THUSDA, UGTST 01, 150THE CANADIAN STATESMAI. DOWdANVILL. ONTARO PAGE SENVVEN -Mina Nnvelda B1r*v in 4.hnoldav SOC JD PERSONAL Corne and hear 'this deeply important ser- mon, illustrated by bea- utiful hand - painted fel- tograph pictures in the GOSPEL TENT Ontario Street School grounds on Sunday at 7. Evangelist FRED W. NUGENT wiIl conclude his speclal meetings in the tent on Fni. day, August lSth, so don't fail to hear this stirring *vangellst whose messages have been blessed to the salvation of many.' Each night except Saturday at elght o'clock. Special meeting for children on Monday at 7 p. 'ISte UN FIrzg at Armed Forces Headquarters in Tokyo S- ucu c-K anjay mwavu roa.aie JlCA IUDtbs Ing in the Province o! Quebec. won a 7'- 4 decision over Cobour'g Mns. Martha Gowdy left by at the High Scbool Wednesday 'plane for a two weeks' vacation night. with friends in Texas. Mrs. G. S. Wagar is visiting Mr. ad Mr. Lelie roo ber daughter, Mrs. Rev. Weir Mn.andMm.Lesie roks of Millbank, during the month of visited at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Auguat. JUnkins, Bobcaygeon. Mastei Bi'ock Wylie, Grange Mr'. Glen Brooks, Peterborough, Drive, Cooksville, was a recent c > at Jury and Lovell's drug storeguso!isretgad te, this week. geMr hs. M Je ella riae Ave Miss Violet McFeeters bas ne- r.MJe l.CaiseA . turned from a holiday at Chateau Mi'. and Mrs.,Roy Webber, Haz- Wembley, Burnt River. el and Harvey, spent Civic Holi- .. day weekend in Buffalo and Mr'. C. H. Haddy, Toronto, visit- Niagara Flls. ed with Mrs. N. S. B. James and other relatives here. Mr'. and Mrs. L. J. Nichols, Mi'. and MZs. W. H. Nichols and Mr'. Mr'. and Mrs. Donald Mason, Bud Nichois visited Mr. and Mrs.I Toronto, spent the weekend withL.B ihlCabge his othr, rs. . H Maon. Miss Joan Wright spent her Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson is spend- two weeks holiday with Mr'. and mne a week in the Gravenhurst Mrs. Dick Wright, Cari'y in g district. Place. Mr'. and Mrs. Stu Jamieson and Mr'. and Mi's. James Akister, Bruce are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vancouver, B.C., spent last week Ralph Mclntyre. with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Brooks Mr'. and Mrs. Wes Jewefl are and Mr'. Brooks. holidayiAg ait Lakeview Lodge on Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Knight and Sturgeon Lake. son John, Sarnia, are holidaying Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Austin, with bis mother, Mrs. Wesley ,,Diane, Charlotte and Patricia, are Knight. er ýolidaying ait Crowe Lake. In last week's story on the ..Mr. and Mrs. Blain Eliiott and Police Force we inadvertently left David spent the weekend at out the name of Constable Clar- Crowe Lake. ence Bradley. Mr'. and Mrs. Ken Palmer spent Mr'. and Mrs. W.,. Edger, Pet- the weekend holiday with rela- erborough, spent the weekend tives in Belleville. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Capt. Elmer Bickie, Toronto, A. Edger. was in town this week renewing Col. and Mrs. M. M. Murray, aid acquaintances. Ottawa, were holiday weekend Mrs. Adolph Koldofsky, Los guests of Col. and Mrs. L. T. Mc- Angeles, Calif., is visiting ber Laughlin. mother, Mrs. Alan M. Williams. Miss Hilda Johnson, R.N., of Mr'. and Mrs. Frank Oke were the Bowrnanviile Hospital nurs- weekend guests of Mr'. and Mrs. ing staff, is spending two weeks M. Jobnston at Lake Cbemong. l of ber holidays at the Muskoka Miss Betty Young and Mi'. 1 Baptist Camp, near Huntsville. George Brown, Ottawa,. vîsited Mr'. and Mrs. Bill Joli, Mr'. and with Mr'. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan Mrs. Jimmy Firth, Mr'. Bill Mairs, over the weekend. Mi'. Art Brooks, Mr'. and Mrs. Don Mr'. and Mrs. Duncan Cameron, Wright spent the weekend at Dor- Oshawa, Mrs. R. M. Jamieson, set, Huntsville, Bracebridge and1 Bowmanvilie, spent last week at Orillia.c Port Elgin Beach. Mr'. and Mrs. P. R. Cowling >~ . î 1j& ansell Stacey, and family spent the weekend att W'ôyn, are bhl- their cottage at Hall's Lake. Miss dar~!gston and at Gore's Wilma Ward accompanied thems Landing, Rice Lake, next week. on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. "Hap" Palmer Miss Marion McKelvey, night and family and Mrs. Bill Mutton supervisai' o! Bowmanvi]le Hos- t] spent the weekend at Crowe pital, is spending a week's vaca- Lake. tion with her cousin, Miss Cath- Mr'. and Mrs. Art Hooper and lerine Stuart, Kendal.r family are spending a few days Mr'. anàlMrs. W. R. Strike and hoiidaying with his brother, Ed. son, Alan, and Mr'. and Mrs. Gea. a Hooper and family, at Napanee. E. Chase are enjoying their va-P Mrs. Lillie McCall, Toronto,1 cation at their cottage at Algon- C spent the weekend with ber niece quin Park in the Highlands of fi and nephew, Mr'. and Mrs. Roy Ontario. ti Martin, Bowmanville. Misses Mildred His, Rena Mut-S -ton and Jean Turner, of Trinity l Young Peopie's Union, attended Oak Lake Leadership Camap last ai week. %V Mrs. George P. Freel a n d, C S UMNER Cleveland, Mr'. and Mrs. D. Chit- n' tenden, and daughters, Katherine t and Margie Jean were holiday e RLADING1" guests with the former's sister, e ,Miss Martha Jarvis.D Mrs. C. A. Wright, Mrs. HerbE Jamieson, Mrs. Manson Comstockv and Miss Lena Taylor left Tues- V day morning on a three weeks' ht matai'ttip ta the Maritimes. e Mrs. Ada Joyce, Eugene, Ore- n( gon, and Mrs. H. S. Vanfield, Toronto, enjoyed a nice holiday 6t with cousins, Mr'. and Mrs. Stan-E iey Malcolm. S( Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, d: Biackstock, Mr'. and Mrs. Law- th rence Mahcolm and Gail, Nestie- Ai Summer, with its lei- ton, Mr'. and Mrs. Norman Mc- b3 tireisanexe 1 Nally, Coîborne, spentSunday in lenttim tocatch up on colm. t J Dr.cted C. Devitt is bolidaying at t readng.the Highland Inn, Aigonquin ei Corne in and seec u Park. He will be joined this week ni, of ew ic- by his daughter, Mrs. Beatricei assotnientofnw ic Hall who wili spend a couple o! g tion, reprints and pocket weeks with him. ci novels. Mr. and Mrs. H: N. Wagar, Patsy thý and Barry, Madison, N.J., were h i, ___________the guests of Mr'. and Mrs. H. ne Jeffery, Judy and Stephen, 36 he Cut-outs - colouing Silver St., over the holiday week- mc end. an books and crayons Mi'. and Mrs. John F. Wylie, W( for children. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cox, Cooksville,- Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cox, town, da bave been enjoying a brie! holi- hy 3. W. J EW EL L day in Ottawa and through the pi' Laurentians. cer "BIG"20"Mn. Mary Marjoram, 206 King1 at 27 King St. W. Bowmanvllle St. E., bas just returned from a 113 5-weeks vacation with her niece, ini - PHONE 550 MrscMxHrEoioe e ~ Mi'. H. L. Quinn, Vancouvei B.C., was in town this week rE newing aid acquaintances. Old ci' residents wiil recaîl Mr. Quin was Mayor o! Bowmanvilie 192 ta 1923 and it is 25 years sinc he iast visited here. Mi'. and Mrs. Alan Greviliî Toronto, on three weeks' vacE tion, visited their parents an some fuiends in town priai' ta trip through Northern Ontaric Mvr. and Mrs. Don Aliman, Osh awa, accampanied them. Miss Gwen Ransberry .of thi Hlospital staff attended the' Dec oration Service at McC re a' Church, Sunday afternoon whez the Rev. Major John W. Foote V.C., M.P.P., Port Hope, was thi speaker. Mi'. and Mrs. T. Wright, anc Mri. and Mrs. Russ Wright visitec theur son and daughtem, Mr'. anc Virs. A. Shackleton, Trenton, anc Mri. and Mrs. Dick Wright, Car. rying Place, over the weekend. Sgt. and Mrs. Robt. Clark, Pal and Bannie, Chatham, visited hlmi parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Menzc Clark aver the holiday. Hi friends will be pieased ta knoxN bat Bob bas been pramated tc ;ergeant with the Provincial Po. lice force. Mr'. and Mrs. Donald Masan, nd Mrs. Arthur Fraser, Toronto, vere weekend visitars with Mrs, C.H. Mason. Mrs. Fraser is me- naining for a langer visit. Mi'. and Mrs. W. R. Edger, Pc- trborough, visited with bis par- nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger. Mrs. W. J. Bagnell returned ta Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Wcs. Davey and Marion who have been isiting here. She will remain or a short holiday during wbich ei' store will he ciosed for gen- ýrai business other than the daily lewspaper sales. 'Mrs. A. D. Wbeeler heft August )th by car, accampanied by Mrs. EC. C. Southey, Miss Mary 3outhey, and Jim Southey, ta Irive ta Victoria, B.C. ta attend he marriage of ber son Aiden, on lugust l9tb. Mi'. Southey leaves )y train on the llth, ta jain them nVictoria. It has been brougbt ta the at- ention a! The Statesman that an .i'ri' was made in listing prize inners at the recent Legian Car- val. We wouid like ta apolo- ize and correct the listing now. faster Bobby Henry, 1070 Sim- *e Street Soutb, Oshawa, won e Ladies' Auxiliary dohi and not is mother, Mrs. Henry. The win- er does not live on Duke Street, elives in Oshawa and bis grand- iother's name is Mrs. Ernest Pass- nt, nat Mrs. Parson as publisbed. 7e are sorry this errai' accurred. Norm Scott, Manager of Brook- ale-Kingsway Nurseries, is firm- Scanvinced that this world is a retty smalh place aftei' ail. Re-J ntly, he and bis wife stapped 'a hot dog stand near North ay. Another customer, stand- ig at the caunter, asked Norm einformation on the route ta tawa. The conversation con- nued with the questioner ask- 4further questions about the gricultural College at Guelph. fter a !ew minutes a cammon mme arase and bath Norm and snew found fiend found that 'y had been in the same course Ohio State University in 1937- It devehoped that the chap s F'ouad El Azzazi of the iemical Dept. in the Ministi'y Agriculture at Giza, Egypt. He as on a holiday fram Egypt and as touring Canada and United tes. was New School (Continued from page one) Speed Essential The Chairman o! the Board o! Education stressed the need for speed in arriving at a decision. He informed the Council that the Board bas !aund it nccessary ta open two new ciassroams in the gymnasiums of bath schois ta accammodate the pupils who wil be attendiing in September. In summing up before Coun- cil. Mr. McGregor asked per- mission for the rigbt ta proceed with the project which xvouid in- valve hiring an architeet, secur- ing permission from the Depart- ment o! Education, and have working plans dnawn and ten- ders submitted. Couneil Hesitant Although tbe Board of Educa- tian Chairman requcsted im- mediate action, Council membersi werc hesitant. Said Councillorj Dale. "I dOLI't ghink we should i r, take immediate action on a mat- ,-ter of this size." He was of the [- opinion that it shouhd be discuss- 'n cd in detail, and recommended 20 that a future date be set for sucb ce a discussion. A second Councillor said, e, "Surely the Board of Education a- should give us more time. To 'd say $56,000 in one nigbt is kind a o! sudden." 0. "We're asking your permission -ta bure -an architect," Mi'. Me- Gregor countered. The cost ie wauid be three per cent or one- - bal! a! the architect's fee for the 5' entire planning job. According in ta the Board's Chairman, if per- e, mission were granted, plans ie could get under way, and if Coun- cil approves, the addition will be hd ready hy 1951. Old Scbool Question d The question of the ohd scbool was bro ught into the discussion. Would it flot be suitable for extra iclass raams? The Chairman replied that Leventually the old school would .have ta be demolished. As it [stands, there is inadequate fine Vescape facilities, aniy anc class- 0raom dawnstairs, and it would cost approximateiy $10,000 ta re- fit it for operation. He doubted that the beating system of the new schaol wauid supply adequate heat ta the aid building. Population Incrcasing Mr. McGregor mnformed the Council that the population o! Bowmanvilhe is continually in- Screasing. "Ten yeans ago when LI first came ta the Board of Ed- ucation," he said, "thene werc 500 cbihdren of public school age in Bawmanvilie. By 1956 we expect 1,000. Ciassrooms must be provided with an adequate teacning staff. At anc time tteachers were paid a minimum of $700 per annum, taday the minimum is $1,500. This salary is flot quite at pan with that paid in many other centres, and the Board's Chairman was o!, the opinion that eventually Bowman- ville would have ta increase the salary level. "ItIs a matter o! competition," be said. L Questions and Answers "Have these kindergarten class- es got ta be pravided?" asked Councillor Carruthers. "It's flot campuisory by law," the Chairman of the Board o! Education repiied, "but public opinion in Bowmanvilîe demands "Don't yau think, Mr. Chair- man," asked the Mayor,- "that you are getting too !ancy on this ed- ucation?" "No, I don't think sa," rephied Mr. McGregor. Further discussion of the ten- tative addition ta the Ontario Street Schooh was sheived until a special meeting at 8:30 p.m., August 28th, wben the Finance Committee in conjunction with the Board a! Education Chair- man xviii look into the pnoposed addition in detail. WEDDING. TERRY - ELLIS In Tninity United C hunch, Bowmanviile, at 2 pan. oi-t Sat- urday, Juiy 8th, 1950. Bessie Ber- nicce Elhis, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elhis, became the bride a! Wallace Vernon Terry, son o! Mr'. and Mrs. William Terry. Rev. S. R. Henderson a!!iciated. The bride wore a lovely street lcngth gown o! sky blue brocaded organdy, and a white hat trimmed with blue fhawers and a white veil. She carried a bouquet of pink rases. Her oniy attendant, Miss Yvonne Hawiey, wore a pink organdy street length dress. Her hat 'was pink tnimmed with pink and white fhowers and a pink Veil, and she carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The best man vas Kcnneth Terry, brother o! the groom. The reception was beid at the home o! the bride's parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Donald Ellis. On their etui'n from their haneymoon the couple wili reside at 136 Wharf Raad, Bawmnanvihe. Il t ci Famous Men A teacher iii ciass asked: t'Whicb famaus persans do you associate with Trafalgar, Water- loo. Jutland and Khartoum?" From different parts o! the sonm came the answcrs: "Nei- san,' "~Welington" "Jellicoe," 'Wa.1t DisneY. Mi'. James Killen accompan- tion. 'LolroN ...... 60 -OIL ....... 600&1.10 POWDER ...28&550 CREAM ........55550 PRESERVING NEEDS Jar Rings 6c Parowax -~ 17e Ultra-Ray Deodorant ___ 75e Arrid Cream 39c-59c Stopette Spray _- 75c-$1.25 Alex. We Deliver . Bowmanville Brnnirdalp 1 1 c gtyàdr Oraani dImprovement International experts met lat month ini Paris to tudy methods Of imProving grasalands ini Eur- ppe. Nuýmerous experiments have been conducted durlng the paat few yemrs and the conference was designed ta enable the reuts ta be discuused and comPated and the be t posuible techniques ap- ZION (Hope Twp.) Mr'. and Mrs. Joshua Brima- combeM. and Mrs. Milton BrmacombeRussreil., Ronald and Ruth, Mi. Frd Brmacombe, Os- aca, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lynch and sons, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knowlton, North Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bayley, Mr'. and Mrs. Reg. Bayley and Keith, Toronto, at Ray Cameron's. Mr. Arthur Dart, Miss Mary Geissberger, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnott, London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron spent the weekend wîth her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Storms, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rate, El- eanor and Arlene, Mount Albert, Mr. and Mrs. S. Maybury, Jim, Don and Len, Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. W. Greig, Toronto, at Henry Dart's, Miss Ruth Shaw, Oshawa, at Russell Stainton's for the holiday. Miss Joyce Cameron, Mr. Bob Casey, Orono, at Wes Cameron's. Mr'. and Mrs. Chr'istian Star, Bruce and Jacqueline, Toronto, are holidaying at Hans Geissber- ger's. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Storms, Oshawa, at Jack Cameron's on the holiday. Mr'. G. Thorburn, Mrs. C. Moore, Miss Muriel Moore, Mr'. Keith Stainton are holidaying up near Penetang. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutterley, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Leu and Christie, Harmony, at Hans Geiss- berger 's. Hans Geissberger, Jr., visited Max Castelberg at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. Delmer Killen spent the weekend at Minden. Mr. and Mi's. Robert Killen and Marie, Mr'. and Mrs. Mike Nemis ae holidaying at Mr. Killen's brother's near Philade 1 p h i a, U.S.A. Wine Production Up Wine production bas steadily' lncreased during the last 5g0 years in North and South Amern.: ca and in Africa, and world pro-- duction bas been stepped up aboutV 23 per cent, it was revealed at a wîne conference held recently in,' Algiers. While Nor'th America Wa reoi'ganizing ber wine production, BRYLCRE EN " Keaps the hair ln place all day. " Guards against and removes dandwff. " Gives hoir a gleominq lustre. N ADY TU S2944 HEADACHE " Calms your NERVES 29c - 55c - 98c KLEENEX Drugs Phone 792 -~ I ied by Mr'. and Mrs. Harvey Bal. son and f amily, spent a few daya at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Miss Barbara Iverson, Bow- manville at Nathan Hircock's. Mr'. Bert Beckel at Buffalo for the weekend. Mr'. and Mi's. Gerry Glaspel and family visited at George Hilts, William's Point. Mr'. Jim Randal spent a week at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry at Kluey's Bay, Muskoka. Miss Donna Vice, Solina, at Gerry Glaspel's foi' a week., Mr'. Ivor Gerry at Mrs. F. 19. Glaspel's this week. W.A. met at Mrs. Ai! Ayre's home on Wednesday, August 2, with a gaad attendance. Mrs. N. Fi ce had charge of the Devotion- ai. Mrs. G. Glaspel read the Scripture. Mrs. Alex McMaster read a poem and Mrs. Gordon White, North Oshawa, gave a talk on ber trip ta Cuba. Refresh- ments were served by the group, Mrs. N. Fice, Mrs. G. Glaspel, Mrs. R. Cameron. Reverend Victor Bowins will have charge of the church ser- vice at Zion on Sunday, August 13, at 10 a'clock. Mr'. Jack Stainton, Toronto, at Wes Cameron's. Mrs. Fred Cameron spent a few days at Mountain Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bryce. Mrs. Bud Hircock bas returned hame froma the hospital with baby DELIVERED FREE! Just Phope 3367- ALLIN'S QUALITY MEAT A ND GROCERIES j M. A. "Pat" Yeo, Proprietor 55 KING ST. E. DO WMAN VILLE PHONE 3301 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REXMERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATUEDAY LD.A. BRAND SPEC1ALS A7romatiC Cascafa, 3 and 4£04a.,-» reg. 30c, soc _ _ __ _ __ _ __2 39C Baby Cream, 3 oz. reg. 50C "Eoofl"Writiflg Pa"s,note Sime, 2f i reg.lOne foxlie Enveiopes, 25's, reg. 0 2 le Epsofi Salt, 16 oe., r«. 2ne M____1e Flaxseed, 16 ou., reg- 0 _ __ _ _ i Laxative Vegetabe 'rab$* 'srg i 0 White Embrocation, 4 aMd 9S on. reg. 29c, 49C PET SUPPUES Dr. ]BaIIard's Champion »og F.d. 2 ti.. 2& GIover's lîlea Powder n______3e Glover's Flea S.ap abc Bob Martin's Condition Tabu. f« dogs and puppies ftc Master Kenuel KIbbie and Muxed 0-B's 2 fft àNe Pard Dog or Cat pood ___ tis le RexOil for doga 59e-"U Pulvex Pion Powdet fo«,pe'ts, with the original rotenene iemla -Si with DDT for "p asec Sergeaut's Skippi« pea.wd.w âge Sergeat's skip upi« l9C VACi&TION I*EM~S Boetling cap" 2sOi p Beaceh Balis Nozefl untali On or Csle TanteOnrepC.1s 1nseei sda65tsm ic Ugulitine for 'bures .»C Velvetta utalupm~.---- CaiOra Sun GlasseS LARGE SIZE IR SMALL SIZE ACKAOI or M~CE8AD fbsm63ô%?"q 18C UT~~' S@ AHMNSIZE 12"xl2",2 9c McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store New! Exclusive with Toni! IIIN MIDGETCURLERS For Perfect Neckline Curls er! Fur Ensier - Fur Fast ý I it is nat considered as a dangerousL plled to the dlfferent conditions. threat ta French exports there. 1 1IÈ General Dougls MacArthur (rlght), commander of the armed forces acting ln behaif of the United Nations te restore the peace ln Korea, shakes hansid with the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, General J1. Lawton Collins, alter receivlng the blue-and-white U.N. ilag (center) whlch once flew over the headquarters of the U.N. MèdIator in Palestine. The flag was sent ta General MacArthur by U.N. Secretary-General Trygve Lie, wbo expresaedl hope that It would fly until peace la re- atored in orea. General Lawton Collins --it to Tokyo. Corn for France Hybrid corn will be used ta. in- crease the domestic p3roduction of this crop in France, where at the present time less than 50 per cent. o! the consumption is home grown. It is planned ta use American hybrids for a start and experi- ments are under way to determine the varieties most suitabie for the vaniaus zones under considera- RELAX ... AND READ A BOOK Have Your Neat and BDAT. AUGUST IM, 1050 i.