PAGE TEX TUE CANADIAN STATESMAK, BOWMANVILE, ONTAiRIO ¶'HURSDAY, OCTOE~R 28, 1950 Kany Prize Winners from Durham AI Animal Pelerboro Holèin Show Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle, won heifer. A. Muir & Sons, Courtice, the firat two classes shown at the the fourth prize senior bull cal! ninth Annual East-Central On-adJ.W omntefuh tario Championship Holsteinan J.WBomnteout Show held October 18 at Peter- prize Senior Yearling Bull. borough Fair. His junior bull This was the ninth renewal of calf, Browview Futurity Pietje this annual show, with 190 head was first in a class of thirteen and shown by 64 exhibitors from the he was followed by Browview ten counties o! York, Ontario, Futurity Ace who topped a class Victoria, Durham, Northumber- of sixteen senior bull calves. land. Peterborough, Prince Ed- Brown also had the third prize ward. Lennox & Addington, Hast- winner in the latter class. Ail ings and Simcoe. For the second three are sons of Glenafton Fu- consecutive year Elmcro!t Farms, turity who sired the second prize Oshawa, was Premier Exhibitor. Junior Get-of-Sire for Mr. Brown Elmcroft also showed both Grand as well as the third prize Junior Champions, the maie winner be- Heifer Cal!. ing the imported $9,000 three- J. H. Jose & Sons, Newcastle, year-old, Ravenglen Hartog Tri- showed the top Junior Yearling~ une and the female winner Elm- Heifr, wnnin wit Thaes-croft Dewdrop M. who last year HreifGerinningwiar Thaes-was Reserve Ali-Canadian Aged cres Goerno Caol.Cow. Reserve Grand Champion M. J. Tamblyn, Orono, show- and winner of the Wm. J. Murphy ed the second prize senior yearling Trophy. for Best Uddered Fe- G. Le GR.AY EDWARD'S ST. NEWCASTLE, ONT.1 HAMPTON FARIM FORUM Monday evening Hampton Farm Forum met at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford. Th'e following officers were elected: Chairman, Boyd Ayre, Vice- Chairman, Bruce Clarke; Sec'y- Treas., Mrs. Bruce Tink; Assistant Sec'y, Mrs. Boyd Ayre-, Press Re- porter, Mrs. J. Cruickshank. The next meeting at Clarence Tink's. New members are welcome. PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM First meeting of the 1950-51 season for Providence Farm For- um will be held Monday evening, October 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Osborne. The broad- cast topic is: "Can We Farm on Shorter Hours?' Monday night is Farm Forum night in rural Canada.' Over 27,- 000 farm people belong to Farm Forum. What Farmn Forum has accomp- lished: Farm Forum has brought more neighbourliness to the com- munity. It has given us informa- tion. It has broadened our out- look. It has -been a voice for the farmer. It has enabled farmers to study many problems togeth- er and to take steps to solve these problems. It has unified the far- mers of Canada and strengthen- ed farm organizations. Let us al make an effort to attend the meet- 'ing Monday night. maie was Marydeil Buttercup, owned by Bertram Hoskin, Co- bourg; Glenkindie Rag Apple Sally, shown by E. L. Anderson, Campbellford, was Junior' Chamn- pion Female and Far Land Mol- lie, owned by H. J. McFarland, Picton. Reserve Junior Cham- pion. O. Parks & Son, Bloom- field, had the Reserve Grand Champion bull, H, C. McCloskey, Queensville, the Junior Cham- pion bull and N. Craig Nelson, Campbellford, the Reserve Junior. Ontario County won the County Herd class for the fifth straight year, with Northumberland sec- ond and York third. J. D. Innes, Woodstock, Ont., judged. Federation ta' Hold Pot Luck Supper ai. iNewcastle, Nov. 30, The long looked !orward ta an- nual Federation of Agriculture Pot Luck Supper'is scheduled to take place in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall, Thursday, Nov. 3Q, accordingto information received from Federation Secretary Ed. Millson. Rev. W. A. Young, Chaplain of the Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, will be the speaker for the evening. Held in the form o! a Forum Rally in an attempt to get Dur-' ham County Farm Forums off to a good start, the supper is ex- pected to atiract between five and six bundred people. The Fe- deration is wholé-heartedly be- hind the social event and they have endeavoured to provide an exceptionally fine evening for the farm folk attending. Cow Stables Now Being Converted Int Milking Parlors On a lot o! Ontario farms these days agriculturlsts are proving they intend to keep pace witb the times, in spite of the fact that farmers generally have a repu- tation for clinging to the oid me- thods. Milking, for instance, used to be a job that had to be done twice a day on the farm. Usu- ally it was done as quickly as possiÂble and often without too much care. Today the trend is toward a system by which milk is transferred from the cow to milk cans without coming iinto contact with human hands, and in some cases without being exposed ta the air. The other day, on a tour ar- ranged by the DeLaval Company of Peterborough, three farms on which such modern milking meth- ods were in use, were visited. One was the Ontario Reformatory at Guelph, the others the farms of West Murray and Sons, and Frank Stephenson at Innerkip. Ail three use milking machines Durham County FARM, FORUMS and the milkîng parlor setup, while two also use the loafg barn or roving pen accommoda- tion, for cows waiting their tuiAns in the milking parlor. The Re- formatory stili uses the old-type stails to house the cows. The. milking parlor is a series o! stalîs with front and rear en - trances, s0 that one cow can be entering the milking stail wbile another is 1. aving after being milked. ThY entire series of stalîs is raised so the persons operating milking machines can stand at a l9wer level and not have to stop during the operation. Milk, in many cases, is piped here to another room, !iltered and poured into cans without comi îng in contact with the air. Other farmers prefer to dump the milk into buckets and weigh it. BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and Miss Annie Fee are spending two weeks with relatives at St. Joseph's Island. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bradburn, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry and Mrs. Frank Carter, Bowmanville, spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradbura, and visited Mr. Wesley Bradbu±'n *who is in hospital recovering from an operation. Rev. Fred Riding, Mrs. Rîding and family, Union City, Penn., visited Mrs. W. A. VanCamp and other members o! the VanCamp family last week. Mrs. Fred Bailey spent the weekend in Burketon with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin. Miss Gladys White visited friends in Oshawa over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley, Nor- ma and Elva, Oshawa, and Miss Gladys Emerson, Nestieton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hoskin. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor (Joyce Noble, Ux- bridge) who were married in Ux- bridge last Saturday. Many rel- atives from here attended. Arn- old rented Rev. R. B. Harrison's cabin trailer, and they have gone to Florida for a month. The Cartwright Public School Speaking Contest will be in the hall on Thursday evening. Mr. Cecil Crawford, Franklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kiddle, Oakwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Maquire. Sorry that Mr. Ma- quire is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitfield at Port Perry. -The Institute have chartered a BURK.ETON .Sunday. October 22 the Thank Offering Anniversary services were well attended when Rev. George empey, Hampton, was the guest minister for a! ternoon and evening services ànd gave a timely and inspiring address for ail. The special music was pre- pared by Mrs. Kenneth Roblin and the choir. Rev. Empey ex- pressed tbanks fo r the music and !lowers and interest of ahl. Mrs. E. Caughill visited friends and relatives in Toronto and Scarboro. Mrs. Fred Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Miss Marie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Laughlin and attended bath ser- vices. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen and Garry with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams. Mrs. James Stark and family, Mrs. Taylor and boys with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Taylor. Mrs. Vera Heatherly spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy- al Whittfield. Mrs. J. Rogers and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tompkins and Gordon with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tompkins. Miss Gwen Dean, Mr. Reg. Piper with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt and Phyllis with Mr. and Mrs. Art Dean. Mrs. Harry Rahm bas returned to ber home after a visit in To- ronto. Mrs. T. G. Breck spent the weekend with Mrs. G. Gi at Cha- tenu Wembley, Burnt River. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey spent a day in Toronto. Garton bus to take the members to the Institute Convention in To- ronto on Thursday, Nov. 2nd. The bus will pick up the load 'at the main corner at 7:30. The Black Preceptory, No. 398, held their annual night at the lodge room with banquet after- wards at the CQmmunity Hçill IaÉt Tuesday evening. October 17. The O.N.O. Club presented their play "Sweet Sally Brown"' at Ty- rone on Monday evern-ng and al had Er good time. 'On Monday evening, Oct. 30, the play will be presented at Nor- landand the cast have decîded to cali this, the last time, as the weather is getting cold. The girls wish to inform the public that they have voted $50.00 to get "Welcome"' and "'Call Again"~ 'slgns, one for each end of the village, and these.are now on ord- er. The Anglican W. A. was held at the home. o! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey on Thursday ev- ening, Oct. 19, with the President, Mrs. Bailey in the chair. The devotional per.iod, led by Mrs. Nicholson consisted of an ex- planation o! part o! the last chap- ter of St. John's Gospel which shows how Christ understands pach of us. This was followed by prayer and the reading of one of Mrs. Powell's letters from the Study Book by Mrs. Fred Hamil- ton. The Dorcas Sec'y had purchas- ed bleached bags which several members took to make articles for our coming bazaar. A lovely new quilt was displayed and thanks expressed to Mrs. Gea. Nesbitt, Toronto, who donated the top; to Miss Gladys McKee who donated the linîng and to Mrs. Norman Malcolm who loaned her home for the quilting and aiso the members who did the quilt- ing. Mrs. Nicholson explained how and why the Toronto badge dif- fers from those o! the other dio- cese and also interestiiig facts re- garding life members. Several members put birthday and thank offering money in the bank which is now placed on the table at each meeting. A committee was named to look at a new organ which the church is contempiating purchas- ing. It was decided to have a turkey dinner ln November and commit- tees were namçd for various du- ties for this event. The meeting expressed their gratefulness to Mrs. Hamilton, the retiring Deanery officer and tothe Bobcaygeon W. A. for their kind hospitality at the recent Deanery meeting. Thanks was also expressed by Mrs. Carter to Mrs. Bailey for loaning her home for the meeting. It was announced that Miss Eva Parr bas invited the ladies to her home for the next meeting, No- vember 9th. Lunch was ýerved by the hostess and lunch commit- tee and a social time spent. DURBAN, COUNTY NESTLETON Mr. James Emerton visited Mr. Brenton Farrow, Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins, Jim- mie and Mr. Jas. White, Toronto, at their cottage. Mr. Nobin, Mrs. Emerton and Jim enjoyed an evening of euchre at Mrs. R. W. Marlow's on Satur- day evening. Mr. ana ivIrs. Nelson Marlow visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervýin Mountjor, Hampton. Mrs. S. McKeg and Miss Rose Mountjoy werè in Oshawa visit- ing Mrs. Crossman and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKeeýand baby. Mr. and Mrs. J, Thompson, Bea- verton, spent a couple of days with the Thompson's. Mr. Sharpe was in Cavan visit- ing his sister and hér husband, Mr. and Mrs. S. Staples. Mrs. Jas. Harris returned frorn a visit in Toronto wlth friends. Mrs. A. Leal spent a few days visiting in Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris have purchased a 1948 Plymouth sedan. Mrs. Sproule, Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mr$. Norman Lans- ing. Mrs. Jos. Forder, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin and Lawrence, Mr. Elmer Nesbitt and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt attended the Taylor-Noble wedding in Ux- bridge on Saturday. Congratula- tions to the newly married couple. Misses Joan and Marion and Master Roy Bradburn visited PHONE: CLARKE 2703 V NOW AVAl LABLE TO IEVEN MORE GROWERS! L~~ - New ana1ysls high qualitySlenn, with- types, la now avallable to brlng more tobacco growers hlgh yields of top quality leaf. The new Blenn formula means more lande will be enriched-i-mere fine tobacco will be grown in Ontario this coming year. Order your supply from your Blenn dealer now. "I'». ooubl.d my ord.r for BI.nn" says Mr. Borda "andi 1 certainly recom- mend it highly to other Simncoe growers." "Sest l'va ever grown" said John Hendel of his Blenn-fed tobacco crop lasi year. "My 1950 order was 100% BIenn" W said Aibertus Hegmans. -lt's ane of the -~ ~ best plant foods 1 have used." 91 ,were outstatiding," said joseph Kekes. yYield was exceptionai and I particu- &9 iaju g y/ larly lhked the quality and colour. .. PLANT FOOD DIVISION F.O. Box 39, New Toronto, Ont. p Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Wliltby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitbr FINE QUALITlY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precîse workmanship and carr-fu] attention to detail are vour assurance when vou choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. FERGUSON FARM EQUIPMENT We have just been appointei dealers for this wel known line of hydraulic controli- implements andi tractors. SID LANCASTER James L. Cooke Motors Ltd. 2489 BLOOR ST. WEST, TORONTO Ontario Distributors for- NUFFWELD EXPORTS LTD. COWLEY, OXFORD, ENGLANI) announce the appointment of FarmEqupent & Automotive Co., Ltd. DO WMAN VILLE, ONT. as Dealers for Morris.'iiy ïoseiey e Me G. Cars MORRIS CARS are made in Great Britain by the largest autamotive firm in the British Isies, the Nufficld Organîza- tion, With nearly 60 years af experience bchind it. Every morris engine is buit wjth aircraft precision ta give you nearlY 40 miles ta the gallon, and you'll use is ail ton! The new Morris affers you a moncy.saving car cambined with plenty of real riding camfort. SEE THE NEW MORRIS CARS NOW ON DISPLAY... $ 1395 UP DURHAM COUNTY R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE 1 tRIMDAY, OCTOBLPR 26, 1930 with Mrs. Donald Thompson on Sunday while Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn visîted his father, Mr. Wesley Bradburn, in Toronto Western Hospital. Friends are pleased to know Mr. Bradburn in improvmng steadily following his recent opération. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Eleanor and Elaine, attended a family gathering in Beaverton on Sunday. Mr. Grant Thompson returned to Hamilton with bis brother, Mr. Chas. H. Thompson, and fan fly. for a visit. Mr. ad Mrs. James Stewart, Peterborough; Mr. Willie Hutch- inson. Peterborough; Mr. and, Ms. Harold Lang and Barry, Omj '%~ emee; Mr and Mrs. Lorne Lamb J Enniskillcn, were recent visitor@ with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil WilsoI4 and girls. Miss Jean Bowers attended M% Young People's Convention in Lindsay last wcekend. Mr. 'and Mrs. Maurice Sameils and daughter, Peterborough, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hy- land. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener Burton were Mrs. Wm. Hanna, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Payne and family,