SEL ie4r RADE B: RNG YOUR JPYCS N MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS I OS5PED BIRTHS SKINNER - Shirley and Lloyd Skinner wish to announce the birth of their twin daughters, Lynn Marie and Lee Eleanor, at' Bowmanvile Hospital on March 2th, 1951. 14-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James L. Nicholîs, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Verna Muriel, to Mr. Conley James Battams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Battams Jr., R.R. 2, Bowmanville. The wed- ding will take place in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Bow- manville, on Saturday, May 5th. 14-1 DEATHS AVERY-At Hampton, on Friday, March 3th, 1951, Elizabeth Truli Avery, wife of the late Richard Avery and dear mother of Murate Robbins, Toronto; Effie (Mrs. W. W. Horn), Hampton; Milton F. Avery, Columbus, Ohio, in her 94th year. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, un- tii Monday faon. Service in Hampton United Church on Mon- day, April 2. Interment Hamp- ton Cemetery. 14-1i McDONALD-Suddenly in Bow- manville on Friday, March 3th, 1951, Almyra Haggith, beloved wife of the late Donald McDonald, and dear mother of Archie, in her 85th year. The remains rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Sat- urday afternoon, then at her late residence, 6 Mann Street. Ser- vice was on Monday, April 2nd, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 14-1 PAYNE, Maude Ann -At the family residence, Clarke Twp., Thursday, March 29, 1951, Maude Ann Graham, beloved wife of Reuben Payne, in her 74th year. Funeral service xvas held at the George Chapel, Port Hope, Satur- day, March 3lst, at 2:30 p.m., fol- lowed by interment at thé Port Hope Union Cemetery. 14-11 CARDS 0F THANKS Miss Maud Bailey wishes to ex- press her thanks to ail her neigh- bours and friends for kindness shown at the time of the death of her brother, Thomas Bailey. 14-1 The Women's Auxiliary of the Memorial Park wishes to thank the followîng for prizes donated: Mrz. A. Dumas, Miss I. Brookham, Mrs. Vesna, Mrs. W. Thirtle, Mrs. L. Roach and an interested friend. 14-1* Mr. Howard F. Wilson and girls, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Johnston and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the many acts of kindness and messages of sym- pathy during their recent bereave- ment. 14-i Mr. Archie McDonald wishes to express to his many friends, re- latives and neighbours his sincere thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness essages of sym- * pathy ad beautiful floral tributes extended to hlm in his recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear mother. 14-1* Mr. Thos. Cartwright and fam- ily wish to thank their many friends for kindnesses shown during the illness and passing of a devoted wife and beloved mother, particularly we wish to thank Rev. Warren Turner, of St. John's Anglican Church, fori his comforting visits. 14-if Jack and Jili Club of Trinity United Church wishes to thank the people of Bowmanville andj district who have helped us sell1 out our show "'Cornz 'A Poppin"'" for Thursday and Friday and de - mand an extra night*s fun onI Saturday at 8:15 p.m. Tickets at the door 50e each. 14-1 I wish to thank my friends, relatives and neighbours for cards, flowers and acts of kindness dur- ing my stay in the hospital and since coming home. A special I'thank you" to Drs. Sturgis and McKenzie, and to Mrs. Howard Ormiston, RN., also the nurses and staff of A2 Oshawa General Hsia.Mrs. Mary Wade. 14-1 Notice la Creditars AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the estate of JULIA ESTHER GRIEVE who died on or about the l7th day of March, 1951, at the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, are required to file the same with proof thereof with the undersigned Executrix, tiot later than April 3lst, 1951, after which date the Est ate wili be distributed 'aving regard only to dlaims whîch have been so filed. Dated at Bowmanvil]e, Ont., this 2nd day of April. 1951. Nina E. Neads, 12 King Street E., Bowmanville, Ont., Executrix for the Estate of Julia Esther Grieve. 14-3 Chicks For Sale S.C. WHITE Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hamp zBarred Rock crossbreds. Two hatches weeklv. Write or phone Orch- land Farms. H. J. Brooks. Bow-1 manville, Ont., Piione 2636.7-£j BIRTH JUST ARRIVED - For Saturday night, Cornz 'a Poppin' at the Town Hall, 8:15 p.m. 50c tickets at the door. 14-1 IN MEMORIAM ALLAWAY - In loving memory of my dear mother, Sue Allaway, who passed away April 3rd, 1939; There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last for ever. -Lovingly remembered by her son Cecil and daughter-in-law Fern. 14-1 GATCHELL-In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Gatcheil, who passed away April lst, 1945: When days are dark and friends are few, Dear mother how we think of you. Friends are friends if they are true, We lost our best friend when we lost you. Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten. -Sadly missed by daughter Hazel, son-in-law Art, granddaughters, Beth, Shirley and Joan. 14-1* GEDDES-In ioving memory of Patrick J. S. Geddes who passed away April 8th, 1947: Nothing but memonies as we journey along, Longing for smiles of a face fhat is gone. But we keep in our memory the love of the past For deep in our heants if is planted at last. -Ever remembered by the family. 14-1 VANSTONE-In loving memory of a dean mother, Amelia Van- stone, who passed away'April 5, 1950: What would we give, ber band fo clasp, Her patient face to see, To hear her voice, To see her smile, As in the days thaf used to be, But some sweet day we'1i. meet again Beyond the, foul and strife, And clasp each other's hand once more In heaven that happy life. -Ever remembered by daughter Gladys, son-in-law George and daughfer Mabel, grandchildren and great grandchildren. 14-1* VANSTONE-In loving memory of Mns. T. Vanstone who passed away April th, 1950: Sleep on, dear good mother, If bas been long years Since you left our bearts filled with sadness and tears, Yours was a beart thaf was blithesome and gay Scattering sunshine ail along the way, You know how we loved you, and yes, love you yet Though God fook you from us we cannot forget. -Ever remembered by son Char- les, daughter-in-law Florence and family. 14-1 Notices Old time dance, Newtonville Hall, Friday, April 6th. Admission 50c. Ladies lunch free. 14-1* Open bowling at Martyn's Bowling Academy, Thursday, Sat- urday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 14-1* Charis foundation garment for Corsettiere phione and reverse charges. Mrs. Blatter, Oshawa 2594r. 11-4* The Bownanville Lions Clubt Community Auctioîî Sale will be postponed until some time in October. 13-3 Mrs. Den Ouden, Waverly Road, takes orders for sewing ladies' chiidren's and babies' wear. Ex- perienced dressmaker. 14-1* "The Harvey Dance Academy" Register Friday afternoons (3 - 7) for classes in Ballet and Tap; Union Hall, Bowmanville. Irenie Harvey. 52-tf After his illness the office of Keith A. Biliett, optometrist, will be open for refraction, complete visual analysîs and xisual train- ing from April th. 74 King St. W., Phone 3252. 14-1 The Estate of Evelyn E. Cooke announces that if bas sahd the Realj Estate business fa Messrs. Bailey & Taylor, «f Toronto, and the business will be caried on from the samne premises until further notice. 14-1 BAILEY & TAYLOR Brokers Announce the purchase of the Real Estate Business of the late Evelyn E. CookeE Newvcastle Ontario This Real Estate business will be carried on by Bailev & Taylor froni the samne prernises, under' - -1 '46 PONTIAC Sedan, immaculate condition, new tires. 26 Liberty St., Phone 3504. 14-1 550 TICKETS for Cornz 'A Pop- pin' on Saturday nîght at 8:15 p.m. at the Town Hall. 50c per ticket. 14-1 CONGOLEUM, Rexoleum and in- laids available in many patterns, in yard goods. Large selection in rug sizes at Morris Co. 6-tf '42 CHEV. Sedan Delivery, heater and defroster, good tires, needs fender work. $575. Phone 2981. 14-1* "NEW Hudson" Autocycle, nearly new, 120 miles f0 a gai. Villiers 1-cylinder engine. Phone 2535. 14-1* WILL pay cash for Drop Head Singer sewing machine or White machine. Write J. W. Murdoch, 72 Brock St. West, Oshawa. 11-4 CEMENT block machine, with about 100 wood paliets. $45.00. Apply A. Tuson, 743 Albert St., Oshawa. 14-1* GIRL'S bicycle, C.C.M., parcel carrier, good condition, $25 cash. Phone 2311 between 3 -5 p.m. 14-1* ONE Aster electric stock clipper, used twice, _quick_-sale, $20.00. The Canadian Statesmcrn Classified Advertising Rates Effective JuIy 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - - - 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 wiIl be added A charge of 250 ivili be made for ail replies directedto this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANES 30 a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 100~ a Ilne for verse. Display Classified at 80e per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the saine rates. AI] Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money - (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sle WORK horse. Phone 2150. 14-1 CABINET sink, in excellent con- dition. Phone 780. 14-1 '36 STUDEBAXER Sedan, $175. Phone 501. 14-1 BELL piano, good condition; also studio couch. Phone 3578. 14-1 ADDISON combination radio and phonograph. Phone 3441. 13-2* 1948 FORD ton truck. Merlin Suggitt, Nestieton. 14-1* 1936 CHEV. coupe, $250 cash. Phone 3614. 14-1* 1941 PONTIAC, 5-passenger coupe, $695.00. Phone 3183. 14-1* SEE the new 1951 model baby carniages and cribs at Morris Co. 6-tf SPACE heater, small, in excellent condition, pipes with it. Apply il Church Street. 14-1 * CLOVERS, timothy, grasses, etc., our stock is now complete. Ste- wart's Seeds.*: MOTORCYCLE, 1947 Triumph, excellent condition. Phone Osh- awa 5852J12. 14-1* GIRL'S bicycle; $20.00; 4 chairs (set); Venetian blind 38" x 64" (new). 25 Brown St. 14-1* 25 BAGS of potatoes; purebred Shorthorn bull, 7 months old. Phone 2354. 14-1* 1938 PONTIAC Coach, in good condition. Apply 142 King St. E. 14-F* '37 CHEV. Sedan, good condition. Apply 27 Flett St., Phone 3232 after 5:30 p.m. 14-1 NAVY wool worsted pin striped man's suit, size 36, like new. Jack Hately, Phone 926. 14-11 1933 DODGE coupe, $200. Apply J. Caldwell, 94 Liberty St. N.. Phone 3405, 6p.m. to 8 p.m. 14-1* WE measure and instaîl finest quality venetian blinds. Phone Morris Co. 480. 5-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quaiify wienens, bologna, cooked hams, smoked bams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Iiarlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. During the summer monfhs - bog killing on Tues- days and cattle at any f ime. 34-tf GARDEN SEEDS - Sbop early and avoid the rush. We carry Burpee's High Grade Flower Seed direct from California. Ask for aur new "Town Lunch" Lettuce. It beafs them aIl. Stewart's bulk garden seeds mean more and bet- fer seed for fhe same money. Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville. 14-1 NEW machines at old price: Fleur - Bisseli tracton; manure spreader on rubber; Cockshutt 12-footh culfivafon; Cockshutt corn cultivator. Used machines, good: I.H.C. 12-tooth cultivator; 3-fur- row Case dise plow; Autotrac gear (new, cheap). Dealer Keif h Brad- ley, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Orono 81r12. 13-2 GIVING UP FARMING AUCTION SALE Norman W.'Pinch, Enniskillen. Tractors and Al Kinds of .14-2* . Tractor Equipment DRY body maple ,$18 per cord; The undensigned bas received green beech and oak, $17 per instructions fromn cord; also maple syrup. Allan . le 'Sn Downes, R.R. 1, Pontypool. 13-4 .S lln&Sn PIANO-Practice piano, fine con- John Deere and B.A. Dealer dition, excellent action and fone; 3 Miles West of Bowmanville on a bargain. Telephone 492 Bow- No. 2 Highway manville. 14-1* ta seli by public auction POTATOES-Specializing in No. at 1:00 sharp 1 top qualify potataes, waxed tumnips, onions. Order r sup- Saturday, April 71h ply now. Doug CurI,5Nl t, TRACTORS Bowmnvile. -ffJohn Deere H Tractor, complete FINDLAY cook stove, all white with Plow and Row Crop Culti- and black enamel, large warming vatar, excellent condition; Case cioset top and large water neser- VA Tracton; John Deere D Trac- voir. Albert Bothwell, R.R. 3, for; International 15-30 Tractor; Bowmanville. 14-i John Deere H Tractor. The above -tractons are ahi on nubber and in CONGOLEUM Gold Sea1 Rugs, finst class condition. yard goods and hall runners; Rex- MACHINERY oleumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. M.-H. 21-A Self-propelled Com- Phone 451, Waiker Stores. 23-tf bine, excellent condition: John Deere No. 57 3-furroxv Tracter A SINGLE cylinder air compres- plo, on rubber, new last year; sor suitable for garage work; also John'Deere 6 ft. Tiller, ncxv last a set of acetylene gauge with year; John Deere F.B. low wheel torch set, aimost new. Apply grain and fertilizer high sp'ed Bert Budai, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilic, Tractor Drill, new last year; In- Phone 2810. 14-11,fernational 3-section spring-tooth Harrows: John Deere spring- VACUUM cleaners, your choice tooth Cultivator, 10 ft., on rubber, of uprighf an cylinder type. See new last year; John Deeme 7 f t. these Wonderfui new Hoover Tractor Mower for M Tractor, Cleaners foday! Get one for new last year; M.-H. 8 ft. Tandem spring cleaning now! The Hydro Dise; flat bottom Implement Shop, Diai 471. 12-4* Trailer; 1938 Chev. Maple Leaf TRADE-IN - 3-burner ail stove, Truck, witb hydraulie dump; with oven; washers; rangettes; Case Pîckup Baler, xith auxiliary electrie ranges; coal ranges; space mofor: M-H. 13-tooth Cultivator; heafers and electrie refrigerators . M-H. Side Rake. Temms. Murphy's, Phone 811. This sale offers eal opportun- 14.1* itv ta buy xvatever rnachincrv OLIVR 6 an 77trator: ac yu ray need for spring at v'our OLIER 6 nd 7 tacor- oe owu mice. Somne of the bv Allison, until further notice. ems; double dise: mnanume spreader, îast 14-1 22A powerm mowems; plows. Order giving It' jyour equipment early, it is going witho fls ot too late! Yes, your fa be hard to get. Virtue's Gar- TERN contribution ta fthe Cripphed age, Tyrone. Phone 2882. 14.2* caî Children Easter Seal F'und will -cai sf iii be grafefully appreciated. If ART'S CAR MARKET, 175 King eryi you haven't already sent your St reet, West, Bowmanville, Ont. balani donation get if away to-day and Home of Better Deals on Better delive hieip titis worthv cause. Send Cars. Phone 2148. Open fromi mile incinev ç2r cheque fa Easter Seal, 9 arn. ta 9 p.m., Mondax' fhrough Fred Commit lee. George Moody. Trea- Fiday. S atumday until 6 p.m. surer, c, o The Bank of MÀontre-al. Cash, Trade and Easy Terms. BowmanviUe. 14-1 It inery -%as purchased nexv year and as Mr. Allen is ig up farmîng xviii be sold out reserve. MIS 0F SALE: Anyone pur- ig $500 or mo;re of machin- may pay or nce within 12 wry of machir radius. Lycett, Clerk. -i COMING EVENTS Rummage Sale, Tuesday, May 1sf, fmom 1:30 f0 4 p.m. at St. Andrew's Preshytenian Churcb. 14-1 $20 Jackpot. - Kinsmen Bingo, Monday, April l6th, 8 p.m. Good prizes. Bowmanviilie Badminton Club. Se Bingos. 14-1l Bowmanville Lions Club 19511 Minstrel Show, April llth, î2th and l3th. Tickets 50c from ay member of Lions Club or Ladies' Hospital Auxiliany. 12-31 Newcastle Y.P.U. will present "The Bathroom Door" and variety program Monday, April l6th, at 8:15 p.m., in United Church Sun- day School Room. 14-2i Bowmanville Legion Camnival, Satunday, June 3th, 1951. Tickets on sale for 1951 FordSedan, Kel- vinator Electrie Refrigenator and Electrie Washing Machine. 8-tf Attend the Foresters' Spring1 Frolie at Varcoe's Pavillon, Fnl- day, Apnil l3th. Dancing from 9 f0 1, fa Ruth Wilson Band. Ad- mission: gentlemen 75c, ladies 50c. Friday, April 13th, 8:15 p-M., atI Tyrone Hall, Tynone Y .Pe. will' sponsor the presentation of "Abi- gail Goes Haywire" by SolinaY P.U. Admission: aduits 50c, c hi d- nen 15c. 14-1* Corne to the Rummage Sale and Home-baking, f0 be held in St. John's Parish Hall, on Friday, April l3th, from 3 to 5 p.m. Auspices of the Evening Branch of W.A.14* Keep fhe date open for fthe W.C.T.U. silver medal elocution- amy contest in the Newcastle United Church Sunday Sehool Hall, Friday, April l3th. Aduifs 25c, children, 12 and under, 10e. Contestants free. 14-1 Bowmanville Nurses' Associa- tion Dance f0 be held in the Boys Training Schooi auditorium, Friday, March 3th, 1951. Music by Abbie Darch and bis orchestra. Tickets $2.50 per couple. Dness optional. 8-6 Comnz 'A Poppin' is sold ouf foir Thursday and Friday, April 5th and 6th. By public demand the show will be presented again on Saturday, April 7th, at 8:15 p.rn , at the Town Hall. Tickets at the door, 50c per ticket. 14-1 "The Bean Town Choir" is be- ing presented in Hampton Sunday School room, Monday, April 9th, 8 p.m., under auspices of Hamp- ton choir. Come and enjoy this outstanding entertainment. Aduits 40c; Public School children 20c. 14-1 Mrs. Halpenny of the Dominion W.A. Councîl is to be guest speaker at the regular meeting of St. Paul's W.A. on Monday, April 9th, at 2:45 p.m., in the Lecture Room. Ail ladies of the surround- ing district are cordialiy invifed. 14-1 * The Enniskillen 3-act play "~The Bean Town Choir" will be pre- sented in Newtonville United Church, Wednesday, April llth, at 8:15 p.m. Local schooi orchestra will provide music between acts. Admission aduits 40c, children 20c. 14-i Hampton United Church 76th Anniversary, Sunday. April 8th. Service at 2:30 p.m. Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson of Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, xiii preach. Special music by choir assisted by Mi. Don Williams of Bow- manville. You are cordially in- vited to this anniversary service. 13-2 Strayed ie-fhird down, TWO - year - old Holstein heifer monfhs. Free straved fram Lloyd Ayre's famm nery within 20 on N;o. 2 Highway. Last seen af KYle Squair's farm, Match 23rd. Jack Reid, Rtxvard to anYone giving inform- Auctioneeir. ai ion leadling to recovcery. Walter Orono, Ont. Frank, Phone 2403, Bwavle 14- 1.4-1*1 Real Estate For Sale PASTURE farm-200 acres, creek, good bush. Phone 18r15 Orono. 14-1* TWO building lots on Lamb's Lane. Apply 12 Odell Sf., Phone 3689. 14-2* 7-room brick home, heavy wîring, splendid garden, well planted to small shrubs, roses, bulbs. Pos- session May. Cash. 63 Centre Street. 14-1* BOWMANV1ILLE REAL ESTATE $2,500-Pickup and Delivery Bus- iness. $7,500-Lodge, 10, roins, furnish- ed. Terms. Immediate possess- ion. $12,000 -Lodge, furnished, nirie rooms. Immediate possession. $28,000-Lodge, cottages, cabins, fully equipped, furnished, 12 boats, 2 motor launches. Terms. Immediate possession. $2,500 - 5-room, insul-brick cot- tage, insulated, heavy wiring, furnished. $8,500-9-room, brick home, heavy wiring, new furnace, hardwood floors, etc. See us for Farmns, Lots, etc. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn H. G. Gill Phone 3326 After hours 3514 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE Mortgage Money If you have funds which you would like to safely invest at the current interest rate of five per cent it would be advisable to let me know. or If you need a first mortgage, boan on your home, farm or business property I have funds available for this purpose. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Phone: Office 32r10 Home 1r16 14-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 5-room brick dwelling, wired, storm windows and doors, hen house, garage, mail delivery, one acre; haîf-mile from school and church. $3,500. Grocery Store on No. 2 Highway, scales, stove, cooler, meat slcer, and merchandise at invoice price, $9,000. 6-room frame dwelling in Orono, full basement, hydro, furnace, built-in cuphoards, hard and sof t water. Possession immediately. Full price $2,000. Terms. $7,000-8-room brick dwelling on Ontario St., hardwood floors, al conveniences, extra lot. Haîf cash. Lot on Prospect Street. Other lots, farms, stores and dwellings. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 Livestock For Sale SEVERAL fresh cows with cal- ves at side. Phone 1631 Clarke. 14-1 TEN good pigs. Tam and York crossed. Frank Dorland, Phone 2335. 14-1 MORE corn for Saturday, April 7th, at 8:15 p.m., Town Hall, Cornz 'A Poppin', Tickets 50c at door. 14-1 REGISTERED Yorkshire boar, il months old, working good. Apply to Eber Milîson, Phone 2645 Bow- manville. 14-1* TWO young sows and five pigs, 6 weeks old; one sow due in May. Will trade for young cow, fresh- ening or will sell. Want to buy a couple of calves just born. Phone 2257. 14-1* Niotice ta Creditars AND OTHERS IN the Estate of JAMES SPRAGUE DYER, Deceased. ALL persons baving dlaims against the estate of James Sprague Dyer, late of the Village of Newcastle, in the County of Durhamn, Druggist, who died on or about the 29th day of January, 1951, are required ta send ta the undersigned at Newcastle, Ont., full particulars of the sarne on or before the 3md of May, 1951, affer which date the assets of the de- ceased will be distrihuted havirîg regard only ta the dlaims of whicb fhe Administrat ix shahl then bave notice. Dated this Sth day of April, 1951. Jean Elizabeth Dyer, Administrat ix, xith Will annexed hy Apha I. Hodgins, hem solicitor herein. 14-2 Used Farmn Machinery Auction Sale, ail makees and models of tractors, combines, and most other machines, Saturday, April 7th, 1:00 p.m., on corner of No. 12 and 47 Highways. Ux-Spring Farms Lîmited, Uxbridge, Ontario. 12-3 Mr. Harvey Morgan, first farm west of Kirby, has sold hîs farm and will seli by public auction Monday, April l6th af 1:00 p.m. sharp ail his farm stock, impie- ments, feed, etc. For particulars see bis. Terms cash. No re- serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 13-3 The undersigned auctioneer will seli by public auction for E. V. Gatchell, Lot 33. Con. 9, Darling- ton, on Saturday, April 21sf, at 1:30 p.m., aIl the household ef- fects. Terms cash.- No reserve. F. S. Mounfjoy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 14-2 I have received instructions from Mr. R. H. Biakely of Pîne Ridge Farm, Lot 24, Con. 3, Man- vers Twp., haif way between Pontypool and Millbrook on fthe County Road, who has sold his farm and will seil by public auc- fion on Tuesday, April lOth, at 1 p.m. sharp, his entire berd of Shorthorn cattie, breeding ewes, machinery, pot ato equipment and many other items. For furfher parficulars see bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, Auc- tioneer. 12-3 Having sold his farm Mr. Murray Bernie, Lot 8, Broken Front, Clarke Township, i1/2 miles south of Newtonville, will selI by public auction on Saturday, April l4fh at 12:30 p.m., bis entire herd of Aberdeen Angus cattie, horses, swine, poultry, furniture, hay, grain, machinery including a new Ford tractor, many other items. For further particulans see buis. Terms cash. No reserve. F. E. Lycett, cienk. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 13-3 FARM SOLD The undersigned auctioneer will seli by public auction for Mrs. Irene Friend, Lot 9, Con. 7, Dar- lington, 1/ mile norfh of Tyrone, on Saturday, April 7th, af 1:30 p.m., ail the farm implements, machinery, practically new; quan- tity of tools and other useful articles. 10 bead of cattie, 12 pigs, 7 weeks old. For a complete list see sales bill. Terms cash. No reserve. Everton White, cierk; Clifford Petbick, auctioneer. 14-1 The following contents of the home of the late Mary E. Fletcher will be sold by public auction at ber late residence, The Rosery, Bowmanviile, on Saturday, April 7th, 1951, at 1 p.m. Victrola; ail paintings; complete 1/4cut oak dining roomn set; soiid walnut seftee (antique); chesterfield; love seat, walnut; some odd fancy chairs; odd tables; 2 radios; brass bed and springs and spring mat- tmess (like new) dresser and wash stand: kitchen furniture; veranda furniture (set); hall rack; large lot of odd furnifune;, drop bead sewing machine; gas stove (good); Findiay Oval cook stove; Quebec heater. A large lot of good dishes and glassware, silverware; large selection of cooking ufensils; large quanfity of good fruit; linens; large quantity of bedding and othei items; feather pillows; garden fools and odd fools; lawn mower (neamly new); 7 or 8 scatter rugs and floor coverings; electric Easy washing machine. A lot of articles f00 numerous fa mention; one summer kitchen in very good condition. Terms cash. No reserve. Wm. Challis, auc- tioneer. 19-1", Help Wanted MEN Wanted-Apply Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries. 13-tf GIRL for general housework on a farm home. Phone 2418. 14-i WOMAN for general housework on farm. Modern conveniences. Free weekends. Evereft Staple- ton, Orono, Phone 51r4. 14-i GIRL or woman, general house- work, sleep in, Toronto home, central location, two adults, two children, $70.00 per monfh to start. Apply Box 562, c/o Canad- ian Statesman, giving references. 14-1 WANTED-Active neat appear- ing, intelligent young married man, with car, for sales and ser-, vice position. Permanent.t No experience necessary. Must be ahie to start work next week.1 Our men arc making good money 1 - $65 a week and up. W rite 1 Sales Manager, 386 Water St., Peterborough, 13-2 WE nequime dealer saiesman for Bowmnanville District for the Filter Queen Bagless Vacuum Cleaner. Car necessary. Must be arnbitious, honest and reliable. Marmied pmeferred. Seli a produet that the public demand and buy! This is a permanent position with high incomne. Write Filter Queen Sales & Service, Peterborough. 13-2 -Personal Lvs c uto HIDEOUS complexion« Then you _____________________ need -Kîcerex." Positive rcmedy vr W -da ferona for Eczema, Rashies, Pimples E'r ensayafmona Psoriasis, Itch, Bouls, Acne, etc.' Sales Barn on Provincial High- Amazingly effective. 75e, $1.35,1 way No. 2, 1 mile west of Brigh- $2.45. Ail duggists. 14-1 ton. lTcere N aldways a good lot - - of cattie consisting of spingers, HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber stockers anîd pigs at these sales, goods) mailed pasfpaid in plain also a good lot of buyers on hand sealed envelope with price Eist. froin ail ox'er. Anyone having Six samples 25c. 24 Famiples $1.00. stock ta sedi please have at Barn Mail Order Dept. T-28. No% -Rub- hy one o'clock day of sale. Oscar ber Co., Box 91, Hanùlton-, Ont C. Mw pian, Auctioneer, Phone 1-52 245 Brighton. 11-4 - 1 No. 1 CLOVER seed. Lloyd Ayre, Phone 2830. 14-1* THIS Week's Special - yellomw blossomed Sweet Cloven, No. 1, $12.00 bu. Stewart's Seeds. 14-1 Salesmen Wanted $15.00 a day - Your minimum selling new, revoiutionary Elec4ý< f rical Products. Full or part time. fa homes, stores, Trades, etc. Defails Dept. WA 1, P.O. Box 294, Hamilton, Ont. 14-1 Farmers Attention 1 WE wili be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animais and pay highest prevailing prîces. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gorlon Young Lt d. 7-42 Farm Help APPLY FOR FARM HELP NOW -Don't wait untîl spring. Get your experienced, reliable help from Netherlands. Also skilled workers and artisans available. Call S. Buma. R.R. 1, Nestleton. Phone Port Perry 225r24. 49-tf Wanted To Bi- BEFORE selling your lîve poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 51-tf DEAD FARM STOCK Picked up promptly Horses, cows, calves, sheep and pigs (We pay for horses and cows> As an added service we xiii co operate with your veterinarian in post-mortem. 23'ce per lb for live horses Cal, collect Bowmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 3-tf Repaire FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minai. 31-tf REPAIRS to ahl makes of refAg- erators, domestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- 41 trio, 42 King St, E., Phone 438. - 25-tf 4 1AUCTION SALES 1 TENDERS WANTED Articles For Sale QUANTITY of baled timothy hay; 6 pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone 2479. 14-1 PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cali S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Piumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Walls- glazed tule or plastic, ail colours Floors -rubber, mastic, lino-tile, quarrie and ceramic. Wili go any- where. H. G. Heai, Phone 2902. 2-tf TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up te 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, April lOth, for the pur. chase of one, 2-horse road grader. Highest or any tender notf -c essarily accepted. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk, Town of Bowmanville. 14-1 ATTENTION!1 If you are interested in obtain. ing experienced or inexperienced help on the farm, or in the gen- eral trades, we shall be glad te obtain such help for you from, the Netherlands, provided you will sponsor such an immigrant single person couple or family. For full information caîl or write: THE DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH Rev. W. H. Vandermeer Ph.D. P. O. Address: R.R. 4, Port Ferry, Ontario Phone: Port Perry 153r32 14-1* Wanted OLD steel roller drums. Phone 2297. 14-i SINGL-E bed, wooden, Phone 577. 14-1 LARGE size crib, without mat- tress, wooden preferred. Phone 2190. 14-1 PASTURE farm with running water. Murray Byers, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 19r322.. 14-1* STRAW stack, dlean ef ail wee seeds. Ivan Mountjoy, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 78r13. 14-1 MUSKRATS wanted, live poul. try, goose feathers, feather ticks, bags, scrap iron and metal. Phone 239M12 Collect or write Mr. I. Turner. North Oshawa. 12-4 For Rent TWO - roomed heated apartment, separate bath. 39 Elgin St. L. Clemens, Phone 2436. 14-1 550 SEATS at Town Hall, Satur- day night at 8:15 p.m. Fifty cens, a seat to see Cornz 'A Poppin' -ýj beld over for an extra night. 14-1 IN TYRONE-rooms partly fùrn; ished, for elderly or young couple. A building lot for sale, opposite side of the road. Phone 2344. 14-1* Work Wanted GRAFTING of ahl types done. Caîl O. K. Osborne, Phone 2480. 14-1 CHIMNEYS repaired and pointed, also brick work and block work done. P. R. Goodwin, Phone 3139, Bowmanville. 13-2ï, BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize ini complete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Seed for Sale THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOIVIIANV=M. ONTARIO THIMSDAY APRM Sth 1951 PAGE POURTEEN