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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1950, p. 17

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TEUESDAY. DECEMBER 21,1950 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTABIO PAGE SEVENI "The WhIndand The Hala"Draina Preseied by Yorke-Sadlier Croup "The Wind and The amn," a i medical students. John WillUans modern drama et universlty stu- dents in a Scottish town, present- cd by the Yorke-Sadlen Theatre group and sponsored by the Bewmanvile B. & P. Women's Club, was greeted by a good as- semnbly i the Opera House, Bew- nianville, Saturday evening, Dcc. lt. The young acters and actresses put ail the naturaIness and gaiety itended inte the play, inaklng il excellent entertainment with its deligbtful comedy and rornantie scenes, ils carefnee stu- dent activities. Mms. McFie, the landlady, pro- vided good comedy, with ber quick Scottisb dialect, and brus- que ways, and her continuous: "«As I said te McFie." Piayed oy Pat Alkinson, she immediateiy won the audience as the landiady et a boarding bouse for young played by Cal Whitehead, was the utudent who finally pussed exanil afler years et plodding his way through ucheel. 1Churles Tnitton, the student who studied night and made thc grade in tue specified Urne, who wau supposed te marry a girl he had kncwn al bis life, but tel iu love othenwise wxth Anne Han- grueves, and who was devoted te family and mother iLondou, was portrayed by David Gardner. His performance was heart-warm- ing, truc-to-lite. Anne Hangraeves, capably por- trayed by Kate Reid, was the girl who kept Charles' faith in uchool and lite gcing through bis tedieus studies. Her performance was good and natunai. Jill Mannening, as the sophisticated childhood swcet- heant et Charles, was played by TO FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ... I extend Greetings for a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year GEORGE W. GRAHAM NEWCASTLE SL A D T 1D 1àG S . . . ot the most Menry Chnistmas wilbin your memory! May ail good tbings be yours - now and for the bright New Year. Schwarz Dros. B.R. 3 BOWMANVILLE Q~n~i 1Ti~ ~ -- - 1~~ Yes! . . - Christmas with ifs care-free mer- iment, its laughter and sang, ils qis and is age-old sense cf fellow- shipl1 Christmas - happlest ef ail times - and we hope, for you, It may b. the mest wonderful Chrismas of ail. At this time we would lîke te itharik our friends and customers for their business during the pasi year. S. J. JACKNAN & son 1 FLORISTS @ - -- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- Katharine Hawtrey, who teck Uic part with a akill that could met belle ber chni Donald Davis as Gilbert Ray- mond, Uic carefree, carousig stu- dent, who paid more attention te the ladies than te bis tudies, brought laughter te Uic audience. lie played bis part exceedingly weIll.Some hi Uic audience ebJ jected te se much drlnking and sweaning by this clever acter, but others clalmed thus was truc te modern trends.1 John Atkinson was the accom- pllshed. sure Dr. Paul Duhamel, &( Frenchman, whe nover stayed tee long Ieue place. Although sophisticatcd, he was neverthecs hurnan and sympathetic, as shown towarda Charles Tritton whien bis mother died. Roger Cole, Jil Mannering'u "boy friend,"I from London, play- cd by Michael Sadlier himseif, was Uice nly non-medico.maiei the play. Although the noie was miner, he put It acrosa quite cap- ably. Finally Ronald Bailcy, as Peter Morgan, the new student, lu cern- pleteiyI the -way in Uic final act, as bistory begins to nepeat itseif with a mew uchool term be- ginning and the new student cern- ing te board at MIrs. McFie's. The audience appreciation was shown at the end et the drama when a lovely bouquet was pre- sented te Kate Reid and the audience greeted ail players with hearty applause. Before the iopening curtain, Misa Doris Robinson, President of the Business & Professional Women's Club, made a short speech ef thanks and appreciation te those whe helped in any way to make the evening a succesu. Duning intermission, fudge was sold in the lobby. Pnoceeds from the evening will go to the Bowman- ville Hospital Fund. COURTICE To the Editor and Staff of The Canadian Statesman a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and to ail correspondents. Evening Auxiliary heid their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Eric Courtice with au attendance of 25. Meeting opened with the sing- ing of carols with Mrs. Harold Muir conductlng and Mrs. Lloyd Down at the piano. A Christmas poem was read by the President, foliowed by the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Harry Gray had charge of the devotional and read for the Scripture lesson "The Christmas Story,II found in 2nd chapter of Luke, and gave a short explanation of the les- son. This period closed with prayer by Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. This program was then present- ed: Solo. Mrs. Lloyd Down "White Christmas"; Mrs. Russell Gay gave an explanation of Christmas and its meanlng and read twe stories, "The Wreath Around the Heant" and "The Christmas Gift." Closed with a Christmas hymn. An exchange of gifts around the Christmas tree was conducted by the President and a spcial time enJoyed. The new President for 1951 wili bd Mrs. Lloyd Courtice and the other members will carry on an- other year. Mrs. Clarence Hock- in. is the retiring presideuxt. mission Band No. 4 Mission Band opened their Christmas meeting with carol singing. Three birthdays were obgerved. Worship service opened with quiet music, with Mrs. Lloyd Down at the piano. A poem was read by Mrs. Stan Cav'- erley and the Scipture reading given iby Milton Arnold. The Candleiighting Service. five girls llghting candies, Carol yinson, Marie Vinson, Myrna Peterson, Elsie Down and Marion Grills, and for each candle a carol was gung. Story, 'Silent Night'. by Mrs. Stan Caverley. Closed with Litany. Programn-Offering and dedica- tion; exercise "IWhat Can We Give Him" by fine of the children; chorus. Juniors; exercise, "Christ- mas" by fine children- chorus, Seniors; story, Mrs. Lloyd Down; song, "Pium Biossom". Mrn. Russell Gay. W.M.S. Presi- dent, and Rev. Sumervilie spoke and left a nice message with the audience. A Friendship Circie was formcd. The repeating of -w 4 Band Purpose brought the meet- ing te a close. In attendance wcre; 62 with 40 visitera. Candy and fruit wcre senved and a social- timie enJoyed. Country couples Met The Courtice Country Couples Club held a party on Nov. 25th at Uic Liens Ccntre, Bowmamville, with 30 couples attending. Lcw Dewell and bis orchestra provided thc music. Spot dance was won by'Mr. and Mis. Stan Lovell, cl- imination won by Muriel Met- calfe and Bill Lewis. Executive served a bountiful lunch. The Club hcld ther monthly meeting at Uic Y.W.C.A. at Osh- awa. AUl met at Ebenezer Chunch amd wemti a body. Adelaide House was celebrating its flfth birthday by holding Open House. A tour of Inspection wag made and craft and othen things enjoy- ed aften which lunch was servcd and business meeting was hcld ln the. drawlmg room. Hhc new siate of officers lncludcd: Presi- dents--Mn. and Mm. Cccli Milîs; Vice-Pres.-Mr..and-Mrs. Cari Adams; Sec'y-Trea.-Mr..and Mrs. Normian Hannan; Pneu. Cor. -Mrs. Carl Down; Advlsory Cern. -Mr. and Mrs. Hanny Worden, Mn. and Mis. Howard Bradley and Mn. and Mns. T. Albert Gear- ing; Social Cem.-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hockin, Mr. and Mrs. Wally McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mundy, Mr. and Mis. Tom McGuirk, Mn. and Mis. Cari Adams. Celebrate 40ti Annlversary On Dec. 14 Mn. and Mrs. Blake Oke quietly celebrated their 40th weddlng day. Levely gifts and boxes cf candy, fruit and cardu were reoeived and for which they extend rnany thanks. Sympathy Iu extended te the family cf the late Mrs. B. Dun- dus (nec Annie Parsons) who was a resident cf Ebenezer for sorne years betore ber manniage. Sympathy is extended te Mr. (Jake) Laird and little sons from bis many fniends bere, iu the loua ot his wife, at Maple Grove. Mrs. Maud Murray, Mr. and Mis. Howard White. Mn. and Mrs. Klrby, Toronto, wlth Mn. and Mrs. Norman Giffin. White Gift Service was observ- ed at Ebenezer on Sunday, wlth the Choir previding suitabie mus- ic. Mn. and Mns. Carl Down, Mn. and Mrs. Alan Down, were Sun- day visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Stan Loveli, Oshawa. At this time I would like te extend "Thanks" te ail those whe have co-openated ln send- ing in news for this column, and would ask ton a continuance cf same. Mrs. Hall closed Uic pnograrn with a Christmas Thanksgiving Prayer.0 Gifts were distributed'by the President and Houtess. Mis. Ful- ton read a short address and prc- sented Uic -Pnes. with a pottery vase itoken et oui fnlcndship, and thankfulness, 'for the wuy she had led us thnough the year 1950. Mia. MacKenzle thanlccd the ladies for Uic gif t and aise for co-operation which iu thc kcy te success. Mrs. Ermie Bradley was pre- sented with a hand-painted fruit basket. having moed te Bow- manville. Mis. Bradley thanked thc ladies suitably. Refreshments were served and ail lett for home, thanking Mrs. Kinsman for hen hospitality. Make 8406 from Bassa Countice W.A. held their an- muai Christmas Bazaar on Wcd- nesday, Dec. OUi. A large number had gathered by 2:30 p.mn. and the Pneu. Mis. Nora MacKenzle éalled for order and weicomed everyonc, and an- neunced Mnu. Geo. Annis, who breught greetingu fnom one cf our sisten churches, Ebenezer Un- ited. and Mns. <Rev.> Sumerville wbo spoke fer a few minutes and formaliy opened Uic bazaar. The booths wene artistically decorated with tissue and Christ- mas trees ail llghted. Home-cooking was i the charge et Mns. E. Gatcheli, with Mns. H. Scorgie, Mrs. Reg. Stephens and Mru. C. Robinson. Aprons, with -Mis. Tooley I charge, with Mns. Fisher, Mrs. E. McLean, Mis. Fowlen and Mrs. Alexander. Quilts, with Mis. Geo. Barber In charge. Fancy Work, wllh Mis. Hall I charge ançj M&s. C. Shuttron, Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. Fulton and Mns. Antil. Children's Counten, with Mns. C. Simnionu hri charge and Mnr. DeCce and Mrs. S. Kinsman. Tea Room, Mrs. Jee Gcaring I chargie with Mrs. Warburton, Mrs. Alexander, Mis. Burridge. Mrs. Nichels, Mrs. Fred Balson, Mns. Gea. Johnson and Mrs. Nellie Me- Lean. Country Store, Mia. Penfeund in charge with Mrs. Thempuon. Doil Counter. Mis. Brown I charge with Mrs. Audrey Johns- on. Cashiers: Mrs. C. Adams, Mrs. A. Hoy and Mis. A. Wilkins. $400.00 was nealized from thus bazaar. A very large number were I attendance at Courtice United Chunch on Sunday when ]Rev. L. same.vM. Sumerville presented an In- Courtee w A..teresting and Inspirational mes- Coutice W.'sAsscato sage. Mrs. Robt. Barber was Courice omans Asociaionsoloist. heid a special meeting i the _________ church on Monday evenlng, Dec. 11, for the purpoÉe of flnishlng upnAU'~. the year's business and electing H APT.O officers for l951;ý Pres. Nora MacKenzie presided. Home and School was weil at- "0 Little Town, of Bethlehem" tended on Tuesday evening, Dec. was sung, followed by Lord's 5th, with the President in thc Prayer in unison. Roll was cali- chair. 0 Canada was sung for ed. with attendance of 23. "JoY the epening. Minutes of previous to the World" w*as sung. The meeting were rýead and adopted. Christmas Story from Luke, chap. Treasurer's -report wau given. [t z, was nead by Mrs. P. Aiitil. - was moved and seconded thiat We A Christmas neadlng by Mrs, buy some new pitchers for tea. Geo. Barber was given. Prayer Carried. General business was by President Nora MacKenzie. carried eut and the count for moat "lIt Came Upon mhe Midnight parents present went to the Clear" was sung. Junior noom. It wouid 90 80 nice Business-The W. &. voted te to have more parents take an buy candy for S. S. Christmas interest. tree; to serve nefreshments atten Mr. Harold Quarry arnanged carol-slng at close of Christmas the program but was unable te service on Sunday. Dec. 17; to attend on account of his work. buy gifts for Primary and Be- Mrs. Woodlock preslded and caîl- ginners classes. ed on a maie quartette, Messrs. J. Liberal donations were made W. Balson, Gerald Balson, Har- to Building Fund, Board of Stew. old Balson and Keith Billett, who ardu, M. & M., W. M. S. and Par- sang two sacred numbers, enjoyed sonage Board expenses. by ail. Mrs. Brown. nearly 80 Minutes of last meeting read years old, from Edmonton, and and approved. Correspondence mýother of the President, gave a read. *wenderful recitation. She must Mrs.. A. Hoy was voted te act have been a wonderful elocution- as chalady and Mrs. Fulton as is in her ealiler years and she secretary durlng nomination and gave a short encore. election of officers. Rev. R. R. Nicholson gave a The foilowing were elected: funny opening te bis address and Pres.-Mrs. Nora MacKenzie; lut when he got down to his address Vice-Mrs. C. Penfound, 2nd Vice on Christian Equcation, he held -Mrs. Ruby Warburton, Rec. us ail spelibound. He gave many Se'y-Mrs. Cecil Adams, Con. things to remember and think Se'y-Mrs. C. Simmons, Treas.-aot aytak oRv DeCoeH. Scorge Coit-Mrs .Nicholson who willl always be DeCo, Flwer ommitee-rs.welcome to Hampton. Mrs. Nich- E. Gatcheil, Mns. Reg. Stephens, oison accompanied him. With mrs. Janet Hutton, Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. Kelth Billiett at the piano, BroFwn. oc ws ug.Mi-Mrs. Ken Cavenley conducted thc The irs Nol wa sug. iz-singing of severai carols. A nice pah Benediction repeated. Re' lunch and cup of tea was served. freshinints seve.Mn. and Mns. Will White and Douglas, Mr. and Mnr. Norman W. A. Iffida Christmas PartyY Yflowlees, Mn. and' Mis. J. W. Courtice W. A. hcld their Baison attended the lovely turkey Christmas Party at Uic home of dinner and Christmas party at Mns. Stan Kinsman. A beauti- Ebenezer Church Wcdnesday. Dec. fully llghted Christmas trce dcc- 13 when Mn. and Mrs. Cccli Found oratcd a apacious living-room ef Oshawa Wood Producta were where 27 members werc calcd te host and hosteau to their employ- eider by the President, Mns. Mac- ees and their wives. All enjoycd Kenzie. themucives immensely. Douglas SUlent Night was uung to open White recelvcd twe prizes, oee a vrogramme i whlch ach mcmn- for being a bathing beauty and ber came preparcd te give a read- one for having a blrthday near- Ing or sing. est to Christmas. A few of the numbers were as Guests of Mn. and Mu.. J. W. foflows: Winten Wondeniand and Baison recently wcrc: Mn. and Fresty thc Snowman were aweet- Mrs. A. J. Balson, Solima; Miss ly sung by Mrs. Kinsman's two Ileen Baison, Bowmanvfille; Mn. Young sons. Masters Jinimie and and Mrs. Fred Camneron, Mon; Morris. Mr. and Mis. Ruusell Chatterson, Rudolph Uic Red-noscd Rein- Wolseley, Sask. deer was sung by Mis. GatcheIL Mn. and Mrs. Orville Crozien, A vcry lovely recitation was giv- Summerberry, Sask., and their en by Mns. Terril, an eldcnly daughter, Mrs. Robertson ot Re- lady who rcmembered giving seme ginla, who brought her thne. i London, England, when a girl, months' oid baby (by 'Ilane) to «NeUlie's Shilling." Toronto Sick Childnen's Hospital Mis. Tooley sang Uic Whiffen- for an operation. Her parents poof Song. motored down te b. with her. Mrs. Alice McLean sang "When We hope for a safe recovery for Father Papered the Parieur." the baby. May our geed wlshea to you this Christmas remain aglow as a candi. that nover go.. out a.9.0. KING TAIm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. and MUs. Eelth Bfllett and1 Mary Jean were gueats of bis aunt and Dr. and Mns. Siemon, Bowuianville, for tea recently, and ljiÏo attended the Christmas party by the Foreatera Sturday night. SOLINA Mr. Burney Hooey Is deliver- ing commercial fertfizer to far- mers now for Spring sowtng. Among those attending the Holstein Breeders' banquet at Orono were Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pas- coe. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. and Mis. Gordon Leask. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Werry, Mr. and Mns. John Cruick. shank. Mr. and MIrs. Art Blanch- ard. Messrs. Bruce Tink, S. E. Werry and A. L. Pascoe and Mia. H. E. Tink attended the funeral of Mrs. Lelia Hogarth Fletcher at Bow- manville. Mr. Wesley Werry, ini conipany with Mr. James Brown, New- castle. vlited the faim of Mr. J. E. Houck at Bramipton. Little John Werry has been under*the doctor'a cars and little Jean Baker suf.red a laeerated finger lait week. The following officers were.ap- pointed at Sunday School on Sun- day: Superintendent, Mr. E. R. Taylor; Assistant Superintendents, Mr. John Knox and Mr. Wesley Yellowlees; Treasurer, Rae Pas- coe; Secretary and Assistants, Murray Vice, Don Pascoe and Ewart Leask. The Aduit Bible Classalaso held an election as fol- lows, President, Mis. Bruce Montgomery; Vice-Pres., Gordon Leask;, Secretary-Treasurer, A. L. Pascoe. Mns. Frank Gilbert was i To- ronto last week consulting a specialist. A nurn*er attended the Crop Imprâvement Meeting I Bow- manville on Wednesday. Mis, W. H. Bray han returned to her home i Pickering atter spending several montha with her sister-in-law, Mis. A. L. Pascoe. Mrs. Harold Pascoe visited friendsin iToronto. Mns. Ross Taylor and Doroty Mr. #Albert Wershe, Miss Anle Potter, Toronto, at Mr. Alex Pot- tcr's. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Crozier. Summerberry, Sask; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chatterson. Mrs. Wil- fred Robertson, Wolseley, Sask., at Mr. Albert Balson's. If sold for the value of Its chem- Ical elements, the human body would be worth about 98 cents. When turned looue te feed at will, a horse will eat hiniseif to death, while a mule will eat only hi, f111. The word "spud" for potatoes called "Society for the. Pmv«e cornes from an old organization 1 tion of Unwholesome Diet g- I CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Tro Our Cuatomers, - Friends - and Everybody 1 If we don't know you, we would like to meet you soon and give you our season's greetlngs in person. White Rose Service Station Bob Ewers, Proprietor Corner King and Liberty Sts. CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS1 NEW YEAR'S DAY Phono 662 DAX AND - - - - - - - - - - - - - NE N E W èr/th opetIvuuou The 9est offhbm #41 j:97irfq/ VR SIRE TU NEW 1951 ANO PONTIAC OCHEVROLE ON DISPLAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DECENDER 22md AND 23rd AFTEROONS AND EVENINGS ÀT Roy Nichols' Show Rooms Corser silver & Charch Sis. sawmaavihm .0 TffUMDAY, DECEMER 21, 1950 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIIM, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEqTjm Z.

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