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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1950, p. 16

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BRING YOUR -TAe~PYCS N MESSAGE BE FORE f f% 7' 12,000 READERSRCS 5c RA BIRTH Articles For Sale Articles For Sale Addltional Reail Estarte For Sale AUCTIGI SALE Auction sae utinSl DEPEW-Billy, son of Mr. and PRAM, in good running condition. BEECH and maple, green cord- Classified D75OMnVIofEtheAL estAT 6in-ae rhne rdaou udrine a rcle M4rs. Tom Depew, is happy to Apply'26 Flett St. 25-1* wood, $18.00 a cord, sawed and $750Oeo h iet6ro ' W ry&Sn te r Jne Sr, istrctonsfroxith xect anonethe arrivai of his little delivered; also fence posts. H. Pgehauses in South Ward,- hot air E-. A. W y& os atBkrFarms, Hamptni pig h saeo .R brother, Robert Charles, in Baw- A BED Couch, A-1 condition. 107 M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone .Port On P g Fif teen heating, modern in every deta il. invite you te attend a ers and fresh cows;sera l4:nohtasibulcacl6 inanville Hospital, on June leth, Liberty St. N. 25-1* 'er 9--4 5t Requires only $2,000 te handle. ves for Vealing; 6-yearj d ue nStraJl acme 1950._______25-1___ For added prestige and good*ad- Caille Stocker Sale Shetland Pony; pigs;8f.itIgt1:0an ng ________________A MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, in good BARRELS!!! STEEL BARRELS! Real Estate For Sale dress buy this now. -ailsey - binder, tractor .at latearrbusiness DE.THScondition. Phone 2028. 25-1 B $ 3.50 each ____1 eebrdsniewights onl hitch; cedar posts, etc(J aeGog t otPtroo 193 CEV cac. hoe-01 BPOBe STOCKER'S GARAGE BUILDING lots north of Mapie $7,200-Smart uip to the minute Klue manager, Phone 2180. 51kona cryeTr 1934CHEV coah. Pone 015 hone804 Bowmanville Grave church. Phane 2988. 25.1* Jane Street bungalow, picture rdy Jue2 d JONS-I Hamnpton, on Sunday, Bowmanville. 25-1* 24-tf window, venetian blinds, f ive ~* 'îc ae i n sdatmbl n rc in 8t, 1950, Elmina Ellis, _______________ FURNISHED lag cottage, corn. roans, Iovely 4-piece bathroom.tieuesrenrsa uiln widow of Cephas Johns. Funeral TEAM seuffler, in good shape. CABIN trailer, il' 6" x7', 600-16 fortable and secluded, Salmon Good termn.s . at the from Mr. Adam Keane o 8 fgrg olvlailgeup from the family residence, Hamp- Will Ashton, Phone 2150. 25-1 tires, buit-in cupboards and ice Trout Lake, North Hastings,» HAYDONDALE FARM Con. 6, Clarke TownsiiCn et 90 lsoiecue f ~~at box: eupe for electrie. Phone Phone Bowmanville 434. 24-tf $,0 cash down-Lakefront ce' Mile east of Enniskillen acn o fono, tdayeilb ulcfe qipin n aes 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton MASSEY-Harris mowver, No. 23, 702 or apply 83 King St. E. tgwneie,7ros o-wt i rset fcosad3t t80 ..sa detr- uecal ie. F25-in goad condition. Phone 27.58. 24-2* THREE-roomed bouse, on lA-acre pletely furnished, beautiful ahaydana!arcti ongo tnighy.Trscs.Norsre akRed utoer ers gratefully d ied 5125-1 lot, in Bowmanville, fully insul- 3..piece bathroom, hydre. - Dont toahe Am ricn ofarkcts u e ofservdi.gJa Reiauioer ________________NEW and late model automobiles ated, built-in cupboards, good miss this fine opportunity forteheA riamrks- orsrv.:JcRida PIAOS-ew nd sedpiaos nsuedand financed. Dealer or garden. Apply 24 O'Dell st., purchasing same as rent.. Ful, can't affard ta let your pasture2525- ENGAGEMENTS for sale. Telephone 492, F. J. private sales. Inqtiire about this Bowmanville. 25.1* price $2,950. Step iively forthsiedbeety Mr ad rs LmePate wshMitchell, 204 Church St. 2 5-1* Io%% cost plan. Roy Lunney, 48 one. Free Delivery Terms Cash 1 have received stuios______________ Mr. andMrs. Lone Pottr w -hKing St. W., Phone 565. 23-tf FARM-50 acres, hydro, 10-room k. 7w. or- TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. from Mr. Robert Harnes&Sn.Arorie3ros iehm teanuc h naeeto OLATblonbcce nbrick house, hip roof barn, driv- Extra Special 25-i Lot 26, Con. 2, Hope Tp bl o nedryw no ope their daughter, Rena Grace, ta new condition, with extrais. Phione LINOLEUM headquarters In Osh- ing shed, pig pen, 6 acres bush, $2,250-Cash full price. Attractive ile west o! Moorish Cuc nPoeOhw 724o rt Albert Woodward, the wedding 2593. 2, -* Nva and district. Rexoleums, running water, 10 miles fnorth- 3-room year round bungalow, fulil~.2Hgwy asl ypulcMs .LwrBwav ta take place on July 8th, at 3:00, ongoleums, Printed and Inlaid east of Oshawa. Phone 2754 Bow- concrete basement, hydre, gaad Er 1uction -on WednesdayJn2thRR., in Trinity United Church. 25-1* McCORMICK-Deering corn bind- ioleum. Every pattern tha' manville. 25-1* well, extra large lot, apple, pear, a..t 1:30 p.m., 50 headofura ________er. Joe Stevenson, Phone 2522.- Lnadiavibe atde's,- cherry trees, asparagus, etc., well k and Hereford milkerssrigr Fo Mr. and Mrs. T. J.. Halbran 25-i 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IN Bowmanville, double brick fenced. In town -limits an Scu- and young cattle. Fo1 ute r'sokSl wish ta annaunce the engagement'2 MODEL "A" Ford. Appîy 27 TO i h ah huse for sale, 55 Elgin St., poss- gag Street. This will seli fast, particulars see bis.Temcah o! their daughter, Greta Mary, ta '29 essgewahig ac- ion of one side. All conven- he wha hesitates is lest. TWel1 Jack Reid, auctioneer. 33NN is 7wesad hn Glen R Mecal, sn a MrandLiberty St. N., Bowmanville. ine and dishwasher, perfect con- lns Saldw pyetadPatPry01r1 51 Mrs.RoyMetay f Momaciai.fo e329. a5nvitin.eeasnPfrosrlig m3e9renairerm. Eaan F.erttns.ubsantaanric hoe wth 5 V 1aL O I I avereciveiIntrutioscHRSE sorelmar, gad uie OSaturday, July 8th, at 2:30 o'clock, in gaod condition. Phone 2564 Price $250. Write Box 418, c/ao18-f hihMin.me.Goodreveue C Unte CurhWelington. 25-1* after 7:00 p.m. 25.1* Statesman Office. 25-1* present, but may be increased. - 2, of C on.2,Crke w,onmie25.21 1948PLYMUTH'edan lowFOR Fail harvest-a quantity o! ATTENTION NURSERY MEN Finest location on large corner pbi uto nM 194 PYMUTH sean lw wîîgrwnplats cuîfîaer HREis n uttadin opotu- lot. Open te any r ô abl o- b publication sa oa, Jn ODta !ga eceo IN MEMIORI.AM 4 mileage. Phone 402 before 6 p.m. wl.gow lat: reasônable sanotsanig poru Sy 25.1* cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Brussels ity for an outiet in one af the best fe.a y 2thc, at 1p.m sr, albsfr ars 701s M .P e j BARRETT-In lovingiemory a! sprouts, Kohl Rabi, Kale. Phone districts in Toronto. Annual in- Farms mixed grain, 20 acres !Aiaf adeariPother, Annie BaretRENFREW elecri rang e t eBowmanviîîe 2200 after 6 p.m. came coulde $8000ndr$9,000$15,000-167 acres close ta Osh. We canafford ta sell for îess cas t. bF o urhe rin lt i e ul;aot5arso wopassed away June 21, 147iooks and warks lkenew. W. T 51which cud egreatly i taed a. beForid he i il.TrsBL n a o ae - Renmrnei odncanSmnPoe25. 25-1* Empbays eight during the sumn- awa, first class farm, or suitable -no faney location. . . no bibis. Jc Reid, Tioh adAfaftw ie Remembtraeis rakgoldentai nSynsPhe25. CONVERT your wagon wheels ta mer. Miany cantracts on hand for for subdivision. -ihprc rents!"2- rmTroe hn 39 51 Deah tie tabrekbutailinA SINGLE wooden folding bed, rubber, complete stock a! steel landscaping, stone work, etc. prc Tohvalv, an hna with spring and mattress, in good rims, tires and tubes now avail- Price includes new $ 15,000 home $9.000 -On Highway No. 2,_100 Se aur beautiful fumniture- Thunesgdbarcevd ansiylingdcodtin pe at oe n nt condition. Phone 2832. 25.1* able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, constructed a! solid stane, 1950 acres, gaad buildings, stane bouse, cbc u o rcsadb nTruindes from h xctra pl amn rwod ap psth rtes orwo n' L ht nmlsn ihCorner King and Sibver Sts., Dadge pickup truck, and power at Newtonville. cek c onvice.anthe eistuteo! rtheaeMsWmto.21 Is te geaes srwipeout mny daL iteard adcme pla wtedhoe46.16-tf saw. Fllprice $20,000. Write bic roan: onthe satrdynJi th athrlt heart. drainboard ad chrome plaied or hone Mr. Tuck, Ma. 177, A. $9,000-181 acres, 2 barris,brcOuslgnThtodteel yp Teyears a ie u aytaps. Phone Clarke 1323. 25.1* SALT for hay. We expect a car W. Farlinger Real Estate, 20 buendr ase ooNe- "Polelket ho er. rsiec, 6Crise v.,Bw __________________ things o! sait ta arrive June 241th ôr 26th..20 oshdepse or e- "epelk oso ee" rsdne 6Cryl Bue' this they wipe aut neveri. 1941 MOTORCYCLE, 74 Indian. The price for fine sait at car wiîl Yange Street, Toronto. 25-1 tonvilie area. manville, ber entirehusobFO JmsMLuhiPoe24.b$12pe a.- <TF'TS 'effects. This wiiî includ niu rmt fiingaate 'The memary o! those happy JmsM~uhiPoe24.b .0prbg Block sait aiso Summer Cottages and Lots $6,900-183 'acres, dairy farm, ýfurniture, dishes, glassaeadsrie yigadcsa ok .days 25-1 available. Please phone your FOR SALE goad frame buildings, hydro. mnilk When we were ail together re.VntnFlu& edBatf ewGErfigai -Ever remebered by the 25-1 Ogo vaibb gismandyalor-d ii hne77 51We have a good selection o! bouse, near Enniskiiien. This las Beautiful n e .rfierasutar lcretyteNa-a heRp _______ 2 fi-pattms a t Marrle is a. 7lou-fMillCPonMCKer777 g 2 5-1 ar summer cottages in the Lake outstanding in value. EASY CHAIRS other items. Termscah Sle HETRILSametir- fuipatern___ Moriso._____._____________ 2-ow ornScugog and Rice Lake district. AIl these fanms may be purcbased Ini rieh velour at 1i .m No reserve ui n euposee.Sts GRAHAM-In ioving memory o! 1931 MODEL "A" Fard in fair cultivator, used two seasans, in Many have hydro, boats, staves,ontriifecsay- rmJckRd'aui: dear husband and father, T. H. condition. Apply at 76 Scugag perfect condition; aiso a Renfrew gaad furniture, shade trees, bawns foms1,200ees6ar00. -Frs$39.00Jc ed utone.2- ato gaate.Hv u Graham, who passed away June St. ar phone 2276. .25-1* cream spaaarwtheecrc nagrge.Seealae es rm i20 a$Real TTNIO ARES nuieatWbe' Fbiacn 26th, 1946: motor. Appiy ta Morland Ander- than 2 miles from Port Perry. 78wm ngSt. Restat' Chrome Airpiane cammencingl A allient thought, as suent tear DINETTE suite and maroon baby son, Phone 2215 Bowmanville. Cottages-reasonabiy priced from 78 Kieh ng S. West ____________________________ Keeps bis memory ever dear, carrialge, neariy new-, kitchen 25.1* $l550ý ta $3450. Alsa chaice lots hhnD aicinS O E STUA Y, s les E 2T te 0 ig t .a9 Time takes away the edge o! grief cupbooard. Phone 2736 Bowman- for sl rm$.0prfo n Phone 33689 owavle$.5Dra onyS Btmmr un akeeyvle251PLUMBING, Heating and Oil up. Poe69Ohw 51Or onomîkn coer.Hgo Ee- Butxnmoy urs ackevryvile 2-1Burniers installed anywhere in For information cali or write 21Gnue lIcmne at 73 .. ti,4 igS.EPoe48 -.Sadly missed by his wi!e1 and SIX foot Cocksbutt mawer, eut Durhami County. Reasonabie rates taday. , . , T 7~VIUND and Continue an Thursaivn 5t daughter Verena. 25-1* two craps oniy. R. Stenger, En- and highest quality. For free V. R. FOSTER - vork vanted i ZBOYCH IR ing o! each week ni _____niskiilen, Phone Bowmanviile estimates cali W. Len Elliott, Casimer Street e-Wlth Ottoman September V8h'T~ PEREI oigmmr f22-25-bf Heating, Pbumbing & Tinsmithing Pae 9 HAVING purchased a New Hol- Beautiful eoverings - Special - Ternis Cash t,____________ aur dear father, George H. Pearce,2PEEcetridsuea Phone 348. Agentor frr or:' 19 land Baler I amn prepared ta do Save $30 AI Hall, Jaci ed IGEsrn n atea whio passed away June 23, 1949: aood as new. 32 Queen St. Phone OIL bumners instailed, complete L. 5 SNELGROVE & CO. csa aig a esnbe~SlsMngr utoer hn Gente dear father, gone forever, 2556; abso an electric radio. with 1 year guarantee, $350.00 Reaitors pie.Clame E..2.1 CRP rn ndbttris Phone 795 How we miss your smiiing face, 25-1 and up-for as little as $35 down 1086 Danforth, Toronto 2847 Bowmarivile. Srn-i25-h udrine utone a Cak 53.7t But yau left us te remember and 24 months ta pay. W. Len 25-_____________irl_________intrctinstese Noeo at cntk or lc ODcoupç, Model "A", good Eiliott, Plumbing, Heating and p.os-1 tOi sols grls requirn STUDIO -a istructionW.s t eibypli-___________ Ahappy home we once enjoyed condition, prlced right for quick Sheet Metai, Bowmanvible, Phbane NIXKON REAL ESTATE touriat camp or caring for ehiid- Special village o! Tyrane, sout !B-PooCar.32,M .Pd How sweet the memary stili sale. Jack Eiliatt, Newtonviile, 348. 16-tf 39.5 am's Store, on SaturdayJl swl.2- But death bas left a lonellhess Phone Clark. 1314. 25.1* $6,000-Buys a solid brick bouse, Oenta. Apy2o55-1kao $95 world mn neyr fui, _____________Ontario.__25-1_a quantity of bousehol, fetBS utb rdmntl ...Sqdiy missed by bis daugbters, TWO-wheeled trailer, 1930 Ply- Morse space heaters. Heat your ment, central location, nice iawn. PAINTING and' Pècorating, in- SmarticudgFidaOvlaostvbr ape H.MKtPhn Ithode, Iva, Gretta and grand- maouth car, Special Winchester home the safe, dlean economicai Possession. arranged. terior and . exte'rior. 'Fine car- ood as new; fboor cavnns atPry131 children, Norma, Donald, .10e, pump gun for B" sheils. APPly way. Pay only $11.45 down at pentiy work. Guaranteed satis- HO T C ARS bes dressers; table chis22t Margaret, Jane and Dick. 25-1* 28 Brown Street. 25-1* Bradley's Fumniture and Appli- Beautiful new dwelling, 6 spac- faction.- Free estimates. Phone Sprlng-filled - Save $5 quantity 'o! waod; diesposBFRsllnyumivput FOU kichn cais, hie ti-ance Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. ious raams, hardwood floors, hy- 77r7 Orono,-%Horace York. 25-3 $ 14.95 aersas;wisand apt te iat .. Btany, phnt] Help 'NanFedRamel, anctable, suite for 2-tf dro, furnace, 3-piece bath,every- G. N RA LBuidig Rpais,__________________t__ Help W mted hiay idomso.la13,ondievnrseEEcharges.ttact7v cottage; cheap for quick sale. ALL kinds a! meat, gaod qualîty $8,500. , Terms. Possession ar- asphait, metai and- aluminiumiAtatv Sale at '1:30 Terms cash STRAWBERRY pickems. Caîl Mrs. Phone 3266. 25-1 weiners, bologna, cooked hams, agd shingies, insui-briclc said. and ap- TABLE LAMPS CMlford Pethick,autoerIAM neet4inbyn R. Mutton, Phone 3352. 25-1 12ACRES o! standing hay, Ai- okhamge. aringon asepied. Fe siae, * EBwmnviîetPrt op, WOMAN kitchen heiperswanted.s12and hmugr alntnPack- 2 acres woaded land, black îoam. Builder, Phone. Port Perry. 277J1. $4.95 ______________ WAly can's etaur ant Bo- square timbers 8 x 8 and 8 x 10. ing Ca., Hampton, Phone 2836, 16-tf Vicinhyreity. Type6 o!&t anl e. 25Retara tflmr o, hoe 48. 251 also pickling, smoking and saus- 2,grand place frvacation. »AEDRM!Sensational V/anted bsns snts motn u ___________________ age making. During t4e summer Pseso uyIt 200 ahnBnn*n rnigHGETpie a teeShp,97Kig t.W. Bw-madels from $39.50 up at Marris days and cattie at any Çie. 20-tfLosnEgietig tad We specialize Wn complete. kinds -o! iran and scra eas o o ebig rt uip manville. 25-1* Ca. Phone for free demonstra- USED Case S tracter; used Case Caesarea. BOB braCke verhA AGE 5-Pc. Kroehler Osawso riveurye hane291 iulr aBx41,TeSae STRAWBERRY picken.. Appl V tractar; new Case S tracter; James Nixon, Broker Phone 804 Bowmanville LIVING - RODOMOswarerechgs.24*mnfioB'avil. 52 85 Libery .NPhoer 0. pl 1940 MýAPLE Leaf dump truck, new Case SC tracter; Case side Bowmanville 2- 25-1 with bate model Brantford hoist, rake; 41/à' Case one-way disc; Phone 682 160 Liberty St. N.2- OUTFIT aIl in gaod condition; wili sebi used hay tedder; new Case ele- 25.1* LAWNMOWERS $129.50 A MAN or boy for farm work. truck and hoist together or sep- vatar; wire fence; steel posts; A-ONSRA SHARPENED Separate bouse for married man. arately. Phone 418. 23-3 baler and binder twine. W. H. 4 0Orn iESTATE Have them sharpened with aur Leslie Taylor, Burketan. 25-1 Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. $400Ooomsdne on select new precîsion machine. 10-l'e SMALL cook stave with warming 25-11street* and fine surroundings, 4 Caîl 467 for pickup and delivey EDROOM GROUP telephone HUdson 0108. 24- has bought row crop tractar. Ap.. include: 2-pc. Vebour Chester-........... - 1 L.lropodist T~ C 'fT Tablets------------- 3c$.0 tsu-----p.1e ply Joseph Crawford, Hampton, f ield Suite, 2 Satin Cushions,1 1 ICE RERL R TO Band Aid Adheslve IyCefrtetin WE want a man who feels be Phone 2552. 25-1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Wabnut -_ T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, Glesming White, Bnae would like ta suppiement bis in- End Tables, 1 Attractive Table 'Nanted To ktent specializing in discases o! the foot Fully InsulatedBadgs 1-0-5c epoonvy- 7c came with part time work. The VENETIAN Blinds, Flexalumn, Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum-1 and leg. Qeneral chiropady work.$775t mn enedmsknw bsSteel or Aluminum Décoratar inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spcc- THREE or four roomns, furnished Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, $3.7 cammunýty weli. There is no sel- Shades, one price 70e sq. ft. ex- ial $169.00 only at Badley's, 40 or unfurnisbcd, for efined Eng- Phone 3947.Burner ling attached. The work can be pert installation. Phone 451, King St. W., Oshawa. Terras ta lisb couple, and girl 8,'- in dlean -unrF st idK donc in your spare tîme. It is Walker Stores. 23.tf suit. Many other suites ta choose, respectable bomne in nice district. Chicks For SSle CO.AL-OIL STOVE Firnson AidJ Kinso interesting and remunerative. The BE IREADY for Spring and Sum- $a,14-t.rieorp9n5. .Medws 'r_________________Jo KoniJoto ninwho has a knawlcdge o!f e vt imnSapr orBALYFriu.C 0Ka Elgin E., Oshawa, Phone 1989 J, ]BRAY pullets, day-oaîd,_ started, Tae i ____ tmagwudbeie frnc er h idrnbosmand cmeLlodBRADEY ., ture o., 40-Pd. Oshawa. 25-b !rom $14.90. This batçhery bas 4_____ aigwol e e rs taen E.cildr___boysanden._loydStWOshaa,_Pone_____pe.batches weekly this manth. Mixed Cnetilut-i Reply giving ful articulast lis Shoe Repair, 39 King St. W., bedroa*m suites, $69.00, steel bcd cikccees oodr s P.O. Box 190 -A", Toronto, On- Bowmanviile. 1-feB B R MBur&BakLs tario. 25-1 19t!out!its, complete, $26.95; felt base Articles For Sale forkscolee lst adder.AiskndBABY4 C r AmFnrsF t lKi WE an me h BomavileWE measure and instail Venetian floor covering, 49e a square yd.; oder without delay. Agents, F. Wt Clearance Sale Rxl atg its NE waten nd othruraundîng Blinds. 1Phone Marris Ca. for chrome chairs. $6.95, ail cobors; USED cream separatars:- 2 No. 18 L. Byam, Tyrone; Hugh Stapie- ealKtt ii Newaste nd thr srrundngestimates. We also carry a coni- 3 pc. allover velour chester!ield DeLavals, 800 lb. capacity; 2 No. ton Newtonvible. 25-1 $27I.50 travelling medicine towns who feel they wouid like plete stock o! window shades. suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish 16 DeLavals, 750 lb. capacity; 1 - ' ta ,supplement their incarne with 17-tf breakfast suites, $66.00; Spriiig- No. 4 Juniior DeLaval, 400 lb. cap- TWEDDLE Canadian Apps'oved chest -1.9________________ p:art 'time work. The men we filled mattresses, $24.95; tnî-light acity; i No. 14 DeLaval, 600 lb. Cbicks and Turkcys at reduced -need must know their commun- FOR Home Freezers, Mibk Cool- lamps, camplete, $12.95: rangettes, capacity; 2 No. 12 DeLavals, 500 prices for June and Juiy. Chicks ifies well. There is no selling at- ers, Washing Machines, Ranges, ranges from $59,00; 3-pc. allover lb. capacity: 1 No. 14K Rcn!rew, day-aid ta eigbt weeks, nan-sex- WI VI ~L R tached. The work can be donc service on mibk coobers and mat- velour bcd chesterfieid 6suites, 600 lb. capacity: 1 No. 3H Ren- cd. pullets, cockereis;" Turkeys, W S OI JR in your spare time. It is inter- ors, that wiring job or anything $119.00; 9 x6 Axminster car'ts, frew, 300 lb. capacity. Some of day-aid ta six weeks, non-sexed, UNTRWh o esting and remunemative. The electrie. Trade - in or Terms. green or wine oriefitai desIgns, these sepamators have factory re- sexed bens, sexed Toms. Ask forFUNTRWbn eTetE 1*lDocrory iimen who hav'e a knowledge o! Consult Wcrry & Son Electric, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; conditioned bowls and are lu good aur Bargain Prices on four and COMPANY roui EALDU TR J typing would be given preference. Dealers for Woods Electric Farm table bamps, $6.75. Everytbing for tvarking condition. O. J. Hyland, six week old tumkeys. Tweddle 20 CHURCH ST., OSHAWA BN 78 I ' Reply giving full particulars ta Equipment, Phone 2539 Bowman- the home at Bradbey's. 40 King Burketong Phone Port F erry Chick HatcheriaaLimited. Fergus, 1HN 7 O MNIL P.O. Box 190 "A," Toronto. 23-1 ville. 23.6 at W, Qahawa. Zhoiis 274: i l lz. 854! tiaia 8 4'--ê j IM CANADUN STATIOMM, BOWMAIfV.nlàt CMAMO VigumA-Wlo lem it lm 1 PACM SIXTIUM

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