t PAGE EIGRT COURTICE Farewell sermons were given Iy Rev. Frank Yardley at Eben- ezer anid Courtice on Sunday as he will take over his new charge at Embro in Sept. The August meeting of the Af- ternoon Auxiliary of the W. M. S. was opened by the President Mrs. Russell Gay with .a verse entitled "Today" and was followed by a hymn and prayer. After the bus- - mess period a letter was read trom Miss Rouse, which was most interesting, telling of her work at the Archibald Institute in Trini- dad. The opening worship was lead by Mrs. Esli Oke with Mrs. Alan Down as leader. Topic, "The Worid Convention on Christian Education" now meeting in To- ronto was brought to the atten- tion of the members. Assisting also were Mrs. K. E. Courtice, Mrs. Cecil Found and Mrs. Blake Courtice. A vocal solo, conven- tion hymn "Fairest Lord Jesus" was given by Mrs. Lloyd Down, with Mrs. Chas. Found at the piano. The Asst. Treasurer, Mrs. Carl Down gave her report and also took up the collection. Meet-1 Ing closed with hymn and bene- diction. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Geo. Annis in the loss of his brother, the late Walton Annis who passed away at a Toronto hospital and was buried at Ers- kine Cemetery, Dunbarton, on Mionday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gabouriei bànd son Greg. have been enjoying2 a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Bloomquist, Detroit, and Master 'romny Bloomquist returned homet with themn for a holiday wlth his coisins. Best wishes to Mr. and Mn. Art Found on the arrivai o! their little son et Oshawa Hospital on Friday August llth. The evening Auxiiery held its Juhy picnic at Greenwood Park with an attendance o! 18. After ail had enjoyed a boun- teous supper a devotional period was conducted by Kathleen Pid- duck. The topic was "The Road to Friendliness," a!ter whichi games were run off under the direction o! Mrs. Mary Pollerd and Mrs. Grace Pidduck. Follow- ing were the winners: Hitting the nal, Evelyn Sweetman; blowing the bahloon, Ann Gay; clothes-pin in the bottle, Irene Grills; kick- îng the shoe, Eva Hockin. A sing-song was enjoyed and a reading, "The Proposal," wes giv- en by Lyla Osborne. bninging another fine time spent together to a close. The President, Miss Ann Hoit, opened the meeting o! the Ladies' Berean Class, which was held in the Sunday School Room on July 25 by reading a poem, "It Shows In Your Face." Mrs. Annis then sang "Hear Us, Holy Spirit," as a prayer, the audience joining in the last uine o! each stanze. Mns. Archie Muir, Jr.. read the Scnipture, taken fromn Psalm 104 and Eccles. 5:19, dealing with the subject o! "Labor." This was foi- lowed by a prayer by the sec- retary. Hymn 390, "Work for the Night is Coming" was sung, closing the devotional peniod. The minutes o! previous meet- ing were read and approved, elso a letter o! thanks fromn Mrs. H. Sweetman for flowers. A sug. gestion Nvas made by Mrs. Annis that the class raise some money Lake Shore, Clarke Miss Dorene Powell and Mrs. M. Gertshore spent a week visit- ing points o! interest at the Thousend Ishands, Montreal, Tbree Rivers, Quebec and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and Doris visited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow and family, Kings- ton and Mn. and Mrs. A. MeNieh and family, Ottawa, bringing Enid home with /them for two weeks. Mrs. J. W. Hamilton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin. Messrs. Bilh Jaynes, Ross Ad- ams and Ronnie Powell spent Sunday et Apshey. Mn. H. Jaynes, Mr. and Mns. E. Tonkin, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. The Lake Shore Ladies' K.- S. and C. Chub met et the home o! Mrs. W. Holmes with most o! the members present, also two visi- tons, Mrs. A. Pethick, Toronto, who came with Mrs. W. Adams and Audrey and Mrs. M. Gant- shore with ber sister. Mrs. S. Powell. Visitors are ahways nice to bave. Next meeting wihl be at Mns. S. Poweil's, August 23. Mn. and Mrs. A. Arch and deughten, Streetsvihle, and Miss Mvary McKnîght, Curtis, visited Mvr. and Mrs. Geo. Skehding. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldned et- tended the wedding o! Miss Beuha Haemilton, to Mn. Donald Dun- can et Brougham, Saturday, Aug-, ust 12. Miss Hamilton spent j ;hree years teaching et the Lake- shore school. The congratula- a a A n ti S: F te i a d b IV. tE E ci Ui ti SI ti r h Nex Sunday evening the ser- vice is in charge of the W.M.S. They are very fortunate to have Mr. M. C. Henderson of Toronto, to corne and give the address. He visited Angola, Africa, last year, which is the district where Rev. Merle Ferguson preaches, and took pictures which he will show. There will be special music as the Queen City Four, a male quar- tette from Toronto, are also com- ing. This promises to be a good service so do try to attend. Mr. Isiah Irwin, Port Perry, Is visiting his sister, Mrs. James Ginn. Mrs. Robt. Bruce returned home from Orillia iast week and Miss Mae King is now visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis in Orillia. Helen Curtis remained here to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Venning and Joan are holidaying this week at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thompson and Gail, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hoskin.' Mrs. J. R. Buckham o! Tim- mins, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Palk and Mr. Palk. Miss Joyce Shelley of Brighton, Engiand, now living at Windsor, Ont., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ballingali on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford motored to Ottawa and other points east iast week. Paul and Carol Anne Rahm enjoyed their holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Morland Ander- son and Jimmy, o! Bowmanviile, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nickol- son, Mr. Ronald Nickolson and friend, of Toronto, with Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn attended the Dedication Service at Tyrone Park and visited Mr. and Mns. Scott. Mrs. John MeKee has returned home from her holidays et Fene- Ion Fall.. Mr. and Mrs. Aionzo McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield and family attended the funeral o! Mns. McGuire's ister, Mn.. Wm. Kerr, Franklyn. Mr. and Ms.. J. R. Ballingal and David spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hyndman of Toronto àt a pienic et the Rouge River Valley. The Blackstock Hardball Team defeated Millbrook Sms in the third gme of the play-off, on NEW C.C.F. SECRETARY Lorne Ingle, 35-year-old head o! the C.C.F. Research Bureau in Ottawa, was on July 29 elected National Secretary o! the*Perty. He succeeds David Lewis o! To- ronto, who retired. f! the new hospital in Bowman- vfle. Some discussion foilowed, ,nd the meeting voted unanimous- ly in, favor o! the project. A coînmittee was nemed to make further arrangements as follows: Mrs. R. Gray, Mrs. H.,Muir, Mru. K. E. Courtice and Mns.' G. F. Annii. Mru. Lloyd Down was request- ed ta buy towelling for the church kitchen, and Mrs. Glenn Pickell ofered to hem the tow- els. The President ceiled on Mrs. C. W. Slemon o! Bowmenvile, who needed no Introduction to an Ebenezer audience, to tell the members o! her trip to England, Scotland and the Continent last summer. She gave a very in- teresting and delightful descrip- tion o! this six weeks tour which made very fine listening. Mrs. Yardley kindiy expressed thanks to Mrs. Siemon and the meeting was closed bvr repeating the Mizpah benediction. Tea and delicious refreshments were serv- cd by Group i. The attendance included 30 adults and four child- ren. TRXTRSDAY, AUGUS~ l7th. 1950 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILE, ONTARIO tiens of the comrnunity are ex- Friday night at the park , n tended te her. Bethany. They now have te meet Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois Bethany in the final play-offs for visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Wood- the North Durham Basebali hams and Marie, Toronto. Championship. Miss Loraine Dunbar, Hamil- The O.N.O. Social Club heid ton, spent the weekend with Mr. their August meeting at the home and Mrs. John Hendry. Mr. Ar-. of Mrs. Doreen Palk lest Thurs- chie Hendry wau home frDm Fer- diay evening with a good attend- gus. ance. Aima Duf! was received Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jacques, To. as a member and we had as rente; Mrs. Skinner and Dorothy, guests Mrs. Joan Sues !rom Tyrone, with Mr. end Mrs. Ai! Ceesarea and Mrs. Joyce Buck- Brown. ham from Timmins. The Presi- Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. dent Gwen Bailingali conducted Holmes were: Mrs. W. Locke, the business session and informed Gra!ton; Mr. and Mns. Ed. Ste- the girls that the play has been venson and Douglas, Toronto; învited to Raglan in the Feul. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gibson, Court- Minutes were read and roll cali land. N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace by Sec. Doreen Palk. Gwenyth Sterling, Rochester, N.Y.; Miss Thompson informed the members Nanc CanonMr.and rs.that the O.N.O. Club from Sask- NrancyBeatty, M. and Mrs Bo atoon of which Mrs. Minerva FhuakBt, Mr. adW.. o Cowan is a member, had se pt Cath, Toont; Rolandandgreeting s. Then some of the girls Cathy Tornto;Miss E. M. enjoyed a cuchre game and others Holmes, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. pîayed rummoli. Gwen Bailingali Glen Pollard and family Bramp- won high score at the euchre and ton. Miss Joyce Pollerd is stay- Joan Sues at Rummioli. A iovely ing for a visit with Mn. and Mrs. lunch was served by the hostess Holmes.1 and her group. Mr. and Mns. Jack Holmes and Sympathy o! the community lu family attended the Hunt Club extended te Mrs. Walter Law- ticnic et Willow Beach. rence on the death o! her father, Miss Queenie Campbell, To- Albert George Fowler, o! Osh- ronto and Mie. and Mrs. Fred awa. Funerai service was on Funk, St. Joseph's, Mich., are visit-- Tuesday. ing Miss Aimce Speight at Ads- Mr. Wallace Marlow and bis clif fe. employees, Gary Venning, Jim Emerton, Fred Hamilton, Jim T IfT7fmi~,yp arlow, Bill Forder and Ailan B jAUC1UTj1% Rahm attended the Purina Ban- quet at the King Edward Hotel Mr. nd rs.Vincnt rai on Monday evening and reported Peterborough, spent the weekend o ie with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- Mr. and Mrs. Manson from joy. Stratford wîth Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Mrs. Elmer Archer, MarilynMSAt Jhns. WA a ed and Ronald, Whitby, visited for St.ehes!.M.Josh C atr Arcferaswt radMs. Burketon, on Thursday evening, Archer.Aug. 10, with the president Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomipson Arthur Bailey in the chair.' A and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs. scripture lesson on "Faith" was Wesley Montgomery, Lindsay, on very interestingîy given by Mrs. Sunday. Nicholson, followed by the mem- Rev. R. B. Harrison and Mrs. bers' prayer in unison. Mrs. Harrison started out lest week Nicholson exhibited a Coronetion with their trailer cabin for an- Bible which Mrs. (Bishop) Flem- other trip. ing of the Arctic had sent to Mr. Misseà Carol and Diane Henry, Nicholson but which had on its Janetville, with their grand- journey gone down with the ship. mother, Mrs. Fred Bailey. It was washed eshore, picked up Miss Beryl Larmer, nurse-in- by an Indian and because it was training, Peterboro, spent Mon- a Bible, carefully dried out and Eay at home. eventualhy sent on to Mr. Nich- Miss Joyce Venning lu having oison who received it in pretty rier two weeks' holidays from fair shape after two yeers' time. Saywell's Store. She is at Port The ladies who helped paint the Perry with friends. church floor were heartîly thank- Mrs. Cecil Hyde, Patsy and ed. Committees for our supper Linda, Toronto, with Mr. and and entertainment Aug. 28 were Vrs. Ira Argue. appointed also for the Fair booth. On Sunday evening the Young Fifty dollars was moved to be People's Union had charge of the given to the Church Werdens' ervice et the United Church. account. The September meeting Mfisses Yvonne Chant and Doreen is to be held at Mrs. Fred Hamil- Van, Camp end Bill Ferguson ton's home. After the singing o! onducted the worship service. 'Unto the Hillr,' and the pro- WVe were all very interested in nouncing of the benediction lunch the accounts they gave of their was served and a social time ecent holidays at 'Oak Lake spent. The hostess was given a Camp. Misses Thelma and Mona verN' hearty vote of thanks for Ferguson sang a lovely duet. lier kind hospitality. t KENDÂL Mrs. Albert Mevin and famiiy, Bowmenville, arc hoiidaying with Mr. R. Wilson and Ada. Miss M. Fisher and Mr. and Mru. Hailem, Toronto, wene guests o! Mn. and Mrs. F. Stoker. Mn. end Mns. Don Oke and family, Mn. and Mn.. Johnny Ser- chuk and baby, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. Bob Stainton and famihy, Bowmanviiie, spent Sunday with Mr. Jim Hoy .and Helen. Mrs. A. Mavin and famiiy, Bow- manvîile; Mn. and Mrs. Art Mer- cen and !amily, Garden Hill and Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Onono, visited Mr. R. Wilson, Ada and Fred a!ten ahl hed ettended the Decoration Service et Weicome Cemetery. Mrs. George Mercer and fam- iiy are visiting Mn. and Mru. C. Elsey at Oshawa. Madelon, Linde, Billy and Terny Allen spent Sunday with thein aunt, Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Mr. Fred Cox who id building the barn on Pete Newell's farm, had the mistfortunc to roillbis new truck oven, Mondey, neer McCrea's Chunch, He injured some ribs besides playing havoc with the cab o! bis tnuck. Peuh, Bihly and Phyllis Jack- son have been spending part o! their holiday with Mn. end Mns. Honey at Milliken. Mns. Lo!thouse and femily and Miss M. McKelvie have been et the home o! Miss Katie and Mn. Neil Stewart lest weck while they were enjoying a motor trip to the United States. The second play-off geme be- tween Kendal and Newcastle et Newcastle on Thursday cvening proved an interesting geme end evenhy metcbed, Kendel winning by a singhe nun, 9-8. The first game o! the finals bctween the Pelicans and Kendah is being played Friday evening in Port Hope for the best 3 out o! 5. The W. I. meeting was hehd Wednesday afternoon, August 9 in the Sunday School roomn with Mrs. Stoker presiding. The rohll caîl deived into the distant past, "Our great grandfather's native country." The W. I. bas been di- vided into five groups under the leadership o! the five conveners: Miss Ketie Stewart, group 1; Mrs. F. Stoker, group 2; Mrs. Wm. Mercer, group 3; Mrs. Reg. Ehhi- ott, group 4; Mrs. Roy Mercer, group 5. One group w&iIl orepare the programme wbile another group acts as hostesses and pro- vides the lunch. Mrs. W. Mercer reported the W. I. would have to get a map drawn from the mep o! Kendal in the Registry Office and àhso reported a number o! other points' concerning getting the lights on Kendah streets and passed along the advice that it would be a good time now to get themn in, perhaps hater we won't be able to. It was left for funthen considera- iion. After much discussion it was decicied to try to get together the articles for the W. I. Kitchen Unit et Orono Fair; the cotton braided rug seemed to hold things Up. A very intenesting accounit was given o! three o! Kendal's pion- real. Because it was losing $376,200 daily on raiiroad operations, the government of Argentina heu con- tempiated tearing Up 40 per cent. of the trackage and replacing it with highways. eer famille. by Mrs. Garland Cathcart unden Histonical Re- search. These were the Cerscad- dens, here for six generationu, the Elliotts for five and the Thomp- son's for four generetionu. The Cerscaddens, thought to have corne to England with the Duke o! Orange from Holland, came ta Canada in 1830 end uettled on the sixth uine but due to scancity o! weter they later moved to the fermn now occupied by Harper Carscedden. The Eiliott boys cerne out in 1838 and settled on the Elliott homestead, just north o! Kendei, now occupied by Reg. Elliott. The Thompson's settlcd in Hope but a!ter the marriege o! the ohdest son the rest moved to the farm now occupied by Ar- thur Thompson and hi, mother. This with Percy Bunley's farm and "Stoker's Hilîs"l was e Clergy Re- serve end the Thompsons stihi have the Crown grant titie deed for it, dated 1850. Mrs. Cathcart, nec Annie Thompson, gave the members many interesting hap- penings o! those early times and which, it is expected, will be in- cluded in the W. 1, history o! Kendal. ment& or repaesmed now may save you larger repair bills leten. Our work lu done by experts with finest me. terias... and guerenteed. ELGIN owners get the new Ch DuraPower Mainspring* Now availeble for most Elgin Watcbes. Gives an amezing permanency of timekeeping performance. 0Mad. of Mloy ' metai. Patmi Dnd=g Jewellery 43 King St. W. Phone 463 BO WMAN VILLE i ~ i -7, * EXAMPLES 0F LOANS We »mY "YES" to 4 out of 5. * Outsiders flot jnvolved. YOU select SC.sh 15 MO. 2 MO. 24 MO- payrnent date. Credit Card estab-I 'y..Get 154.19 52.59 756.56 lishes your credit nt over 475- * fË-- - - $ 2$ 8 4 ~ouEoffices. Fast, friendly serv- ___________$12__$28__$40 ice. Corne in, phone, or write today. E o $Pnts or npoorin-bC.h".1nLo0n $50 to $1200 on m n os s prporins fCn.J Signature, Furniture, or Auto ~ ~~J"'.T E OMPANVATA II oSTtY 'Uez&oaLFINANCE CO.*' 2nd Fi., il1/2 SIMCOE ST., N. (Over Bank of Nova Scotia) Phone: 5690 0 F. filon Anderson, YES MANogeT Leanmode to resideonsof @ali vrrornding towal * Porienol FionnceCompany of <anode id She 1s a H.oney I Butaàaa a a a For Better Eating We Suggest ox NAKES GOOD THINGS! TASTES BETTER! White No. 1 Covmrment Inspecied on sale ai Your Neighhourhood Grocer in 4 ILb Tins 0 Made by hard-working honey bees in charge of CHAS. KNOX, ORONO 0 BUY A TIN 0F HONEY TO-DAY HONET IS A WONDERFUL FOOD K j a EuIr t 4 9 i l EXPER * FREE INSPECTION g~iLEvery wateh needsaet Ieest a good cleaning and oiling C.N.R. ORDERS NEW EQUIPMENT Orders for new !reigbt and pessenger equipment, amounting to over $6,000,000 have been plac- ed by the Canadien Nationah Rail- ways, it was announced by E. A. Bromley, Vice-President, pur- chases and stores, for the National System. These orders include 50 aIl- steel baggage cars for delivery in 1951 by Nationah Steel Car Cor- poration Limited, Hamilton; six all-steel sleeping cars o! eight sections and one drawing noom for service in Newfoundland, de- livery to be made in the !irst half o! 1951 by Canadien Car and Foundry Company Limited, Mon- treal; 100 longitudinalhbopper cars o! 70-ton capacity for dehivery in August o! this year by National Steel Car Corporation Limited, Hamilton: and 100 covered hopper cars o! 70-ton capecity, deliveny to commence in the latter part o! this year by Canadien Car and Foundry Company Limited, Mont-. m Signpost of Satisfaction 4WDOMINION iew THMqSDAY, ATJG!US4 17th, 1950 0