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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1950, p. 7

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?NrSDAY, mmN!22.1950 ..-.-~... '-': C ~PAGE SEME SOCIL AD PESONL IKinsmen Clubf Married in' Il Phono 663J The Bowmanvjlle Kinsmen Club wound up this season's activity -7- at a final dinner meeting at the Balmoral Hotel, Tuesday, June 20. Mins Pearl Bresljn ls holidaying -you are willing to help telephone Frank Jamieson, Deputy-Reeve........ with a lassmate at Crystal Beach. Mrs. D. F. Henry.ofB mavlegutspkr Mise Ida Peebles Coiborne, vis- Among the guests attending of the evening, addressed the ited her sister, Mrs. C. J. Smnale. the Barham~-Quinn wedding in gathering on a subject close te Mn.LauGuy Osawa spntSimcoe recently were Mr. and the heart of every Bowmanvjlle theweeendwit Mr. N ~.B.Mrs. Bruce Berry, Mr. and Mrs. citizen, the Memorial Hospital. thesweedwt Ms S. Hugh Camneron, Mrs. Win. Cun- He congratulated the Club for the Mis MryDop ad is Hl-ningham, Mrs. WnriMutton, Bow- initiative they displayed in vol- MisaMaryDoppand iss el-manville, and Mýrs. Frank Hastings unteering to pay for a semi-private « Jones, Toronto, visited their and son Bud, Oshawa. room in the new hospital. "n aut, Misa Mae Bottrell, over theon kend. ~Miss Helen Pritchard spent Sun- thing I like about yu lbh Mr. Samuel Allun motored ta day in Toronto and with Mrs. E. said, "you're ail young fellows and *Cochrane,. Ont., and visited the W. Hanna, Miss Irene Hanna and you should go a long way". powr prjecs onOttwa RverMr. E. R. Hanna was guest of Mrs. Stan Dunn, delegate to the Kins- *owr rojctlo OttawaRve Chas. Pollard and Mr. C. . Pol- men Convention in Sudbury, rend- BM isoOttwa.lard. Following a visit with ered an account of proceedings in Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Woods relatives in Oakville. the party th Nickel City. The Convention itnd son Bobby, Weston, were dined at the Boulevard Club at was held June 15, 16. 17, 18. He Weekend guests with his sister, Sunnyside Beach, Toronto. informed gathering that a com- Mr. and Mrs. George James. mittee had been appointed to in- Mr. Alfred Gracia, Regiopolis Joseph Shehyn Secretary of the vestigate the advi>ability of hav- College, Kingston, lu visiting Mr. Bowmanville Chamber of Coin- ing either a National or'a District Bernard Jones at the home of Mr. merce announced this week that Kinsmen praject. The national Wesley Fowler before leaving for next week the stores in town will project would be in the field of MR. AND MRS. GEORG hiz home in Havana, Cuba. take their usual Wednesday af- cancer; the district project would Women who wish ta assist the ternoon holiday and will remain be something along the line of a whose marriage was solemni Red Cross in making quilts for open until their usual Saturday Soap Box Derby. MaitbaFlodvitis rer- closing hour on Friday night be- Due ta the shartage of space in United Churoh, Bowmanville. quested to télephone Mrs. D. F.frthltofJhlia. this week's édition, a fuller ac- garet Emily Farmer, is the e Henry at Bowmanville 3135. St. Paul's '". A. held its regular count of the Kinsmen Club's fin- Mrs. Victor Farmer, Clarksbur Messrs. Bill Btton Jim Cro meeting in the lecture roomn on al meeting will be printed on bic and Goron, rom- sentJu 13 with a fair attendance. June 29. is son of Major and Mrs. Geor the weekend in Detroit and were 1rs (Rev.) George Mason, as spectators at the Detroit-Boston guest speaker, told interestngc basebaîl ganie on Sunday. facts about the W. A. during the Mesra.G 25 ad Bll ams . s.Whtm la-Enjoyable Musical Programme »1Ntnded the banquet in the Roy- served refreshments.1 VilYork ThurAday evening in hon- NxtAI Ponlypool Lasi WednesdayV our of the AnMerican editars tour- Nx Sunday mornîng at il ing Ontariao el the Tourist Good- o'cdock Dr. C. W. Slemon, Bow will mission. manville, and Treasurer of Osh- B JeneCutr awa Presbytery, United Church of (bJaneCutr Mr. J. A. Vynn who married Canada, will present Orono Unit- On Wednesday evening, June 14, she learned at school under Missn Celia Tait of Bowmanville, bas ed Church with the Presbytery's an appreciative audience gather- Rowan's instruction. graduated fronm Osgoode Hall and contribution ta their re-building ed in Pontypool Orange Hall ta Other winners who studied un- plaiÇata praclice law in Brant- fund. It is expected ta be a sub- hear a musical concert presented der a private teacher were as fol- c ford. His rnany friends here of- stantial contribution which un- by pupils from Pontypool, Bally- lows:E fer congratulations. doubtedly will be most welcome duff, Lotus, New Park and Car- Less than 1 year's instruction:3 Messrs. Ceo. E. Chase and ta the Orono congregation. scadden's Schools, under the diI- 1, Beth McMullen, Lotus, playing Geo. VanBriiger represented the Issue of uniforms and equip- rection of Mr. Wallace Armstrong. "The Cuckoo", (pupil of Mrs. Da-h Bowmanville Public Utilities at ment ta members of the newly When planning the syllabus for vid Wilson); 1 ta 3 years' instruc-D the Conferene of the Municipal formed rifle company of the the music festival this spring Mr. tion: Juniors: 1 Doris Manetta t Electrical Ulities of Ontario Midland Regiment at Norwood Armstrong arranged ta have ap- "Oranges and Lemons"; 2 Donna S held at Bigwi Inn, Muskoka, on took place on Sunday. There are proximately 35 clases from which Curtis "The Moon-Boat"; 3 Bey- June 9 - 10. over 40 members of '"B" Coin- the pupil could choose the ones erly Curtis 'Brahm's Lullaby" a Mrs. A. E. )udley spent a few pany recruited from Norwood, suitable ta bis grade, age or ability. and Ted iMcMahon, Lotus, "Toma-M days with Mi and Mrs. W. W. Hastings, Havelock and Cordova These classes included closed and hawk Trail" (tied). Seniors: (a) a ]Buckley and aul, Peterborough. Mines. Lt.-Col. L. N. Carr, OC. open solos, duets, trios, quartettes, Closed Class "The Happy Farm-A The Red Cres is making quiîts Of the regiment, was present on group numbers. canons and rounds er" 1 Ruth McMahon. 2 Barbara for Manitoba 'lood Victims. If this occasion, for voice, and instrumental class- Curtis, 3 Patsy Gibson, "Bally- j One persan was injured and es. duff. (b) Open Class, 1 BarbaraW and another escaped injury in an At the preliminary contest held Curtis "A Wbistling Tune"; 2 a automobile accident Saturday, in the hall on June 6. the adjudi- Ruth McMahon *'Melody in FI" une 17, on No. 2 Highway east of cator, Mr. Fletcher of Lindsay, (simplified arrangement); 3 Betty Courtice, at the corner of Solina well known critic in the field of Manetta, "Sea Guils" and Patsy BOWMNV1LLE road. Cecil Fox, 42, Kingston, music festivals and Conservatory Gibson. Bally1Juff, "Dainty Butter- ~ri Tdriver of the Toronto-bound ve- examinations, listened ta alI the fly" (tied). Piano Duet: 1 Bey- 3 rIS Tbide, was admitted to Bowman. entries in each of the classes erly and Donna Curtis "Cbop- ville Hospital and placed under mentioned aboyeahad from them sticks" (advanced arrangement!); N 1 Il 0 Ifobservation for several days. He selected a first, second and third 2 Ruth and Ted McMahon "Parade suffered a slight hemorrhage and prize winner. These fortunate of the Tin Soldiers"; Metgingas ffroma acbrke y fIýing little people then repeated their Ail piano entries, with the ex- Meetigine ownea r otencarndshi Id. prize-winning numbers for the ception of Bet McMullen, were by 1UNIONTIALL etecr Z1ýr entertainment of their parents and pupils of Miss Jeanne Coulter who Traynor, Toronto, the only othçr friends on the previously men- acted as occampanist for the even- 9 King Seet East occupant, suffererd minor cuts and tioned evening, June 14. After ing. We must add that in the was released fromn hospital im- the presentation of each number, Open Solo Class, Mrs. James Ricb- Sunday - !:30 m. médiate ly. Dr. Keith Slemon at- the little performer received his ardson accompanied William Fred- p.m. e the injured man. red, blue or green ribbon (award- erick and Richard Miller, two of PatrPaul ' Holliday ed as prizes) and also the "mark- the most enjoyable soloists on the PatrNEW SOFTBALL TEAM ing sheet' on wicb appared Mr. program, while Dreen Holroyd will bring th message Fletcher's comments and sugges- played bier own accompaniment on Special musithat yo A "Front Street Team" mani- tions for improvement of the num- the Hawaiian guitar. aged by "Slim" Graham, is being ber as he beard it at the prelim- Highest credit is due Mr. Arm- will eny. formed and will enter the Bow- mnary. These comments are ex- 1 stron g for hours of patient guid- manville Softball League in the tremely valuable ta those students ance required ta bring out "the Saturday - go p.m. second part of their summer who desire, ta continue their mus- best" f rom the material with w.hich schedule which should begin early ical training. he works for five days a week. Open Air I'rvice in July. Sa large was the number of en- He carried out festivals under a F1 The team has not been picked tries in the Junior Classes that it similar system at Bethany, Janet- nt the Post ffice ito date, but according ta Mr. is impossible ta enumerate ail the ville, Enniskillen and Bowman- condcte by'ung Graham, the first practice wjll be winners, but a few little faces ville. Tbe climax of this year's codute b~ong held Thursday, June 22, at Mem- appeared on the platform sa many work in the field of music is ta People 40f C'ary orial Park. times that we feel they deserve be a giant entertainment in Bow- Everyone is invited ta the prac- "honorable mention". From Pan- manville Arena, June 28 whnth Baptist Church, shawa. tice, but in order ta qualifv for typool were Edith and Phyllis performers will be chosen bnMr. mumumumuma position you must either'%vork Nirnigon, Doris Manetta, Leona Armstrone from among the win- for or own a business on King St. and Betty Lau Mitchell and Flor- ners in the five centres. ________________ ence Curtis. From Ballyduff, Sandra Gibson, Verna Chaprnan: ucesulI Marie Lathangue, Beth Camn ucsflI TRINITI UNfITED'CHRURCH 1frm Lotus, Mauree tnson, V UniversityExams ian Gibank, Beth McMullen and Ted McMabon; from New Park, The 1949-50 examination resuits R ~,.,Jobnny and Harry Baker and of the University of Toronto and Regular kinng Service -ila1n, Jobnn'y Wagner. This little chap the University 0f Western Ontario belongs ta one of aur New Can- bave been -announced. Tbree REV)AVID MCLELLAND, adian families, and among other Bowmanville boys were success- Field Secretary Ontario Temperance Federation 1i numbers, deligbted us by singing fuI at Toronto; one at Western. will speak. in 'Dutch, "Jesus, Lover of My Completing second year in tbe SOLI!:OWN NCHOASSoul". Faculty of Arts, Toronto with 'SOLO: OW N NICOLSEntries in the intermediate and Second C]ass bonours are Gerald senior groups were fewer but of Morris and Keith Pedwell. Stan Sundaýchool - 12.15 p.m. ,just as fine quality. Duets were Snowden received Tbird Class 1 1 ~in The minority but verV pleasing banours.1 1 FredericJc "Lucky Old Sun"; 2 Dar- Visitors with Mrs. K. Burton ST. JOHN'SI'GLICAN CHURCH een Halroyd, New Park, "Jealous were Mrs. R. W. Mar iow, Mrs.J .-00 .M. Hea rt"; 3 Richard Miller 'Stran- Tompkins and Mrs. Nolan. :00 .m.1 ger of Galilee". Grades 9 and 10, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins and June l8thth and JuIy 2nd 1 Ruth McMahon "Open Door, Jiminie are at their cottage for Open Arms". the sommer and bave as theirý TRNT TTD CHURCH Instrumental numbers were guests Mr. and Mrs. Nolan, To- TRINTYTTEDcomposed of flute and piano selec- ronto. 100 .m.tions. Lotus and New Park each Mr. Tom Perigoe bas finisbed Juy 16h nd23dcontributed five flute selections. giying Mrs. Hick's house a coat of' _______ I I pino lasss, he iritperor-paint, a splendid improvement. SAL~0 AMYmer was Marie Lathangue wbo Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountj*oy SLO R Ypiayed "The Hummingbird" whicb n is oeMunjyvsited aé PM Mr. and Mrs. Russell Montoy July 3th,-41st 6th and l3th Blackstock.1 F I EPL CE FU NAC r. and Mrs. Clifford Sonley, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs.! ST. PUL'!ýTED CThCH reatffl héât-thr.w.r of thom&O 17'Jas'. Harris. CHURCH cubi feet of heating apace-more tan : irladM~ a afî n a j p .m . ing expertu know -how " from 2"0 -mofv e x,. - a i Y T o nt , w r w e k d p re c .Hea uingbo otieis '% Ig er Plate f m lv To o o, e e we k d August 20th, 2ýind September 3rd utw"tryWh ..c.fic.; guests of Mr: and Mrs. Donald in our Tweed Firepiac Furnace we guarantee Thompson. Utt infot as represeeted, when it reachez your M ad r.FakWto n P owmanville 4feria1 Association Thumnd Mr.dyinuandl ve Cnrs,. FrI li anmkeatS - aflg complote satisfaction. rtfo frecata- grave, with Miss Gladys McKee. CLIP THIS ADVT. FFUTURE REFERENCE Twed Prepice urna,e hy actual uses. Mr. Percv Leal ieft Wednesday ______________________________________________ WEED STEEL. WORKS LT., TWEED. ONT. .or Satilt Stc. Marie ta catch the ore carrier boat, Shaughnessey, Bo mavileArchi: Hlay, Toroto, and Mrs. Mr's.Js. Frder, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor were Sunday visitrs with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin and Lawrence and Miss Norma Hooey enjoyed a motor trip ta Niagara Falls an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Fitze with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thampson. Mr. Johnny Asscott is tearinga down the barn and shed at Mrs. Sam McKee's and will erect a -, garage. Several from here attencled the. garden party at Yelverton and re- part a splendid evening despite necessary than ever" she declar- picket pence centred with a gate the hydro blackout daused by the ed. "Subjects embracing child In the background was a grassy bigh winds. It aiso blew down care, psychology, and welfare bank of English hawthorne. The Mr. Don Thompson's silo and up- sbould be read by ail mothers and cbildren's costumes were most at» rooted several trees. fathers. triclix'e. The bunnies had brown There were not many rewards hods framing their faes and NusryShol given at the losing this year, she topped by tall pink-ined ai ronto University is against prizes cotton skirt and contrasting blouse. (Cantinued from Page One) being given. Many chîldren may The gardeners in overalîs wore emotion are practically setted by expend just as much if not more pn n odgreigcp o the end of their fifth year", she effort than the wnners, who may the two girls and blue and goîçi stated. "«Children from their sec- obtain the award easiy. Small ones for the twa boys. The birds GE ASHFORD MUNDY ond year start ta gravite ta others children who do nat win could wee e1'ffectivelv costumed in blue ,yand begin ta be social minded. At receive severe inferiority coam- and mauve and wore yellow beaks .ized on June l7th at Trinit this age they sould associate plexes, and the matter of a prize over their nses. The bride, the former Mar- .with their contemporaries and be- can be feit as a seriaus beartbreak The choruses were delightful- gin ta learn ta live with people and by littîe ones. and Janet Scott charming in hon eldest daughter of Capt. and develop responsibilities. Starting She stressed the fact tbat the solos. The acting, grouping and ýurg, West Va., and the groomn in their tender years, Nursery effort is ail important and chi,- regrouping for different numbers orge T. Mundy, Guelph. School brings incalculable benefits dren should learn ta work not for b3' al was also excellent. as the Department of Education rewards or money but ta do a Mrs. Norman Scott on behaîf of now realizes and has recently op - gond job. Their efforts must be1 the mothers of the children pro- on wbicb be is marine maèbinist, ened seven Nursery School de- cammended and they sbouîd bef sented Mrs. Wight with a travell- Congratulations ta Mr. Richard partments in Toronto scbools". taught that effort is as valuable as ing set in a gold case, in appre- Bowies, B.A., who graduated with "If children bave not learned accomplisbments, or achievement. ciation of bier successful work and higb honoors in Toronto Uni- basic control tbeir later education the resuits she bas obtained dur- verityArt Corse isnotas ffetiv, bt i thy hve Referring ta the. number on the ing the school year. Mrs. J' Pat- Mrisyrs r Cnorsp son t om . a fec i ve uta they a e programme, Mrs. Wight remark- erson also was made ther i nt; MissMaron homp on t h me.had he igh st rt t ey an hened that while "they are entertain- f a presentation by , Mrs. iScott Mrs. S. McKee and ber brother, learn facts and apply them in the inLy and shc.wy, they are the resuit on behaif of the mothers. Mr. Lamne McQuade. Calgary, AI- proper way. It is important that of the least important part of berta, were in Bowmanyille re- children be given the opprtunity NureySho ok.Bscly Ms ih ilcniu h newîng old acquaintances. ta iearn how ta live. Last autumn urprat Shaol work". oasically MrsofWtht Nuiery cone ith Miss Helen Bowers was a re- a group of parents wbo bad moved ipotnbltyiandetelean 0f e wrkofthe N ursery Scaibholdi cent visitor at Buffalo, N.Y. ta a suburban area from Toronto so-pnsit n dthe larning in the autuons It wiilt ene.l Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trick, found they weme without Nursery c oeaindyb a' Following the closing exercises Borketon, witb Mr. and MÉrs. Gea. School facilities. So, ta ensure the The operetta "'Peter Rabbit" or Mms. Wight entertained at tea for Bowers. benefit for their offspming they "Mr. McGmegor's Garden" was those present. The beautifully Mr. and Mms. Nelson C. Marlow started a co-opemative Nursery peiformed as the second haîf of arranged table was centred with bave soid their farm ta a new School, giving their services oin the programme. The cast were a bovl of pink colombines and Dotch family and will be moving a part time basis". as follows: Mother Rabbit, Janet pyrethiurn which \vas flanked by ta their hoose in the village very "The Nursery School does not Scott; Peter Rabbit, Mary *Ruth taîl pink tapers in crystal candie- soon. deprive the home, instead it is Osborne; Flopsy Rabbit, Margy sticks. Baskets of flowems ef. Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Sharpe designed ta belp the Parents raise Pickarcl; Mopsy Rabbit, Patsy Vir- fectively decorated the dining- and Laura, Cavan; Miss Yeo and their children and ta help motb- tue; Cottontail Rabbit, Clive Mer- room and hall wbeme the children Miss Burgess, Port Hope, calîed ers and fathers ta be responsible ritt; Little Peter, Dan Hughes. were served at small tables. Those on Mr. Walter Sharpe and Mrs. parents", Mrs. Wight emphasized. Gardeners: Helen Vanstone. wbo assisted Mrs. Wight in serv- A. Forder. She recommended the "Parent Evelyn Hughes, David Elliott, ing were Mrs. H. Jamrieson,S Mrs. Recent visitors with Mrs. Magazine" which dan be abtained Scott Rudel]; Birds: Judy Brough, M. Jamieson, Mrs. M. Comstock, John Dickey were Mrs. Albert at the Bowmanviîîe Public Lib- Carol Elston. Douglas Wood. Mis. F. S. Phillips, Mrs. C. H. Wright, Biackstock; Misses May rary. The garden was cleverly ar-ljMason, Mrs. Forbes Heyland and and Mamie MacKav and Mr. " Parent education is today more ranged and surroonded by a white Mis. Nelson Osborne. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL.SERVICE Madependent Druggiots' s Alliance, Aviati.rn Style $1.19, $1.501 Kiddies' 15c, 29c, 49e Polaroid--------- $1.95, $2.98 Grn"'!Zâ $1.501, $3.95 Willsonite --- - - --- 50c, 19c Others -- 29e, 35c, 49c, etc. LOTION .......6 00 OIL ... 6 011.10 -POWDER ... 281&550 CREAM .........5550 .op......15 4 Richard Hudnut IJeLuxe Home Permanent Aj Refill Kit - $1.95 emob42-Hp relieve) DLINESS a SICK HEADACHE ACID INDIGESTION e CONSTIPATION ______________with For Sunburn TANGEL - 65e - $1.65 duy TQdoy! 2 for 69c 35( Box of 12 p Ale x. We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 EECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ,H:w k ,e rown e ---- $6.001 ýspeeit -- - ----------$3.001 Target Browvnie ----- -- 6.70, $8.10 Brownit Reflex 8z 11.7.5 Kodak Duaflex- $14.541 Kodak Tourists $25.25 up Filmq (Ansco, Kodak) -- 32c, 37c, 48c, etc. InsecticjLles I.D.A. Math Killer . 49c Diebloricide 1lb. .5.3 2 for $1.400 Lanrvex 83e, $1.29, $1.98 Combination, 16-oz. and 1 Sprayer --$1.36 Tat Ant Traps 35e » -- -3 for $1.00 Wood's Math Killer Food Jugs -------- $3.75 up Paper Napkins, .-- - 131½ x 131/ ---- --70's 1,5e Paper Plates (Duchess) 8" or 9" pkg. --25o Picnic Kits (Duchess) ------ --25c Thermos Bottles: Pts. - ------- $1.501, $1.65, $2.1.5 I.D.A. BRAND SPÈCIALS CASTOR OIL, reg. 25c, 45e - - ----- --19e - 33e WAX PAPER, heavy, 100 ft., reg. 31c - ----------26c OLIVE OIL, 4 oz., r-eg. 29c ----------------- ---- -- 23e WRITING PADS, reg. 10c, 15c--------------- 7c - Ilic STOPETTE New Economy Size Spray Deodorant AMM-I-DENT 75c - $125 TOOTH PASTE - 79C cinq 'ni, SIAMPOO CREAM.OIL rONIC ZOOT LIQUID IAMPOO Variety of Styles FIRST - AID SUPPLIES Bandages, Adhesive, Peroxide, lodine, Etc. Best Brands.. ...Lowest Prices MEAD'S PABLUM AND PABENA I.D.A. English HEALTH SALTS 16-oz. - 59c MlcGregor, in tr0duc WILDR( LIQUID CREAM S BAA/N ,4YP,4d 65C SIZE WILDROOT( HAIR T( 6,54 SIZE NEW WILDRC 'l.30 VALUE FOR 69Ç o Gillete orérONE-PIECE ., RAZOR Wath 10 Gillette Blue Blades in Dispenser MS S .uILTY Drugs Gel Yours Tdy-In This New9 SPECIAL VALUE TON! REFILL KIT " Six Toni Midget SPIN Curlers "Regular Toni Home Permanent Reffihi " Toni Crs me L Ail three$ 5<m for only BRYLCREDE " Keeps the hair in place ail day. " Guards against und removes dandruff. " Gives hair a gleaming lustre. e>'ýýN HANDY TUSES mi THE CANAD" STATESMAN. BOWMANVMTlLp- mmT,&wTn 9 --- Ir: Sun Classes Cameras Picnic Needs 1 We Deliver

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