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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1950, p. 14

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~&flU ,~~uwmw ?~ eM~AD!M~ 5TAT!9MA!~'. ~owMA1qv~L!, ONTA~!O PAY CASH1 ÀND SAVE-MINIMU M LO~ COST 50c PER AD, Y BIRTHS h ASHTON-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Burketon, are very happy to announce the arrivai of their twins, Doris Marie and Dennis Bruce, at Bowmanville Hospital, Wed., Sept. 27, 1950. A brother and sister for Larry. 40-1 COWLING-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowling are happy to announce the birth of a son, Douglas John, on Thursday, September 28, 1950, et the Willett Hospital, Paris, Ontario. 40-1* FLETT-Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Flett (nee Violet Barrett) are happv to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Jane Andrea, at Bow- rnanville Hospital, on Tuesday, Sept. 26th, 1950. 40-1 McLAUGHLIN-Harold and Ei- leen McLaughlîn (nee Toms) happily announce the arrivai of their son, Robert Wayne, in Osh- awa General Hospital on Sept. 29th, 1950. 40-1* SEVERS-Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Severs wish to announce the birth of their son, Stanley Robert, at Bowmanville Hospital, on Oct. 3rd, 1950. A brother for Kenny,. 40-1 * TROOP-Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Troop, Jr. (nee Jean Cosens) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Lorraine, on Oct. lst, 1950. Mother and baby both weIl. 40-1* VAN DRIEL-Mr. and Mrs. L. W. VanDrie1 (nee Dorothy Nichols) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Leslie Johin, at Bow- mnanville Hospital on Tuesday, September lgth, 1950. 40-1 MARRIAGE STACEY - RICHMOND-On Sat- urday, Sept. l6th, at 7 o'clock. in the Anglican Church of the Epi-' P hany, Toronto, by Rev. Leslie Hunt, Audrey Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richmond, of Toronto, to Raymond John !$tacey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Staeey, of Bowmanville. 40-1* * DEATHS bOÔLL--Suddenly et his home, 46 Heather St., Toronto, Oct. 2, 1950, Kendall Lincoln Doli, beloved husband of Margaret Todd Turn- er, and dear father cf Carol (Mrs. A. E. McDonald), John, David and eblan; dear brother of Veva (Mrs. T."J. O'Brien) of Winnipeg, and son flo the late Mrs. Harriet Hig- q inbotham Doli, Bowmanville. Cremation Toronto Necropolis. MUNDAY -Passed away at the farmi1y residence, Lot 24, Con. 3, Courtwrlght, on Monday, October 2nd, 1950, Stephen Wallace Mun- day, beloved husband of Viola Ç howen Munday, aged 67 years. jmains will rest at the family esidence untll Thursday morn- fg,1a.m.- thence to Court- wright Baptist Church, where pemains will lay in state. Funeral service at the church et 2 p.m.. en Thursday. Interment Union Cemnetery, Mooretown. 40-1 PHILP-Maud M. Phiip, at her bore, Sterling, Ont., Tues, Oct. ko 1950, beloved wife of 1. (Harry) philp In ber 49th year. Resting at lier late residence un- tii Fri., Oct. fth. Then to St. Paul's United Church, Sterling, for service at 2 p.m. ST. Inter- mrent Sterling Cemnetery. 40-1 IN MEMORIAM .ARNOTT-In ever loving memnory of our dear mother and grandma who passed away Oct. 3rd, 1946: - Lovingly remembered by daughter and family. 40-1* 'WORDEN - To the beautiful rnemory of my dear husband, Russell L. Worden,_ who passed away Oct. 4th, 1948: Oh, happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can neyer fill. -Lovingly remembered by bis wife, Ethel. 40-1* JACKMAN-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Fredeprick Rayqmond Jackman, who portunity o! thanking Dr. K. Siemon, Dr. Birks, the matron and nurses of Bowmanville Hos- Vitai for their kind attention. A. F.A.M., I.OO.F., L.O.L., Orono, and .O.O.F., Bowmanville, for flowers, cards and personal visîts, also thanking my friends and pieighbours for fruit and kindness during myv stay in bospital and convalescirig et home. Jamu Nixon. %ýU 4.'. Notices Now is the time for onew spirella. Phone 935. 39-2* PLACE your order now for Fal Plowing, Cultivatiing, etc. Phone 3552. 40-1* Dr. Keith Slemon's office will be closed from October 7th to lSth, inclusive. 39-2 You are invited to attend En- niskillen Thank-Offering Service on Sunday, Oct. 8th at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Lute of Tyrone, speaker. ,Kedron choir in attendance. 40-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake will be at home to their friends and neighbours on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversariy on Oct. l2th, from 7î:00 to 9:3~0 o'clock. 40-1* COMING EVENTS St. Andrew's Church are hold- ing a bazaar Friday, Nov. l7th. Home cooking, fancy work and aftemnoon tea. 40-1 Yowl Supper at Yelverton, the 25th Anniversary of our W.A., on Oct. 9th from 5 o'clock on. Play -Sweet Sally Brown." 40-1* Aftemnoon tea and bingo, etc. under the auspices of the C.W.L. of St. Joseph's Church in the Community Centre on Friday, Nov. î7th. 401 Don't forget Lions Concert Series starting Wednesday, Oct. 18, at the High School. Gel your season's tickets now. Adulîs $250, Students $150. 40-1 A Box Social will be held in Salem School on Friday, October 6th. commencing et 8 p.m. Cardsj and crokinole with prizes. Every- body welcome. 40-1* The Bowmanville Nurses' As- sociation is having a dance on Friday, Nov. lth, aI the l-ligh School. The orchestra will be The Sevenaires from Peterboro. 40.1* The Woman's Auxiliary, Mem- orial Park wish to thank the following for the prizes they donated 10 the euchre. G. Ken- nedy, J. Marr, A. Hooper, Jewelrs Store, K. Jackson, J. McNulty, G. Cawker. 46-1* Anniversary of Newlonville Presbyterian Church, Thanksgiv- ing Sunday, October 8th. Service at 7:30 p.mf. D.S.T., Minister, Rev. F. R. Meredith of Bowmenville. Special music. Everyone invited to attend. 39-2 The Goodyear Recreation Club euchres are to be held the f irst and third Friday of each month at 8 p.m. sharp, beginning Oct. 6th, 1950. There will be a prize for the lady and gent with the season's highest score. Admission 25c. 40-1 Eldad Harvest Thank-Offering Services Sunday, October 81h, at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. G. Empey wlll conduct the afternoon service and Rev. S. R. Henderson, of Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, will be guesl minister at the evening service. Music by the choir, assisted by Miss Alana Switzer, of Thonton's Corners. 40-1 Attend the Canadian Order of F'oresters "Thanksgiving Baîl" at Varcoe's Pavilion, Friday, October 131h. Dancing 9 to 1, 10 the Novel-Aires Orchestra of Cobourg. Music to suit everyone, smooth Hawaiian numbers, popular and oId round dance numbers, as well as the odd square dance. Dress optional. Admission $2.00 per couple. A good time assured. 39-3* Music Instruction POPULAR piano playing - Learn to play popular music in 20 les- sons. Advanced or beginners. For information and demonstra- tion contact Bert Payne, Hamp- ton, Phone 2091. 40-tf To ail whom it may concemn: Take notice that I will not be turned by return mail. Vacanti possession on or before November lst, 1950. Premises may be inspected on October 10th and 111h from 7:30 p.m. ta 9 p.m. W. R. Strike, K.C.. Bowmnanville, Ontaria. Solicitor for the executors. 40-31 Wanted To Buy Articles For Sale SCRAP iron and batteries. Phone SIX-piece dinette suite. Phone1 Clarke 2530. 17-tf 13642. 40-1. BEST prices for scrap iron and batteries. Phone Clarke 2530. 1 40-tf BUSH - must be predominately hard maple. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 193rl4. 22-tf OLD HORSES - Wanted urgent- ly. For best prices caîl Margwill Fur Farm 2679,Bowmanville. 40-tf SCRAP batteries, any condition, $1.00. Telephone 467 for pick- up. G. F. Jamiesan Tire Shop. 37-tf BEFORE sellîng youm live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethanf phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf Wanted To Rent THREE or four heated raoms for married couple with one child, by November lst. Write Box 476, Statesman Office. 39-tf FOUR rooms or an apartment. Provincial Policeman, wife and child. Urgently needed. Apply Provincial Constable Hardy, O.P. P., Bowmanville. 39-2* WILL PAY UP TO $75.00 for suitable accommodation within 15 mile area of Bowmanville. Re- quire house with modemn con- rooms. Prefer lease. Will sup- ply excellent references. Box 478, c/o Statesmen Office. 40-1 Room and Boatrd 1WANTED-Elderly man desires ,warmn single roomn with board, cil heating prefermed, neer centre. WilI pay monthly in advance. State price. Ref. Dr. H. Ferguson. Joseph Brown, Caledonia, Ont. 39-2. Notice Io Credifors IN the Estate of EDITH HENRI- ETTA GRAHAM, Deceased. ALL. persans having dlaims againsl Edith 'Henrietta Graham, laIe of the Village of Newcastle, in the Counly of Durham, Mer- ried Woman, deceased, who died on or about the Seventh day of August, 1950, are required ta send particulars o! same ta the undersigned solicitor for the Exe- culor on or before the Thirty-firsl day of October, 1950, after which date the assets o! the deceased will be distributed, having regard only ta the dlaims o! which notice shahl have then been given. DATED aI Port Hope Ibis Twenty-firsl day o! September, 1950. W. E. BONNEVILLE, Il Mill Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 39-3 Wanted ta Buy or Rent HLOUSE, in Bowmanville. possess- ion one month. Write Box 481, c/a Statesman Office. 40-1* Found SET o! keys, 1948 licence number 4X754. Phone 418. 40-1 ANIMAL slrayed onto -the pro- perty of Herb Cameron. Owner mev have same by paying ex- ene.Apply Herb Cemeron, Tyrone. 40-1 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, gueranteed service, dyeing and customn work, tmy the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re- builî and e-upholstemed. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have our consultant caîl at no obligation. Enquire et Webem's Fabric Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domeslic and commercial: milking coalers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Niotice tb Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK EVERETT ROBBINS, Deceased. ALL persans having claimns ageinst the estate of the said Frederick Evemett Rabbins, laIe of the Township of Darlinglon, in the County o! Durham, Ferm- cm, deceased, -who died an or about the 22nd day of February, 1950, et the City a! Toronto, in the County o! York, are required ta file proof o! the same with the undersigned executors o! the lest Will and Testament o! the seid deceased on or before the 2:s a o! Oclober, 1950, after whichdt the said Executors will pmocee ta distribute the said estatebaey- ing regard only ta the dlaims of which they shaîl then have notice. DAI this 1i 1950. '36 FORD sedan, new tires and windows. Phone 3613. 40-1* MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, in good condition. 72 Scugog St. 40.1* CASE cutting box, witb pipes for inside and out. Phone 2833. 40-1 REMINGTON. .22 rifle, pump action, best offer. Phone 2949. 40-1 GIRL'S winter coat, 10 ta 1l yrs:, good condition, reasonable. Phone 2521. 40-1 FOX and deer hound pups for sale, ready 10 hunt. H. D. Milîson, Phone 2432. 40-3* HOLLAND BULBS-lulips, daf- fodils, crocus, hyacinths. Stew- art's Seed Store. 38-tf VENETIAN Blinds-We measure and instaîl. Phone Morris Co. for free estimates. 0 40-tf QUANTITY of mixed grain. Ap- ply Bert Johnson, Burketon, No. 2 or Phone 2290. 40-1 DESK 33" x56", 7 drawers, dark oek finish. Phone 2456. F. Mor- rill, Bowmanville. 40-1 1929 PLYMOUTH Coach, bargain at $50.00. Jack W. Purdy, Jack- man Rd., Bowmenville. 40-11 FORD tractor, plow, cultivator and buckrake, in good condition.1 S. Goff, Burketon, R.R. 3. 40-1* EIGHT tons of baled hay. Apply Paul Nimigon, Pontypool, Ont., or Phone Bethany 10r32. 40-1* 200 NEW Hampshire pullets, f ive months old. Apply George Skeld- ing, Lake Shore, Newcastle. 40-1 NEW shipments of Congoleum Rugs, Yard Goods, and new in- laid patterns at Morris Co. 40-tf AUTOMOBILES insured and f in- anced, low-cost plan. Roy Lun- ney, 48 King St. W. Phone 565. 40-tf GOOD 5-tube battery radio, $8. White Regal lily bulbs, 15ce ech. C. Mitchell, Phone Clarke 3122. 40-1* QUEBEC H-ealers, 2 used healers, in A-i condition. For a real buy see these at F. F. MorrisCo WINCHESTER pump shotgun, .201 gauge with 90 shelîs, complete, $75.00 141 King St. E., Phone 619. 40-1* BODY bardwood, herdwood slabs,; softwood slabs and kindling,4f. and foot. Delivered. Gea. 'Heas-ý lip, Janetville, Phone Bethany 18r33. 38-4* McCLARY Royal Escort coal and \vood cook slave, modern, neariy new. Apply Gilbert Marlow, Blackstock. 40-If TRUMPET with mute and case, suitable for beginner; also youth's beige suit, like new, size 36. Phone 685. 40-1 '41 FORD Deluxe opera coupe, radio and heater, new motor and good tires, $450 cash. Phone, 2645 Bowmanville. 40-1* LARGE cook stove, Master Cli- max cook stave, two oul bumners, bottie and stand. Seli cheap. Phone 2260. 40-1 WASHING Machines - See the new 1951 models in stock for immediate delivery at Morris Ca. Easy terms. 40-tf GURNEY Glenwood cook stove with warming aven, tank, hot weter heeting attached. T. M. Siemon, Phone 2573. 40-1 '41 OLDSMOBILE sedan, in good condition, $800 or nearest cash offer. Would consider smell trade. Phone 2365. 40-1* PORTABLE record player, Victor, 45 R.P.M., zippered leather carry- ing case, like new. cost $60. sel for $40. Phone Clarke 323 40-1* APPLES for sale. Two small orchards. Varieties: LaSalle and Spys. Also require apple pickers. Phone 2436, Lavemne Clemens. 40-1 ONE Beatty well pump; 1 man's bicycle, with pump; 1 double barrel shotgun. Terms cash. Mrs. Wm. Burns, 6 Firsl St., Bowman- 1940 CHEVROLET business sedan, only drîven 30,000 miles, in ex- cellent running condition. Price $850. Cash only accepted. Phone 2200. 40-1 BEECH and meple, green card- wood, $18.00 e cord, sewed and1 delivered; also fence pasts. H. M. Kyle, Burketon, Phone Port Permy 193-r-14. 15-tf WHITE enamel Findlay cooký stove, with reservair, equipped with ail burners, 45 gallon ail drum included. Apply 64 Churchl St., Bowmanville. 40-11 CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard gaads and hall runners; Rex- oleumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide,1 yard goads nt budget prices.I Phone 451, Walkem Stores. 23-tf rED et shaa, ntaia.USED Case S trector; new Case TED t OsawaOntaioDO tractor: new sel Case 6' and 8th day o! September, A.D. 7' disel araws: new Case borse- drewn spreadem; 2 used Quebec RUSSELL ROBBINS and heeters; used DeLaval separetar; PERCY A. LANGMAID, îîsed white enemelled coal annex Executors, for electmic stave; used Spamotor by Ceighton. spreyer on trucks; 2 olle snow Fraser & Drynen, fence. Let us install a Quaker 5 Simcoe Street N., Oul Heater or a Pressure Weter Oshawa, Ontario, Svstem for you. W. H. Brown. their solicitors herein. Case Dealer, Bowmanville, Phone -83497~. 40-J Articles For Sale 10"' OIL burner, complete and i good condition; also Happy Thought cook stove, good cooker and heater. Apply 86 Base Line, Bowmanville or Phone 989 after 6 p.m. 40-1 GRAHAM'S GARAGE - Used Massey-Harris spreader, excellent condition; '34 Chrysler, overbaul- ed; '38 Packard 6-cyl.; '41 Buick 44 series, 10 be repaired; 6" Gem grinder, $30, like new. 40-1* LINOLEUM headquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleums, Congoleumns, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf USED General tractor: pair 10 x 24 tractor tires, new, a bargain; Viking hammer milîs and Gem; oat rollers. Virtue's Garage, Goodison Oliver Sales and Ser- vice, Tyrone, Phone 2882. 39-2* IMMEDIATE delivery, Fairbanks Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, clean economical way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradley's Fumniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf OIL burners installed, complete with one year guamantee, $350.00 and up-for as little as $35 down and 24 months to pay. S. Blain Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Bumners installed anywhere . Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cali S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf SPECIAL Introductory Offer - Ladies' Home Journal, 20 months, $5.00; Readers Digest, 1 year, $2.75. Orders given careful at- tention through local representa- tive, P. D. Walker, 46 Ward St., Port Hope, Ont. 40-4 ATTENTION - Turkey, chicken and dog raisers. Selling out 45 strong 6x6x9 alI heavy gauge wire fox cages with wooden ken- nels, 2x4 frames. $10 each at farm. Also softwood, $8 cord, ati farm, and cedar posts. Margwill Fur Farm, Phone 2679. 39-tf FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool-1 ers, Weshing Machines, Ranges,' service on milk coolers and mot- ors, that wiring job or anything electmic, Trede - in or Temms. Cansull Werry & Son Eleclric, de'alers for Woods Electmic Fam Equipmenl, Phone 2539 Bowman- ville. 38-3 ALL kinds o! meat, good quelity« weiners, bologne, cooked hams, smoked hems and bacon, sausage and hamburger. Darlinglon Abat- toir, Hamptan, Phone 2836; alsot. pickling, smoking and sausege meking. During the summer monlhs - hog killing on Tues- days and cettle et any time. 34-t! TEN - Pc. Living-room graups. Meny colaurs and style combin- etions to choase from. Groups include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushians, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walit End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smokem, i Alum- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec-1 ial $169.00 only et Bradley's, 401 King St. W., Oshawa. Temms ta suit. Many other suites ta choase fmom. 2-tf BRADLEY Furniture Ce., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedrooni suites, $69.00; steel bed oulfits, complete, $26.95; felt base floor covering, 49cea square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, alI calors; 3 pc. allover velour chestemfield suites, $14900; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; sprîng- filled maîtresses, $24,95; tni-light lamps, complete, $12,95; rangettes, ranges from $59,00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster campets, green or wine oriental designs, $4950; chenille bed spreeds, $6,95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the home et Badley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Farmers Attention!1 WE will be pleased te pick Up deed or crippled farm animaIs and pay highest pevaling prîces. For immediate service Telephone, CollecI, Tarante Adelaide 3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 2tf Help Wanted BOY wanted for Saturday momn- ings. Apply Marm's Jewellery. 40-1 CAPABLE woman or girl as kitchen maid. Please apply Sup- erintendent, Bowmanville Hos- pitl. 40-1 GIRL or woman for bousework, new home in Toronto, private room, all conveniences. Apply M. Breslin, Bowmanville, Phone 854. 40-1 HOUSEKEEPER, in comfotable home. Livc in, 2 children. Take complete-charge. Reply Mrs. C. H. Jenkins, 59 Ritson Rd. south, Oshawa. 40-1 BEAUTY counselors have appor-1 lunity for mature woman with pleasing personality and an earn- ing need. Write Box 475, c/o Statesman Office. 39-3 MARRIED man with small family wanted before November Ist. Experienced in mixed farming, by well equipped farm. Separete hous e with fuel and hydro. Write stating experience and reference la Box 477, c/o Statesman Office. 39-2 Wanted FLOUSE Wanted - 5 or 6 roomn brick bouse 10 rent or bo buy. Write Box 480, c/o Statesman Office. 40-1* For Rent APARTMENT for ment. Phone 784. 40-1* LARGE furnished roomn for light housekeeping. Phone 3479. 40-1 FLOUSE, 7 rooms, central location, modern conveniences. Box 482. c/o Statesman Office. 40-1* SMALL bouse for ment, near Burketoni Apply Leslie Taylor, Phone Port Perry 193r5. 40-1* Livestock For Sale SEVENTEEN ducks, between 5 and 8 lbs. Phone 2924. 40-1 TWO open, vaccinaled heifers, weight about 800. Phone 2365. 40-1* PUREBRED Yorkshire boar, 6 months old, will register. E. R. Taylor, Phone 2392. 40-1 REGISTERED Jersey cows, ac- credited and vaccinated. Holstein heifers and cows freshening this monlh and November; also Hol- stein bulîs. Walter Frank, Bow- manville, Phone 2403. 40-1* Chicks For Sale 40 NEW Hampshire pullets, six months old: 15 Barred Rock pul- lets. Ernest Hockaday, Phone 2985. 40-1* Seed Grain For Sale GOOD seed rye for sale, already cleaned. Apply S. Goff, Burke- ton. R.R. 3. 40-1* Auction Sales Community commission sale o! furnilure will be held in Pethick's yard, Enniskillen, on Salurday, Oct. 7th. Anyone putting articles in this sale please have same at yard by 12 o'clock. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Ramn or shine., Terms cash. T. S. Mountjov, clerk. Clifford Pethick, auclioneer. 40-1 Mr. John Ksenych, Con. 8. Hope Township. 1 Con. north end a haîf mile east of Campbellcmoft. is giving up farming and will sell by public auction on Wed., Oct. 19 et 1:00 p.m. (D.S.T.), al] bis farm stock, implements, hay, grain. poullry, etc. For furîher particulars see bills. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 40-2 I have received instructions fmom the execulors of the estete of the late Elle Jollow ta seil by public auction et hem late resid- ence, 192 King Street, East, Baw- manville, on Saturday, Oct. l4th, et 1:00 p.m. (D.S.T.) hem entire household effects. This sale will include modemn and antique furn- iture, dishes, glassweme, bedding, linen, etc. For particulars see bills. Terms cash. No eserve. Jack Reid, auclianeer. 40-2 Applications Wanted \Vork W~anted ., Applications for the position o! Assessor for the United Counlies CUSTOM work with trector. J. o! Northumberland and Durham H. Alldread & Son. Phone 496. will be received by the under- 39.4* signed up until 2:00 p.m., October MARRED mn wlh fmiîyde-201h, 1950, with duties ta com- siRrIe m 'mk ne en amld e-l!mence Januery Ist, 1951. Salery sies armon rse n emanstatede-$3,00 0.00 plus mileage. Appli- tasonWre Box 479, costte d- t cents should state age, quehifica- ans Offi Bx49coSaes4- tions and experience in their man Ofice 40- * .applications. WELLS drilled by Ontario icens- W. E. BARR, Clerk, ed driller; modemn equipment. Counties o! Northumberland R. B. Renwick, Phone 781 or 833, and Durham, Bowmanville. 38-4* Cobourg, Ontario. EAVESTROUGHING, contracting, old eavestrougbing repeimed and new put up, For free estimates caîl C. E. Devitt, Phone 597. 38-4* HERE for a limîted time only - Chimneys cleaned, al a'ark guer- enteed. Phone or write -Chim- neys Cleaned" c/o The Canadien Stqtesmen. 40-1* BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in complets brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubbem goods) meiled pastpaid in plain sealed envelope with prîce list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00, Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-8 SKNYMEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 t15lbs. New pep, toa. Try femous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for doublet results; new healthy flesh, new vigor. New "get ac- queinted." sîze only 60c. All druggistn. 40-1 Real Estate for Sale FIVE-room brick semni-d'etacbed bungalow, central location, 3-pce. bath, fumnace, good garden and lawn. Possession Nov. 1. $4.500. Terms. Phone 2433. . 4071* HOUSE for sale, 12 years aid, 24 x26, 11/2 storey, 6 rooms, han to be moved from present pro- perty. $800.00 pays for it in full, back shed attached, 12 x24. Box 39, Orono. 40-1* BRICK Bungalow and 1% acres including garden and small or- chard, new furnace, 3-piece bath, in Bowmanville. Reasonable for quick sale. Box 483 c/o States- man Office. -. 40-1* HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $6,800, Darlinglon Township farm on good open roed, 125 acres, some bush and orchard,, mostly! workeble, open spring, steel roof-1 ed barn, 9-raomed solid brick bouse, cistern and well at door,1 electnicity, good cellar. First1 lime offered. Terms. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono ,Ont. Phones: Office 32rl0 Home Ir16 40-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE Dairy and Grain Farm $ 12,000 - 175 acres. 100 acres womkeble, on 28 Highway, near Peterborough. Extra good land. Substantiel 2-storey solid brick l4ouse, new fumnace, splendid beas and stabling, bush, streams, no hilîs, no stones. This is truly a beautiful farm, in an ideal lo- cation. Bus service et gate. Temms. Possession 30 days. $9.500 - 100 acres good land, near Yelvemton, on 7A Hîghway, 8-roam brick bouse, bot and cold wetem on tep. Steel roosted, hip- roof hemn 80 x35, good stabling, drîving shed 50 x25. Everything well kept inside and out. Churcb, scbool and store within one mile. Splendid bus service. 50%. will carry. Possession. 30 days. Are you thînking o! buying e farm? We bave some excellent velues amang our new listings. Contact Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor 1 Phone Clarke A262 1 Newcastle 40-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 100 acres. near Kendal, dlay loam, good bush, 9-moom frame bouse, hip roof barn 32 x 80, implement shed, good stable, hydre, heavy wiring. telephone share and wood in shed. $4,800. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Telephone 682 40-1 * BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE Five-room bungalow, sun porch, winterized, insulated, beavy wîr- ing. well, 3-pce. bath, fireplace,' lot 70 x 165, taxes amound $12.00. Price $4,900. Temms. Located on East Beach. Six-room semi - delached' brick home, 3-pce. bath, hot air fumnace, hardwood floors, verandah, vene- tian blinds. Located in centre of town. Immediate possession. Price $5,650 with $3,795 down, balance mortgage. Lot on Highway 2, nt Maple Grove, foundation dug, new well. small shack, lot 80 x285. Pric1Eý $400. Six-room house south o! Maple Grave, facing new Highway, $750 down. Price $3,500. We have others. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone Bowmanville 3326 Phone Oshawa 689 40-1 Agents Wanted_ THE GIFT SEASON is approach- ing, be prepared with CASH pro- fits. Buîld yaur own business seliing aur 250 guaranteed pro- ducts, foodstuffs, tanics, disin- fectants, medicines, etc. No ex- perience required. Write, E. O. West, 1600 Delormier St., Mont-1 real, 24. P.Q. 40-1 MAPLE CROVE About twenty-five ladies met in the basement of the church an Wednesday, Sept. 20 ta quilt a number of quilts for Winnipeg relief. Four quilts were finished and a social lime was enjoyed by ail. Rev. U. E. Crozier. Whitby, will occupy the pulpit for the balance a! October. He occupied the pulpit lest Sunday and con- ducted the Sacrament. There was a vemy goad tumnoul. Master John Twist. Salem, spent the weekerd et his grand- fether's, Mr. H-. R. Foley. Miss Ethel Axford, Oshawa, spent the weekend with ber sist- er and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley. town. svent Sundey with their son and daughter-in-law, Mm. and Mrs. Ted Foley. Don't ferget Institute meeting Monday evening, Oct. 9th. Sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday, tawn; Mm. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, in the passing o! their brother, Mr. Steve Munday. Courtwright. also toalal the other relatives. Steve was a former Meple Grave boy. Mr. and Mrs. Wa'lace Mundey were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Kennedy, Tor-. te. ENFIELD Mrs. J. Stark and Anne Stinsp' et F. Taylor's, Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. W. Pascoe with friends et Brantford. Miss Janie BeUlman, Bowman. ville, spent the wèekend withlbss Mary.Helen Bowmian.1 Mr. and Mme. H. Ormiston and family with friends et Ceesarea. Mr. Fergus Abemnethy and Alec, Oakwood, et M. Semis'. Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. Gardon Merlin, Joyce and Doris. visited Miss Lynn McNeil at Hatfield Hall, Cobourg. Mm. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois visited on Sunday with Mmand Mrs. Roy McKey, Branle. Miss K. Riches visited Mrs. Bill Nichais, Port Hope. N.ice ta have Mr. and Mrs. Cha Bedwin in aur midst. IMm,. a' Mrs. Bedwin have maved 10to i: D Lake Shore fram Brown's. Master Donnie Holmes is visit. ing his gmandmother. Mme. W. Clemence, Sbew's. Mr. Frank Beatty and Mr. Gild- ner, Toronto; Mr. H. Rowland, Orono, and Mm. Bill Rowland, To- monta, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Nesbitt, Danny, Catherine and Donna, Port Britain, had dinner wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams Tuesday ev- ening, befome leeving by motar for their new home in Alberta. Mm. H. Rowland and Bihl eaU- ed an Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams. Mm. and Mrs. Bihl Lake and fam- ily spent Sundey wilh Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brown. Mrs. Ronald Hawthorne and Bemney, Toronto, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mms. Brown. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Silent Sisters Club will meet this Thursdey, Oct. 5th, et the home of Mme. John Fisk. The Executive o! No. 9, Home and School Club met et the home o! Mrs. Chas. Fisk lest week ta discuss plans for the caming yeam. Several gaod, suggestions were discussed which will meke the coming meetings very interest- ing. The firsl H. and S. meet- ing is next Tuesday evening. se hope everyone will make e spe- ciel effort ta came out and sup- port the new officers. The meet- ing will start sharp at 8:30. Plan ta attend. .Miss Aura Dickmen, Tomante. spent Sundey with hem aunt, Mrs. John Fisk and Mr. Fisk. Mr. and Mms. Henry Bowen and Darlene, Newcastle, and Mrs. Bihl Berchard visited their mather on Sundey afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleming and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hen. ning, Oshawa, and Mm. and Mrs, Tom Tucker, Toronto, visited Mm. and Mrs. Wally Gibson on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClure, Peterborough, spent the weekend with hem parents, Mr. and Mme. Roy Bmanch, Betty and Russell, Miss V. M. Holmes spent the weekend in Cobourg with hem f amily. BURKETON Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Bruce Ashton, on the amivel of à fine pair of lwins, a boy and a girl. in Bowmanville Hospital on Wednesdey, Sept. 27. Mr. and Mrs. K. Roblin and daugbtem. Mrs. Jeck Sinclair, et- tended the funeral of Mm. Linden Sanders in Millbrook, wha wes killed instantly in a bighwey acci- dentlalst week. Mm. and Mrs. J. T. Jenner, Chatham, are visiting Mr. and Mis. A. E. Rîbey. Ripe resphermies were picked by Mrs. Newton Taylor neer her !arm. Vemy little damage bas been done ta gardens in the locality, by !rost, and the weether is st,.j good. Mis. Lillien Tick, Oshawe, witlir~ relatives bere. Mr. Cy Ashton and Roy with friends and relatives. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Dean en- terteined e number of friends and relatives fmom Oshewa Sunday et their ferm home. Mm. and Mrs. Merle Hul*ard, Mm. and Mrs, Walter Bryen, Osh- awa, with Mm. and Mrs. Ben Hub- bard. Mr. and Mrs. Jeck Sinclair vis- ited Mr. and Mr., R. Gardiner. Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mrs. E. Strutt, Enniskillen. wilhi Mrs. E. Caughill. Mrs. H. Boultcr, Tomonito, visit- ccl ber daughtem, Mme. Lionel Teutant. Mrs. James Henry and Mms. R. Ford spent a day with Mrs. Car- ter and calleci on sevemal frien<" Mr, and Mrs. George Car i visited Mm. and Mme. Don Grahani7 Millbrook. 1Miss Ruby Beiley, Oshawa, wth hem parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harvey, To- onto, were Sundey guests w1th Mm. and Mme. Carter. Mms. H. Rahm celebreted hem 80th birthday, September 24. Congratulations! There wvas a good attendance et- Sunday School and Church lest Sunclay. Bath will be beld as usuel next Sunday. Ail interest- ed are invited ta attend. Cenada's first transcontinental railway was completed in 1885. For meny yeams me'chinemy, nat includiniz farm machinery, bas, been the Ieeding or among the tiret three principal commodities imported imb Canada. ...........................................................................................................i., I.h BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS J . . . . . 1 . 1 . .01 . ý . - 6. .1. ý 1 . . .. 6 . .. . .. - - . . , . TM CANADUN STATz9m", igovn4ANvr=. 014TARTO TROUVAT, MeTom Sb. lm PAM Y"uxrm

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