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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1950, p. 10

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PAGE TEN *'~- TEE CAKADIAR STATESMAIf. EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAT, MA? 25th, 1950 PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD The Canadian Siatesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective January 23, 1948 BIRTHS -DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS $1.00 Per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus 10o a lune for verses per Insertion NOTICES COMING EVENTS ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - WANTED ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word <min. 35e). Must b. paid before insertion. If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50c.) Ad&. 25o extra for box numbers or replies directed to this office. (Additional Insertions at same rates) -AU Classlfied Ads Must Be [n Not Later Than Noon Wednesday. Cash, stamps or money order with order to get low rate. -Clip This Out For - Handy Reference BIRTHS HOWARD-Mr. and Mrs. James Howard <nec Esther Barnett) are happy ta announco the birth of their son, Robert James, on May 20th, 1950, at the Oshawa General Hospital. 21-1 WERRY -Ken and Winnifred Wéè,ry are happy to announce the blrth of a daughter, a littie sis- ter for David, Ruith Marie and Peter, at Bowmanville Hospital en May 24th, 1950. 21-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam J. Ruiter announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Mae, to Meredith Little, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Little, Bowmanvillo. The mnarriage will take place quietly on June 3rd, 1950. 21-1* Capt. and Mrs. Victor Farmei, Clarksburg, West Virginia, 'an- nounce the engagement a! bis daughter Margaret Emily, ta George Ashford Mundy, son of Major and Mri. George T. Mundy, Guelph, Ont. The marriage will take place in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Satur- day, June 17th. 21-if The engagement is announced of Britta Mary, daughter of Mrs. Duncan and the late Mr. Edwamd James Duncan, Toronto, ta Syd- ney Norton Casbourn, son of Mr. and Mns. Harry Henry Casbourn. The marriage will tako place June l7th at 7:00 o'clock in Kimbourne Park United Church, Toronto. 21-1 DEATHS McGILL-On May l7th, 1950, at hem homo, 33 Welland Ave., To- ,oronto, Eva May McGiil, tormerly o! Bowmanville, daughter o! the late Peter J. and Catherine Mc- Gui, dean sister o! Mns. W. R. KatheenW. MGil ofToronto, andthelat Dr GergeW.Mc- Gil. ntobmnt orstLawn Mausoeum.21-t Ave., Toronto, wife o! George A. Shemnin, dean mather of Irene, Bertha (Mrs. L. M. Eckley), George A. and William E. Shemnin a! Toronto, dean sister o! Annie (Mns. G. Woods) and Phillip Fos- ter o! Toronto. Interment St. Margaret's Cemetery, West Hill. .0 21-t SIGSTON - Suddenly, Sunday, May 21, 1950, Benjamin Parker Sigstan, ln bis 77th year, beloved huzband of Bertha Urwin, 1396 Kingston Rd., Birch Cliff, dean father of Dorathy (Mrs. A. Harris) of Birch Cliff, Edna (Mms. L. Chambers) and Miss Ivy eigston, Hairold and Robent a! Toronto, and Rev. Earl Sigston of Bow- manvilie. Intemment Pine Hilîs Cemetery. 21-f Reception Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ayre will be at home to their friends, on their Fortieth Wedding Anniver- sary at their residence, 984 Sim- coe St. N., Oshawa, Thursday, June lst, from 3 to 5 and 8 to 10 p.m. 21-2* COMII«G EVENTS Commencing Friday, June 9th, round and square dancing every Friday night, Geneva Park, with Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Ad- mission 50C. 21-2* Play in Eniskillen church shed, June 2, 8:15 p.m. by Tyrone Y.P. entitled "*Singing Bill from Blue Ridge Hill."~ Auspices Service Club. Admission 35c and 15c. 21-2 Eldad Sunday Schoal Annivor- sary services, Sunday, May 28th, at 2 and 7:30 p.m., with Rev. F. Yardley, Courtice, guest speaker. Music by the Sunday School choir under leadership of Mrs. J. C. Smales, assisted by Miss Louise Poarce, soloist, of Courtice, in the1 afternoan. Monday evening, 29th, at 8:15 the young people will pre- sent their drama "Grandpa's Twin Sister" with musical selections by Ken and Joan Hallett of Sonya. 2Ï-1 Romember S a I e m Sunday School Annivorsary on Sunday, June 4th. Rev. S. R. Henderson of Trinity United Church, Bow- manvilie, will be guest speaker in the afternoon at 2:30 and Rev. H. A. Turner of St. Paui's United Church, Bowmanviile, will speak at 7:30 in the evening. Special music by the Sunday School choir. On Monday, June 5th, a Foresters League basebali game between Maple Grave and Salem girls at 7 p.m. atter which Shaw's young people will present their play "Hot Water Hero" and will provide music between acts. Admission 40e and 25c. 21-1 IN MEMORIAM ALLDREAD-In laving memory of Private Alfred Donald Alldread of the Irish Regiment who was killed in Italy on May 25th, 1944. Buried in Casino Military Ceme- tory: -Always remembered by bis Mother, Sistens and Brothers. 21-1* BURNS-In ever loving mem .ony of aur dean father anfid 'ùiothen, James and Hannah Burns who passed away May 27th, 1931 and May 2Oth, 1943: Thene ls a link death cannat seven, Love and remembrance last for- ever. -Always remembered by the f amily. 21-1 COUCH-In loving mmory o! a dear mother Winona Couch, who passed away May 24th, 1939: You'me not fargotten Mother ýÇ dean, Nom nover shahl you ho; As long as lite and mmory last I shall mememben thee. -Ever emembered by Denolda and Sid Luxton. 21-1* McDONALD-In loving memory o! a dean mother, Mary McDonald who passed away May 25th, 1949: Thene the buds tram earth tnansplanted For aur coming watcb and wait In the upper gardon growing Just within the golden gates; Though aur hearts may break with sornaw, By the grief so hard ta bear, We shahl meet ber same bight morning In the upper gardon there. -Lovingly remembered by ber daughter Irono and son Harry. POOLTON-In loving and evor- lasting momory o! aur dear son. Pte. Jack Poolton o! the Irish Regiment o! Canada, who died of wounds, in Italy, May 26th, 1944: Sleep on dean son tili we meet bye and bye No flowers can we place on the grave where you lie. The great wide ocean doth keop us apart, But yaur dean smiling face stili shines in aur heants. -We miss him mare as each day goos by. Dearly lox'ed, deeply, mourned. Mother and Dad. 21-1l' STEVENS-In laving memory of1 aur dear mother, Esther Brown who passed away at Hampton, May 25th, 1945. Also aur dear father Enoch Stevens who passed away at Hampton, January I lth, 1929, and aur doar brother Han- old Shemwaod Stevens wbo pa ss- cd away at Mayethorpe, Alberta,, Aug. 29th, 1941: No longth o! tino, no lapse o! years Can dim our loved ones' past. for treasured memanies hold e thon dean And will while momonies last. -Lavinglv remembereii hu the,. Teachers Wanted TEACHER wanted for S.S. No. 5 Clarke. Write stating qualifica- tions, experience if any and salary required to the Secretary, Mrs. June Wilson, Newcastle, Ont. 20-2 PROTESTANT teacher for S.S. No. 13, Darlington. State exper- ience and salary expected, for 1950-51 term. Apply to Fred A. Partner, Tyrone, R.R. 1,pSec'y.- Treas. 20-2* Help Wanted Articles For Sale % 21-if OUTBOARD motor, one and one- seventh h.p., almost new. R. G. Severn. 21-1 QUANTITY of Spy apples. Ap- ply 273 Simpson Ave., Bowman- ville. 20-2* FORD tractor plow and cultivator, for Ford Ferguson system. H. C. Bonathan, Newcastle. 21-2* TEXACO gasoline deivrdt WAITRESS wanted for BalmoralfTarmers. Caîl Bob Stces Hotel. 21-1 Garage, Phono 804. 4-tf MAN-steady employment. Apply Bowmanville Cleaners and Dyers. 21-1 FARM HELP-Single man, some experienco in fruit farming. Phone 1221 Clarke. 21-1* YOUNG woman or High School girl wanted as part time cashier. Apply Manager Royal Theatre, Bowmanville. 21-1* FULL time clerk. Salary at rate of $1380 per annum. Age 18 ta 35. Veteran preferenco. John Kent, Acting Post Master. 21-1* SALESLADY-Must be neat in appearance, and anxious to earn higher wages. Apply in persan ta Breslin's Ladies',Wear, Bow- manville. 21-1 $60 MONTH -young woman for generiil housework, 2 cbjîdren. Completely modern home. Private room and radio. Phone 2080 Bow- manville. 5.4! SALESMAN for Bowmanville and district, part time, good product, gaod commission, reforonces. Ap- ply Ontario Distributing Agen- cies, 270 Nassau St., Oshawa, or Phone 3858R. 21-2 WANTED-Man for steady travel amang consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent cannoction with large manufacturer. Only roli- ablo hustler considered. Write Rawieigh's, Dopt. ML-E-140-131, Montreal. 18-4 WANTED-immediately! Reliable man ta take over Watkins route in Bowmanvilie. Car helpful but not necessary. Credit furnished ta right party. For furthor in- formation, write Dept. OC-B-4. J. R. Watkins Ca., 350 St. Roch St., Montreal, Que. 18-4 Notices Dr. Storey's office will ho closed May 21st ta May 28th inclusive. 19-3* FOR garbago collection end dig- ging ditches or drains. Cell at 57 Liberty St. S. or Phono 2096, John Barrctt. 19-3* Harvey Dance Academy. Be- ginners Ballet and Tap; Spring term naw starting. Register Fi- days, 19 King St. East. 13-tf To the Ratepayers of S.S. No. 6, Mapie Grave: A ballot box wil be placod in the school on Friday, May 26 from 6 p.m. ta 9 p.m. \when a vote will ho takon ta determine whether we should or sbould not withdraw fnom the Township School Area. 21-11 Spring is bore! Now is the time ta have those nugs and chester- fields cloaned. AIl wonk donc by expcricncod operatars. Pick-up and delivery service in Bowman- ville and district. Fan informa-~ tion give us a caîl and reverse the charges. Don - Mol Chesterfield Cleaners, Phone Oshawa 3884J or write 203 Mary St., Oshawa. 21-1 Notice DOG OWNERS ALL PERSONS awning or bar- bouring a dog are required ta socure a licence for same. Pro- secution for failure ta hold a licence may be instituted without further notice, under by-Iaw gav- erning the keeping or harbouning of dogs. S. VENTON, Chiot Constable. 20-2 Repairs RUBBER tootwear, heels, solos, rips vulcanized as gaod as new. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. 9-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- eraters, domostic and <ommercial Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., ohone 438. 26-tf FOR ?rimpt, officient, guaranteed service, dyeing and customn womk. try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re- bujît and re-upholstemed. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have aur consultant caîl at no obligation. Enquire at Weher's Fabric Cen- tre. 10 King St. E. 39-tf Farmers Attention 1 '29 MODEL A Ford, in fair con- dition. Apply 154 Wellington St. 21-1* LLOYD baby pram, in excellent condition. $15.00 Phone 326. 21-1 HAY for sale. Apply Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, Phone Port Perry 225-r-11. 21.1* COOK stove, Manor, reservoir, warming closet and hot water front. Phone 669. 21-1 FOR the best in boats try Peter- borough Canoe Company. Rance Dilling, agent, Phono 519. 2.1-1 MODERN kitchen cabinet, white enamel, black trim, like new. Phono 165r42 Port Perry. 21-1* OUTBOARD motor. lii2 h.p., ideal for towing a small boat. J. C. Thompson, Phone 906. 21-1 TWO beds, one ¾; and one single. Spring and mattress with one. Caîl 2149. 21-1 WOODEN ice box, oak finish, 75 lb. capacity, good condition. R. C. Bennett, Maple Grove. 21-1* CONGOLEUM mugs and yard goods available in many colour- fuI patterns at Morris Ca. 17-tf '37 FARGO truck, good condition, new tires. Phone Oshawa 3575r3. 21-1* '42 PLYMOUTH sedan, air-con- ditioning, 5 good tires, perfect shape throughout, $950 or nearest offer. Phone 2981. 21-1* TWO tennis racquets, nover used; threo window frames; several feet o! wator pipe. Phone 840. 21-f '36 PLYMOUTH Coach, radio, heater and defroster, good tires, good running condition. Phono 2865. 21-1* EUREKA Vacuum Cleaners, tank models trom $39.50 up at Morris Co. Phone for froc demonstra- tion. .17-tf HEALTHY Columbia b e r r y shoots, sevon cents each. Oliver McCulloch, Phone Brooklin 3r14. 21-1* '28 DICTATOR Studebaker sedan, good tires, good running condi- tion. J. A. Johnston, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 172r12. 21.1*' VARIOUS types of groen house plants, tomatoes, flowers, etc. Corner of Base Line and Hunt St. Mr. George Petty. 21-1* POTATO Chip Truck and oquip- ment for sale, $400.00. Apply Steve Artym, 101 Quebec St., Oshawa, Ont. 19-3* OLIVER 66 tractor; Oliver 77 tractar. A complote line of Oliver farm equipment. Virtue's Gar- age, Tyrone. Phono 2882. 18.4* WE measure and instail Venetian Blinds. Phono Morris Ca. for estimates. We also carry a com- plote stock of window shades. À. 17-tf BEECH and maple, green cord- wood, $18.00 a cord, sawed and delivered; also fonce posts. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phono Part Perry 193-r-14. 15-tf NEW and late model automobiles insured and financed. Dealer or private sales. Inquire about this low cost plan. Roy Lunney, 48 King St. W., Phono 565. 16-6 1938 CHEVROLET sedan, pri- vately owned, good mechanical condition with radio, heater and defroster. George Alîchin, 192 .Manvers Rd. 21-1* BE READY for Spring and Sum- 1 mer with Sisman Scampers for children', boys and mon. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, 39 King St. W., Bowmanviile. 19-tf [GET yaur gasoline and ail barnels mady now for the spring work. New, steel barrels, 45-gai., 53.50 each. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phono 804. 4-tf '41 OLDSMOBILE sedan, four new tires, heater, motar rocontly overhauled, leatherette uphol- stery, roquimes some fonder work, $875 or nearest offer. Trade ac- copted. Phone 2981. '21-if LINOLEUM headquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleunis, Printed and Inlaid Linoleume Every pattern that's made is availablea t Prealo,'s. f m -- -- -- 21-1 Ew e iae a iku 0 Kng St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf tamily. ~~~dead or crippled tarm animaIs _________________ CARD 0F THANKS and pay highest prevailing pices. BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, Mms Jaes ton an failyPersonail For immediate service Telephone no rivets. In stock ready ta go; Mrs Jaes ton an failyCollcct, Toronto Adolaide 3636 ori Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry- wish ta expr-ess ta, their many $1.00 TRIAL OFFER. Twenty-five Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young sIen, Oldi.. Pontiac, Buick (drums fionds and neighbours their sin- deluxo personal rocuirements. Ltd. 2tt lathod). Bob Stocken's Garage, cere thanks and appreolation for Latest catalogue included. The BMRSATNTO 1owmanville. Phono 804. 22-tf the many acts of kindneas, mes- Medico Agency, 109 Front St. FRESATNIN _____________ sages o! sympathy and beautiful EgsatToronto, Ontario. 18-6l We have purchased a Forage ALL kincrs o! meat, gaod quality flo0r al tributes ext.nded to Harvester and Blower, this mach- woiners, bolagna, cooked hans, them in their recent sad bereave- HYCÈNIC SUPPLIES - (rubbor 1înery wîll be available for custom smoked hami and bacon, sausage ment, in the loss o! a loving bus- goods) mailed postpaîd in plain silo tfilling a! corn and hay, also and hamburger. Darlington Pack- band and tather. Especially sealed onvelope with price lust, for dry hav' and straw. Any fanm- ing Ca., Hampton, Phono 2836; thanking the Luke-Mclntosh Fun-,r Six sampies 25c. 24 samples $1.00.j or considering using this- oquip- also pickling, smoking and saus- emal Home. Rev. J. K. Maffat*. 'Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ment pleaso 50w their corn ac- ago making. During the summor Oshaw ~d ev. . A.B""'ber Co, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, cardingiv, or consuit us. F. W. 'ati-hgkligo us NewtOville. 311 -1 18-9 Werry &c Sons, Phone 2539. 2Q-3 day. and cattie at any time, 20-tf Articles For Sale M.-H. No. 33 Oil bath mÔwer, in good condition; also '39 Buick 7- passenger sedan, new tires and battery, mechanically A-I. real bargain. R. LeGresley, Newca-stle. 21-1* CONVERT your wagon wheels to rubber, complete stock of steel rims, tires and tubes now avaîl- able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, Corner King and Silver Sts., Phone 467. 16-tf QIL burners installed, complete with 1 year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as littie as $35 down and 24 months to %pay. W. Len Elliott, Plumbing, Hoatîng and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phono 348. 16-tf PLUMBING,. Heating and 011 Burners' installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates call W. Len Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phono 348. 12-tf IMMEDIATE dolivery, Faiî banks Morse space heaters. Heat your. home the safe, dlean economicali way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradloy's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf TRADE-INS - Ititchen extension table, chrome legs; corMbination radios; portable radios; Beatty floor polisher, used one month; Astral baby electric refrigerator, like new; 7.8 cu. ft. refrigerator, 2 months old, $50 reduction. Ice Boxes and Vacuum Cleaners. Murphy's, Phone 811. 21-1* WOODS' 16 cu. ft. cambination freezers; 1-2 cu. ft freezer, 600 lb. capacity plus refrigeration, $475; also freezer, only $375; milkers, portable milk coolers, Robey 91/2 ft. cultivator, $193; Fleury-Bissell spreaders, plows, wagons, fertil- izer spreaders, scufflers; Fire- stone tires, tire and tube 600x16 at $18.00; used machinery. Phone Carl Todd,,Clarke 15-20. 21-1* TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- ations to choose from. Groups include: 2-pc. Volour Chestor- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $11,9011 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms to suit. Many other suites to choose from. 2-tf. BRAD)LEY Fumniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phono 271-3-pc. bedroorn suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfits, completp, $26.95; toit base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ahl colors; 3 pc. allov er velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- tillod mattresses. $24.95; trl.light lamps, complett±, $12.95», rangettos, ranges tram $59.00; 3-pc. alloven velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.0(j; 9 x 6 Axminster carpots, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50, chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the hoime at Bradloy's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phono 271. 6-tf Livestock For Sale PUREBRED Holstein boitons, ac- credited, vaccinated. Phono 208-21 Millbrook. 20-3 DURHAM and Jersey cows, due ta freshen this woek. Sid Corn- ish 'Phone 2818. 21-1 TEN pigs, eight weeks aid; ton pigs, seven weeks aid. Phone 2377. 21-1 DURHAM Bull, 18 months, re- gistered. Cobblers and Katadins, grown from certifîed seed. Oscar McQuade, Port Perry 195-4. 21-1* AYRSHIRE cow, just freshened: 13 pigs, 2 i2 months aid; team of horses. 2-furrow riding plow, Massey-Harris; rubber-tired wvag- an; '34 Dadge with mator over- hauled. Phono 2091. 21-1 1Wanted To Buy SCRAP iran and batteries. Phono Clarke 2530. 17-tf POULTRY wantcd, highest prices paid. We cal at youn door. Phono Oshawa 3d13R. 36-tf WE-need yaur pouitry fon export. Highest cash prices paid at your door. Phono 2833. 19-4 BEFORE seiling your live poultry try us. Our prices are highen M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phono 7 r 13. reverse charges 17-tf Lost SMALL gold cross tram necklace, lost Tuesday, May l6th. Finder ploase Phono 2414. 21-1* CROW bar, 5' long lost May llth onManvers Rd. between Tyrone and Bowmanville. Leslie Thamp- son. Phono 2302 Bowmanviile. 21-l! Auction Sales Sauina Sale Exchange Friday, May 26th, ta-morrow ovening, 7:30 p.m., Baker Famms, Hampton. Fresh cows, calves, pigs, young sows, bred; young boar, impie- monts, new manure spreader, mower, scuffler, buggy, demo- crate, cedar posts,.etc. J. Baker, manager, Hampton, Phono 2180 Bawmanville. Ted Jackson, auc- tianoor. .21-1 Don't forget Durham Caunty Community Auction which is held on Thursday atternoan a! each week at the Durham County Sales Arena, Orono, where ail kinds o! 1ivcstock, fanm produce, machin- ery, fumniture, etc. is sold by auction. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. F. E. Lycett, clerk; L. Hall, sales manager; Jack Reid, auctioneor. 20-tf The undersigned has reccived instructions tram Mr. J. C. Van Allin, Lot 10, Concession 2, Clarke Twp., at Newtonvilie, ta soîl by public auction on Satunday, June 3rd, his entire household effects, modemn and antique furnitume, dishes, glasswame and some farm machinery. Furthem particuiams scec bills. Terms cash. No me- serve. Jack Reid, auctioncer; F. E. Lycett, clerk. 21-2 1 have meceived instructions f rom the executor of the estate o! the late James Stone ta seil by public auctian on Saturday, June lOtb, at his late residence, Lot 3 and 4, Concession 4, Clarke Twp. i ½' miles east o! Crooked Creek Store, ail his farm stock, impie- monts and some furniture. Fur- thon particulars soe bis. Terms cash. No eserve. Jack Reid, auc- tianoor; F. E. Lycett, ciemk. 21-3 The undersigned will scil by public auction for D. B. Farrell, Lot 6, Con. 8, Darlington Town- ship (2 miles north of Tyrone) on Saturday, June 3rd, ail his household fumniture inciuding: Findlay Oval cook stove, large size, nearly new; dining extension table with 6 chairs; beds; 4-rock- ing chairs, 2 chests of dawers; Singer sewing machine; battcry radio; several picces o! linoleum, 12' x 15' and 6' x 9'; DeLaval cream separatar, nearly now; kitchen utensils; dishes and many other articles tao numeraus ta mention. At the same time and place the farm cansistîng o! 120 acres more or lcss with a bank barn 36' x 5', and a sevcn-raom- ed frame house and about 10 acres of standing timber, same pine suitable for lumber, will ho offered day o! sale. Terms an furniture cash. Terms an pro- porty given day of sale. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Clifford Petbick, auc- tioneer. 21-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS wiil be receîved for the redecorating of Maple Grave church and church Sunday School basement, also for installing ail bumner in furnace. Work ta be done first two weelia of Juiy. Lowest or any tender flot necess- arily accepted. For further par- ticulars get in touch with Mr. R. R. Stevens or Howard R. Foiey. 21-1* TENDERS WANTED The Bowmanville Board of Education requests tenders for the following work ta be done durîng summer holidays: High Scbool: (1) Decorate two cîassrooms and principal's office. (2) New floors in iunchroom. Public Schoal: (1) New floors for three classraoms. (2) Paint floors in lunch roam and hall. (3) Instaîl shelves in storiroom. Written tenders must be in hands of Secretary by June lOth. Bowmanvillle Board of Education, Stuart R. James, Sec'y.-Treas. 21-2 Chicks For Sale BRAY Hatchery has pullets. Day- old up ta 5 weeks. Prices tram $17.90. Ask us for complote price list. Also mixed and cack- Real Estaýe Wanted WE have clients wishing to pur- chase farms, 25 acres to 200, in Darlington Township. Write Bert Peyton, Real Estato Broker, 13 Bond St. E., Oshawa, or Phone Everett L. Elliott, 2889 Bowman- ville, salosmnan. 21-4 Real Estate For Sale Poultry For Sale 300 BARRED Rock pullets, thir- teen weeks old, $1.15 each. Gor.~L' don Metcalf, R.R. 1, Nesteto>f4. 21-1* -Music Instruction POPULAR piano playing. Fast, interesting course. For demon- stration, Phone Bert Payne, Bow- maxîville 2091. 12-tf IJUILLJJÂNI U ot, 66Ax160, Situated on Church Street. AppIy 85 Duke Work W anted Street. 21-1* ________________ FAR -10 acesgoo buldigsWELLS drilled and pumped, me- good -10ard re sh. 2 mbilenspairing donc. Richard Halford, narth-east of Pontypool. Fred RR ,Cbug 02 Nimigon, Pontypool. 19-4* GE NE R AL Building Repairs, 50 ACRES on paved highwa asphalt, metal and aluminuni No.2, oodbuidins, yd: shingles, insul-brick sold and ap- coeek, losoffruit.instte r plied. Free estimates, Ed. Storry, copted. C. J. Mitchell, PBirdt, honpPar Pery 77J R.R. I. 21-1*16f NEW modemn 5-roomed bungalow, LARNOERS ou 25'x38' 6",; largo living-room, mod- Have them sharpened with o& % ern kitchien with breakfast nook. new precision machine. Immediate possession. N.H.A. fin - Cau 467 for pickup and delivery ancing. Phono 908. 211 1G.* F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP iri mowmav.ic, tJaou,,c utci bouse for sale, 55 Elgin St., poss- ession of anc side. All conven- iences. Small down payment and ental terms. E. and F. Sutton, 429 Kingston Road, Toronto 8. 18-tf NIXON REAL ESTATE $3,500-Solid brick dwelling, six roams, 2-pieco bath, hydro, goad location. 57,000-Store in village, 3 apart- monts, furnace, double garage with a pit, cemont road, flot tam tram Bowmanville. Possession arranged. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville Phone 682 HAMILTONS REAL ESTATE Recent listings in my office in- clude farms of the botter class vamying in price froni $4,500 ta $11,500. Farms of. value are in good demand since the roads have dried up, and these listings would warrant your immediate inspec- tion. I also have for sale two sinal homes in Orono priced at four thousand and fonty-two fifty. Mortgage funds are again avail- able for yaur home, improved farm or business.-~ Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ont. Phones: res. iriS - office 32r10 21-1 1'f BOWMANVXLLE REAL ESTATE $650 down-two-family lake front cottage, soven ooms, toilet on each floor, two sleeping porches, garage, bydro, completely fumn- ished, move right in. On East Beach. Balance a! $2,000 an monthly terms. 53,000-Cottage, five roomns, hy- dro, furnisbed, at Cedan Cmest Beach, laketront. Cottage-s rooms, bydro, on two largo lots, boat, at Cedar Crest Beach, furnished, lakefront. Grandview Lodge, 10 raoms, al conveniences, furnished,. largo grounds, roam for cabins, garage, on East Beach, near new High- way, lakefront. Open ta offer. $2,000 down-New I1 ", storey bun- galow, 6 rooms. Pnice $7,500. s1,000 down -Eight-room trame, house, barn, large grounds, ah convonionces, in Bowmanville. S750 down-Six-room bouse, by- dro, 1,-acre, just att new High- way, near Bowmanviile. Pnice $3,500. 11,000I dowri - Six-room bouse. hydro, 4 acres, just Ôff new High-I wav, near Bowmarwqile. Price $3,700. $10,000 - Fifteen rooms, brick. centre of Bowmanvîlle, large grounds. Revenue $115.00 montb- iy. Torms. $2,000 - Price, termi, new six- room hause. water, sewen, hydro. M~0,500-Chicken tarm, 20 acres, 6-room trame bouse, barn for! 2,000 birds, implement shed, gar- age, hoavy wining, egg room, pressure system, equipmont in- cluded, near Bowmanville. .Li LLL.sKr or baie croî_1s taoorder. Ag ents: Hugh -W. $1,200 down-Farm, 50 acres, by- NEW 1950 INTERNATIONAL Stpetn Nwonile'.dro, si x-room tramne house, biar nr, LIlO 1,ý-Ton PICK-UP TRUCK Byam, Tyrone. 2- tractor, near Tyrone. Price $3,500., Sand colour. Fresh Air hoator1 CHICK Buyers - No need ta be and extras, used three weoks as without oarly hatched piîllets this $1.800 - Price, imail fanm, 61/2 demonstrator. $200.00 off. Ne w 1Enquireon egg pnîces arc high. acres, 4-room house, no hydmo, guarantoe and iicensed. Wnre o t aur started pullots. near Enniskilien. Terms. Specal rice- $,63.00 rit orphone, Orchland Farms, Spela Pic - 1,3500 H. J. Brooks, Phono 2636, Bow- $3,000-Price. farm, 30 acres, six- 1946 IN1 NTOA manville. 14-tfi room bouse. new roof, bydro, near K5 TRUCK *BABY CHICKS - Barred Rock' __ Roconditioned and rcfinished, 159" and S.C. White Leghorns. AI, ;,000 down-Farm, 100 acres. an whoel base, l0-piy tires, beater, hatching eggs produced on aur Highway No. 2, Newtonviile, hv- etc. o wn farm. For prico list write dra, stone bouse, tive roomi, twa, Special Price - $795.00 ophone: Orchlui.d Farmn, H. J barns, silo, orchard. 12 'acres 1 Broopks, Phono 2636, Bowmanville, i hardwood. Pnice $9,000. 1949 DODGE 2!'2-Ton TRUCK Ontario. 6-tf j e____ Complote with Aincon d i t i a n DON'T buy until 3'ou send for ams businesse ct stasnetc heator, vison, 12' stake body and aur reduced prices for June. Day- a-________scotaes ec many extras, only 12,000 miles, aid, started chicks, two, throe, B neednByi Fully guaranteed, like new and tour and f ive weeks aId; non-sox- B neednByi licensed. ed, pullets, cockerels. 12 pure Bowmanville or District. Special Price - 11,785.00 breeds, 13 cross breeds. Older Bowmanville Real Estate puilets. 'rurkeys, three breedi in FARM EQU IPMENT & day-aid. twa, thmeo and four week 1 78 King St. Wpst aid: non-sexed. sped hens;. sexed:.J. She-hyn D. Maciachian AUTOMOTIVE CO. Toms .Free Catalogue. Tv.'ddio Phon' ý22f Po-"m':le Phone Bowmanvilie 689 Chie k -atcheries Limited, Fer5 :-. Phone 689 Oshawa» 21-1 Ontario. 21.2 31-1 Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in disoases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2. 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf For eleven dollars CARE guar- antees dolivery of a food package ta any individual or group in Europe or Asia. Each food pack- age is designed to supplement ra- tions of a family of four for a month, and provides the highest possible calorie content. DUCIK UNAE powerod by Master Buick wil bc sold very reasonably W. G. Bowles rNESTLETON Phono: Port Porry 192-r-il Cet This Scientific GLARE PROTECTION! AO POLARUM~ DAY GLASSES Unlike ordinary sun glasses, they scientifically filter out blurring, blinding rays of light reflecteri from road, beach or wnter. Make mataring saler, outdoar sports pleasanter . . . prevent glare- strain. Let us demonstrate. For wearers of eyeglasses, AO Polaroid lenses may be gyoupcl te prescription. .4 choice of smart styles 1; 't a Protect your eyes fro. miner irritation$ due se Lduit. wind and strang light. BDte heim'watt, Byclo. Get s osda . 50Oc jury and Loveli 'Phoile '778 Bewmanville B RIN G Y MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 REÂDERS 6ý 1 ----------------------- .1 1 f E dsamh nkum3r mqm-mmm ,> 1 -.9w TMMDAV, MAY 23th, IOU PACM TIM 'Il- THE CANADIAN STATESMN 30'WMANVnM ONTARIO y 0 u R

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