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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1950, p. 18

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PAGE EIGHTEE!q TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA!qVILLE, ONTARIO THUESDAY. MAY tSth. 1950 Hello Homemakers! qVhen a girl asks hon mother te cal ber early in the rnorning, it's because there are many things to be done and an eanly stant is in order. May is the month of canly ising with many social functions on the calendar. The June bride's show- ers are being arranged. Womon's clubs end tbe year's meetingr on a gala note. Graduation parties are eagcnly anticipated. Since parties may be breakfast parties. noon luncheons, afternoon teas, banquets on buffet suppers, we shauld discuss the basic rules for successfui menus. 1. Avoid foods that spoil on stand- *ng. Such foods are wafflcs. r souffles, French fried potatoes, baked potatoes. 2. Avoid foods with texture or flavour that people may dislike. Such foods are raw oysters, sliced tongue, green onions or casserole of highly spiced foods. 3. Avoid colouning foods with ha.rsh blue, green or purpie tints. 4. Avoid planning foods that wil] ail have to be cooked, either in an oven or on top of the range. 5. Avoid !oods that will be diffi- cuit to serve in uniform and at- tractive sizes or pieces, such as Swiss steaks, or rolled beef rounds. 6. Avoid mnonotony in colour, William Lycett Says \'ou should arrange for your LiA Insurance at the canliest passible date, so that il can be procured on the mosl advantageous torms. ~VN.L. LACETT LET'S TALK THIS O' Bowmanville. Ont. ýVER Phone 2382j EVYE LEIGCH'S Cleaners & Dyers - Laundries PHONE. OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR shape, size, texture and flav- eur. SUGGEST19NS FinI Course Cahd Fruit Juice Seasoned Tomate Juice Cranberry Cocketail Fruit Cup .Fish Cocktail Main Course Chicken Salad Mock Chlcaen Roast Chicken Legs or Turkey Meat Loaf Baked Ham Assorted Cold Roast Pork Cuts Salmon Loaf Vegetables (fresh or frozen or canned) Asparagus Turnips Macedone String Beanis Vegetables Peas and Carrots Corn Niblets Potatoes Squash Salads Moulded Salads Shredded Greens Cooked Vegetables Accompaniments Sweet Pickles Olives-Stuffed Spiced Fruits or Ripe Celery or Devilled Eggs Turnnp strips Relis Carrot Curîs Tea Biscuits Radish Roses Rye, White and Cheese Bites Brawn Bread Desserts Ice Cneam Jellied Fruits Water Ice Layer Cake Fresh Fruit Assorted Cakes TarIs Meringues Fruit Shortcake Extras Candies Toasted Pumpkin Candied Orange Seeds Peel Sugared Fruits Salted Nuts LUNCH FOR SHOWER PARTY Sandx0;ich Loaf Fruit'Punch Pickled Pink Crabapples, Gherk- mns, Cross. Iced Angel Cake and Sugared Strdwberries. Tea. BREAKFAST PARTY Welsh Rarebit on Broiled Toast, Potato Chips, Sliced Tomatoes, Orange Slices and Coffee Cake. Coffee or Hot Chocolate. CLUB BANQUET Grape Juice Ham Loaf Mashed Potatoos. Buttered Shred- ded CannoIs, Butterod Seed Rolîs. Relish Tray <Sweet Pickles, Ccl- ery Sticks. Dilîs), Peach Pie and Cheese. Coffee. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. J. C. asks for the fallow- ing recipe: PUNCH FOR 50 Make a syrup by boiling for 10 minutes: 11/4 cups water 21,2 cups sugan Reserve ','2 cupful a! this. Add ta the remainden, stir, caver and permit to stand for 30 minutes or more: 1 cup lemon juice 2 cups orange juice 1 cup strong tea 2 cups grapefruit juice. pin.- apple juice or crushed pine- applo 2 cups fruit syrup, raspberry 1 cup maraschina cherries1 with juice..1 Strain these ingredients. Addi ice water to make about 2 gallons1 af liquid an add ice waler te make1 1 'ý gallons of liquid and add aI the last minute:1 1 quart charged water i If you find the punch lacking in1 sugar. add part or al af the ne- sorved sugar syrup. HAM LOAF FOR 50 Combine: 12 beaten oggs 6 cups milk 12 cups cooked ground ham 6 cups condcnsed tomate, sou pt 3 cups minced celery or grat-t cd carnets 3 cups soft bread crumbs 6 tablespoons chapped pars- loey 1 cup grated onian Il2' tsps. dried savary (option-v Place these ingredients ini but- tercd pans. Bake the loaf in a moderato electric aven, 350 de- grecs, for about anc bour. Anne Allan invites you tp write to her c/o The Canadian States- man. Send in your suggestions on homomaking problems and watch this column for replies. w,146US TO THBALApJCïDBLEID a You, too, wiII sing with praise when you try the MILD balanced blend * the cigarette that neyer tires your taste. Accept our invitation .-; ; ry a week with Winchester ; ; . you'II want 10 stay with them for keeps. Wi nchester cIG 0ARaaE 3 TOP TOBACCOS - yV/iD/i/ i F -RtIV utitth B44wC40 TO GIVE YOU SMOKING SATISFACTION 'Newlyweds to Live ini Orono MR. AND MRS. EDWARD HAROLD COATHAM whose marriage was solemnized recently at Orono. Formerly Miss Grace Marie Mercer, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mercer, of Kendal, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Halsted Coatham, of Orono. Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette Spring Budding Forth In Al lIs Glory in less than a wcek the buds which have becn grawinLy unnot- iceably aIl wintor have bursl forth inta beaves and seed pads. One day the buds showed a smalh fninge of green. Two an thrce days later cvcry troc bad pro- duced Aiiniature replicas of the beaves which will caver the un- clad branches of the ohms and willows. The clusters of three, fîve and sevon lbaves which radiate from a stem in the horse chestnul will be almost cxacthy the same when the warm and humid wcather stretches tbom from their present twa and thnoe inchos ta well aven a foot. Early faîl is the deadest part of the year for the fohiage o! shrubs and trees. The heat of late summor takes the sap from the plant, and the beaves begin ta die marc than a month beforo the frosl snaps them off. As soan as the scars are bealcd aven after the. baves drap, the roats af the trocs begin thein work of replen- ishing the moisture content of the troc. Buds begin forming even be- fore the leaves of the proviaus summer drap. And these sweh1 slowiy from pinheads ta the long fat buds of oarly spning. The troc, which is drained by tbe quick period o! growth in the spring, starts in the faîl ta gather the maisture which will produce the leaves and flowers of the new year vory quickly when warm weathers appears. In spring before the trocs be- gin ta came out in leaf the troc is stnained ta the breakin2 point with sap. It is during this lime that the sugar maple is tappod. A maple tapod during mid-summer wauld yield very hiltie hiouid. Nature is a serios of pracosses of building up and tcaring down. But the troc is not dead in winter non is it fully ahive in summer. The pcak af activity is reached in late spring, when the superabund- ance of sap develops the buds at a startling rate. From that point on the leaves grow ta maturity and gradually stant drying ouI and dying until thcy flu off at the first frost. The low ebb of plant life is reached in early faîl, and the poak in late spring. The in-betweon Insure Your Part Too IF VOUR home burns, afler thc mortgage note is pald wiii there be sufficient meney froni the insurance te re- imbunse yen fer the value et .yeur equity? Wouidn't yen b. relievecl* te know that your insurane is adequate to protect yen, INSURE NOW wih- StuartI R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681 Res. 4931 King Street, Bowmanville *period is one of slow increase or decrease. THOSE OLD HYMNS I love those simple, dean old hymns, our parents used to sing, While softened twilights settled round that happy family ring, 1The tender, quiet imes when we -would aIl be gathered there, And join our youthful voices in each melodious air. AIl listening to the serious yoice of Father as he read About the things that we should learn-at least that's what ho said. And many a useful lesson there in childhood days we leanned, That helped us ail in later life in some success we earned. At last when goodnighi kisses came and childish prayers were said, And Mother's blessing nested on each little curly head.« When we were told to go to sleep and not talk any more. Then we would lie and listen through the partly-opened door: "Arn I a Soldier of the Cross?"-I almost hear it yet:. "Show Pity, Lord, Dear Lord", my memory cannot yet forgot. Thoso dean aId hymns they ioved s0 well and sang so long ago, Have not the place in family life like that we used to know. Though on their distant graves the stars shine softly as I write, The songs they loved and sang sweep through my inmost heart tonight. And soon, I know, xv'l join them there beyond this v'ale of pain, And we shall then, united, sing those dean old hvmns again. Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notany Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanvilo, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Public King $t. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residonce, 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barnister, Solicitor, Notary 9 '2 King Street E., Bowmanvillo, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House, 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrîster, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto Office, Jury Jubilee Bldg. King St., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesda'y. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Dovitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudoîl 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 ]REAL ESTATE BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members of the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Bownianviile 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Aceountants 3" King St. E.. Oýhawa Mnr. Cordýon V.'. Richil, CA%, resident partner i, Adverisirg is yaur servant. It heips make the niost of your shopping time and ta gel the mast for vour dollar. YOIR EYES and //3 Vision t Rewnîtten f ,,fram previaus copyrights of C. H. TUCK Optometrist Disney Bldg. <Opp. P.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 107 Tt should net ho necossary ton a growing, developing chiid ta se overwoight this effort as te bo putting more effort int the developing o! bis mind than a full grown aduit would oxpend! upon his day's'wark. Don't on- tineiy biame the child. The method usod may nat ap- ply ta that panticular child. The reasan this is truc is obviaus if you compare the work in the schioal for the blind with the work of other students. These #tudents with no sight compote succssîî]x~wit.h tha.se v:.ho see in acadeîn - ld rnui<. etc. i (Copyrighted) happy Traik- Ella Fltzgerald 24641 There's Sonieone at the Door Buddy Johnson If I Ever Flnd Yen Baby 24642 Drinklng Wine Lionel Hampton What's Happening Baby 24643 l'Il Run My Business Louis Jordan Chlcken Ain't Nothin' but a Bird - AND MANY OTHERS - Special, May 25 - 26 - 27 OnIy 3 for99Ç The Radio Shop 38 King St. E. Phone 573 Ï4 -2L'--.-- - - 1 1 NE WTON ILLE Mr. and Mns. Walter Ormiton and famihy, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. Howard Ormiston. Mr. Chas. Morris who returned fromn Port Hope Hospital last week is sîll critlcally ill. Mn. Ellie Bassoît, Tononto, wif e af the late Ja. Bassett, was bur- ied in oun cemetony on Saturday aftornoon. About farty of the rel- atives and friends accompanied the -body. They were served lunch at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens before returning to the city. On Sunday Mrs. John Anderson was visited by ail her daughters and their familios, viz.: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robertson, Peter- borough;' Mrs. Robert Bowman, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Ruluf Be- bee, Canton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley, Oshawa. Mrs. Mabel Langstaff has ac- cepted a position as companion for a lady in Port Hope. Last Tuesday several from hore accepted the invitation extended by the Bell Telephone Co. to in- spect their head office at Port Hope. There was a guide for every department who explainod as you wcnt along. About two hundred and f ifty went thr6ugh that same evening. Rev. H. A. and Mrs. Hunt, Mn. Bert Bunt and Mrs. John Ander- son attended a farcwell party at Canton on Saturday night for Mn. and Mrs. Ted Currellcy. who are retiring and moving into Port Hope. Mr. pand Mns. Ken Ware and daughtcr Pat spent the week-end with Mrs. Geo. aivens. Last week Mrs. Ovens was again unfortun- ate in being in another accident, this timo at home. Sho was stand- ing beside a farm yard gate, sup- posing the gate to be fastcned, talking to her brofher, Mr. Wm. Burlcy, Port Hope, when along came some of the cattle, shoving the gate open and throwing Mrs. Ovens ta the ground. We under- stand she was quite badly shak- en up and suffered a sprained ankie.1 Mr. and Mrs. Noel Brooke and babe, Montreal; Miss Carol Brooks and friend, Toronto, spent the weckend at the Robb cottage. Mrs. Roy McKay and son Jim, Bronte, with Mr. and Mrs. Clin- ton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Huggins and fam- ily, Cold Springs, have moved into the rooms vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley. Mrs. Wm. Whittaker bas gone to Toronto to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pe- ter B*radley. Mr. and Mrs. Russell MacNeil, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Rpy Burley, Courtice; Mn. and Mrs. Percy Farrow, Sbiloh, with Mr. and Mns. Willis Farrow. Mr. and Mns. F. E. Litteîl, In- gersoil, are visiting Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt 8 the parsonage. Miss Lilhian King, Starkville, is the new clerk in Mr. Barton's store. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Welsb, Don- ald, Keith and Betty, Harmony: Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and Mary, Maple Grovo; Mn. and Mrs. Sam Buttery and Marion, Bowi- manvillo; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lan- caster and Dorella and Miss Kay Riches wore Sunday guests of Mrs. John Lancaster. Mn. and Mrs. Earl McEwen and son, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley. Miss Myrna Turk, Bowmnan- ville, spent Sunday with Miss Bonnie Barton. Sunday, May 21 was a red-lot- ton day in aur village. The woa- then was perfect. Ncanly every home had company. We started out in the morning with a good attendance at Sunday Scbool. Then in the eveninIZ the W. A. had their anniversary service with Rev. S. R. Henderson, Bowman- ville, as gucst speaker, and the choir from Runneymede Church, Toronto, funnishing the music. The church was filled haîf an hour before the time of service. After that they fillcd the aisios and corners. Rev. Hendorson took as bis toxt the words "Corne unto me and I wili give you rest- rest for the asking". Not the kind of rest we experience when quitting daily toil-but peace of mi. Rex'. Henderson opened Is; remk -byquti - t N-f4s PAGE EIGHTEEX . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIUX. ONTARIO --- Rec'ord Special May 25,-26-a 27thOnly 3 for 99e 24286 l'Il Make Up for Everything Iiik Spots It's Ail Over But the Crying 24295 Galway Bay - My Gfri's an Irish Girl Bing Crosby 24309 One Ralndrop Doesn't Make a Shower Bob Carrol Pianissimo 24327 The Best Things ln Life Are Free Ink Spots 1 Woke Up Wlth a Teardrop 24328 Just Imagine - Lucky ln Love »Ionica, Lewis 24331 Ok'l Baby Dok'1 Hoagy Carmichaei For Every Man There's a Woman 24332 I've Got a Feeling I'm Failing Elia Fitzgerald My Baby Lîkes to Be-Bop 24336 The Heiy City - The Pauma Jesse Crawford 24337 The Hoiy City, Part 1 - Part Hl Fred Warlng 24338 Sabre Dance Victor Young For Whom the Bell Tolls 24362 Saturday Nlght ln Central Park Guy Lombardo Haunted Heart 24375 Matince Russ Morgan Il's Ail Over But the Crylng 24379 Moonlight on a White Picket Fence Bing Crosby Haunted Heart 24380 Toolie Oolic Doolie Andrews Sisters 1 Hale to Lose Yen 24387 l'on Turned the Tables on M.ý Elia Fitzgerald How High the Moon 24403 Dark Eyes - Maybe You'll Be There Gordon Jenkeins 24401 W. Just Couldn't Say Goodbye Andrew Sisters Bride and Groom Polka 24414 Summer Moon - Beyond the Ses Carmen Cavailaro 24427 Sabre Dance - Heartbreaker Andrew Sisters 24436 Please Don't Kiss Me Mary Osborne Funny What a Dîme Can Do 24438 Just a Shade on the Bine Side Larry Clinton- On the Little Village Green 24439 Yenu Can't Be Truc Dear - Nature Boy Dlck Haymes 24441 I Couldn't Cail My Baby Milîs Brothers Baby Don'l Be Mad at Me 24445 Molly Malone - Luilaby for Dena Danny Kaye 24447 Wliere the Apple Blossonis Fail Monlea, Lewis' If I Live tb be a Hundred 24450 Hearthquake Boogle Mult lerth Tweiflh Street Rag 24455 The Sad Cowboy - Bubbie-ioo Hoagy Carmichael 24460 Maria from Bahia - Take Il Away E. Madriguera 24468 Carinhoso - Rhumba Maria C. Cavaliaro 24469 Nothing But Yen. Judy Garland I Wish I Were ln Love Again 24472 l'Il Neyer Be Without a Dream Milli& Brothers Two Blocks Down Turn te the Left 24477 Parade of the Wooden Soldiers Ethel Smith By the Waters of the Minnitonka 24478 On the Painted Descrt - For Yen Gordon Jenkins 24479 The Matador -Cuanla la Gusta Carmen Miranda 24483 Don't Burn lb. Candie at Both Ends Louis Jordan We Can'l Agree 24490 l'on Cail Everybody Darlinir Andrew S1.1ers Underneath th ,e Arches 24495 Berserk Boogle Lucky Millender Farewell Deacon Jones. 24507 You Were Oniy Fooling Ink Spots Say Somelhing Sweet 24514 Little Bird Told Me Evelyn Knlght Brush These Tears From Your Èyes 24519 My Darllng, My Darling Peter Llnd Hayes Dainly Brenda Lee 24521 Se Tired I Hear Musie Rusa Morgan 24530 Powder Your Face Wlth Eunshine Evelyn Knlght On. Sunday Afternoon 24536 Bealin', Bangin' and Scratchin' Danny Kaye Amelia Cordelia McHugh 24539 Up, Up, Up - Wedding of the Winds Lawrence Weik 24543 You Had Belter Change Your Ways Buddy Johnson I Don't Care Who Knows 24548 More Beer Andrew Sister, Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella 24550 I've Gel My Love to Keep Me Warns Miii. Brother, I Love Yen So Much Il Hurts 24551 Weep No More Bllie Holiday Girls IVere Made te Take Car.e o Boys 24556 Tree With Red Leaves Monica Lewis Don't Hang Around 24557 La Esîrillita - Dark Eyes <Trumpet) Ralph Mendez 24558 My Silent Love - Where lu the On. Dick Haymes 24559 Why Can'l Yen Behave Sc In Love Bing Crosby 24562 I Couldn't Slay Away Freon Ye Ella Fitzgerald Semeone Like Yo% 24564 Pal-iing Around With Yen Ted Lewis Litle Oid Church ln the Valley 24566 No Orchids for My Lady - Bewillered Ink Spots 24567 Rosewood Spinet Dlck Haymes While the Angelus Was Ringlur 24569 l'eu, l'eu, Yeu Are the One Rnis Morgan Forever and Ever 24578 Because Yen Love Mr, Stardusters I Don't Sec Me ln Yonr Eyes Anymore 24588 Teddy Bears Plcnlc - Fiddie Faddle Ethel Smith TRU ODAT, MAT 25th, 1050 eewý#ý

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