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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1950, p. 7

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-- ~ I ?f~7RS~ÂY~OCTOBIER28, 1050 ci CIL AID PERSONAL Miss Helen Morris la spending a Utek with relatives lni Toronto. Misa Cora Scott, Toronto, waa a weekend guest cf Miss Florence Werry. Mrn. Arthur Wright, Hamilton, has been visltlng her aliter, Miss Olga Tod. Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto, spent the wéekend with her par- Onta, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gunn. MirE(n Bernard Jones, University 'Fornto was home for the q-wýekend with Mr. and Mrn. Wes- ley Fowler. Mm. May Pearce, Orange Grove, N.Y., la visiting hier cousins, Mrs. Milton Samis, Entleld, and Mliss Florence Werry, Town. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Enniskil- len, visltéd Mr. and Mrs. Harry *Oke at Lakeport. Miss Isabelle Davis of the Walker Store staff is in Toronto thia weék taking a corsetiere course at the Dominion Corset Co.'s plant. Mr. and Mns. W. R. Stnike were I Waddington, N.Y., aven the weekend when they attended the funeral of Mr. Wm. L. Forsythe wha passed away suddenly. The cartoons by Mac appearlng ln thé Toronto Telegram of local prsonalitles are causlng consld- (irable comments and not a few (IV,huckles as the readers study the variaus facial expressions. His many friends will be sorry to learn that Dr. J. C. Devitt isj ois01 Ontario Polfaoos Tomaloos Celory Sialks Head Leffuce Dananas Oranges, 25' Mclnlosh Aj m 75-lb. bag $1.10 m m cello pkg. 19C -~ ~ - forl15c -~ ~ f - 2or 15c - - - - - ib. 18C 2's - doz. 39c PIpeS - 6-qt. basket 49c Free Delivery 41 Phone 674 FOR THE BEST UN PAINT U». C.I.L Pointe and Vernlises lIN BOWXNVIILLE ITE Higgon Electfi ~~ K é.dqurl.u for O.I.L. Painta 0 4 42King St. E. Phone 488 TEE CAI<ADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVELLZ. ONTAWTn i. j in 'stocks and bod.Sh 1e queathed $1,OO0 ta thé Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, and $1,000 to the Canadian National Institute for thé Bind. A- sum oi $10,000 Io to be lnveated and the incorne ta be given ta the Ilgrndefiden.Therésidus was lef Hunter dage, Marion Rose ln thé Western Hospital, Toronto, where he underwent a terlous opération. Latest reports are that he Io gettlng along as well as could be expected. The serni - annual inter - club meeting of Rotary and Lions Clubs la belng held Fiday even- lng at 6:30 ln St. Paul'a Lecture Room when Rev. Norman Raw- son, Hamilton, wil be the speaker. Mr. Alan F. Annis, Oshawa, was elected western vice-pregi- dent of-the Central Ontario Llb- Ieral Association at the annual Imeeting held ln Kingston on Saturday. Thé association is now divided into two parts, east and wéat, for administrative purpases. Mr. Gardon Elliott on the teach- lng staff ai Bowmenvllle Hlgh chool was elected Secretary- Treasurer o! Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Fedération, Dis- trict 9, at their annual conven- tion held Oct. 14 at Cobourg. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Oct. 18. Marilyn Hall and Donna Moor- craf t had charge of the worahip service. Miss D. Creasser will have charge next week. Thé group finlshéd their Christmas cards. A pleasant évenlng cloaed with Tapa. Mns. Laura C. Squelr, Toronto, widow of Prof. John Squair, native of Durham County, leit an estate valued at $86,415. Bulk of the estate was made up of $62,272 in mortgages and $12,425, As we are certain o! the sun and the moan, so may we be cer- hin tiat Bowmanvllle's Coi! e Clubs are destined te continue indetlnltely. Il has been sald that mémbérahip is net réatricted; otiéra centradict by stipulating that certain qualifications are iecessary. If se, doea George McOsgram quelity? Geéorge, as a prospective mém- ber of thé Coifee Club set, cen meet thé tirai requirement, thet et timne. Thé nature o!is em- ploymént attarda the quarter heur memnlng and efternoon attend- once réquinément wlthln thé hal- lawed halls ai thé caftée urn. These sélect halls may be found on bath thé narth and sauth aidé af King Street. But besides free time, George, as a Prospective Caftée Club member, must demanstraeé'thé symP toms Inhérent i ail drinkers ai the product produced by weter- ing thé gindings ai a cate béan. Hère toa, hé qualifies. Hé finda that hé Io nervous and only hait awaké whén hé arrives et work each mornlng this la a vcry Important qualification) and hé finds that ils éyelids tend ta draop ta hait mast araund 10 o' dock. One slight détail iolds hlm Up, howévér, and that bas to do wlth the price ai cli admission. George, béing a mamnled man, at times ha. dlfticulty praducing one thin dinie. This siould hald hlm up and In sonné clubs It would. Bawmanvllle'clubs, however, are compoaed of marrled mals wha éxperlence thé sae diftlculty as George tram tAUme ta lime go tiéy have wrttén Imb the articles o! affiliation a clause which reads es tallaws: "Should a membér find himmeli without the p noper et- tendance tee. ho la prlvileged to 'stif!' a more proaperous fellow- em ai lie caftée bean pravldlng such 'atifilng'la dons within thé hallawcd halls et thé cou.. umrn." It weuld appear that Gerge MeOsgram qu&ai ls ial calé- goriea, ai léasa, hé g ave thé pass- word comnctiy. Wien he saad, "Gmmme a cup-a-coiiee ' hé, was nat thrown eut for beInLi imPoaite, se hé may be cenaldgered a bona- tide caftée club Member entiiled te develop Indigestion, heart-bumn and ulcers et thé .tomach Jusl llke other club addicts. Natumaliâs have disproven thé old belle! liat a anake will awal- low its yaung If attackéd. Nowa a ln the time to WINTERIZE TOUR CAR W. *use wlnter grade.. Texaco Marfak Texaco Winter Gear Oila Havoline Texace Mator Ois Sec us to-day lob Stocker'u Garage PHONE 804 Bowmanville ~t I Federcition Discusses Incarne Taix Thé Exécutive oi Dunhamn's Federation ai Agriculture met on Fniday night at the Agricultural office te discusa tarinera' incarne tax probleme wlth R. A. Stewart, Vice-Président ai the Ontario Fed- erat.ion of Agriculture. Af ter considérable discussion, 1h was décided ta held a general meeting ofai arinrera iOn- tarie and Durham Counties at Clarke Township Hall i Oono an Tuesday, Nov. 2lai. D. J. Gi, head ai the Primary Pro- ducers Section of thé Dept. ci National Revenue has agreed ta hé preeent on that occasion ta answer any questions concerning tic much dlacussed tex proedure. Bath meetings are thé result at récent experlences in thii area wien fermnera have been cailed ta: a central place te diacusa their particule? tex retumns wlth Rev- enue inspectersaend assesers tram Tarante. Caff e. Club Addlcts Consider Admlttlng George McOsgrarn B.H.S. will have a more experi- enced team and ahould be tough ta béat. Beagle Breeders Top Winners i nField Trials at Peterboro Oh Harny Dayâ-Twrp 8eaanUt Ton days of Joy and relief for the mal. section began Tuesday atr an announcement made oy the President of the Studénts' Council. Although no e dalmte rules were explalned, the gên- orai Idea la that "ldatlng'l la ne- véreed-and the girls pay. Nat-ý urally there wlll b. morne anxlety on the, part of thé boys as te whether th.y wlll bé invlted'ta thé party on Tuesday nlght. The main Meature of thé party wlll be a basketbafll amé 'between thé ieudlng junior girls, who played i the C.O.S.S.A. finals, and thé senior boys, who were finalistahIn the Golden Bail Tournament et Kingston lait Easter. The. réf. ereés are speciallats, we are told. The cost makés Ih almoat Imper- ative. that the girls take advant- age of the seasan. as they can take a boy for as much as they can themacîlves, thlmty cents. Boys alone wlll pay twity-tlve cents (betier turn on the charm!) The sesaon will wind up with a dance an the tollowflig Frldayr. Meanwhlle a sheet ai palper wan- derlng through a dlaissaf girls has brought the tallowlng comments: "At the coming dance I'm sure thc girls will show thé baya how ta act by asking them ta dance. No boys àme golng tç be wallflow- ers." "Girls will now have a chance for revenge on aur lordshipa- we won't ask themP' "Beware, you innocent firai torn boys." Aller a vigorous campai4n, Judy Sténger defeatéd Véronica Fniénd for Presldent ai the Lit- erary Society. Claire Allin Will be pushlng thé pencil ai meetings. and Steven Sisson collecting money. Femm reps. are: 1A Ruth Rombough, 1B Barbara Cryder- man; 1C flan Hcwiti; 2A Mary Pickard; 2B, Catherine Dilling; 2C Harvey Dllling, 3 Darothy Hockin, Cern., Shirley Morris, 4 Joan Wonnacoti, 5 Earlc Brown. This year 'thé Society is cqm- poseti anly ai those interested in cultural and mental deveiopment. Tint may sound a little iofty, but we can be sure that the group is golng ta go places. Aetivities o! the Society will include an art .club, music appréciation club, -de- bating, discussion group, drama club, oratarical and verse spéak- l ng contesta, and choral neading group. Juat now the executive are chQasing a school Christmas card. Cen it be thet late? D.H.S. ",Screech Owl"l Norman Ali RUGBY (Br Bob Gallaiher) %~gby at B.H.S lu again fin- Ished for another year. Monday B.H.S. Juniors galned revenge for their lait meeting wlth Port Hope by drubblng them 5-0. This wln placed B.H.S. ln second place ln the league standing. B.H.S. had two wins and two lasses while WhltbY had three wins and one JOi". Whltby wlll repretient thia district in the Playolis againat Peterborough. Although Monday's gamne meant nothlng to elther team, each teami waa out to make sure they dldn't occupy the league cellar. B.H.S. plungers worked to per- fection with Murdoch and Buchan racklngup first downai the first halt. BHS. m-rched from their own forty-yard Ulne to the one yard of Port Hope but tailed to score as the hait ended. Port Hope came ta life in the second hait and began te threat- en. Howeve; an intercepted pass and recovered Port Hope fumble PUlled B.H.S. out of danger. B.H. 'S. then marched Inta Port H-ope's territory where Buchan went over for a major score. B.H.S. airnoat threw it away in the dying min- utes of the garne when a bad snap went over- Wooley's head, but .Murdoch fell on the bail to pre- vent Port Hope from scorlng. Port Hope trlad vainly to score but B.H.S. held fast until the fin- al whlstle. George Buchan played a good game for B.H.S.. both offenslvely and defensively., Murdoch again played a standout -game deapite the tact he was roughed up nearly every time he carried the bail. Grant, Ritter and Joness were the pick of the B.H.S. lines. Tempers flared throughout the game with Port Hope picking up slxty-five yards in penalties to forty yards for B.H.S. Next year Lloyd Courtîce and J. Osborne, Courtice, and Dr. W. J. Langmaid, Oshawa. were among the auccess- fui wlnnera wlth their dogs in the 2-day field trials for Beagles put on by the Peterboraugh Beagle Club In thé Liltlock City. an Satumdey. For those af our readers who are flot up on thia particular branch ef dogdomn we give this ex- L lanation, for we are lead teb. lieve by Wes Langmiaid Il this hobby once gets y u yau beconie so enthusiestic arb ut the recré- ation and sport that it la harder ta shake ott tien a high-pressure insurance salésman. Beagles are a type oifiell houid- used fer runffing hares, rabblts and, sometmmes deer. They are aiso useful for tlusing part- ridgc and phéasanta. Besidea bo- lng flot costly ta feed on account ai their size, many owners flnd tiem gentle hause pets, especiaily wlth cildren. A field trial m.ight be deacrlb- ed as follaws: A swamp is locat- cd in whlch thère are homes. Handlers paint numbers an lie iounds and take them ta loca- tion where twa judgés are sta- tloned. Handlérs are allowcd id remain on location for hait an heur ta "pack" their dagsafater arabit scent has been picked Up. Judges !allow the pack and check on their Individual ability te mun close ta the scent line, ta note dags thet are plcklng up scent. and thase that are net. They atari weeding eut the poorer ones after an hour of runnlng. Win- ning dogs are placed tirsi, second, third and réserve, and if nine dogn are In the run thé first- placéd dog takés nine points. To be a -champion, a dog must ac- cumulate 35 points in several shaws, pmoviding ene o! his plac- ings has béén a first. Service at any cf their 1100 Dealers ~nd.end.nICOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE DvuggIsWSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SAVE3O% oni ail zoimei cs Creams, coswnetlcs, colognes and everythlnq élis tu make you Vit-Rdiant . .the I re.mil on sale ut a wond.rful 20% savinq 1 Vitamin Cream.................... Reg. $1.50 Cleansing Cream ................... Reg. 1.10 Vitalescence Cream ................. Reg. 3.50 Dertnaskln ........................ Reg. 3.75 Deodorant Cream .................. Reg. .75 Smoathsldn Lotion.................. Reg. 1.10 Vidafilm....................:.... Reg. 2.00 Lipatick.................... .... Reg. 1.25 Cream Rouge ...................... Reg. 1.00 Cake Rouge ....................... Reg. 1.10 Face Powder de Luxe ............... Reg. 1.50 Face Powder, box .................. Reg. 1.15 Sol* PrIcsa $1.20 Sale prleed .88 Sale prlted 2.80 Sale pric.d 3.00 Sale prlced .60 Sale priced .8 Suie priced 1.60 Sale priced 1.00 Sale prleed .80 Sale priced .88 Sale priced 1.20 Saie priced .92 CASCARA Tablets I.D.A. Brand 100's Reg. 39c -.32e CHILDREN'S Cough Syrup I.D.A. Reg. 35c - 27e CLEANING FLUID I.D.A. - 4 & lO-oz. Reg. 25, 49-19c, 37e IDOL AGAR I.D.A. Minerai Oul 6 Agar Reg. 79c, $1.59 59e - $1.19 MAGNESIA Tablets 100's, 300's Reg. 39c, 89c 29e - 59c SENNA LEAVES I.D.A. Brand 1 and 4-oz. Reg. 10c, 30c 8c - 23c SULPHUR I.D.A. Brand 16-oz. - Reg. 25c 19C VITAMIN Bi Tabiets 100's and 300's Reg. 37c, 79c 27c - 59e COREGA Dental Plate Powder 23c - 41c - 69c Airwick Household Deodorizer 89C - $1.3» -$.8 Seruian Granular J3uik Laxative 75e - $1.57 SPECJ4L! ' Pacquin's Har1d Cream 19e jar FREE with 65c jar SPECIAL!1 Daggeii & Ramsdell Cold or Cleansing Cream 6-oz. jar, reg. $1.15 --89e Revlon's New Fali Clr ... Where's the Fire! Nail Enamel -----------------50e Match Box ---- ------------- $1.73 Lipsticks----------- -65e - $1.00 Lip Fashian -------------- $1.50 Richard Hudnui Permanent Something New. . . «'*has béén added it's Neutmalizer Booster -A secret ingrédient tint boosts the action aio.2 your persan --------------- - (Three to choose from.) 1935 Chevrolel Sedan $ .- 375-00 Radio and héater. 1939 Plymouth Sedan ---- $595.00 Radio and heater. 1947 Ford Tudor a . . . . $1295.00 Like new - 32,000 original miles. INVESTIGATE . . . thé New Engllsh Ford Prefect Low First Cost -... Low Operating Cost (As Little as 10 Per Mile) Low Maintenance Cost . . . Immédiate Delivery Phone To-day For Free Demonsiralion TEEI< BOWLING (By Joan Butchinson) Thé keen competition urged tic bowlers on, last weelc, ne t#à Calwell got thé high singl'e o! 330 while Bob Galiagher gat thé iigh double o! 504. Hère ia the latest standing: Teams Points Pins Bob Gallagiier ~1 4561 Ran Frank ---- 15 4284 Norm Allin -----O 4267 Dot Kilpatrlck ---10 4257 ]Retta Cann -_ 9 3846 Jacklc Elliotif-.......B 4106 Lorraine McFanlane-- 5 3914 Murray Winacott.... 5 3816 Stephen Siason 5 3527 AI Richards ~3 3593 Art Jonesas ---- 3 3783 Jack McCoy ..-------- 2 3754 CHRISTMAS CARDS Time -"NOW" Place- "BIG 20" Our stack cf baxed assorîments and separaté cards is "NOW" complete. Corne in and make your choice "NOW" Specials Churchill's Own Paintings Edgar Guest's Verses Religieus Cards Children's Cut-out Designs Personal Cards Our albums are ready for your inspection. 3. W. JEWELL ,«BIG 1"20", 27 King St. W., flowmanville PHONE 558 Quick Relief for BU RN S CUTS, SCRAPS PIOISON IVY, it. nýGrooseless "NSEO- CHEMCAT FOOD PLUIDTO N IC A Pleéont Tosting, Complot.e ad Economicol VITAMIN and MINERAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT __________IUU ,D.AYs* 2.95 'su"4.9 duy TodoylLOTIN ........ 62J( SuOoa: IL .... 6VO.13 2 for 69e POWDURt... 9M<&7 B«or a 12 O P...... PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. We Deliver McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 r BRAMdLEY MOTOR SALES YOUR MERCURY - LINCOLN " METEOR AND PREFECT DEALER in DGWNANVILLE PHONE M. G. STEWART 3263U 99 KING ST. B. 40 - Reconditioneci Cars& Trucks - 40 1940 Ford Dump Truck- $395.00 Good working order. 1947 Chevrolet 2-Ton Siake $1095.00 Motor overhauled. - Cattie racks. 1948 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Pick-up - - $995.00 New Tires. y' ~ BAPTISM AND SUNDAY SCHOOL PROMOTION SERVICE 7 p.m. - Evening Service Sang Service led by thé Orchestra Bible Story Seniés. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A.; B.D., Mr. R. G. Harle, Minister. Direior cf Music NOTICE McFeeier's Bros. Frui Market will now be known as the FAI RWAY FOOD MARKET. operated by Si Tréwln and Frank Rundie WEEKEND SPECIALS s#1wa M foorX zeo bI7//l'If Many more Rtems a# the saisiesving - se@ éw dlsplayl FRR5!wlth eVery Vifa Roy >urchase: The ViteaRay Skin. Awakening Coure... et compiele guide te.home hea.ty cure. *1 PAGE SEVU Backed by Fard Il I"AÉýiP male 0 1935 Ford Tud or - - - $195.00

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