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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1951, p. 9

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c TffURSDAY. AUGUST 18. 1931 Firsi Wedding ini the Newtouville Preshylerian Church in 70 Years In the first wedding to be per- Miss June Taylor, Peterborougli iormed in Newtonville Presby- cousin of the bride, and Mis teran hurh i 70yeas, eanMadeline Hall. sister of thE terineChurchin, 70 uyear s, ea groom, were bridesmaids .in orch. Loainhe fMr.liandy o u nWgleism id and yellow gowns, st,,led si dilaughte o rnd Mrs. Wllame h ilarly to that of the maid-of-hon- brilelogRoyaewtnleybealle she or. Al wore matching crown- brid of oyalStaley allsonless bonnets, tied to the side with of Mr. and Mrs. Royal S. Hall matching veiling. and all car. flowmanville, in a double ring ried bouquets of yellow roses. ceremony on Saturday aflernoon, Little Miss Cheryl Barker. Osh- August 4th. The last bride to be awa, was flower girl in yelloxw married in the church was the brocaded c -andy and carrying a great-aunt of the presenit bride, basket of nîixed roses. Mrs. George Malcolm (nee Mar- Mr. Donald Wilcox. Bowman- ga4lMilligan). ville, was groomsman. and Messrs. SF. Meredith of St. An- Ray Lott. Windsor,' and Mark d re w's Presbyterian Church, Marchant, Bowmanville, wer.. Bowmanville, officiated against a ushers. background of gladioli and dahli- Frtercpin edi h as. Mrs. Evelyn Marchant, sister bFomnr the ctohurchin the of the groom, played the wedding ae nto th curte music, and Mr. Ronald Doggett bride's mother wore a dress of sang "Bless This House' and "Be- navy crepe with navy accessories cause." and corsage of red roses. She Give in arrige b herfa-vas assisted bv the groom*s moth- Give inmariag byherfa-er. wearing a dress of pale blue ther, the bride wore a gown of nylon with white accessories and white brocaded tatfe'ta, fashio!i- corsage of talisman roses. ed on basque lines and butloned Following the reception. the to the waist. The long filled bride and groom left on a xved- sleeves came to a point over thc ding trip t Norîhero Ontario, the hand. Her long train feli froin bride wearng a dress of pale blue a bustle over the hips, and her nylon with hat of navy velvet and finger-tip veil was gathered 10 a navy accessories. She wore a Mary Stuart headdress edged with corsage of orchids. On their re- seed pearîs. She carried a cas- tur, the couple will reside in cade of red roses. the whife Whitbv. streamers knotted xith rosebuds. __________ and wore a single strand of The criterion of true beautv is pearîs and matching earrîngs, bbcý thit. it increases on examination; gift of the groom. if false, Ihat il lessens. There is Miss Bernice Milligan was hem therefore, something in truc sister's maid-of-honom, weariog beauty that corresponds wibh green nylon net over taffeba wibh righl reason, and is nol the mere bodice of slar-studded nylon. creabion of fancy.-Lord Greville. MOE TMAN ONEZEASON ..for drinking milk. Milk adds 4tone" without adding weight puts "grow" in young bodies helps compensate for lack of sun- light... and for vitamnins and mninerais. milk is the most essen- tial health drink on earth. GLEN RAE DAIRY' PHONE 444 BOWMAN VILLE CL D STOCKS FOR INCOME CIRCULAR AVAILABLE ON REQUEST TO Branchi Office- 22 King St. E. OSHAWA -ONTARIO Telephone 5 - 3591 JH. CIR ANG & CO. 40 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Onrt. PARTNERS J. H. Crang A. C. Hubbs L. L. Masson E. T. Pointon, C.A. E. D. Scott MEMNBERS Toronto Stock Exchange Montreal Stock Exchange Montreal Curb Market Winnipeg Grain Exchange Vancouver Stock Exchange Calgary Stock Exchange I I "MZ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA-ýnVILLEF. ONTARITO Ed Youngman 's e Column This is the open season for -counly famîly picnics. Th e SYoungman - Leach aggregation -held theirs on Augusi 5 at the home of Art and Jean Youngmnao. -The weather wvas ideal. tbc loca- tion good, the famîhies on bolb abbh Leach and Youngman sides well represenled. Thirby,-six an- -swercd the roll cali. Since the 1950> picnic Ibere have been no losses in the ranks. and'one ad- dition, Gordîe's wife, FaYe. Er- nie Youngman and Joyce Bige- elow aooouncedi their engagement. cWe all bad a chance bo see the f ring on Jo ces finger. Guess that means mother and I wil have 10 dig inbobbh old blue jeans for, another wedding present. If xve are seen in Amt Hooper's Jewel. 1 ler . store manv more limes. people will lhink we are part of his hired belp. Oldest member present aI the pienie was 83-year-old Mi's. A. E. >Sparks. Toronoo.(mv mother-in- law). perky as a cock sparrowv. iThe youngest xvas Linda, 15 months, daugbber cf Fred and Kathleen Youcgman. Most Durbam famnil *-vpicnics can boast cf members belonging bo bbc medicat and legnl profes- siens. XVe can't! Oui, sbadv char- acters include a police inspecter,J president of an aluminumn firm. a carpenter: the rest are honest farmers and laborers. The most interesting race wt, bad was bbe rush cf tbirty-six bungrv' ypeople le bbe welladen banquet table wben Pearl Leach yelted (like Ma Kettle) 'come aod get it." To sec tbat crowd %volf tbe grub down. vou'd swear thex biadrit caten for lwe da 'vs. Thc most unpleasant happening te nie was Norm Leach hanging ente tbc cigar thatlihe boughb for nie. for four heurs. lie bad an- othe onein bis coat peekel, whicb bie didn't smoke, and prob- ably iobends te keep, to give me at next ycý,ar's nicnic. We are ail indcblcd te Jean and Art for plaeing their home aI our disposai, arranging for and precur- ing bbc pîcnic babies, iheccreaci, and a lot cf cîber incidentais that go le make a family picic a suc- cess. If vou bappen te sec IhesE, words Art and Jean, we want you le kncw that we aIl deeply appre- cialed ycur kindly efforts. eve-i tbough \ve for-lot te give vou a fermai 'bhanký vou-' at the time(-. "Deac" Goddard, Chairman cf Bowmanville Lions Club CaÇ i - val, te be held on August 24, tells me thuv are holding bbc Carnival in bbc hope cf raising sufficient funds te place playground equip- ment in thc new Franklin Park. in bbc North Ward. Tbey aise hope te build an addition te the Commucitv Centre. whiclh will be Hused as a permanent club house for Boy Scout activities. JSonie luck > stiff is geing to own a new Buick for only the price of a 25-cent ticket. come Aug. 24. Hope if*s me! On sec- ond tbougbft. we dont want ;t. It would look ridiculous for a laborer to be swanking in a Buick. IStill. it would be nîce le be able t0 tell our great grandbilîdren about the lime we used bo go rid- ing in our love]l'y Buîck wbich bhe neîgbbors envied. We will con- veniently forget to tell the vounîg sprouts that Al enly cost us bwo- bits. Bob Scott. bis %vite. caughter and rnotber-in-law called to see us on Civie HolidaY. He told i-sý that, wben bolidaying on Mani- toulin Island, lie called at a neigbboring cottage to borrour a road map. He and tbe neigbibor (a stranger) discovered they- both lived ini Toronto. Upoo Bob tell- Town Council Issues Financial Statement During the first seven months of Ibis year, Town Cotinýil spent $35,985.56, according to a statement issued at the regular rnonlhly meeting of Counicil beld in the Town Hall, Tuesdav evening, August 7th. The figures, complete 10 Ju1v 31. show a balance of $47,612.44 left of a total estimation of Sà2,598.00! Department Estîmates Ex.pendîî urcs Balance Fire Department- ----- --$12,340.00 $ 2.113.46 $10.226.54 Public Property -------------9,993.0<) 5,410.68 4,581..32 Direct Relief 3,200.00 648.26 2,551.7 4 Printing and Advertising - 1,000.00 236.51 "163.49 Cemetery -----.- --.-.------- 4.00.00 2.445.17 1,554.83 Roads and Streets ----- 30,400.00 12.883.12 17.516.88 Police Department------------ 12,46.5.00 7,647.7 8 4.817.22 Civic- ----------------- -- ------- -4.200.00 2.074.94 Contingent -- ------ 5,000.00 3,474.36 $82,598.00 $34,985.56 $47,612.44 ing the other fellow that he or- iginaily came from a litble place called Pontypool. the other fel- low took tbe wind out of Bob's sails by slating Ibat he came froro Lifford, in Manvers Twp. Te prove il, be mentioned manyv people wbo were well kcown in these parts 35 years age. Small world, eh? One of the most nauseating acts of bigolry te be made public fer a long lime, came te lîght last week. when a Romian Catholic priest. in Quebec Province, ad- mitbed instructicg a post master te wilheld mail from ils rightfut owner, a Baplist minister. And, whec the post master had turn- cd the mail over te bim, be (the priesl) burned il, because ho bhought if people read the Ban- tist minister's sermons (contflif- ed in tbe mail> tbey mighi, gel the wrong idea. The investigating postal inspec- ter immediately fired the guilty post master, and at the same time, intimaled tbe postal dept. wasn't interesled in the priest's actions. Wonder why the pussy-footing witb the priest? Wben our au- thorities seek te break up gangs cf thieves. nareotie peddlers. boot- leggers, etc., lhey neyer rest untl <beyv land the one at the tep wliu gives tbe orders and prevîdes tbc braîns. Wbv net the samne in Ibis case? Is Ihere one law foir the laity and one for bbe clcrgy in Canada? Dees bbc fact that an ordinarvý person atecded a seminary and made certain e- ligious vows place him and bis actions above tbc federal laws of our State? .The fact that this person is charged with bbc spiritual guid- ance of a community makes bis crime more beinous. This writer bappens te be onc cf those people who does net subscribe le bbc theory that canon law should bc above slate law. The person. guilty of inciting a post master 10 commit a felony by using the big stick of religicus autbenitv. and then caliousl.y. burning the mail that didn'b belong te him. sbculd be punished te the fuiletl extent cf the law, cspcciali *v if we are to believe aIl thal clac- trap about the sanetity cf Hiý Majest "v*s mails. If the cburcb cf Ibis priest deesn't discipline ther erring son, then many of ils will bave ne alternative but te be- lieve that bis despicable action of bigotry baq bee condened. OBITUARY WVILLIAM EDGAR SOUCH Apparcntly alone in bbc world with the exception of bis wifc who is stili in bbc Oshawa Gen- cral Hospital, William Edgar Soucb, 275 Albert Street, Osh- awa. died Aug. tb. The 76- y ear-oid mac was taken fromn bis home on July 21. He was, ai <bat ime, said te be sufferingu frein malnutrition. MrIi. Souch and bis 90Y_ýear-old xvîfc, the former- Marbha E. Thorniton, were baken le bbc hes- pitl afteî they Nwere found at their homo. Mrs. Souch, mwbo bei-self was ili. bad been looking- afler ber bed-ridden husband for lwo years. They both were old age pensîccers who, apparectl *,were bai-dIv able te eke out an, existence on bbc $40 a month tbey eacb i-eceived. Neigbbors took care cf bbc oidl couple as best bhey could. keep- ing them fed and bandlicga their finances te bbc best advantage. However, bhey werc ccl able te give tbem al tbe attention they requircd and il was nccessary to mnove both te the bospital foi, treatment after tbev ýwere found. The body was taken te bbc Mor.- ris Funeral Chapel, Bewman- ville, from where tbe funeral ser- vice was conducted on August 9th. At onc ime tbc couple lived in Bowmanville and wbile bei e ar- ranged for tbeir funerals in tbhe event cf their deabb. Ilb was stat- cd thal tbe couple bad friends and relatives in the Bowmacviile district for a number cf years but <bat most efthtem were dcad or bad ieft the neighborbocd. Interment was made in i-olme Cemneter. FORMFR RFqTfF'T Automatie Turnstiles Welcome Addition For C.N.E. Patrons Toronto, Aug. 13-Automatie turnstiles will bc a newv convenm- ence introduced Io Canadian Na- tional Exxhibition visitors this Year. To avoîd line-ups outsîde the grounds, the machines are set to take the 50 cent admission fee. There ýwîil be change wickets available, but if YvOu come sup- plied xwth lbaîf dollars, OU xviil avoid aioy possible c1elav. Cid ren %vill stiil pay ten cents and enter tbrougb old-stvlc turnstiies. For automobiles, the cash regis- ter' systein, introduced iast year. will again be in use for quicl, enlry to the grouunds. OBITUARY MRS. CALVIN REYNOLDS Mrs. Calvin Reynolds, 59, R. R. 1, Bethany. died ie Peterborough bhospital August 6tb, following a long illness. She was boem ii Cavan Tovvi- ship, the former M\argaret Eliza- beth Gillis. daugbter of the laie Thomas Gillis and Grace Wilkin- son and bas resided ini Bethan.v for about 2,5 years, mio\ing there from Cax-an. She xa a member of St. Paul's Anglican Cburcli and a mnrmber of bbc W. A. of that cburch. She leaves lier husband. Calvin w. PAc~ NDGE Now Is The Time To Watch Our Step (John Atkins in The Rural Scene) These are stirring limes in Can- ada. Business is booming. irMus- try expanding. wages and prices are nising. the people have moncv in their pockels and government revenues are aI an aIl-lime high. Experience tells us thal all booms corne to an end, just dS surel *v as summer always ends and is always followed by winber. This is a lime to watch our step and remember that obliga- lions incurred during boom time'l are hard te meet when the boom is over. The pending old age securîly legislation mighl be a case in point. It proposes te spend 325 mil- lion dollars a year on old a,, assistance and pensions. That is about 15 per cent cf the estimaI- cd revenue of the govemnment. No doubt Ibis amount mwiIl bP incrcased as time goes on and the pensioners become orgacîzed and politicall.v powerful. At present bbc federal govern- ment revenues come from the following sources: Cerporation taxes 2 . 7 Individual income taxes. 24 c' Customs and excise dulies. 20 cý Sales tax ------------- --- 1 , Other ------ ---------. 12% Total ------0- --- What will become cf these sources cf revenue when bbc pres- cnt boom is over? Will tbey con-i tinue te supply sufficient funds ta mccl ail the goenmcnt's ob- ligations, or will they dry uP as our nccd increases? Wben corporations cease to make profils lbey will cease te Reynolds; three sisters, Mrs. John Smith (Lila) and Mrs. Henry Smitb (Mincie). both of Manvers. and Mrs. Roy Leach (Myra), Pet- erborough. and four brothers. Norman. Harry and George, al of Manvers, and Ira. Cavan. The funeral was held at St. Paui's Anglican Cburch, Bclh- anv. The service was conducled by* Rev. T. E. Gaît cf Ihat churcb. Burial was in St. John's Ceme- bei-y, Ida. Tkd ZENERAL MOTORS 'IALUr C~T4- Edward Harold Kokeil Formner vîce-president cf prýo duction of Tbe Goodx Car Tire & Rubber Companv of Canada. Lin)- îîed. and ai one lime Supernî- tendenl t ofGoeeiar factorv ai Bowmaoxile. xcho died ai Pcbf i borougb hCIVmc Hospîtal July 2,". lie was 76. For the biggest, heaviest Ioads, and the Iongest toughest hauts, yeu con put your faith in Chevrolet trucks - and be sure of top-flight performance and maximum operating economy. In the heavy-duty field as in every other, Chevrolet trucks are designed and engineered to provide the greaitest possible load space at Iowest cost, combined with operating economy, equalized weight distribution and easy handling. Whatever your haulage needs, you can be absolutely sure there's a Chevrolet Truck that's exactly right for your purpose. See your Chevrolet Truck dealeri CH LE! TR NICHOLS pay taxes. W'hen citizens' incomes decline their ability to pay income taxes ivill also decline. When enmployment becomnes less; certain, and money less plenti- ful, people will buy fewer taxable goods and thus reduce the rev- enue from customs, excise and sales taxes. Ail these things are sure bo happen when the boom is over. All present federal governmenl sources of revenue will shrink.i But there will be no correspond-J ing shiinkage in ùxpenditures ,)n- old age pensions. The government will then be forced 10 find new sources of rev- enue and ncw vays of collec4. ing the mioncy il so thoughtlessly pledged itseîf to pay in the days wbhcn ils revenues were over- flowing. The onl.y, place il will be able to collect Ibis money is from the people. These are things that parlia- ment should consider and preparè for before committing us too YOUR Future in Farming... Can Be Established at the Kempiville Agricultural School Tivo Year Diplorna Course featuring: Livesfock - Field Crops - Farm, Mechanics Ag. Sciences Terni begins October 9th - Ends April 9th Residence Life - Student Clubs Athletics Calendar on request: lJnder direction of A. M. Barr, B.S.A., Principal the Ontario Dept. Kemptx'ille Agric. School, of Agriculture. Kemptvilue, Ontario. SHEET METAL WORK AND ROT AIR HEATlIG * HOT AIR FURNACES " AIR CONDITIONING " OIL BURNERS " ALL TYPES 0F ROOFING Work estimated witbout obligation will eonform to low overhead at niy nev location. SELHBY GIRANT 6 MILL LANE (Off Scugog St.) BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2674 e.. MMV ROY CHEVROLET, PONTIAC, OLDSMOBILE, BUICK AND CADILLAC CARS CHEVROLET AND G.M.C. TRUCKS COURTICE and ROWMANVJLIAM e * s mil: mliff/ RM CENERAL MOTORS VALUE PAGE NM

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