, Leslie Warren, Thornton's Cor- I O PTTV RIE LSP C.- Churchill. has been appainied Chairman ai Mn. Russell Vintue, Rev. A. E. ners on Monday. .Miss Mary Alldrcad, nurse-in- the Oshawa Board ai Education Cresswell, Tynone; Mn. and Mrs. Messrs. Jim Siaintan, Douglas on ý training ai Toronto General Hos- ta serve the unexpined tern i o Clarence Avery and Vernon, Caes- Skinnen and Bert Bickel ai Peter- piai, is cnjoying a 3 weeks' vaca- Dr. G. L. Bird who passed away ara; Mn. and Mns. Sulas Trewin, borough on Sunday. tion wlth her parents, Mr. and suddcnly lasi month. Mn. Souch Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Tnewin, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gifiord ai. Mrs. David Aldread. . was Chairman ai -the Board in Mr. and Mns. Jim Martin and Leslie Wannen's, Thornton's Cor-, The date ai Durham Federation 1947. Anne, Bowmanvilie, ai Mn. Wm. nens. af Agriculture annual picnic ai A group ai local fishermen Tnewin's. Mn. and Mns. Anson Balson, Orono Park has been changcd ta spent the weckend ai Chemong Mn. and Mns. Hanry McComb Moffat, ai R. W. Bali's. Saturday, June 17. Circle the Lake and report excellent nesuits. and Adele, Toranto; Mn. King Mn. and Mns. Henny Dant and date an the kitchen calendar now. They include Art Hooper, AI. Kent, Brantford; Mn. Ross Sharp, Kenneth ai Mrs. I. Spurgeon's, Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Dawson, Fletcher, Art Brooks, Don Brooks, Enniakillen ai Mn. Frank Denley's. Scarboro. Tillsonburg, and Mn. and Mns. W. Harny Cannons, Dick Patfield, Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Molhen's Day service had a real R. Bell and daughter, Lindsy Bill Maira, Ron Johnstan and Don family, Mrs. T. Cowlina and Vivi- good atiendance an Sunday mon- dpen SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDER O TUSA spent Mothcr's Day with their Parker. Dick Palfield was given an ai Mn. Mark Blackbun's ning. Four babies were baplized: tgis' FRIDAY AND SATURA parents, Mn. and Mrs. Melvin cei for catching the langesi Hampton. Kenneth Edward, son ai Mn. and Iie.- Bell. pceit. Mrs. Henny Dant; Betty Anne, pîkre.Mns. Chas. Garrard with rela- daughler ai Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Mn. Robent Miller, B.A. ini Mn. and Mns. Jackson Wray, tives in Toronto. Balson; Galdie Diane, daughten I peg, Ma ., ho A.petdWinni M axine and Debona, Oshawa, vis- *& 6 J f / ~ fieg, yan,ai the Otalo enited be mter ns J Mns. Harry Rahm, Bunketon; of Mn. and Mrs. Frank Sobil, and iNe!Ecuvew h oi Coliege, Toronto, was a week-end Rundie. On Sunday aiternoonMn.aro neMrs. Lihun Connhraned lonnceSJaneyaug he ai Mn ai tht r.adMr.Go.W e bptS mal ai Mrn. and Mns. Toronto, ai Mn. Roy Graham's. man's Association presented a I ..Bandmond Lotion Insectic-d4s guaes whMn n tGa W tvh.RHnesptmlonoMr icitd Cnl neMs.Lli ohrn, n Ms Sale ge.Te o IDA.Ban D . ah ile _ 9 R LR James. V4'Wiay's youngen daugbter Debona Mn. and Mns. Elmer Walken and Bible ta each ai the babies. 6-az. -Dilhînicide __ lb. 53e:Keutehi I lc d a, On June lst Corporal Stanley Janet. Also preseni wene Mn. and Barbara, Toanto, ai Mn. J. H. Reg. 0e 3C 2fr$. Palniateer fnom Bancroft will an- Mrs. T. Wray and Misa Eileen Walker's.. Fort Strawbenry Jani Reg. 50 " -83-, $29fan$1.01.~aans n ie riv i Bwmnvll t tkech rgeWay ai Hampt6n; Miss Jean Mn. and Mns. Theron Maunljoy, Far Lanex . 83c-$1Fur 1,98danduff ai the Bowmanville fletachmeni Rundie, Toronto, and Mn. Non- Hampton, ai Mn. Cecil Sîeman's. The besi recipe for hamemade- Combination, 16..oz. and ie a.a lalglsi ai the Provincial Police. The man Rundie. Mn. and Mns. Jim Graham, strawbenry jamn so fan tested in GlYusTdyI Ti e lv uSprayen 13 NHAD uE Corporal bas speni 13 years Ini Citizens in Bowmanville and Bawmanville, ai Mn. Leslie Gra- the kitchens ai Consumer Section, SEILVAU-1 aAnTrp3. that area. Dunhafi Couinty had mare iban ham'a. Depaniment ai Agriculture, Oîîa SEIL AU I.D.A. Brand TaI3Anforap$1.c4 ___________________________ --Z-fan$. 0 a casual interestint the unsuccess- Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gay and wa, was faund ta be made fnom TONI REFILL KIT 4-oz. Wo' ahKle ------fui openatian ta separate the Si- family, Oshawa, ai Mn. Chas. Gar- whole bennies and enougb leman a Six Toni Midget- Reg. 35e 23C B àloe tte RâlO2er ameâ twin girls ai Edmonton, nand's. juice ta give the jam a jelly-like SPIN Curlera _______________10__,__S., A N ER A Alta., on May 14. The bead doc- Mn. and Mrs. A. Beecb, Mrs. Jas. consisîency. 0 Roiular Toni Home_________________ _____________ ton ai the six daclors who per- Kennedy, Bawmanville, ai Mn. 0 Tant Creme____________ _______________ SETF WR Courtice fny dthe Aoperain as ~Dr. DonCarnc5' usdi ShomRoo 33C size b hlo United Church Dr. Edgar Allin ai Edmonton, and Enniskillen; Miss Jean McLaugh- 0O E 1: ~t ___ Sunday, May 21 si Messrs. John, Charles and Wes- toa'. adforFan ooe el. E P R *nSn îses.oxo 2 5 iey Allita aiBawmanvilie. M.ad r.Fan ore e- E..X P Er? 'Aviation Style $1.19, $1.50 4 o f 2 for 6 cý 2:30 and 7 p.m. Reading the repart in the Osh- en and Bill, Malvenn; Mn. and 2IIIfor 69e.. Liy awa RTiaysa-G ante Jfthne-0M.Hanod Mrs.M en and iy Guest Speaker at aaTmsGziea h np n.Hnl or n aly Kiddies' 15e, 29c, 49c Box af 48's - $1.33 Both Services anations being made for thc Osh- Bowmanville, ai Mn. Bill Stevens'. ~aad $.5 29 OE 'W'WV, HI elv T h RM iai a mesta irya a i a n n wbo have M. Jack Histed . Ha mt n dO E ev. H. eow we were stnuck with the numben family ai Mn. C. Avery's, Caesara. ~Gaty -$,0 39 ET ULES*SC<NAAH Oshawa ai one time on anoiher, been as- Mn. Jack Polis'. /> e-~ $SWlsnt 0,7eNra MISS NORMA Bst oWEN, whase ancestons had lived in Dur- Cartier, Oshawa, ai Mn. W. Bak-,, AIOINDGETIN COSTPAI AftenoonGues Sociat sociled itbBowmnvile o Mn.Launnce abb Mis Vere ~Others 29ec, 35e, 49c, etc.aieati MS OM O E, ham County. Hene are some ai burnn's. __FREE INSPECTIOR 3 o 5 Oshawa the nanies: Harold Washington, 3e-2fr6, Walter Bnanch, Evereit Loveli, (Inlended for lasi week) Special music directed Les F. McLaughlin, Maurice M.ad nsRap ntoe Every watch i by Mr. Frank Walter, Hart, E. Stonie, R. Gray, Gea. Mc- L WMry;M. and Mr.RlhV ns. needs at Ieast a Courtice ~Laughlin, D. Langmaid, M. Cry- and Lary, Wib;M.adMs OIN.... 0 BOBN OTN11.7 Cour-t-ice derman, A. Gillespie. R. MeNeil, Enniskillen; Mr. and good eleaning and oiingLOIN.... ASRETC TN_________ Mns. -Jim Grant, Mn. and Mrs. ýe ..Q 1 I ... 00 1 How Do YOU Spend Sunday There Are Regular Church Ser TRINITY UNITED CRU MORNING" SERVICE 11ilA. SUNDAY SCHOOL 12:15 P.N REV. H. A. BUNT, B. A. wiil preach at the evenlng service MM ALBERT HIRCOCK will b. guetit Rev. S. RL Henderson, B.A., B.D., Mr. R. Minister. - Director by's. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Garrard and ýw w family, Islinglon, ai Mn. Charmes Garrard's. Mn. and Mrs. Bull Stevens and Lynda ai Mn. Harold Moane's Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Don Carn and iam- ily ai Mn. Alymer Beecb's, Bow- manville. le Miss Vivian Cowling in Lind- say. Hene are same ai the highlights ai the pasi few weeks: Mesdames Westover, Misses May and Winni- fred Trewin and Mrs. Cccil Sic- mon sponsoned a pie social ai thc home ai Mn. and Mns. Cecil Sic- mon. An evenmng ai games was enjoyed aler whicb Harvey Mc- Gili auclianed off the pies. Art Trcwin acied as Clerk. Lunches wene soid ta ihose not buying pies.- Proceeda $14,25 in aid ai the W. A. building fund. When aur Pasior was guesi E speaker ai the Men's Association Annual Service ai Graiton, the W. A. taok aven aur chunch ser- vice wiih President Mrs. C. Sic- mon pnesiding. Psalm 1 and a pocm wene nead. Devotionai and prayen wene given by Mrs. Chas. Garnard. A couple af solos wene nendered by Mrs. Chas. Rankine and a seleclion by the choir. Mns. Dan Black spoke an "The Living Failh" and readings wcre given by Mrs. Jack Patta and Miss Viv- lan Cawling. rie, Th ru scason opened wlth Usic fiabermen. ae A new pain af doona are adarn- ing thei entrance to oui chunch. _ l uamuq u uwV C DuraPower Mcinspring* Now available for masi Elgin Watches. Gives an amazing permanency af timekeeping performance edei oMLIM $M rPahMsaÊ MARRI Jewellery 43 Kiug St. W. Phone 463 80 WbAN VIL Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALIT MONUMENTS AND MAIRKEES PrecIse workmanship and careful attention ta detail are your assurance wheu you choose fram the wide selection of imported and domnestlc Granites sud Marbles in stock. #oz. of 12 Modess 13 You valu. -your charmn... and Modems jhelps yau guard it- Iluxuriously. Soft, ~comfortab. Box of 48 S 1.33 eNs 290~ Alex. We Deiver x t L. C- 'Zu - Soda Bicarb I.D.A. Brand 4, 8 and 16 oz. Reg. 10c, 15c, 25c 8c - 12c - 19c Picnic Needs Food Jute .- $3.75 uP Papen Napkius, 13V2x131/, 70's- 15e Papen Plates (Duchess) 81" on 9" pkg. - 25o Plenle Kits (Ducheas) 250 Thanmos'BaIlles: Pts.- $1. 165, $2.15 QIs. $2.50, $3.60 Baby Bnownle Special$80 Target Brownie - $6.70, $8.10 Brownie Reflex- $11.75 Kodak Duaflex- $14.50 Kodak Tonnists $25.25 up Films (Ansco, Kodak) 32c, 37c, 48c, etc. HEADACHE Calmi your ~ NERVES 3e s.02e-6esi 9 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Mcr eg9oit Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store KLE Dru ENEX SOFTERt STRONGER Dp 18C [gs~ Phone 792 I IL Rev'd A. RL BEVERLEY, Do Bishop of Totonto TIJESDAYI MAY 23rd - ai p.B -vices IRCI G. Hal of Mu. 9 MAT, M&T 18th. 1050 TM CARADMIf STATEBUM. BOWMAUVffJ.,& ONTAMO m PACM 1

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