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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1950, p. 11

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.0 MI'IU1IDAY, SUNI lo,.1950 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN - The Newcastle Indopenden.t e, MWn Margaret Ah c0 Mr. and Mms Wally Boyle and Bille, Sudbury, upent Uie week- end wlth ber parents, Mr. and MM. Robert Smith. MMi. R. G. Wright, Toronto, SPent the weekend wltb ber siat- er, Mrs. Gordon AMb and girls. ~everal tram town aftendcd flic Wacie Fields concert ln flic Arena O0sbawa Friday and report a line program. Mrs. H. G. Walton-Bali and ehlldren and Mrs. H. J. Hamilton, Toronto, spent a few days et Brame Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wigbt spent fthc weekend with friends ln Co- bourg. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Recg. Meadows on the safe arrivai aofliceir infant son last week in Bowmanvîlle Hospital. Don't farget the Newcastle ladies' saftball apcning game wifh Ornoaon Friday, Jure 2nd, 7:15 p.m. D.S.T. W. are glad fi> hean that Chris. Barcliard Jr. is slowly improving aiter a nasty bout wifb rheumafic fever. Several from Newcastle attend- fthc apening hardball game ard Ple go at Bowmanville on flic 24tli. *thfli evening liere in Newcastle Uic local hardball feam played hasts fa Kendai in a game whicb turned oufta be quite a farce. We do hope this game will be the lest ai ifs kind and rot a saniple ai games fa corne. Newcastle High Scbool Cadets lied their annuel churcli parade Sunday cvening whcn they marched from fli c shool ta attend St. George's Anglican Churcli. Miss Mary Schmid, Tororto, spent the weekend with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henman Schmid. Mn. and Mrs. George Farncomb and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hommes were guesfs af flic Cannor-Jerk- mns wedding in Toranto Friday cvening. Newcast le United Churcli held "Orono Niglit" an Sunday cvening w'hen Orono chair led in an i- spirefianal sang service. Rcv. W. W. Pafferson dclivered liauglit- fui words or "Brotlierly Love and The Christian Way". Mr. H. C. Bonathar on behaîf ai the New- castle cangregafion preserted Mr. Bill Riddell of Orono wifb a clieque for $53 1.00. Mr. Riddell spoke kird wards ai appreciaf ion and expressed flic purpose aiflice Orano people ta build a modest building in which anecacn fird salace and peace. He particularly vaiced fthc thanks ai ail ta flic -Newcastle Fire Brigade for their Statesman Want Ads.- Bring Resuits!1 EXHIBITION 0F PAINTINGS RECENT OILS AND WATER - COLOURS l'y Arthur A. Drummond, A.W.S. at bis home in ORONO June Znd Io 111h inclusive jPublic Cordially Invited - Corne, Bring Your Friends BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE SUISCRIDERS Io receive new SUPPLEMENTARY DIRECTORY A new supplementary Telephone Directany, containing 600 new and changed listings, is naw being distributed ta Bowmanville telephone subsenibers. Please do not use this new book before Thursday, June Sth. On that date, a ncw extension ta the pre- sent exchange will go into operation and - the new numbers will autamatically replace the aid ones. The supplement has a gummed edge sa that it rnay be inserted in your prcsent directony, and ai- though your friends in Bowmanville wiil be in the new supplement, yau will want fa keep the aid direc- tory for numbers in other exchanges. If you do not receive your eopy of the new directory within the next few days, kindiy notify our office. F. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. THE DELL TELEPH0fiE@ COMPANY 0F CANADA ABY ricroic effort on anc ai Uic coid- est nights fs itbe winter. Mr. and Mrs. "Buster" Harris of Chesley spent the weekend in town with fniends. Mr. Harold Deline, Toronto, was home wifli bis mother, Mrs. L. Deline. Sirccrcst sympethy is extended Mr. Lawrecec Brown on fhlos af bis fether ir Cobourg on Sur- day. Sunday morning flic village was once mare elertcd by flic wail ai flic fine sirer. The eall came fromn Aller Rowe's on Marvens St. where flic stovepipes liad cauglit fire. Hawevcr before any cosfly damage could be donc, flic fire was quickly exfinguished. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Gray and family spent flic weekend wiUi Mr. and Mrs. S. Gillanders at Leamington. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Carr, Part Credif, spent flic weekend wifh Mrs. Carr's mather and uncie, Mrs. W. H. Cooke and Mr. Hcrb Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Allun spent Sunday wifh Mr. and Mrs. Dave Geddes, Scarbono Bluffs. Mrs. P. F. LeGrcslcy is in To- ranto fa attend flic wcddirig ai her ricplew, Andrcw T. Balfour, Peterborougli, fa Miss Lillian J. Phullips ai Part Arthiur, on Jure 2nd et St. Michael's Ail Anglican Churcli. Mrs. George Brown and Doug- las, Strathnoy, are visifirg lier sister, Miss Doris Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Gray, spent the weekend ir Hamilton et tending the wcddirig of Mrs. Gray's broth- er, Peter Wirstiuk ta Miss Mary Telouski ai Hamilton or May 27. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Emblcy and Sandra; Miss Mabel Oldfield and Mr. H. T. Manes spcnf Sundey witli friends in Millbrook. Newcastle is in for another fine musical concert by flic looks of things. The Rink Commitee lias cngaged flic services of flic R.C. A.F. Training Command Band, Trenton, ta appear in Newcastle Community Hall on June 8. Here is band music et its best and we urge you aIl ta attend. For fur- ther particulars rcad clsewliere in this paper. Mr. P. Wirstiuk, Selkirk, Man., is visiting bis dauglifer, Mrs. Alf. Gray. Newcastle W.C.T.U. W.C.T.U. met in the Board Room May 25 with President Miss Black- burn presiding. Opening exer- cises were followed by a worship service consisting of Scripture reading by Mrs. Rinch and pray- er by Miss Trenwith. Miss Fer- guson gave a brief report of the County Convention., The clip sheet entitled "Is ai- coholisma un illness" was conduct- ed by Mrs. Toms. In discussing alcoholism we must understand clcarly the terrms we use. Dr. Seliger of John Hopkins Hospital defines alcohol in these terms: "Medically, an individual is con- sidered an alcoholic if his use of alcobol interferes wîth one or more of his important life activ- ities, as bis business standing or ability, bis reputation or bis home life. In contrast the social drink- er can stop drinking at will. But it is from the rapiks of the social drinker that the chronic alcobolic usually develops". Tuberculosis and -alcoholism are thus compared: "One is caused by a tiny living organism, a germ, the other by a chemical or drug. Tuberculosis in the main impairs only the physical aspect of health, both immediate and progressive, a marked impairment in mental health and a significant impair- ment of social health. Alcoholism is a self-inflicted illness. No one is immune from if and the only cure is total abstinence for the rest of his life". There are a few heartening as- pects of Canada's present problem af alcoholism: (a) A new awareness of the problcm on the part of cburch people. (b) A new awareneýs of econ- amic loss to industry. (c) A new and insistent de- mand for alcohol educafion in the schools by clubs and organiza- tions hitherto indifferent fa the problem. (d) A new awareness of al drinking as a traffic hazard to the general public.1 Statesman Want Ads. provide you with an audience of intcrest- cd prospects.1 Divine Love is our hope, strength and shield. We have1 notbing ta fear when Love is at the helm of thaught. but every- thing to enjoy on earth and in heaven.-Mary Baker Eddy. DARCH AND RIS GREAT NEW BAND Dancing TABLE ACCOMMODATION 9. 12 FOR 600 ADMISSION ,- - - $2.00 Per Couple n è-)F BROWN'S Miss Blanche Watton visited ber sister, Mr. and Mri. Cyril Avery and family. Messrs. Madison Hall, Orno Bill Lake, Rass Dickensýon anc1 George Stephenson, Newcastle, spent tlic /weekend fishing at Maynootb. Mr. and Mns. Sam VanAlystine and Mrs. Minnie Burns, Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Steph- enson. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wcrry (nec Winnifred Rick- ard) an the arrivai ai Uicir daugliter in Bowmanville Hos- pital. Mrs. Werry iormerly tauglif at Brawn's school. Misses Joyce Hunt and Cora Hunt, Mr. Derton Hunt and fiance Miss Jane Stoke, Taronto, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hil- lier. TYRONE aMn. B. Wilson, Miss C. Wood- fard visited Mr. and Mrs. D. -Deeley. f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and childrer wifli bis moflien, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Georgetown. Mrs. Cook returned home with lier son for a visit. A number from licre attended the soceer game befween Tynone and Orono af Onono or Saturday evening; score 2-1 in favon of Orono. Mrs. R. Hawkey, Bowmanvilie, visifcd Mrs. G. Phare and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pafferson and son, Toronto, Mr. H. Foofe, Osh- awa, visitcd Mr. and Mns. Dudley Dccley. Mrs. H. Findley and Bruce, Mr. Roy Broomfield, Unionville, and Mr. Dean Findley, Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey witli fMr. and Mns. C. Bigelow. 5 Miss Mary Alldrcad, Toronto, Mrs. D. Alldread, Bowmanville, wîth Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. Messrs Jim Barr and Ed. Thompson, Gormley, visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mr. John Gates, Miss M. Mul- len, Oshawa, visifed Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dcelcy.. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Stainton and famîly visitcd Mr. Orval Bond at Sunnybroali Hospit al, Toronto, on Sunýday. Mn. and Mrs. John Lillicrapp end Miss Doris Lillicrepp, Peter- boroughi, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and Grenville. and visited Mr. and Mrs. H.*Cie- meiis at Williamsvilie, U.S. .. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb, Mr. P. Murdochi, Miss ýYvonne- Byam spent Sunday af Niagara Falls. Misses Nellie Scongie and Linda Cornisli, Oshiawa, wit'i Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mn. Douglas Miller, Haliburton, visitcd bis granridother Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Breckcn- ridge, Norman and Leona, Southi Monaglian, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mr. and Russell Stewart, Cen- freton, Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles Carrufliers, Mr. Ed. Doidge, Bow- manville, visitcd Mr. Willis Ste- w art. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Colby and Brock, West Hill, wifli Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent. Mrs. F. Werry, Mrs. A. Hoar and childrcn accompanicd Mrs. G. White and children, Bowman- ville, and visifcd with relatives af Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Cliarlie Wage and Sandra and Mr. Bob Wage, Burg- liamton, N.Y., with Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp. Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold and Tom and Miss Mary Arnold, Gormicy, with Mrs. M. Huglison. Mr. W. J. Laskixl, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hurst, New Toronto, visifed Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott. Mrs. Laskir returning home with tliem affer visiting Mr. and Mrs. Scott; Sorry fa leann that Mr. Thomas Akzed, Toronto, is vcry ill. Ty- none fricnds wisli him a specdy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mofiatf, Bow- manville, wifli Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mns. Chuf Shred and Sheila with lier sister at Castietor witli littie Sheila remaining. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayward and Grace, Bowmanviile, accampanied Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and Doreen on a trip fa Hall's Lake and called on Mn. and Mrs. C. D. Hadgsan and Miss Jean Davey. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas, Osli- awa, were Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. O. Beckett. Bethesda communify gafhered et flic home ai Mn. and Mrs. Dud- bey Dcclcy in honoun aifliceir recent marriage and fa weicame Mrs. Deeley fa flic community. Mn. E. White was master ai cene- maries. Mrs. H. Skinner prescrit- cd fhem with a fable iamp on behalf af Club 41 and cammunity. Mn. Dcchey made a suitabie reply. Short speeches wcrc made and flic nemainder aiflice cvening was spent playing progressive cuchre. A lovely lunch was served. Sympathy is extcnded ta Mn. Willis Stewart and family and fa flic Tiailin families on flic pass- ing ai a lovîng wifc and mothen. Mrs. R. Hatherly is home for a couple ai weeks. Mrs. J. C. Cook, Mrs. E. White, Mrs. J. A; Rasevean, Mrs. Don Stainton, Mns. H. Staint on et- fended flic District Arnual Meet- MAPLE GROVE Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Coates, Mas- ters Danny Coates and Eric Lister, Brantford,spent thc weekcnd wifh Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mildred and Bob Snowden. They also ealled on Mrs. John Sanders, Thomas Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. H-. G. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Miss Muriel Stevens, were in Guelphi an Fniday last attending the grad- uation exercises when thein son Bob was a member ai Uic class. Congratulations, Bob. Miss Mildred Snowden spent Monday in Burlington visifing Miss Margaret Stewart. A number from here aftended fthc anniversary services at Eldad on Sunday. Mesdames Connie Stevens, Myrtie Bradley, Winnie Snowden, Lyra Flintoif, Ruby Munday, Win- nie Brown, Minnie Snowdcn, Ir- ma Morton, Jean Munday, attend- cd flic district annual af the Wom- en's Institute at Kendal on Tues- day. Wedding belîs arc ringing in this community hiîs week. SOUTH NESTLETON Miss Rose Mountjoy is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Crossman, Oshawa. Mrs. Geo. Bowers, Mrs. M. Em- erson, Mts. H. Vine, Mrs. W. Steele and Mrs. W. C. Lamb at- tended Women's Institute District Annual Meeting in Kendal. Miss Elsie Gray and Mr. Geo. Gray, Malton, were in the village i Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris, To- ronto, moved into the Farder house on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon McCabe, Toronto, visited frîends over the holiday. .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Beaverton, spent the week-end with Mr. Grant Thompson. Mrs. Donald Thompson, Mrs. Grant Thompson, Misses Eleanor and Elaine Thompson attended Graduation Exercises of Toronto Western Hospital when Miss Marion Thompson was one of the graduates. Congratulations to Marion from her many friends. Mrs. George Forder was a visitor to Lindsay. -Mrs. Jos. Farder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- Laughlin. - St. John's Anglican Church ser- vice was held in Caesarea Church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Booth, To- ronto, with Mrs. 0. Brown. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins and Jimmie at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and Joan, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Friends of Mrs. Les Lansing, Caesarea, will be pleased to know she is doing nicely since ber oper- ation Monday in Oshawa Hospital. Her many Nestîcton friends wish ber a speedy return to health. Workmen are busy in the vill- age; a new verandah at the Em- emton home, a new roof on the Harris house and the interior of the Leal store is being painted. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jas. McMullen, Bal]yduff; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samelis and Sharon, Peter- borough, with Mr. and Mrs. Lar- men Hyland. it's as good for oldaters as childiren. Many over 50 have f ound It helpful as a mealtime beverage because It is easy to digest and doeu not interfere with sieep. Order Glen Rae's milk to- day. Ask our Milkmen for REDDI - %"T an effortiess way to glamorize every day's desserts. a # --- NE WTON VILLE Mr. Robert Nesbitt is witb his cousins, thc Grahams of New- castle. Mr. J. r Van Allen bas sold his far-~ former Thos. Watts properu- las reserved 'a few acres o.,: op of the hili wbere he infent :i-, build right away. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stone of Toronto, spent the weekend with Miss Jennie Tbompson. Mrs. S. R. Johnston and Mr. George Stapleton are driving new cars. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randali and family, Oshawa, wif h bis mother, Mrs. Jennie Randali. We are pleased fo report that Mr. Chas. Morris is improving. Miss Diane Ormiston had a birthday party Saturday when she invifcd a number af ber young friends to spend fthc affer- noan with ber. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock spent the weekend with friends af Belleville and Coiborne. While Rev. H. A. Bunt is at- tcnding canference at Peterbor- ough Mrs. Bunt is visiting ber friend, Miss Adelaide Harrison of Toronto, who is a refurned miss- ionary. Miss Alice Nesbift lef Maitan Airport last Tuesday ta fly to Newport News, West Virginia, to visit ber brother and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt. Mr. Ethan Joncs is atfending conference at Peterborough as a layman from this circuit. The firsf softball game of tbe season was played in our park Monday niglif between Courfice and Newtonville, the former team wînning. On Monday niglit, May 22, a concert was put on by tbe W.A., being the conclusion of flic Anni- versary Services. The attend- ance was rather disappointing but those who were there enjoyed a splendid higli class concert. Those taking part were a trio from Co- bourg, Mr. Hircock, bass; Mr. Hopr, baritone; Mr. Stinson, Dr. Horner as guest speaker. Mrs. teo;Mrs. Clayton Lee, Oshiawa, 1H. Wade and Mrs. Millian were reader; Mr. Carlos Tamblyn, cor- aine as delegâtes. net soloist, Orono; and fbreeapotd Brown brother, Newcastle: Mrs. Mrs. Ferguson welcomed the Ross Hallowell and Miss Hill. ladies t0 ber home and introduc- Bob Pearce wlio is driving anc ed the guest speaker Mrs. Teeple af Wayne Elliott's trucks at Sun- (nec Elizabeth Hancock) who an'- derland spent tbe wcekend at nounced the subject of ber talk home. as "The March of Progress." This Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ard, Vic- proved ta be a very Interesting faria, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. story af the develapment of edec- Art Crawforth, Sfrathroy. were tricity in Ontario, from the time visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil wben in 1600 Wm. Gilbert first Stapleton. discovered that eiectriclty could produce light, through the dis- covery of the electric current in WOMEN'S INSTffTUTE 1799 the building oif thc first power plant at Niagara, ta the Tbe ladies ai the Newfonvilie present day, wîfh more and ever W.I. met May 17 at tlic home of more power being developed. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newcastie, Ms.PBrngaeavy wifli 25 ladies prescrit. After fliebmrs . rowdn gaveJainn te usual opening exercises there was hmru edn,"onn h a business discussion led bv Pre- Knifting Club," and the progràm sident Mrs. S. Johnston. Mrs. C. ciosed with the roll call and Gad Brown and Mrs. Fred Henderson S ave the King. were cliosen as a committee to Mrs. Ferguson and ber groun laok affer advertising flic Red served a deliciaus lunch, whlle al Cross Clirie in Newtonville. If enjoyed the social hour, at the was decidcd ta send $10.0 o thei close af wbich Mrs. G. Kimbal Red Cross for flic Winnipeg flaod, moved a vote of thanks ta the victinis. Mrs. F. Hendersan was hostess and the speaker. eiecfed as resolutian canvener.ý Next meeting is June 20 and District annuai convention is ta the rail cali w,,ill be: "Helpful be held in Kendal, May 30, witli Hints in Gardening." The tas te's the test for tea! Canadians buy more 'Salada than any other brand. TE^ IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LOW COST MEATS, $HOP AT A&9 FOR QUALITV AND LOW PRICES. EVERY CUT WELL TRIMMED TO GIVE YOU MORE MEAT WITH LESS WASTE. VOUR A&P MEAT BUVS 0F THE WEEK GRADE "A" ALL WEIGHTS DILING FOWL POUNID CLEANED M5D DRESSED CHOICE RADEITs3 c CHOICE MEATV SPARE RIBS FRESH KILLED, GRADE 7A" DUCKLINGS . . . lb. 55e MLLK FED, GRADE -A--Eviscerated CHICKENS ROASTINO 3 to 4 Ibo. lb. 659 SWIFT'B PREMIUM SMteRED DBOLOGNA ' lb.32 SMOKED SLICED BRE11ANFAST BACON. lb. 57e SM0K ED BACON SOUAREXS .'b.-27 SWIFT'S PREMIUM WIENERS .*lb. 42g SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD, Country Style SAUSAGE . .-.-.lb. 41< FRESH COD FuILTS ' 32e FRESlE FILLETS BLUE PICKEREL - '* 52e ,.MOK!RFD FILLETS 39lb ATURDAYS Your Assurance of a Perfect Evening i L- (Q(ý4 .1

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