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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1950, p. 5

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Mrs. Neil Smifh bas gone to Toronto f0 make ber home with her son, Macmillan, bis wife and ibaby daughter. We are sorry toi lose Mrs. Smith from Orono but hope she will enjoy ber new home. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood and Allie were, Mr. and Mns. Herb Rundle, Hampton. and OMrs. H. Hilîs and Mr. Albert Hilîs, Tyrone. Before a large crowd on Wed- nesday affernoon, the 'lRev. M. C. Fisher of Brooklin. Chairman of the Oshawa Presbytery, laid the corner stone of the new United Church here. Selccfed articles Were Placed within the stone wall. and will so rernain for tbe life sPan of the edifice. Many visit- ing ministers atfended and at the2 close of the ceremony were entertained by Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Eusface. A large number of memnbers and adherents of Orono, Kirby and Leskard churches visited the par- sonage in Orono Thursday affer- faon and evcnîng f0 view the e- modelling and redecomation thaf has just been completed. They were graciously wclcomed by cf., Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Eustace. This open house was arranged by the Women's Association of the three charges who served de- licious refreshments during the afternoon and evening. On Tuesday afternoon the W. M. S. held their autumn thank- offering meeting and also cele- brated their 65th birthday. The guest speaker was Miss Moore, R.N., Oshawa General Hospital and a former missionary in China. At the close of the meetirýg re- freshments were served, sand- wiches and birthday cake. Visi- tors were there fromn Newcastle, Leaskard and Kirby. Mrs. M. Sevain, Toronto, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Mary Somerville. Mr. Roy Powers, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. C. L. Powers. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLaren who have been living on Main St. North moved on Saturday to make their home with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. McLaren. Mr. Bill Rowland, Toronto. visited his parents last week, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland. They ac- companied him t0 Toronto and But the days are numbered - the shopping days to Christmas, we mean. Follow this prescription from old doc Santa and start yaur Christmnas shopping now while the gift selection is the largest. You'save your- .elf the fatigue and disappointment that cornes with lIast minute purchases. To make your Christmas Shopping easier use our convenient LAY-AWAY PLAN Save ail the last minute expense by coming in now, choosing a gif t from our large selection and just pay a littie each week until the gift is paid for. More and more people are using our Lay-Away Plan for their Christmas Gxifts- now is the time ta start. MARR'S Jewellery 43 KING ST. W. PHONE 463 The Orono News Mn. R. E. Logan NESTLETON STATION Friends of Mrs. K. Burton will be pleased to know she is much better. Miss- Gladys McKee spent a week at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson, Seagrave, and is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mxrs. Geo. Bowers, Mrs. Emerton and Jim visited Mrs. John Williams. Mrs. P. Leal left by bus for Sault Ste. Marie for a holiday with her husband, Mr. Leal. Miss Helen Bowers. Toronto, home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris and Mr. G. Thompson visited Mr, and Mrs. R. Morris, Lindsay. Miss Elaine Thompson enfer- tained Misses Yvonne Chant, Eunice Wilson, Gladys Emerson and Jean Bowers on her eigh- teenth birthday.. Mrs. Ted Colcy, Whitby, visit- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Langfeld. Baby Lynda Rose is visiting ber grandparents. Mrs. Jos. Forder spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Roy Taylor at a family gathering It was a great surprise to learn that Mrs Agnes Shepard, aged 93, Caesarea, had been able f0 cali on friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson, Long Beach, California, have been visiting their aunt for the past month. PAY YOUR BILLS THE SAFE WAY Your B of M Cheque Book WilI Safeguard Your Budget There are plenty of good rea- sons for paying your bills by cheque. Here are three of them: 1. Using B3 of M cheques is mucb safer. Your cheque is a record of payment. If you lose or mislay a receipt. you need neyer fear baving to pay the bill agaà'n. Your casbed and cancelled cheque serves as your receipt, and aufomatically becomes proof of payment. 2. It's wiser, too. There's no need to carry large sums in coin and buis around with you. Money once lost is pretty hard f0 find, but you can't lose the money in your account at the Bank Of Montreal, and no cheque is worth a cent until you have actually signed if. 3. With a chequing account, you'll1 find budgeting casier. Your stubs give an exact record of how mucb you've spent, and your B of M passbook provides a double check on the state of your account. The cosf of the service is agrceably low. George Moody, Manager of the Bank of Monfreal branch at Bow- manville, cordially invites you to open your own account there, and try ouf these advantages for yourself. whose marriage took place in Gwendolyn Osborne, the bric Mrs. Charlie E.,Osborne, Bo-ý the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar couple are living in Courtice. ENNISKILLEN Mm. and Mrs. L. A. Aàhton. Mamie. Ronald and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Haydon: Mr. and Mms. A. E. Tamblyn, Cam- bray, spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. A. R. Ormîston. WESLEY VILLE Communion service was held Sunday evening with a good at- tendance. Dr. Oke's sermon was 'Unitv Thmough Coming f0 the Lord's Table." Mr. and Mms.-Herh Glover. Pe- terbonough, visited Mrs. L. Hold- away, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Murray Payne spenf the wcekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs. A. G. Duff, MyrtÏe. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Binsted bave moved f0 Belleville, wbere Mr. Binsted bas heen transfered as foreman 0f railroad maintenance. Mm. and Mrs. Binsted visited their daugbter, Mrs. Ken Green, Sun- day. Mm. and Mms. Floyd Curnring visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dicker- son for the weekend. Mr. V. Tborndyke, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thorndyke. Carol, Shar- on and Linda, visitcd with Mr. and Mms. Grenville Flett, Fen- elon Falls, Sunday. Laurel Ann and Danya Hill visited their aunt, Mrs. Edgar Bamowlough for a few days this week. Miss Ruth Payne was af borne wifh ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne this weekend. Miss Shea spent the weekend af hem home in Ornernee. Miss Muriel Mason has obtain- cd a job at the Colonial bus ter- minal. Young People's was beld Wed- nesday evening. The following officers were elected: President. Murray Payne; Vice-Pres., Milton Baulch; Sec'y, Mrs. Jean Payne; Treas., Miss Velma Palmafeer;. Pianist, Miss Muriel Mason; Asst. Miss Muriel Austin, Cbristian Fellowship Conveners: Miss Ber- nice Bcst, Miss Margaret Green; Missionar.v Conveners, Lois Pam- nell, Muriel Austin, Citizenship Convener, Clarence Nichols. Rob- crf Rage: Christian Culture Con- veners. Allan Holdaway, Maur- ice O'Neill, Current Events, Bettyj Page. Wallace Pollett; Recreation, Howard Payne; Neal Nichohs, Leo Parnell; Ushers, HaroM Best, Harold Parnell. Visitors with Mr. and Mms. Edger Barrowelough on Stinday were Mr. and Mrs. Les Bcecrost, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Or- ville Peacock. Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. George Marton and Lynn, Welcome, aod Miss i' JFALL DAYS ARE HIEREI nEbenezer Church. Formerly1 dis the daughLer of Mr. and, vwmanville, and bridegroom is' rchie Muir, of Courtice. The Dorothy Mason visifed Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Slack,ý Brome. visited their niec-e, Mrs.1 jMurray Payne, Sunday afternoon. BLACKSTOCK, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forder, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn, Donald and Ivan visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall af Goodwood. Friends frorn Nova Scotia vis- ifed with the Rev. R. B. Harrison Mrs. Wesley Montgomery, Lind- Say, vîisited Mvr. and Mrs. Lorne Tbompson and Mr. Alex Dcver. Mrs. Luther Mouintjoy spent the jweekend in Port Perry with Mr., .and Mrs. Cliff MeGili. Mr. and Mirs. George Ruthier- ford and AllIn Oshawa, visited Iwith Mrs. George Fowlcr on Sun- day. ISorry fliat Mr. Wcsley Brad- hurn is on the sick list. Friends from Yelvert on and' this communit.v gatbered at the Community' Hall last Friday ev-i ening f0 honour Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewin (Gladvs Gibson) witb a miscellaneous sbower. Mr. Clarke Williams \vas chairman for a very interesting program. Danc- ing and lunch concluded the ev- en ing. Mrs. Gordon Strong and familv gave ber auint, Miss Mac King, 'a very enjoyable birthday on Sun- day. Oct. 1sf. Mr. Wallace Marlow purchased the lovely bouse of Mr. William Keiser ]asf week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton on the arrivaI of twins, a girl and a boy' , at Bow- manville I-osoital last wcek. Congratulations also to Mr. ani Mrs. Harold McLaughlin on the birth of their son at Oshawa Hos- pital last weck. Mr. Frank Hoskin is building a store in North Blackstork. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill are taking a motor trip f0 Montrcal and points in the ýUnited States this w'eek. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tindall. iRegina, Sask., visited last wcek wifh Mr. and M *rs. George Stani- ]and. At the wookend Mr. and Mrs. Tindaîl and Mr. and Mrs. Staniland wenfte oWaterloo Io visit Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tindahl Jr. The Blackstock Mission Band met in the church on Sept. 3flth. The meeting was opened by sinq- ing "Jesus Loves 1e" and 'the Lord's PraYer was repeated., The scripture readîng was given bv, Catherine Baile *v. Mrs. Pearce rend a storv. The program was as follows: Duef by Donna Forder and Catherine Bailev "Jesusi Wanfs Me For a Sunbeam": storv bv Joan Hoskin entitled "The Caf That Paid the Bill." The Secre- tary and Trcasurer reports were, rcad. The closing hvmn was, '.Jesus Feels So Sorry," and the Mission Band Purpose. The Seotember meeting of the W.A. of the United Churcb wasi beld at the home of Mrs. Gilberti Marlow and Mrs. John Marlow with teenty-three present. The devotional was taken by Mrs. C. Hill and Mrs. H. Hooev. The roll c~al] was called and answrrri with "Articles, for the White Elephant Table" for 11w b/.a', Sevemal items of business were discussed. If was decided f0 seil sandwiches, pie and coffee at Mr. Gieo. Chant's sale. The ba7,aar, date had.fobe ehanged fromi Nov. 3rd fo Thursda v, Oct. 26fh. The ladies dec'ided to serve dinner 1() Ille men at the Shorthomn i.1ive- st;ocýk Sale lierld in the Armena on Nov. 1sf. The grouIp leaders are f0o he a committee to arrainge menu. After some discussion a, motion was roade that we pa.v, S75.00) fowards fhe new wiringý that has jusf been comnpleted in the church. Mrs. C. Mar!ow 'd bier group hiad charge of pro- gram. Rcadings weme given biv 'Mrs. McKee. M.\rs. Neil Mal'olmn and Mrs. C. Marlow. Lunch was semved bv hostess ani group îj ýcharge and a social time spent. visited Mr. Rowland's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Fallis. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Green (nee Margaret Binstead, Wesleyville) who were married on Sat., Sept. 23. N Mr. and Mrs. Stan Payne spenf last week visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mns. E. de Beaupre and son, Micheli, Montreal, caîl- ed or. their aunt, Mns. J. J. Meil- or, on Sunday.+ Mr. and Mrs. P. MaUkry and daughter, Maxine, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spooner, al of Co-1 bourg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Barlow on Sunday. Miss Mabel Davy spent several days last week in Prince Albert visiting with ber nepbew, Mr. Ken Fraelick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gibbs and family, Dunbarton, spent Sun- day wifh Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gra- ham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Grady, Hamil- ton, spent Sunday with their son, Mr. Bill Grady and family. Mr. Charles Wood, Kitchener, spent the weekend at bis home here.0 Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, and Miss Audrey Harlen, Toron- fo, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs_.qeil Porter. Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, and Mr. Dick Morton, Port Col- borne, spent fthe weekend witb their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mort on. Miss Audrey Billings and Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Mrs. R. H. Ransberry, Montreal, spent last week with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan. who celebrated their 58th wed- ding anniversary on Sept. 28. .- Miss Gwenie Phasey. Oshawa, spent Sunday at ber home bere. Mrs. C. Wood visited this week in Toronto witb Mrs. Hoidge and Marjorie. Tbe latter returned home with Mrs. Wood for a visit here. NESTLETON POULTRY ý DRESSING Shaker lie CHOICE JUICE LEMION 2Tins-OQm FAN CY BABY FOODS 3 Tins 25< HEINZ CHILI SAUCE 123tI. 32e FANCY BLENDED JUICE 20 i.z17e FANCY ORANGE JUINE -« 2Tin .18e CHOICE SLICED ]PINEAPPLE Ti. In e IONA HALVES IPEACHES -i n 20e PARAMOUNT SOCKEYE RED SALMON * '/-s 39< BARKER'S ASSORTED BISCUITS Pkg. 20e POPPING CORN - Pkg 10 A&P FANCV TON. JUICE "rio '214 DETERGENT SUIRF * *Pkg. 35g LARGE RINSO - pkg. 354 I KEND1 Mr. Alec Little, Toronto' home1 for the weekend witb Mrs. Neva! Little. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rusk, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Geo. Mercer. Mrs. Wesf on, Toronto, is spend- ing a couple of weeks with ber sisfer, Mrs. Tom ,Falls. Mr. Chas. 'Ke'nny spent the weekend with Mrs. Kenny at Gananonque. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gordon and Murray visited at Wm. Cann's at Canton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer and Mrs. Helen Couroux spent Thurs- day in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Roacb returned f0 ber home there witb thern. Mr. Bob Vannaffo, Toronto, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Sunday. .Miss Blanche Kaye visifed Mrs. Neya Litt le Friday evcning. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Mercer and Mrs. Mary Luxon enjoyed the weekend at Durfy's summer camp near Napanee wben mem- bers of the Mercer Hunt Club and their wivcs were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Durfy. The weather man favoured with beau- tiful warm days, vcry summer- like in contrast to the previous weekend. The tobacco harvesf ¶5 now pracfically finisbed witb rnuch beffer results than was expected carlier in the season. This sec- tion escaped wifh jusf a slighf touch of fmost in some places the weckend of the 23rd and the warm sunnyv weather of fhe past week bas aided the harvesting of the later tobacco. The W.A. met at the borne of Mrs. Mary Luxon on Wed., Sept. 27th, witb an attendance of 16. Mrs. R. Mercer presided. The roll caîl was answered by naming a man in the Bible who had sinned but reoenfeçl and turned to God. Mrs. Wm. Patterson gave a won- derful talk on "Love tby neigh- bour as tbyself.'" Plans were STARK VILLE Rev. Lancaster made pastoral calîs in fhe district recently. Mr. Wilfred Walker and Miss Beuilah, Hallowell. Toronto. spent the weekend wifh Miss Normna Halloweh'. Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Betbany, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Stark. Mr. and Mms. Harry Farrow and family, Bowmanville, spent Sun- day witb Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson entertained friends on Sunday. Service af Shilob bas been me- turned f0 the affemnoon boum of womship. PAGE Fi V Mn.L Weston, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fels, Kendalwlth Mr. and Mrs. Llew. HalloweUl. Mrs. Harry Harrington visited Mr. anid Mrs. Jake Hallowell. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5th. 1950 TECNDA TTSABWAVL! NAT 0 To Live in Courtice Stuart R. James' [NSUIRANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 King Street, Bowmnanville m 24-oz loaf 13c a t 5c lb43C Z 28-oz fn25c 215-0 fm3 k 2 iu 21c 2 kgs27c n 27c 28-oz tinl 31C pkg 35c SHORTENING JEWEL *l. 4 ANN PAGE-OLD FASHIONED COOKIES - Pkg. 25e VELVEETA KRAFT CHEESE '/2k .29 A&P CANDY MIX Blac& Beauty lb. 45e A&P CANDY MINTS SCOTCH lb. 45e JOHN SON 'S GLO COAT Tint 59e OG IL VIE OATS P k 7-33e LIBE3Y'S TOM. JUICE Tin 12 CLARK'S OLD LOtIDON TOWNE NINCEMEAT Tin.29 YORK IBOLOGNA l2oz 39e A & P Super Right Quality Meats EVERY CUT WELL TRIMMED TO GIVE YOU MORE MEAT WITH LP-S WASTE, AND, OF COUR«, CANADA'S TOP GRADES 0F BEEF - RED AND BLUE BRAND BEEF - DAILV FEATURE. ý' -w, M; STEAK OR ROAST YONFRESH KLLEO, ONT. MILK FED, GRADE ý'A- RGASTING CHICEU GRADE "A" IBOILING FGWL CHOICE GRADE "A" CANADA PACKERS, WHOLE OR HALF i 1 89c SMOKED HANS *« lb. 53e CANADA PACKERS, BV THE PIECE GRADE "A" BONELESS BANS ' - lia.83< FRESH, WHOLE OR HALF, SHANK REMOVED - lb 65C PORK LEGS ... lb. 49e CHOICE SLICED ms lb. 65e BREAKFAST BACON lb. 57e SEA FOOD VALUES * b.45e FRESH - COD FILLETS SILVERBRIGHT b579 SALMON STEAKS 1 KENDAL MR. AND MRS. ROBERT MUIR BOWMANVILLE ANN PAGE, WHITE or BROWN MILK BUEADSIE CUSTOM GROUND DOKAR COFFEE FINE CANADIAN WHITE L CHEESE A&P CHOICE, T0OMATOES * LIBBY'S TENDER KN GREEN PEAS* CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, A MEAL FOR FOUR ]KRAFT DINNER OCEAN SPRAY SAUCE CRANBERRY AUSTRALIAN CHOICE DARTLETT PEARS SHIRRIFF'S CHOCOLATE or WHITE CAKE MIXES Jrdô and' Ueiatti 3 FRESH NEW CROP, No. 1 CRANDERRIES 1ac B3RADFORD PASCAL, Sweet, No. 1, 2-Stmlk Bundin CELERY HEUITS Each 109 FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS, New Crop, No. 1-96's GRIAPEFRUIT 3 for 199 ICALIFORNIA, Luscious Sweet Eating TOKAY GRAPES Outstand ing Valuie 2 'bs 25e FRESH SHREDDED VEGETABLES, No.A A e it ere Cl A PPL ES EXCELLENT EATING, FANCY GRADE McINTOSII RED .. nu. é EXCELLENT FOR BAKING or COOKING, Fancy Grade BAXTER.........6k. 55< It's time to brigliten those rooms before winter - use wallpaper or Spred Satin. Have us- cail and rniasure up your job and we may be able to make a few belpful suggestions. Expert workmen are at your service. PAPERS - PAINTS -BLINDS J. H. Abernethy PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 85 KING ST. W. PHONE 431 The Radio Shop 38 KING ST. E. PHONE 573 r' . b. 57e j THE CANADMN STATESMAN, BOWMA"MLE, ONTARIO made for an affeirnoon fea and bazaar on Nov. 22nd, with the last of the names for tbe aut o- graph quit being handed in. Mrs. Milton Robinson and Mrs. Gar- land Cathcart, bostesses for- the afternoon, served a delicious lunch. A vote of tbanks was exfended to Mrs. Luxon for en- tertaining the W.A. at ber home. The third garne of the Kendal- Befbany series, between the. champions of South Durham and1 North Durham was beld at Bail-, ieboro, Wed., Sept. 27th, and was favoured wif h ideal weather and a large crowd in attendanc g. Kendal secured the lead with 2 runs in tbe 2nd inning and five in fbe 3rd, wbile Bethany secured one in the 2nd, one in the 3rd,j and five in the last f0 tic the score 7-7. Cornisb and Kcnnv were tbe battery for Kendal until in the last innings they werc ne- placed by Quantrili and Winters. Reg. Edmunds pitched a good game for Befhanyv. Bof b teams made some well placed bits, with Couroux of Kendal bitting a borner. A fourth izame is be;ng played at Newcastle, Wed., Oct. 4tb, as eacb tearn bave a wîn and fie f0 their credif. WVHETHER YOU drive 'one mile or many miles and whether you drive once a week or every day, your car may cause you a. erippling financial loss. Carry complete Automobile Insurance. Then tiherever you go or whatever happens you'Il be protected. N eeded every minute a 0 ý lPý A&P ý

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