TiUR8DAY, JUNE 8th.. 1950 -TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWIcANVILONAEO D U R H A Mdelc RHAM là Nestletan W. iA. and W.M.S. Wiii insects, and should b. ihti nwngcm h . Blackstock, Thursday, June 15 at poeed pansion o! agriculture. The fig-w Everything For Modem Pest Control 2:30 p.m. uee * rcah ncm nfot sle- chude supplementary receipts: 1939 - - $ 717,015,000 1946 - - $1,742,444,000 1947 - - $1,967,253,000MA S Y H R I Sl yTHE CARLING BREWERIES LlMITgD 1948 - - $2,459,393,000 ESTAY- R IJ HER~ GI SONt _________________ t80C ~no n*ntion. o! th!! exppndlng vol- j eure of! exporta and importà. The mberland [ore Peopu Durham are neyer too appetlz- average person but they re accurately than a wards. For instance, cames ta describe the fpersons ln the United Df Northumberland and wvhat ather way couid than ta say 61,593? risk o! boring you, we Ie afew mare figures counties-figures whlch ,aper carne upon re- the Ontario gavera- ýond annual economlic g ta. the goverament 4,489 o! the 61-odd population, hive la Nor- id caunty. 'Thp other ans live in Durham. berhand county, the )ws, has a square mile- Durham 629. at the number a! o live on farms and the ih live la towns and a bit interesting, taa. shows that more people inties live lan rural areas. ance, 12145 o! Durharn's. lation hive la towns and id 14,959 live ln rural ure in neighboring Nor- t x , fo $58 m illions f lohi f g re h1938r co d N o t i to$1. ilinsi 14rcent years: Foderation of Agriculture Explains. ' 'I.n 98, wi.th u rlef Presented ta Darlinglon Council of i fgrssowtercodNrh surpus eseres ive inis grat-Year Imports Exporta Has Mc er than I 1938.93 $ 751,055,000 $ 935,921,00T a popne u parn et o a sie H g ch o isrc 1942 1,644,241,000 2,385,466,000 ~Ihy Far ors AreProtsti g ' ~V cornie f rnpaesir net$.n7_mil-_1947 2,573,955,000 2,811,790,000 F From many, quarteri recent higkgr wages, fariera protested lions in 1938 to $77,8 millions mn Published below Iou'the' brief only $42,600.00. 1948 2,636,900,000 3,075,40,0 iguresm 199 2,761,200,000 2,993,000,000 ing to the a mnotiths has corne strong critjclsm that they liad every right to ex- 1948, with a surplus reserve near-. presented by Bowrnanville Board There. arp several pointa whlch What of the future? If we speak mor Of fiarmers and farm organizations pect a stabilization of their f arm iy four tirnes that of 1938. of Education to,,Darllngton Town- tht. Counicil should consider which could gùarafitee fifty years of thousandi about protests made by these or- prices at the 1949 leveis. They "«Forty-nine iron and steel ship Council at their regular meet- we list briefly below. peace, a period in which there when one ganizatjons against falling farm dld not ask for peak prices. campantes increased net income ing held lu Hampton, Thursday, 1. Aithough Darlington hais was neither war nor fear of war s¶urnber of priges for most products. The "While it la true that farm In- after taxes from $8 millions ina June lot. The brief concerna the paid Over the years apProximitely the onward march of hurnan Counties of sm total of these criticisms seemns corne increased during the latter 1938 to $3 1.6 millions lu 1948, formation of the High Schooi Dis- 35% of ail costs of Bowmanville progress would surpass our wild- Durharn, 'W to be "Why should, farmers corn- years of the war until the peak with a triple increase in thei sur- trict wh.ich Includes part of Dar- jh ShoatrPoica est dreams. one do it tl pla in. Their prices were high in of 1948, this increase was flot out plus reserves. lington Townshitp, along with Grants have been deducted, the At the ri the lait few years and their in- of Ine with what other graups ".Forty-nine machinery camp- Bowmanvllle and other munici- Township at present doe. flot own LBIAfO Fwil diulg corne hs several Urnes what it was were getting; in fact, was less", anies ncreased their net incarne palities in Durharn County. oebik of the school. The new BRCTO OFaothec bfrth a. oewriters says the Federation statemnent. frorn $10.8 millions in 1938 ta The brief was presented b District Board wili own the FARM MACHINEIty this newsp quote the rise in grass farr n-l "In 1939, for instance, average $46.4 millions lu 1948, andf their Chairman of the Board D. Alex. school, taking over ail asseta and God mitnne ocamrent's sen corne in Canada, using figures for wages and salaries in the steamn surplus reserves from $42.3 mil- McGregor and County Represen- liabilities. Go aneac ffr etssc pr93es)and erlwyear f1948 mrailways was $1549. rising ta lions ta $188.5 millions. aieWle ud.Mmbr 2.Dlngo wl edrctyqip n eursthcrflsrv. prcs n h er14,(the $259 in 1949. In textiles the av- "In the years fram 1938 ta 1948' of the Council were lnterested in rigo i edretyeupnn eure h aeu uvy highest price year-lu farm history erage wages and salaries paîd rs a total of 449 industrial camp- the scheme but tok no action at represented on~ the new Board. selection and carrect and regular Accarding in Canada) to make comprsnrorms85en13 t 161~14 anies increased their net earnings the June meeting.Th Township will appoint two. use of suitable lubricants. Çostîy rthorsand4, These writers quate the fact that In the iran industry, th e1 figure a fter taxes from $202 millions ta Herewith is the brief presented members. precision built machines or parts, thumberlani in .1938 grass farm lucarne was for wageif', etc., rose from $1309 $483 millions, their surplus re- by the Baard: 3. Transportation wifl b. paid such as tractor.-and threshing cyl- 27,104 persc ",ZQ64 millions and lu 1948 it was. in 1939 ta $2512 in 1949. Sirnilar serves from $675 millians ta $1,- Bawrnanville, Ontario, by the new Board-now paid by inder bearings justify the use of Northumt ejmillions. stories are told in other industries. 683 millions, and their net worth June 1, 1950 individuals ar rural schaol sec- good quality lubricants, even survey shov IVUse of grass inicrne figures", But ciuring that periad the net from $2,108 millions ta $3,240 mii- Mr. Reeve and Members tions. though they rnay cost a littie more, age of 734, says a statement bythe Canadi- farm family incarne rase frorn lions. In the periad frorn 1938 ta of Darlingtan Council:, 4. The new schal will include pain;s out H. J. Kemp, who i.. mn Loin an Fedefation af Agriculture, "is $586 in 1939 ta $2016 In 1949. In 1948 these companies paid out a During the past two weeks the a cafeteria-noon hour wll be charge of machinery and equip- okn as unfair with farrn incarne as it other words, net farrn farnily in total If $2,088,000,000 in dividends Bowmanville Board of Education shartened ta 40 minutes and the ment developrnent at the Domin- people whc wa,ùld be with any business, since carne, or "farrn wages" as it can and added ta their surplus re- hlave had severai special meetings time thus saVed will be used by ion Experimentai' Station, Saan- ubrw no! account is taken of casts and be called. was alrnost at the bat- serves a total of $1,008,000,000. regarding a new n agr High pupîls for sparts, music, et.c, after ichton, B.C. vilaeseprt1 expenses. tam of the scale amon« ahl in- The average return on sharehold- Schaol District, ançi as a resuit of schaol. Rural pupils naw miss Generally lubricants are obtain- in bath coun 'Net incarne in 1938" says the dustries in 1949. The figures for ers' net warth during the periad these meetings we have request- rnany of these activities since they ed fram three main sources, and Fo nt Feeeration statement, "as given by net farm family incarne are caîcu- was 9.6 per cent. in 1938 and 14.9 ed Bawrnanville Counicil ta dis- have to leave at bus tirne. are chassed as animal, vegetable tolipopur the bureau of statistics, was $387 lated after allowing the farmer percent. in 1948. This compares salve our Board and request 5. At present yaur pupils ýake and mineraI. Lard, talla w and toilppl millions, while net incarne in 1948 three percent. return on invest- with the 3 percent. return allow- Caunties Council to inchude the what we have ta affer. Under the fish oils supply animal ails. Cot- vlages and wa$ $1,594 millions. This meant ment. ed farmers lu the calculations If Town of Bowmanville in a Dist- larger district it veihi be your ton seed, rape seed, flax seed, parts. anî average per f armn family in "Speaking of net return on in- net farm family incorne, as quoted rict compased of the Caunty of school ta change as it seems best castar beans and olives are ex- The pictut 1918 of $527, and per farmn fam- vestmnent", says the Federatian abave". Durhamn with the exception af the ta suit the needs of the cammun- amples o! vegetable ails., Minerai ,ily' in 1948 o! only $2174, or less statement, the fallawing figures ed "Farmers are rightly concern- Township a! Cartwright. ities it serves. oils are obtained frorn crude pe- tan $200.a month. an ýprofits in industry are iîîurn-d" says the Federation state- Our reasans for asking that this 6. About 75 % o! Ontario is troleurn. Different kinds of lub- 'WFarmn arganizations have not inating: ment, "about what has been hap- change be made we have attempt- naw divided into this prapased ricants are obtained by combin- co4ilaied bou fain rics i "In45 oodhanlin copanespening since the !irst o! the year, ed ta 5ý't forth briefly below. type of High -School District. ing and bhending these three typesil 19or epla ined1abot farn tric es n tin fod handtaesing13mp and what rnay be ahead o! thein. 1. We are faced with over- Some districts have been in op- Of ail. weïre dawn ten percent. from was $7.8 millions, rising ta $21..7 in he ag roitscastsdéga- crowding in aur High Schoah. eration for f ive years and are serv- The cambin¶ing of animal, vege- 1948. But when at the beginning million;; in 1948. Increase mnupthrow incan dci- Our present enrolment is 324 and ing their cammunities much bet- table, minerai ails and other in- FO o! t1950. loss of markets and other earned surplus or surplus reserves ing. -What daes the future hohd? it will be necessary ta provide for ter than under the aid system. gredients is not a hit and miss ar- caiàses led to a further reduction for these campanies had been Why ihould farmers take less in an addîtionai 70 or 80 pupils this YuBaro!Ectinan rngm t.Aiihgadlb-Hom. in prlces o! many products, while from $34 millions ta $103.4 1mil- cae. wnghileher rops ae Sepebr ad hsw îe we say that advisedhy, has studied ricants taday are tlie outcome of farcn costs continued ta rise, and lions. gtighge nans hs forced ta rent space outside the this whohe probhern and it is aur research by scientists and engin- both industry and labor contin- 'Fifteen beverage companies are the questions farmers are ask- school. considered opinion that it wouhd eers of commercial and other in- ue# o tkta takepofishigherreaeprofitse and eaftr ncreasedandaretheeirs onet'incrésntrubee afterbe todayoina presentl Dsttitution.ons. actrarhiy presentations they have made ta enroîments in aur area we feel rict campased o! the Caunity o! complicate lubrication have made the gavernment respectlng stabil- that aur High Schooh population Durham with the exception o! this necessary. Variaus loads or 15K izing price programs". will continue ta increase rapidhy Cartwright. Caunties Council pressures, speeds, temperatures, 15Kn for trie next few years at least. rmust pass on this praposed change chemical action, design and man- 1wanled For Export Dr. 1. D. MacLachlan We must pravide classroams for next week for it ta became effec- ner a! operation or working parts,- these pupils and are faced with tive January lst, 1951, and the high and low grade fuels, expos- Registered and Grade Appointed President the necessity o! building an ad- need for mare accommodation is uire ta dust or grit, are a few a! the ,mnw~O.AC. Guephdition ta aur present High Sehool. urgent. We urge yau ta fihi out prablems which lubricants are BO S EN C W . .ai uep 3. For same years we have the necessary "Request Farms",, designed ta meet. The canditions been criticized for not providing and have your representatives under which most farm equiprnent Îand Heifers, freshening Dr. John Douglas MacLachhan, additional instruction in aur High take them ta the Counties Council. must operate are nat ideal fram this Summer and Fait Professor of Batany, has been ap- Schoal, notably in Home Econ- meeting on June, 51h an engineering standpaint, but painted President o! the Ontario amics, Shap Work and Agricul-epctuî ubitd manufacturers of farin impie- I Agricultural Caihege, at Guelph, tueAhs eatfeisms wmanville Board o! Educatian mnsManhedeinrshv WALTER FRANK Agriculture Min ister T. L. Ken- included in any additian ta aur Fer: D. A. McGregor, provided' satis!actory methads forMa nedy annaunced Thursday. He school and are costhy. We have Cara lubricating their machines. Forlti R. 5 BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2403 wili take over his duties Sept. 1. estimated that a proper addition _________ this reasan, the lubricatian in- î He succeeds Dr. W. R. Reek, would cast $250,000.00-$350,000.- structians supplied by the irnphe- authc who retires June 30. 00 if carrying charges are inchud-M - ment manufacturer should be fol- cn riDr. MacLachhan was born an a ed. We Are Maing lowed ciosely, 011 campantesalso i dairy farm lin the vicinity a! Bur- 4. The new systern of Provin- Much Progress suppîy much valuable informa- ritt's Rapids. With his father, hie cial grants are much larger when -______ as ta kinds a! ail and their operated a cheese factary an their two or mare municipahities are B .J ecia correct use. The Agricultural C o l t o 1farr n t Eastern Ontario. combined ta form one High Schaal yRJ.Dah n Engineering Department o! Uni- - After graduation from high District. These grants as they I have been looking over the versities and the Dominion Ex- 'b , school e atteded normal school would affect us are three l num- records-1947 Was the most pros- perimental Farms Service may L ic schaol, Ottawa, and thea taught (a) A grant per pupil. time histary. Tatal volume o! A p p le S c a b ~~~~~~~science for one year in the con- (b) A grant for capital expen- emphoyrnent was exceeded onhy _____________________ Atinuation schooi at Carpi, a small ditupes and transportation. in those hectic battle years, 1942, lS iEastern 0Ontario village. (c) A grant o! $100.00 for each '43 and '44. Back in 1920 there p p Dr. MacLachlan a tt e n ded rural school section iacluded in was a boom year, a year o! in- Queen's University where hie ob- the District. flation. Total wage and salar ing with honors. In 1933 hie ob- is $10800. If we joiaed the lar- 801,000 in 1917 ta $717,493,000 in tained his Master's Degree fromn ger district it wouhd be $118.00 per 1920, thea dropped below the 1917 - get Hrvardand is Dotor' Degre pu Inl addition the district 1evel la 1921, one o! the swiftest ~~_ from the saine university in 1935, would receive $100.00 for each o! price moements in Canadian - specializing in plant pathology. 88 rural school sections or $8, history. We had another boom ~ ~ *IiI He as aarde theShelon tav-800.00; an additional grapr year in 1929. Total emphayrnent this, ~ ~ pupil o! appoiaeysoo was at high levels, 50 were earn- ta Jamaica ta carry on research Therefore the larger Provincialins Itasnturssd nil~* -- Leaves treated with on pimenta rust. Following this grants wouhd amount ta apprax- 1940. Let us put a few o! the MuLsoid Micronizedf* he returned ta Clemson College, imately $20.00 per pupil. ga er oehr e o h South Carohina, U.S.A., as As- Under Section (b) abave grants nuri o hs mlydsite ~ ..... Sulphuir for capital expenditures are ee with changing conditions: sistant Professor o! Botany. grae-.vn 1920 - - - - 598,893 Dr. MacLachlan joined the Bot ate- 1929 - - - - 666,53 1 rtany Department o! O.A.C. in 1939 Under aur present set-up for 1939 - - - - 658,114 and was appointed head o! the each $100,000.00 o! capital autlay- In 1942, under the stress o! war, not this ~department in 1948. The Province pays $50,000.00. w nee h iloar ls Dalntnwud a 1,0.0for the first time in Canadian Leaes reaedwit NE TLE ONUnder the harger District for history. In that year we had Ce%" eah hO,0000oLcpiaTothy more than a million workers ln Lime Suiphur ____ The Province pays $75,000.00 the industrial field ahane. Here Symath i exendd a Ms. Darlingtoa pays $4,260.00. are the figures for the years, 1942 Sympthyis xtededto rs. Our prapased additian ta the ta 1947, later figures are nat Wil!red Bowles in the passing o! High Schooh under aur present avaihable: lier sister, Mrs. Snell, in Taronto. ystem wauhd cost Darlington 1942 - - 1,152,000 eLittle Mary Lau Crawford is $52,500.00. Estimnating that the 1943 - - - 1,241,000 recovering fromn a tonsil opera- county-wide District might re- 14 ,2,0 Btion and is getting along fine quire $1,000,000.00 for capital 1945 - 1,119,000 DMrs. Herman Wilson entertain- authays in the next five years 1946 - - - 1,058,000 ed the Ladies' Aid a! Janetville Darlington's share would stili be 1947 - - 1,131,000 Presbyterian Church, June 6. The total number o! workers Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCall, To- Imm erployéd is the real test o! pro- LO1) ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. gress. Volume o! production s m u Jbli on undy an caled n ýotriiayreti o!inlathion, 1OTTLED GAS"', 'R RURAL HOMES AND nES BEYOND OUR MAINS Investigate i ONTARIO SHORE CAS Co Lid. ig St. E., OSHAWA Phone 3300 .7 ARE Y@U USIN* THE NEW PARATHION INSECTICIDES ro PR@TECT TOUR CROPS? ny well-known manufacturers are selling parathion fornm- oin magricultural amas. Seo your local agricultural horities for recommendations. These insecticidesan made Canada from basic TmoPaos Parathion uupplied by 141W YORK 20.N.Y. Bey.sPaor F AR M1NG Depends Upon' POWER, SCOMPANY, LIMITID ILISHED 1847 1 Ill-.-' PAGE NINq 11 The thngs 1 wMumisamost jare the papers and menientoi of eus' married life,"IxWilliamI MeKay toid the-photographeri who took thls picture. Hiai albums, lost when the>:~ RedI River washed over his home' at Morris, were especially pre.. dioue as his wife passed awayi two years ago. Although they can neyer be restored to hlm( the . Manitobca Flood, Relief, Fund will heip Mr. McKay to replace his home furnishings.1 Contributions should be sent directly to the Fund in Winni-' peg or paid into anybank iw. Canada. thumberhand la camparativelr the same-14,950 live la towns, 19,- 539 on farns or la other rural la. cahities (ex. summer resarts). Mines are operated ln every province o! Canada except Princie Edward Island. r' 1 i