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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1951, p. 7

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~URSDT, AGUSTOth. 951 NE CNADIA STAESMA. LOMAN yIm.T."VIN ,'rAit Behind The Scenes Staff 0f Bowmanville Hospital s41 Seldomn seen but very importai'it in the lie of a hospital are the people pictured above. Back row: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevens opert e the ail important hospital laun- dry; Toni Wdwoyniuk handles maintenance; Mrs. Leah MVarchant helps out in the kitchen and Eddie Wiletts is hospital orderly. Centre row: iVrs. Mary Cann is a nurses' aide, and the head hidinga behind the woman at the right belongs ta Evelyn Smale, second cook. Front row: Norma Hagerman, Catharine Campbell and Gwen Ransberry are nurses' aides. M.adMrs. John Berry, Mn. and Mns. Ro eryrnMs ~urI I Aifl 5ImH~UMAJGiddus Joncs. town, visited Mr. SOCAA ND PERS M ONIAL and Mns. Clifford P. Joncs, ta IPhone 663 aI.adÉr.Ens u, Nancv and John. and Mn. and Mrs. Charles Bettles and Mar- Mn. D. A. McMilan, Winnipeg, Mns. W. S. Staples bias been Margaret visited Niagara Falls on Man., visited bis cousin, Mrs. C. J. visiting ber father at Meaford. Sunday. Smale. Mir. and Mns. Hilton Peacock Ms .Miceadduhe Miss A. Olive Jose. Hanýilton, and Garry, Pont Hope, werc visi- Shanron, Hamilton, visited bier is visiting Mrs. W. F. Dale. King tons of Mn. and Mrs. Eber Crago, parents, Mn. and Mrs. L. H. Buck- Street. Town Line. nell and accompanied tbem ta Mn. F. S. Pbillips, Ottawa, las Principal L. W. Dippell will be Ottawa. been visiting bis family at Pro- at bis office on August 16 and 17 Mn. and Mns. Ross Cook. accam- vidence. ta interview students rcgarding panied by his mother. Mns. F. R. Miss Carolyn Mason is spend- their courses. Cook. Florence and Eddie attend- ing a week at Camp Pretoria, On- Mns. Clarence Osborne,- Don- cd Eden Decoration Day services, 5 0ri County. ald and Katbleen, visited bier par- August 5tb. Or'iirs. F. S. Pbillips bas neturn- ents. Mn. and Mrs. William lien- Mn. and Mrs. Jack Ovenden "from a visit witb ber brother ning, Oshawa. ,and cblîdren. Oshawa. and Flor- in Owen Sound. Const. Allan Clarke, R.C.M.P, ence Cook, Bowmanvillc, spent a Mrs. A. T. Pearce, Cedan Gnavc, Ottawa, spent the weckcnd with Smk itb, F retao d Ms yi N.J.. is visiting ber cousin, Miss his mother, Mrs. Wm. Clarke, Di- SmthCaee HaesondMn Flonence Wcrny. vision Streetl. lrne ae n r Miss Novelda Berny bas re- M.DnVnoWosok and Mns. Gea. W. James, Bow- Mr. on ento, Wodstckmanville, called on tbeir aunt, turned f rom bolidaying in the spent bbc weekend witb bis pan- Miss Ellen J. James at Mrs. E. New England States. ents. Chief of Police and Mrs. Wicks' "Sunnylea" an Tbunsday Mn. and Mrs. Sam Wilson. Wcs- Sidney Venton. evening. tnd wre hGolid.amessa n Mayor and Ms. Lawrence C. M. and Ms. W. A. Davis, andMns Ge. W Jaes.Mason, Carolyn and Tommy, mot- Dianne and Bilîx' Jim. London. Miss Joyce Lawson, London, ored to Niagar a Falls for a few hav e retunnied home aften spend- Ont., spent the weekend with Mn. days last week. ing two wceks wibh their grand- and Mrs. Wm. G. James. M.adMsJon .JmeParents, Mn. and Mns. T. Wright. Miss Lyda B. Topliff, Chicago, John. and Br obbhnc M.liamis, Mn. John P. Mayberry, Prince- Ill, visited Mn. and Mns. Lloyd at batad Webey, urhldnt i-tn ese.i iiiga Ayne, Kingston Road East. tCaeuWmly unRi-t.Ne Jrs.i %*stng t Mn.ndMrs J H.BlckCap-er, Haliburton. the home of bis Parents, Mn. and 1 Mr.-nd Ms. . H.Blak, Cmp-Mrs. M. L. Roenigk. Mn. May'- belîford, are visiting their son, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cook, Chat- benry lis on the staff af Princeton Mr. and Mrs. Sam Black. ham, spent a few days witb bis University. Mn. W. J. Berry is enjaying his Parents, Mn. and Mns. F. R. Cook: Mn. and Mns. J. Elmo Ander- annual vacation by taking a trip and othen friends. son have been holidaying witb througb bbc Maritime Provinces. Mn. and Mns. L. H. Bucknell Mn. and Mns. Harold D. Clemens,t Dr. and Mrs. Lamne McTavisb., and daugbter motored 13 Ottawa Williamsville. New York, and' Oshawa, spent Tuesday visiting, and are vacationing wibh Mn. and witb Mn. and Mns. Fred Butters,o Mn. and Mns. W. H. CarnuIthers. 'Mns. W. G. Bradley'. Penn Yan. New York, bath beingf Mn Bill Leask, Camp Borden, Misses Doris Lariet' and Bar- farier nesidents of Bawmanvile.r spent the holiday weekend witli bara Spencer spenb last xx'ek at Mn. and Mrs. Lorne J. Brow-n, bis mothen, Mrs. W. J. Leask. Connell's cottage at Leonards Windsor, wene lholidaving last Mrs. Venna Beglex', Toronto. Beach un Lake Simicoe. xveek in bis bo 'bood haunts at spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. E. Chase Leskard wxhere he found therev Mn. and Mrs. Bill Beglcy and and M1\1. and Mrs. W. R. Strike xvene stili speckled beauties in . family. are holîdaving aI Ilîcin summeir bbe sreams bie frequented long Mrs. Fred Rabbins and Isabel, cottage at Algonquin Park. aloi Tbev also visibed bis si ster,1 Mni. and Mrs. Earl Byam in Osii- Oshawa, spent a weck wibh ber Dr. Gea. W. Miller~. Washington. awa. sister. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Os- D.C., bas been bolidaying witb udx fenonRx.Wre bonne, bis fainil 'v in Nothern OntarioSand Mrs. Trnonr vitbatheirfa-e Mn. and Mrs. Owen Nicliolas and tbey are now back in town. ilx' lef fornLae Cah aim on and Gleny's bave i'eturned [o-a Mn. and Mrs, William Watson, vacation. During the Redtor's M their vacation at Elgin House, Hamilton. wbo .bave been visiting holiday Rev. E. G. Max' is :1 Muskoka. Mn11. W. J. Cul].-% enjoyved a moton charge of the panisb and will lv Mr. and Mrs. Dave H-iggon. trip ta Monîneal and Quebec City., at bb, rectorx'. With Rev. Max' David and Berta, have retutrncd Ouit-of-toxxn guests aItbe Dug- wh ebsdagtr r.S. F. S( frhsedn olidays at Con- gan - Glanxville wedding cin Rider and ber two cbildren. 'Re V. 0o pet- Cliff. Julv 28 wxere Mn. and Mr,;. lbe'î Max' %vas a piest af bbe Diocese fi Messrs. Ai't Haopcr, Art Brooke.. Cox. Mn. and Mns. Fred Smith,'Of AMonîrcal util bis netirement ai Don Wright and Jînii' Lunn Miss Adelaïcit, G trou x, Mn. lo1- '-lil spent the weekend fishinz'at Tory ard Kane, Missý Doneen Greeia n Hill iii the Highlands of f Ilibur- %%,a\- and Mr. Coiti lal of' 1yPP ri ton. Oshawva. I WEDDLING i r7 ýSTEELE - PINEYI I~ T [I ,The miarriage af Gladys Joan i u O ~i î ~ H ) H solemnized in the parsonage of i <Pal> ne Stretanios teele was o InteConfusion of aur Time-.,lie w ha w oild Oshawa, witb Rex' J. K. Moffat Fi the oure o hi Lie aax iam lNateîmu ofaiMns. Robent Pinex', Oshawa, S. tae bime to meditate and Piax ta I studv the Haly :and the late Mn. Pineyv, and bbc Ji SJq tures, and seek thle Guidance of CGcc. bridegroam is sali af Mn. and Mrs. or Russell Steele, Nestletoi. xW The bride. wbho was atîended bv vc U NITIED SEMVsC Cathberine Flitiboff, wore a t OF street-length dress of dusky rose bo French crepe wiîb a white bat ea and accessanies and a corsage af ~fl ,,D ~ ~ mwwl ed nases. Miss Flilitoff %vas in en S T. PAUL'S AND ARINITY nax'v blute crepe with white ac- wi cessonies. Pink roses compnised a lier corsage. C UNJ ED HU CHE kthe duties af best man. fai il A.M. - AT TRINITI' .At tbe reception beld at thbcthb Soloit - ISS M RGART ALaN hoe of bbc brides sister, Mrm. ot' So]osî - MISSMARGRET LLINJack Jobostane. and Mn. John- "Ninety -Third Psalma' - - - Macdeî-mi Stone, Frank Street, Osbawva, tbe ______bride's niother wore mauive crepe tbh and thc bridegroom's mothen wore w]i naxx' blue crepe. Bath bad cd Communily Eveuing Scrvic ebasen matcbing accessonies and ab, corsages of carnations. Sel 7 P.M. - AT SALVATION ARMY Laten Mn. and Mrs. Steele lcft dei ______ion a trip ta Florida and on their Bo reluro will live in Osba\wa. For tno If you are holidaying in f bis area, plan to worship travelling bbe bride wore a vel- Ho with us this Sunda',. Ion- orded soit xx 1h beige and E Minister Dixector of Mýj sic brw1ussne c Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D. * Mr. R. G. Harle « i i~ai h nin rges r Pd froni Stone age ta machine ae bo' n .3 eans xx îth the camîng off erg, iFrench artisans. St. DURHAM APIARJST Rotary Club <Conttnued tram rage One) Scbool for Boys. The nesult of the overaîl invi- tation was made manifcst in 1929 on the occasion af the Faîl Fair at bbc B.T.S. Oven 100 Rotanians, fromn aillaven Ontario, came ta Bowmianvilhe and saw exliibits rnanufacturcd bI Training Scbool boys and witncssed a display off gymnastics. Sixîce then, Rotar'y has shown continued intere.-,t in .vbat Mn. Morrisan described as 'tîndoubtedx', a wontbxiý-hc pro- ect." On bbe aflernoon of bhc bliind F'all Fair at the Training School. Ernie Rebder bad a movie cami- 't-a in action. Later. maîîy Ra- at-'v Clubs asked to bonnow_ the' film to use in Public relations '.'onk whîch would ultirnately bencfit Itie B.T.S. Serens "OId" Filmi Wben inbraducing bbc moxie lie sceened ait hie Rotary luîîcbecin n Fridax', Ernîie Reliden saidi "The ilm is old: the projector is ald, nd the fellow ,gaing Ia anetau ifeels cuite aid tIna." The six rinute film, taken more thaîî :Io cars ago, bnougbî back pleasaxît îemories ta manv Rotai'iaîîs ait- ýnding the luncheon. The scene was the oritaria ýaining School for Boys and Mn. .cbedcn managed 10 capture most )f the important events. includ- ng a close-up aofbtheiîe Pre- nier af Ontario, Hon. G. Howard enguson, and Dr. G. E. Reaman, nst Supenintexîdexît of tbc B.T. ;,comPlete ,%,,:thbombeng bat. rudging fnom the ni e. ex'erv- mie w'ore bats in those davs aîîd ving and bard collans w'cre iii ,gue. Womnen were cansidLtredc ashion2ble iin close fitting cl)che, ias pulled wel dow'n aven ibe In the vean the pictur1e x%'as tak- n. boys ai the Training 'Scbool ct-e not supplied with unuforms; good percentage %vore caps. 'onsidenable mane.v as raised n) the Ontario Training School nr BoYs thî'ougb thee medium off ce film loaned bx' Mn. Rebden ta bher Rotan.v Clubs in Onîtario. Rotary .Startq Scoutsq According ta Mn. Rebden, il w.as e Robary Club af Bnwnî-anxiî!e( ,hicb became atx-i'interesi- 0 inscauting and ciidco'd- ble work assistîng tbc local Bo'. aout Troop. Ken Switzcn cei- eavorcd ta intenesî Dr. G. C. onnvcastlc tin supporting tbe o0P. but tht-ce Rataniatîs, Tom olgate, R. F . Aitcbison and C. Rliîder signed the chante,* anai 'ilinu (aie taBow~manvil!e. Recahll aitthe carix' cia s ot t n( 7anization. Mr. Rehder said t,,, ':vs in the iraOP xx'ere quiltee- -etic Tpv a1moý,' xx ' LJohn's Church," Mr. Rehder Iproxima'tely 900 colonies of bee! statieiied tbnoughout Durharr County. Each hive contains< eonservatively estimated 100,00( bees. "You neyer stop to count,' Mn. Knox said. '-You just couni the number of stings." A yard of bees Is gcncnally fig- ured at five hives ta the acre for pollenating purposes with the usual yard being anywhcrc from 30 ta 50 colonies strong. Some- times as many as 70 hives may be found in one yard. Hag Bec. 35 Years Russell Ormiston of Enniskil* len bas had a Knox bee yard on his farrn for 35 years. He obtain- ed the hives from Andy Knox who entered the beekeeping bus- iness 42 years ago. Later Mn. Knox Sr. passed the business ý%n ta his son, Charlie, w-ho has add- ed considerably ta tbe quantitv and quality of the honey produced unden the Knox label. M. Grah- arn of the founth concession, Clarke, has had a Knox yard for 25 yeans. Interesting facts about the hab- its of bees would indicate the hard wank accomplisbed by the small insects duning the course of a summer. It takes one bec 10 trips from hive ta field ta make anc drap of honey, and it takes the equivalent amount of bec energy ta manufacture thrce pounds cf dlean honey as il does ta produce anc pound of comb. This fact de- mands that comb honcy be sold at a higher price. Customers. at limes, have pur- chased a tin of honey* vwbicb proves ta have a sour taste. This baste would indicate trial the honey bas a bigb moisture con- tent wvbich could lead to fermen- tation, and under ordinary con- ditions should be pasteurized. Many Ontario beekeepers use the Ontario Beekeepens' Co-Opera- tive in Toronto for pasteurization as well as miarketing purpose. Normally Bees Clear Moisture Manv amaller beekeepers must be dep endent upon the ability of becs 10 rid the boney of excess moisture. Thcy do Ibis by erm- ploying a unique svstem almost akin 10 aîn-conditioning. Station- cd at variaus points on the face of the boney comb, a number of bees put their wings in motion crcating a fan-like current of air whîch automaticallv induets dry air from outside the bive. forces il through the cornb whcne il soaks up moisture. and then out of the hive again. This process accountrs for the "buzz" sound beard whcn passing bives during thc boney producing period which usually lasts for six wccks. Orchardists in this district who are in the habit of allowing apiar- ists ta place colonies of becs on thein land, are usually paid a rentaI. Mn. Knox finds that most like ta take the rental out in honey. In many sections of the United States, howcvcr, beekeepi- ers rent their becs 10 orchardists and find they can make considen- able money in that way-. In Darlington Township, Mr. Knox has bec yards on the farms of C. Burdett, H. Scott, B. Johns- an, R. Ormiston. H. Avery, and J. C. Alldnead. Thase having Knox bee yards in Clarke Township are: G. Hender- son, C. Knox, H. Cowan. 0. Trcw. A. Cathoant. M. Graham. Mà . Samis, W. Catheart, W. Robinson. K. Stephenýon and J. Armouir. Frances Do,.niey, Diane Downle. Bo " s, l01-12-David Parker, LoYnel Walker, Ronald Memin. Ladies' spot race-Myna Coop- 1 1 W. A. will be guesîs at Ibis mee~- iclidax irig witb ber sister. Mns. ing. said, "and later a hall at the rear of that littie person who had lost oJ.J. Mason's store met with th':ý her sheep. Mother Goose %vas samne treatme'nt. Eventualîx-, Bert there watchin- over her farrmI:.' Mortlock took over the scouting of story book chlaracters whowa reins in Bowmanville and since non other than Joanie Redman. Sthat time the organization has One special number worthy of Sflourished." mention was Miss Eleanor Brown, a Tethree speakers were thank- accomplishied accordionist who !ed bv F. C. Vanstone who said: led in the singing of the audiencc. ,"We were entertained in a won- Miss Lorna Pinkham rendcrcd derful way: the picture particu- several classical piano selections. larly brought back many old and To end the pragram Hansel ,r pleasant memories." and Gretel," a play by the youngs- e Rotarians Have Heritage ters. was portrayed by: Hansel- _i David Parker; Gretel-Rena Dil- In adding bis thanks at the erdd ling; Their Mother-Brenda Coo- *of the meeting, acting President per. Their Father-John Bottreil; eWalter DeGeer said he was proud Wicked Witch-Brenda Cooper; to be a member of a club with Wood Fairies-Joan Redman and such an enviable history in ser- Diane Halîman. vice above self. "We have a Suffice it to say everyone was heritage in Bowmanvillc," he saîd, excellent (but the weatberman) 1.something to chenish." Ac- n ra elo rdti u quainted with Rotar *v circles for and a rleadeo cei i u a good number of ycars. Mr. De-hi laes JGeer salid the Bowmanville Ro- On Monday from the minute tary Club \vas always considered Catherine Dilling started the 'tops." -To flot perpetuate this cbildren on the treasure hunt beritage," be said. "is sacrilege." throughout the races for young 1 Bill Ruddell was presented with ahd old andfons inthe e ges-fo a gift bàsket by Rotarian Keith i the lde oks ia in thenu- Siemon on behaif of his fellow lti t hfrs.ewor dipa i ta 7Rotarians on the occasion of the lts or.eevn a birth of bis daugbter, Patricia grand time. Ail the plans were Margaret. Birthdavs were cele- successfullv- arranged by,, Mess-s. Bruce Hutchinson and Norman1 1brated by Abbic. Darch and Ross Green, Conveners. As before Stutt at the Friday luncheon mec! -mnioeBbyL ewnth in.console radio-phonograph. Mr. Bruce Murchison, president1 SPORT DAYSof the Beach Association. the Civ- SPORTS AYS icSports Da ' sponsors. thanked 1 ail those who had co-operated in (ContnuedfromPageOne) their support and assistance inc (ContnuedfromPageOne) tlis îhuge project. - two-Year-old son of Zetta and The names of wvinners in theo Len Ryder. and Kenn «v Severs. vai ous sports events are as fol-s another little cherub, son of Jean lows: and Bey Severs, Wayne Severs. Girls. 6 and 7-Diane Halîman, Mari Alice Babb and Gail Mulîhol- Coileen Coombes, Jean E. Culle"., ]and, some fixe- vear-olds who1 Boys, 6 and î-Bobbie Lowc. deserve mention. 'IWe Willie Ravrnond Crombie. Bill*v - Cullev. Winklie" was so cule hie stole the Girls. 8 and 9-Diane Downey. heants ahl around xvîtb bis nigit Eleanai- Pickard. l-oll.\ Fox. d cap and candie was non othrr Boys, 8- and 9-Greg Cooper, 13 than Dougie Redman. four-year-, Lowcll Higbfield, Ronald Memin, old son of Toots and Stu Redman. Balloon races-Boys and girls, & As Little Bo-Beep Margie Pick- 10 and under-Diane Downev and 'i ard. daughter of Viv and Howard Gordon Walker: Joan Redmon P ickard carried hier audience off and Donnie Green. tc to fainvland with her portrave,.l Girls, 10 to 12-Donna Watts. h~ Gir-ls 13-15-Frances Dawnev. Carol DorneY, Linda Miller. Boys. 13-15-Terrv Masters, Al- vin Stacey, John Bottreli. Married rnns bean and stnaw race-Bill Street. Lew Rider. Shoe race, girls 15 and under- Joan Rcdmon, Frances Downey. Piggy back race, boys 15 and unden-Frank Bell and Bob Black; Ted Colwell and Jim Hoop- er. Ladies' shoe-kick-Kay Dor- ney. Lucille Brooks. Men's spot race---Joe Dilling. Pie Plate race, mixed-Faye Allen and Pat Doyle. Egg throwing, mixed-Nancy Varcoe and Don Masters. Waer Events Winneru (Assisbed by AI. Withenspoon, Lifeguard) Girls' swimming race. 15 and under-Patsy ConwaY. Barbara Goddard. Boys' swimming race, 15 and undcr-Ted Colwell, John Brown. Bailoon Race-Don McKinnon, Benyl Mutton. Wan punt race for annual bra- phy-Ist-crew of Norman Mill- Fn. Bob McLeish. Sid Smith, Len Rider: 2nd - Gordon Lawson, George Buchan, Bob Black, Frank Bell. Rowving punt race, 14 and un- den-Tcrry* Masters, Jim Bottrehl. Dog denby-'Judv." coacb dog of Billie Severs, 'Tinken," litIle spaniel of Gary Cale. badependent ~ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE cruggasts, Mlaocq vSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY ___ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS ON I.DA. BRANDS Baby Cream3o7.,Reg. 50c 43c i Cascara Tableis 5 gr., 100's, Reg' 39c 33c Kleen-or Anlisepilc Reg. 35c, $1.00 29c, 79c 1IWRiui i iIPTÇUUIU 2 FOR 27Ç Alex. We Deliver i sets, Reg. 29c 1-oz., Reg. 25c 1 9C mg., 100's, 300's29c, 59c Wash CIoths Laclogen Reg. 20c 2 for 33c 1 -lb.79C 2½/-lb.$l.79 HAYFEVER RELIEF Foar -vleorne relief ta suflerers. wce have thie oid rc'Iiable remedies, the new "anti-hiistamiis", too. Hiere are a fevv of them- FI-TOX Bom b Spray s5c, 59C. 98c, Fly Pads 10e Greeil(Cross Bornb $1.39 Spray 34c, 55c, 90C Hlep Insect Kilier $1.49 Rrid's D.D.T. Cones 50e Parowax for pi CSCIvinig 1-1lb package 15C (ilix Diaper Liners $1.85 Disposable Diapers $2.50 Aqua Seal Baby Pants 39ty - 59e 43cregularj large 69c Urugs Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 LSURPRISEV-.ïv IWHEN YOU ÇIÇSTr SUSE » CL FA N3' *G ves teeth daii ng natural br il *Exhilarating-refreshing-sweet. GIN PULLS 6O~'Ieee bckoche, Idaphedrin I.D.A. Aqueos Alergitabs-anti-pollen vaccine and Vit, C . $1.00, $2.50, $7.00 Duke Fingard Inhalation Trcatmcent$79 Refi , - - --82.00 Ephazone Tablets ...$1.65, $2.75 Frosst's P-vrithenl Compomnd Tahiets 65c, $1.90 Hay- Tone Liqiid 50c, $1.00 Lantigeii "E"-dissolved oral vaccine- $6.00 Parke Davis Gluco-Fedrin ---95c Privine-nasal dr*ops 95c Scherin.g's Coricidin Tablets . 60c, $1.00 Templeton's Raz-M%ýali Capsules 65c, $1.35, $5. REG[I .AiIt-jLPIH-JtlOfl 1 Box of 12 napkins 40< two 79< McGregor, Mn. and Mrs. E. Twist and famn- ili«y. Mn. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and family, Mrs. Gqnald Shackle- ton and Ruth attvnad d the Foley Picnic at Orono on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Len Brock and Shirley, Toronto, witb Mrs. E Sayer. Mîrs. F. Cafor bas been \'isitjncr Mn. and Mrs. W. Cator, Windsor, and attended the %veddings of her granddaugbter and grandson re- centlyx. Mn. and Mrs. Gcrald Shackle- ton and Ruth with relatives at Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. L. Save 'v. Messrx. .Jim and Elgin Savery- . Oshawi. with M. and Mrs. F. Blackburi. Miss Grace Blackburn returned home witb bhiem foir bolidays. Salem W. A. will liold theür August meeting at the home qf Mrs. Les WTelsb on Thiirsda v. Augusî 16 at 8:30 p.m. Havdohi PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Dun- as. with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Baker. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Vancvk and Jobnny with Mn. and Mrs. T.DeMille, Oshawa. Mrs. John Harvey and daugh- te. have returned bo Sarnia after 1 Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 0. Smith, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith, Gloria and Bob re. turning home af.ter visiting their grandpanents. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kova acs and Mr. Gabniel Kovacs Jr., withi friends in Hamilton. Mn. Jack Johnson has teturned home fromn a motor trip to Wheel- ing, West Virginia. 1 Mrs. Geo. Bell and Janie. Mr. Wm. Irvine, Hamilton; Mr. and Mns. Wm. Johnson and Willie. Burketon, with Mr. and Mi. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd and Mn. John Martin wlth friends in Delhi, Woodstock and other points. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy and family, Bowman- ville. with their mother, Mrs. E. Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Murphy. TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARM 1 S LOTION .69 Siii -oir r POWDER .33 & .63 Tinclure Iodine Vifamin B-i Tableisi 65e Ciba's Pyribejizaiiiiiie, j2ls 65c MUMMAY, AUGUST kh, 1951 6 23c

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