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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1950, p. 14

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--------L 4 1>. TRADE P Y C S N 12,000 READERS SN OT3cPRA BIRTHS AYRE - On Wedncsday, Auguat 9th, 1950, in York County Hos- pital, Newmarket, to Mr. and Mn.. Lloyd Ayre (nec Arlene North- cutt) a daughter. (Stiliborn). 33-1* DUSTAN-To Mr. and Mrs. Ter- ence G. Dustan (nec Jean Pattin- son) on Tuesday, August isth, at Women's College Haspital, To- ronto, a son. 33-1* HARLE-To Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Harle, on Thursda3y, Aug. 10, a baby girl, Joan Marie. A sister for Ann. 33-1* TAMBLYN-Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tamblyn, Orono, wish to an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Marilyn Joan. 8 lbs., 14 ozs., a sister for John, Ross and Jean, at the Bowmanville Hospital, Monday, August l4th. 33-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and M'rs. Bert Gibson, Nestîcton. announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Gladys Mary. ta Mr. Howard Trewin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Trewin, Bhackstock. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Sept. 2, at 3 p.m. in Yelverton United Church. 33-1* Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Stewart announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Gcddes, to Wesley Grant Campbell, only son of Mrs. Campbell and the late Mr. Wesley Campbell, Nestîcton, Ontario. Marriage will takc place on Aug. 26th in Markham Street Tabernacle, Toronto. 33-1 1 DEATHS ANNIS-Entered into rcst sud- deniy at Toronto East Genenal Hospital, on Fiday, August iith, 1950, Walton C. Annis, belaved husband of Ethel Garfat, and dean father of Beryl (Mrs. F. Sewell, Cedar Grave); Marjory (Mn.. Hamris Little, Dunbartan); Elva (Mrs. James Clark, Agincoumt; Eileen (Mrs. E. Marshall, Ta- ronto), and brother of Gea. F. Annis, Ebenezer. Mr. Annis was bunied Manday tramn the family residence, Dunbarton. Interment Erskine Cemetery. 33-If COULTER -Suddenly in Bow- manville on Wednesday, August 9th, 1950, Frank Smith Couiter, beloved husband of Lily May Shackleton, in his 68th yean. Funeral tram his late residence, 127 King St. E., Bowmanvilie, Saturday, August l2th, at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Ccmetery. 33-1 DICKINS9N - Robent Gemaid, tormerly of Bowmanville, passed away at Cuiver City, Califomnia, an August lSth, 1950, in bis 6th year. He was the beloved bus- band of the former Frances Con- nelly, and brother of Mabel (Ms.. A. Devitt) and Evelyn (Mms. Rots Grant). 33-1 MUTTON-At the residence, 22 Albert Street, Bowmanviile, on Monday, August 14, 1950, Judith Gwendoln Rose Mutton, dcanly beloved daughter of Mn. and Mn.. George W. Mutton, aged 4 yeams, Il months. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on Wednes- day, August l6th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanvilie Ccmetery. 33-1 CARDS 0F THANKS 1 vauid like ta thank ail the nurses and doctors in Bawman- ville Hospital; also all thase who sent gifts and fiowers ta me dur- ing my ecent illness; aiso ta those wbo helped atter I rcturned home. C. E. Horne. 33-14' The family of the iate Peteri Johnson Tbickson wish ta express grateful appreciation ta thein neighboums. and friends fan the many kindaesses and expressions of sympathy eceived at the time af his îllncss and death. 33-14' I wisb ta express my sincere appreciation fan cards, flowers, and many kindnesses shown dur- ing my stay in Bowmanville Hospital, and also thanks ta the hospital staff, and nurses, and Dr. Kcith Slemaa. Bert Stapheton. 33-1 I wish ta thank those who se kindly sat with my husband whiic he was iii in Bowmanville Hospital: also ail those who sent cards: they were very much ap- precicted: and also the kindncss and help of neighbours and friends. Mrs. Charles Morris. 33-14' The tamily of the late Frank Smith Caulter desire ta express their vemy great appreciation and gratitude ta Dr. Ferguson, Dr. K. ,Nemon, the Bawmanville Mas- onie Ladge, the Rebekah Lodge, the Police, neighbours and all tnicnds ton the floral ottenings and their many acts of kindness du ring the sad bereavement and &ad passing of a ieving husband and a dean father. 33-14' I wish ta express mait grate- tul thanks and appreciatian ta thec many' fiends for their acts of kindness. messages et sym- pathy and beautiful floral tri- butes extended ta me in the recent sad bereavement, the lamaj et my dean wife. Edith H., espec- ialiy thanking the Rev. Douglas1 Dewdney. Rector of St. George's Chumch for his camforting wards. R. Saxon Graham. Newcastle, Ont. 33-1 IN MEMORIAM MOSES-Treasured memories of a dear husband and father, Har- old D. Moses, who passcd away August l8th, 1945: Your memory to us is a keepsake, From which we shall neyer part, Tho' God bas you in His keeping We stili have you in our hearts. -Ever remembcrcd by wifc Ada and family., 33-4* Real Estate For Sale AT CAESAREA, year-raund cot- tage, large lot, close ta lake. Apply H. Hall, Caesarea, Ont. 30-4* HAMIlLTON'S REAL ESTATE $500 cash, balance $2,000 for 3- roomcd new log cabin on 40 acres of land on outskirts of Orono. Electricity and phone in house. Good stream, about ten acres clear, balance valuable timber. $1,200-For 50 acres level land suitable for Xmas trees, about nine thousand now planted. North of Bowmanville. Owner has mov- ed to the States. Bargain for quick sale. $3,700-In Orono, smart 4-room- ed residence, bot water heatîng, electricity, rcduced for immed- iatc sale, otherwise offering to be withdrawn. 1 Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Phones: office 32r10 - home 1r16 33-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE New brick dwelling on Jane St., 6 rooms. hap-dwnýod floors, ail con- veniences, full basement, garden. 1,ossession 3U days. $2,000 down. Beautiful brick dweling, 6 rooms, on Flctt St., ail canveniences, school and church 2 blocks. Pos- session immediately. $2,000 down. Double brick house, 8 raams, hy- dro, bath, full basement, central location. Possession arrangcd. $6,000. $7,000 - 5-roomed bungalow, al conveniences, hot watcr heating, hardwood floors, 3-piece bath and shower, ve netian blinds, combin- ation doors and storm windows, shrubs and raspbcrries, good location. $4,000-Frame bouse, 8 rooms, barn, stable, garage, creek, well, hydro, low taxes, haif acre rasp- bernies, 53/4 acres not far from Bowmanvile, good place, good land and wcli kept. 100 acres in Cartwright Town- ship, 7-room trame bouse, built- in cupbaards, barn, water bowls, hydre,' garage. $9,800 with cmop, $8,800 without crop. 20 acres bush. This tamm and buildings are in good condition. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bawmanville Phone 682 33-14' BOWMANVELLE REAL ESTATE Brick home, 12 rooms, divided into 5 rooms and 7 raams each, on corner pnoperty, ail heating in anc and stocker heating in the other. Garage, nicely landscaped grounds. Price $10,500, with low down payment. Situated north et King Street. 0 Six room bouse on King St. West. Pnice $2,850. Brick house, 15 raoms, on corner propenty In centre of Bawman- ville. Price $10,000. Temms. New bungalow, 4 ½ý rooms, gar- age, ahI modemn canveniences. Price $6,700. Termns. Ultra-modemn bungalow. 6 raoms, ail beating, very modern. Pnice $8,300. Terms. $750 down-Ncw six roomed 112 stoney bungalow. 'Balance month- ly, near Bowrfinville. Farm-OO acres, nean Cadmus, 12 roomed brick house. Pnice $4,000. For tarms, businesses, lots, lac- taries, lodges, etc. see Bowmianvllle Real Estate, 78 King St. West JShehyn D. Maclachian Phone 3326 Bowmanville Phone 689 Oshawa 33- 1 Livestock For Sale 100 BARRED Rock pullets, ]ay- ing. Leslie Coombes, Phone 2581. 33-14' Notice Io Creditors Articles For Sale PICKLING cucumbers, any size desired. Phone 2790. 33-2* i ½ h.p. GARDEN tractor, nearly new. Pbone Clarke 26SSL. 33-1* CONGOLEUM rugs and -ar goods available in many colour- fui patterns at Morris Co. 17-tf '41 CHEV. coach, with heater, in excellent condition. Phone 2290. 33-1* CLARE-JEWEL cook stove, ini good condition. Phone 3223. 33-4* 1938 CHEV. coach, excellent con- dition. To clear an estate, best offer, termis. Phone 3675. 33-1 BABY CARRIAGES - Two oniy, maroon, to clear at cost price. McNulty's Sports & Cycle. 33-1* 300 HAMP-ROCK pullets, eleven weeks old, $1.15 'each. Gardon Metcalf, R.R. 1, Nestîcton. 33-l* SINGER sewing machine, A-I condition: pull-out couch with mattreks.' Phone 2037. 33-1* EUREKA Vacuum Cîcaners, tank models from $39.50 up at Morris Co. Phone for free demonstrq- tion. 17-tf CASE combine, model A, 2 years oid, in A-i condition, priced reasonable. Apply Box 89, Port Perry, Phone 156. 33-1 1932 PONTIAC sedan, $75; '38 Plymouth coupe, good running order. E. D. Knapp, Middle1 Road. 32-2* OLIVER Clctrac tractors. Oliver 661 - 77 - 881 wheel tractors and equipment. Virtuc's Garage, Ty- rone, phone 2882. 31-34' 14 ft. SAILING dinghy, rcady .to sail away, $195.00. Phone 2767, No. 38 West Beach. F. A. Dill- ing. 33-1 EXTENSION table, buffet, 9- piece solid oak dining set; Victor Victrola; smali oven. 51 Tem- perance St. 33-1* WE measure and instali Venetian Blinds. Phone Morris Co. for estimates. We aiso carry a com- plete stock of wmndow shades. 17-tf BE READY for Spring and Sum- mer with Sisman Scampers for children, boys and men. Lloyd Elis Shoe Repair, 39 King St. W, Bowmanville. 19-tf NEW 5-roamed bungalow, land- scapcd, garden, shrubs, venetian blinds, nicely decorated. Immed- iatc possession. Phone 3633. Terms. 33-14' VENETIAN Blinds, Flexaium, Steel or Aiuminum Decoratorý Shades, one price 70c sq. ft. ex-, pert installation. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tfll BEECH and maple, green cord- woad, $18.00 a cord, sawed and delivered; also tence posts. H. M. Kyte, Bunketon, Phone Pont Perry 193-r-14. 151tf BARRELS!!! STEEL BARRELS! $3.50 eaeh BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf NEW and late model automobiles insured and financed. Dealer or private sales. Inquire about this law cast plan. Roy Lunncy, 48 King St. W., Phone 565. 23-tf '47 PONTIAC coaci1,, radio, heater, defroster, fog light. back-up light, iow mileage. Apply Mr. B. Pas- sant, 122 Duke St. or Phone 3527. 33-14' CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard gaods and hall nunnens; Rex- oleumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prîces. Phone 451, Wakcm Stores. 23-tf CONVERT your wagon whels ta rubber, camplete stock of steel rims, tires and tubes now avail- able. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, Canner King and Silver Sts., Phone 467. 16-tf LINOLEUM headquamtens ip Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleums, Printcd and Iniaid Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is available at Bradiey's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. - 2-tf IMMEDIATE dellvery, Fairbanks Morse space heaters. Heat yeum home the safe, cican economical way. Pay oniy $11.45 down at Bnadley's Furniture and Appli- ance Ca.> 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quaîity weincrs, bologna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger. Dariington Pack- Tih. Canaclian Statesman Classified Advertîsing Raies Effectivé JuIy 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTEb, ETC. Cash Rate - - - 3e per word W~ith a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additionai 250 will b. added A charge of 250 will be made for ail replies directed to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30 a word with a'minimum of $1.00 -' for 33 words or lems. JBIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - . $1.00 plus 100 a lime for verse. l3ispiay Classified at 800 Ver Inch wlth a minimum et one Inch Additional insertion at the sane rate.. Ail Classified'Ads. must be in this office net later thae 12 o'clock faon, Wednesday. - Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For H-andy Refercnce) Articles For Salé TRADE-IN - Full size bcd and spring, dresser, Westiaghouse electric washem, rangettes, ice boxes, table rangettes, coal. stoves. electrie ranges, davenpomt bcd, ciectrie refrigerator, 7 cubie M. Murphy's, Phone 811. 33-11 OIL burners installed, complete with anc year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as little as $35 down and 24 months to pay. S. Blain Elliott, Plumbing, Heating andý Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonaleae and highest quality. For free estimates caîl S. Blain Ell iott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf ATTENTION - Turkey, chicken and dog raisers. Selling out 45 strong 6 x 6 x 9 ail heavy gauge wire fox cages with wooden ken- nels. 2 x 4 frames. $15 each at farm. Aiso softwood. $8 cord, at farm. Margwill Fur Farm, phone 2679. 32-tf DINING-room suite, solid oak, excellent condition, 9 pieces; McClary electrie range, side oven model, suitable for cottage or home; Congoleum rugs, ahl 9' x 12'; electrie plate, 2 elements. Apply to Mrs. R. W. Goheen, Beaver St., Newcastle, Phone Clarke 4433. 33-2 BRAD)LEY Fumniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroorri suites. $69.00; steel bcd outfits, completp, $26.95; feit base floor covering, 49e a square yd.;, chrome chairs. $6.95, aIl colors; 3 pc. allover velaur chesterfîe]d suites, $14900; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring. fillcd mattresses. $2495: tri-lighti lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges tram $59.00; 3-pc. alloven velour bcd chesterfield suites, $119.00, 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; table lamps. $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradiey's. 40 King, St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271. 6-tfI Help Wanted COUNTER boy fan sandwiches and short arder. H-uyck Coffee Shap, 67 King St. W. . 33-1* YOUNG man wanted for factory work. Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Ca., Bowmanvilie. 33-1 YOUNG women wanted for light factory work. Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Ca., Bowmanvilie. 33-1 GIRL ta assist in modemn apant- ment tram 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Mon- day through Fniday. One chihd, sleep out. Phone 3,992. 33.1* WANTEfl)-Man for steady travel amang consumens in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Oniy reliable hustier cansidcred. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. ML-H-140-131, Mon- treal. 31-5 PERMANENT seling deaiership with good future. No experience necessary. Our produet is sold direct. Preter smart, active, eld- erly married men. Mulst have car. Good character references. '->l**' 1"" Ou salesmen averge 560 ta SiO IN the Estate et ELLA S. JOL- as pickling, smoking and saus- u aemnaerg 6 oq0 LOWdecesed.age making. Duning the summer per wcek. District in Durham ALL persans having dlaims -mnh - hog killing an Tues- County rt Box 444, e/a The against the estate of Ella S. Jol- days and cattie at any time. 20-tf Canadian Statesman. 33-2 low, late of the Town of Bow - FOR Hame Freezers, Miîk Cool- EXCELLENT opportunity, per- manville, deceased, who died an crs, Washing Machines, Ranges manent, with good future. Preter or' about the llth day of July, service on miîk coolers and mot- active intelligent eldenly mammîed 1950, are bereby notitied te send ors, that wiring job or anything man. To selI the iatest electrie in te W. Ras. Strike, K.C., souici- electrie. Trade -in or Terms polishers and vacuum cleaners la tan for the Executors, Bowman- Consuit Werry & Son Electnie, the districts of Bo'Wmanvillc, Part ville, Ontario, on or befare the dealers fan Woods Electrie Farrn Penny and Newcastle. Must bave Ist day et September, 1950, full Equipment, phone 2539, Bowman- car. Gaad character. ,Able ta particulars of their cdaims. ville. . c/e3 arnadian StaWtean. 33-2 IMMEDIATELY aftcr the said -32/3 st ia twe.rte Box 445, Ist day o'f Septemben, 1950, the TEN -Pc. Living-room groupi. assets et the Tastatrix will be Many colours and style combin- Room and Board distributed among the parties en- atians te choose tram. Groups________________ titled theneto, having regard onfly include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- ROOM and board for twe mea to dlaims of which the Executon field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 available. Phone 3453. 33-14 shall then have natice. Walnut'Coffce Table, 2 Walnut DATED at Bowmanvilc, On- End Tables, 1 Attractive Table HIGH Schaol teacher wishes tari, this th day f August, Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 AIum- apartment on pleasant bouse - 1950. inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- keeping rooms. Would like room W. ROSS STRIKE, K.C., il $169.00 only at Bradiey's, 40 and board if two small rooms or Solicitor for the Executors, King St. W., Oshawa. Ternins te anc large cheerful roam avail- Bowmanville, Ontario. suit. Many other suites to chonse i able. Wri te Box 443, c/e States- 32-3 frora. - 8ti man Office. 33-14' COMING EVENTS Plan now to attend the Mon- ster Kinsmen Bingo at Bowman- ville Arena on Friday, Sept. lst at 8 p.m. Bigger and better, the door prize will be a Purebred Cocker Spaniel Puppy of the small variety. Other prizes wil be more expensive than at the hast Bingo in July. Be on hand for a profitabje night's enter- tainment. 33-2 Softball Taurnament and Dance at Tyrane Satunday, Aug. 19th, starting at 1:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. under the direction of the Can- adian Order of Foresters. Eight girls' teams and 1 men's teams plus feature attraction hardball game Janetville vs. Bowmanvilie. Dancing ta Lau Dewell's Or- chestra, ahi for 50c or tournament only 25c. 33-1* Notices Dr. Birks' office will be chosci fromn Juhy 28th ta August 27th inclusive. 28-6 Gord Wilbur's Service Station at Hampton will be closcd ftrn Aug. 21 ta 25 for holidays. 33-1* Dr. E. W. Sisson's office will be clased for holidays fromn Aug. l8th ta Sept. 5th. 33-3' Dr. C. W. Slemon's office, Church St., will be clased froni Aug. 12 ta Aug. 28, inclusive. 31-3 Trucking busines's for sale witl- F.Cu{. license. Good reason for selling. Carl Gimblett, Phone 835. 33-1* Dr. C. J. Austin's office will be clased for holidays fram Sat- urday, August 5th ta Monday, September 4th inclusive. 30-6 Wiil pay $1.60 for a limited quantity of good milling wheat delivered at miii. Vanstone Flour &Feed Miii. Phone 777. 33-1* 'he Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Hampton United Church wi]l hold an atternoon tea on Tuesday, the 22nd of August, tramn 3 ta 5 p.m. Everybody welcome. 133-1 YOUR FUTURE IN THE STARS -Three montjis' forecast advising yau of the oppartunities ta grasp and pitfails ta avoid, or detaiied character analysis for your birth sign. Send birthday with tiftv cents ta Doreen E. Pcrrett, Cen- tified Astrologer, R.R. 1, Bow- ,manville, Ont. 33.. 14'1 TENDERS WANTED SEALED tenders mamked "Ten- der" wili be rcceivcd by the undersigned until Noon an Mon- day, the 28th day. of August, 1950, far the improvement of King Street for digging out, me- moving, replacing with granular f iii. and applying new noad sur- face. Ail information, tender forms, etc., may be obtained tramn the office of the undcrsigned. The lowest an any tender nat neccssarily accepted. D. J. Kean,Enie, Whitby. 32-2 Lost BLACK and white kitten, defin- ite black mark under the chin. Child's pet. 4 Duke St. 33-14' STRAYED tram corner of Wel- lington and Temperance Sts., grey Persian kitten. Finder please phone 3308. 33-14' BROWN wallet, with Air Force identification paper's, small sum of moncy. Reward if returned ta Alpha Studio, 40 King Street, E. 33-14' Wanted To Rent PUBLIC School teacher, wife and child maving ta Bowmanviile desine ta rent bouse or apantmcnt as sean as possible. Phone 635. a0-tf Work Wanted CARPENTER work - kitchen cupboarcls and trim. Phone 2464. 33-4 WELLS driiled by Ontario licens- ed driller; modern cquipment. R. B. Renwick, Phone 781 or 833, Bowmanville. 33-4* HOOVER Vacuum Clcaner and Floor Polisher.- For Sales and Service, Bowmanville H y d r o Shop. Dial 471.' 30-4* PAINTING & Decoratmng, interior and exterior. Fine carpentry work. Guaranteed satisfaction. Free Estimates. Phone 77r7 Orono. Horace York. 30-4 EAVESTROUGHING, contracting, old cavestroughing repaired and new put up. For free estimates call C. E. Devitt, Phone 597. 33-.3* WORK wanted by experienced wornan. Housework, good, plain cook, motherless home or caring for invalids. Will live in or out. Give full particul.ars in f irst let- ter. Write Box 446, c/o Canad- Interestiu Sory Scout Jamboree Attended hy Over 47,000 Boys Described hy Bert Notlock The editar received a personal letten this week tram Bert Mont- hock, Who was assaciate editar af The Statesman for a number of years. Bert bas been in charge of publicatians at the Canadian Headquarters of the Boy Scouts' Association at Ottawa for eight years. He attended the world- wide Jamboree of Boy Scouts at Valley Forge, near Philadelphia, Penn., hast month when 47,000 Scouts vere present. We faund his letter extremely interesting and arc passing cx- tracts of bis letter on ta aur read- ers feeling they, too, will'*enjay his description of some of the highlights of this great gathering of Scouts. The letter follows. 306 Metealfe St., ian Statesman. 33-1 Dear George,- BRAKE DRUMS! This has been a terrifie year. Lathing, Honing and Gninding The Jamboree at Valley Farge xvas We specialize in complete an amazing show. Can you pic- brake overhauls. ture a camp of 47,000 boys? It BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE was simply impossible ta visit haîf Phone 804 Bowmanville of the sections. Some scêtions 32-tf were a mile and a haIt away LAWNMOERS - tram the Canadians. We took 240 LA N ERS boys dawn and they werc the Have thema sharpened with aur toast of the Jamboree. They new precisian machine. were smart in uniform and de- -Cali 467 for pickup and delivery portment, and they had a caurtesy G. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOF that was almost entirely lacking 21-tf in the American boy. Many won- ;t' derful tributes were paid aur îeTo- Canadian lads and they were well dc 'W anted Do uy deserved. The Ontario section, e CA tre Troops, spent hait a day in Il SRAPiran and batteries. Phone Phîladeiphia on the way home, ie Clarke 2530. 17-tf and the director of the Y.M.C.A., ýd BYSbcce odcniin where they made their hcadquart- -reasonable. Write Box 440, The tr adta ehdnyrse ,2 Statesman Office. 33-1* a more caurageaus and mannerly crawd of kids. He wished the eIBUSH - must be predominateiy American boys were the same. hard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone There wvcre same wonderful lads .Port Pemry 193r14. 22-tf there toa. One boy, Jim Wright BEFORE seîîing your live pauîtry from Saskataon cycled the 2300 itry us. Our prices are higher M. miles from that city ta Valley il Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 rFogan resdevrrieh 13. reverse charges. 17-tf was offered. Another lad, Neil iMerrick fhew 600 miles tram Yel- -USED truck platform, with or iowknife ta start his long trip kt without racks: also hydraulic tram Edmonton. 4hoist. C. Payne, Newcastle, R.R. M jo adietrfacv- -3. Phone Clarke 2811. 33-1 fMysob we a dieCon ftigi- wvhich meant I had ta plan the Custom vvorlç details of ail parades, pageants, visits, radia broadcasts, movies d PLOWING, cultivating and saw-' and'tours. It was a busy week, h ing. J. H. Alhdread, Phone 496. believe me. 6 29.8* The organization was magnifi- n cent. Ail cooking was donc on - Repairs charcoal burners which meant - _____ 1__ hat it if rained they could bei FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed uF-ed under the sheiters. No [j service, dyeing and customn work, 1 smoke-a great boon. Ahi food *try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair (which by the way was excellent) Shop, opposite Gartomn Bus Ter- was served on paper plates and minai. 31-tf cups, which wcre simply thrawn into the. incineratar after meals. CHESTERFIELDS completely ne- Everything was packed in Patrol built and re-upholstered. Satis- lots, for ten, cight boys, anc lead- faction guaranteed. Have aur er and anc visitar. For instance, consultant cal] at no obligation. on the Sunday night each boy had SEnquire at Weber's Fabrie Cen' hce e o upr re r tr, 10Kin St.E. 3-tfsouthern style. Each came sep- eREPAIRS toalal makes of refrig-_ arately wrapped in cellophane, erators, damestie and commercial; and I thaught of the 23,500 chick- mihking coolers. Higgon Elec- ens wha îast their lives in that tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. baite. 25-tf President Truman Speaks There were so many memor- Found ablîe things that I cannat outlinel :'h-rn Pl) for -aiu. Perhaps fouirl tMAN's wristwatch in Orono Park will suffice. On the opening nightI ron Sunday. Owner may have r-res,ent I rL[lall caine anct Of-j same by proving praperty and ficially opened the ambaree. In paying for this advt. Harold addition ta the 47,000 boys thene *Crawford, Hampton. 33-1 were some 30,000 visitars present. It was a tremendous show, and the Farm rs Atenton ! President used the occasion for a policy address-not much inter- *WE will be pheased ta pick u1P est ta the Scouts-but for the con- dcad or cnîppled farm animais sumption of the Amenican pub- and pay highest prevailîng prices. lic. It was broadcast on ahi net- For immediate service Telephone works. Colleet, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or Tescn ra hwwso Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young the Sunday night when once Ltd. 2tf again the whole 47,000 wcre to- Pesnlgether. It was cailed a Convo ,- ____________________ cation o h Freedomn of Re- ligion. Each Scout had been pro- SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 vaded with a candle and after ad- ta 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonie Tablets fan dresses by a Roman Catholic double resuits; new heaithy flesh; Priest, a Jewish Rabbi and a new vigor. New -get acquainted"; Protestant Minister, ail were ask- size nly 60c. Alh druggists. 33-1 cd ta piedge themselves ahways ta respect with tolerance the oth- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubbe7r er fellow's religiaus views. In goads) mailcd pastpaid in plain token of this pledgc each lit his sealcd envelope with price list. candie. I just cannot describe the Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. scene when a great sea of 47,000 Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- candies sprçad out aven the 12 ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont- acres of space it took ta, seat us. 27-9 Pipe Band Heads Canadians a It was the samé night that the F _____________________ Canadian boys, marching intov the arena, headed by their Pipea EXPERIENCED, reliabie Holiand Band fram Nova Scatia receivcd L famihies available. Arniving soon. such a thrill. As we turncd down Write ta S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestle- the centre aisie, aur flags fhying ton, Ont. Phone 225 - 24 Part and the pipers playing a stinninga Penny. 22-14 march, the torty odd thausandc -bays and visitons already in the1 The Statesman Sold arena just stood up and checred. j, The next night was July 4th-? At Following Stores another big show. We of coursea were well indoctninated with Am-h erican history and we knew al Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. about Washington and his Valley D.~ ~ ~ ~~C G.Wlo',Necsi. iForge army, and that tragic win- Wilson & Brown, Newtonvillc. 'ter when they camped on the same1 T. M. Slemon, Enniskiiien. broad acres on which wc wce F. L. Byam, Tyrone. camped, when thousands died of G. A. Barron. Hampton. hun'ger and discase, when therei Newton Taylor's, Burketon. was mutiny and when the whole Wm. Hackwoad, Pantypool. cause of American indepcndcnce H. T. Saywell, Blackstack. seemed doomed. C. B. Tyrreli, Orano.Grn reokDspa a H. K. Reynolds,, Kendai.Grn Fie rsDsla 111 I suppose 1500 boys took part. There were a thousand flags of Ethe United Nations marching fround and round, and 450 flags of the United States. There 1wene bands and the native cos- ,tumes of Scouts trra ahi ven the twonld. It was a memorabie mo- .ment when led by a 50 picce tmagnificent Amenican S c a u t Band. the whalc 47,000 with per- haps 25,000 visitons rose and sang Auld Lang Syne. Swapping Aetivity There were sa many other things that wvill remain in my memary for ycars ta came. Tbe swapping- a typical jam'boree " tivity. Texas boys brought si~ round pnickly cactus balls and traded thern ta naive youngsters (nat Canadians) as porcupine eggs and ane saw boys walking around with these balis under their anmpits, having been told that in two days they would hatch out as porcupines. They hiad hunicireds of horned toads, and I saw live snakes and anc three- foot lîve baby alligator. One of aur lads got in swapping one of those plastic ladies' legs that they dispiay hase on. It was sîmply fantastie. On the last day, when most of the Canadians bacu gone, twa Am- enican boys wanted ta swap ivii me. AillI had was a Canada ýBadge (a goid maple leaf an a red background with the word Canada) and aA Ontario badgce. For thase I was given a brand new shirt, neyer %varn, with ail badges on it. Tommy praudly worc this at camp. this summer. Vinit Historia Spots Then there wcre the tours of Philadelphia and- the historie spots at Valley Forge, Washing- ton's Headquartcrs, the beautiful chapel,, the forts and memorials. There were the campfireg, the visits ta other sections. I had tea in India, coffee in Cuba, tea in Great Bnitain, and 1 enteî'tained boys from Iccland,«Gcrmany, Ja- pan, Austria (wherç ncxt year's warld Jamboree is to be held), Norway, Sweden, Philippines. There was a Troop of United Na. tions Scouts-sons of United Na- lions officiais, of every race, ln- cludi)g Russian. One of my jobs was ta design* and arrange for the construction of the Canadian Gatcway aven which wvas emblazcned the Coat of Arms of Canada, with the Pro- vincial U,ýiests down the sicles. .Places V*sited Enroute The trips down and back were intcresting too. We saw sanie wandemfl country and somie scruffy cities. Scra.ntoii, wherc we stayed onie night, wVrs a dirty place. Phiiladeiphia was a pleas- ant city and extnemely lange (3,- 000,000 population) but the ta'.. that caught my eye was IHarris- burg, Pa., wbere ive staýcd a &ry. Wonderfully c i e a ii, beautilul stores, the best botel we stayeJ in, the capital ai the State on Commonwealth as they caii it. Wc did out famnily shopping there and Kit and the youngsters were thrillcd wîth the tniings we brought hame. Then anc day atk-homc and out ta camp for the bort camp we have evcn had. At the Jamb3oree Bill Smith of Toronto, xvho xvas on a visit ta the Jamboree brought with him a youngsLcî' t'ram Jcnkinstoxvn, Pa., who hiad once been bis rient door reighbour in Toronto. 1 casually suggesLe2d be came up and camp with miy Troop and ta îny arnazement hoe qid-700 miles ta camp. A prince of a yaungsterrs who iven thc prize fan the best cxempiilic.ation of the Scout s~pirit. Busy D A1vs lî2'I For the îmmed'îate 1tutie 1I going ta Toronto ta do sai-ne laboration on a book ta be sIý by bath oui-selves ënd the c Cross. Yoiîr friend Dr. harvcy Doîîey is vwo;kîag w %vlh, .10. iw also wvarking with MaeiMillan's on the publ ication oi a 0001, 'Sangs for Canadian Boys," o..- iginally published by ourselvcs, out tea expensive for u; to riandle now. .'Labour Day wveckend I spend at, the Ontario Rover Moot iieun Peterbor'ough. T b a ni k s g i v ing weekcnd 1 am principal speaker PAGE IrOURTEEN --IM CANADL« STATESM", BOWTJANVI=, oNTAMO M»ývAV ATMIVIM lad& saum 8

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