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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1950, p. 14

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s'-.--- bm WM TEEN THE CAKAD!AK STATESMAN, EOW qVILLE, ONTARIO "MmR. esu'nTbmm là, ----- ---- --------TR A D E j-r - MESSAGE BE FORESAV-IMU 12,000 READERS svX ýCOST 50c PER AD BIRTHS FENWICK-Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Fenwick are happy to announce the birth of their son, t the Oshawa General Haspital, on Tuesday, September 19th, 1950. 38-if PARKER-Mr. and Mrs. William G. Parker (nee Reva Bates) are happy to annaunce the birth of their daughter, Wendy Louise, on Sunday, September 17thï 1950, at Bowmanville Hospital. 38-1 SMALE -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smale, Ottawa, wish ta announce the birth of their son at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa, on September l6th, 1950. 38-1 ENGAGEMENTS Announcing the engagement of .Arlene Anne, daughter of Mrs. James Kennedy and the late Mr. J. M. Kennedy, ta Lorne Howard Patter, son af Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Patter, Bawmanville. The mar- j nage will take place Saturday, Octaber 7th, at 3 p.m., in St. Andrew's Church. 38-1 The engagement Is annaunced of Darathy Madge Winter, daugh- ter of Mrs. William J. Cowling, Aurora, and Mr. Ray Winter, Oshawa, ta Mr. Kenneth James Castie, Aurora, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Castle. The inarriage will take place on Sat- urday, Octaber 7th, 1950,, in Aurora. 38-c MARRIAGE SATTERWHITE - HAMILTON - Trhe marriage is annaunced of Lieut. Caroline pl1anche Hamil- ton, A.N.C., yaunger daughter of Mrs. Thamas Ilamilton and the late Mr. Ham!lton, ta Major Alonza V. Satterwhite, Jr., Army Engineering Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo V. Satterwhite, of * Durham, Narth Caralina. The marriage took place August lgth, 1950, in Chapel No. L at Fart Belvoir, Vîrginia, with Major D. Firth, Army Chaplain Corps, of- ficiating. The bride and groom * were attended by Lieut. Ruth r itzgerald, A.N.C. and Capt. Glen * ingerwson, A.E.C. 38-1* DEATHS tURNS -At Bowmanville Hos- p ital, Thursday, September l4th, J ~ 950, William Burns, beloved hus- band of Rase C. Menneil, 6 First 'Street, Bowmanville, aged 74 years. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel Monday, Septem- k er 18th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 38-1 ~OINTEN-At Bowmanville, on 7hursday, Sept. 14th, 1950, John !. Pointen beloved husband of ~thel Ireland, aged 71 years. îuneral fromn the Morris Funeral Shpel on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. interment Bethesda Cemetery. 38-1 IN MEMORIAM eRAWFORD-In loving niemory a dear mother, Florence Craw- tod ho passed away September pth, 1949: Dear mother, you are fot forgotten, !'hough on earth you are no lt mare, tmIn memory you are with Ag you always were before. ".Ever remembered by Harold enid Bessie. 38-1 * Niolices br. Ferguson's office wili be eIosed for month of September, ifter September 2nd. 345* Reserve Friday, Oct. 27th, for the Eastern Star bazaar ta be held at the Arena. 38-1* BaIlmoral bowling alleys avail- able. Phone 3322 and arrange your night. 38-1 t Any girls wishîng ta bowl in either League must meet at the Bowling Alley ta-night at 8 p.m. 38-1 The Evening W.A. of St. Paul's Church wiil hold an afternoon tea, COMING EVENTS Rummage Sale and afternoon tea, St. John's Parish Hall,-.Fri- day, Sept. 22nd, 3 ta 5:30. 38-1* Rummage Sale, Hallowe'en tea and sale of home caoking at St. John's Parish Hall, Oct. 27th, 2 p.m. Sponsored by evening branch cf the W.A. 38-1 Beehive Rebekah Lodge Bazaar Friday, Sept. 29th, at 3 p.m. in the Oddfellows Hall. There will be home-cooking, afternoon tea and sale of fancy work. 38-1* CARDS 0F THANKS We would like ta take this op- p9rtunity of expressing aur grate- ful rappreciation to our neighbours and friends for the many kind- nesses and expressions of sym- pathy received at the time of aur sad bereavement. (Mrs. A. E.) Audrey Smith (Mrs. R.) Irene Cand-.er 38-1* 1 wish ta express my sincere thanks ta my many friends and neighbours for their beautiful flowers, gifts and cards, and ta Miss L. Harding and nursing staff, my special nurses; also ta Drs. H. B. Rundle, K. Siemon and H. Ferguson for their kind attention fo me during my recent stay in Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. Alfred Brown, Newcastle. 38-1* Business Opportunity Woodworking business with ex- cellent equipment, large stock builders' supplies and lumber suitable for sash or doars. Pro- perty is converted barn including two modemn apartments, space now used for welding shap, large storage space and waodworking shop. Located at Maple Grave on No. 2 Highway, east of Osh- awa. Cash price $30000 or terms. Ideal proposition for one or two men who want an estab- lished paying business with law overhead. Write or see Dave Bothwell, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 38-1 Applications Wanted' Applications for the position of Assessor for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham will be received by the under- signed Up until 2:00 p.m., October 2th, 1950, with duties ta com- mence January lst, 1951. Salary $3,000.00 plus mileage. Appli- cants should state age, qualifica- tions and experience in their appycations. W. E. BARR, Clerk, Counties of Northumberland and Durham, Cobourg, Ontario. 38-41 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and customn work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Gartan Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re-' built and re-upholstered. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have aur consultant caîl at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf REPAIRS toa ah makes of refrig- eratars, domestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE i)F FREDERICK EVERETT ROBBINS, Deceased. ALL persons having dlaims against the estate of the said Frederick Everett Rabbins, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Farmi- er, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1950, at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, are required to file proof of the same with the unçlersigned executars of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased on or before the 2lst day of October, 1950, after which date the said Executors. will proceed ta distribute the said estate, hav- ing regard only ta the dlaims of which they shail then have notice. *a saa DATED a shwOntario, this l8th day of September, A.D. 1950. Articles For Sale FIVE acres corn. Phone 2074. 38-1* 1938 NASH Lafayette Sedan. Phone 3417. 38-1* QUEBEC heater, in good con- dition. Phone 2128. 38-1 DINING -room buffet, perfect condition. Phone 430. 38-1* WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, almost new. Phone 2478. 38-1* 1937 PONTIAC Coach. Will sel reasonable for cash. Phone 2341. 38-1* GCOD Webster ail bumner, bar- gain for quick sale, $50. Phone 947. 38-1* 1940 PONTIAC Coach Special, newly painted, good tires. Phone 2341. 38-1* QUEBEC heater, medium size, $8.00. Apply 33 Beech Ave. (Up stairs). 38-1 1937 DODGE Sedan, radio, heat- er, slip covers. Phone 3814 Clarke. 38-1* '39 DODGE Coach, reasonably priced for cash. 86 Scugog St., Phone 833. 38-4* FINDLAY Oval waad range, and General Electric, Hatpoint range. Phone 2314. 38-1* HOLLAND BULBS-tulips, daf- fodils, crocus, hyacinths, Stew- art's Seed Store. 38-tf BOAT, suitable for duck shooting or trapping. Phone 578 from 8 a.m. ta 6 p.m.* 38-1* ALL steel trailer, with rack and tarpaulin, rubber tires, gaod con- dition. Phone 2711. 38-1* FINDLAY Oval range, warming aven and reservoir, good as new. H-. Wilcox, Phone 2395. 38-1* STUDIO suite, three-piece, nearly new, maroon and green, velour upholstery. Phone 531. 38-1* WASHING machine, tubs and stand, good condition, standard make, $65.00. Phone 3364. 38-1 SEE the new Gilson Deep Freezer now on display at Dowson's Ser- vice Station, Happy Valley. 38-1* 1930 Model A Ford; 1946 Chev. Sedan, radio and heater, fog lights. Apply 26 Hunt St. 38-1* REMINGTON portable typewriter with carrying case and instruction book. Like new. Phone 2844. 38-1* TWO motorcycles; International tractor and plow. Apply Rad Simpson, Enniskiilen R. -R. 1. 38-2* OIL Heaters,, two large and one smnall, used for short time only. 'Lander Hardware, Phone 774. 38-1 BLUE Flame Space Heater, 8- inch, complete with 2 ail drums. Apply 29. Queen St., Bawmanville. 38-1* McCORMICK-Deering 10-20 trac- tor, in gaod running order, price reasonable. Fred Cowling, Burk- eton. 38-1* PRINCESS Rose cook stove, $50, excellent condition: also dining- roomn table and buffet. Phone 3645. 38-1* 1934 FORD V-8 Roadster, perfect condition, new rubber, goad paint, and perfect mnotor. Apply E. Osborne. 38-1* 1939 INTERNATIONAL haîf-ton pick-up, good motor and good tires. Caîl after 5 p.m., 12 Jane St. Phone 3136. 38-1 HARDWOOD, $1800 per cord. Cut. in one ft. lengths and de- livered. Frank Gilmer, Newton- ville, Clarke 613. 37-31 FINDLAY conk stove, goad con- dition: also twa used tires, size 475 x 20, cheap. H. Stacey, King- stan Rd. East. 38.1* DE LAVAL Silo 12 x 30, complete with metal roof, in good shape. Will sell reasonabie. George E. Aluin, Phone Clarke 1232. 38-1* SHEET iran kitchen range with two 6-inch ail burners and copper coil watei heater. Selling cheap for quick sale. 129 King St. E. 38-1 MIXED wood, $ 16.50 a cord, saw- ed and delivered, two cords ta la;lirnbs $30.00 a load, sawed.1 The Canadian Statesman Classified Advertising Rates Effective July 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate .-. -. 3e per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If eharged, an addltional 250 wlll be added A charge of 250 wili bc made for ail replies directed to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a word wlth a minimum of $1,00 - for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEATHS,' ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1,00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS --- $1.00 plus 100 a Uîne for verse. Disjilay Classified at 800. per inch with a minimum of one inch Additlonai insertion at the saine rates. Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'ciock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money - j (Clip This Out For ,Handy Reference) Work Wcmted SALESrADY, experienced, de- sires work ln store. Phone 691. 38-1 TEACUP reading from 3 Others by appointment Phone 3621. only. 38-1 WILL care for children after- noons and evenings. Call at 101 Scugog St., Bowmanviile. 38-1* WELLS drilled by Ontaria licens- ed driller; modern equipment. R. B. Renwick, Phone 781 or 833, Bowmanville. 38-4* EAVESTROUGHING, contracting, old eavestralighing repaired and new put up. For free estimates caîl C. E. Devîtt, Phone 597. 38-4* GIRL or waman, must be fond of children, for light housework and care of three small children, one going ta school, while mother in hospital. If interested apply stating wages and experience ta 22 Silver St., Bowmanville. 38-1 BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 3 2-tf ARE you looking for a Vleasant place to work? Girl or woman wanted for housework. Modern home in Toronto with prîvate room and aIl privileges. Lots of time afr. No neavy wark. tGooa Artiles or ale rtices or S le eals. $15.00 weel4ly. Phone Mrs. Articles__ForSale__ArticlesFor _Sale Breslin collect, evnings, Orchardý 1941 CHEV. cab-over engine truck TRADE-INS - frigidaire, $125; 5604 or esln' Soen 8o- with 14 ft. stake body. This rangettes, $29.50; mantel radios:, anile,3- truck is in real gaod condition. S15 up; washing machine, like OPPORTUNITY ta get into busi- Will trade for a good used car. newv, cost $159, selîs for $99; coal ness for yourself. Man for sales Phone 2341. 38-1* hicater, medium size, $14.50; coal and service work in Bowmanville range, white enamel with sheIf and in Durham County. Per- POTATOES-Order your potatoes $1950; 9 cu. ft. electric refriger- manent. with good future. Car1 now ta be sure of good qulalitv lator, large freezer across top, essential. Prefer man with bread for winter use. Free delivery in 'reg. $429, for $350. Murphy's, 'route, insurance or similar selling Bowmanville. Douglas Curl, 5 Phone 811. 38-1 experience. High incame on Nelson St. 37_ *dcalership commission bonus bas- USED tractors, 101 Jr. M.-H-. and ALL kinds of meat, good quality isý. Write . Sales Manager, 386 Farmal A; new tractors, No. 30) weiners, bologna, cooked hams, Water St., Peterboro. . 38-4* row drap: No. 44 gas and No. 44 smoked hams and bacon, sausage Diesel. S. S. Morton & on', and hamburger. Darlington Abat- T1 ~ I _______________Dealers._38-___ toir, H-ampton, Phone 2836; also Hnei.p vanied Massy-Hrri Deler. 3-1ipickîing, smoking and sausage - USED General tractor: pair 10( x making. During the summer1 PART time help wanted for 24 tracter tires, new, a bargain; months - hog killing an Tues-' housework. Mrs. Harry Allin, 55 Viking hammer milîs and Gema days and cattle at any time. Centre St. 38-1 oat rollers. «Virtue's Garage, 34-tfj WILL give a middie-aged oa Goodison Oliver Sales and Ser- vice, Tyrane, Phone 2882. 37-2* TEN - Pc. Living-room graups. !a gaod home in retumn for light iMany colours and style combin-j hovsehoîd duties. Referefices. BEECH and maple, green cord- ations ta choose from. Groups Write Box 472, c/a Statesman wood, $18.00 a cord, saxved and include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- Office.* 38-1- delivered; also fence posts. H. field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1I - GOD OPPORTUNITY M. Kyte, Burketon, Phone Port Walnut Coffce Table, 2 Walnut For an Intelligent Man Perry 193-r-14. 15-tf End Tables, 1 Attractive Tableý 8-2 er NEWandlat moel utoobiesLamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Alum - T18 - 20 T eaMsngmn NEW nd ate ade autmoblesinum Serx'ing Tray. 10-pc. Spec- To leanTear angmn insured and financed. Dealro ial $169.00 onîy at Bradley's, 40 LH OALTETE private sales. Inquire about this King St. W., Oshawa. Ter-ms to TH38-i HET low cast plan. Roy Lunney, 48sut ayohruietc3- King St. W., Phone 565. 23-tf suit. WMany other suitesn ta choose CONGOLEUM Gold Séal Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards xide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf 1938 PONTIAC Coach, A-i con- dition, goad tires, with whicel gear-shift and heater. Chcap for quick sale. Must be sold this weekend. Phone 916, 142 King St. E. 38-1 LINOLEUM headquarters in Osh-' awa and district. Rexoleumns, Congoleums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. EVery pattern that's made, is available at Bradlev's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf IMMEDIATE delivery, Fairbanks 1Morse space heaters. Heat yaur home the safe, dlean economical way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradley's Furniture and Ap pli- ance Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshaw\a. 2-tf 8-PIECE solid oak dining-room suite, fumed finish-60" buffet, pedestal base; extension table; 5 small and 1 arm chair, in perfect condition, for $50.00. 111 Elgin1 St. East, Oshawa. Phone 683. 38-1* OIL burners installed, complete! with one year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as little as $35 down and 24 manths ta pay. S. Blain Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil. Bumners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cali S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. «29-tf USED Case S tractor: used Case SC tractor, used Sulent Glow ail hecater, used Case 2-furrow plaw, Swift Canadian fertilizer, Na- Churs liquid fertilizer, water systems, wire fence, batteries. Don't go out of town to buy your battery for car or tracter.' We can gîve you as good a battery, at saine mione ' . Now is the time ta put in your Quaker ail heater. Give you r Faîl Wheat a start use Swift's fertilizer. Sce us for! your machinery needs. such as tractors, plaws. etc. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 38-1 BRADLEY Furniture Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedrooni suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complete, $26.95; felt base <baor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.9ý, ail colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suites. $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses. $24.95; tri-light lamps, complete, $12.95*, rangettes, ranges from $59-00; 3-pc. alldver velour bcd chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x f; Axminster carpets, 1 green or winp oriental designs, 1 $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; 'table lamps. $6.75. Everything for the humne at Bradley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf For Rent ONE fumnished room, for'ane or two girls. Phone 3479. 38-1 ONE large unfurnished room, downstairs. Has marble fireplace. hydro. Phone 432. 38-1* BEDROOM, with double bcd, suitable for one or twammn;al canvcniences. Phone 3622. 38-1 not necessary. A fine opportun- ity ta step inta aId profitable business where *Rawleigh Pro- ducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-I-140-163, Montreal. 36-4 AUCTION SALE Farmn Stock and Implements of Geo. G. Chant, Lot 1l, Con. 3, Cartwright, 1 '.ý miles south of Blackstock, on Thursday, Sept. 28, commencing at one o'clock sharp. Sale consists of 20 Head of Reg. and High Grade Holstein Cattle, 4 Horses, 50 Pigs, new John Deere Model M Tractar on rubb?.r, 2- furrow Plow, Cultivatar, Milking Machine, Electric Separatar, along with a full line of good machin- ery. Large quantity of Grain.and Standing Corn. Terms Cash.' Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 38-1 Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of Richard Hawkey, 1.ate of the Town of Bowmanvilie, in the County of Durham, Province of Ontario, Retired Farmer, deceased, wha died at Bowmanville, on or about the 4tb daýy of April, 1950. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors and athers having dlaims against the, above estate are required ta send particulars and fu'l proaf thereof ta the un- dersigned on or before the 20th day of October, 1950, after which date the assets of the estate will be' diitrihiitr1hzving regard fa t beanounced laterin -this RUSSELL ROBBINS and WieJ .t.rccceOaa the Will and the claims that have______________ paper. 3- PERCY A. LANGMAID, 37-2* ATTENTION - Turkey, chicken 1 THREE-roomed apartment, furn- then been received. SCRAP batteries, any condition Executors, and dag raisers. Selling out 45 ished throughout. Hot water DATED at Bowmanville, Ont- si 00. Telephane 467 for Pick by Crcighton, USED Hcckla fumnace and pipes, strang 6 x 6 x 9 aIl heavy gauige heating with ail. No children. aria, the l4th day of September, up.G .JmesnTr'hp Fraser & Drynan, 22-iînch, gdad condition, make wire fox cages with wooden ken- Inspection after Sept. 25th. Possp.G.1950 37-tfireSh 5 Simcoe Street N., best offer. Apply 226 Athol St. nels, 2 x4 frames. $10 cachatssn Oct. Ist. Write Box 472, Lawrence C. Mason, Oshawa, Ontario, E., Oshawa. Phone 412 after farm. Also softwood. $8 cord, atc/ tesaOfi. 381BrseecBE R elngyulv pl: their aliciors hrein. six. 38-1 farm. Margwill Fur Farm, Phone mcoS.esa fie 3- arser t. E Or ellgyare lie ry thi oiioshri.2679. 35-tf 30 King Street, West, try us.Oi rcsaebge.M 38-3CAR Jeecok tvewih\ ane To et Bowmanville. Ontario, Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7r Town cfBowmanillo Lot 6" SLAR ent G o ail bume, dm-A UMERof7'Tade Dsc, ____________________Solicitor for the Executors. 13. reverse charges. 17-t p"letngowodcnio un. ApplyoregA ula Er of__7__Tandem__Discs,_37-3 TKEn o otic tannvle con- G.Pure i d iSttio. Pon egu8' prie$220, special S180; SMALL house or apartment by If we are not secretly yearning TAXE noice tha anyon con- G PurdyHigh Sreet, Pone 8'Tandem Discs, regular Pl*ce 1W0- adults. Write Post Officean plysrvgfoth a ercigaytpofbuilding or BLACK Labrador male. Answers 3148. 38-1* $240, special $200. Get vours Box -196.381 Land kFo al opentrioingfor e ac- addition ta any building must ta "Barney." Last seen an Bond w'.hile they last. S. S. Morton & - -_______________ prayers are "vain repetitlans.! first obtain a building permit Str'eet, Oshawa. Phone 2032-Mý. HANDLE y'our corn crop this Son, Massey-Harris dealers, Phone 'A TYPEWRITER for school sca- TWELVE weaned pigs, 7 weeksi such a, the heathen use-Mar from the Town Cierk according Reward. 38-1 Fal ith a New Hoîîand Forage 781.* 38-l' ý!son. Write Box 471, c/ States- Id. hoe857..1-*I Baker Eddy. to By-Law No. 1426, which wîîî Harvester, on display at the iMim Office. 38- Ifo Phn270j b. enforced by the Police Depart- Fo ndqasey-Hamnîs shap. S. S. Morton BEAVER lathe with lever ta il- j - j- IEYrshr ism7wesod A.J.LentPIRa.rlr& Son. 38-1* stock attachment, 3 chucks, etc., ELîctd10ar am ihFoyd Beckett, Phone 2572. 1 skaesLow an BOY hrdwodharwao --6-inch Dura belt sander, 24-inclh gUUU bu~iUldng, water and 1I-ULU. s.lJbs, JigsawIwitf motar, skates, LorthandPhone 172r21 P5rt Perrv~. 38.2*- ________ ~owanvhle Ot. ownClek.Beeh Ae. wnr mv hvesoftwoocl slabs and kîndlîng. 4 ft. of eplored plastic rods and sheets.'bOS orartetfrcul ONE Ayreshire cow; anc good MA A E E Dowrnanville, Ont.same by paying for this adver- and foot. Delivered. Gea. Heas- $2 the lot o'r sell separatcly. In IOUE-on ath-old chirdcoupley cast re.R.îe.rll Nw Bepternber l2th, 1950. tisement. Apply Ken Nicks. 4 upý Jainet\-ilie, Phone Bethany H. Hine, c/o Wm. Lycett, Box :324.,R1 Mrkey CntalScoo. -38-_________le__ 37-2 Lover's Lane. 38-1 .Meke% etrlScol ____________________18r33. 38-4* Bowmanville. 38-1*;1 Personal F r Attention!I POTATOES. Potatoes-200 bags, FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- FARM-with option of 38.1*g, NEW H.aps hrdulesnrytaf WNA FaiesslightIv, blighted, already dug. e rs,. Washing Machines, Rangesi Dutch family with awn imple- Pontypool. Phone 8lr17 Orono. excellent position IYGIENIC SUTPPLIES - (rubber VR wîll b. pleased ta pick up Good for Friday afternoon oniy. iservice an milk coolers and mot- mients and stock. Write Box 47ý, 3- APPLY I goods> inailed postpaid in plain dead or crippled farm animals Bring yaur bags, do your own ors, that wiring job or anything1 Statesmian Office. 38_.1* MtofCndslcatae iseampies 25loe24 saprles.0. d For imet sevie Telphoe.lot of goodeatinpotatoes in Cosuletri. Waerry & onrElectrî OUL, ih mllcil- unonst f arebachslofaintera- heGl Si aleen5eope4withprie $i.0. Fa n p age se rviing price.lptckfng Thee npotaes ave a elte rade& Sin or ecrmi -OPE- -salcid e-uin r race fitrn- h lr beOder Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- Colleet, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or thcm. are excellent stock feed. dealers for Woods Eîectric Farmý quires house or apartment. hv . baonal crpariization.is, either craft (Oshawa Store -IL-9 Hmltn Ot Cburg 1266W, Gordon Young 25c per bag. *A Ernest Wermy's Equipment, Phone 2539 Bowan October lst. References. Phone 1 or industrial, with headcauarters au. Ltd. - 2ti Fa m nn±UUL alm -88- Vile. 8-3- V. Mathewson at 707. -, 38-1 in the United States. 3 Million Peopl e 3a Farming ini Canadat Did you know that mare than 3 million people lived on some 733 thousand farms in Canada and that more than 25 per cent of Canadians fromn the Atlantic to the Pacifie make their living an farms that praduce a large percentage of Canadian exports? The story of the people who worl< Canada's farms, their dif- ferent methods of farming, the crops they grow, and the varlous services availabie ta them in maintaining this primary indus- try. is told in a new, bookiet en- titled "Farming in Canada," avail- able on request from Informa- tion Service. Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa. SPECIAL FORCE PATCHj Real Estate For Sale SUMMER cottage, one mile north of Boys Training School. N. Bothwell. 38-1* $7,300 - New five-roomed brick bungalow, $2,100 down. Terms. Phone 3633. Possession. 38-1* SEVEN-room house, aprx oh acre land, 2-car garage, large hen house, well, cistema, water inside, hydro, on No. 2 Highway; also 30-acre wood lot. Phone Clarke 1304 evenings. 38-1* BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE Special-Lot 80 x335, foundation dug, new concrete well, small shack, surveyed, low taxes, nicely treed with cedars, on Highway No. 2, between Bowmanville and Oshawa. Price $400.00. Seven-room cottage with down- stairs and upstairs porches, 3-pc. bath, garage. fireplace, furnished camplete. Could be winterized. Taxes $15.00 pet year. $1,000 down, balance like rent. Price $3,160. Lovely brick home, 12 rooms, div- ided into two, seven and five rooms each, ail heating in one, large grounds nicely landscaped, garage. $10,500. Terms. Brick house, 15 roams, suitable [for tourist or rooming bouse, corner property in rentre of town. Price $10,000. Terms. New ultra-modern bungalow, six raoms, modern kitchen and bath- raom, three bedrooms, auto ail heating, heavy wiring, laundry tubs, elec. hot water heater, lare picture window, etc. Move right in. $8,300. Terms. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone 3326 Bowmanville Phone 689 Oshawa 38-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 100 acres in Cartwright Township, 7-room frame house, built-in cupbaards, barn, water bowls, hydro, garage, 20 acres bush. This farm and buildings are in good condition. $8,800. 5!¾ acres dlay laam, frame house, 8 rooms, garage, driving shed,j barn and stable, well, creek, ½/- acre raspberries, low taxes. Not fat from Bawmanville. For quick .sale. $4,000. 100) acres near Kendal, dlay loam, 9-room frame bouse, hip roof barn 32x80, implement shed, good stable, hydro, heavy wiring. Pos- session immediately. $5,000. Wanted-100 acres or more, fair land and buildings, around $7,500. .Tames Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville Phone 682 38-1* HAMILTON REAL ESTATE $2,000 Specia - 30 acres within haîf. mile of No. 35 Highway, 4 miles north of Orona, 7-roomed stucco house, stonie foundation, asIýestos roofing, new electric wiring, good water. Must be al cash at this price, for immediate sale. Mortgage funds are avaîlable on yox r improved farm, tawn resid- en«e or business praperty. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Ontario Phones: Office 32r10 - Home lrlf 38-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE $6,000-92 acres near Pontypool. One of the best farms in that area. 7-roomed insul-brick house, well painted and in excellent condition.' Good barns and stables, aluminum roof, granary fuil, barn full. Well watered. 50 rods from school. Possession 30 days. 1 have some excellent values in stores, three of which have a post office. They range in price fram 4$6,000 ta $30,000 and caver an area from Cobourg ta Picker- ing and north. If interested contact Ê*veIyn E. Cooke, Rcalf.or Phone Clarke A2621 Newcastle 38-If Wanted To.Buy SS WANTED our LLE STORE for capable person NPERSON Aui Shoppo -Phone 5866) The abovc photo .'hows the de- sign of the shoulder patch which has been autharized for xvear by members of the Canadian Army Special Force. The patch, which will be wvorn on the sîceves of the uniform below the shoulder is composed of a red shield with the word 'Canada" and a maple leaf in gold and the laurel wreath, symbolical of the United Nations, in white. Must Farm to Feed Hungry People Instead of Big Profits "~The way we farmers use the soil will mean life'or death ta millions," Joshua Wake, a Sas- katchewan farmer, tald the North American Asicembiy for Moral Re- Armament at Mackinac Island. -We must farm ta feed hungry Deople instead of ta mnake big ma- teial profits for aurselves." A resolution demanding high- er prices for wheat sold ta Bri- tain wvas recently presented in the Canadian Parliament by the Saskatchewan Farmers Union, Mm. Wake said. "~This would cost Britain an extra 280 million doll- ars which she cannat afford. "Through Moral Re-Armament we have learned that if every- body cames enough, and cvery- body shareÈ enough, everybody will have enough. Therefore aur district sent a different resolu- tion stating that in view of the critical dollar shortage abroad we do not want aur wheat prof- its ta be increased at their ex- pense." Mr. Wake also explained that he and his brothers are naw treat- ing their 1200 acres "so as ta pro- vide food for people permanent- ly," in an area -which has been becoming a desert through selfish exploitation ta get quick bumper crops. We are pianting grass and trees ta prevent erosion," he said, "and we are enriching the soul thraugh crop rotation and through keping more cattle. "The significance of this pro- gram is nat that it is new-it is not-but it is new for us and for aur district. It stems fram the ideoiogy of Moral Re-Armiament, which makcs us know that our- real security is in obeying ti) guidance of God and flot in gaiin-- ing material security through 5hort-cut exploitation, or through working for the highcst possible profits." Time of Hazard This is the worst timé of the year for traffic accidento. September last year saw10 traffc deaths in Ontario alone. In the months of September, Octob- er, Novemiber and Dcuemhcr, 1949, thivre were '.340 persan:; killed in traffic accIdents in Ontania -a higher total than for any other four months of the year. During the first -;e%,e* months of this year, 371 persans .have lost their ]ives in traffic in Ontario. That %vas higher than the avera* January-to-July score. A distur ing feature was that the propor-- tion of children killed by auto- mobiles is increasing. Says the Onthrio Department of Highwa *vs: "A single moment of inattention can caus;e a huge amount of human suffering."

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