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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1950, p. 15

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ftVu tDÂY. OCTBIR 26,190TEANDASATSAOWNVLEOTAO i The Orono NewsI i LMs oa 3&. andMUs. G. L. McGee ipent thec week-ehd ln Toronto, guests o! their aunit, Ifrs. I. Snel. M. C. L. Powers spent lait èk hi Toronïto'et the home of * o, M RaBy Powers and iies, Loia Dean. lias completed .1 er course -ln nunslng and suc- çwsiully' passed lier exains. She laW nd-loltdaylng with lier par- * 01W4, 5(. and -Mis.. Hesper Dean. *f.and "Mn'.'Dans Found spent 'ltweek on emotortrip lunflic .unit"d States. ID.. ànd Mis. C. Wood and Mr. *sn-dMX's. R. E.' Logan visitedinP X,ý«Ild-on Sunday with Mi. !utd I9rs. Neil Wood and ettended -*e aPeeWa services lu the Unit- 'd-Churcli there. Bev. B. More- w~a.Peterborough,,.and foim- *aIy- o! Oshawa, was the gucst speaker et flic mornlng service ead,lu 'the-eenlg Bey. Kenncth JUu.il, e formeri ,akefield boy and no*. miniter itf enelon Falls. BDthi gve splendid sermons, fulli of Inspiration. Mis James Dicksou 'vited with Mrs. T..Powers et Milton iecently. Mis. E. H. Cole, Hampton, visit- ed wlth Mis.A E; Billetf here on Monday. Guests wlth Mis. J. J. Mellor on Sunday- werc Mrs. Bert Bab- cock, Odessa; Mis. W. Shipley, Kingstofh; ?4mRa.Htton and Mr. O. Babcock. Scirboro. The Womcn's Inatitute helM their October meeting lu the town hall on iday evcning with flic President, Mis. O. W. Rolpi pe- slding. Aftei the business lied been concluded Mr. Pied Lycett took flic chair to conduct panel discussions on communit3y activi- ties. Mr. Ted Woodyerd. spoke on the Purk. Mr. Neil Stewart on music, Mis. W. Armnstrong on, Bcd Cross, Mis. N. Porter on the Libiaiy. Miss Anna Steples on Girl Guides and Mi. Syd Ruther- ford on flic school. Eaci addrcss was !oilowed by livcly discussion, making a very inferesting even-1 MARR'IS lng. Musical numbers-were giv- en by Mr. Bill Mitchell and a vocal duet by Misa Betty Chap- maxi and Miss Jean Rainey. Mrs. W. Cobbledick and Mis. J. J. Cornish weic the conveners and wlth their comrnlttee acived re- freshinents at flhc close o!flice meeting. Mr. Charles Wood, Kitchener, spent thec weckend at.lis home lier. Rev. A. E. Eustace was li Rag- lan on, Suxi4ay, teklng anniver- sary services, and Mr.. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, filled thec pulpit of Park St. Churcli. Orono very acceptably. Evenlng Auxllla The regulan meeting of the Ev- cnlng Auxilxary was held Thurs- day cvening et flie home of Mis. C. Billngs. Mis. H. Allun was In chàrige of flic business o!flice .evenlng, and Mis. Billngs and her. group had charge o!fliceremainder o!flice cvenung. Mirs. C. Ives of Bovz- nianville wes flic guest speaker o! flic evenlng, and gave an i- teiesting talk on Christian Stew- ardshlp, and flien told us many lnteiesting facts on flic habits and lives of flic Indians lu Noitheru Canada. Vocal selections were given by Mis. Joncs and Mis. Cliapman. A social hour closed a most enJoyable evenmng. The Masonic Lodges o! Osh- awa held a Divine Service lunfthe Masonic Temple there. on Sunday affeinoon. Rcv. A. E. Eustacc was flic speaker. and memnbers of Orono Lodgc were guests. The offering, amounting to sixty dol- lars, was piesented fa flic Orono Masons foirflic building fund of flic United Churcli here.# Mi. O. W. Roîpl is spending a few days in Batavia, U.S.A. Oui- citizens have miore than a passing lnterest linflic 4espatcli that Dr. Wallace Sterling lu to re- ceive an honoiary degrce tomai- îow niglit at University of To- ronto. for lie Is a sou o!flice late Rev.-Wm. Sterling wlia was Min- ister o!flice Orono United Church several years ago and was buried here this spring when lis son et- tended the funeral. The despatcli reads: Dr. J. E. Wallace Sterling, Ontario-born piesident o! Cali- fornia's Stanford University. will receive fthc honorary degîce o! doctor et law et flic University o! Toronto, Oct. 27. Born at Lin- wood, Ont., Dr. Sterling graduat- ed from University of Toronto in 1927. He was named president o! Stanford in 1949, which office lie still holds. KIRBY OnSunday, Oct. 22 Kirby United Churcli hcld its Thank- offering services with a f air at- tendance. lunflic afternoon Mr. S. Saywdll delivered a fine ser- mon and our local choir supplled special music. Iu the cvening flic congregation cmi oyed Mr. Young very much and also flic lovcly music rendcred by Newcastle choir. Last Sunday, October 15 flic local choir assistcd Shilol churcli with ifs anniversary. We arc glad to report that Mis. Milton Wannan is gieatly im- pîovcd affer undeigolng an oper-. etion in Bowmanville Hospital. F Jewell.ery Mis. J. St4rk, Anne and Marion Stinson,, Mis. T. Taylor, Keifli and Allen, ettended Thanksgiving ser- vices et Burketon and visifed with Mr. and Mis. N. Taylor. Mi. and Mis. A. W. Prescott, Mr. Ayliner Piescott, Miss Marie Piescott with Mr. and Mis. J Eddyvean, Providence. Mr. and Mis. G. Bowmani end Roland with Mi., and Mis. E. W. Pascoe, Brookli. Mr. and Mis. Erie Smith and f nilly, Toronto, et W. Pascoc's. Mr. and Mis. W.. Bowman and famuly wlth Mis. R. Best, Orono. Miss Ruthi Piescott ettendcd a Y.P.U. convention'at Lindsay leut weekend. Mis. W. Grahiam and Nancy, Pontiac, Midi.; Mis. J. Holmes and Jack, Newcastle, et W. Bow- man 's. Mr. and Mis. E. Lee.and iam- ily with Mr. and Mis. Keith Bob- den, Kinsale. Messrs. Bruce Tink and John Cruickshank attended flic AU- Canadian Holstein sale et To- ronto on Monday..-i Mrs. C. A. Blanchard is under tlie doctor's cane. We wish her a speedy îecovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday attended the Porter-Cation wed- ding at Brampton on Saturday. Little Miss Gall Baker enter- tained a number of young friends on fthe occasion of her 7th birth- day anniversary. Rev. R. M. Seymoaur, Ennis- killen, conducted church service on Sunday and gave an inspiring address. There will be no ser- vices at Eldad next Sundey on iccount of special services at Hlampton. Y.P.U. members were guests of Trinity Y.P.U. Monday even- ing and enjoyed the address end screen pictures by Mi& Eunice Pyfrom. Congratulations to Mr. a.nd M!rs. Howard Milison on flie birth of their daugliter, Margaret Eliz- abeth (Peggy>. Remember flhc entertelnment et Eldad tomoriow (Frlday> cv#r1ý. ing, sponsored by Solina Public Eibrary, featuring address and screen sides by Major John W. Foots, V.C., M.P.P.. and musical selections. Mr. and Mrs. Claie Allun, Ro- bert and John. Providence. et Wes. Yellowlecs'.. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, at home. Mr. C. E. Shortridge wlth friends et Brooklln. Mr. and Mis. Ralph Davis and Patsy at Clayton HoUlett's, Sonya. Miss Muriel Langmnaid, Peter- borough, at home. Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, et J. W. Yellowees'. i i d s v a j I i Convertible finto Cash At Par Value At Any Time Interet at 2%j%, and uafety of principal make Canada 5avings Bonda an outatanding inveat. ment for thrlfty Canadians, Interest on these Bonds le greater than lnterest received on savinga de. pusit&. You can Invest $50, $100, $50 or $1,000 by irriting or telephonlng aur office. Wood* Gundy &Company LimIt.d 36 Kig Street Wuu Tomoto 1 MI i "3 Mr. and Mis. B. Thompson, Port Hope, vialted- on .Sunday wlth M1r. and Mis. E. Brysen. Mrs. Eva Allin, Mr. and Min. Roy Cornlah, Port Pcrry. And Mrs. Bradshaw, Leakard, spent Sundey wlth Mr-. and Mis. O. Cliepman.* Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery wlth Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allia. 1Mrs. Annie Pattersozi visitcd in Coe 1HM recently. MmR obert Patterson .svent flday with Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Mis. Robert Allun with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aflin. Mrs. Wm. Wannan and Ross with Mr. and Mis. Ed. Lawson, Yelverton and Mrs. Patterson re- turned home from a visit with his niece. M i. 'Cliff Cowan, Mrs. Thomp- son, Miss Armour, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Waxinan and Boss, Mis. Paf- terson and Mis. Mac Carleton and Mis. Plggett, Orono, with Mr. and Ifs. Jack. Cowan. EIËFIEL D The barefoot boy wlth his Éling- Syrlan warrlom Thle, nu~t aliot la only emulatlng ancient the weapon about 200 yasEC HAMPTON Mis. N. C. Yellowlees attcnded fthc Porter-Cation weddlng on Satunday afternoon et Grae United Chuncli, Brampton. Mr. and Mis. Ivan mElcott, Pet- erborough., t N. C. Yellowlces and attend:d;flic Porter-Cation weddlng et Brampton. .Mr. and Mis. K. Caverly ad Bruce, and Mr. C. W. Souci were dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rogers, Bowmmnville, Seturdey evcnlng. Bey. Empey was gucat min- liter af Burketon on Sunday. Rev. R. Seymour, Enniakillen, lied charge of the services on fthc Hampton circuit and gave e prac- tical and stirring message, tek. lng for lis text "Come ye youî- selves apart, into a descit place and rust a while." Quarterly Official Board met for aPecillbusines< lunflic Sun- day Scliool room. on. Monday ev- ening., Church fhank offerlng services will b. held, Sunday, .Oct. .28 et 2:30 with Bev.- J. K. Moffat ,Slm- coc St. UnitedCliuich, Osliawa, as preecher, àanet 7:30 wlItli Be. W. Reckham, Manille, as speak- er. Special muuic by ou- choir et both services.. Miss Helen Spicer, Toronto, guest soloist lu the a!- teinoon and Mi. Bobert Henry, Oshaewa. wlll sing in the evenlng. Miss Medlyn Wilcox ettended flic Conference Young People's convention et Lindsay during the weekend. Congratulations to *M. and Mis. Howard Million (nee Helen Knox). on the blirtli o! e daugli- ter. Sympathy Io cxtcnded to Mr. J. WI»la u ic hedeat fl ! is ust- er lu Toronto. Mi. and Mirs. Bloyd Wilcox, Cobourg, wlth their irents here on Sunday. Mises Betty Knox and.Jean- cftc Snyder, Toronto, have re- turned !îom an enjoyable week spent lu New York. Mirs. Ada Tamblyn, Orono, vis- ited relatives here. Mr. and Mia. ECari Luke and family and Mis. &. Luke vlsited friends at Kinsale. 1Mr. and Mis. Frank Hastings and faxnlly, Port Perry, vislted Mr. and Mns. Laverne Clemens. Mr. and Mis. Nelson Marlow, Nestieton, were Sunday guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy. Miss Bèrthe Armour, Toronto, spent a couple of days at home. Muss Ruby Colwill. Bowman- vllle, vlsited her aunt, Miss Bea- trice Colwell and Mis. J. Wills. Mi. and Mis. W. Power,. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Power and son Ralph, Sunderland. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns- ton. The W.MS. held their monthly meeting et the>home of Mrs. Nid- dery on Oct. 17. President Mis. C. Daw opened the meeting with the theme hymn. Mrs. L. Reyn- olds acted as Secretary in the absence of Mis. A. Blanchard. Rll wauaenswered. Treasurer re- ported a veryr liberal speciai Thanksglving offerlng. There weîe discussion on band concert and reorganizlng Mission Band. Mis. Nlddery took charge of fthe woîshfp perlod. Mrs. M. Mount- joy had charge of fthc pîogrem "ReInforcements in Japan" wlth Mis. Warrack, Mis. Horn and Mis. Cole taking part. Mis. R. Shackleton sang "The Stranger of Galilee." pkf.35c 2 us27e bottie M5 2 pkg. 27C m lb.3f VISIT OUR FRESH FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT .FOR TASTY FRUIT, VEGETABLES AND) ý'ISH Neat Departient Features Milk Fcd Chickens Choice Smoked Breakfast Bacon Sliced - . lb.55 -57c DY RUBBSING 1HIN Free DeIivrSevc aostroagQuality Meats and Groceries ~ '~w'M. A. "Pat" Yelo, Propr1etor 55 KING ST. E. BO WMAN VILLE PHONEC 3367 £ h. ART'S PHONE 2148 CA-R MARKE-- BOWNqANftLE Home of Detter -Deals on Detter Cars ..This Weelts Special 1940 Chev. Light Blue Coach liere lu a buy you deflnltely don't wa1ût to "is. This car Iooiginal throughout, and is equipped with a heater and defrosters. Sec this beautiful buy now. Amezingly priced. 1949 CHET. Light Grey 5-Pass. COUPE - Extras are - white-walled fties, heeter and defrosters. 1949 PGNIAC Dark Biue SEDAN- Extras are - Radio, heater and defrosters. 1947 OLDS. Light Blue SEDANETTE - Extra. are - Buiît-in radio, underseaf heater, defrosters andti indshield washers. 1947 BUICK Netaliic Bine SEDANETTE- Extras are - Built-in radio, defrosters, under- seat heater, windshleld washers, chrome wheel rims and backup lights. 1947 BUICK Two Toue Grey SEDAN Ext ras are - Undérseat heater, def rouf crs, windshield washers and built-in radio, 1939 DODGE Black COUPE.-ý Art': Car Market - Saves you 2M* < 1938 CHEV. Black COACH 1938 BUICK Speciai Black SEDAN- 1938 PIERCE ARROW Green COUPE - Extra. are - Bulit-in radio, heater, defroste and overdrive. 1937 DODGE Bine SEDU . -N~ Extra. are - Heater afi defrosters. 1937 ÉHET. Green COACH - Extras are - Heater and defrosters. Iul 1947 PONTIAC Light Grey SEDANETTE- 1936 CHEV. Dark Bline COACH - Extra. are - Built-in radio, heater andti Extra. are - Heater anti defrosters defrosters. 1 ftdàb -ftm m m -M mu Remember Folks :- W. roati test and check cach andi every car befor. we put if Up for sale. 1U5 FUORD Black COACH - 1936 PLYMOUTH Black COACH - 1rn21 & p&mwflfluflIn "Iw Ifu !W- 1946-Fargo 3-Ton Chassis & Cab. Truck- 1936 FORD Black COACH - 1HZ 1LYEUHTau CUACE - Extras are - heater anti defrouters. 1941 DOOGE Black SEDAN Extras are - Heater, defrostera andi chrome wheel rima. 1941 DODGE Dark Bine SEDAN Extras are - Heater anti defrosters 1941 CHET. Dark green COACH - Extra. are - Heater and defrosters. 1940 FORD Extra. Grey COACI - are - Heater andi defrostems 1939 FORD Dark groon COACH - Extras are - Heater andi defrosters. 193 CRYLLER Royal Black SEDAN - Extras are - Heater anid defrosters, 193 PONTIC Light Grey COACE - Extra. are - Sun visor, heater anti defrosters 1935 CHEVO Biue COACH - 1935 BUICI Black SEAX - 1933 CHEV. Bine SEDAN- 1933 GLOS. Black SEDAN - 1932 FORD 4.cyiinder COACH 1932 DURANT Black COUPE - 1930 PLYMOUTH Bine SEDAN- 193 DE SOTO SEDAN - 1929 PLYMOUTH Green SEDAN- 1929 OLDS. SEDAN - We Bay0 . . Sel!.. and Trade la gpod quality ued carie IS A 14 E. 10 $229300 The. Radio Shop 38 KqNG STE . PHONE 573 USE OUR HANDY LAY-AWAY PLAN Open fri. 9 arn. to 9 p.rn. Monday thiough Satmday 'r s, h I I j 'THE CANADLALN STATESMAN, i3owL&NV= ONTApjo Monarch Cake NiXeS white or chocolate Stokley'. Cream Cern 15-os. tin- Houx z.Ket1chup 15-os. bottie -Kraft fumer - - Allsgweet Nargarino - * 1 HaiIowe'en Candies and Peanuis i ý, 1

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