PA P H A(DANSAEMN OMAVLE NA THrURSDAY, NOVEMEER 2, 1056 HAMPTON Mfr. and Mrn. W. R. Young, Den- nisanmd Sylvia, and Mrs. Wilbert àkMillan, Peterborough, vislted Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Tril ad attended Thankoffering services on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodgson. Ty- rone; Mr. and Mrse Ed. Fiory, Niagina-on-the-Lake; Mr. and Mn.s. A. Crane, Toronto, visited Mrs. E. Cale. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Sa- lina; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe, Zion; Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and Jean, Oshawa, ut Joe Chupman's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clemens, Bow- L.tanville, ut Laverne Clemens'. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Rackham, Manillu; Mr. and~ Mrs. Douglas Rackham, Lee and Lynda, Bow- munville, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. A. Balson, Miss Ileen Balson, SaUina, at Harold Balsan's. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barnett, Bowmanville ut E. Adamson's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordyri Brent t L. D. Sykes'. Miss Ruby Colwill, Bowman- Mrs. C. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday, Bowmanville, aI Uic $alter home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen and Gary, Janctville; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yea, Carol and Grant, Orono. with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quarry. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Edger, Cour- lice, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wil- cax. Mr. and Mrs. Bioyd Wilcox, Co- bourg, aI J. D. Hogarth's and H. Wlcox's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lyon. Scarbora. Mrs. Herb Smlthson, Caledon, and Mrs. George Farneombe, Newcastle, were recent viaitors ut W. W. Horn's. Women's Institute ladies are charterlng a bus ta attend the an- nuai convention li Toronto this Thursday. A number af ladies from here attended the W. I. bazaar at Sa- lina on Wednesday. W. W. Horn attended the fu- neral of Gardon Ham, Peterbor- ough, on Saburday. Mrs. W. J. Ranton leit on Sat- urday for Vancouver, B.C., where she will spend Uic winter with her daughtcr and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Prescott McArthur. Rev. G. Empey was guest min- ister for the annlversary service on Uic Manilla charge on Sunday evening. Our Thunkoffering services on Sunduy werc quite well attended and inspiring messages were glv- en. A full repart laber. Mr. J. B. Horn and daughter Nuomi, and Mr. and Mrs. Clîfford Horn. London, vislted his broth- crs and sisters here on Sunday on their rcturn home from Peter- baraugh whcre Ihey atlcnded thc funeral af Mrs. J. B. Horn's ne- phcw, Gardon Ham, wha wus kili- cd in a motar accident on high- way 28 a few miles out af Peter- borough on Wednesdîy evening. He was widely known umong dairymen and farmerà thraugh- ouI the province, being Onturio Sales Manager for Uic DeLuval Ca.. Peterborough, for a number af ycars, and an employcc af the firm for twenly-scven years. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mounljoy accompanied by Miss Annie MountJoy and-.Mrs. Edith ElliolI, Bowmanville, and Mr. Milton Siemnon, Huydon, atlended tbc funeral of the laIe Rev. William Pierce, Brighton, recently. Miss Helen Spicer, Toranto._at b .ûon'i have your wife go oui for Groceries and Meais in Weaiher like fhis! Three Ways of suying 0 0 0 1. Buy your provisions and lug them home. 2. Choose your own groc- enies and have us deliver them. 3. Phone your order in and let us do your shopping. WE DELI VER FREE ALLIN'S Quality Meats and Groceries M. A. "Pat" Yeo, Proprietor 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 REVLON'S Where's the Fire ? Matehmaker Set - $1.75 Nail Enamel -_____50o Lipstick 65o Cold Remedies Grave 's Bromo Quinine ---39c-69o Nyai Laxaeold Tubs. - 30o Buckley's Capsules - 35o Kiptin 39c-$1.25 Pyrithen Camp. - 600 V.I.G fl a~hs.- - 25 GET AHEAD WITR BRYLCREEM Canade's .............. .. .. ..largest-solling hoir dresslng @ives hirea mort Weil- groomed look, a naturel gloamina lustre. NO OUM NO SOAP NO ALCOHOL e NO STARCIq HANDY TUBES... y9, 9 Nyal Creophos Pacquin's Hn ra Stops Bronchial Coughs Special Offer .- ------ .___65C Builds Up body against colds Lady Esther Handstip Ige. bofule $1.25 Hand Creain6c-12 Rheumaiic FO0R \Remedies / Templeton's T.R.C.'s ---- 60c-$1.25 Dolicin Tabs. $2.39 'I ýBQ uma caps 50c-$1.00 FTELantigen C 6O Cough Syrups Nyai Pinol __-___35c-60c Mason's 49 ---- - 45c-75c Buckley's Mixture- 40c-75c ENOPS White Pine and "FRUIT SALT" i Cm.35-O Buckley's Whiite Rub - 50o s s ' Vick's Vapo Rub - 45o 6 Anaigeuic Baim -___50Sc Hot Water Boilles- fully guaranteed 98c - $1.29 $1.69 - $2.00 COWLING'S DRUG STORE wr Fri - R-USSES Aatn fSOLINA pUtnupiUs ad teacher, Mrs. W. ofBaker'. School, enter-e tained parents and frlends aofUice communlty il a Hallowe'cn party Monday evening. Prizes were wan by: Mudelmne Moarey, as best dressed gent; Stanley Middle- ton. best dressed lady; Leslie Middleton, best dressed child; Sonny Middletan, best comic cos- tume. A good program aof char- uses, recitutions and piano MUSIC was prcsented by the scbool pu- plis. Officers for Baker's Com- munlty Club winter season werc misa elected as follows: President, Mra. George Irwln; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Will Moorey; Sec'y-Treas., Gladys Yellowlces; pianist, Hel- en Moorey. It was dècided ta hold meetings on the third Frl- day af each monbh with the East group in charge af the November meeting. Mrs. George Empey oiiicially opened Uic Women's Institule1 bazaair last Wednesdmy afternoon1 which' rewarded the efforts ai the members wiîh gratifying ne- suits, the procecds being $130. Miss Doris Millsan lef t Saîurday ta resume her mission work in Bolivia, South America, ai 1er a year's furlough at home. Our best wîshes go with Doris. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Millson ut- tended the Morrison - Fairhart weddlng receplion aI Uic Gen- osha Hotel, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis ut- tended Uic funerai ai their uncle, Mr. Arthur Ncsbiîî, aI Oshawa on Monday. Sauina Home and School Clubi met aI the scbool Monday even-i ing, observlng the bewiîcbing oc-1 casion of Hallowe'en. Mrs. Isaac1 Hardy supplled the musical back- ground whilc masked men, muid- ens and childrcn cuvortcd about in the guise ai weird and wondcr- fui characters. Afler close con- siderulian, the judgcs, Mrs. H. G. Heal, Mrs. A. J, Baisan and Mr. C. E. Shorîridge, awarded prizes la Miss Betty King for tbe best comic costume; Mrs. Rulph Davis for the besî dressed lady; Mrs. Harold Pascoe and Burney Hooey for tbc best couple; Anne and Edgar Werry for the ibest juven- île couple; Lurry Spires for the best Hallow'en costume and Jean Baker for the bcdt child un- der school age. Mr. Harold Pas- coe presidcd for the business and named Mrs. Lamne KelletI, Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Bruce Tink as a nominmting committce. The fol- lowlng siate ai officers was mp- pointed for Uic current scason: Presidenî, Mrs. Ralpb Davis; isI Vîce-Pres., Mr. Jack Baker; 2îqd Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. G. Heal; Sec- rctary, Mrs. Burney Hooey; Treas., Mr. J. R. Kiveli; Pianists, Miss1 Betty King and Mrs. Isaac Hardy. The committee in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wesllakc and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis, conducted contesls and served ne- freshments. An invitation ta visil Hampton Home and School nexî Tuesduy, Nov. 7 was grateiully uccepted and il is boped ali mem- bers wlll attend. Mr..and Mrs. J. W. Yellowiees ut Donald Yellowlees', Taunton. Mr. Bill Carr, Toronto, aI Stanley Millson's. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Large and Robbie, Bowmanville, at Walter Parinder's. Mr..and Mrs. Norman-Reynolds, Charles and Edgar Reynolds, Toronto, ut J. W. Yellowlecs'. Mr. Russell Balson and Bar- bara, Bowmanville, aI A. J. Bal- son's. Agreeing with Addison that "Books are the legacies thal a great genlus leaves la mankind," the Solina Public Library Board cvoked community support by sponsoring a cultural enterluin- ment in Uic Sunday School room last Fniduy evcning. Mr. C. E. Shortrldge, Treasurer af the Lib- rary Board, was Chairmun, and Icalled on' Mr. Milton J. ElliotI oi Bowmanvillc, ta introduce the guest speaker, Rev. Major John W. Foobe, Provincial M.P. As Vice-Chirman ai the Liquor Con- trai Board for Ontario, Major Foole bricfly crplained the na- ture af bis work in bbc rebubili- talion af alcobolics and then went on- tastes1Ucmprtnc $ac- ta t he ---Brown brothers, Miss Creasser and Mrs. Smules for their & njoyable contribution ta tbe pro- ram. Ladies ai the Board scrv- cd lunch. Jim Smales'. Mrs. H. E. Tink, Sauina; Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, at Percy Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spicer and Keith, Toronto; Mrs. L. C. Snow- den. Mildred and Bob Snowden, Maple Grave, at Sam Dewell's. By Uic end of the lath century gunmaking was the second lar- geat industry in Bùmnnngham, England. Great is he who enjoys his earthenware as if it were plate, and fot less great is the man to whom ail his plate is no more th=xi arthenware.-Leightçn. Durham Club, (Contlnued from Page One) -' He told ai -how Sir John andi Lady Simnca. suiiered fram mal- aria, and how La dy Simcoe stay- ed, t thebbcManor Hause some distance from tbe Canrying Place Road because ai this ilnes He iinked up Napoleon'. name wlth the Murtyr's Shrine at Mid-* land when the Fneiich planned bo estubllsh a French Empire and had plans made in Napoleon's time for un invasion from New Orlea up the Mississippi t6 the French setîlemnents in Canada, and how ln 1834 Dr. Walter Henry was posted from Fart Henry (King-, stan) ta St. Helena ta verify the death ai Napaleon. Hema laitod the story ai two American lady bourlats, who findlng themnselves in mn unknown tawn in auri Middle. West, decided toasak a1 passerby the tawn'a name. "Sask-1 atoon, Saskatchewan," wus thej answer. "Isn'l he cule, he only balks Indian," said the anc lady ta bbc other. Then he quoted: "In bbc rough aid limes mnd bbe tough aid times More'n a hundred yeans mgo, There wasn'I a clock in the scîllement To bell bow bbcelime went an. But we knew vcny well when bbc day began And we knew very weil when 'twas o'cr, And aur dinner bell was bbc gude wiie's shoul When the sun-ncuchcd the niche in the door." Iilustrating Ibis pocm Dr. Wil- liams sbowed pictures ai bree cutting near Pontypool; as pion- cers Mr. Crvcîh ai Orono and Mrs. John Ormiston, Sr., (nec Mary Anne Hall, Enficld); sun- risc and sunset on Lake Scugog; bbc niche in the door, bbc door- way ai Cbampluin's first babil- ation in North Amenica builî in 1605 in Nova Scotia; and the dlock from tbc bistoric Bannum House near Gruilon. Having paid bornage ta bbc local pioncer men and womcn ai Ibis land wbo banded down ta succceding gencratians aur grcal* heritage, Dr. Williams ended by saying, "ýTo make Canada the grealest ai caunîries we must nat only bave faith in God but iet us bave iaith in ourselves ms." On bebaif ai- tbbc members he was bbanked by President Donald Linden wbo mentioncd bbc a- maunt ai wonk involvcd ta bring us Ibis bistorical message ai D. & N. counties. During tbc musical pragram, Miss Helen Spicer, ccampanied by Miss Helen Baker, sang s0 cbarmingly "One Day Wben Wc Wcnc Young," "Ail bbc Tbings You Are." and "Galway Bay." The bostcss boum was under the 1 direction ai Miss Gludys Jackson wilh Mrs. A. W. Ciemens and Mns. Wallace Muas assisîing by pouring tbc cofice. Tbe Durham Club would like ta extend an invitation toamny Durbumile wbo mighî be in Ta- ronto on bbc lasI Tbunsday ai any monlh (cxccpting Dccem- ber) la attend Ibeir meeting and be warmiy welcomned ut tbc 1.0. D.E. Headquurters on Spadina Rd. ut 8:15 p.m. Inter-Club Meeting (Coninued from Page One) Travel la Cheap "lLeave your car ut home," Is the speaker's advice ta anyone cantempluting a trip ta Englund. He said a Morris couid be i'cnted for £10 with evenytbing supplied Ailer 220 miles you pay a shilling (16 cents) a mile extra, but even at thal, il is cheaper than run- ning a car in Canada. A license was no rick ta get, "Because you've gaI a drivcr's license fnomn Amenica or Canada, tbey presume yàu can drive." As fan us bc pesanaily was concerned, how- ever, be found "al Uic gears an the wrang hand-and s0 was the road." Much has been writen on bbc auslcriby program aif contempar- ary Engiand. The people, il bas been inferred, arc makmng greal sacrifices in order ta secure a stable cconomy. Rev. Rmwsan said thal be suw manifestations ai such sacrifice, but ut tbe same time b. said, "The average man in England bas more food and beller food than in al bis bistory." He dmited il wms duil and ter- rible, but condoned for Ibat with tbc information that mosî bouse- wives oniy have anc pot ta coak in, and thcy must subjecîtbchm- selves ta long, rduous queues. "Pcrbaps bbc people arc wan- weary," bbc speaker said, "but English cooking Is the worst we met in Europe." Saville Row in England bas long been world fumous for ils styles in mcn's ciotbing, and some people sIill go ta Saville Row according ta Mn, Rmwson, but on the wbole, "England is badly dressed." He sid that nine shill- ings on every carncd pound is ne- turned ta Uic Government in taxes. Alîbough commercial bous- es are fiiled ta overflowing with goods thut cveryonc in England wants bmdly, tbey cannaI buy anything. Signs rcading, 'Ton Export Only," are evcrywberc. In bbc speaker'. opinion, 1"these people are pmying a gbastly price in order ta crawl out af bunk- nuptcy." English Women Loveiy 0f tbe En giish woman h. said, "Sbc's as lovely a woan as God ever produced,"l but h. ififerred she was tbe worst dressed wom- an in bbc world. "They dressed," b. suid, "as if they opened a cloîhes ciosel and sid, "Clothes, I'm going down town. If any ai you wanl la go-hop on." For the benefit of medical men present ut the Friday nigbl inter- club meeting, Rev. Rawson said thut if "wbat's going on under stute medicine in England cannies on. bbc morale af the medical pro- fession will b. lawencd." He sid thal English doctors had lurned inobooak-keepers who ne- ceived 17 shillings six pence for evcry patient and who carricd about 4,500 patients on thein books. Because Doctans found il expedient la "&et patients off hi 1 NOW 1950 Ford Dark Blue Sedan - Heaten, defrosters. lIn bnand new car condition. 1949 Mercury Dark Green Sedan - Radio, heaten, defrosters. Vcry low mileage. 1949 Renault Blue Sedan - Radio and heater. A very economical car. 1947 Olds. Light Blue Sedanette - Built-in radio, underseat heater and defrosters. Clean car.. 1947 Pontiac Grey Sedanelle- Built-in radio, defrosters and underseat heat- er. The pick of them mil is 1h. car you buy aI Ant's -Car Marke t. 1947Pontac SlverGre Conertile1-937 Dodge Blue Sedan- 1947Pontac ilve Gre Covertble 1Heuter and defrosters. Clean as a pin. Built-in radio, underseat heuter, defrosters and power top. A. very clean and sound car. 1937 La Salle Convertible Good heater and defrosters. New motor la. 1946 Fargo Cab. and Chassis 3-Ton Truck-19. Heater and defrosters. Recently a new motor. Why wait? 1937 Willys Tan Sedan- 1CU& amysmmai. aTsaiu ainào16Eni -si Heatew~ and defrosters. Clean car throughout. 1941 Pontiac Green 5-pass. Coupe - Heaten, defrostens. A buy you don't want te miss! 1941 Chev. Green Coach- Heater and defrosters. "A beut. Your present car may b. a good down payment on these great money-saving bargains. 1941 Dodge Black Sedan- Original thnoughout. One owneir since new. 1941 Chev. Maroon Coach- Heater and defrosters. Clean car. 1941 Dodge Blue Sedan - Heater and defrostens. Must b. seen to ap. preciate it. 1941 Buick Two Tone Grey Sedanelle- Built-in radio, defrosters and underseat heater. A car very well lookcd after. 1941 Ford Green Coach - Heater and defrosters. 1940 Ford Grey Coach- Heater and defrostens. 1939 Pontiac Silver Grey Coach- A very good caer. ARTý'S PHONE 2148 It la hope which m sthe' shlpwrecked sallor strlke out with his arrns in the mldst of th.esa. though no land in. li slght.-Ovid, Warmly LInmi RUDIERS their handsa"and let the state take cire of them, English hos- pitlis are filled continuously. Medical men, on the whole, loathe thîs situation. although ncwcom- ert to the field find it eas1er ta get estabiished. ]Çuropeans Know Fear Fear and slavery are found be- hind the Iran Curtain, and in thase countries In front of the Iran Curtain, stark naked fear. The speaker said that European people expect a Third World War and are hoarding essential goods ta that end. They do not, how- ever, expect that Russia will start it. They believe that the United States will fire the first shot. "People if- the United States are pouring out moriey like wat- er," he said, "yet, they are feared anid diullked." He said that Arn- jericans were acting as world police and arc'feared. as much as the British were when they were in that - pôsition. Furthermore, Americans, used ta living in a land of plcnty, appear to be flaunting thie people of Europe by maintalnlng a high standard of living to which they are accust- amcd aI home. "Tourisîs are flot always a good influence," Mr. Rawson said. He inferred that the contacts of the average mnan couid inspire more good-will than those made by a top statesman. Concluding Remarks Rev. Norman Rawson conclud- ed his address with a description af present day Italy. He said Italy is a wonderfulcounIry and Ihat ail paths in it lead ta Rome. "Twelve thousand five hundred people crawded into an open air theatre that aI one lime had been the old Roman Baths, ta hear an Italian Opera Company produce Carmen," according ta the speak- er, and "85,000 pilgrims were pre- sent when he visited St. Peter's Cathedral and saw Ris Holiness, Pope Plus XII. Kinsman Stan Dunn thanked Mr. Rawson for a most entertain- lng and enlighteninq address. Que. Mayo r Clainis Canadians Ignorant 0f Own Country Mayor Romuald Bourque of Outremant. Que., told Uic Can- adian Weekly Ncwspapers Associ- ation Convention Wednesday that Canadians need wise- counsel and that a great many of them are dependent for it upon their week- ly newspapers. Canada taday is in the position the United States was in at the beginning of the century. '"Our fronliers are being rapldly push- ed back, ou<r cities arc filling up; aur industrIes are growing ...' Mr. Bourque said. The United States appreciates that develap- ment and is investing heavily in Canadian resources. "Don't you think il would be a gaad thing if some of the divi- dends fram their tremendous de- velopments should drift int your communilies . . . I read some- where tl<e ather day that apprax- îmately 60 per cent of the divi- dends from aur big development industries naw are going ta the United States. . The wealth that is ours should trickle down int every tawn and village, every smal hamiel, in arder that al af us might benefil from the resources which lie under Canadian soul," Mr. Baurque said. Anoîher thing ta tell readers about was Canada ilseif and ils people. "Candda is an interna- tianally-minded country, but iA knaws pracîically nalhing about Sale ON 1939 Dodge Black Coupe Heater and defrosters. 1939 Chrysler Black Sedan- Heater and defrosters. One of the smal cnes. In tip top shape. 1938 Chev. Black Coach- 1938 Pierce Arrow Green Coupe- Radio, heater and defrostera.Bide 11k. a king in this. 1938 Buick Special BlackSedan - Heater and a good reputation. 1938 Ford Black Coach - Original throughout. Looks like new. 1936 Ford Black Coach- 1936'Plymouth Coach - A mechanic's chance. 1936 Ford Black Coach- 1935 Chev. Coach - 1935 Buick Special Black Sedan- A veny sound car. 1935 Pontiac Two Tone Green Coach - 1933 Chev. Sedan- 1933 Olds. Sedan- 1932 Durant Coupe- 1930 Plymouth Sedan- 1930 Ford A Coach - 1929 Plymouth Sedan- 1929 Olds. Sedan - Gurantced for 1f., if not used. 1929 Overland Sedan- 1929 De Solo Sedan - Big Bargain -Home of Better Deals on Better Cars- 1947 Buick Blue Sedanette - -,.. . Built-in radio, defrosters, underseut heuter, .1937 Chev. Green Coach - and many other extras. Like 1h. neat, this A very popular make. onc is tops. %n Open frorn9 am. to 9 P. CAR M«ARKET DO WNAN VILLE i itself ... anythlng that happened anywhere e li the world wus more interesting and important than anythlng that hmppened righb here il home. In bbc narrowest sens. that had not been truc of the weekly press. Wcekly papers have thrlvcd an Uic hometown news-but Uiey bave seidom thbughb iterma ofai liCanada ms a neighbour." Excessive use ai alcohol la fa- tal for anyone wbo uttempts ta live under conditions ai excessive heal. WATCH FOR SPECIAL E YVE NT to be announced . tin N EX T W EEK' Is PAPER HOOPERI'S 3ZWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP Phone 747 28 King St. W. Bowmanvilie w THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IpArlli! CTV Wmrm rubbens of first quality brawn rubber with ulide fastener fronts. Wmnmly llned lhroughout with "Therimopyle.» Heavy crepe compound rubber e xtension soles and wedge heels. Sizes 6 to il $9.95 pair LLOYD ELLIS Sho. Reputi Ring St. Wv. BOWMANVILLLI