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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1950, p. 13

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TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1950 TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAT1TO Durham Conty Bowling League_ JHi, Boys: B.T.S. took the league leader- ý hiP for the first time by trun- igBlackstock far seven points. ~Tey are now one point ahead of .the Faundry and Perfect with a '36 total. Yeo was the outstand- Irig bowler with bis 639 for three. Gorgeous Gea. Elliott finally found a team they could beat qseven points. The victims eK. McGill's Young Ennis- Fin armers. Romea Werry carried the bunch for Enniskjllen while Elliott, Mavin and Com- peau ail bowled over their heads. Maple Grave lost five good Points ta the Hot Stove Boys of Eniniskillen. Harold Mills vas the ibest for Enniskillen and won high single with bis 309 for ane, :while Milîs, C. won high triple j with bis 821 for the night. He bowls for Maple Grove. By the way, boys, this is the high triple of the year ta date. Tyrone took fîve points from the Lumberjacks, Deeley coming through with bis usual 650 for the niglht. What was said about Hoar last week must have gone ta his head. For shame. Bill Westiake and boys must bave caught Faundry with their castings down as they took four points from them. C. Woolner corne out of the hale long enough ta assist the Foundry and by the look of the scores Bill's Boys must have ail helped. That is without McNulty's 394 for three. What's up, Jack. Santa Claus trouble. Bingo Masterson helped C.O.F. The Thor Autoniagie Washer is a seven-day wonder - used once a week to wash clothes and three times a day to do the dishes. You can buy it as a clothes wash- er or as a dish washer (adding either unit later) or in combination. The 'Thor- Wringer- Washer is a truly mod- ern, highlv effici en t washer with many ex-~ clsive a nd advanced features. It is quality through and through - from its gleaming par- celain enamelled t ub down to its strong, rug- ged base. AUTOMAGIC SINK Dishwasher ... Clothes Washer . AND the Kitchen Sink Here, in a single streamnlined cabinet, is the world's finest clothes washer, dish washer and kitchen sink - the very latest development in modern kitchen equipmerit. FARM EQUIPMlENT AND AUTOMIOTIVE LT». 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 1World's Fastest Stock Car On Dis play Here This Thursday, Friday and Saturday this British Jaguar, the world's fastest stock car, will be on display at the Farm Equipment & Automotive showrooms, King St. E., Bowmanville. In addition to this famous car other Nuffield cars including Morris, Wolseley, Riley and M.G. cars will be shown. As an added attraction for this Motor Show a draw will be made for a 1951 Philco Radio. Free draw entry f orms may be obtained at the showrooms. lose four points ta Geo. Perfect's boys. He bowled a lowly 66 ta make it two on the same team on the top of the lemon league. Kit- son (Fingers) with bis 61 and now this. Standing of Teams Points B.T. S------------ ---- 36 Foundry ------------ -35 Perfects ------------- 35 C.0. F---------- 29 Elliott ------------ ---- 28 Tyrone ------- 26 Maple Grave-------- 21 Westlake - ------ ----- 20 Enniskillen I.......----19 Sheppard & Gili ---Il 1 Blackstock ---------- 6 j Pins 20,609 20,978 19,636 19,624 20,416 20,052 19,863 18,387 19,017 19,000 17,732 16,7.-51 FARM EQUIF MENT AN» AUTOfrOTIVE LT». the playoff mon ey. High Ten Averages T. Hoar 234, A. Osborne 233, B. Gallagher 231, C. Rundie 229, R. McKnight 229, Dr. Rundie 223, J. Coole 222, R. Oke 217, B. Hearle 216. B. Mutton 216. The Screech Owl TEEN BOWLING (By Joan Hutchinson) Munching peanuts, etc., is a pop- ular pastime between turns to bowl and although it may be nourishing it hasn't helped any team besides Bob Gallaghier's reach the top. The standing is: Points Pins Bob Gallagher--------- 25 7681 Ron Frank ------------- 22 719 Norm Allun------------- 18 7272 Dot Kilpatrick-------- 15 7002 Murray Wînacott ------ 13 6804 Jackie Elliott ..... 13 6452 Lorraine McFarlane -- 10 6239 Art Joness ------------10 6047 Retta Cann ------------ 9 6027 AI Richards --------- 8 6297 Stephen Sisson --------- 5 5720 Jack McCoy -------- 2 5745 The high single was Bob Gai- lagher with a score of 304. The high double was also Bob Gallagher, with a score of 495. S KENDAL . Mr. and Mrs. W. Hancy andi Mary, Mrs. A. Jackson and Phyl- lis. Milliken, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock. Mrs. Donald Morrison and friend, Beaverton, visited Mrs. Roy Mercer on Tuesday. The tobaccc growers, belonging ta the Mark..Lîng Board, are at- tending the tobacco sales at Del- hi, which opened on Tuesday, Nov. 7th. Amang those who left Satur- day for deer hunting were: Roy Sleep, Joe Jilisen, Len Hilditclh, Ray Martineîl and Reg Elliott. Wm. Mercer and Chas. Stevenson will join their gang after thaiy return from the tobacco sales at Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hoy and Mr. and Mrs. Tattersal, Oshawa, visit- ed their mother, Mrs. Henry Hoy, who is confined ta ber bed. We were very sorry ta learn that Mr. Brimacomb suffered a stroke but hope that be will con- tinue ta improve. Mrs. Thos. Hiiditch spent the weekend in Bowmanville with Mrs. N. White. Mr. Robert Hi]- ditch and Miss Eddie Ruiter were holidaying in Rochester. Mrs. F. Stoker, Mrs. IL. Mer- cer, Mrs. Jack Swarbrick and Mrs. N. Kennedy accompanied the ladies of Orono W. I. ta To- ronto an Thursday ta attend th? W. 1. convention at the Rayai York. Farm Forum met Monday ev- ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer. The lovely weather of Nov. Ist took a sudden change on Sai- urday when the temperature is said ta have dropped by 44* ta give us a taste of winter with sev- eral inches of snaw for trimming. The W. A. met at the home of the President, Mrs. R. Mercer, Wednesday, Oct. 25 and had the appartunity of hearing a stirring address by the guest speaker, Mrs. Seymour, Enniskillen. Rev. Sey- mour and Rev. Lancaster were also present. Mrs. McKay read an article on sprcading Christianity through missions. The rail caîl was answered by naming a coun- try ta which United Church mis- sionaries are sent. Further plans were made for the bazaar. Mr;;. N. Kennedy and Miss Hilda Bell1, hostesses, pravided a deliciaus lunch. A unique miscellaneaus show- er was held Friday evening in the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey, Sixth Line. when neighbours and fellow warkers gathered ta extend a welcoming and we]coming hand ta Mr. and Mrs. Wieger Wîjbenga, newly arrived bride and grom from Hol- Low Scores Feature Ladies" Major Leaguè Why the gloamy looks araund the alleys on Manday night? Cauld it be the low scores or just the mild weather. If Duaine P. tried eating a little before bowl- ing instead of after it might im- prove ber games. Bern. C. could fallow suit. No changes in the Lemon League this week. Standing of Teamns Luxton 37, Etcher 33, Lockbart .1, Conners 27, Beauprie 22, King 20, Courtice 18, Coale 18, Carter 16, Brock 14, Barclay 9, Joli 9. .Averages Kay Beauprie 195, Vi Coole 185, Onie Etcher 185, Hilda Brack 181, Jackie Elliott 181, Ruth Bar- clay 179, Lii Hooper 179, Helen Lockhart 174. High Single, Lil Hooper 249. High Triple, Hilda Brock 611. Foresters Organize For Hockey Season The following officers were elected ta guide the destiny of the 1951 Canadian Foresters Hockey League. Hon. Pres.. Cal Braun; Hon. V. P., Chas. Ferguson; Pres., Ray Boivin; Vice-Pres., Bill Haz- elton; Treas., Fred Bullivant. Committee, Harry Snowden, Bow- manville; Johnie Kirkbride. Zen Salmers, Herbie Bathe, Keith Craig. Oshawa. Referees, Gord. Hurst and Harv. Balson. Forsters from Oshawa, Rag- ian, Wbitby, Pickering and West H ill district wili be pooled in the Oshawa group, wbile Bowman- ville wili function as a graup. The schedule opens Jan. lst at Brooklin arena. The league win- ners will be presented with the D. J. Brown Trophy, the H. B. McCabe Fraternal Team Award and the Wm. Ecksten Trophy. These trophies are now held by the Oshawa Rangers, and the Bowmanville Foresters. Exlpibition games wiiI be play- ed throughout the season. wvith Forester teams from Lindsay, Janetville, Peterborough. The Bowmanvil]e Foresters will alsa supervise a local league in this district, and the Executive also plan ta hold dances tbraughout thc season. Girls' baîl teams that took part in the summer's activities, wili also be formed inta a girls' hockey league. This activity is under the direction of John Kitson, Bow- manville. Ted Hoar Leads High Scorers in Mns Major League One major change was made in this week's bowling and that was in the individuai averages. Ted "Baidy' Hoar came througb with a 731 ta bump his average to 234 while AI Osborne dropped from 235 ta 233 ta drap ta second place. This is Ted's first time ta be on top and the pressure from here in will be much greater. Bob Gallagber is slowly closing in on the top and now bas a 231 av- erage. Bill Muttan was high aggregate bowler this week with 749. Ted Hoar's 731 was next. Russ Oke had 730. Dr. H. Rundle 727, Bob Cale 723 and Bob Gallaghcr 708. Ron Richards won the Royal Theatre tickets with his 318. Bob Cale had the only other 300 score wi îh 301. Maxie Yourth wvas in a class by himself and had very littie apposition as he romped ho me with a nice 99 ta win the ham for the week. Bill Bates' team took 5 points from McKnight ta keep bis un- defeated record intacts. Bates' teami now has 41 points with Elliott in second position with 31. Alley Chatter There was a near-casualty at the alleys when Ted Bagneli dropped bis bowling bail on the foot of aur President Norm O'Rourke. Norm did a few hop.- downs for a minute but was able ta continue. Morley Vanstone is a peace- loving man but the way the aid four pin \vas standing Morley land. Master Rush Bailey pre- sented Henny with a lovely bou- quet of golden-bued 'mums wbile Mrs. Jack Stapleton read the ad- dress welcoming them here.and ta their new country. Misses Anne Stapleton and Jackie Bailey then presented them with an over-flowing basket af gifts and a box of groceries After many smiles and thank you's fram as Dealers for VUolseley Henny while unwrapping . the gifts, Wieger rose and, ini bis halting Engiisb, expressed their appreciatian ta their new friends. Ail joined heartily in singing "For they are joîly good fellows." Lunch was enjoyed and the rest of the evening was spent in games and singing and dancing ta mus- ic supplied by Stan and Helen Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Wijbenga ar- rived on Sunday, Oct. 22 ta assist Mr. Bailey an bis tobacca farm. The thrift and progressivefless of the Dutch people are well known and we are pleased ta welcome another family ta aur commun- ity. Largest U. S. to U. K. convoy of the Second World War con- tained 1667 merchanit ships.___ Farm Equipment, and Automotive Ltd. 134 King Si. E. Dowiuanville YOUR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER cordially invites you and your friends to a Grand Opening Showing of the 1951 model BRITISH MORRIS CARS Also on display will be the famous làA G U AR- (The Fastest Stock Car in the World) together with the Morris Six - The M9.0- Wolseley - and Riley- Ail produced by Nuffielci, builders of the world fanious Roils Royce You may see ihem and drive lhem belween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Thurs., Fi.,, Sat. m November 9-m10-Il Filini and present the coupon below which entities you to a FREE chance on the DRAW FOR THE 1951 PHILCO RADIO NAME-----------------------_ - ADDRESS __ __ PHONE No.------- *Me G. Cars MORRIS CARS are made in Great Britaîn by dw h"reft auromotive firm in the British Ilies, the Nuffield Orgarnza- nion, with nearly (A years of experience behind it. Every Morris engine is but with aircraft precision te give Yeu nearly 40 miles to the gallon, and you'll use ]et$ nil ton! The new Morris offerç Vou a noncy-saving car combined with plcnty of real riding comfort. See The THOR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES ON DISPLAY AT MorrîsesRiey THOR GLADIRON With the Thor Automagic Gladiron you iran sitting clown, automagically, effortlessly, just by touching a single lever with your knee. You can wheel it ta any room in the house, and when the ironing's done, it folds up, can lie tucked away neatly in a closet. THOR WASHERS James L. Cooke Motors Ltd. 2489 BLOOR ST. WEST, TORONTO Ontario Distributors for N"-UFFIELD EXPORTS LTD. COWLEY, OXFORDo ENGLAND announce the appointment of Farmn Equipment & Automiotive Co., Ltd. DOWMANVILLE, ONT, SEE THE NEW MORRIS CARS NOW ON DISPLAY.. $ s1395 UP . 1 hý 1 AY, NOVEMBER 9, 1950 j - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THMTEEN 1 - - , : , j

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