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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1951, p. 6

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TEE CANAIAN STATSMAS. BOMANVILLEtONT1951 PAGE SIX__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _± UfjJi -rlL tf iifSf5l.lAY A ny- SOLINA Card Party under auspices of Group Four of Women's Insti- tute was fairly well attended despite the unfavorable road conditions. Prizes for euchre were won by Mrs. N. Yellowlces, Hamnpton, and Mr. Frank Wright, ]Bowmnanvflle. In Lost Heir Mrs. Burney Hooey and Mr. A. J. Bal- son won~ prizes. Mrs. Frank Gil-,, bert reccived the award for gucssing the ncarest to the cor- rect numnber of candies in a jar. The ladies of the group served deliclous refreshments. His manMy friends were happy to wish "any happy rcturns" to Ex-Reeve A. L. Pascoe who on March 29 celelrated his 84th birthday. Several Solina ladies attended the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Hampton, for lier daughter Ruth, bride-to-be of April 7th. Church services on Sunday were withdrawn owing to un- favorable road conditions. Miss Kathleen Nicholi, Toronto Normal School, lu student teach- er with Mrs. Eileen Knox at Bradley's School this week and Miss Gertrude Sidsworth. also of Toronto Normal School, is with Miss Betty King at Solina. Our deepcst sympathy is ex- tended to Mrs. Normian Mutton, Oshawa, formerly Hilda West- lake of Solina, and ber daughter, Ruth (Mrs. IrwinWarder), To- Say it With Flowers.. - FROM - Dowmanville Flower Shop 33 KING STREET W. PHONE 474 WM. W. BUCKLEY, Prop. j bR FOR A NIGHT 0F LAUGHS! ... attend Bowmanville Lions Club 1951 MIINSTREL SHOW at the TOWN HALL Wednesday - Thursday - Friday April 11, 12, 13 Irhis show wiII be presented only on these three nights this year. Tickets 50c - Tickets may be obtained at Alex McGregar Drugs, S. R. James Insurance, Allin's Meat Market, Chartran's Men's Wear or from any member of Lions or Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary. One-third of proceeds for Hospital Auxiliary WEDDINGS NEWTON - TERRY At Trinity United Cburch par- sonage on Saturday, March 24, Aileen Marie Terry, daughter of Mrs. William Terry and the late Mn. Tcrry, became the bride of Ronald Prederick Newton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Newton, Toronto. Rev. S. R. Henderson performed the ccremony. The bride's sister, Mrs. Lois Huber, was ber only attendant.' wearing a pink street length dress and accessories, with a cor- sage of red roses. The best man was Kenneth Newton, brother of the groom. The wedding reception was beld in Toronto at the home of the groom's parents. The couple xiii reside on Yonge St., Toronto. 1 ronto, on the very sudden pass- ing of a loving husband and fa- ther. Simcoe St. Y.P.U., Oshawa, were guests of Solina Y.P.U. on Monday night, when everyone spent a pleasarrt time. Congratulations to Ewart Leask who now possesses a private pil- ot's licence after completing his training at the Flying Club, Osh- awa Airport. Solina Home and School Club is sponsoring a card party at the school on Wednesday evening, April 11. Solina School Board bas had new seats installed, therefore the used seats are for sale. Sympathy is extcnded to Mrs. Tom Westlake whose mother, Mrs. M. Cochrane of Oshawa, met her death as the result of a motor accident. Several from here attended the funeral on Tuesday. Mrs. A. J. Balson with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balson, Cataraqui. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes and Jim- mie, Toronto; Mrs. George Pritch- ard, Bowmanville, at Mr. A. J. Balson 's. Miss Anne Werry with her cousin, Carolyn Werry, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKenzie, Jerry and Bobbie, Belleville, at Mr. E. Spires. Miss Mabel Harris with friends at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mr. Wes Werry and Mr. A. L. Pas- coc at Dr. George Werry's, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and Jean, Mrs. Mabel McKessock, Oshawa, Mrs. Allan McKessock and Miss Muiriel Smnith, Thamecs- ford; Mrs. H. E. Tink attended a birthday party at Mr, A. L. Pas- coe's. This was in honor of tbree birthday anniversaries on March 29-Mrs. Allan McKessock, Mrs. Bryce Brown and Mr. A. L. ~ coe. Town Survey (Continued Prom Page One) 25 per cent of the total cost. Similarly, Counties Council will pay 25 per cent of the total. They have little choice in the matter observing that the government is empowered to order the amount paid, The Town of Bowmanville xvill be liable, in accordance wîth this break-down, for bctween $15,000 ai-d $17,500. The amount, however, can be spread over a three, four or five year period depending upon how much sur- vey work Councîl wants com- plettà in any one particular year. Decide To Go Ahead Facer with the knowledge that thcy can lie forccd te, make a sur- vey by the government, and be- lieving that a photographie air survey would be beneficial to Bowmanville even 100 years hence, Council requested Clerk Alex Lyle to inform the survcy company that thcy arc prepared to proceed with Step One. In the long run, consideraole money xvili be savcd by baving an acrial pbotograph of Bowman- I~~ "I11 . m e WMF MOTO AET-SR J Newspaper wiihin A NEWSPAPER IPE buy this newspaper for news of, the worldj the country and our communty i particular. Our readers are also inter-, ested in news about food, clothes, enter. tainmenti automiobiles, furnture and al of the necessites and luxuries that have to do with daily livng. Through advertising i ths paper you. c'an give our readers the up-to-date news about your merchandise and services. Each onie of your advertisements can be a n!ws- paper w'thin a newspaper.. You should know ail about the c*ircula. tion of the newspaper that is carrying the news of your business. How- rmany people buy the paper? Where are they located? How was the circulation obtaied? To give yçiu this infornation and many other facts that you need and have a right to know when you buy advertising space, this news- paper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Established in 1914, the Bureau 'is a national, ýooperative assocation of 2000 advertisers, adverrising agencies and pub- lishers. Its purpose 'is to furnish advertis- ers with verified reports on the circulation of its pubflsher mem bers. Annuallyt one of the Bureau's large staff of trained auditors makes an audit of our circulation records, just as the bank exam- ner makes a check of your bank"s records. The information thus obta'ined is published in officiai A. B. C. reports. When you buy space in this newspaper you know Just what, 'n circulation values.> you get for the money invested. R#l tanaitau tam Thtis newosajr is a member of tihe Audit Bureau of Circulatfions. Ask for a co» of our Iatsst A.B.C. r.tèor tiv~Mg audi:ed fac:: rnd fieures about our circulation. A. S. C.m AUDIT BUREAU 0F CIRCULATTONS = FACTS AS AÀMEASURlE 0F ADVERTSING VALUE ville made. It will reduce the work of land surveyors and will prove a boon to future genera- tions. The pictures will be taken from a height of approximately 100 feet, it is bchieved, and a clear description of the topography of Bowmanville will be produced. Considerable money will be savcd when work begins to equal- ize the assessment; no measuring will be necessary. Every tax- payer in Bowmanville will know the exact -boundaries of his land; deeds will describe properties accurately. The survey will also be valuable for town planning, and waterworks and similar town projects may be carnied out with a minimum of expense. If the air survcy is not con- tracted for and a land survev made the government has intim- ated they wîll demand that Bow- manville employ a qualified draftsman to make copies of the maps, which are in a bad state of repair, presently in the Registry Office. It is estimatcd that a draftsman would be cmployed for a minimum of four months. Pur- ther, a land survey will bave to be made, and this would cost be- tween $20,000 and $25,000. These figures were not set 'by a survey company. they are estimates. One company contacted would not set a price nor would they guarantee a compîction date. Photographie Air Survcy works in conjuniction with the land sur- veyor and their work is recogniz- cd as acceptable by the Deputy Inspector of Legal Offices, To- ronto. LONG SAULT 'W.A. bazaar, held March 28th, was a huge success. Mrs. Lutej officially opened our bazaar with a few chosen words and wcl- comcd cveryone. Procceds fromn the afternoon tea, f ish pond, dryý goods and food counter amounted to $90.00. Thanks to aIl who braved the muddy roads and hclped to make our bazaar such a succcss. Church service was postponed Sunday because of bad roads. The only means of transportation is by tractor or army truck along these roads. Glad to report Mrs. Wm. Brown is slightly improvcd. Mr. Earl Penwarden with bis sister, Mrs. Morley Kellett, Janet- ville. It's. Thrilling! Daring! Exciting! DON'T MISS Motor Cycle Racing ON ICE! IOne Night OnIy! SATURDAY APRIL 71h - at the -1 OSHAWA ARENA S E E! dvlOhw and Hamnilton Riders .. Racing at Breakneck Speed on Glare Ice! Bring the whole famnily to this dramnatie event!. ADMISSION!é Adulis --75c Children --35c A Soldier'sPrayer Stay with me God. The night is dark. The night is cold, mny littie spark 0f courage dies. The night is long. Be with me, God, and make me. string. I love a game, I love a fight. I hate the dark, 1 love my wife. I am n0 coward, I love life. Life with its changes of mood and shade I want to live, I'm not afraid. But me and mine arc hard to part. Oh unknown God, lift up my hcart. You stilled the waters at Dunkirk, And saved your servants, ahl your work Is wonderful, dear God, you strode Before us down that dreadful road. We werc alone and hope had fled We loved our country and our dead, And could not shame them, so wc stayed The course, and were flot much afraid, Dear God, that nightmarc road, and then My eyes wcre blind, my feet were torr My soul sang like a bird at dawn. THE NORTH SHORE The horses with the foam-white manes Come tramping on the sand They charge in squadrons from the deep And rush against the land. At other timnes they turn and flee To the far horizon's rim, Some other shore o nwhich they roa r Will hear their marching hymn. In calmer mood the wavelets dance When the sun is riding high Or softly murmur on the beach A liquici lullaby. The purple Durham hilîs stand back Like sentiniels, serene, Reflecting every season, s mood To the pleasant plain betwecn. The bilîs, the plain, the lake, Their open pages sean; Such matchless beauty was or- dained To feed the soul of man. -W. Wilton, R. R. 4, Bowmanville YOUR EYES and Vision Rewnittcn previous copyrights of C. H. TUCK Optometrist Disney Bldg. (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa - Phone 1516 No. 146 Pain back of the eycs notice- able at close work, rcading, sew- ing, etc., mnay at times be very troubiesome. When close work is persi8tently followed some' dizziness and biliousncss may be noticed. This suggests an error of vision or perhaps the muscles of the eyes are weak or impro- perly balanced. Sometimes it is noticed that distance vision will appear normal. This normal ap- pearance (if things is due, no doubt to some effort and this persistent effort creates the strain which causes the above symptoms. - (Copyrighted) Marie Brown and Mary Jones, experience whichl couid be ours Mrs. Fred Henderson gave a short by taking God at Hlis -word. A reading on "Easter." Lunch was practical eeydvreligion that served by the hostess and ber could cure ail tlie ilîs of the pres- group. cnt day, individuajl, national and Flying Officer Raymond Gil- international. . A. Redki-ap mer, Trenton, and Mr. and Mrs. sang a fittinEý ;oo. accompanied Lewis Stone and Lanny, Peter- by Mrs. R. HallowellI.,vhich WaIs borough, wcre gucsts of Mr. and mucb appreciated. A social hour Mrs. F. Gilmer. over a cup of Ica and simple but Thankoffex'ing services of the dclicious IlInchi brought the im- W.M.S. were beld on Good Fni- pressive service to a close. day aftcrnoon with a fine at- _________ tendance. Twenty-fivc of the Af- ternoon and Evcning Auxiliari*es We must miake moen rcalize that of Orono were gucsts. Mrs. 'C. there is a God, tluat tlicv are in Burley, President prcsided. Rov. His presence and I-is power. The D. L. Lancaster rcad the scrip- more we mnake mon fec i that Godl turc. Mrs. A. A. Drummonid, is in the wvorld, tj,'c mure, justice Orono, gave an inspiring address. and rightcousucs.s thcre xiii be. delving dccply into a Christian -George A. Gordlon. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. James Stone is out of hospital and is staying with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. James Stark and family spent Sunday with rela- tives at Castieton. Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rold Hawkins and two sons, Newcastle, have moved into the house purchased from Cecil Burley. The Hatherley baby is home from the Sick Cliildren's Hospital at Toronto and is progressing f av- orably. Mrs. Abbîe Pethick, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Mill- son and Mrs. .Gilmer Smith. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton on the birth of a baby girl at Bowmanville Hospital, March 27. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy and son Paul of the Bethany Telephone Exchange and Mr. and Mrs. Argue with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones on Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Gardiner, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Allen. Mrs. William Coles is out of hospital and is in Mrs. Brown's rest home at Newcastle. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Johnston on the sudden death of their daughter, Ruth, Mrs. Howard Wilson, Dray- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. James Payne, To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham and family, Newcastle, visited Mrs. Gilmer Smith. Miss Dorothy Brown and Miss Lorna Aiken, Peterborough, with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Kenneth Gibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs, had his ton- suls removed at Bowmanville Hos- pital Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boyle at Ajax on Sunday. Mrs. Reuben Payne who has been in failing health for the past three years passed away at hei. home on Thursday. The funeral was held from the George Fun- eral Parlors, Port Hope, on Sat- urday with Rev. L. H. Turner of Newcastle officiating. Interment was in Port Hope Union Ceme- tery. Mrs. D. Hall and daughter Marilyn and Mrs. W. Parker, Ot- tawa, visited Mrs. Willis Jones on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lester and sons with Mr. and Mrs. Les- ter, Sr., at Agincourt. Miss Clara MeCrimmon, Osh- awa, with her cousin, Miss Phyllis Van Allen. Mrs. William Uglow has re- turned from Orono and bas with her at present, Mrs. William Me- Holm of Morrish. W. A. met at Mrs. Clinton Brown's xvith about 25 in attend- ance. Following the opening ex- excises readings were given iby Mrs. Ross Hallowell and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Arrangements for collection of waste paper will be announced later. The follow- ing committee was appointed to inquire about church decorating and report an estimate at next meeting: Mrs. Earl Walkey, Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Mrs. Carl Paed- en. Rev. Arch. MeLachlan of Ajax will be guest speaker at our anniversary service, May 20, and special music will be provided by the Boys' Choir from the Bow- manville Training School. Ennis- killen p*ople will present theji play "The Beantown Choir" ini our church, April il, with our local school orchestra providing musical numbers. A donation of $5.00 was voted the Red Cross fund. Following a vocal duet by Get quick relief for aching muscles, the easy soothing way. Rub in fast-acting Minard's Liniment. SORE MUSCLES ? I "KN FPAIN" WRITE ELEPHANT IN YOUR HOUSE? DEAR HOUSEHOLDER: House-cleaning timp is here. Yoti will pro- bably corne across mnany articles for which vou have no further use. Rather then relegate them hto the cellar or attîc to accumulate dust why flot donate them to the White Elephant Booth in the dune Fair being sponsored by the Bowmanville Memnorial Hos- pital Ladies' Auxiliary. Any article - large or smaîî - wiuu be greatly appreciated. - For prompt pick-up service - Phone MRS. FERGUS E. MORRILL Telephone 2456 Thermos Bofules Nyal Creophos Plats $1.89-$l.98 Stops Biuiiuhi:sl Ciuulfýls Haîf Pints ---------------$.50 Builds 1u1)hIle 4)1 Quarts --------------- $2.69-$3.79 Lge. Botile - 123 MIS5 On~y¶3ic~ CAR TOI TELLWHICH TWIN HAS THE TOMI? 0 Comi are resuits in the.p hotos-yo'on l agref. yoii van t tell which twin bas the 'oni -wliieh as the I,,'utuy mhop permanent costing $20.00. No otiier homne<'1wr- manent dares make this comparison. Jeanne Pastoret, the twin with the 'loni, is fshow~n '0 right. llair settings by professional stylist INSIST ON THE TONI REFILL. ONLY NO FINER WAVE AT ANY PRICE'1 LARVEX w~flI moth proof your suit for one year. 16-oz. bottie --- -- 89e .2-oz. bottle $1S.39 Bottie and Sprayer ---$1.49 Dcc Tee MNoth Killer Crystals ------- ------ 59e Spring Tonics Wampole's Lxtract - 5-- 1.00 Phosplîolecîthlln$1S.25 Burdock Blood Bitters S1.25 Seott's Finulsion, 3c-SI1.19 W'atcrhiîry's Uomp. -$13.25 Moth Blocks _____- 15c-25c illypopho'Sp)liiteS $.00 Bayer's Aika- Anacin Iu'dantine Aspirin Seltzer Tahiets Tabletq 18c-29e-79c 34e - 68c 25c-49c-79e 25c - 69e Kicenex ___ 20e Men's Face1he Kleenex, rmen', size - -33e 1Cushioned lavelle 22C COWLING'S DRUG STORE I n i I ê "p "j I'm but the son my mother bore A simple man, and nothing more But God of strcngth and gcntleness Be pleascd to make me nothing less. Help me, 0 God when dcath is near. To mock the haggard face of fear. That when I faîl - If faîl I must, My soul may triumph in the dust. From L/Cpl. J. W. Goodman, C800300, 2 Btn. R.C.R., C.A.S.F. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO nImTrznAv Arm'rT luu Inn, -ëÀ& MR WE FIT p "69'5" E COWLING'S DRUG STORE TRUSSES

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