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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1950, p. 9

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?RITRSDAY, AUGIYST 1Mb, 1950 F.riends Honor Mu aJan Kersey '. WIt Lovely Gif ta MWs Jean Kerscy, abride-eleet, wau honoured ai a beautifully àr- ranged bridai showor given by Miss.Annabohle Adcock and Miss Shirley Grant ai the Lions Com- eulyCntre, Bownianville, or Wedesay evcning, Augti'si 2nd. The. honoured guesi was made the récipliriof a complote set for six of Shelley china dinnen sor- 'Vice in the "Dalnty Blue" pattern d*von by the guests. A covcrcc silver butter dish and matcblng knlfe fron a' friend i Toronto wEU also givcn, and she wae pro. sented with an attractive corsage of gladioli by the hostess. Anoiher presentation was made for. luck. i consisted of a paix of pntty blue satin laced trimmned gantons thai on ber weddlng day she will be able ta comply wili the "sormeUiing'blue of the bridal iuck instuctians o! "lSomethlng Old and somethlng new, someihing borrowed and someihing blue." Tcoaper. her festivlhy wrapped gifta Miss Kersey st on a blue easy chair decorated wlth pink and white streamers, placed under a pink and white umbrella froni which wonc suspended a number o! balloans, confcitifillcd. Dur- lng the reading o! an appropriate yerse ai the wonds "hI hink we negoing ta have quite,4L shower" 'he balloons bursi, covening the honoured guesi witb the con- fetti. The original verse witten es- % ~MONTREAL - BEere's iop-of-the-column newu for yau 1 Your favourite corn starch je now avail- able in a brand newpackage that'a easy to open and close! Ail you need to do to open the new package of DURHAM CORN STARCH -just pmnch the top and rail it back! Inside, "Durham" je carefully protected in a paper bag and when you've 1finished using it; just close the bag, replace the package top -and not a partiale of dust will touch the starch. And you'ilbe ihrilled with the recipes on the package!1 Try the km .Adam recipe fan Lemon Pie - ii's particularly deliciaus!1 Yhet À Grand l..U.5 to have your pickling tomn out ta be completely sfuccessful! Think af the pleasure it will qive you ta have your famîly and friends exclaim, 'These are Perfect ikles!". Weil, you can be sur9 of succes wth HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR! .. . Aged and- rnellawed in woad ta bring out the full arama and flavour, ibis cr7sal clear vinegar is made from corn, - . barley, at ana rye and it'?, excellent for salade and table use as Wellsaspicklin and preservi* I Sa stock up now on RHeins White Vinègar .. . and or real help in, pickling, write to me - Barbara Breni, 1411 Creecent Sit, Monireal, P.Q. - or your FREE COPY of1 "Picking Suess" - a 16-page bookl.t of marveloas roci pesl  Fairy Godmother wiih her 71ev's No Douba About la - iliagie wan.d coffce, kepi couidn'i do mor~e . ueaming ho t ta help me with or icy cold in . ýmy jami and ',~u a thermos, le ,jellxes ihan -4 ne ai ianic CBRTO FRUIT drink! an fact, PEOTIN. It cffee le wel- :never cesses ta corne ai any &mase me the way Sanie "jamn" urne wheait'a and4 jellies "jehi" go erfectly hat good RED ROSE COFFEE i *very urne . . . wiUi itri truc, Because Red Rase Coffee le q"ai ,".niy flavour and the rich colour ity coffee - ii's goad no maiter of goi delicious fresh fruit. And when you drink t. Yau can rely it'. no simple. 1 merely follow 'on Red Rose Coffce for faitbful the esy' instructions found in ths gaod tasie. And you'll find that Px>klet under use label on every the smre Red Rase quaity makes Certo battis. The Certa way edRsTatositaeoo saves me up ta 2/3 the times of RdRs e osi att ~thsformr lng bil etho .. Because Red Rase Tea is good tea and I find 1 get up ta 50% more - it actually gives more cups ta ja:n or jelly from the same the pound-ita flavour goe a long, amount of fruit, long way. 'Muguet mm" esOppartanwses for yau un shopping! ht will pay you ta rbad the ad@ extra well tigi month. And don't let immediate shortage of funds keep you from taking advantage of any reaily useful bargaia . . . for in- stance, in furnishingo! TaIk your plans over with your husband ... and see yoor BANK 0F MONTREAL manager together. A B of M Personal Loarî caste you only 27 cents a month i interest per $100 borrowed if yau repay ia 12 maathly instalments. A B of! Personal Loan can save you a lot of rnoncy by help- img you ta get bargains while they're going! And you lave thadded pesr fejyn toc ornwpsesos decorated ne clourfuliy as a sommer gardçn. And ta DONCAKE FUUR. tathaeflou ta 'fi difJ - agma and again 'tiliti's 27 Urnes a8 fine as ordinarij 21/4 cups uited Swans Dow ae ou à 1/4 lapeis. Calumet Baking 1 cup augar 114 tape. alt ggbteiht preferred) il tape. vanile siUt fiaur once.,xneasure. add baking pawder and sait, suft three times. Cr.am shdrtening, add sugar graduafly; cream untl l ight. Add eggs and beat well. Add flor, iternately with miUc a smail amount at a time; boat smooth aiter .ach addition. Add vanilUa (or instead, cream i11/2 tspnhs. grated orange rind $ith shortenir ). Turm into grersed muffin pans, or _aper co s '%et in muffin pans; iL23tl. Rake in moderate YES P. L ANDINSON fIS MANager I M TUE ""e8 MAN aetI gOeUMaiFinance C. .. . that la-l'ai the mm iWho likesstg »Y UPfY S"to loan roqueute. You m.-l'm the manager of our offie-lb man whoms reponibîs for building up our business. The mors times I1s«W "yoe te roquetefor lo.n-th.mors butines w. do. And urnes making lases lu aur ONLY busine.s-thet's mighty important te me. Thernfor., if you uu.d extra eauh Et A8 time- whsther a litile for a short time or à lot for a long tims --you uan depend on my doing my bout te uay ""orN te you *-. -promptly. N*rt tien you cati u e aban give me a chance te say "Ye-won't you? l'Il conaîder it a fayot. Soc me aetlbs.md FinanceCo, LsM $0 te $120O eu Uumluére, %Bwws Acte r ie; eo»Pe T AI*,ùxnfl i@SAV in& FINANCE CO. L 2ad PL, Il 1/s UMOS g., m. (OvoS m l aoSoio Pbewee Sm0 & L NasAden@%, YUS MiNuor Leusmajd $W e ioUdiuudgou*F. am C u ui pecil]y for the occasion by a friend was read te Miss Kcrsey by Miss Adcock. As Mis Kensey unwrapped hon gifla one place setiing froni thc complote set was arrangod on a table which was covered by an embnoidered white cloth and Y centned ;with a vase of lovely red, sand white roses. Duning the evonmng Miss fleen Baleon gave a much enjoyed piano programme, and ai the supper ehour tho hastesses wero assisted in rserving by Mrs. Tam Carter and Mns. Jim Graïnt. Thene wene 75 iinvited guesis. Miss Jean Kersey was aiso the 9hanoured guesi ai- a showon given 1recently' in Toronto by Mrs. J. -Lyan mathen af the qroom-ta-be, and his sisters, Mrs. G. Ling and Mrs. H. Wilson. Miss Kensey ne- ceived a iovely corsage o! yellow narses and white carnations and 1 was presenied with many beautiful ïgifis fzrm the thinty-five guesis. 1 Jack Lyan, whose manrage ta 1Miss Jean Kensey Is ta take place 1in Septembon was honouned by a 9numbox' of friends and customens in Enniskiilen who gathered ai 1the nesidence of Mn. and Mrs. Ar- e hun Leadbeater. The entertain- rment was much enjayed and re- rfreshments served. Mn. Lyon was ipnesented with a smaker on be- rhalf of thase present. The standard of living o! Can- adians is simîlar ta that achieved in the United States; for example, one oui o! every seven Can- adians drives bis own automobile, and there are about 18 tehephanes for overy 25 households. KENDAL Mn. and Mns. Albert Stewart, Petenborough, have been vaca- tioning with ber moiher, Mrs. Fred Fals. Mn. and Mrs. George Mercer were in Toronto Saturday attend- ing the wedding o! ber cousin, Mn. Ernie Ehsey and Miss Vernona Rusk. Mrs. T. Hilditch bas neturned home af ton spending a couple af weeks in Bowmanville wîth Mns. Nonnis White. Mn. and Mrs. Mihi. Robinsonî and Mn. and Mns. Low speni Wednes- day ovening ai Newtonville with Mrs. Darlngton ta see Mn. and Mns. Gardon Smitb nec Geongina Darlngton) 'who are on their holidays. Mn. and Mrs. Morris Patton bave retunned from thein honey- moon and visited with Mn. and Mrs. N. L. Patton. The Counties truck was ahong hast week and signs wore put up ai the junction at the scvemith and the Newtonville road, with the folowing information: Newton- ville 7 miles, Elizabethville 4 miles, Kirby 4 miles. Shartly af- tenwards a car came froni the east. Ttbey stapped and read the sign then came aven and in.- quired wbene Kendal was. From this corner Kendal lies hidden behind the row of Mapple trees. The nains af the pasi couple of weeks have bnought much o! the tobacco along napidly and now wo seem ta be getting the êunny days needed ta fill il. Top- ping is general now. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Smith, St. Marys, visited Mn. and Mrs. Mil- ton Robinson and other fiends the latter part o! the week. The first game of the play- offs o! the South Durham Base- bail League was played on the Harvey Jackson Memonial Park on Thursday cvoning - with.a very largo crowd on band and several short showers ta iven things up. Quantnill ,pitched with Winters caicbing fan Ken- dal, and Grey pitcbed Uic firsi pert for Newcastle. Kendal took the head froni Uic finsi and kepi addîng ta it. 'In the hong-dnawn oui hast bal! ai the sixth the usual basch-ahi tactics appearcd revers- cd with Newcastle appanently -not interestcd in getting the Kendal players out. The seven innixîgs wcne finaily played, and the score was 20-O in favon of Kendal. The last week o! Joly was a busy anc for many- o! the ladies of this cammonity. As requcsted by the Kendal W. I., Miss Noa Crayke, of the Home Economnics Branch o! the Women's Institutes, conducted a short course on Mod- ern Dressmaking lin the Sunday Schooh roam !rom July 24-28. Many bad expressed the. wish ta take the course and seventeen were on band ta take it.. This jwas a lange chass as Miss Crayke said mosi of ber classes compris- cd about ton. This also necessi- tated getting in some extra houns af work. Miss Cnayke strongly advised getting a good dependable pst- Itcr, and showod bow ta nreke adjostmonts on itat make il fit. IUnder ber supervision they cut out, basted, fitted and sewed their ganmenis, mosQtly drosses. Miss I Crayke was very panticuhar about eacb detail af Uic work and shbw- ed how te put sleeves in properly, ta make buttonholes, straps, ta do hemming and basting and gave rnany sewing hints. Same very smnant well-fittmng dresses wero mdsomo with yei a littho fin- ishing ta do. On Friday aftennoon the c1s presented Miss Crayke with a proîty picturo as a token o! thoir appreciation. af ber,.untiring .help and patisence d4~ig thi courue. S.S. No. 9, Claifke "Silent Sisters" Club met last bThursday evening ai Mri. M. Ped- twell's with ter, members and one Lvisitor present. Diapers and. ba- lbies nlghies for the h9spltal, were 1.cut out and hemmed up. Lunch was served by the hostess ancl Mrs. H. PedweIL Nexi meeting in September at Mrs. W. Brunt's when we will spend another. ev- enmng cutting out and sewing baby clothes. Bring along your scis- sors. We have 90 yards yet to work on. Mr. and Mrs. Henry -Bowen and Darlene, Newcastle;. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow" and Gien, Newtonville, sj4ent Sunday with Mr. Stan Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisk attend- ed Decoration Day' at Ponty- pool and visited his son, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fisk and f amily. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barchard vis- ited her mother, Mrs. E. Hooper on Sunday. Mr. Stan Bowen with Mr. and Mrà. Henry Bowen and family on Civic Holiday., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henninga spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson and family. Mr. John Fisk, Barrie, spent the weekend with the Chas. Fisk f amily. They took him home on Sunday. Miss Darlene Bowen, Newcastle, spent a f ew days with her aunt, Mrs. Bill Barchard. Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Ke--- and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. -John Shaw and girls, Oshawa, with.Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kent and family. Mrs. Olden Gibson and Dennis with Mrs. F. Bowen last Thurs- day. Messrs. Martyn and Clarence Merlin and Stewart Bonnell with Mr. and Mrs. Merlin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young- blutt and family, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rickard and famnily, Béaverton, and Mr. Keith Pedwell with Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedwell. Mrs. Alice Shaw and sister Dor- een, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave McReelis and family. Mr. Russell Branch spent the weekend at Clear Lake, near Pet- erborough. Mr. Byron Bruni spent the weekend in Lindsay. Miss Donna Bruni spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Bull Gordon and Mr. Gordon ai Newtonville. .11 £H , COMBER To Live in Bowmanville By The BEA' M.B. J. Severs, Mns. W. Sev- rsr, Mrs. C. Severn and Mrs. -. ....., F. Cole attended i Shower for iheïr neice and granddaughter, ~ ~... .. ~Miss Marion Hayes, at Mrs. H. ..........Miss Jean Park, who han been . visitmng in Tacoma, is holidaylngi in Wasaga Beach. S Donna Dilling and Barbara1 **. »Goddard have returned afier hol- ~ -~: s daying ai Girl Guide Camp. Miss Doris Luttreil, Glen-Doug, ...- is recoverlng fromn à seriaus oper- ~'ation, ai her cottg' Misses Shirley 'Bate \nne Van- bridger, Gladys Brà ýs, Joan M un da y and Betty\ 1Clayton, Town, have returned home afier holidaying in "Sandland Apis." Miss Lorna Pinkham, Town,c has been visiting with Miss Brenda Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. A. Piper with her1 Ssister, Mrs. J. Robinson. -,~~~'xDon't forget the weekly euchr-t Ses, Wednesdays, ai Lazy Daze;c Sand the weekly bingo on Frldayà in front of the store.E S.. Wih Coopers-Mr. and Mrs. J. S*'~ ~ ..:Cooper, Susan and Donna, Osh-t N.Mllnan rag L. M Weekend-Mrs. G. Millen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milen, and Mriss MrJeand r .Mihln, orn. dMis RJsyn llnoo ntoM.anMr.W R un, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. ..Law MR. AND MRS. WALLACE VERNON TERRY son, Miss Faye Lawson, Toronto,t Mr. W. Aluin, Town.È who were niarried recentiy in Trinity United Church, Bow- In Shir-Bet-Mr. and Mrs. C.t manvilie. The bride, the former Miss Bessie Bernice Ellis, Hockin and Darothy, Town. i daugterof r. ad Ms. onal Elis nd te bide Glen-Doug-Mr. and Mns. E. isth agtroMran r.Dnl lian the bie Luttreli and Doris, Toronto. groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Terry, all of Bow- "EEEE"-Mr. Wm. Currie, Missc manville. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette. Joyce Currie and Miss Marion ________________________ - Hewston, Taronto. Snapshots were also taken of the 30ih anniversary of her uncle and and BruceMr. Geod McrmaDunck class and teacher as Miss Crayke aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and MisscNinaMraer, Toronto. had ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n sugse.Mmwoewihwshl iOaao u- isas a radie - AToront. hdeses e otomped, wot day. a ed t saonS nd Mnarysar ae-Coudriey toetssher te fot loîng Thursoday.Ms ui utnsen ah nnd orkin-Mrayesand Mnc. to finish them up. weekendda Mis Muitl Autin pnt the paffodnd fail rantoM.c to inih ternup.Weekend vit Rsth Mrn. ad n afoadfmMrs.TF.oMthows Mrs.Claence ioîs werer Mr. and ao Mrs. . Mathews, n WESLE VILLE and Mrs. Lockie Goodings Of onto, Mr. and Mrs. M. Park, Galt. ______Chalk River and Mr. John Ander- In Fyvîe-Miss Joy Hallman, son of Westmeaih. Toronto. Sunday School was held ai Mr. Gardon Smith and Shirley In the Quinn Cottage-Mn. and il a'clock with an attendance of of Niagara Falls with Mr. and Mns. J. Culley, Bille and Mari- 30. Mr. George 'Tufford acted as Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke on Mon- lyn, Mr. A. Culley, Toronto, Mr. Supenîntendent. Church was held day. - and Mrs. Jim Culley and family, in the evening with Dr. Oke Mr. and ers. C. Payne'and Town. back fromn Oak Lake Camp. Ruth and Miss Muriel Austin Ih Wene.Verfus-Mr. and Mrs. Miss Nola Holdaway, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Wm. Street Jr., Toronto, Mr. and speni the weekend ai home wih Orono, for Sunday evening tea. Mrs. J. Parker, Ronnie and Da- her mother, Mrs. L. Holdaway. Misses Ruth Peters and Janet vid, Town. Mr. and Mrs. George Martyn McKinnon, Kitchener, called on In Linger Longer-Mn. and and Lynn, Welcome, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Payne on Mrs. H. H. Dilling, Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mns. Wm. Mason. Monday. Ray Dilling, Town, Mrs. J. M. Mn. rmsrongo! arane sentBurns, Judy and Robert, Peter- Mr.dArwtroMn. afdTrns.Anldborough, Mr. Don Jackson, Is- Thrdyketh. an r.Aol Minor Accidents lingion, Mr. Rager Feather, Tor- Thornyke.onto, and Mr. Bob Allun, Miss .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meadaws None Serious Mary Wallace and Master'Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ewen and I W e e dTafc Wallace, Town. Jimmy o! Fergus spent Monday I ekn rfi Leaside -Mn. and Mrs. R. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. Hughes, Toronto. Gwen and Norman Woolacott, Eight minor accidents occurred Daveley-Mr. and Mrs. D. Port Hope, visîted with Marie ln and around Bowmanville aven Auet, and Mn. and Mrs. C. Orms- Austin on Tuesday. the holiday weekend, noane were by, Toronto. Messrs. George Bickell,, Bow- seriaus.* Provincial Police report Irmadel-Mr. and Mrs. A. manville and Simon Barnowclough investigating six car accidents and Lowe and Bobbie, Toronto, Mr. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Town Police twa. and Mrs. S. Redman and famuly, Edgar Barrawclough. A collision ai the corners of Miss Shirley Fowler, Toronto, Several fromn the conimunity ai- Silver, and Church Streets ai ap- Mr. and Mns. J. Finlay and Mr. tended the concert held by the proximately 8:30 p.m. Monday, and Mns. G. Finlay, St. Cather- Leslie Bell Singers ai Cobourg. Augusi 7th, resulted when an mnes, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinnen and east-bound car met a south-bound family visited wîth Mr. and Mns. car ai the intersection. A second Workers frorn Canada and Unit- Archie Ford on Sunday. accident occurned on Vanstone's ed States co-operate each autumn Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- * Bridge, but here again no one was in harvesting grain fnom Texas dyke and daughters attended the hurt and damage was negligible. ta Canada's northern prairies. untanily for themacives and fr, their countny the lms govoraent. necd te do for thsm mand to thSn. At all ies the greatesi possible dégnée of individual freedom pro-> duces the boit resulis for people *, and nations. Those who do fan theniselveesÏt requino the leasi donc for them - * ihrugh tax incneasing goveri-- Mrent action. When all cions - -b lead themselves as far as they can go ahane and co-uperate wlth :io others ta salve their conon probe ,r.' lems, the goverriment can devoti~ is wholo effort te those vital' ýr thngs whleh goverrments must do ta preserve national and lnter. b national law and order. SURPLUS OF WRONG LEADERS (The Rural Scene) "What we need is a new Moses," the brsh young graduate, who f oit roady te be one, said to Uhe wlse mature minister. "There was nathing wrong wlth Uhe old Mosnes. If enough people would.obey thc Ton Command- ments and the Great Comunand- ment ca-operatian in ail things would supply eough autoamatlc- aly solected leadership," thc min- istor neplied. The wanld is cursed with taa many pushens fan pawer and ioo few who wll ca-aperate with oach ather ta "put praven principles in- ta practice. Leaders, big and lile, nequine power ta nun things their--way. Most peoplo prof or ta permit others ta seize powen rather ihan te ca- aperate ta their own common good. The natural end of lead- ership la diciatorship unless lead- ership is limited by thc presenva- tion o! the natural rlghts of in- divîduals and minonities. True voluniary co-aperatian la limlted anly by Uic abilhty o! good will ta croate a common gaod- witbin which. oach persan finds bis own. The way ta confine leadleyhip' tô constructive achievement ista develop leadership, oui of volun- tary co-apenation and ta govern it by maintalning the nighi of every individual ta choose bis own course in warking out bis own good purposes. Excepi in wan omengencies, when the waste o! war compels controls, Uic leasti nterference with Individual freedom and ca- operation produces the greatesi benefits. Even in omergencies the more co-operative individuals do vol- "'pi I -r 'I s * f t w OPPORTUNITY WEEq"j, :ý - AT - War Sùurpjs aàn Factory C1earà'nce ?A Division St. B Ail Men's Panis - Shiris - Soc1cs.' Eisenhower Jackets - Rain( and many other articles too numerous i at reduced prices. -BUY AND SAVE PAINTS $2.95 gallonAl c-or 85c quart --w, t, T I i B' ILL STACE ' DISTRIBUTOR Phone 2986 Bowmanvilh .11 illi 1 1 .

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