PA= U WWYUw 6 - LkMJ -»PEV7wf they feel about the Premier. But TZCND NBAZM ,BW AM ,0ÇA«) Premier Prost S. îieable their admiration for hlm la nover- thelesa strong enough to blunt their attacks. l e i Da ger us t Op osiionThe contrast between Mr. Front ___________and his predecessor, Mr. George (By John F. Robinson ini The Hamilton Spectator) Drew, la marked. Opposition attacks dunIng the The Most dangerous Conserva- tecth of an Opposition attack be- sessions when Mr. Drew was in tive Ontario has seen In almost cause they hold hîm in the highcat contrai wert i nany cases liter. 100 years. That la the opinion possible personal regard is a aily virulent. The Opposition not t held by a leader in one af tic Op. dangerous nman. He is dangerous only opposed govcrnment policy position parties in thec Ontario because through his own persan- but they càuplcd with it a keen Leglalature. The man he is re- ality he saps the strength of any dellght in 4"needling" Mr. Drew ta ferring ta is Premier Leslie Frost. attack made on bis party. a point where sometimes he stalk- Just why does he consider Pre- What happcned in the Ontario cd out of the chamber. fluer Frost a dangerous man? Legislature in the sessions which During the sessions a number It la flot because Premier Frost cnded early in April offers an ex- af Labour delegations cal on the .....-'f lusts for greater powr-he Le just cellent illustration of this thesis. Premier, whoever he may be, in flot that type. It Is flot even be- Now that is ail very nice but it order ta present bricfs,'to register cause the Premier is a man af certainly removed much af the protests, or ta seek sanie changes great ability, although few wilî sting froni Opposition criticism. in Labour legislation. deny that his talents are consid- In addition, Mr. Frost appears When Mr. Drew prcsided at.........~' erable. ta be held in such high regard that these meetings Labour was apt ta No, this observeç~ (and In any there is a very real danger (dan- be demanding, ta lose its temper,. onc's book he is among the five ger for the Liberals) that right- and finally ta quit the Premier's or six most able men in the Legis- wing Liberais wiil give way ta office, leaving behind Uic impres- lature),) feels that Premier Frost their liking for Mr. Frost and be sion that the dividing lime between...........~ is dangerous because af one par- drawn dloser and dloser ta the Government and Labour was ticular attribute-to know, him, Progressive Conservative Party. sharper than cver. even ta meet hini, Is ta like bum, The variaus Opposition parties And let it be stressed rigbt here yes, ta admire hlm. did, of course, attack the govern- that this is flot meant as a criti- This almost uncanny ability ta ment and its policies on every cism af Mr. Drew. He neyer lost arouse thc trust even of rabid foi- passible front. But almost with- bis temper, lie listened politeiy, lowers af other parties is the rca- out exception they prefgced their even affàbly, ta wbat Labour bad son Mr. Frost bas been labelled assaults with assurances that tbey to say, and when lie icît it poss- dangerous. heid Mr. Frost in the highest pas- ible hie gave li ta their demands. He is dangerous ta other partiesI sible regard, that nathing they Premir.Frot.sec .hos .a. because even the most radical- said shauld be construcd as pers- delegati'ons. The demanda are minded, willy nllly, admit that anally applyine ta the Premier, much the samie, the protests are althougb they arc strangly ap- that Mr. Frost xvas able, honest, fltvrnismlrir rs i hs w eso iytis n hi aet r mn posed ta Government policies Pre- sirr'_rc, etc., etc., etc. ntvr ismlr r rs sTeetost ftn wn n hi aet r rogt muer Frost la trustworthy. la doing There is fia such danger as far just as polite, just as affable as result of the Manitoba floods. Shown are Mr. and Mrs. Willia bis best within the bounds af as the C.C.F. Party is concerned, was Mr. lftorg)BrbaadRihd,2mnhead a n the Progressive Conservative pal- for their beliefs are too mucb ta But sanie indefinable quality he Caan ie adrîghtputtarbaan ichar bd 22 montha, sand oa a icy. the leit for theni to be drawn ~passesses then begins ta operate. aoa a utpttebbest c hl e ubn a Any man who can draw" the far ta the rght, fia matter what The delegation leaves, aiten flood burst through and engulfed their lîttle bungalow. For _____________________________________ t without baving obtained anythin£! like 85,000 other Manitobans, must look to, the Manitoba Flood -it demanded. Bût they leave on organized in Winnipeg. friendly ternis with Mr. Frost, al- AM# -Ave«thougb just as strongiy oppased as ever ta Government palicy ti sa in overalîs and sweater, a ker- 0 K ~I U W s far as it applies ta certain sections rUIIJ.IVUUJ chief for a bat, sa ao A I O tA trldonffi pahyloigcr graup of unempioyed peopie Ncxt cames a blue eyed gai, demndig cshrelef urherill Concdene i oe siceof if wh's non t usasMyrt, wbo IR A D 0 ustrdemandnghei ef aretry ng that neyer loses its savour. A doesn't like ta bend to aro SIR VIe-CIE wr trnd ow o teChapman rmldi ee na W lohv ..fmewt responsibiiity, that On ta rio, Toronto, as well as bis cousinessp the E ino.s uhnrpa through isepninporme wifean two daughters. One o Then, of course, we mustn't could do littie mare.0 the daughters (Betty) 15 slim, tal, miss the onc that's known as Wben they left they were, ta blond and a school mari. Giadys, wha's big and strong, reai pu the moriylet ith uteir igh Betty and my spouse fell ta well built, can wrestle ail the the ajoitylef wit thir ighchatting, wheri it deveioped that laddies. opinion ai Mr. Frost, personally, Betty had taught school with an- We nearly missed the string 24 10UI RVICElittie impaired. ather teacher, namned Muriel bean one, the girl wc qaîl Louise, Ycs, as far as the Opposition Sparks. Who shouid Muriel Sparks who aiways wears a skiing suit Phono: a 561 - igh 561 - 707 - 922 groups are cancerned, Mr. Frost turn eut ta be, but a second cau- ta caver up bier knees. 15 a dangerous man. sin to my wîfe. The Roberts 0f course, we have aur Ada, SIX MODERN CARS .* Premier Frost's ability ta make famiy are ail nice. Hope they the anc and anly spinster, who ALL PASSENGERS INSURED friends, ta rouse admiration and visit us again sanie time. Espec- hopes sainie day ta say: "I do" ....PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE respect, bas neyer beeri better iaîîy Mrs. Roberts, who is a quiet, before the local minister. illustratcd than by tbe Dominion- demure type of lady, wbo neyer Did wc mention Helen Boyd, id hyLaha BProvincial conicrences. For sanie uses anc word where twenty from up the Ganaraska, who Operaed yLa ngue Bros. ycars Ontario bas appeared dead- wiii do. figures she will sainie day wed, if ---- lockcd witb Ottawa in efforts ta We bave aiten wandcred wby a boy will anly ask bier? reach an aver-ail agreement. Yct people groancd sa loudly wheri Then, there is another gai, witbin a fcw days ai Mr. Frost's their clectricity was cut off. Now whosc Christian namne is Alice, Iappearance at thc discussion an we know! The kids presented wbo always pianted just right, in air ai "sweet reasanablenes" per- their mother witb an eetric tea fact, was neyer carcless. vadcd the delegates and note- kettie recently. Wben full, it bouls Up ironi Manvers Station, came W ar Surplus and warthy pragreas was bcing made. in 8 mintes, but far a cauele ai a girl named Josephirie, wbosc This ability ta pour ail on troub- cups ai tea it wiil boil in ta 4 nimble f ingers pianted trees as led waters, ta sit down wlth an minutes. It takes longer than that good as a machine. appanent and in a spirit ai give- ta light waod fire. In.iact, frani Thc wit ai ail the party, was e and-take work out the moat the time a persans starts ta fix a Fac or C ear nc S ortraubiesame diii iculties, goes far waod fir, untl thectea is made, Thc Premier cannot speak on could be dead and flot need the 24 DIVISION ST. BOIVMAN VILLE the rdio ibth ocîta a brew. THE PLCE TOBUY AN SAVEtha.Mre. Froawththelfceks. t claps.B httu esn5 r.Drewe far he Is not a palished Spcaking ai tbings electricai, speaker, and ccrtainly he bas nat wby wauldn't anc ai thase elcc- '!eia Mr. Drcw's abiiity ta risc an the trie rigs that cattie drovers us, floor of the Legisiature and dcc- be a goad thing ta jazz the bircd tiy bis listeners with a flghting bl paon ee n a Mdres. wouid wge them uain, wbhe en S PRING CLEARANCE 0F PAINT Mdr. Drew could risc, and otten would waet theni Upn, the en ALL COLOURS - ONLY did, ta deliver an address that tbird wauid make tbcm act as would snap evcry nienber of tbe tbaugh thcy wcrc jet propellcd. Gais $2.5 - is. 5c Huseita atenton. hen e regret ta repart Lamne Hud- Eloue 'ntatdntathenth n bcing in a Peterborough Hos- Cals $295 is.85Csada o erst nmctaprlath und pital. We understand a rupturcd derof ovrnmntappovl adappendix caused the trip. We ta strieken cries ai the Oppositian. can onîy hope it won't be long LOW PRICES ON MEN'S AND BOYS' riscs wben the Oppositian la in full be .back home. cry, delivers a rambling address In Orono the other day Otto Work Pants - Shiris - Socks in' placating, fricndly ternis, and Coathani and bis dog were i h sits down with bis supporters ap- cab ai the forîer's truck. Mr. plauding anid with the Opposition Coathani startcd ta back up irai Shoes - Jackeis at ieast partialîy placated. the curb, whcreupon the smiart Yet Mr. Frost can lose bis tern- doggic turned to watcb. Then as AND ANY THERARTILESper. He loat it at lcast once dur- Mr. Coathani drove abead the ANDMAN OTER RTILESing the last session and launchd pooch facd the front, with a vry into a bitter attack an the C.C.F. smug air. r] i general anid C. H. Millard, Yrk Once a year we like ta public- iy thank aur trce pianting gang. Our hircd belp this year were the S P R S A NS H1 P 1 N C A A A N L1 M1 TE Dbeat wc've bad since taking aver here. Tbey were wiling, happy, awoy ...* Otrmln.d I.testI 9 w -' ý thecflrstftotry the the tue ce a Rmre firh.W tuna as a gome flsh1 ' ý&t% Neor the flihlng ble« tfiey And teamwork Mit droppeduon *Ight-inch hornemode book ond 30 fothoms of cedlile. Suddwly a tune sruck . . tNolr dory shof through the fleet. AngryO0laher&n wtdudthcrn swonp o smail bout thon siashed tholr lino. But PoUlIe wor undeunt.d. Lafer ln 1871 hoe tiefd Ogoin .. . end londedua gleornng, 600-pound blue. fin. Tu"o Urhn kfor spod hod b... hem. sPorfsmanship helps yod,; fao. Togethcr tfiey keep your op- portunifies for work and PlaY in Canada é..unlimited. F"413qq ACE REFRIGERATION Sales and Service Expert Service* and Genuine Parts for Commercial and Domestie Refnigerators. Apariment Houses Walk-in-box ;he thousands f hameless as a.Rs uat ipa ae am Casovan af Point Douglas Freezers Milk Coolers ,nd Jane, seven months. Mrs.FRE STM E O NWEQI ET )oured on the dikes, when the F E S I A E N N W E II M N rehabilitation the Casovans,' ALLAN THACKERAY, Propriefor 1Re lie4Fund, which lias been.7 iceS.NOhw Phone Store 3224W House 1189B the anc that we called -Shirley, the nc ta beat her at that gae, wauid bave ta get up early. We haven't mertined any of the crowd ai planter baya, just told you ai our planter femmes, who filaur hearts with joy. R. G. Severn's Dakery There aso was arother girl, wbosc name is Mavis Clapper, who says she doesn't go out muc,H gh Cas B k r an Co f c on s or act like other flappers. ihCasBkran Cofcoes There is a girl, wbose cheerful Fresh Homne-made Bread made and delivered each grîn opens hearts just like a door key, she is the favounite ai us anl, day with Fresh Buns and Doughnuts aithough wc cali ber Porky. Wilma la another nc wo cames ta wark each day, whase easspcli n laugter oud can sure be heardWe as sp ia ze n a mile or more away. WEDDING AND BIRTHDTAV CAKES Last of al cames Helen Fite, L J .L' L wha walks as tbough knock- nced, the boys ail foiiow ber, by gosh, frai Pontypool ta Tweed. Cali and we wvil1 advisc you and serve you to Of course, we bad sanie ather bclp, but they were anîy maies, the best af our ability. they worked the tractera, shoveis, piows, but neyer pianting pails. They worked real smart whcn I llYê fliver Oflrders. was 'round, they worked behind W~~ A V A ~ U A my back. In fact, they wcre a dandy crowd, a buncb ai cracken- jacks. PHONE 654 Yau ail were good and so we hope your coffce aiways perks, 0 please came back again riext ycar, you happy bunch of Jerks. long ago, and I'm not gaing te When I was young, the preacher return It. used tÔ look me sternly ini the Take a tip boys, b. carful what eye and tel me my sins would you write on those picture carda surely find me out. Now, I'm you send ta the girls. Was my beginning ta believe he was right. face red when my wife drew at- A letter arrived todav, contain. tention ta what I'd written Bo Ing two _nictures of me taker. long a go, and alter me having while in France with the Canad- her kidded that she (my wlie) laxi Arniy, 35 years ago. On the was the only girl I'd ever loved. back of one was written "«sincere- Her look told me plainer thau yyOurs, Eddie," qe h ohr words that 1 was a tinst clam liar. "wîth love, Eddie,' Mrs. Ernie If any more of my aid sweet- Hall, Toronto, sent them, sa that hearts follow Edna's lead, lIlI mny grandchildren could sec what have ta start dodging bucxaiiot a handsomne brute their grandsire wheni Butch chases me fromn her was, when a soldier. Mrs. Hafl, door. In aý covering letter, wrote that, Have you ever tastd wood- she had attended a reunion of the chuck? Our Bob had nome lait "Servo" girls' class, when another summer, at Wooller, Ont. He guest showed some clippings of said they shot the animais and The Statesman. Who'd athunk the Johnny's mather used onlY the Statesman would bring echoes out hind legs. They were fried in of the past like that. What Mrs. bread crumbs, etc. Bob dlaims Hall do'esn't know is that, I've they were deliclous. Just like ) #w J'uwC»un eoeoeeoeEn DODGE DE LUXE a DODGE SPECIAL DE LUXE DODO.SPICAL DzwuLI"=01 BaNM 16E Dowmanville KING ST. E. Sales BOWMANVILLE PHON! SR~ I Mlotor 4 TRUMAT, ýUT IM, loue il ti ia M bc r d - ma - . - . - -- . -- - . - - -- - - -- - - -- - --- . à PL- si 11 Sales ENG ST. F. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 595 p