TUECANDINESATEMA. EWMAV!LE.ONTRI PAE SVE LSOCIAL AND PERSONAL Plhono 6SU Miss Myrtie Gunn, Toronto, vlsited Mrs. Charles Bagneil. Mrs. Eva Hoskin, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker. Miss Helyen McGregor, Peter- borough, spent the weekend at home. Miss Joan Rice, University of Toropto, is visiting her mother, Mrs Harry Rice. * C. J. Smale visited her sistO!', Miss Ida Peebles, at Col- borne. Miss Dorothy Crook, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Morris Crook. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Richards spent Easter weekend in Wind- sor. Miss Eileen Wray, Oshawa, visited Miss Ruby Colwill on Sat- urday afternoon. Miss Eleanore Wight, Toronto, spent the weekend wit e mother, Mrs. C. A. Wight. Rev. S. R. Henderson and moth- er, Mrs. M. I. Henderson visited relatives in Palmerston. A number of teachers from Bowmanville attended the OJ. A. convention in Toronto. Mr. Glen Hodgson, Cobalt, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson. Mr. Hugh Smale, Ottawa, spent Easter weekend with his mother. Mrs. C. J. Smale. Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto. spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gunn. Mr William Walmsley, Northi Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mr.3. Wesley Fowler. Mr. Murray Dunn, Niagara Fals, visited bis parents, Mrý and Mrs. Arthur Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horne, Montreal, were Easter guests of Miss Carol Martyn. M Miss Florence Cook is holiday- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smith of Fleetwood. Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sist- er, Mrs. Wrightson Wight. Master Eddie Cook is spending holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ovenden, Oshawa. Miss Shirley Moore, Toronto, spent Easter with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Moore. Mr. Bernard Jones, University of Toronto, spent the Easter va- cation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs Harold Bennett, 'El aine and Johanne, spent Easter Ëwith relatives at Lindsay. ~Dr. George W. Miller, WasWV ~'~gton, D.C., spent Eastem week- end with his wife and family. Club 15 Bunny Draw was held on Maicb 22. Tbe lucky winner was Miss Jacqueline Hall, 246 Lib- erty St. N. Miss Mary Southey, Havergal College, Toronto is holidaying with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. E. C. Southey. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hutchinson and daughter, Toronto, -spent Eas- ter with bis mother, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson.' Mrs. L. J. Barton, Oshawa, visited at the home of hem son, Mn. and Mms. Douglas D. Barton,, Hilîcrof t. Miss Joan Greenfield, Toronto, spent the w'eekend with hem par- ents, Mr. and Mms. P. E. Green- field. 1Mr. David J. Gibson, Whitby. spent Easter weekend with his daughtem, Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, Silver St. Mr. Tom DeGeer, O.A.C.. Guelph, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeGeer. Si. John's Anglican Church Rev. Warren Turner B.A., B.D. 8 a.n'. - HOLY COMMUNION BAPTISM 7 p.m. - EVENSONG "Question Timie" Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeGeer spent Easter weekend in Pitts- burgh, Penn. Mn. John M. James, M.P., Mrs. James and sons John and Bob are spending Easter bolidays in Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. Jim Frank, University of Toronto, is bolidaying at thp home of bis parents, Mn. and Mns. Arthur Frank. Mn. Loftus Pappineau, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. C. Pap- pineau, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. C. Pappineau. Miss Edna Bottmell, Mn. Leo McCanthy, Miss Helen Jones, To- ronto, spent Eastem weekend with Miss Mae Bottreil. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Leishman who have just retumned fnom Flor- ida spent Easlen weekend with Mn. and Mrs. T. W. Cawkex'. Miss Betty Thackeray, Mm. and Mrs. Ray Stacey were weekend visitons at the home of Mn. and Mns. Alvin Stacey, Libemty St. Eastem visitons with Dm. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle and family weme Dr. and Mrs. G. G. Squire and son Warren, London. Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Lawsoi, Toronto, are visiting Mn. and Mns. Donald Lawson for a few weeks. Mns. Norman Hamley and Jeap, Petemborough, spent Eastem with the formen's sisten, Miss Margaret Tnebilcock.. Mn E. R. Freeman, St. Cath- aines, spent a few days with Mr. and Mms. Leslie Jackson and Mn. H. G. Freeman. Mm. and Mms. E. R. Hanna and Master Jimmie Hughes. Tomonto, spent Easten with Mns. Geo. E. Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Souch, Oshawa, and Mn. Albert Man- ning, Bowmanville, visited the latten's son at Sault Ste. Mamie. Mns. Hammy Banfield and Mm. Allan Banfield, Toronto; Mm. and. Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock, visited Mn. and Mms. Stanley Mal- colm. Mn Allan Femguson, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Donald Ferguson and Laura, Hçimilton, spent East- er with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Vanstone, Fred and Helen Margaret, visit- ed Mns. Vanstone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McCormick at Galt. Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mns. T. W. Cawker wene 4r. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, and Mn. and Mrs. Aubrey Smitii, town. Mr. Don Venton, Woodstock, and Miss Audrey Venton, Western Hospital, Toronto, spent Easter weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Venton. .Misses Florence and Doris Chantran, Miss Jean Noble, and Miss Jennie Tabacki spent the weekeid in Buffalo, N.Y. Miss Tabacki also visited ber home in Welland. Weekend visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Herb Gilinen were thein son Clarence Gilmen, with bis wife and f amily, Stankville; Miss Gwen Gilmer and Mn. Jack But- ler, Toronto. Mm. and Mns. Ivan Ellicott, Sandra and Donald, Peterbor- ough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wrigh.t, Scugog St. Mns. Ellicott, Sandra and Donald remained for a few days' visit. Visitons with Mr. and Mms. Charles S. Robinson, Concession St., wene their son and daugbter, Bill, University of Toronto, arld Ruth, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. K. B. Jackson, Kingston. Easten guests with Mn. and Mms. Don Shay were hiem mothen, Mms. L. Heaps. Mm. and Mrs. Elmen Daniel and son Kenneth, Mrs. Lamna Heaps and daughtem, all of Toron to. Tax Notices for 1951 were mail- ed this week according to Town Clerk Alex Lyle. Quamterly pay- ment dates for this yean's taxes are Apnil 12, June 14, Sept. 6th, and Nov. 22. Easter visitons with Mn. and Mms Fombes Heyland wene Miss Joan Trebeli, Mr. Douglas Scott, Mr. J. S. Moin, Toronto, and Miss Jacqueline Heyland, 0. A. C., Gueiph. Rsv. S. B. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. R. G. Harle, Director of Music Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yen, Carol and Grant, Orono, visited Mrs. Clifford Colwill and Ruby on Fniday. Mrs. C. Bartlett is an aten day trip through the Carolinas, Col- onial Virginia, the, Blue Ridge Mountains, and Washington, D.C. Mn. and Mrs. L. H. Bucknell and daughter Sylvia spent Easter weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. H. Meincke and daughter, Hamiltoni. Easten visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moftatt were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. D. Webb and Mauree.i, Ottawa; Mn. and Mrs. Russell Mof- fatt, and Mns. Vera E. Milîson, Toronto. Mr. and Mms. Gordon Campbell, Toronto, and Mm. Maumice Tam- lyn, Jr., University of Toronto, spen~t the weekend with vMrs. M. W. Tamblyn, and also visited Mr. Tamblyn who h1as been il in Oshawa Genemal Hospital for several weeks. M. Mac Rutherford who was slugged oven the head by a gun- ,w%;elding bandit and given a deep gash when The Bank of Com- merce at Coiborne was robbed on Tusday aftemnoon of $5,000, is a brother of Mms Chas. M. Car- ruthers of this town. HAMPTON SALEM Young People's Union held a special meeting in the church Tuesday evening. Mn. Carveth showed severar films which were both educational and entertain- ing. Mm. Farewell Blackburn gave a neading and Gerda Craig played a piano solo. Lunch wae served and a social time enjoyed. A good congregation attended the special Easter services on Sunday. Rev. Lute» told an in- teresting story to the children en- titled, "The Scarlet Lilies." His serhnon tapie was, "The Cross and the Tomb." The cl\oir sang a selection. Next Sunday there will be a reception service for new members and communion service. Mr, and Mms. Farewell Black- humn and family, Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Blackburn attended a birthday paty for Mr. Mark Blackburn at Hampton Saturday night. Mr. Gordon Shackleton and Freddie, Toronto, Mms. R. Shack- leton, Hampton, with Mr. and Mms. Ken Shackleton. Mns. Lillian Bine and child- ren, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Craig. Misses Carol and Beatnice Craig visited in Toronto. SOLINA The beauty and true significance of Easter was beautifully por- trayed in coloured sldes at Sun- day -School on Sunday. The ac- companying scripture passages were read by Pearl Leach. The vocal solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple," was well endered by Mns. J. Baker..1 The church service was well attended when Rev. Empey's ne- marks wene based on the Easter story. Easter anthems, "In Jos- eph's Lovely Garden" and "The Lord is My Stnength," weme con- tibuted by the choir. The choir assisted at the evening service at Hampton Church on Easten Sun- day. The playens pnesented a dness rehearsal of their new play, "Abigail Goes Haywire," befone a small audience at the hall on Monday nîght. It wasenjoyed by evemyone, and caused much laughter. Included in the cast are Misses Betty King, Jean Montgomery, Elma Cryderman, Pearl Leach and Bruce Taylor, Harvey Yellowlees, Munray Vice and Ewant Leask. The dinectress is Mrs. Everett Cryderman. The finst presentation was at Albert St. Church, Oshawa, on Wednes- day night. Gnoup 4 of W.I. are sponsoring a Lost Hein party in Solina Scflool, 1nursciay nignt. Mn. and Mrs. W. N. Coburn, Mms. J. Yellowlees is visiting Montreal, were weekend guests relatives in Toronto., of Rev. and Mrs. G. Empey. 1 Miss Nan Allun, Toronto, at Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Bradley Jacob, Wes. Yellowlees'. Pontiac, Mich.; Mms. Azel Nixo>n Master Douglas Milîson, Dr. and and Mrs. Catherine Jacob, Pont Mms. Jerry Milîson, Toronto, at Hope, visîted Mr. and Mms. W. W. Mr. Ed. Millson's. Horn and Mrs. R. Avery. Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, Mm. nd rs. . E Pnie dwith ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Mr. nd rs.H. . Piceand RussellGilîbert. son Billie,. Willowdale, with Mr. Mm. Charles Shortridge is at- and Mms. A. E. Billett, and othem tending the O.E.A. in Toronto. relatives. Mns. Jack Large and Robbie, Mm. and Mns. Hilton Peters and Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, and Mn. and Mrs. Keith Walter Parrinder and Helen. Peters, Toronto, witb the Salters. Mr. and Mms. Roy Langmaid, Mn. and Mms. Will Challis, Mm. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mr. Bowmanvîlle, at Theron Mount- Bruce Tink, Mrs. H. E. Tink and aay's. Mn. A. L. Pascoe attended the Mn. and Mrs. Ted Kemsey and funeral of Mn. Wes. Ashton at sonTornto Mr an Mr. 1jelBowmanville. soCne, oot;M. and Mrs. el Master Harold Yellowlees spent Mackun, Coiewmand e;Missseveral days with his cousins, Peggy Black, Sault Ste. Marie; ville.tadJh lln om Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Mmv adimlW.J.Sirs Clare and Douglas, Enniskillen, Osbawandwer atWMmJ. Spires, at S.Kensy's.Mmr and Mns. Howard Milison Miss Pearl Gilbert, R.N., To- and *baby, Hampton, at Mm. E. onta; Mm. W. Gilbent with Mr. Millson's. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Milîson with Miss Ruby Colwill, Bowman- friends at Arthur. ville, at T. Wray's. Communion service will be Miss Hazel Cunningham, Fen- held next Sunday at 3 o'clock. elon Falls, is with Mn. and Mi-z. Master Larmy Spires is holiday- Haland Truli. ing in Oshawa. Miss Betty Knox, Toronto,' with Sormy to report that Mn. Frank ber parents, Mm. and Mrs. Roy Westlake Sm. bas been suffering Knox. eye trouble due ta a broken blood vessel. We hope he will Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, soon be out again. xith Mn. and Mrs. Will White. Mm. and Mms, Frank Westlake Miss Phyllis Niddemy, R.N., To,. Jr., Phyls and Joan with ber ronto, spent Sunday at home, pimrents, Mm. and Mns. F. R. Cook, Mn. Raymond Petil, Long Bowmanville. Bnanch, spent the weekend at W. Chapman's. E nsilnC ul Mr. and Mms. Harold Quanmy E nsilnC u l with relatives at Trenton, Mich. Honored by Friends Miss Phyllis Challis, Bowman- O4A ville, with Mns. H. Wilcox. and On ULIhA nniversary Madlyn. Mm and Mms. Gannet Johnston March 22 marked the date of and daughtems with relatives athrce ,vedding anniversaries: Mr. Sunderland and Manilla. andt Mrs. Leonard Bradley, 4th; Mn. and Mns. Cecil Lockwoocl Mri. and Mms. George Rabm, 28th; and family visited friends in Osh- Mn. and Mns. Carl Bradley, lOth. awa. RtaMn. and Mms. O. Beckett, a sist- cm, were tea guests of Mm. and MissRetaKenslake, Bowman- Mms. L. Bradley. ville, with the Salters. Later in the evening the fam- Dm. and Mms. E. C. A. Reynoldz, iy gathcned ta wish themn con- Toronto, with Miss L. Reynolds. gratulations and enjoyed an ev- Miss Bertha Ammoun, Toronto, ening of cards. A buffet lun- with Mr. and Mns. Geo. Armoun. cheon was served with a three- Mn. and Mms. Bloy~d Wilcox. tien wedding cak centering the Cobourg, with Mrs. H. Wilcox and table. Afterwands their son sister Madlyn. Clarence called the gathering ta order and pesented thein fathen Mn. and Mms. W. Brodie, Toron- and mothen with a purse af money ta. with Mm. and Mms. J. R. Rey- and Carl andNoneen with a card nolds. table, canasta clotb, and cards. Mns. Lavenne Heaslip, Trenton, The family joined in wishing Mich., with Mn. and Mms. Harold thern man\ more years of happy Quanry, and Mns. McMullen. \wcddcd life. Mn. C. E. Honn's sale on Friday quite successful. Bey. S. C. H. Atkinson, Albert 3URKETON Street United Chumch, Oshawa, will be guest ministen at aur Easter service xvas well attend- Thankoffering service on April iecî with specal music by the 8th. Mr. Dan Wiliams, Bow- lom manville, %011 be guest saîoist. i. Re-,. Seymour, Mm. Alden TheGoo Frdaveveingser! Hubband and Mrs. R. Davey sang The oodFnidy eenin se-1 an Easter anthem with Mms. Rab- vice was faîly well attended 'lin at the argan. The beautiful cansidering the bad wathem, whcn basket of flowers on the altan beavy nain sbowems weme preval- were placed thene by the family ent, also snow flurnies. Our in memory of the late Mn. Tom pastor gave an inspiring message Bailey.I and the chirs selection was in Shirley l{elen, infant daughteni keeping with tbe theme Easten of Mn. and Mrs. Fred Sheehan Sunday services wene well at- (nee Helen Hanthonne) was bap- tended, and the Easten messages tised at the Sunday chunch ser- and stomy at each service and Eas,- vice. ter music by aur awn choir, in ths' Congregational meeting March morning, and the Eldad choir iii 20. was well attended. the evening were much appreci- Deepest sympathy is extended ated. Communion will be observ- ta the f amily of the late Mr. Tom. ed next Sunday evenmng, with iBailey, who passed away Marc 2 1f aur pastor in charge,.'ai ter a lengthy illness, Sympathyl 0 also ta Miss Maud Bailey of the village. Sevenal from here at- tended the funeral in Bowman- ville, with interment in Bowmnan- ville Cemetery on Saturday last. A. number from here attended the dance and'shower for Mn. and Mrs. Sandy VanDam at Devitt's Hall, March 2lst. Mrs. Grant Cannochan opened ber homne Marcb 21 for a demon- stration in cooking utensils. 12 couples attended and were senved supper by the demonstrator, G. F. Moffat. Mn. Earl Kirkum, Pertb, is the new C:P.R. foreman and is stay- ing at Carter's. Rev. and Mrs. George Nichol- son, Blackstock, visited Mn. and Mrs. Carter and family and called on other members of St. John's.. Mn. and Mms. Jack Frankum and Patsy are spending Easter SULPHUR Sublimed, 1-lb., reg. 25c ________19C IDASAL TABLETS For pain, 300's, reg. 89c--------------69e 16-oz. BOTTLE- $1.25 C0IM'BS Bobby, pooket orcurl, reg. 10c--------2 for 15c NURSING BOTTLES 8-oz., narrow mouth -- 4 for 19c POWDER PUFFS Velour, reg. 10ce-- - - ---- 3 for 25c TOILET TISSUE I.D.A. Brand, reg. 3 for 35c ------------- - 3 roils 29c MARCH DRUG Certified Suiphun, SALE SPECIAL!? Molasses & Creamn of Tartar MILK of _______---_--29c NAGNESIA HAT AT Promotes regulan I.D.A. Brand elimination Smooth and pleasant 1-lb. can - 59e tasting. Ideal for __________ adults and children. îDA i 6-oz. 32-oz. IDOL -AGAR Reg. 35c Reg. 68c Minerai Oul and Agar 16-oz. 79c 29c 55C 40-oz. $1.59 MOUTH WASH "Astringent type", 4 and 16-oz., reg. 23c, 69e 19c - 53e CLEANING FLUID and Spot Remover, 4 and lO-oz., reg. 25c, 49c-- 19e - 37e CORN REMOVER Liquid Remedy, reg. 35ec -------- - --- 23e PEROXIDE of Hydrogen, 4, 8, 16-oz., reg. 15e, 25e, 39c ---11c - 19c - 29c TINCTURE IODINE with appliçator rod, reg. 20c - -14c WHITE LINIMENT or Embrocation, 4 and 8-oz., reg. 29c, 49e --___22c 37c Alex. We Deliver week at Scarborough and Toronto with relatives. Fred Carter is spending a week with Glenn Aldred, Norwood. Isobel Carter returned ta Vic- toria College, University of Tor- onto, for Easter exams. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm ne- turned from Florida and are with Mrs. H. Rahm. Miss Gwen Dean, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean. Mrs. J. Rogers, Barbara and friend, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stmutt and Philip, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard. Mr. Gilbert Drury, Whitby, with Mr. Roblin. Mr. and Mrs. George Allison, Mr. and/ Mns. Frank Allison, Osh- awa, with Mrs. Pearl Aveny Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke, Oshawa, IDATONE I.D.A. Blond Purifier and Tonie 16-oz. bottle $1.00 VOIDS for body odor- bad beath 25e - $1.25 BALI, POINT PEN with plastic cap, pocket clip 25e ter, Concession St., Bowmanville, friends and relatives gathered ta honor the occasion af their 45th wedding anniversary. The nooms were adorned with .pink and white streamers and bells, while the dining-room table was beautifully decorated with a thnee-tier wedding cake, candles. [and flowers. Diining the afternoon and ev- ening, Mrs. Foster's sisters, Mrs. Eva Sanderson. Toronto, and Miss Beatnice Reynolds, Windsor; pour- ed tes. Janette and Nancy Fos- ter. grand-daughtems, served the guests. Many lovely gifts, cards and messages were received during the day. Relatives preSented the couple with a reclining chair. Canada has not had an ambas- sador in Russia since 1946. SAL IDAFER Iron & Vitamin B Compound 6O's 1.50 - 240's 4.50 Liquid, 16-oz. $1.50 HEINZ Baby Foods Excellent assant. 3 for 27o FACE-ELLE 2-ply 20c, 2 for 39e Man's size- 33e Drugs Phone 792 A Week of Ouitlanding Values . MAIRCH DRUG \MONDAY Io SATURDAY - MARCH 26 Io 31 HERE'S I.D.A.'S ANNJJAL MARCH DRIJG SALE - with its many specials and timnely teminders. There are plenty of chances for you to save money on produets used in your home. Check up your needs and take advantage of these unusual values. EPSOM SALT&~ 1-1b. can, reg. 25e -- - -- ---19c, 2 for 35ceI E A Box of 7 sealed powdems, reg. 29e---------22e A highest quality SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES medicinal oil 16-oz., reg. $1.00-- ----- - 79c ____________________________________________16 oz. bottie, CASCARA TABLETS eual45 3C 1 gr., 100's, reg. 39e -- -- -- -- -- -- --- 32c FLAXSEED Whole seed, 16-oz., reg. 29e -___-__-__22c BRONCHIDA I.D.A. Cough Syrup 8-oz. 500 I.D.A. Brand TOOTH FASTE A fine cleanser 27e - 4Ro KLEENEX 20e - 2 for 39c Mans size - 33e SPECIAL -SERVICE - AT THINITY UNITED DHURCH Under the auspices ai WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY at Il a.m. REV. T. L. TUCKER, M.A. Missionary of Angola, Africa, will speak 12:15 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00) p.m. - SONG SERVICE and Evening Worship PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGoregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Mr. & Mrs. E. Foster 45th An.niversary On Satumday, March 24 at the home of Mr. and Mms. Ervine Fos- with Mr. and Mns. Adams. Mr. and Mns. R. Carter, Peter-. borough, with relatives. Jim and Chenyl Rowan with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter. Mr. Bill Johnston is in Bow- mariville Hospital. We hope be will soon be better. Mms. T. Bailey went ta Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Onland Bailey on Satumday to spent a week with her brother, Russell McDonald, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and children with Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke for Easter. 1 ---- --- -- - - 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO TRUPSDAV- MARCR 29th. 1031 Easter visitons with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook wene: Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cook, Tilbury; Mn. and Mns. Fred Cook, Peterborough; Mr. and Mns. Frank Westlake, Phyllis and Joan, Solina; Mn. and Mns. Jack Ovenden, Oshawa; Mr. and Mms. Frank Cook and Susan, Mn. and Mms. Geo. Mutton and girls, M.ns. E. Marlow, George and Lilian, ail of town. Mn. and Mns. W. A. Davis, Dianne and Billyjîm, London; Mr. and Mns. W. R. Wright Wayne, Dick, Jerry, Larry, Connie Ann, Carying Place; Mm. and Mns. E. Shackleton, baby Ronnie, Tren- ton; Mm. and Mrs. B. Lidster and 4aby Susyanne, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. D. Wright and David, Mn. and Mrs. R. Wright and baby Sus- an, town, visited their sister Joan, and Mm. and Mrs. T. Wright. Four worshippems at the eleven o'clock Easter service at St. John's Anglican Church, tnavelled about 2300 miles to be present when Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Stron.1, Miss Bambara and Master "Dick" Strong came fom Calgary and surprised their former Rector and Mns. Turner by thein appearance in church. Mm. and Mns. Strong and family weme guests at. the Rectory until the Monday aftem- noon train. Their visit came -is a complete surprise to the Turn- ers. PAGE SEVEN