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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1950, p. 9

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r * êp~t .. ~ TED ANAlYA1 MAI~~IItIUWMA N - a-- ~ V JZ Add, CIÇPÂO b«»u o50,UDu puWof DIUnit- bd'Stes btrth bave made their homes in Canada. SILO --NARC Oil Heatinq MA"$ TOUR FEESENT NEATING QEQTJIMT TWICE AS GOOD Bavau Tou moner on Tour Fuel C..t. Phone or Conult JACK BROUGH PLJMBING EATING Divisona St. S. flowmanvide New Phono - Office615 HfousPhono 2384 SPORT NEWS, Bail Club Bringing Trained Donkeys To Town Aug. 18 On August lath thUi Intermedi- ate Basebail Club is bringing te town Capt. Jack Bartlett's original Internationally famous trained donkcys. This ln not just a base- bail gaine but a circus with anc hour's cntcrtainment prior to Uic donkey baseball gamne. The don- keys have played in Uic motion pictures I'Going to Heaven on a Mule" with AI Jolson, "Border Harmony" with Roy Rogers. "Singing Six-Shootera" witb Gene Autry and many other MGM bits. Thtis show bas won tbe cov- cted "'Gold Award" on four dii- ferent occasions. Roses Drap 7- 6 Game in Port Hope Sometbing bas to be donc about the Braokdale Roses. Somewberc tbey bave picked up a very per- sistent aiment known to pbysici-j ans as «"one-run mania," in wbicb the main sympbom is a marked1 tendency to win or lose hall gamesi by onc run. The disease usually1 shows up around Uic last in-1 ning, as any local fan can tell you.( Now. oi course, if we bave a1 cboice, we would prefer a one-1 run victory, but cither way lt's'a gctting ta be too great a strain on1 Our =or old heart. Wedneday's game againat Par Hope Je a wonderful example. AI' was Wel aulte seventh Innini opened. Roses led 6-4 and But. tonsbaw had allowed but five bits TwentY minutes laten Furey bac reicved Buttonshaw. Port Hopt led 7-6, and Roses were vainly trytn-g te get back an equal terme, We feit sorry for AI Osborne in, that inning. He had a'tough de- cision to make. With two out, onE nun in, men an first and second, Manager Oaborne ordered Reeves ta be intentlonaily wallced. Reeves had previously singled,' walkeci and bomsred. The move put the winning nun ln scaring position, but thc next batter bad nat bit tite baU out of the infield lu Uirec tries. and there werc two out. This time be dropped a single in centre field and two runs scorcd. It was another case of the coacht be- Ing unable to wln. If te last bat- ter bad failed ta bit, bbc pitcher would neceive Uic credit. If the batter did bit, bte coach .would be blamed for cailing the wrong play. Oue tbing that mig1it have belp- cd would bave been more pitcit- ing reserves. Roses were able ta get only anc regular pitcher out ta the game. Buttonshaw wonked hard in a losîng cause, bowever, until be tired i the final frame. Reeves borner was Uic only big hlow be bad ailowed, and be bore down well in the clutcb. He de- iigitted fans and team-mates by picking off titree base-runners, two ai them ln succession. He barely missed catehing several others. At bat Yourth and*- Gilhooley liad two singles acci, wbile Ted Bagnell's double was Roses only extra-base bit. Following Uic tradition set in previaus games, Uic umpines let themnselves in for more browbeat- ing by Uic managers. Port Hope coach, Tommy Pointer, was thrown out of Uic game for tak- ng a swing at Umpire Allen. .,ine Score R H E Port Hope 11 00 0 23 7 7 1 Roses.----02 0 0 220 611 3 Line-ups: Roses-Gilhooley 2b, T. Bag- nell ci, Yourbh 3b, Hooper as, Gai- laghcr c (Strike in 4tb), Hamilton I, B. Bagneil rf, Batten lb, But- anshaw p (Furey in 7tb). Port Hope-White cf 1 Tbickson 2b, Asihy rf, Mann c,*Foote 3b, Bongard lb (Baxter ln 7tb), Reeves as, Keeler If, Wpods p, Mooney ln 7th). Roses Take Cobourg Reversing Score 7- 6 Wbat a dificreuce a run makes! Aiter losing 7-6 lto Port Hope an Wednesday, Brookdale Rases ne- versed bbe procedure ou Saturday and beat Cabourg by te same score. As usual cVerything itapo. peued lu bbc xinthinning. Roses scored Uic tying aud winning nuns lu te nintit an Doug Furey's triple, and te routine figbt witb bbe umpires tolç place lu the same fraMre. Umpire Norm Al- len gleefuily cxencised bis favour- ite powver, titat af Uirowing play- ers out ai gamea, by ejecting a certain Bowmanvilie player wbo prefena ta remaîn urrnamed. Wc usually refrain from passing judgmeut on Uic arhitens' de- isions, but it doca seem ta us that very aiten te playens do have neason for legitimate beefs an Uie cails titis season. Happy-go-lucky Bun Legnee, who fascinates apposing batteis wlth that nonchalant attitude ai his, acattencd eight bits, but was the- victixu ai several uucarned runs, bat almoat *lôst teé game for hlm. He belped tbe Bow- *manvhlle cause along by acoring two ai Rases' runs himacli. Bowmanville bittersabad a field day as they pickcd up nine bits and six walks. Doug Furey was hitting them al aven te park. He racked up a single and triple, and was deprived of a double hy fillng to toucit fîrst base.. Hoap- er had a double and single. Yourth singled twice, wblle Gil- itaaley doubled. LUne score RHaE Rases -0 1 2 2 0 O 0 0 2 7 9 5 Cobourg 2 0 0 1 0 O 2 1 0 6 8 2 Line-ups: Roses--Gilbaoiey 2b, T. Bag- neil cf. Yourth 3h. Hooper as, Furey i, Cox rn (Buttonsiaw in MU, B. Bagneli in 9tb), Batten lb. Stnike c, Lcgree p. Cobourg-G. Campbell ci, Ho- gan 3h, Cooper as, McMillen 2h, Sitorey c, F. Goodyr lb, Bedkstead ni, D. Goody If, F. Campbell p (Jaznieson lu 4tit>. BROOKOALE IROSES STATISTICS Ah Hits Ave Bob Gallagiter --23 10 .435 Jack Buttonsitaw --1..2 5 .417 Sonny Hooper -61 22 P~61 Maxie Yourth >---55 18 .327 Dan Gilbaoley ---51 15 .294 Bob Williams - -14 4 .286 AI Stnike 3 9 .273 Ted Baigucl41 Il .26? Doug Furey ---43* 11.256 Lloyd, Hamilton , 9 2 .;22 Tim Cox ------28 6 .214 Gond Sturrock - 6 1 .167 9111 Bihnll - -.....16 2 .125 Bun Legre. - -17 2 .118 Bob Batten -- 28 3 .115 Don Gavas 6 o .000 Pltchlng ]Record Won Lost Don Gavas - ~ 2 1 Bun Legree --------------3- 1 . Jack Buttonsbaw ..-2 2 Gond Sturnock----- The "Rose" bave scored 81 runs agaluat 73 and Uic team's batting average la .263. Titirty- two extra base bits bave been ne- corded wibh Sanny Hooper leyd- ine the way witb 1 borner, 2 triples and 6 doubles. flan Gil- hgole 6 s next with 1 triple and Don Gilhooley bas neccived thc rmo walks, 10, and Yourbt bas bad 6 free passes tô firt base. Ted Bagndl and AI Stnike have the mont nume of strikeiuts After Weak Start' Roses iTri= Whltby Brookdale Roses' invasion Whitby seemed headed for disas er in Uic first two Inninga Roses comnitted seven mispla, before sbaking off the spel of ji ters and settling down ta pli basebaîll From Uic third innir It was no longer blue Monday f( Bowmanvilce. They put up stiff defence and went on a hittin spree ta drive manager Pou Sutton off Uic Wbitby moundi the iifth inning. Sutton, an e) Bow.manville hurler bas bee tossing insults at Bowmanvill players at every chance this se& son, and therciore the Roses .toc great pleasure in blasting his beE pitchers to tbe outer reachesc Uic park. "Sonny"l Hooper an Bob Williams eacb got credit fo two oi Roses' ten bits. Bob Bat ten capped a fourth inning . ral wth an important double. Whitb: combined brillant andi lucky field ing, especially at third base, t prevent Roses from. adding t( their score.' Aiter almost losing beart earlj ini Uie game wben be got no supý part, Don Gavis came back tc blank Wbitby after the second in. nixng. He struck out eight anÈ allowed no earned runs. He scat. tered five bits, tbree of them b: Ken MacDonald. Line Score R H 1 B'ville --.-0 1 0 2 3 1 O 7 10 9 Whitby ---2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 4 Line-ups: Roses-Gilhooley 2b, Furey If, 'Yourth 3b, Hooper as, Williams rf, B. Bagneil cf, (T. Bagnell in 5tb) Strike c, (Gallagber in 4tb), Bat- ten lb, Gavis p. Whitby-Turansky cf, Yuill, D. lb, Yuiil, L ss, Tyson 3b, Ken MacDonald rf, Ward If, Patte 2b, Keitit MacDonald c, Sutton p (Neel. in 5th). patient?" "I gave him the figs you ord- ered Doctor but he keeps asking for dates". LINOLEUM IUDDEE MASTIC Coloured Wall Tile ESTIMATES FREZ Work Guaranteed ]Phone 2902 Bowmanvmle H. G. HEL CERAMC - PASTIC .-~- ,.t.. i 1- - -- .-, 1, ~ f. af t. as ýy' t- a [n 'c- e !st of id ýt- ly )y 1- to ýo ýy ýo 1- à - - - 1 15 Tans of Carp Taken f ram Scugog A total af almost 15 tans aiLset O h w carp, or 29,860 pounds ta be exact, Ls aO hw bave been rcmaved from Lake Scugog and Sturgean Lake thîs In the two scbeduled games aver year, by officiais ai bbc Ontario bbc past two weeks Uic C.O.F. IDeparbment ai Lands and Fareats, men's soitbail tcam managed an it was ncveaIed taday following even split. In 10 innings at Bow- Pthe completion ai nctting aper- mauville tbey edged Pickering ations. for a weil earned wmn and then The fisit were distributed ta in Osbawa on July 12 titey bast a farmers in bbc areas near the real taugit anc ta Sabyan Motors lakes and "titey sbould bave some by a score ai 12-11. terrific crops titis year," a De- In bbc game at Osbawa tbe partmenb dificer said. Bowmanvillc boys maved into a A total ai 6,328 carp werc taken three-run lcad anlir ta sec it enas- during bbc netting work in ad_ cd in te 8tit inning and Sabyan ditian ta many ather coarse fisit. tgke the iead. The Foresters tricd Tbe Carp, a sacned fishin i ard lu bbc uinth to tic it up when China, grows ta a causiderable tbey loaded te bases afer anc size and same, baken irom Stew- was out but an airtigbt Ositawa art's Creek and bbc Nonquon iniield kept Bowmanville fromn River, at Lake Scugog weigbed scoring. John Staccy and H. 20 pounds, Department ofîlcers Snowden shared mound duty with said. B. Snowden itandliniz the mitt Because the carp root out wed bcbînd the plate. Kiipatrick and beds, compete witb game fish and Levitt bad two bits each ta lead disturb the spawniug bcds of the way with tbc bat. sprgt fia, anglers ave lon Last Friday -evening in a god ugdtheir removal from gamneehibdineated fbithebFres- fisb waters. tr eetdtehgl ae The carp removal operatians act- Higit Scitool tcam ai bbc Town ualiy serve a two-fold purpose League hy a score ai 8-6. It was bow ite netting is going on, a pitchcr's duel from start ta fin- a Dprmn biologiat ila lantith, with John Staccy bunling anc and counts the number and size ai bis better gameg for tbc For- ai the ather species ai fiait that esters. AI. Witberspoon was Uic are caught and titis way a rougit pitcher for bbc High Scitool. This idea ai a lake's fiait population complete 9-inning game took oniy and other valuable data is ascer- 1 itour and 15 mninutes for'proh- tained. The game fiait are ne- ably anc of thte fastest games seen turned alive ta the water. in towu this yqar.. Ralpht Me- The Departmcub's %war' against Intyre and Te, Dadson bit, long te carp bas increased aven the drives l'or te 1Uigh 'Sdhqol,, Dad- years: Iu 1947 a total ai 400 son was credlted withi;&h boere pounds was removed irom Lake wbile MdlIntyre received-,anly aà Scugog while the iollowing ycar 3-baggcr.- well over four-and-a-half tons The Foresters have o0i ~it were taken. Last year openations schedulcd game lieit .and.'Y" extcnded ta Sturgeon Lake as with Uic league-leadir I.Çou1tcers well and from that body ai wabcr team ai Oshawa. at1 Bathe Park and Lake Scugog a total ai 11 an Juiy 27. tons,300 pounds wene netted. Final pe'acticcs and routine Janetvflle Loses ta Juvenles Defeat Oshawa Logion 3 - 1 in a Monida y evening thriller Bowinanville Juveniles defeated Oshawa Legion 3-1 behind the pitchlng of George Heath, who scattcred seven hits and clairned fine strikeouts. Bob Day. thc Legion hurler, aJiowed only four bits, but slight wildnesg kept him in trouble throughout the game. Bownianvile scored twice ater two were out in the fourth inning when a bases loaded single scored enough runs to wîn. The clincher camneini the sixth when Allen's driveta centre field scored West, who had singlcd and atolen sec- ond. Oshawa's lone tally in Uic last of the sixth spoiled Heath's bld for a shutout, but steady support from the team belped him greatly and prevented any unearned Osh- awa runs. Ater one miscue, Bow- manville played errorless bail. Line score R H E Bowmnanville 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 4 1 Oshawa _ -- 00 00 0'1 01 73 Heath and Chant; Day and Howie. Bowmanville line-up--Rice cf, Mohun 2b, Falls 3b, West ss, Chant c, Heath p, Allen lb, Harn- den If, Stevens rf. C.O.F. Split Games sbuffling of players are now un- der way with the local boys' soit- bail team and they are highly con- fident that they will go a long way lni the playdowns Visitors Take Pnrirty I r Many people are ai Uic op .inion 1that -a person plays, softbaill h- bcause he cannoe play hardball. )That opinion went by the wayside 1on Saturday, July 8 when thc Bawmanville Men's C.O.F. soit- bail tcam journeyed to Janetviile iand defeated the Janetviile bard- bail team by a score of 11-5, This Janetviile team is tops out araund that district. Tbey have trounced teams like Rendal, Millbrook, Lindsay and Port Perry so this was definitely no scrubb team. It is quite possible that it is beginner's luck as Bob Bird* bit two home runs out of the park Uic first two trnes at bat. Jixu Levitt and Red Perguson shared mound duties for Bow- manville and both hurled good bail. Mervin Brooks caught Uic entire game. Yaung Ferguson and Brooks were borrowed from the midget team for the« nigbt and they sbowed up weil.- This gante provided many a laugh and it was meant, to draw thc Bawmanville and Janetville lodges closed together. One hum- ourous incident occurred in thc 6th inning when Janetviile put up a pinch bitter wbo everyane considered, couldn't bit anytbing. Aiter missing thc first two balls he clubbed a dlean bit to centre field but. was almost thrown out order states. and th', JUNE 20"tht. SiEPT Cwvlt «Y 'Ceaaim aP145. rR.iluw'4d The Sharon Brida'l pair is one of the most beautifuIllý matched sets that we have been able to acquire, .2C centre diarnond is an extra large, perfect'stone with five ntatching diarnonds in shaulders and wedding ring. Yet the set is an outstanding value. Corne in to-day anid let us show it to you. 1300PRIS JEWELLERY AND GJFT SHOP 28~ugSt W. Eowmanvile Phono 747 Dge 0F min he C%$e Fo* to omGadc delid t.Stti , ir 24 Division St. PAINTS AlUColours $2.95 gallon , - Bowmanvile 85c quart NEW PHONE NUMBER for LORNE'S P KU ' PLEASE CALL KIN'S TAMI -561 )EANEL'S CAOEATE PMU£AGE7u IWUEBAY, J 7LY 2mt, 195a OPPORTUNITY WEEK - AT War Surplus and Factory Clearance Store Ail Men's -Panits - Shiris - Socks - Jackets Eisenhower Jackels - RaIncoais and m.ny ether articles too numerous to i mention nt reduced prices,. - BUY AND SAVEC Troopa of iorelgn countries, whetbcr or nat bbey arc stationed in Canada, take precedenoe over Canadian fore«s.in joint paradesI in which troops other than Can. adian. panticipate, accordlng toaa recent army order. Sa do. troaps ai Commonwealtit countries. Canadian troops marcit well' down intthe procession, followcd by veterans organizations and civilians. The directive oublines thte order ai prace 'dence ai marcbing troops wbcn more titan one country la involved. Forces aifafreigu cauntries head bte parade in aiphabetical order ai countries. Tbey are ioilowed by troops ai Commonwealth cauntries, also, arranged alphabet- icaily, and Canadian troopa and veterans bring up bbc near. Ou Remembrance and Memorial Days bte position ai bouar at bbc bead. ai the parade will be given ta veterans' organizations, the TRE CANADL« STATFAMAM- nnwuAtevw.l.vý à%umkmvm, 1

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