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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1950, p. 2

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- TEE CMiADLAN STÂTUUMI OWMA2<VM=LEO«TAIUO THURSDAY. TULY lSth. 1,50 ZtablUshod 1654 with which in lncorporated le owmanvMel News. Tb. W.wcaatie Indfflmd.at and The. Orono News - 95 Years Continuous Service foth ie Town of Bowmanville arnd Durham County AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Audit Bureau et Circulations Canadian Association SUBSRIPTON RATES- $2.50 a Ysar, strictiy in advance 63.00 a Yomz in the United States PubiIhed by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Autharized as Second Clans Magil Pont Office Department, Ottawa. Bowmanvllle, Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, Enrroa WHERE HAVE THE SLOGANS GONE? There s a battie on between Lijndsay, Peterborough and Bobcaygeon with each municipaiity claiming the title of "Gate- way ta the Kawarthas." This, of course, could be an excellent publicity -stunt but t did remind us af the days when every town had its own slogan. For instance, Bowmanville dubbed itseif the "Town that Satisiies," the naine being selected at the conclusion of a slogan contest. Part Hope used to decorate ts signs with "The Prettiest Town An Canada" until Cobourg decided ta go one better and s supposed ta have erected one with "Prettier Than Port Hope." We wonder what happened that brought about the change, so that very few of aur tawns are now adorned with these fancy tities. Did the aid signs wear out or did the peopie who were interested An the. praject An the f irst place lose n- terest? Ail we see now-a-days, in mast places, is a sign with the naine of the town, pius crests and meeting dates of al service clubs. When the new highway passes by the town, tourists wiil look at the bare sign of Bowmanville and won't realize that t s ane af the f inest spots in Canada. It may not be the Gateway ta the Kawar- thas, but t s the Canadian home af Goodyear and we do try ta treat our American and -Canadian guests with frendliness anud courtesy. YANKS ARE LEARNING IN KOREA It s nteresting to listen ta Canadians, especially war veterans, talk about the Korean situation. Everyone realizes that t could develop nto a third world war, but the vets are taking An ail the headiAnes and then they start reminiscing about the last war although heaven knows most of thein aren't anxious ta get into this ana. Thè unusual part of the whole affair Is, that, for a change, Great Britain and Canada and the people ai >these countrias are flot the first ones nto the f ightAng. Sa, at the moment most of us have the attitude which. the people of United States must have had during previaus wars, that afinterested and helpful spac- tators. It s certainly quite a new and nove1 axperience. -We find ourselves able and eager ta cniticize American action and strategy; ta plan aur own campaign using G.I.'à rather than Tommies or Jack Canucks for traops a--tid, we think, most ai the Canadians are, In a sensa enjaying the experience, whiie thinking that this naw position doesn't seem quite normai or right. We knowv that every Canadian veteran and civilian s proud ai the way the United States has, at last, accapted and under- - taken ta discharge ts responsibility n thé international sphara. And wa are al eagerly awaiting the day when the mat- erAal and men so soraly neaded An Korea have bee-tan assembiad Sa thIk la hatrap SPECIAL EDITIONS MARK ANNIVERSARIES -During, the past couple ai waaks, at least three waekly nawspapars have pro- duçed mammoth spacial ssues ta mark unusual evants such as anniversaries or 014 Home Weeks. One ai the iargest carpie from Smiths Falls whare the Record- Nes-s produced by Editor A. E. "Gus" Dobbie and a capable staff. To mark their Oid Home Weak, The Record-News jump- ed in size froin an avarage 16 pages ta 56. It was a commendabie effort, packed with historical pictures and stories which wiii be traasured by citizens and fariner ra- sldents ai that area. Wa happenad ta visit Editor Dobbie the weck prior ta the cale- bration and found him recuperating after having spent a week In bcd as q rasuit of his hectic efforts An preparing the edition. We certainly hope the revenue raceived and the piaudits ai the cammunity wili ta saine'extent campensate for the long hours and the worry afit ail. Congratulations onM a job extremely wali done. -In Acton, The Free Press celebratad fts':75th anniversary by producing an out- standing two-coior supplement an book pab.er as weli as the regular newsprint. JEdtor G. A. Dilis, who s the f ifth editar sinoe thxe paper was established by a Guelphx printer un 1875, and Ais staff are ta beè commende~ for an editian which will recaîl ta many Actan citizens the --early days An that area. While these young papers have bean celebrating their advancing years, the H-untlngdon Gleanar froin Quebac pro- duced a 24-page edition ta mark the tawn's 125th annivarsary. Thxis too portrayed mluch of historical intoest and w. give justifiable praAse ta Edtar Adam Sellar and his staff. It should be noted, however, that The Canadiali Statesman will mark ts cen- tennial four years frain now. Already, we are setting aside material for that special edition which, we hope, wili be the best we have produced. HOW TO ESCAPE LIBEL SUITS The. graatest fear a newspaper man -has s that sooner or later , during the heat af* saine battie of words, he will write somathing which will offend a citizen ta the extent that he wil -take action for libal. Unless the paper. s prepared ta prove that what has been printed s, n- deed, truth, ane ai these libel, suits can deveiop into an expansive affair and has been known ta financialiy ruin substant- !al papers. For this reasan,. we are ex- tremeiy careful An checking stories and Ampress upon aur reporting staff the need for the greatest accuracy. 'Way back An 1903 an article appaared which wili ex- plain what we mean: "Neyer state as a fact anything you are flot certain about," the great editor warnad the yaung reporter, "or you will gat us into libel suits. In such cases use alieged, claimed, reputed, rumored, and s0 oni.", "And then this paragraph appaarad An the society notes ai the paper: "It As ruin- ored that a card party was given yester- day by a number ai reputad ladies. Mrs. Smith, gossip says, was hostess. It s alieged that the guests ware ail froin this tawn except Mrs. Bellinger, who dlaims she hails froin Stavaiy. Mrs. Smith clims ta be the wAfe ai Archibald Smith, the so- calîca honast dealer." P UBLICITY WHERE IT IS NEEDED In a world where the daily papers, saine ai til movies and many radio pro- grains are cantinualiy featuring crime as the autstanding naws of the day, t was rafrashing ta read an editorial An the Trenton Courier-Advacate which praisad honesty for a change. It reads: "The honesty of the twa littia girls who found $614 An coid cash and immcd- iately turned t An ta the police station last yweek, cannat be allowed ta pass with- out mention. Karen Lidster and Shirley Benson bath dispiayed an untainted, chiid- like innocence that speaks favorabiy ai the teaching they have received at haine and reflects well upon thainsalvas. "Their highly craditabla action cannot beh laid antireiy ta their tender age. Though but aight years aid, the girls fuily reaiized the value ai the money. But thay realized the greater value ai honesty. Their action s ta ba warmly commandad by this comrnunity. "At the*saine tima, t As wali ta note, once again, that aduits can learn much froin a childiike nature.". It s ta ha hoped that citizens ai Trenton made sa much fuss over thesa two youngsters that they and many othar chiidren and adults wiil realize that there s plenty af glanriaur, satisfaction and ex- citement An doing a decent, honest act. WHY DON'T YOU WRITE TO US? We cari remembar the days whan, ai ter avery issue ai the paper, we raceived letters froin subscribers, quite aiten giv- îng us a "bawiing out" for soine cditarAal upan which they had their a;wn deas, or suggesýting that an item should be given aditorial support. Nawadays, the letters are f ew and f ar batween, mainiy main people renewing their subscniptians. Not that we don't like raceiving those renawal letters. We do. But, surely saine ai our readers whose subscriptlons haven't ex- pired or saine ai the nan-subscribers who raad their neighbaur's paper have saine ideas or critlcisin ta pass on ta us. Pro- vided they aren't toa rough or obscene, we'd be delighted ta have thein for aur "In the Editor's Mail" or the "Voice ai the People" column. If you don't want your naine published, sign the latter and +_- +r orsaneàterttie. ut,--eas_3 g LET'S QUIT WORRYING! IT DOESN'T HELP It s almost tragic tAxe amount ai time saine people waste An warrying. At the end ai the war, they worriad about the unempioyment that was sure ta cama by 1946. Later, they worriad about inflation anid iast year t was the racession which was caming and wauld surely deepen into a depressian. Now, hare wa are An 1950 warrying not only about inflatian agaun but fretting about the war An Korea. Keeping «oursalves An a state ai jitters daesn't haip matters at ail. Al ai us hava aur-prablains. But if we hava confidence An aur economy and our way ai lie, we suraly hava f aith An ts ability ta kecp t- self on a levai keel and its abiiity ta deai with its enamies. Evan if wa haven't that inith, we cartainly wan't haip by spread- ng gloom and working ourselvas and others inta a panic uniess we are praparad ta do samathing about t. If wa wera An saine cauntries in the world, we might have cause ta worry, but here An Canada we are An the most f avorad place An this warid and many ai us don't appreciate t. Instead ai worrying about what may happen, wouldn't t ha better ta realiza Aow iuckv wa are and face the future with confidence, reaaizing, that whatever may happen. t will be an intercsting period An history. _ race last week at Thornelille An iev. kTiay Atinsofl5I ana Mrs. orshieanvtbfr w nteYe Toronto and raceivad a real ova- Atkinson, Richard and David and DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S.. D.D.S. loshieanerberewcteye tAon'framn the crowd. Ta keep Miss Marion Elliott, Oshawa, and Office un hua home Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin vlsitcd Mr. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville palished with the new G-E Polisher. Two away fromn party politics, they r.cutrrttn useudrthPoihr' stuck ta a straight trotting exhib- Mr and Mrs. George$* John ta Office Hours ition rather than an aîî-aut race. hclp George celabrata bis birth- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily c6-ounr-oaigbruosal hendrto ings , - * * *day. 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wcdnesday 6pudwihdoaltewrkobin Ia Trenton a man forgad a $350 Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar Emerson Closed Sunday hardwood, linqIeumn and tile surfaces up toi a chaque ta abtain funds for bis and iemily, Stratiard; Mr-. and Phone 604 gleaming, durable finish you'U 'be proud of marriage and spant $235 an an Mrs. Frank Emerson, Toronto-, ]E L E T T engagement ring. Now, the haney- visited Mr. and Mns. Malcolmi Ern- moon s really avar for about 8 arson. ________________ manths, concluded by order ai an Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, BOWMrANVILLE TERMS IF DISIRID Oshawa magistrate. Ha might Garnat and Baryl, Part Perry, REAL ESTATE have pleaded insanity. visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wil- 78 King Street West Complet. wlth Iwo p.llshinsg brush.s * .son and ail toak a trip to Che- Praperties Sald, Reated b-fm Anothar foalish i a il a w In maag. Managed and Appraised 5 9' .I ufr Guelph paid $25 for the pniviiega Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs and Mrs. Members ai the Canadian and ai driving bis truck na-bands L. Joblin callad on Mr. and Mrs. Ontario Real Estate Boards down the busy thoroughfanc for Nanman Malcolm, Blackstock. 3. Shehyn D. Maclachlan about 200 yards. Ha said ha was A numbar from Nestieton at- Bowmanviile 320 Oshawa 689 Sistrate suggested that ha was a Blackstock. A D T N g o l e n bit 'bair-brained." The trans- Mr. and Mrs. R. Reed, Isabel parts wc lika ta watch are those and Wallace, Toronto; Mr. Errol MONTEITH & MONTE1ITH that start at aur main corners and Fallis. Rasetown. Sask.: Mr. and Chartereti Accountants U2 Kint St. E. rhone 438 race ta see which s going ta Mrs. Livarsan, Miss Doris White, 37 King St. E., Oshawa Bowmanvilie reach Vanstonc's bridge first. R.N., and Miss Margaret Stadle Mn. Gardon W. Riehi, C.A.. Every time we seu them we run R.N., Sunnybrook. Toronto, visit- _ resident partner.- A PAGE TWÔo N -, * c~d ith Mr. and Mns. Wm. Steele. fD qfll and beautiful, paying afent tÈib. IMiss Wilda Steele, Purpie Hill, U9IUJ. .LUt.[ ute ta a laving wife anid mother, an MssGldy meso ae l-A good neighbour and kind friend. In teDi En id n P 1 pnigafwdyinToronto. 3IARY JANE BROWN From ~~. ~ Don't forget W. A. and W. M. Theepse ars ther COMMUNICABLE DK5EASIC Ma-home, 69 .Lber-ty -St. S., on Sat- RPR colm's, July 20th at 2:30, in charge urday, June 24, 1950, Mary Jane 50 yeus Ago1925, said, "Canada's geographical o Mrs. Malcolm. Mrs. Nichai- Demille. beloved wife of Thomas Week endint July 8. 1950 50 YTh Saesa, Jn 0pWAo nteiai ha e son, Blackstock. will speak. H. Brown. Mrs. Brown had been PromTheStaesmn, une 0- os4ionan he nam ighay .- n por halt fo a umbr ~ Chickenpox-Port Hope, 6. and July 4th, 1900 twéen the Orient and the, occi- i orhat o ubro era ese-omnil Forhapincs he tatai~andent of this century... places a '«OH, FOR A RURAL years.GeanMaesBw nlU Fo apns h ttsa reat responsibllity on Canada for TELEPHONE"I Born in Cartwright Township, 3, Dàaington Township .. of June 20, 1900, advocatcd:lHelp ithê future welfare af the world". March 28, 1874 she was the daugh- Whooping Cough-Hope Town-. someone With a kind thought, iteetrbld tesw <BEd rdGLnad ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. An- shiP 1. kind word, a smlile, a bright lookanleetruldtms e (yEwrdG enr a kind deed. 'Look on the brighi' would do well ta remember that. a etco)toyDmle h a are andby elppg o kep ur wn owto ostpeoleit' aninsrutwice and besides ber bereaved G tI u lSok side. Do your duty. Live vrü ongiishpy w ol e-had-Tomas Brwn, f best. Repeat the dose daily"l. connieshpy e oudb ment of value; leaves ta mourn her loss four Bofore Winter Strikes If everyone practised that tao.ay helping ta keep the world happy. To others: Well, you'll excuse us sons and three - daughters, Wil perhaps aur world wauld be 'a - The Statesman aio July 2nd, ladies if we listen in! Slute, Albert Slute, Walter Slute, much happier place in which. tè 194. *anounced the dcath af Mrs. It ail hiappenèd t'othcr day, Mrs. Arthur Rahmn (Grace), Mrs. Arrange Your Fuel Loan at mu live. A little smile goca a -long Annie IR. Sinclair Jury, a popu- Whcn some af aur dear noseY George Lang (Jessie), Russell Bank of Montreui way., lar resident. She has many rel- ladies, Brown and Mrs. Mcl Hawley The l7th annual mneetingai the atives and friends living in Bow- The ones we of t' times wish in H- (Lila); another son, George Slute, It's a lot m~ore convenient andi Bay of Quinte Conference Was ý anî/ille today. Were trying ta get in their say.prdcadbe sera yes economical ta arrange your win. held in Port Hope from June 7th Strawberries sold at the rate Said one to the other: aga, She also leaves two sisters ter fuel supplies weflin advance. ta l2th, 1900. This conference is of three, boxes for 25c ini Bow- "Yau've heard it my dear?" and one brother, Mrs. Russell There's no chance then ai a sud-. sttll being -held. The latest meet- manville. "Wby, ycs, and it's ail too truc Clark, Oshawa; Mrs. GeorgeCos-.dn ch f angeanc eather catch ing was in Peterborough in May The July 2nd, 1925 Statesman s0 thcy say; sentine, Las Angeles, Calif., and snt ou offalae, stad yau cii af this year. announced that Mr. H. A. Fletch- They expect' itý arrivalinl June. James H. Demille, Oshawa. stack u t the o adamntg- An dvt.intheJuy th 100 r heBomavilc os K n dear, Th uneral, conductcd from the ostrs St atan said 4tatDr. Brima- egbthe prizeoeK12 ng, And isn't it iust too bad!" home on Tuesday, June 27, was Prasyudlk ab mn Staesan.sad tatDià .Bria-won'egtpie u f1 entries Now. as the time drew nigh, largely attended. Interment twasewsfokh arne-rl combe and J. C. Devitt, L.S.S., at the Ontario Rase Society Show t os me supio es w ofrrngeelu D.DS.,wee i patnrslp i a inToant, avey cmmedale orou r hopes ran bigh, at PAne Grave Cemetery, Prince co ml upisa ul u D.DS.,wer inparneshi inan n Tronoa vry ommndale orwe had watched bath day Albert. Service was conductcd can't lay your hanàeon the ready office behind Higginbottom's drue sbawing. and night; by Rev. S. R. Henderson. cash? Pay a visit ta George store on Temperance Street.. Ta- In Oshawa, Mrs. E. E. Read re- And, oh, for a look at that cave- Palîbearers were foui grand- Moody, manager ai the Bmnk af day Dr. Devitt is still going - ogotdaruablaf3 nhstTmSueMqntreal at Bowmanvile, and inrang portfdsaionuborb leaf 37 unche droppcr's face sons, Merlin Slutc o lt, discuss witbhlm the det4ils'fai inr bistb proenaisurding teh across, three feet long, and a stock When this beauty was brougbt ta Earl Slute, Stan Rabm; two ne- B of M fuel boan. Suppose you an i qit lrod f he ,at. ncarly six inches round. ligbt. phews, Harry Brown, Wallace borrow $100. The interest comes, In 1900 whcn the late Mr. M. A. July 9, 1925-The paper af that Now, was t a boy as those good Brown.taol6prcet-2 nta James was editor of The Stts date said that the 30th annual ladies thought, The floral tributes were'many montb, whcn the boan in repali man and ticket agent as weîî, anc convention ai the Ontario and Or was it a bright littie girl? over six months. coud raelthrd las ro Lv-Durham Counties Womcn's Chris- But, no, it was neither, boy nor : If you're in a position ta repagf) erpool or London ta Quebec for tian Temperance Union was held girl, 1itePrhrncl.aprsnlJa nes nt - $2i0 t Orono an June 25th. But a sweil ltePrcrocl. ents out af your incorne, you In early July, 1900, the Rev. W. Richard Allia Bragg. a pros-anm esuetdytl yu J. Joliffe had just been welcomed peraus farmer l of Darlington TLgts anedfajl will enjoy a warm, snug as the new pastar ai the Metho- Township and a lfclong resident, Twoè A hofiO~ me during the conilng winter. dîst Church here in Bowmanville passed away in bis 72nd year.L For rop in and sec Mr. Maady, at that trne. Some of his relatives still live out F o flypool a l1R ttoz1 while the mattcr's still fresh in _____near Shaws. yaur mind. 25 Years Ago In July 1925, the Militia Order Manvers Township Council pass- £rom Ottawa sbowedý that Dur- cd a motion at a recent meetingM From The Statesman, July 2, 1925 ham Regiment ai this County asking the Hydro-ElectricPowqr The late Mr. M. A. James, in stood third in the wbole Dominion Commission ta instaîl thrce ligbts hsDominion Day editorial af for general'efficuency. on Manvers St. W., in Pantypool. bis The fallawing accounts were authorized to be paid: Schoôl ~U money ta S.S. 2, 6, 7. 10 and 15, BEAD THE LITTLE ITEMS ~spectively; irrRptern. BEAU THE AI LL I EM Sing $87.50; Pctcrborough Prîntîng _____________________________________________CO., office supplies, $12.69; Ed-O ward Humpage, auditing, $270; This business ai trying ta locate for aur camera, but so fer the Ray Challîce, trucklng, $7.50; Dur- or create ncws sa the subscribers lucky fellows havcn't encauntcred ham County Federatian ai Agri- will continue ta find items ai any east bound trefiic. culture, $46.23; Township Treas- inerstinths apand uie utrer, road voucher $2,471.41, J.A I PACE R task. One ai the ways we cdi- Then there was the item from Cummiskcy, $120; Caunties Treas- WLPPR tors and acting editors kecp treck New York about the magician uirer, bospitalization, $31.25; Gea. ai events is by browsing tbrough who bid $500 in a confetti bowl Skucc, medical expense $10; Er- dozens ai pepers from ather com- with a false bottom ad came nest Cavane, sbeep killcd $40; M.FO , ST C munities, clipping anything ai home ta find tbat a burglar bad Bawin, livcstock valuer $1.60. TO MA'ILIiLLFOR NEWOTOC news value before we discard solved the secret and taken his. The next meeting ai the Man- tbem. maney. vers Cotincil will be August 8, at It's amazing how much ncws 8 p.m. there s An these papers. Most Out in Calgary, the Mayor bas Here is your chance ta buy. papers at a real bargalu ai us read the headlines and ardcréd bis saiary cut from $7,500 don't bother witb the smaîî items, ta $6,000 and bas already refund- BAD SHORTAGE OF ~gfv ~gg stuck here and there An a corner. cd $750. Ha was fed up with FARM LABOUR i'aRy are LESS lihR IIILF rRILCL This week, we lookad for thase being criticised bY civic unions midgct news bits and faund s o 0wcre secking wage in- Officials af the Ontario Agri-Sesmeothmiarwnd . many ai an unusual nature that creeses.' culture Department say a seriaus eso fthmiou wnd . we pass a few ai them, aîang ta o shortege of farm labour may de- you. There arc hundreds ai these velop wîthin the next fcw weeks a a* interesting items An the news- as farmers prepare ta bervest a ALSO A WIDE RANGE OF' papers*every week and ta us, they possible ali-time record grain Many ai you have, an occasion, form the most fasciaating part of crap.- cither cursed or praised the park- the news, We could, go on ta Reports from ail sections ai the Paints - Enamels - Varnishes -'W axes ing meters An neighbouring tawns tell yau about a dag at a service Province ndicate a shortage af and cties, but did you knaw that station in Markham that takes skiled harvcst belpers. -'--I '1 in Niagara Falls, those littie nuis- pennies the customers gve - hlm The immediate shortage wiii be and Polishes -nippo u11- imber-lox ances bave callected 20 tons' ô? and trades thcm for cookies or eased ta some axtent next week Wn lnsau~a~.rig.iç coins since 1947. Deposits have burlas theft An a speclal sandpilc. when soma 350, skilled workers 0idW BJ d ad astDr T'1og totalled $46,228. But, the town Or, about the nervous minks that from Alberta arrive to assist withfo ai Campbeliiord bas tried the are biting off thair. tails, or .a the barvest.Fnshs alf machines and bas decidcd ta have white ieËhorn in England that is But an official said, marc work- ish fr-l types of foors. i thema removed by August 4th. changing its sex. But, suppose crs will be needed and "'we don't * a * for this week, we conclude by knaw where we can get thcm". Down Cobourg way, Crawn suggesting that dollar for dollar __________ Attorney Harry Dcyman apal- you'll raceive more eajoyment ogized ta Magistrate Baxtar for and genuine satisfaction from Sapphire balîs up ta a quarter- fargetting some detail of a case. your newspeper each week then inch An diameter are being subs- V He said hae had had an exclting you will from any othar type ai tituted for steel balîs An bearlngs A e i e week-end. Instead ai a repri. entertainment. But, be sure you subjcct ta hlgh temparatures or h mand, the magistrate congratu- don't miss thc tiny items. They chamical corrosion. lated Mr. Deyman whasa wifc are important. had presented him with a baby uieDrcoy PAINT& WALLPAPER STORE boy over the weakend. Who says _____________-s5sIN S. . OW ANILE HO H 3 lawyars aren't hurnan? NESTLETON 8 KNGSTEW BGANILA LO B 3 Wa lacated thrae accident stor-1 ies. At Mount Forest, a man fell The Ncstleton W. I. met at the W. R. STRIKE, K.C.________________________________ 130 feat from a cburch steeple home af Mrs. John Hooyér, July Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and didn't break a banc, but An 5th, meeting in charge ai Mrs, Solicitor for -Bank ai Mantreal Haileybury, a 17-year-old lad Cecil Wilson's graup and Mrs. M. Money ta Loan Phone 791 faintad and drownad An the six Emerson "Citizenship aad Edu-. Bowmanville, Ontario inch puddle into which hae faîl. cation" convener. Rail caîl was Our neighbour, Oshawa, contrA- traffile laws. Thare were 22 LAWRENCE C. MASON. .A, buted another story whcn a 20- ladies and some children pres- Barrister, Solititor, Natary Public yaar-old chap crashad bis car into cnt. Ladies dacided ta hoist aur King'St. W., Bowmanville the anc ahead. Ha told the niag- W. I. flag Ia the park at Nastle- Phone, Office 688 Residence, 553 , / istrate that lha had been eyaing a tnstationn also help-some aiau s -- - ;,~-~- j. .. - ;, llitt]RSDAY, JULT 13th, ie5o

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