THURS., SEPTEMBER 14. 1950 ~W A!A7TA.. ~"A~IW@ AZ5UW~YDA ?Y??w a "'vaLtÂ1 LLE' OJ.NTAIO~JPG ~~E The Newcastle Indepeudent Misa Margaret Ash J Mr. and Mrs. Harry Naylon, Mrs. Percy Brown and Sheila Chesley, wene Sunday guests cf Gogertv had a pleasant trip east Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylon and and te Romona Beach, then on te lamilly, Church St. Rochester. N.Y.. te visit withi Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Horrocks, Miss Nell Ruby and Mrs. E. Chap- Syracuse, NY., spent a few days man and they they spent the with bis aunt and uncle, Mr. and holiday weekend at Camp Hali- 4 4rs. Percy Brown, Beaven St. burton. tAt the May 3rd meeting cf the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prector, 5<Oard cf Education the motion Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Joli, Vas Passed that the Board would Bowmanville were guests on Sun- accept cilîdren fer Grade I work day with Mr. and Mns. E. H. providing they were five years Joîl and Mr. and Mrs. N. Ruman. cf age Sept. ]st, 1950, and aIse Mrs. T. W. Enwrigbt and Mns.1 that there would be ne kinden- Eanl Walton spent Saturday atq garten. This should help te dlean the C.N.E.1 Up any misundenstanding there Mn. and Mns. I. J. McCullough May be. and family spent the weekend1 Congratulations te Mr. and with ber folks at Fenelon Falls. Mns. Lonne Cobbledick, Beaver Miss Annie Drummond who Is St.. Who celebrated their 35th net veny well bas now taken up wedding annivensary Saturdav. residence wlth Mns. Herb Brown, The happy couple were pre- Miii Street. sented with a lovely occasional We were sory te learn that chair and an electric dlock. Re- Mrs. John Ganrod bas been ill, freshments and wedding cake were but very glad now she hs on the senved. Those from out-of-town mend. attending the occasion were Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Norman Rudmanj RoIss Strike, Bowmanville: Mn. and farnily of Eston, Sask., are and Mrs. J. McKeevor, Oshawa- visiting Mrs. Rudman's parents, Misses Mabel and Pearl Cobble- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jo11.c -_dick, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. El- j' 'îrd Cobbledick and famib' and First FaIl Meeting 'An.and Mrs. Lloyd Passant and rNýÈiIy, Bowmanx'ille. Newcastle Church Mrs. M. Middleton, Oshawa, - is- visiting ber sister, Mrs. J. Ladies' Auxiliary Baskenville, North St. Next -Tuesday the citizens of The Aftennoon Auxiliary belds Newcastle are in for a treat when their first meeting aften the sum-. the Newcastle Horticultural So- mer recess on Thursday, Sept. 7. t Ciety sponsor their free coloured The ]st Vice-Pres., Mrs. Frank sldes in the hall at 8 p.m.. Eveny- Rickard, presided and gave the one should see these as they are opening thought: "He who woulds Mo:t educational. love life and enjoy days, let himt Màr. and Mrs. R.B. Rickard and keep bis lips free fnom guile;", o, I j.. -, this,- she followed wlth prayer. The Secretary, Mina Blackburn, brought the members up to date by reading the minutes of aur last meeting which Waa held ini June. Our Literature Sec., Mns. 1Honey, hid durlng the aummer months procured two books whlch have been allocated ta two groupa te be read ini rotation. All of the members were glad 'to see our Stewardship Sec., Mrs. C. Hancock, at the meeting and to hear ber give ber own message on Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Hoar, Supply Sec., report- ed the aending of the giftacf packaged towelm, sa a and wash cloths te the Halifax Depot and aise that Mns. Cole'a group had swelled thé supply funds by the sum cf $28.38. This was the pro- ceeds from a travelling shirt which had gene tramn one mern- ber te anether aollciting dona- tiens. Mrs. Geo. Allin'u group was ne- sponsible for the wcrsbip service with the theme "The Spirit cf the Cross." Mrs. Allun led in prayer after which a Japanese bymn was sung followed by prayer given by Mns. Nerman Rickard. Our study this year is based on Japan se Mrs. Hare read a paper in which neasens were set forth as te wby we should study that country. The music for this part of the service was supplied by Mirs. Laurence Turner and Mrs. Howard Allin in the iorm cf a vcai duet accompanied by Mrs. C. Cowan. Miss Fergusen gave ua some wcrthwhile thoughta on "Friend- ship" and how te make friends. In summing up, it seemed te be the little things that count. People wbc raise bell at home shouldn 't expeet thein children to be angels. Beauty, wealth, or lame is in- competent te meet the demands of the affections, and should nev- er weigh agâinst the better dlaims of intellect. goodness, and virtue. -Mary Baker Eddy. wr7,,I ie ~ -* I Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony MR. AND MRS. WILLIAMI LLOYD IIORNER whose marriage was solcmnized recently in Trinity United Church, Bowmnanville.- The bride, the former Miss Audrey Eli7abeth Harness, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Laverne Harness. of Orono, and the brldegroom fi the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mortier, of Oshawa. -Photo by Hornsby Studio. HAMPTON (Intended for last week) _______Congratulations te Mn. and Mns. Jack Lyon (nee Jean Ker« Mns. R. J. McKessock, Mrs. sey) who were rnarried on Sat- Bryce Brown and Jean, Oshawa; urday at the pansonage. Mrs. Allan McKessock, Thamea e' ilepse 0 etr ford; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cbap- RvGils atroCeen man and daughter Gail, Toronto, niai United Church, London, ont. atJeChapman's. xvho xvas a weckend guest ef his aste e a eMln O hrother-in-law, Rev. G. Empc3, Mastr Mrra Mculln. sh-occupied the pulpit very accept- awa, spent a wcck with bis cous- ably on Sunday evening and ln, Ross Williams. pneached an excellent sermon. Miss Reta Kersiake, Eowman- The familiar sound of the ville, spent the wcekend with the school bell is again heard and Salters. school re-opened on Tuesday Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, To- with a goed attendance. Mr. Ray- rente. spent the weekcnd here. mond Farrow is Principal and Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Linstead Mrs- Charles Warren is teache. and daughter, Ilda. Springville, in the Junior roem. wene tea guests on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Cryder. Mn. and Mns. Harold Quarry and man, Jean and Grant and Mrs. attended the evening chunch sec- Chas. Hastings, Oshawa, with vice. His many friends wene glad Mn. and Mrs. L. Cryderman. to see him again. Mrs. E. H. Cole is a guest e: Mn. and Mrs. Hanland Trull Miss May Vanstene, Toronto. spent the xveekend in Toronto Mr. and Mns. S. Nash, Mn. and witb his sisten and ber husband, Mrs. Earl Penkins and family, Mn. and Mrs. Robert Shields. Detroit, were guests of Mn. anc Mn. and Mrs. Jacl, MacNab Mrs. Will Chapman. and family, Mr. andi Mrs. Keith Rex'. and Mrs. Gilles and two Billett and daughtcr visited r'ela- daughters, London, Ont., xvere tives in the Orangeville district weekend guests ef Rev. and Mrs. on Sunday. Geo. Empey. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wilson. Mrs. Fisher, Taunton; Mc. and Miss June Wilbur, Miss Pearl Mrs. Oscar Welsh, Oshawa; Mrs. Wilbur, Toronto; MVr. and Mrs. Norman Welsh and son Gerald. John Lyon, Bownianville; Mr. and Lindsay, with Miss Wilma Leach. Mrs. Ken Pooler and Larry, Osh- Recent visitons with Mn. and awa, at S. Kersey's. Mrs. Harold Quarry and Mrs. T. Congratulations te Mn. and Mrs. McMullen were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keith Peters %vho xvere married Parker and Sharon; AItrs. La- on Saturday. v'erne Heaslip, Mr. and Mrs. Os- Women's Institute quilting xxill burri McMullen, Trenton. Mich.; be held this Thursdav in the Sun- Mr. Pnd Mrs. Carl McMullen, day School reemn. ot-luck diii- Murray, Marie and Wayne, Osh- nen. a.wa. Quite a number from Hamp- Miss Dorothy Adamson who ton attended the Toronto Exhi- ras the delegate frora our Sun- bition. day vSehool at the Werld's Sun- Mrs. John Rogers is receiving dayý School Convention held in cane at the Toronto EastGn Toronto recently, and which was enal Hospital. attended by over 4,000 delegates Congratulations to Mr. and from 61 diffenent countries, gave Mrs. Raymond Farrow on the a very fine report at the Sun- gîft cf a daughter, aise te Mn. day School.session Sunday morn- and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds on the ing and her efforts in present- binth of a son. ing such an interesting repent Mn. and Mns. Francis Tbonîp- were much appreciated. A few son and family, Bowmanville, at thoughts from the addnesses giv- N. C. Yelloxvlees'. en wene. Family wership for About fonty Wemen's Institute childnen, Christian education at ladies were entertained by the berne exeny day; the Church must Maple Grove Branch on Monday create as many Christian homes evening when a verx' pleasant as possible. Chnistian Education and profitable evening was spent. of ail peoples is the only cure for Mns. Harland Truli and Mrs. the wonld's illness. Dedication R. Widdicombe wene among those te Christ is a seruous and cestly wbo attended the reunien and matten. it must apply te little dinner for the "nurse graduates" things as well as big things of who trained under Mrs. Florence life. Smythe at Bowmanville Hos- pital, held at the Liens Commun- A man bas less courage than a ity Centre, Bowmanville, which woman. Try te Imagine a man xvas a very happy gathering, the wFth twelve cents in bis pocket first cf its kind te be held and trying on seven suits cf clethes, te be an annual affair. a writer suggests. Bay A&P '"uperRight vQIky Mufts VOUR FAVOI-RITE CUT WELL TRIMMED TO GIVE VOU MORE MIAT WITH LESS WASTFL IEATURIMG RED ANDO LUIE DRANO BIEFr - CANACiA'8 TOP GRADL- a STEAK OR RoAsTr DONELESS ROUM BLADE BONE OU BLADE ROAST M EATV SHORT RIB RGAST FRESH LAMBLEGS- F RESH LAM FRONTS« CHOICE SLICED SIDE BACON FRESH SHANKLESS PLMON SHOIYLDERS PRESH noPORE lu S -* 8<PEAMEAI W'Am 'I~ b. 670 674 8MOKED SMHANKLESM, PIONIO STNE PM 574 a Ib. 791 WrUT UC GCKEN BUV THEI PARTI YOU 184<!BUT MB.K FPO GRADE MA» LSTffla"s B DRIATS * lb.lo w"RMu 3* * . * 19 CKWEIS 'b-20 WILE MALARIA CONTROL teams wr worklng elsewhere on thse Indian sub-continent, a Venereal Diseane Controi Team ofthtie World Heultiî Organizatien, a U.N. Sp.cialized Agency, was busy la thse Simla Hilas. lere a woman physiciau draws a blood sampie id ,Y, rt C~LARKE UNION Our school opened Tuesday last wîth several beginnens and 24 present. Miss Dawn Moffat' laý teacher for another term. Mr. Neil Rainey purchased aý horse from Mr. Wilfred Woods. Mr. Ervin Rainey has purchas- ed a new Massey-Harris tractor, plough and disc. Sorry to report that Mns. Colin Smith is in Bowmanville Hos- pital. We wish hen speedy im- provement. Mr. John Berry bas had a ce- rnent block silo erected. Tobacco picking is in full swing on the f arm formerly owned by Mr. Heber Souch and Mr. Henry Nixon. Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Campbell and family are visîting wlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bow- en. Bill has gone on to Montreal. ZION Mrs. A. Knopsel, Toronto, at Hans Geissberger's for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Flintoff, Alan and Ruth Anne, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ccv. eriy, Lloyd and Kenneth, Eben- ezer; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flint- off and family, North Oshawa, at Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson, Mrs. Robert Killen visited Mrs. Tom Currie at East General Hos- pital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach are holidaying at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Storms and Betty, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bishop, Courtice, at Jack Cameron's. Messrs. Bert Biekie, Jirn Stain- ton and Douglas Skinner at Bel. mont Lake for the weekend. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peters (Eileen Glas- pel) on their marriage in Zion Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, George and Peggy at Ben Hub- bard's, Burketon. S.S. Nu. 9, Clarke "Sîlent Sisters" club met at1 the home of Mrs. Brunt Thurs- day evening with 13 members and one visiter present. As Mrs. C. Fisk, the President, is retiring, it was suggested each bostess act as chairman when the meeting is held at lier home. Mrs. Roy Branch was clected Secretary andq Mrs. M. Pedwcll bas again accept. ed the office of Treasurer. Work was done on the layette for the hospital. Lunch was serv- ed by the hostess and Mrs. Turn- er and Mrs. Ritchie, after which the meeting adjourned. Next meeting at Mrs. J. Fisk's in Oc- tober. Miss V. Holmes spent the week- end with her parents in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tucker, To- ronto, are spendlng a week at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Rey Fleming and three children, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs, Wally Gibson Fnl- day evening. Several f rom this community attended Orono Fair on Satur- day and report a geod time. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fisk and family, Mr. and Mns. Bruce Fisk and family, Mrs. White, Ponty- pool, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Fisk on Sunday. Lake Shore, Clarke Miss K. Riches visited Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster, Newtonville. Misses Dora, Blanche anid Alice Taylor, Courtice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. Harry Pickard, Chatham; Mrs. J. Tamblyn and family, Orono; Mrs. E. Duncan and son with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. N. Goheen and family, Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Bull Corden and Margaret, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skelding were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Bowmanville. and Mr. and Mrz. E. Burrus, Oshj wa, were Sunday vîsitors with Mr. and Mns. Chas. Alldred and Mrs. Hotson. The Lake Shore welcomes te its community Mr. and Mns. Van Leeuwen, fcrmerly of Soiuth Am.- erica, who have corne to settle on Mr. John Hendry's farm. Among the many visitera of Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry were Dr. and Mrs. J.. E. Hendry #nd 'Marie, Halifax; Mr. and Mna. J. "OId à 40Y 50Y 60? P'.ManNyouvre Crazy 'Yorget ur agl ;oiunfampoporatO.TIV *.pgigpwlthotrax. Contatra onie *0< aak., wblch Iman, tmoun d . snla"oS. (ltrIe Tonle Table"a for vppyouaI u=sfg. MIe ver>' d y. et eaequifited' àci*dvUO ep j g i t ai duE o mu erlw hfo . IT'S 50 EASY WITH DUE SELF SERVICE CARTS Just push one of our easy running U Self Service Cartg around while you à load your grocerles and meats ..1* really saves time a.nd effort. For Froe eDivory Phone 3367 G. McMinri, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gilchrist and Brian, Whitby. Mr. H. F. Jaynes, Oshawa, and Mr. 8. Searl, Kendal. vlsited Mr. and Mm . Dv. Jaynea. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allun and Gordon, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskervllle. The Lake Shore Ladies' K. S. & C. Club met at the home of Mnr. W. Baskerville Sept. 6th with lots of fun, laughter, non- lense and some sense, too. Most were there. but those who were flot don't need to worry-they weren't talked about. Perhaps that'. flot very flattering either. Can't wln, tan you? Next meet- ing Io at Mrs. Gea. Skeldings on Thursday. September 21, date subject to change with notice. In a year the Canadian manu- facturers of dalry products use forty million pounds of sugar in the production of such goods as ice creamn and condensed milk. Get Your GURNEY RANG PHONE 573 PHONE 778 55 KIN, The economy of Newfoundland rests primarlly upon three indus- tries-f ishing, mining, pulp and paper and other forest prodUcts. In 1948 more than 135,000 beav- er peits were taken by CanAdian trappers. RUTTER GRAI1TE CO. Port Hope - Phone 3216 MONUMENTS .. . -MARKERS... CORNER POSTS Reasonable Prices' I I-I NOW!1 JIIGH-SPEED Guaranteed 5 heat rod elements -raised by hand for easy cleaning. OVEN Extra Large automatic control porcelaiîi enamelled broiling pan large rectangular elements for even baking. Top quality switchee. Cleail White Porcelain The Radio Shop 38 KING ST. B. Someing New in Cosmetics!. TIFFANY!f A completely new line of cosmetics styled andi produced in Canada and available only at your Rexali Drug Store. - Moderately Priced. - Attractively Packaged - Pleasantly Perfumed. LIPSTICK, seven shades ---- $1.25 FACJP POWDER, five shades $1.25 CLEANSING CREAM ---------------$1.00 FOUNDATION CREAM, light, nmedium or dark $1.50 R O U G E ---------- --- ------------------- --- $ 1.25 COLOGNE CREATION, concentrated cologne $1.50 SKIN FRESHENER, for ail types of skin $1.001 Spocial! For a short time only! Regular $1.25 size RevIon "TOUCH-and-GLO W" Liquid Make-up - and - Regular 65e size RevIon FACE POWDER Regular $1.90 Value Both for only $ 1.50 Exclusively New! Exquisitely Different! Tangee Glamourizer "The Gif t Sensation" Combination Lipstick and Perfume Atomizer Perfume Atomizer - Plus - Tangee Lipstick JURY ULOVELL Wb.n W. Test Eyes It ls Done Properly TOUR EEXALL DRUG STORE BOWMANVILLE E 3367 BOWMANVILLE * i I AI.LIN'S MAKE THIS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR CRUDE MOLASSE9 OUALITY KEATS AND GROCERIES 14. A. "Pat" YEO, Propnietor ;G ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHON' THE CANADIAN lqprATr.g;MAe. RMUM,&V".T.v ewvràu-r^ $229.00 R 3367