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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1950, p. 8

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*1~ ~3UI Banquet and 1 The ,annuàl banquet of Tinity ,iy.tong, eople's Union on Mon- U Ly eVening bn.ught to a close one îi:lf fthe Most successful seamons in fuis group'à history. The banquet - ,Ieatuned -Mr. C. Jolliff c, Oshawa .'who apoke on "The Culture oÏ e4he World Today"'. SDuring thic sumpfuous meal, C p aredi by a comimittcc headeti Miss Betty Sisson, anti senveti byr several membens of fixe C.G.I. T., Mr. Alex Dobos, Oshawa, en- tertaineti wifh violin selections a,>- wth Mn. Jack Topham, also of I Oshawa, accompanying hum at the piano Hig excellent renditions ,brought mucix applause from fixe 0. large numben of members anti 4 guests present. "-Altcn fixe Iast of the cake anti ?Ice cream disappeareti, M.C. Jim Nokes calleti upon -Ross Metcaif fo ~leati in a sing-song. 'Wifh Mn. R. SG. Harle aftixhe piano, Ross launcix iýnto a .haIf-hour of leading the r oup ihn ather dubious iarmony Santi kept cveryone convulseti witix hils antics anti quips as lie wenf along.. ~,Mn. AI. Withenspoon, of fixe B. "H:S. staff, introducedth ie speaker, Santi told of his meeting Mr. Joli- ilUe*at scixool before fixe war anti ofthein fnîentiship since. oa "Infixe past", began fixe speak- Ser, "culture was govenneti by fixe hoiiie, fixe scixool, andthie church. THlURSAT! MAY 25th, 1900' TEZ ~ANAMAN WrATEUMMr. 3OWMA2IY1IL~ ONTAIXO Max Seau. Eulertaimmeld wa udged ,on ree Cu"U" M woral qualitth estiietie quality and the regard to which the members of thxe society held the individual rights of otix- en$s. Today, he maintained, people are losing the ability to Judge thxe beauty of great works of art. Their thinking la being shaped by mo- vies, magazines, advertising, radio, instead of by the home and thxe churcix. The outlook now is "Is it good business?" A thing is per- fect in modern time If if pays divi- dends. In fihe schools, fihe trend is to- wards technical training. In re- creation. the nation is becomingg one of people chasing after syn- thetic entertainment. The home is no longer the centre if was thirty to forty years ago-it is now becoring merely a housing unit. The world today produces little art or music of great quality because the people are too busy. to bother paying attention. Mr. Jolliffe was thanked by Miss Jean Cunningham. Mr. Bll Werry brought greetings from Oshawa Presbytery. - Mr. Ken Symons, President of the Bay of Quinte Conference, brought greet- ings from Conference Executive. Mrs. S. R. James expressed the appreciation of the guests. L BetterwailuttTf LOn Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and Sauces - butter makes. ail the differenco in goodness Wherever it is oued. So buy more, butter now - nt the new Iow pricel MARKCETING SER*1O Efi T FAGRICULTURE, OTTAWA RAGRANcE YRSDAY - MAY 25 's sALEO àsi Showing To-day IÀM" AY-.sING MAYGA6-N" MG.TUES.WED. -MAY 29 -30- 31 ISJTINT RODE THE -881 SiONTSuee AS TNEY ROARED OUT TO MEET I WhU cou mmart i trippol te raw emotiona s..as tboîrwom m -ar. w.- ws COLOR CA man -faces-w ho -came f0 hear -hi. message. Trinity maie quartette assistedth ie S. S. and rentiereti two excellent numbers. Mucix credit in due Mn.. S. E. White and Mrs. G. Brent andi pianisf Mmm. F. Wright for the. splendid services they rendereti. Collections, ap- proxlmately $170. A numben chanfereti Taylor'& bus anti enjoyeti a trip te Niagara for blossom Sunday. Mr. anti Mn.. W. Rahm visif cd Mr. anti Mrs. John Wotten, Cart- wright. Mm.. Alex Woodruff, Mr. anti Mn.. Bruce Timlin anti Katherine, Mr. anti Mn. Willis Tinilin, Mn. anti Mn.. James Tinilin anti Larry, Mr. D. Tinilin, Roseneath; Mn. W. Tucker, Burnley. wlth Mr. andi Mns. W. Stewart antiMr&. D. Tirnlin. Sonry to learn 1fr.. Stew- art is sf111 seniously ill. Messrs. Don Venten, Howard Bickle, Keitx Slemnon anti Keitix Jackson. BowramnviJo, wpr. en- I Elected Preisideit' TYRONE There wua a large attendance ut thxe finit football gamne hene Saturtiay evenlng between Enni - killen and Tyrone; score 2-1 for Enniskillen. Mr. andi Mn. Wrightson Wight, Bowmanville; Miss Veina Colla- cutf, Hamipton; Mn. W. Griffin, Einniakillen, with 1fr. and 1fr. Norman Collacutt. Mn. anti Mrs. Lorne McCoy and Miss Alice Arnold, Brooklin, wlth 1fr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. 1fr. anti Mrs. W. S. Staples, Bowinanville; Miss Dorothy $kin- ner, Toronto; Mr. and fr.'Neil' Purvis, Blackwater, wifh Mn. and Mns. Haroldi Skinner. Mfr. and Mns. Ivan Gerry, To- ronto; Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli, (rf anti Mrs. Alex McMaster and Joan, Mr. andi 1rs. Genry Glaspeil, Al- an and Marilyn, Zion; 1Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Linda anti Doug- las, Oshawa, with Mr. andi Mrs. Ralpix Glaspell. Mfr. and Mrs. Percy Byers, Courtice, with 1fr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. 1fr. J. Giles, Toronto, with MIZS. Giles anti family. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Elllcott. San- tira and Donald, Peterboroughx; Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Hampton, with Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Wright. 1fr. andi Mrs. W. H. Hooper, Peterboroughx; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White anti children, Bowmanville; Mrs. C. F. Awde, Mr. and Mns. D. G. Hooper, Orono, witix Mr. anti Mrs. Frankx Werry. Miss Wilma Richards, Mr. Row- lanti Coombes, Bowmanville, andi Mfr. John Coombes witix Mr. and 1fr.. Leslie Coombes. Mn.. A. Milîson, Toronto, spent thxe week-end with Mr. and M. Leon Moore. Mrs. R. Hatherly, Bowmanville, with Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mn. anti Mrs. G. Arnoldi and Master Tom anti Miss Mary Arn- oldi, Gormley, visiteti Mrs. M. Hughson. Mr.. andi Mrs. C. M. Carruthers, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mns. Ar- tixur Smithx, Columbus; 1fr. and Mrs. Will Bratid, New Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bratit and chuldnen, Oshawa, visited Mfr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Amis, Mr. anti Mn,. Glen Pickell, Ray and Shirley, Ebenezer, with Mn. anti Mrs. Howard Brent. Mr. 'andi Mrs. Fred Goodiman, Peterboroughx; Mr. and Mrs. Clan- ence Gootiman and Judithx and Mns. M. Silven, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mms. L. J. Goodm~an. 1fr. Gregory Friend has neturn- ed home from McGill University, Montreal. 4 Mr. and Mms. F. L. Byam witix Mr. anti Mns. John Lillicrapp, Pet- erborough., Rev. R. A. Rowly, Miss Dawn Rowly, Toronto; Rev. A. M. anti Mns. Wooton anti son Frank, Ajax, were fea guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Cresswell.. .Mr., andi Mrs. Henb Rundle, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mn.. A. Hills. 1fr. andi Mrs. Elford andi family ,of Port Penny, with Mr. and Mri. T. H. Tabb. Mr. and Mrs. A. Coverly and children, Bowmanville, with Mn. anti Mn.. Walter Park. Mr. and Mns. K. Squair, Shaw's, visiteti Mn. and lI1ns. R. Wright. Mr. and Mns. Cliffonti Johns anti Murray, Mns. L. Guy, Mn. Moase, Oshawa, visiteti Mn. anti Mns. Henry Stainton. Mrs. R. B. Hamilton, Queens- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ham- ilton. Mr. anti Mn.. Albert Runtile anti family, Hanmony; Mr. anti Mn. G. Graham, 1frs. M. Cann and girls, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mns. Neil Yellowlees. Mr. anti Mrs. Menvin Mounfjoy, Hampton; Mn. anti Mm.. Allan Down, Elsie, Grant anti Bnian, Ebenezer; Miss Editx White, To- ronto, with Mr. anti Mme. Everton Whxite. Mr. and Mns. Fred Smithx and Grace, Long Sault; Mr. and Mn. H. McClure, James and Jane, Happy Valley, with Mn. and M. J. C. Cook. Miss L. Fenguson, Bowmanville, with Mr. anti Mn. A. Hamilton. -Mm.-and Mn.. L. D. Sykes, Hamp- nd tii [r. Tyrone W. L. Tynone W. I. met May il at the home of Mns. George Alîtireati witix a gooti affentiance. Tixe higixligixts of fixe meeting, untien the leadership of Mn.. J. Broome anti Mrs. D. Cole were falks by Mns. E. White, Mn.. G. Rosevear, Mns. J. Cook, Mns..O. Beckett anti Mns. T. McRoberts wixo attentieti fixe May 6tix conference at Guelphx. Thxe speaker at Guelphx, Mrs. Sayen of Ackwonth, Iowa, President of fixe Country Women of fixe Wonld, empixasizedtihie iiowen of leader- ship of women, especially rural women. Sixe gave hen own pers- onal«-experiences anti views of rural women in Eunopean coun- tries. Devotional was given by Ms.. O. Beckettg reatiingz by Mn.. H. Skinner and fixe stony of fthe Moth- er of John anti Chanles Wesley by Mn.. J. Broome noundeti ouf a fine pnognam. Presitient Mrs. Rosevean presiti- cd oven fixe business meeting. Roll Cail was "Fartixest point vis- iteti anti wiy we founti if interest- ing." An invitation fo fixe 50th annivensary of Bowmanville W. 1. was neceiveti. Report from Clotix- ing Committee on boxes f0 be sent f0 Europe was given. Discussion followed on how fo improve at- tendance anti increase member- siip. Standing Committees for fixe coming year are: Home Econom- ics anti Healtix, Mrs. A. Hoar; Ag- riculture anti Canadian Industries, Mn.. N. Wootiley; Cifizeliship anti Education, Mrs. D. Cole; Commun- ity Activities anti Public Rela- fions, Mn.. L. Annis; Histonîcal Researchx, Mrs. L. Goodman. June meeting is June 20 af fixe home of Mn.. R. Wrighxt. The Stiesman Sold Ai FollowingStores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. Wilson & Brown, Newtonville. T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Burketon. Wm. Hackwood, PontypooL. H-. T. Saywell, Blackstock. C. B. Tyrreil, Orono. H. K. Iteynolds, KendaL W. J. Bagneil, Jury &* Loveil. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and The State-,man Office. LINOLEUM IUDDEI MASTIC Coloured Wail Tis CERAMIC *PLqASTIC E8TIATES VEX Work Gum"ateed H. C. REAL Ph.,,.»Os0 DOWMaaIU Alan L. FNrancis of The Goodyear Tire & Rubbcn Company of Canada, Limiteti, ias beén clected President of fixe Purcixasing Agents Association of Toronto for 1950. Mr. Francis was clected at thxe annual meeting helti in fixe Royal York Hotel, anti joins tixe ranks of other Tonontonians who have led this association since ifs in- ception in 1919. Thnee of these, including Gannef T. Dickgon, heati of Goodyear punchasing in Can- ada, have been president of fixe National Association of Purcixas- ing Agents, which comprises local associations in alfixe main cities on the continent, with. a present membersixip of oven 13,000. AI Francis senveti with fixe Roy- al Flying Corps in the finsf World War anti siortly affen hi. neturn from the armeti services in 1919 ixe joineti the Goodyear Company. During his thinty-one years wifh fixe Company, Mr. Francis spent ten yeans on fixe noati selling; therefore ixe is well verset ini selI- ing anti purcixasing techniques. Mr. Francis ixas f wo iznown-up tiaugiters andti iree grantichilti- ren; lie lives at 8 Alexander Roati, Islington Heigixts. 'I 1 week-end at Red Stone Lake, l. lburton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gib son and Mary. Oshawa; Mr. Elroy Gibson and Miss Vivian Hogle, Mrs. Ep- worth, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen and Darlene, New- castle, called on Mrs. Fred Bowen. Miss Mary Bowen, Cornwall. spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Merlin has returned home after a week's holiday with her daughter.: Mrs. Howard Moore. Garden HIi. I'NATURE UNSPOILIES . Your FOR Building LET US ADYISE, YOU- ON:- mBRIAR* MOUNTAIN GREEN a ROBIN RED LUNDER CO. LINITD DO WNAN VLL MIG ST, E. 0 i l ' ' 'k "CLEARING HOUSE"f Problems Remodelling the Kitchen *The Proposed Sunroom *A. Modern Bathroom *planning the Basement ROOFING . The Extra Bedroom . AÀ New Floor *Extra Closet Space *Building the Garage lIEADQUARTERS FOR OVER TWENTY TEORS TORONTO ASPHALT ]ROOFING Bas Been the Well Known Blends in This Area CLO VER - SUNSET - MARIE DUR THREE POINT SERVICE 1. GIVE US A CALL AND WE WILL COME AND ESTIMATE YOUS JOB WITHOUT OBLIGATION. 2. IF YOU WISH WE WILL ARRANGE TO HAVE YOUR JOB DONE BY AN EXPERIEN CED CONTRACTOR WHOSE WORK WE WILL GIJARANTEE. 3WB WILL DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR FREE OF CHARGE. THE SHEPPARD& GILL ENNISKILLEN >I(rs. S. R. Pethlck and Miss Na=sc'Wood at. Mr. andi Mrs. FodPethick'm, Toronto, andi ut- tendedth ie dance recital of Misn Alice M.-Wight in Enton'sAudi- tiuni Which Misa- Gail Petix- .u ws ne of fixe participants. 1Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison,- To- Ironto; Mn. anti Mrs. I. G. Travel, IBeth and Bruce; Miss E. Nelson, IMr. H. 0k., Oshawa; Mis. E. C. Ashton. Mina Janice Beecix, Maple Grave, et 0. C. Ashton's. Mr. andi Mia. RussellGGlibert with 1fr. and,1frs. T. M. Siemon. Mr. and 1fr.. R. Yeo, Mr. and Mn,. D. Yéo andi Lorna, Oshawa; Mns. B. Yeo, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. H. Collacutt, Bowmanville. at Gordon Yeo's. Watch coming events column for Tyrone play to ibe given in the chur.ix shed early iii June. Mn. andi Mr. Ken Mason, Mr. and 1frs. William Kirklin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Don, Toronto, with Mrs. John McGill. Mr. anti Mrs. J. Smales anti David, Hampton, at Mr. and Mns. J. Smales. Mr4 andi Mns. A. Prescott andi family, Enficld, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Aunger. Mrs. Albert Wright, Mr. and 1frs. Fréd Trewîn andi Lloyd, Blackstock; Mr. Frank Smith, En- field, Mn. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon; Miss Jean Toms, Purpie Hill, wifh Mrs. Minerva Trewin andi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mrs. George Ferguson andi Dorothy; Mr. andi Mrs. M. John- son andi David, Oshawa, at Mr. and 1frs. Bert Ferguson's. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron; Rev. anti Mns. H. Lackey, Allen and David. Claremont; Mr. andi Mrs. Ed. Wenry, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. J. Balson, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrowdale and Bnian, Oshawa, wit1,. Mr. anti Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mi:SS' '.,an iKersey, Hampton; Mr. Jack Lyons, Bowmanville, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Ashton. Mr. andi Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Purffle Hill, visited their mother, Mrs. Mary Griffin, Bowmanville Hospital, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton accompanieti PIGNE 715 them to vist with tbalir son Larry who ha had an operation for ap- pendicitis in Bowmnanvllle Hos- pital.' Misses Retta and Joan Cann, Bowmianvile; 1fr. and Mns. Bruce Ashton, Purpie Hill, af Mr. and Mrs. John Oke's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taniblyn, OronQ, with Mr. and Mrn. M. Stainton. Mr. and 1fr.. Roy Langmaid, Helen and Charley, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billetf, Douglas and Jimmy, Scarboro Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mountjoy, Ked- ion, at Mn. Roy McGIll's. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Or- ono; Mrs. H. Cole, Hampton; Miss- es Marion and Eleanor Mounfjoy, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Margaret, Kathleen and Ray Smith, Enfield, with Mr. and ,Mns. Harvey McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Nancy, Neil and Janice, Brooklin, visited Mr. a'4d Mrs. Russell Orm- iston. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herring, Mrs. Ada Keast, Oshawa;ýMr. and Mrs. William Lanmb, NeÉtleton, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. William McLaugh- lin, Burketon; Mn. and Mrs. A. S. Bailey, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Werfty and family,ý Solina, at Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Ralpix. Ntstleton; 1fr. and Mrs. Keitix Ferguson, Maple Grove, at Mr. Walter Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston and, Lois, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer, Mr. Joe Avery, Mr. Ross Sharpe, Burketon, at Mr.. and Mrs. A. Brunt's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling and son, Purple Hill, visited Mr. and Jvrs. R. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Perny, Lapeer. Mich., at Mr. and Mrs. John Don- land's. Mn. and Mrs. A. Wearn, Clare- mont, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn's. Mrs. J. Kennedy, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens and attended Enniskîllen anniversary. Mr. Geo. Reid is visiting friends and relatives at Little Britamn. Mrs. Laura Ranton, Hampton: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving and Rickey, Toronto, with Mr. and Mms W. H. Moore. Mrs. Fred Adams, Mn..ancl Mrs. A. Ratidali and famlly, Hampton, at Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaughlln's. Mr. and Mns. Clarence Avery and family, Bunketon, wlfh Mr. and Mrs. A. 0k. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke and family, Hampton, at Mr. and Mn.. F. Beckett's. Mns. Jas. Adams and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wearn and family, Mr. Fred Ellis. Miss Mary Gniffin, Enniskiilen; Mr..and Mr&. Arthur Wearn, Claremont, wene Sunday tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milîs'. 1fr.. Norman Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and family, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Mr. Melville Griffin, Black-, stock; Mr. and Mn.. Ruseli Griff- in and Mr. and Mrs. Norval Wot- ten. Solina, visited Mrs. M. Grlff- in at Hospital on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Aimer Beech Bowmanville, were Sundiayvis- tors at Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Purple Hill, at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke'.. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Sol-. ina; 1fr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and Ross, Maple Grove; Mr. R. J. Luke, Kedron, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Werry. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. William Hill and family, Toronto. with Mr. and Mns. Bill Allin. Mrs. Cowan, Orono, and Miss Anvilla Brunt, Oshawa, af Austin Turner's on unday. Messrs. Russell, Keitix and Lloyd Pedwell, Toronto, with their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pedwell. Miss Arvilla Brunt Oshawa, with 1fr. and Mns. W. Brunt on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen and Darlene, Newcastle, spent Sunday with Mn. Stan Bowen and Mrs. Sykes. Plans for the annual picnic are being made so -plan f0 attend. Re- port will be given in this column in the near future. Mn. Jack Gibson spent fthe '4YOURS TO PROTECT The MAGNOLIA WARBLER is known by his bright yellow breast streaked with black, and his black bock and wings, with striking white and yellow markirngs. Feeding on smail worms and insects, he is a very beneficial bird, and should be protected. He lives in northern evergreens. YOU T0ENJe CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATELOOONTARIO ýD LI G~ D7C Al- y. tertained after the service Sunda evening at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Will Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey wit Mr. and Mrs. Will Jewell and Mi S. Jewell., qte 1

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