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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1950, p. 13

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I-1ýM rANAflTAN STATrV.MAN. ROWMAN'VTT. !ONTM? -17l Uffll)AY O .OER 25~, IJ GRONO ORPEANS HOCKEY 1CLUB ANNUAL Hallowe'en DANCE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL t 1 -ý , FRIlDAY. October 27 featurîng AD. DARCH and hisq Orchestra SPECIAL S PO0T and <NOVELTY DANCES ADMISSION Ladies m 75c' I Geais. - $1.O0 I Drham ouniy1 DIYRHAM COUNTY BOWLING LEAGUE Hello, boys: Weli, it looks from the roed G. Perfects bums finaily got the bums' rush fram first place. Noxv we have the Ironmen ta contend with up there. Perfect's boys lost 5 pts. ta the tardy Tyrone boys who came through in grand style, led by A. Hoar and D. Deeley. Poor George, alas, woe is me. The Ironmen took an impres- sive 5 pts. from the boys af En- niskiilen. It must have been the cool night air getting into those creaky joints. Eh, babn. At least tbe youiger set af Enn*s came thraugh ta take 5 points from the flailing B. Westiake's team. I hear you were playing bouncy-bail for awhile. I don't suppose any girls were around or Enniskillen Romeos would neyer have beaten yau. The Lodgemen taok seven pts. from Blackstociç. G. Venning tried hard ta hold them off but had no support from bis team while C.O.F. bowled anly five men if you can cail it bowling. At last Matt Harrison earned having bis name put in the paper as he led tbe Teachers ta a 4 to 3 defeat at the bands of Gargeaus George and bis perfumed kids. Matt bowled a nice 695 for three and was helped very nicely by K. Yeo and Our J. Tbompson. Geo. Elliott bowled a gigantic 776 to take high single and triple for the week. I think the Royal Theatre must be showing bowling pictures as he is gettl*g better since ne bas started winning sbow tickets dorlated by aur.local manager of the Royal. Maple Grave made a big leap forward by taking 7 points fram Sheppard & Gill's Lum'berjacks. C. Milis was gaing strahîg for thc Grove boys.. As we have nice alleys and a co-operative mi-anagement I wish ta request that you try to help look after them by foliowing the Westinglous e equipped witb the new fully auto- inatic, 3-specd record changer-plays ail 78, 45, and 33-1/3 R.P.M. records snznply and efficientiy with the full- range tonal perfection of exclusive Westnghouse Polypboic Reproduc- tion. 1W URp l y S URNITURE AN MURPHY'S PLUCE STORE Lennanakan, 5. Ross i8, Van Bur- en. Total 23. 1lowmanviil'e: Gaia r5, Bowlig, L agne Stutt- 2, Coom bes 2,. Gra1èam 1u livan R. Rundle 10, Dadson .2, Moorecraft, Rossa 14, MeIntyre. rules of bowingas claseîy as ps Total 44. sible. Thanks boys-I knew you wauld co-aperate. Standing of the Teai Tn Commandments* Points Pins 0f Hunting Scd ety, Foundry --- 27 15008 ____ Perfect -------28 14075 A hunter mistoo k his firlend's B. T. S.--- ----- 14444 white jacket for a deer's tail; a Enniskillen No. 2 --21 14964 duck' hunter laid a loaded -shot- C. O. F---------- - 13887 gun in bis boat and was wound- Elliott -------...._19 14089 ed when it siipped from the. seat;, Westlake . 13433 a man, working aver a defectivýè Maple Grave ------1 13327 gun. kiiled bis wlfe as she stt in Tyrone----_- - --- -14 14034 the-same roam .. . the stpries are Enniskillen No. 1i---14 13137 endless and, neediess. ' Sheppard & Gili 7 12467 Blackstock -----------6 11857 To inake bunting the healthful, R. Mitchell, Sec'y. sp2ort It shouid be we relterate _______________ these "Ten Comniandmenta o! Safety": .0 Locals Take First 1. Treat every gun with thc BasketGcr~ne44-23 respect due aiaoaded gun.gns Against Port Hope taken down or with the* acelon open, inta your automobile, camp Sharp shooting Jack Ross chalk- or home. ed p a14 oin scrin pefor 2. Always be sure that- the mance ta lead Bowmanvillc's In- bre n cinaecero b termediate Basketball team ta a structions. 44-23 victory over Part Hope in 4. Always carry. your gun so. a pre-season exhibiQ~on game that you can contrai, the dircc- Friday, October 20, in the High tion ai the muzzlc, even If yau School gym. Approximately 75 st11fble. basketbail fans saw the local tcam 5. Be sure of your target be- pile up a 21 point margin in a fore you pull the trigger. fast and rugged game. 6. Neyer point a gun at any- Leading 24-9 at the end of the tbing you do flot want ta shoot. first bal!, the Bowmanville quin- 7. Neyer leave your gun un- tet autscored the Port Hope ag- attended unless you unioad it gregation 20-14 in the second stan- fîrst. za. Jack Ross and Didge Rundle 8. Neyer climb a trce or a combined ta net 16 of the 20 fence with a ioaded gun. points scored by Bowmanville in 9. Neyer shoot at a fiat, hard the second bal!. Bob Gallagher surface or tbe surface ai water. with five points played steady 10. IDo not mix gunpowder and bahl for the AI. Witberspoon alcohol. coacbed team. __________ Ross af Port Hope with 8 points was higb man on the, visiting Good nature is mare agreeabie team. The balance o! Part Hope in conversation than wit, and points were distributed througb- gives a certEfin air ta tbe caunt- out the squad. enance wbich is more amiable 1Following is the individual scor- than beauty.-Jaseph Addison. ing:- The happiest conversation is Port Hope: Reaves, Hagerman, that a! wbicb nothing is distinctly Brookes 3, Anderson 2, Haiýwooi rememberes, but a general effect 2, Jordan, Trawin 3, McFarlane, o! pleasing impression.-Johnson. Team Pins P Bates - - -- ---16453 Rundie -----16032 McKnight158 Bagnl - -15211 LrWsatJakeý;. "15755 Luxton . 15240 Osborne ~ 5 7 Phillips -2--.1-4890 Hearle.-.-------------- 15594 Games and Averages A. Osborne -----------1 T Hoar -------------15 R. McKnigbt ------- 5 B. Gallagher --12 C., Rundie A B. 'Westlake ----- Dr. Rundle A J. Gay --- ---15 T. Bagnell 1 A. Riper 1 E. Rundle -----15 K. Luxton - - -- ----- 5 B. Hearle ---------15 J. Coole ------- R. Haliman 1 D. McKnight 15 P. Cancilla ----15 R. Hearle ----15 H. Palmer -----15 R. Oke- R. Maynard ------------- 15 G. Elliott B. Mutton 5 L. McFeeters 1 B. Williams 1 D. Furey - 15-- B. Milne - ----- G. Piper ----- - ------15 Points 31 23 22 19 18 17 17 15 15 12 12 9 236 234 234 232 224 222 221 218 217 217 216 216 216 216 211 210 210 209 208 208 208 207 207 205 202 201 201 200 200 Equality is the lufe of canver- satiolp; and he is as much out who assumes ta bimsel! any part above another, as he wbo, considers. hlm- self below the rest o! the soçiety.- Richard Steele. EOEATION CALENAR &wwmaaville C.nsmimlty CeUnci Friday, October 27 4.4)é--Jr. -Stamp Cub. 'Boys and #Wr),. Lions Community Centre. ý7:30--Art'Class Meeting. Lions 'communlty Centre. B aturdy, Otober 28 .10 a.m.,-Eaat Central Zone -Con- fèrnce. .Linjoay,. framn 10 a.m. ta 9-pjn., Forfurther details.'phone the rAceation Office, 982. Monday, Ocetober 30 7!39-WodworlngCass. M ie and P'emale. Fix It or build il. Free use o! ail power and han& tools. Central St. -Puablic- School. Tusay ctober 31- 4:15---Teens' Bowling League. Martyn's Bowling Academy. 6;30-Haflowe'en Frolic Nigbt. Frm up at Centrai School. Big parade !ram Uic scbooalta the Arena. Prizes, games, entertain- ment and F-U-N. Wear. Your Costume. 7:30-Ladies' Smacking Class, Lions Communlty Centre. 7:30-Leathercraft CI, ss (Ad- uit). Lions Community Centre. Wednesday, November lot 7:00-Boys' Gym clas5s, 10 ta 14 years o! age. High Schooi Gym. Bring runnlng shoes. Thursday, .November 2nd Teens' Bowling League. Mar- tyn'5 Bowling Academy. 7:30 - Ladies' Drcssmaking Ciass. Lions Community Centre. Many Low Scores Featured In Men's Mal. League Bowling Wednesday nigbt turned out ta be the worst bowling effort turn- cd in by the bowlers Ibis season. Not anc 300 score was rccorded and only four bowiers bit over the 700 mark. Bob Gallagher nosed out Ted Hoar'for a high triple witb 757 whilc Ted was just two pins short with 755. Ross McKnigbt bad 731 and Bud Moses bad an even 700. Ed. Rundie bad bigb score o! 294 and be also ncarly captured the iow score. Ted Bagneli- bad 289, Russa Oke 284, Ab Piper 281, Bruce Mike 280. Charlie Wright was the best S the iaw score dcpt. with bis 75.- Bob. <you want ta bet) Watt l4ad 106, Harold Bennett 112, Ed. Rundie 114 and Bob Cale 115. Bihl Hearie's team had bigh team score wlth, 3333. TedBag- neil's team had high single game of 1171. Standing of Tcams DoT..n Remeimber Wheli (Contrlbuted by Barb Pethlck> Belleve it or not, the first Taxi service this town had, was aper- ated by none other than our octo- genarian citizen, Wes Percy, who ±axied the boys going ta achool from the Perey Blacksmith Shop ta the Public School; f are 2 cents. Thomas Coleman, who had long white curly hair and was called "Curiy" Coleman, was Chief of Police for over 20 years. He li>ed in the South Ward and was con- sidered anc of the best market gardners and flower growers this town had. He. was assistcd by bis two burly sons Harry and Ned. 1 John Moon who always sport- ed a plug bat, patent leather shoes. long frock coat, and a gold- headed cane, for exercise, walked mornings ta Oshawa and back be- fore breakfast. When it was the custom, for the doctors, whose patients died, ta head their funerals to the cemetery. Believe it or not this Was so during the later years of the l9th century. Charles Kelly operated a bar- ber shop here, and was consid- ered one af the best baritane sing- ers in Canada. He also was a basebali pitcher for the town bal club. He wenX ta Guelph to live and taught music, and died there a f ew years ago. The Aima Hotel, a tbree storey building, whieh was on the cor- ner of Church and Temperanz-e Sts., where the Bell Telephane Co. office now stands, was burnt. The Muir residence and the Con- gregational Church, one of the finest in town, were burnt at the same time. Five millinery shops were in town, and the women o! the day had ta have their order in months before Easter ta be sure they would have a bonnet for Easter Sunday, wben the churches were filled with the finest in bonnets and fine dresses. Remnembrance Day Poses a Problem In Its Observance With only 10 days ta go before Remembrance Day. November il, it would appear high time for the council and the merchants of Bowmanville ta decide when and how it will be observed as a holi- day this year. In recent years there bas been a certain amount of confusion an this subject. This year, the pros- pects of confusion are increased by the fact that November il is a Saturday. On the record, the observance o! Remembrance Day is anything but satisfying, ta anybody. The Canadian Legion usualiy requests a. formai- and solemn observance m H 0w would you measure your telephone's true worth? Its endless convenience. Its lifc-saving speed in tinie of need. The steadily growing number of people it brings within your reach ... Ail these thingg contribute ta the stun-total of telephone value. Yet in doliars-and-ccnts cost, your telephone remains one of the smallest items in your family budget; even a smaller part than it was before the war. Today, as always, your telephone is big value. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA \ ~ OU IS AING OI yIEpH Nî~ or for a hihef grde of service, you have aur assTO fl thatou wl hv t ust a clY OS I we »on provide the ,nec.ssoit Wofacii. a otnd whegoar .t a pro vide th, kind of service ta i h 'n t hnadweete ai l YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH Keystone of Main Street .The towns of Canada are great places. Ou.c-town was a fur trading outpost in the early days-now it is part of a great forcit industry. And serving that industry-and us-is the bank.. a branch of The Commerce. Our manager is your friend-he knows bow to give the type of service that cornes with long acquaintance. Yes, our Canadian towns are great places ... and the menanad women at your Commerce branch are good people ta know. The Canadian Bank of Commerce .'The Commerce" 184-304 PAGE TIRTEEN 'tNATURE UNSPOILSO with stores closed for et icast part of thc day. The merchants, many o! wbom ajc veterans themseîves, are torn bctween this rcquest and Uic quite legitiunate desire te do as much business as thcy can in a year and that involves staying open as much-as possible. The mayor of a communlty pub- lishes a proclamation requestina stores ta close but nlot making it mandatory. The resuit is chaos, attcmpting ta please al 'sides ta thc question and satisfying none. For employeca, thc decision is left ta their employers. The Federal gavemnment bas tassed the baby back ta Uic muni- cipalities, se there is na hope of a decision being made from that direction. It bas been suggested that the answer would be found in deciar- ing Uic Sunday closest ta Novem- ber i ith as. Uic proper time for Remembrance Day. Thus it would be observed quietly as Battle o! Britain Sunday is ob- served and net an occasion for a very few ta attend cenataph ceremonies wbile the rest go bunt- ing or ta football.games. The quintal? It's 112 pounds o! fish. a mensure stili used in New- foundland. GOOD lUE»CARS 1938 DODGE COUPE- A-i condition, very small mileage, new tires and battery, newly painted. This car is spot- less and has had only one driver. 1941 LUXURY LINER DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN- Radio, heater, fog lamps, dlock, many other extras, good condition, good rubber. 1941 DE SOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN- Two-tone, radio, heater, slip covers, under 40,000 miles, excellent condition. Bargain. THESE CARS CAN BE SEEN AT Harniden's Garage Cail Elgie's Handy Store Phono 952' 'PtZTtfn A qet-rne.pqutAle Weres a bargain fryu I will run a dozen errands ..make appointmen£s, do your shopping -stand guard over your safety carry you £0 the side of a sidt friend ( save you wvorry, and effort, and hours ..make your wvork easier, your lii e pleasanier. YOURS TO PROTEC Tw The LESSER SCAUP is a duck of the open waters, on our larger bdys, lokes and estu- cries. He appears ta be block et bath ends and white ini the middle. In winter, scaups often gather in great flocks an the open water. They should be protected. Y US * ENJ'4 CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO % 104CAMULNGS 120C . 52 IGZY St. W. bwmaavme Phone CI

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