THURSDAY, JUNE 15. 1950 TEE CAKADIAN fiTATESMAN, EOWMAKV!lLE, -ONTAMO PAGE ~'IFrEIp TYRONE Ms. and Mss. Dave Hicks, Mas- riston; Mss. Selena Stephens, Gos- rie, are visiting Ms. and Mss. Nos- man Woodley. ?4r. and Mss. Gesald Philp and Billie, Morganston, -with Ms. and Mss. Moward Philp and Miss Jean Philp. Mr. and Mss. Frank Hatherly and childsen, Lakeview; Ms. and Mss. Clasence Hathesly and dren, Ms. and Mss. Walter Pratt, Mr. and Mss. Roymand Pratt, Al- derwood, with Mss. R. Hatherly. Mss. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington, ~ivisiting her daughter, Mss. F. .Byam. 'Mr. Edgar Reseveas. Port Hope, visited Ms. and Mss. J, A. Rose- vear. Mss. W. T. Wasden bas return- ed home from Bowmanville. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Trumpour, Little Britain, visited Ms. and Mss. S. T. Hoar. Ms. and Mss. Raymond Clapp visited Ms. and Mrs. Gordon Trimm, Newtonville. Ms. and Mss. A. Hoar and chil- dren spent Monday in Peter- borough. Ms. and Mss. Frank Wersy left FO Sunday for Windsor, where tI will join Mr. and Mrs. C. May a Miss Dorothy May, and ezje3 motos trip te Regina and etl points te visit relatives. Miss Joyce Woodley attend the Montreal Canadiens - Mal Leaf bail game in Toronto Sunday. Mr. and Mss. Howard Steve Enniskillen, visited Mr. and MV R. Burgess. Mss. Beatrice Yee visited 1 and Mss. G. Yeo. Miss Lillian McRobert, Torc Ms. and Mss. H. McRoberts. to, visited Mss. F. MeRoberts a Mr. and Mss. H. MeRoberts. Mr. and Mss. Donald Davey a children visited Ms. and Mss. Arnold and Mss. Mina Hughs at Gormley on Sunday. Sorry know that Mss. Hughson was ta en sesiously ill last Tuesday a is still confined to hes bed.1 aIl hope for a speedy secovesy a return home. Mss. L. J. Goodman was Toronto last week and seturn home on Sunday with Ms. Goc man. Ms. and Mss. Dave Hicks, <H. riston; Mss. Sehena Stephej Gossie; Ms. and Mss. Nosm Woodley were Sunday guests SALE 6 Room House and 3 '/2 Acres. in Dowmanville Located in choice residential section on large beauti- fully landscaped grounds in back and front. Trimmed cedar hedges for extra privacy and with enough fruit bearing apple trees to more than pay for taxes. Separate garage, oil furnace, laundry tubs in base- ment, electrie fixtures, venetian blinds, many extras. Early occupancy - highest reasonable offer. Inspection hy Appointment OnIy - No Brokers .. BRESLIN PHONE 854 or 436 : èr Live Paint Protection and Beauty : Se eOO 85 King hefamous Sun-Proof Two-Coat House Paint gives yot. Ieng-term property insurance that you con't afford ta ever- look. No longer is it necessary ta, spend extra money for that third coot cf paint-you save cest cf paint and labor. You nçed. have no fear 'of results when you redecorate with Pitsburghi Pcjnts. In many ways they are better than pre-war quality. J.B. Abernethy PAINT. St. W. YOU BE THE]1 WE THINK WE HAVE THE MOST OUTSTANDIN( SELECTION AND VALUES IN TABLE 'LAMPS lIn Town Drop in and see them nowv even if you don't jate the new fashions in aur many new models of lampc and shades. Smartly styled lamp anct shade to blend wittL your living-room colours, chinia base with a touch of an- tique' design. Handmnade sbade of washable silk _ _ only $10.9 5 HOO0PER'lS 28 King St. W. IEWI ci e-il hyMr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodiey. Xing- foraD y --- - and Glad to e Mr. Willis Stewart r ya eut arouind again. .h Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonna- cott and Ross, Dixie, with Mr.. and ded Mrs. E. A. Virtue. ipe Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, To- on ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Airs. J. A. Rosevear visited ber Sparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Lar- Ir.mar and on Saturday attended the Ontario Hereford Breeders ~1.Field Day at Ridgehouse Farm, Fenelon Falls, and also visited ~'with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cornish. ad Sympathy is extended to Mrs. mdThomas Aked and Miss Aleen mdAked in the passiniz of a husband G.and father, Mr. Thomas Aked, in Mrs. G. Bradley, Durwash, ac- rToro o companied Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and visited Mr. and Mrs. Lfl John E. Griffin, Yelvertoil. ane Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pork, Ce- ndcile and Douglas, visited Mr. S. Duval in Peterborough Hopîtal * and Mr. and Mrs. C. Murney. edMiss Muriel Jones had -ier tor.- o-sils removed in Bowmanville Hos- pital and is doing nicely. ýar- W. M. S. met at the home of nMrs. Russell Wright with a large an attendance. Salem ladies being our -guests. Mrs. H. Barrie, Salent, took charge of programme: de- votional by Mrs. F. Blackburn and Mrs. Gerald Shackletop;',solo, "My Task" by Mrs. Milton Wight; reci- tation "The Lifeboat" by Mrs. S. Buttery; duet by Mrs. Shackle- ton and Mrs. G. Shackleton "Son of My Soul". Miss Elva Orchard Father's Day, Sunday, June 18, will be the one day gave a talk "On the duties of dif- in the year's 3 65 that Dad will be king in Canada. This ferent organizations of the Unit- day has been set aside by the Canadian FatheV's Day Com- ed Church". Another solo was mittee in which to honour the head of the Canadian family enjoyed by Mrs. Wight "Beyond at church, at home, or whereverDad may be. Their slogan the Sunset". A social time was spent and a dainty lunch served. is: "For Better Citizenship - Make. Dad Your Pal." Mission Band met in the base- ment of the Public School Sunday Aked, Toronto, spent a few days Pickering on Sunday. morning with 22 children present. at their sumrner home "Quaint Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson, Bible reading was given by John Acres". and family were visitors at Mr. Cook and prayer by Gloria Brent. Mr. and Mrs. George McClellan, Johnny Alldread's and- Mr. Ray- Mrs. Leon Moore gave the chap- Peterborough,- visited Mr. and mond Bottreli s, Newcastle. ter of Studsr Book. Helen Cole Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and told a story. Games were played and Worlci Friends given out. Mrs. R. Hatherly has returned family visited Mr.. and Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephens, Beth- to Bowmanville. Page, Newcastle. any, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. May- Last Sunday Rev. Cresswell Mrs. James Adams with Mr. nard and Mrs. J. McRoberts. spoke on the 25th anniversary of and Mrs. J. Fallis. Cadmus. Mr. and Mss. Craig Hunter and the churches being united. Next Mrs. Wm. Martin, Haydon; Mss. chilciren, Stroud. visitcd Mr. and Sunday Dr. Henry, Toronto, will E. Strutt and Mrs. Clifford Peth- Mss. D. Deeley. occupy the pulpit. ick attended the -'nurses' gradu - Miss Vera Carr and Miss Sadie ation exercises at Oshawa *Gen- -Moore, Toronto, visited Mr. and eral Hospital, where Miss Dosôthy Mrs. E. A. Virtue. E NNISKILLEN Ferguson received ber diploma. Mir. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees Mrs. Geo. Bradley,, Burwash, and children, Mrs. Herb Hundle, -icleto r n Hampton, attended Ebenezer an- Many friends. and relatives ga-ýcald n-s adMss. Russel t ît ~~~~Griffin Mna feion niversasy and wese guests of Ms. thered at Enniskillen CommunityModyat~ion and Mrs. W. Pickell. - hall, June 9 te honour the newly Mr. anid Mis. Hgrsy McLaùgh- Misses Florence, Grace and marsied couple, Mr. and Mrs. lin and Laurence, Nestleton, .with Priscilla Murdoch visited Mr. and Donald Lamb. Aftes a progsamn Mr. and Mrs. Russell MeLaugh- Mrs. Murray Tabb. consisting of piano solos by Mast-' lin. Miss Frances (ryde'-man, Bow- ter Ray Ashton -and Mss. H. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Moooe, Mrs. manville, spent Fsiday with Mrs. Gill, readings by Mrs. R. M. Sey- Floyd Beckett att 'ended -the fun- J. His. mous and Miss Joyce McGill, Rev. esal of Mr. James Gregory, Osh-k Mr. and Mrs. D. Stainton and Seymour the Chairman, called the awa. -children visited Mr. and Mrs. C. happy couple to the platform, Mr. and Mrs. J.. E. Griffin, Windover, Guil Lake. when Allan Werry read an* ad- Lausa, Muriel and Robert John, Ms. and Mrs. R. Maynard visited dress and Ross- Sharp ani Carl and, Master Jimy Bennett, Yel- Mr. and Mss. T. McRoberts. McLaughlin presented themn with' verton, were Saturday evening Mr. Arthur Thompson, Miss an occasional chai'r and table. Af- callers on Mr. and Mrs., Russell Doreen Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. S. tes suitable replies by the bride Grif fin. McCoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Les- and groom a bountiful lunch was Mr. and Mrs. C. Wagg and.Mar- lie Thompson. served and a social time spent. ilyn, Uxbsidge,_with Mr. .and Ms Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mr. Murray W. A. meeting was held at the A. L. Weasn. Barrie, Newtonville, visited Mr. home of Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, a Mr. and Mss. L. Stainton and and Mrs. Russell Wright and Mrs. 30. Mrs. Laurence Weasn taking famàil ihMr n Ms . ul E. Wight. charge of the devotional on faith Wovle Mr. and Mrs. Everton White and:obedience. Mrs. Floyd Beck- .visited Mr. and Mrs. A. I4own and ett gave a most, interesting fI' ~ TT~T. attended Ebenezer -annivessasy. port of the W. A. Presbytesy meet- KEND..LAL Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Hamp- ing held at Pickering. Business____ ton, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. G. was conducted by President Mrs. Mrs. Concur Oshawa, lias been Brent, Gloria and David, and H. Mills, after which Mrs. Roy visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Tebble. visited Mr. and Mrs. James Knox, McGill called on Mrs. Miltot Mr. Robert Alexander and Miss Fenella. Stainton for a piano solo. Mss. Mary. Taylor, Toronto, with Mr. Mrs. George Bradley, Buswash, L. Goodman, Tysone, was our and Mrs. B. Alexander. spent a few days with ber sistes, speaker for the afternoon, hies Mr. Alec Little and friend, To- Mrs. W. Rahm. subject was "Woman's duty to ronto, with Mrs. Neya Little. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young- her home, herself and ber God". Mr. and Mrs. Ariel. Langstaffi man and r'hildren accompanied Ail enjoyed Mrs. Goodman's talk adCr n r osPto Mr. and Mrsr. G. Alldread and very much. Duet by MTss. T. apn Crl ndyaLMr os ato visited Mrs. Sparks and Mr. and Slemon and Mrs. Gordon Yeo. A spert anday at Lin.ehous Mrs. Gordon Leach, Toronto. delicious lunch was served by spent Sunday evening wîth Mr., Ms. Chester Prescott, Toronto, group in charge. and Mrs. Honey and Mrs. A. Jack- visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Col- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fergu.9on son at Milliken. lacutt. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke at- Ms. and Mrs. Len Oughtred. Mrs. W. J. Miller was caled to tended graduation exercises Of Wesleyville, and Mr. and Mrss Hamilton last week owine to the nurses at Oshawa Genesal Hos- Shirley Vannatto, Port Hope, vis- sudden passing of ber sister, Mss. pital, when their niece Miss Dos- ited their mother, Mss. D. Van- Fred Wood. Mr. Milles also at- othy Ferguson was in the class., natto Sunday and then went on tended the funeral which took Mr-ndMsR.JOritntseMrVnntoaPtrb- place Thursday. Sincese sym- r.RJ.Omso osc r.V ntea-Ptrb. pathy goes out to Mss. Milles and were Sunday tea guests of Mr. ough. le relatives. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Enfield. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. - Mss. T. Aked and Miss Aleen Ms. and Mss. Lamne Lamb, Hilditch were Mr. and Mrs. R. _________________________ RlphandRuth, accompanied Ms' Robertson, Ms. and- Mss. Swan ______________________ and. Mss. W. J. Stainton, Osono, and Brian, Toronto, and Miss Edie on a motos trip te visit Ms. and Ruiter and Mr. Bob Hilditch, Mss. Garnet Town, Peterborough. Bowmanvi]le. Isabel Smales atit;nded the nurs-VIA es' graduation exercises at Osha- wa General Hospital where Miss' BANFF & LAKE LOUISE' Betty Smales received her dîplo- i'na. Re uarly asge sleepers The ideal wedding or pre- famry. aderc.arevistind and al.oaches air-conditio-ned sentation gifts. Lamps Mr. anti.Mrs. John Dorland.wthelcosnasad and shades can be match- Ms. and Mss. R.-Byers, Bow- spectacular scenery! Break ed to make a pleasing mnanville, visited Ms. and Mss. A. your trip wîth a Great Lakeal combination for your liv- Sharp. - Cruise. No added- cost oiù ingroo. LmpsandMs. and Mrs. Harold Ashton first class rail ticket. Only xngrom ams ndand famnilv visited Mr. and Mrs meals and berth extra. shades complete.- R. Burn, Janetville. *Fl nomto rn Prom - $8.50 to $19.50 Ms. and Mss. Harold Milîs and Fulinomtn on family visited Mss. Joe Cowies. DEPOT AGENT Brechin, and Mss. M. Wells, Port Bowmanville . Ontario :LLERY ~Ms. and Mss. H. Stevens visited .oLLER ANDbis sister, Ms. and Mrs. R. Bus- TT SIROP gess, Tyrone Ram. Tson P hon 747 with Ms. and Mrs. Russell GiffixJ Ms. and Mss. Gea. Knox and Ms.________________ 1-. Kniox and attended Erskiine , , Cerater.v -Memorial b5ervaceu. at 1 SUNSET Suiiset hour'is Holy heur, Our, Heavenly Father's vesper -heur, Wheni He shows His aovereign He f ills the sky with heavenly light, Shuts Mis Glory out of sight, Slowly 'curtains out the light Ileaven and earth have said good- nig4t. By a nongenarian daughter of the parsonage. kiddies which added te their en- joyment. .Herb Reynolds' premises' are the Ëdene of much actlvity these days as the fence in front ef his bouse has been removed and gas- oline pumps instalied. Ms. and Mss. Eddie Couroux ,<He1e n Mesces) bsought home their daughter, Marie Irene, an MQnday from Bowmanville Mos- pital where she has been sine -placed in the incubater on May 2ncl. The baby seems ta be ceai- iîig aiorig fine now. .Ms. David Vannatto* who has been iii fora couple of weeks was taken to St. Joseph's HosD)ital, Peterbqrough, Thursday. On Sun- ,day two cas loads of would-be .blood donors went back. Mss. -W. .Jackson and Ms. Jas. Swar- brick had the correct type and wese chAosen. We hope Mr. Van- natto will soon be bettes and home again. Sympathy is extended ta Ms. and Mss. Basney Watters in the loss of their baby, stillborn, at a P eterb 'osougli hospital hast week. -Talk of cutworms! Fred Winn on the gth concession of Clarke had a fine field of oats but the cutworms moved in and have it nearly, cleaned off, just sonie on knahls left. Visitors with Ms. and Mss. Curtis on Sunday were Tom Hay, Kendal; Mr. and Mss. Cliff Curtis and family, Pantypool; Roy and John Patton, Dave Lunn, Mili- brook; Ms. and Mss. A. Campbel Ct and family and Mrs. Page, Peter- Gardon visited Mr. and MÉ. borough. Spence Gardon. Miss June Gordon with Ms. and Mss. Charli. Campbell, Leskard. Almost any attic holds articles Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Campbell that Statesman Want ads wiil seil and family, Mrs. E. Page and June for cash. Edwards 5ç to $L.OO StoreI 65 King Street West Bowmanville Special for FRIDAT - SATURDAT NYLONS 88Ç apair Firsi Qualify Nyloin. Summer Shades Dark Seams Edwards VÇ to $L.OO Store ¶0 of~ m .... . ~ EVERY POUND CUSTOM GROUND VIGOROUS & WINEY BOKAR RICH, FULL BODIED ]RED CERCLE MILO & MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK IONA!HALVES PEACMES AVLMER CHOICE, .PEU 4- AYLMER COUN C140CE SHR E DDED WIIAT: HEREFORD BEEF CRE VO RK BOLOGNA FANCY BLENDED JUICE - « 215.-Oz. d laTins 2 Pks.27e 12-oz.41 Tin 39< Tin 18e RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF SCA NA DA -SFINEST OUliT.ifY s. ER CUT WELL TRIMMED TO GIVE YOU MORE MEAT WITH FIRST FIV19 RIBO STEAK -O -,ROAST Boxa= SROUND MACAROV4I 4 CHEESE, or DU=TILOAF SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLIRED BOLONA PEAME.ALED COTfABE BOLLS - - .lb 85c ANN PAGE Vitamin "BSe Ib83c MILK DREAD a a b79c WUIITI or BROWN - Sliced 24-ez lbe! la SHORTENING JEWEL « * b. 31< BLACK WATCH BLD CID=S lb. 47e ALL PURPOISE pfll~..yFLOUR 5- b.34 PURTYBagrZ FR EN CH'S 1< NUSTARD 6o10% QUAKER KJUITS ePkg. 12e t5e ~HEINZ 3-r VINEGAR B,3 .23< §A4 HEINZ TOMATO 3o EfCH'P * 3-o.*24< zse CLARK'S TOM. or VEG. Tn SOUS * 2 Tna15e 3je FANCY MINCED SOCKEYE SALMON TI 27< A &~P 2'ruit.4 & ?JeyelaUe. VOUR A&P PRODUCE BUY 0F THE WEEK CANTEOUPES Arizona No. 1, Each19 THESE CANTELOUPES ARE SALMON FLESH, VINE R IPEN ED. GRAGESCalifornia Valencia, Fancy-344'i Doz. 259 BANANAS Golden Ripe, No. 1 lb. 19# WATERNELONS Floridi Red, Sweet, No. 1 lb. 8e Native Grown, New Spring Large CUBAGE Crop, No. 1 Head 15e CABIOTS California, No. 1 ag bnhs-2 fr19e HEAD LETTUCEN. ,ne pin rp2 fr19e SPINACHNative Gr>w, Fresh Curly Leaf 2Ibs. LESS WASTE. CHOICE SLICED *lb. 69< BREAKFAST BACON «lb.,5M FRESH GRADE "A" *lb. 82eDGUJNG FGWL . lb390 SMOKED SHANKLESS, PICNIC STYLE lb 53e~ POIX SHOULDEES « b.53e MAPLE LEAF SLICED * t~ 5<SIDE BACON *« * p 35 0 th-62e VOUR A&P BUV 0F THE WEÈK R EST IG OUC HE S ALEON BY THE PIECIE lb, 554 SALMON STEAKS 57e MILK FED GRADE "A" CUT UP CHICKEN BUY THE PARTS VOU LIKE BEST LEGS &BREATS « lb. 85e WINGS *«I 1* b. 59g NEMKS& DCKS * lb. 25& &WALLPAPE9 STORE' Bowmanvilli '-À' j 104 fflý -,,THURSIDAY, MNE 15, 1960 THE CANADL4.N -STATESUffl, BOWMANviÈj.4 . -olf£Aluo PAGE'