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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1950, p. 14

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*Am ! VflwPuw, -, --il "mAeADZAW STATMUNI EQWMMWIL!& OmlTAWIO1 TIWES~AT. RILY I6~i, ION BIRTHS PAYNE - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, John Freder- Ick, at Bowmanviile Hospital, on Juiy l2th, 1950. A brother for Julie and Sally. 29-1 GREGG-Harry and Irene Gregg Shr)of Neshanie, N.J., are happy to announce the birth of a son, Duncan Michael at Lilton Hospital, Did, N.J., on Tuesday, July 4th, 1950. A brother for Donald. 29-1 METCALF-Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Meteaif <nee Muriel Down'> are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter, Hazel Dianne, on Wednesday, Juiy l2th, 1950, at Bowmanville Hospital. 29-t' ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hayes, R.R. 2, Oshawa, wish ta announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Marman Joyce, ta Clin- ton (Bud) Henning, .eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henning, Bowmanville. Wedding ta take place at 3:30 p.m., August 1 th, ln St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa. 29-1' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cowling, Salem, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Hilda Jane, to Elton George Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Brock, Bowmanviile. The marriage will take place on Saturday, August ,2th, at 4 o'clock, in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. 29-1' DEATHS BEATTIE - Suddenly in New- castle, on Tbursday, July l3th, 1950, Robemt Ronald Beattie, be- loved husband ai Kay Beattie. Mr. Beattie rested at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, un- -tii Friday noon. Service was beld at the residence ai his son-in-law, Alexander Diamond, Myrtie Sta- tion, on Saturday, Juiy lSth. In- terment Pine Grave Cemetery, Prince Albert. 29-1 DICKINSON-At his late resid- ence, Lake Shore Rd., near Port Hope, Saturday, Juiy lSth, 1950, Benjamin S. Dickinson, beioved husband ai Clara E. Greenaway, dear father ai Edna ai Hamilton, Norma (Mrs. T. W. F. Spencer), Toronto; Carlus, Port Hope; Ross, Newcastle, and the late Murwin, In his 88th year. Funerai service (private) was beld at the resîd- ence Monday aitemnoon. Infer- ment Welcome Metbadist Ceme- tery. 29-i 11ORSEY-At the residence, Tom- * ernce St., Bowmanville, on Thumday JuIy l3tb, 1950, Marg- aret M. làorsey, daughter ai the late William Mitchell Horsey. Puneral from the Morris Funeral Chapel on Saturday, July l5tb, &t 3.30 p.m, Interment Bowman- Ville Cemetery. 29-i FT1'WAIIT - À.t his residonce ffne, on Manday, Juiy l7th, 1950, Willls Stewart, In bis 9th Merdear father ai Florence ùMm. Ronald Scott), Ernest, Sai- mnon Arm, B.C., Bessie (Mmi. W. e., MacDonald).- Resting at the àorrna Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, until Wednesday noan. Ser- vice at the residence Tyrane on Th usday at 1:30 p.m. Intorment Centerton Union Cemetery. 29-i TERRY-In Oshawa General Hos- 1pital, on Wednesday, Juiy l2th, 1950, William W. Terry, beloved husband ai Irene Branch, in his 7th year. Funeral from the Iunerai Chapel ai Northcutt & Bmlth, Bowmanville, Saturday, July l5th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 29-i IN MEMORIAM PRITCHARD-In memory ai a dear busband and father, George Edwamd Pritchard, who died sud- denly July l3th, 1942: In lufe loved and banoured, In death remembered. .-i.-Sadly missed by wife Jessie and children Helen, Epb, Lillian and Fred. 29-if STONE-In loving memomy ai a dear huîband and father, Frank Stone, who departed this lufe July 2lst, 1948: Sweet memories will linger farever, Time cannot change them it's true; Tears that may came cannot sever Our loving remembrance ai you. ý_-Sadly missed and lovingly e- membered by his wife and fam- 1lY. *29-1* THETFORD -In loving memory of Mm. G. (Hooper) Thetfomd, who died July 2th, 1949: Loving and kind in ail hem ways, Uprlght and just, ta the end ai ber days- Sincere and true In hem heart and mind, Beautiful memories she lef behind. ..Ever remembemed by her sons aud daughter, Hubert, Edwamd, Bud, Florence and Art. 29-i Wanted To Buy ' àEF.;ý iran and batteries. Phone Clarke 2530. 17-tf BUSH - must be predommnately harcd maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Plrt Perry 193r14. 22-tf ]MUENRE selng your live poultry a yu. Our prices area ghr.M. JUtR.R. 1, DethaDy, phoSe 7 r CARDS 0F THAINKS Reail Estate For Saile To our friends of Tymone we wlsh to send thanks and apprec- lation of the lovely mirror given us on July 14th. Art and Domeen Thompson. I wlsh to take this appatunityv ai thanking my many fionds who remembered me with flow- ers, fruit and cards af cheor while in the Oshawa Genemai Hospital. J. W. Yeilowiees. 29-i Y wish ta tbank ail those re- latives and fionda who ýwere so kind in extonding sympatby dur- ing my recent bereavement. I would also liko ta express my thanks ta thaso wbo cent fiiowems. Mrs. Charles W. Bagneli. 29-i The family ai the loto Mrs. Wm. Todd wisb ta extend siacoro thanks toalal thoîr iriends ad neighbburs for their acts ai kind- ness, expressions ai sympatby and beautiful floral tributos e- ceivcd during their recent be- reavement. 29-1' THETFORD-In loving memory ai a dear sister, Gertrude Thet- fard, wha passed away Juiy 2th, 1949: Nover torgotten, sister dear, Nom ever shah yau be; As long as lufe and memory last 1 shah mremember tboe. -Ever emembered by ber sistor Olive and iamily. 29-1 Mmi. Betty Kitciing wisbes ta thank the Kinsmen Club and ber many fiends for the beautiful gifts ai flowems and fruit she e- ceived during ber recent stay in Bowinaaville Hospital. She would also like ta express ber thanks ta Drs. MacKay and Siemon, the Bowmanviile Hospital staff, and King's Taxi for their kindness. 29-1 1 wish ta tbank my friends, relatives and organizations for ihowoms, carda, fruit and other giffi sent ta me during my re- cent ilînosa. Tbanks ta Miss Harding and Hospital staff, Spec- ial nurses Mrs. R. Bate, Mrs. R. Evans, Rev. Sigston, Dr. McKay, Dr. Staroy and Dr. Austin. Mms. N. Wilson. 29-1' 1 would like ta take this op- potunity ai thanking the nurses aad doctors ai Bowmanville and Oshawa Hospitais; also for their kindness in the passlng ai my husband, Mr. William Wesley Tommy, and special thanks ta my neighbours ai the South Ward aan district, -and thanks for the beautiful floral tributes. Thank- iag yau aIl again. Mns. W. Tommy. 29-* Please accept aur sincere sym- pathy and heartfeit thanks ta aur many friends for the many cards ai îympathy and beautiful flowers sent duing aur bereave- ment and Jass ai aur dear ane, Margaret. Also the many kind- nesses ai assistance and heip ai the Rebokah Lodge, and Rev S. R. Henderson, Miss Harding, Supt. ai Hospital, and nurses. Mrs. G. B. Stephens (formemly Mmi. Alex Calville) an~d daughter Catherine, and Connie. 29-i 1 would like ta take this op- portunity ai thankiag the nurses and doctors ai bath Oshawa Has- pital and Bawmanville; also for their kindness and understanding in the passing ai my father, Mr. William (Bill) Tommy and also special thanks ta anc ai my vcry goad neighbours, Mrs. Ewart Bragg, who did sa much for nie in the past in caring for my two chiidren in this boum ai necd; also thanka ta many good neigh- boums in the South Ward who did their very best for al ai us and for the floral tributes from far and near which were beauti- fuI, I say thanks again tram us ail for everything. Mrs. George Huber. 29-1' Auction Sales The undersigned jas reccived instructions ta seli by public auction for the estate ai the late Mms. Mary Griffin, in the village ai Enniskiiien, an Satumday, July 29th, ail hem houseboid efiects, aiso the property, consisting ai irame bouse, ton rooms; double garage and barn, bard and soit water. Terms on furniture, cash. Terms an eal estate given day af sale. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Clii- fard Pethick, auctianeer. 29-2 FURNITURE SALE - 1 have been autharîzed ta soul by public auctian for Mme. James Welsh, at foot ai High School grounds, Bowmanvilo, on Saturday, Juiy 22nd, hem bousebold effecta in- ciuding: eiecfmic waahing mach- ine (Cofield) electric radio, china cabinet, studio couch, twa chet- fèriield chairs, kitchen table, ex- tension table, five chairs, electmic iran, Quebec heater, five end tables, centre table, floor lampa, throe bedmoom lamps, white drosser, white iran bed, springs and mattreas; brown fumed bed wifh epminga, dresser, washstancl, aprings for 3/4bod, two woodon beds with springs and mattress, three bedroons chairs, rocking chair, dishes, cooking utensils, four dozen quart sealers, trunk, bedding, baby carrnage, baby walker sud many other articles. Sale at 6 p.m. in the evening. Ternis cash. Elmer Wiibur, auc- tioneer. Please note sale wili be BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $375.00-Two room cottage, eas- ily moved. Suitable -for home or cottage. $1,800 full price -3-roam house, hydro, cellar, fruit trees, good garden, well, 10w taxes, on Scu- gag Street. Reduced for quick sale. $2,700 down - New 4% room bungalow, hot air furnace, al conveniences, modern throughout, garage, on Liberty north. Price $6,700. $3,180 down-New ultra-modemn bungalow, six rooms. hot air auta ail heating, with air conditioning, heavy wiring, madern bathroam and kitchen, north end ai tawn. Price $8,300. $3,700 complete price-Restaurant -fish and chips, in Port Perry. Rent $46.00 per month ihcluding 4-room apartment. Lease. Ex- pensive equipment and fixtures included. Immediate possession. Also farms from 4 sacres up, in ail price ranges. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone 3326 Bawmanville Phone 689 Oshawa 29-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE $7,000-Buys a beautiful home, 6 ooms, large living-room with fireplace, hardwood floars, hydro, furnace, electric heater, water under pressure. Everything in Ai condition. Possession arranged. Frame dwelling, 7 ooms, hydro, orchard, well, spring, barn, stable, low taxes; araund ten acres on a gravel road, close ta school. $2,600. $4,500-Cosy bungalow on a good street, new furnace, hydmo, 2-pce. bath, 4 rooms, double garage, good garden. 61/2 acres, frame dweliing, four rooms, weli, cistern, hen house, strawberries a n d raspberries, north ai Tyrone. $1,600. Termis. 281/ acres in village on cement road, 9-maam frame house,' hydro, barn, garage and other buildings, some fruits, bus service. $6,000-Salid brick bouse, eight rooms, hydro, bath, full base- ment, central location, nice lawn. Possession arranged. $2,000 - 2 acres wooded land, black loam, ceek, weii, hydro, dweiling 16x24, nice place for vacation. Lots and other propemty for sale. Wanted-Farms 100 ta 200.acres, moderately priced, good location. James Nixon, Broker Phone 682 Rawmanville 160 Liberty St. N.291 Real Estate For Sale SIX oam, storey and a haîf house. Apply 35 Jane St., or Phone 2749. 29-1 MODERN 6-moom, stomey and a haîf brick hbuse, large lot lacat- ed an Fiett St. Apply Edna Campbell, 26 Fiett St. 29-1' 7-ROOMED cement brick hause with bath, furnace and good cei- lar, half-acre ground, near Orona, 300 yds. from highway. $4,500 cash. Apply ta Bill Lynch, Orono. 29-1' BUSINESS Opportunity-A mod- ern equipped garage business available in town. Farms and other property aiso for sale. E. E. Cooke Real Estate. Consuit agent Howard R. Foley, Phone 3277. 29-1' Notices Dr. Starey's office wiii be closed June 28th ta Aug. 8th. 24-6' Eve's Beauty Salon wiil be closed July 24th ta Aug. 8th. 27-3' The office ai Owen Nicholas Fuels will be closed from Juiy BUSINESS FOR SALE - Truck- ing Business for sale with P.C.V. licence. Classes I. C. H. ta and fmom Bowmanviile. Phono 835 Bowmanville. 29-1' Beginning Aug. 1,* 1950 The Neat-Way Shoe Repaîr wii oc- cupy the new promises at 73 King St. E., opposite Garton's Bus Terminai. Thaak you. 28-2 Your Future in The Stars - Would you like ta know what the next three manths hold in store for you? The opportunities wbich are yours ta gasp and the - pit- fouls ta avoid? Or are you in- terested in a dtaiied character analysis for youm bith siga, ia- cludîng charactemustica, occupatipn, finances, ]ove, marriage, fionda, health, etc? For three manthi' iorecast or character analysis send birthday with fifty cents ta j Doreen E. Perrett, Cemtifîed As- I trolager, I.. ,Bomnville,i Articles For Sale CAR radio. Phone 2977 after 5:30» 29-1 MA&N'S bicycle, good condition. Phone 3647. 29-1 QUANTITY of baled hayý Earl Trewln, Phone 2351. 29-1 9-PIECE dining-raom suite. $75. Phone Mrs. Breslin 854. 29-1 QUANTITY of good soi fi. Ap- ply R. Byers, 115 Church St. 29-1' MAN'S bicycle, in good condition, wiii seli cheap. Phone 2187. 29-1 FLAT bottomned ow boat, new, Newcas, $25.00. Apply 135 Scugag St. 29-1 CONVI rubber, 1929 DeSOTO sedan, bydrauiic rims, tî brakes; 170 cemnent blocks. Phono able.C 835. 29-1' Corner KITCHEN extension table and 5Phn4 chairs, white enamel finish, new LINOLI condition. Phono 578. 29-1' awaa OUTBOARD motor, Evinrude, 9.7 horsepower. Apply K. Hoaper, Phone 404 Bowmanville. 29-1' CONGOLEUM rugs and yard goods available in many colour- fui patterns at Morris Ca. 1lT-tf THREE good, canvases for 7 ft. Deering binder; less than haîf price for quick sale. Phone 947. 29-1* TWO used doors, 6'8"x351/2" and 6'10"x29"; alsa odd sized window frames, some with glass. Phone 840. 29-if EUREKA Vacuum Cleaners, tank models from $39.50 up at Morris Ca. Phone for free demonstra- tion. 17-tf '39 NASH, air-condîtianed, new tires, steering coiumn gearshift. Apply after 6 o'clock. 75 Liberty St. N. 29-1' KITCHEN range, warming cioset, reservoir, cheap for quick sale. Jack Purdy, Jackman Rd., Bow- manville. 29-1' '30 PONTIAC, $50; '43 Interna- tional, just overhauled, four new tires. Apply E. D. Knapp, Mid- dle Road. 29-1* BREAKFAST suite, 6 pieces, two beds and dresser; ice refrigerator, couch, etc. Please inquire ta 98 Church St. 29-1* 7-PIECE dinette suite, buffet and china cabinet, extension table and 4 chairs with cream leather seats. Phone 2764. 29-i1 '33 CHEV. Standard, good con- dition, sealed beams, new tires, good brakes, priced to seli. Phone 3802 Clarke. 29-1*- CABIN trailer, fully equipped for travelling or living, wired and insulated. $450.00. Write Box 429, Statesman Office, or Phone 4046 Lindsay. 29-1' BALED mixed hay in first ciass shape, special delivery on large orders. Walter Frank, Bowman- ville. Phone 2403. 29-2' STOVE, Moffatt electric, gaod condition, side aven, warming aven, high speed elements. Bar- gain. 9 Concession St. West. 29-1 WE measure and instali Venetian Blinds. Phone Marris Ca. for estimates. We also carry a com- piete stock af window shades. 17-tf BE READY for Spring and Sum- mer with Sisman Scampers for children, boys and men. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, 39 King St. W., Bawmanviile. 19-tf VENETIAN Blinds, Flexaium, Steel or Aluminum Decorator Shades, one price 70c sq. it. ex- pert installation. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf BEECH and maple, green cord- wood, $18.00 a cord, sawed and delivered; also fence posts. H. M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 193-r-14. 15-tf BARRELS!!! STEEL BARRELS! $3.50 each BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville -24-tf NEW and late model automobiles insured and financed. Dealer or private sales. Inquire about this low cost plan. Roy Lunney, 48 King St. W., Phone 565. 23-tf 1949 FARGO 2112 ton, stake rein- forced frame, booster brakes, dtiven 14,000 miles by awner. Priced at a considerable savîng. Phono 8r13 Bethany. 29-1' CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. Phono 451, Waiker Stores. 23-tf Articles ForSale Buy with Confidence at ARTS CAR MARKET Selling marc cars now than ever before. Home ai Botter Deals 'on Botter Cars 175 Kint St. W. Bowmanvllle PHONE 2148 Many good used car values la stock and many more ta came. "See us at once and avaid disappointmeat." We buy, selli, rade in good used cars. Low down payments and easy ferma can be arranged ta suit your budget. Ail business transactions made on these promises are sticthy confident iaL. - 4.- Articles For Sale 1 ' COMING EVENTS ONE Hart ý'Parr tractor; Goodison thresher on rubber; International enisilage cutter, 16-inch. Mr. Les- lie Roy Graham, R.R. 6, Bow- manville a t Haydon. Cali even- ings. .29-1 AERO Jet 3/ h.p. electric pump, brand new,. for deep or shallow wells, with 42-gal. tank. $25.00 less than retail price. F. A. Bruce, 1/8 mile west of Ceesarea Post Office. 1 29-1* NEW marine, plywood boat, deck and ornaments, with Johnson QD 10 h.p. motor, gear shift, cruise- a-day tank. Wiil guarantee. Ap- plv G. R. Meadows Jr., King St., itle. 29-1 'RT your wagon wheels ta rcomploté stock ai steel tires and tubes now avail- G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, rKing and Silver Sta., 467. 16-tf LEUM headquartems in Osh- and district. Rexoleums, oumi, Printed and Iniaid UM. Every pettema that's la available at Bradley's, g St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IMMEDIATE deiivery, Fairbanks Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, clean economical way. Pay only $1 1.45 down at Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf OIL burners installed, complete with one year guarantee, $350.0 and up-for as littie as $35 down and 24 months ta pay. S. Blain Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf TWO sets ai lawn bowls, Taylor & Ralph and T. Taylor; two golf bags and clubs; antique glass dishes, linens, cupboards, chairs, table, sofa. Mrs. B. Kay, haîf mile west ai Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1240. 29-1* PLUMBING, Heating and Oul Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. Fôr free estimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Piumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf QUANTITY of good hay; one Cub tractor piow; corn cultivator; ane H John Deere tractor; Case pick- up, wire tying baler; new John Deere cultivator; mower, tillers, discs, wagons, plows. F. S. Allen, Phone 2833 Bowmanville. 29-1' ALL kinds af meat, good quaiity weiners, bologna, cooked hams, 'moked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger. Dariington Pack- ing Ca., Hampton, Phone 2836; also pickling, pmokixlg and saus- age making. Duing the summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattie at any time. 20-tf St. W., Oshawa. Phono 271. 6-tf GENERAL ELECTRIC washing machine, good condition; 3-pce. Velour, C hrame Studio Suite; 3-pce. Velour Chesterfield Suite, dandy shape; enamel cook stove, largc size with reservoir and warming cioset, like new; steel beds, convertible pram. Must be sold at once. Sacrifice Prices. Wilson's Furniture Ca., 20 Church St., Oshawa, Ont. 29-1 WALNUT tea wagon; walnut an- tique settee; walnut coffee table; mahogany coffee table with glass top; Cogsweil type arm chair; slipper chair (wired back); wai- nut bedroom suite includes: double bed, springs and mattress, dressing table, bureau; magazine rack; gem jars; dinette set, table and four chairs. 45 Ontario St., Bowmanville. 29-1' USED Allis-Chaimers B tractor; used Case V tractar; used Case 6' horse-drawn mower; used M.- H. mower; new Case side rake; new Case tractar mawér: new Case tractar spreader; new Case horse spreader; new Case 4½ý' tiller; new Case 2-disc tractor plow; fence; steel pasts; gates; water systems. W. 'H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 29-11 TEN - Pc. Living-room goups. Many colours and style combin- ations ta choose fram. Groups include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, i Wainut Coi ice Table, 2 Walaut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metai Smoker, 1 Alum- inum Semving Tray. 10-pc. Spec-1 ial $169.00 only at Badley's, 401 King St. W., Oshawa. Temms ta suit. Many other suites ta choose imom. 2-tf BRAD)LEY Fumniture Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroont suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfits, complote, $26.95; feit base iloor covering. 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95, ail colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesteriie]d suites, $14900; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00;, spring- filied mattresses. $24.95; fri-iight lamps, complote, $12.95; rangettes, manges from $59.00; 3-pc. aliover velour bcd chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminstem carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bcd spmeads, $6.95; table lampa, $6.75. Everything for the bomne at Bradley's. 40 King Lost GIRL'S plaid woôi jacket. Finder please. rotuma ta, Mary Lakaris, Cowan Block. 29-1' Found FOUND - Calle, male, light coloured, very friendly. Phono Clarke 3131. 29-1' DOG, black and white pup. Own- or may have same by paying for advertlaement. -- Phone 249), Congole Lînoleu made,j 40 Kin The Cryderman -,Ruse Picnic will be held Saturday, -July 22nd, at The Park, Hampton, 12 o'clock noon. 29-1' Bowmanville Beach Associa- tion Carnival and Sports Day at West Beach, Bowmanville, Aug. 5 - 6 - 7. Fun for young and aid. 29-2 Help Wanted MALE or female, for retail store. Write Box 430, Statesman Office. 29-1 WAITRESS wanted. Apply Cow- an's Restaurant, Bowmanville. 29-1 WOMAN kitchen helper wanted Apply Cowan's Restaurant, Bow- manville. 29-1 GIRL wanted. Steady empioy- ment. Apply Bowmanviile Clean- ers and Dyers. 29-1 VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-G-140-i89, Montreal. 27-4 STENOGRAPHER required for Ontaria Training School for Boys. Permanent position, 3 weeks year- ly vacation. Apply in person ta the Assis t a n t Superintendent, Phone 600. 29-1 AN UNUSUAL opportunity, Can- adian Company, with direct sales and service organization from coast ta coast, is now ready ta appoint authorized dealer in this district. The man selected must have good car, A-i character re- ferences, experience in selling not necessary. Prefer smart ac- tive intelligent married man wha possesses business ability with ambition and desire ta get ahead. iThis is a permanent business with a gaod future. First year should net you $3,00,0.00 or more, second year $4,000.00 and third year $5,000.00. In fact, some dealers made $4,000.00 in the first year. No investment. Free training and sales assistance. Do not answer this ad. unless you like meeting the public and want ta get into the selling field. You have ex- clusive territary ta caver and the product can only be purchased from aur dealers. You are paid high commission with bonus. In his first year, aur Barrie dealer made $3,900.00 and another eld- erly man, 68 years af age, made $9,300.00 in past 2 '1 years, neither man had previaus selling experience. Apply giving age,j twa references, past 5 years' em- ployment record. Write Salés Manager, 386 Water Street, Peter- bora. 29-1 Work Wanted G E N E R A L Building Repairs, asphaît, metal and aluminum shingles, insul-brick sold and ap- plîed. Free estimates, Ed. Storry, Builder, Phone Port Perry 277J. 4 16-tf BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in compiete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 4owmanville 25-i LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED Have them sharpened with aur new precision machine. Cali 467 for pickup and delivery G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 2 1-tf Livestock for Sale 16 PIGS, 8 weeks aid. Phone 2776 Bowmanville. 29-1' JERSEY heifer, first caif, thar- oughbred, due August ist. Phone 2337. 29-1' ROCK pullets, 6 ta 12 weéks of age. Priced according ta age. H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville. Phone 2636. 29-i 100 BARRED Rock puliets, Fisher Orchard's strain, 10% laying. Priced for immediate sale at $2 each. Stan Rowe, R.R. 3, New- castle, Clarke 2814. 28-2* Chicks For Sale PULLET bargains whiie they hast. Ten wcek aid White Leghorns, Black Minorca x White Leghorns, New Hamp x White Leghorns, White Leghorn x Barred Rocks, $65.95 per hundred. Aiso day-aid and started chicks, non-sexed, pullets, cockerels. Turkey bar- gains. Two weck aid Bronze, White, Holland, 93 cents. Thre week aid, $1.03, fpur wceks, $1.13. Also day-aid Tumkeys non-sexed, sexed Toms, sexed Hens. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 2- Farmers Attention 1 WE wili be pleased ta pick up dead or crippled farmn animais and pay highest prevaiiing pices. For immediate service Telephone Coilect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Cabourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. 2tf Room and Board ROOM and Board availabie in gond home. Phono 2740.' 29-1* AVAILABLE - Practical nurse, gond came for invalid lady ia my country home. Phono 2993. Farm Help EXPERIENCED, reliable Holland families available. Arriving soon. Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestie- ton, Ont. Phone 225 - 24 Port Perry. 22-14 Wanted ROOMS or room and board ur- gently required for Sood type maie industriai workers. Advise accommodation availabie a.n d rates ta National Empioyment Service, 22 Albert St., Oshawa, Phone 2616. 26-4 Work Wanted TWO boys want work on farm for summer. Phone 667. 29-1' CUSTOM combining, self propeil- ed machine. Contact G. Ian Henry, Campbellcroft, Ont., or Edgar Nicholîs, Port Hope, Phone 3341. 29-31 Custom Work PLOWING, cuitivating and sow- ing. J. H. Alldread, Phone 496. 29-8' Wanted To Rent ROOMS or apartment for young couple ta take possession lst ai September. Phone 2674. 29-i Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C.. Chirapodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody wark. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goads) maîled postpaid in plain gealed envelope with pricé iist. SiX sampies 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Repairs FOR prompt,* efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and customn Work, try the Neat- Way Shoe Repair Shap, King St. West. 9-tf CHESTERFIELDS compieteiy re- built and re-upholstered. Sati$'- faction guaranteed. Have our consultant cail at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf REPAIRS toa ah makes ai efrig-, eratars, domcstic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Ele- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf DO WNAN VILLE 3324 Town Scouts t* Sum'mer Camp Early in August Bowmanvlle Boy Scouts am def inltely going ta camp this summer. Arrangements have been completed for Scouts ta got e t ho camp at Nogies Cmeek. near1 obcaygeon, tram August 4th to 12tli. This camp nat only includes the Bowmanville Scouts but any who wish ta attend irom Orono, New- castle, Hampton or Maple Grave, The tee for the camp is $10,00 which inceludes everything fmom sumptuous meals ta transporta- tion. Any Scout intemested in attend- ing is asked ta register as soon as possible. You may egster with anc ai the follawing: Clarence Nowlan, .Gardon Richards, O'DeI St. 'phono 3689, or Bill Clark* I Lovor's Lane, 'phone 2688. For a week ai gaod healthy tua, be sure ta contact anc ai those men 1i ..A.ceaiaieiy. THEY'LL "BE PREPARED" Coached by three "Mounties" boxing, wrestling, jujitsu and single stjck and quarter-staff uses, 15 Charlottetown, P.E.I. Boy Scouts recently qualified for the Master at Arms Proiiciency Badge. New 1950 Mercury 1/2 Ton Pick-up Priced for Quick Sale New 1950 Nercury Sportsman Sedan Two-tone, white.walls -and -overdrive $21815.00 1949 Nonarch 22,000 original miles. White walls. $1 ,895.00 Investigate the Ford Built English AN4GLIA and PREFECT Free Demonstration For a good Used or New car or truck Phone STEWART BOWMANVILLE 3263 t I il NEWC&ST LE 4502 Modern - Efficient Dependable - Courteous 24-Hour Service -Ail Passengers Insured We Get You There Without a Car. LAWRENCE M. BROWN EDGAR 1N. TOMLINSON 85 KING STREET EAST Opposite Sheppard &GUI, Bownianville Aid For Hayfever Sufferers Rexali HIS TAÀ-RSE X Capsules act to neutralize the annoylng effects oif to mueh histamine in the system, and this is Jusf what happons when Hay Fever takes aver. For fast relief and comfort from the distress of Hay Fever's tormenting miserles - fry Hista-Rex Capsules. 12 capsules Inseci Repellents Rexali 622 Repelleat ----59e Rexail 622 Inseet Repellent Cream. non-irrltating - 49e Skefofax LIquld Insect Repeouent 50e d-Ter Insect Repeouent . 59e Skeeter Jelly 622____-__49e For Foot Comforl RexalilSanl-Ped - Foot Powder ----- - 5Jc Rexall L.P.C. Athletes Foot Ointment -..-..----..$1,00 Moanen Quinsana Powder, for athietes foot -__ soc_59 Rexall Corn Boivent 3.... 0e Nu-Feet, medlcated insores pair 350 -60C Deodorants and Depilalories ll>çhelar Deodorant Cream .»---------------- -45e Adrienne Deodorant Cream - f i---45e Arrid - -390,590 Veto---- 39C-59C Stopette Spray Dgodorant-..----------- 75c41.25, New! Odorono Spray Deodorant -.' --------75e Odorono Deodorant Creans--------- 85c-59c Neet Cream Hair Remqver, contains lanolin-------- .- 8c Vel-Vo-Tex Hair 'Remover Kit, waahable _ -______25 *TUuy Creans Deodorant ____75-1.2 X-Basla Powder for rensovlng hait ___-69a Elizabeth Arden Sleek Crassa Ratu Remover- tube $1.25 B RING YOUR ~'ff RD Â AHAN MESSAGE BE]FOREAf.èIf SV-IIU 12,000 R~EADERSCST3cERD ____ ____ ____ ____BUY____ ____ ___LON_ 1 STAR TAXI JURY B LOVELL Mlen W. Test Utes It la Dons Vroperl7 TOUR REXALL DEUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE

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