PAGE TEN ~ TeNewcastle Independeni The Miss Margaret Ash Weekend visitors with Mr. and -Mrs. Cecil Ferguson were Mr. -Miton Payne, Montreal; Miss Muriel Read, Regina, Sask.- Miss Florence Marilyn Headley. nurse- -in-training at Bermuda; Mrs. L. Headley, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. ~Harvey Thompson and children, -Oshawa. -Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Turner and ,Grace Marie. after holidaving at -Wasaga Beach, have journeyed on -to Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Finley spent a few days wîth friends in Cleve- ,land, Ohio. Mrs. George Brown and Doug- las, Port Stanley, are spending a few davs with hem sister. Miss -Doris Spencer. Mrs. Robert Benison and Claýy. of King; Mrs. H. B. Allan, Barbie and Hugh of York Mills. were visitors of the John Rickards. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Bond and1 Louisa and Mr. Bill Alldread *ipent a pleasant vacation at Burnt River. Mrs. Fred Rowe and Hazel -have returned home after spend- ling a fe\w das %with Mr. Davidî ,Gilbank and familv, Yorkton,1 Sask. Misses Bette Gray and Mar- garet Ash and Mr. Charles Grav took the morning cruise to Ni- agara Falls and thence on1 'o spend Sunday in Buffalo. We Nveme very sorry to Icarn of the accident befalling Mr Her- mon Schrnid Iast week. Mr. had the misfortune to fail from a hay mow and suffer multiple in- juries. Our hopes for a speedv and complete ecoverY go out to him. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan are enjoying a mnotor trip to points in Eastern Canada. Things are almost back to nor- mal again with the annuai holiday memories tucked in at the back of one's mid HolidaYs are reall v over when v'ou can hear the whir of the factory machin- ermy once more. Mm. and Mrs. Roger Jeffries sperît their holidays with his par- ents and friends in Lansdowne. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan have returned from a pleasant motor trip to Eastern Ontario. Whil'e down that wav the *v called on Mr'. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow and boys -of Kingston. Miss Elsie Rowe spent the holi- days visiting friends and rela- tives in Kingston, Oshawa and Orono. Mrs. Hay and Beverly spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Grayson Hay of Thornrest ~,Village, Toronto. Miss Mary and Mm. Percy Tuff. Toronto. spent Sundav wit h their aunt. Mrs. Frank Branton. Mr. and Mms. Alex Filipowski. iToronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Mm. and Mrs. William Brooker, Meaford, vjsited hem sister. Mrs. W. H. Gibson. MmI. and Mms. Walter Hager- man have returned from a pleas- ant visit with Mm. and Mrs. B. R. Searles of Oak Lake, Stirling. 1Misses Betty Lou and Wanda and LRobert Hagemman are spending a ifew da vs there now. M\/rs. C. Baldwin. Toronto, is Lvisiting Miss Beatrix Mclntosh at Moycroft. Miss Olive Ubdegrove spent ber vacation visiting relatives in Gananoque and Hamilton. Mm. Paul Delaney spent bis holîdays with his parents, Mm. and Mms. G. DelaneY, Wilson Heights, Toron to. P.O. 2 and Mrs. Ray Aiken and Vjmunica Rae of Victoria, B.C., are visiting his parents, Mm. and IMms. Keith Aiken and Camilla. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, Joe and Jacqueline, are vacationing at their cottage at Gore's Landing, Rice Lake. Mms. Elizabeth Patterson and 1Mm. andl Mms. Albert Pearce and famil.v called on relatives at Guelph on Sunday.i Well, the girls' playoff games betxveen Newcastle and Courtice are finallv set. The first is here Fridav night at 7 p.m. sharp. This is a best four ef seven game fseries. so give the girls your full support. Sec you at the park on Frida v. Miss Jeanne Wade, Newton- ville, has been visiting Mm. and Mrs. Jack Wade and Dougie. Rev. W. W. and Mms. Pattemson and family, Noranda, Que., are calling on friends in the village. To a Constant Reader, Port Hope--As a mule 1 ignore anony- mous letters. but in your case, 1 amn breaking m ' mý ule as I would like vou to know ihat 1 do not do ail the wvriting for The New- castIc Independent. It was flot 1 who used the words to which vou dmew my attention in the account of -t wedding that took place at Newcastle parsonage. Ma >- I hear fmom vou 50 that I mav«N know that you have seen this correction? We sincerely apologize to the family of the late Mary Henri- etta Gibson for the terrible errer 5appearing in hast week's paper in the obituary of Mrs. Gibson. In- stead of reading "five daughters, Mrs. G. D. Watson (Mabel Mrs 1J. K. Smith (Kathleen), M'rs.rY1 A. Smith (Margaret) and Misses tLida and Muriel Lake. One .daughter. Helen Gibson and a son tA. C. Lake predeceased her.*' it should be cormected to 'five daughitems, Mrs. J. K. Smith r(Kathleen), Mrs. G. D. Watson (Mabel), Mms. J. A. Smith (Mar- gareti and Misses Lida and Muri- Discover How G ood Iced Tea Con Be! Make tea double strength and while stili hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice. Add sugar and lemon Io taste.~ ' SCDTEA Just Arrivedll New FARM9 MACHINERY New W-6 International Tractor New W-4 International Tractor New Super "C" International Tractor1 New Super "A" International Tractor Ail above include power take-off, lights, starter, fenders, etc. USED EQUIPMENT Used Super "A" International Tractor Used Ford Tractor Used Ustrac Tractor ov'er-hauied. like newtv guarantecd. only two i-ears 0oId. Used Massey - Harris Binder REDUCED TO CLEAR BINDER TWINE - $17.85 per 50 lbs. SPECIAL. N E IW THOR GLADIRON Regtar S179.91 Reduced to $148.95 JUST ARRIVED FESS OIL SPACE HEATERS in three poptilar sizes - ON D1SPLAY AT - lara Equipment and Automoive Ltd, TOM COWAN, Proprietor 134 KING ST. E. BOWINANVILLE PHONE 689 el Lake and son, A. C. Lake. One daughtem, Helen Gibson, prede- ceased hem. We trust this will clear up anY inconvenience caus- ed this family. BIG DAY 0F SPORTS HELD CII'C HOLIDAY Civic Holiday poved as usual to be a great day te thq sport en- thusiasts of Newcastle and sur- rounding district. Fmom the op- ening men's softbaîl garne in the morning, between Bowmanville Legion and Newcastle in which Bowmanville shellacked New- castle 12 te 4. te the last waltz at the hall at night. hilarity was the keynote of the dav. This 'fimst game was timpired by Irv Mc- Cullough and Ab West. To start the afternoon festivi- ties the local hardball club took a dandy game away from Orono by' 8 te 6. Umnpimes for this contest were Tom Brown and George Walton. To give the ,vinner a breather before they took on Kendal, Earl Walkey and Frank McMuilen um- pimed a lively gamne between the Pepsi-Cola Queens and the Clarke Ah-Stars. with Bowmanville win- ning by 14 te 13. To finish off this triple-beader Newcastle polishied off Kendal 9 te 3 in a rmugged game policed by Irv McCullough, Ab West and Jim Tambl.i Aftem eating a hearty mneal the man ' spectators gathered at the east of the hall for great fun at the games of chance. At eleven o'clock the 2.5-prize drawv xas made by Warden George WaI- ton, wxith the follcwring being the lucky ones: 1. meter ug-Mms. Len Spicer, Bowmanville; 2. bill- fold-Murray> vEîlheck: 3. cigar- ette lighter-Miss Janime Lami- bet Bowmanville: 4. table lamao -George Alldread, Tvrone: 5, $10.00 in grocemies -enry Reich- ath: 6. $5.00 in grocemies-Irwioi Colwill: 7, 2 bags cernent-Vie- kie Gray: 8, 50 lbs. flour-Leslic Stephenson. Orono: 9, 10 gaIs. gas- oline-AIf Gray: 10, table lamp- Bill McKav2, 12, compact--Mrs. Sam Powell: 13, slip-Jack Hately of Bowmanville; 14. mantel radio -Wm. Hood. Oshawa; 15. Presto lightem -H. Webbdale. Oshawa; 16, fog light-Mrs. Keith La- thangue, Bowmanville; 17. carton of cigarettes-Charles Wood. Or- ene; 18, 24 hbs. fleur-A. Wood, Toronto; 19. 6 steins-A. H. Smith, Oshawa: 20, 16 lbs. honev-Mrs. W. McKeown; 21, basebaîl gleve -A Lowe, Kendal; 22, silverware cabinet-Tmacey Embley: 23, $3. value milk tickets-Sid Brown, Newtonville, 24. chrome set--.. Moodv, Oshawa: 25, Ronson light- er-Clarence Ellis. Those wishing te, danced te George Scarfe and bis orchestra from the Avalon in Oshawa. A great deal of credit is due the members of the Newcastle Baîl Club for making this day the success it was. TYRONE Durham Jersey Breeder Honored Frank Stengei-. Enniskillen, f irst Jer-sey Breeder to contribute to the Canadian Jersey Cattie Club's building fund. is presented with a book on the history of the breed at the officia] opening of the new headquarters building in Toronto, Auig. 1. The presemtation is made by F. M. Chap- mari of Pickering, lef t, vice-president of the Canadian Jersey Cattie Club. --Cmîrtesy Oshawa Tîines-Gazette Bowmianville Hospital and also Mrs. Henry Stainton. visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ail- Mr. and Mms. M. McCuish and dread.- Frances, Cookstown, spent a week Mrs. H-. Findla.v and Dean. with Mm. and Mrs. E. Deeley. Unionville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin, Roland, Mi-s. C. Bigelow and other fiends.. Mari., Mms. Margaret White, Sper- M\i-. ~ nd Mrs. H-arvey Strong, ling Man., MVr. and Mrs. C. R. flie Gauid mothems, Salemn, visitcd Staples, Mm. D. C. White, Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. James Alldrcad. S. Soanes. Oshawa, Mrs. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and Randell. Toronto, ,vere guests of John sperit a few davs with hem Mr. and Mms. Everton White. sistpir. Mrs. H-. Wonnacutt and Mm. Vveekend visitors at the Col-1 Wonnacutt. Dixie. har. homne were: Mr. and Mrs. M. Woien's Institute will meet Cardamian. Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. Aug. 22 at Mrs. Ralph Glaspelî's. and Mrs. J. L. Wismer and Frank, Mrs. M. Enierson, Nestîcton, Dis- Islington: Mr. and Mrs. John trict President, will be guest Wismer, Mm. and Mrs. W. Med- speaker. Ahl ladies welcome. ina and Dauglas. Mrs. Grace Mm. and Mms. Elmier Farrell, Burlev, Toronto: Mrs. K. Jacob- Nev Toronto, \'isited last week sen, Port Credit; Mr. and Mrs. J. \Vith Mm. and Mms. K. Hardy and Colbary, Brooklin. friends; Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, Glad Io see the chui-ch bas was also a guest. been finishied with a paint job Little Betty Moore, Pontypool, outside; also Mm. Ken Hardy bas îs holidaving with Mm. and Mrs. painted his house. Robert Camnemon. Mm. and Mms. Waltem Park are Mm. and Mrs. A. Younigmani sporting a new car and are en- visitcd Mr. and Mms. N. Leach, joy ing a trip to Niagara and other Taunton. Points. Mi- and Mrs. L. E. Gmosskumth Mm. and Mms. Lorne Griffin and and I\'r. Harold, Guelph; Mms. E. Miss Jean. Purpie Hill, accomn- M. Anderson. Bowmnanville, visit- panied Mr. aînd Mrs. Walter ccl at the homne of Mm. and Mrs. Rahim to Burwýash to visit their S. T. 1-bar. sitr and brothem-in-law, Mr. and About 60 fiends and rltvsMs George Badle '.v last week. met at the horne of Mm. and Mms. Mr. Leslie Thomipson has sold Karl Colbamy N Saturda ' night 1 his farm tIo Mm. and Mirs. J. last in honor of his birthday. I Wilson & Son, Pumpte Hil., Aex Jr. and B1rian Perger. 1 W.M.S. ladies entertained the Mm. and Mms. A. Cross. Bob and Watcmdo-,n.i are holiday ing wih, Donna, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. their grandparents, Mm. adMs Bernard Covemt and familY, Mm.lWaltem Rahmn. and Mms. William Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted MmBide and'oi Petemborough; Mm. and Mms. Lee famiilv, Brampton, visited Mr. and 1l, O'Conners, Fay and Robert. Tor- TMms. ".. C. Cook wvith Master gi onVo, witb Mm. and Mrs. Howard Teddv iemaining with John for I Phiîp and Miss Jean Philp. a hioliday. v. Miss Lillian Cole is spending a Mm. and 'Mms. D. Deeley spent few days with Rex'. and Mrs. Lute a week at Muskoka. at Hall's Lake. Mr. and Mms. R. GlaspelI at-, Mm. and Mrs. Raymond Cîapp tended the Anderson - Glaspell spent the weekend with relatives uedciing last Saturday at Zion a aV Belleville.1 United Chummh. A Miss Margaret La Hlive, Brook- 1 Sory vte hear Helen Cole un- lin, is spending holidays withI derwcnt an operatien for appen- Nancy Bird. d icitis in Bowmanviîle Hospital Mm. and Mrs. Irwin Wotten, Mm. cin Saturdayv. We hope ýfor a and Mrs. G. Roughîey, Oshawa, speedy, removery. visited Mm. and Mms. Walter Mm." and Mms. E. Deeley. Mm. Iaý Rahm.' and Mrs. M. MmCuick spent a day Mm. and Mrs. S. MmCov. Mm.1,Priond csoa Pemcv McCoy visited Mm. and Mrs. 1 Mm. and Mrs. A. WV. Barber, i J. Oliver, Fenelon Falls. Toronto, visited Mm. and Mrs. W. E Rex'. and Mrs. Mark. 'ronte, Macdonald. calîed on friends in the villagce. Mir. and Mrs. Gordon Breiît. Audrey Wood is visiting hiem Gloria and David visited Mr. anda aîînt, Mrs. Harold Tiivett, Wes- 'Mrs. D. Ptigh. Port Pery. E ton.I Mmr. andl Mms. M. Mountjoy., Mm. S Mm. and MmS. -lerh Cameron,ý Bill Ratcliffe. Kedron, were lea Mm. and Mms. Robert Cameron'Eguests Stinday cf Mm. and Mrs. W.1 and baby spent the weekencl ai jexell.N Owen Sound and attendcd the IMmr. and Mrs. Howvard Brent. , Walters' Reunion. !Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent xisited a Mm. and Mrs. C. Taylor. Bow- Mr. and Mrs. William Brent, Ux- rv manville, with Mm. and Mms. A. bridge, el Woods. Mm. and Mrs. A. Hilîs with Rev. a Mr. and Mms. Kenneth HolidaY andi Mr-. C. W. Wilkinson, Oak-- and children, Mrs. David Coatesi wood. visited Mm. and Mms. Gee I and Jack, Brooklin: Mr. and Mrs.1 Robertsh-lwx, Aseett House, Spar- Norman Robsen and famil v, roxx' Lake. Maple: Mrs. F. J,1 Bird. Mm. and Miss Lorraine Cook is holiday- Mrs. George La Hîxve and hild- îng xeth hiem aunt and kinche. Mm. en. Mm. and Mms. Lomne Cra- J and Mrs. Ted MmBide, Bmamp- ford and fanilv, Brookîin, with' tonl. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird. Mmvi. and Mrs. J1. C, Cook. Mm. j s returning after spending twxo the xxeddîng of their nephew. Mm.- weeks with hiem parents, Mm. and Hugh Mclntyme at Ruinnymede Mrs. H. Skinner. United Church, Toronto, Satur- Mm. and Mrs. JIack Storeyv, M.. day exvening.I and Mrs. Cordon Leamh. Mrs. A. Mm. and MVrs. Henry Stainton Sparks, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs;. and Douiglas, Mr. Luther Stain- Don Tliompson and famiîy, Cour- ton eîvda Vtrip 10 Ottawa and time: Mm. and Mms. Norman Leach, I other points. Mm. and Mms. Deug Flett and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rauher familv. Taiunten: Mm. and Mrs. J. and Lynda, Philadelphia. spent a R. KivelI and Miss Pearl Leach. few dayvs with Mm. and Mms. Hl. Solina: Mm. and Mrs. Fred Phihp) and Miss Jean Philp. Youngmnan and Lynda, Mm. and Sexemal front heme attended the Mrs. Alxvin Olan. Mm. and Mrs.I Roval Black Preceptory at Have- Ed. Yoitngman. Emnie and Bob Iock on Saturdax' wit h the Ty-! Pont.\pool; Miss Joy'mve Bigeloxx'. rone Band attending. Bethany. at Mm. and Mrs. Art IMm-. and Mrs. T. Findlav, Thorn-' Yo a ogma n's. h1l: Mr. and Mrs. R. Perx'is. Ap-, Mm. and Mrs. Merxyvn Bird at- Jplegate, MimrM. and Mrs. H.1 fended the Davidson - Creed e-Croxvn. Rogýer and Geraid, Tom- ding aV Emmanuel Chapel, uni- ente: MmIs. Hlamilton, Ottaw?,a: Mm. x'ersity' vcf Tbronto. Reception was and Ms.Chas. Tilkey. Brooklin. hield at Prince Arthumr Hotel. x isitcd NMm. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Aldread '.\ and Mrs. V. Davenport and xisited Mrs. W. Robinson un Daxid, Torontoe x sited Mr. and N~HOTTIRED FN FEET? 1, Soothe themn quickiv and effectiely. Get fast dryung Mnard's Lin iment-rub it on.Feel theC0cooneSs-get relief, qut<-k' MKINARDIPAIN LINIMENT' mission Band children te a pic- lec in the park Aug. 2. Mm. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar. Tom- nto: Mms. L. Gage. Lindsay'v;Mms. W'. H. Rahm, Bîurketon. weire tea uests Wednesda.v of Mm. and 'lis. Walter Rahni. SALEM Don't foirgeV îlie W. A. meeting at Mms. Les Welsh's on Thumsdav. Aug. 16 at 8:30 vvhen HaYdon W. A. will be our guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wiîbert Cmaig and family , Mrs. Philips enjuy' ed a ruotor trip to Madom on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton and famil.v weme at Lakefield. Mm. Ken Buttery~ and Miss MIarion Buttemv have been enjo '- ing holida.vs at Mm. and Mrs. Tom Butteryvs cottage. Mm. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and familv, Mm. and Mrs. L. Welsh and family en.joyed a picnic at Port Bolster on Lake Simcoe on Sun da v Mm. and Mrs. Wes Wermv, Mm. and Mms. Harve 'v Bar~rie, Mm. and MIrs. Gordon Bai-rie and Tommy. attended a familv pienie at Mm. and Mrs. Ken Wermv ls. Shaw's. IMrs. Hilda Willard. Toronto. visit- ed relatives over the weekend and attended the picnic. The Super-Efficient DILO - MAGEC 0O1 Heating MAKES YOUR PRESENT HEATJNG EQUIPMENT TIVICE AS GOOD Saves You Money on Your Fuel Costs Phone or Cohsuit JACK IBROUGH PLUMBING - lIE ATING Division St. S., Bowmanville New Phone - Office 615 House Phone 2384 The many friends of Messrs. Heber and Silas Souch extend sin- cere sympathy in the death of their brother, Mm. Ed. Souch whei passed away ln Oshawa Hospital last Tuesday. The funeral ser- vice was held fromn the Morris Funeral Chapel and interment was in Orono Cemnetery. Mm. and Mrs. Wes. Hoskin. Mr. and Mms. Howard Hoskin. Har- meny; Mrs. Evelyn Flintoff, Osh- awa, visited Mm. and Mrs. Wes. Wood and Mm. R. H. Wood. Mms. Harry Davy, Toronto, vis- ited hem sister-in-law, Miss Mabel Davy. Mmr. and Mrs. Franklin Tamiblyn and twe children, Torontois- ed at the home of the fore' brother, Mm. Jim Tambly-ý nd Mm. and Mrs. Ted Williamsan children and Mms. Albert Harris bave returned from a very pleas- ant holiday at Rice Lake. Mm. and Mms. Glenn Tamblyni and Dianne. Belleville, visitcd his parents Mm. and Mrs. M. J. Tambly n. Miss Camilla Imwin. Toronto*. Miss Laura BegleY, R.N.. Oshawa, wýere guests of Mm. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mms. M. Murphy, Mm. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Tyrone, spent Sunday xith Mm. and Mrs. Charles Wood. On Friday' vnighit Harold and Gwen were guests cf honor at a Long Sauît comrnunity gath- ering in the town hall at Tyrene and were presented with a beauti- ful china cabinet and smoker's stand. The large crowd of Sunday visitors in the park were enter- tained again in Vhe afternoon with a band concert by oum Orono Band. The Band members were in their usual good form and played a splendid concert, enjoy- cd by ahl who were there. Mm. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood ai-d Miss Marjomie Hoidge xisited Mm. and Mrs. R. E. Logan at their cottage at "Den Mom.' Rime Lake, last Wednesday. The Wood family went on later Vo visit Mm. and Mrs. Neil Wood and Gail at Lakefield. Rex'. and Mms. Ceci] Allin of Illinois; Miss Laura Allin, Osh- awa. visited Mm. and Mrs. Clar- ence Allen. Mrs. John Henry, Miss Domothy Henry, Toronto: Mm. and Mms. Earl Israel and Vwo children, Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper. Mrs. Henry remaining for a longer visit. Mm. and Mrs. Bill Row,ýlanid and daughter Kath. Toronto: Miss Etta Holmes. Oshawa, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Howýell Rowlhand. Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean spent Iast week holidaying at Sault Ste. Marie. They also xisited fiends in Port Huron, Mieh., and otheu' peints in the U.S.A. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hendry werc: Mm. and Mrs. R. E. Hendry and family, Bowmanville: Dm. and Mrs. R. B. Murray and familN. Stirling: Mr. and Mr3;. Lovell. Osha\va: Mr. and Mm:. Alex Hendrv and famuî. Nexvý- castle: Miss Dorothy Simpson, To)- ronto: Mm. and Mrs. N. E. Robert- son, Hamilton; Mm. and Mrs. Begg, Oshawa: Mm. and Mrs. Carnet B. Rickard and family, Shaw*s. A great deal cf interest lias been shown, lomally, in the an- nouncement that Squadron-Lead- cm Stewart Cowan. in all pmob- ability, will pilot the luxury R. C.A.F. transport which Prinees Elizabeth and Duke of Ediniburph are te have at their disposaI duv- ing their tour of the Dominion. Squadmen-Leader '"Stu" Cowan is well known in Orono, having married Enid Cobbledick, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Cobbledick. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Tennant. nee Joyce Lowery. on the birth of their daughter. Beverley' Joyce, the first baby girl born in the new Memorial Hospital at Bowman- ville. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Van Homne. Whitbv: Mr. Charlie Miller and sons Larr.v and Wayne, Chan- dos Lake, visited Mrs. Fred Tamnblyn. A good congregatign attended the United Church service Sun- dayv morning to hear Rev. R. R. 20 King St. E. ALEXANDRA *~.-eExhibits e Black & White Nicholson. Bowmanville, whG The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan 3224-W 4HU ERIE 325 ACE REFRIGERATION Commercial and Domestie - Sales & Service Ail Work Guaranteed - Free Estimates on Ail Equip ment - -8 SICOE STREET, N. OSHAWA ALLAN THACKERAY BEAUTY~ RES c W7 with the ROTO- BALE R Straw in rolled bales is convenient to handle. Just unroîl it like a rug. No sbaking out or tearing up lumps. Keep youm cows clean with soft, deep bedding - with lcss pitchfork work. The ROTO-BALER roîls Up hay or straw i n weathem-resistant rolled bales, wrapped with ordina' binder twine. Bales will flot buekie, no matter how roughly they are handled. The ROTO-BALER is priced for home ownership. Now you can have your ewn baler. Stop in and talk to us. ROTO-SALER is on AliIs-Cholners tradcmork. Enloy the NATIONAL FARM AND HOME HOUR -NBC -Evory. Soturday. (LLSeCHLMERS) Bowmanville Phone 487 PARK! a Sh 0w È * 4- bHorse Racing e Auto Show @Ail Star Grandstand Show OSHi A.V LIONS CL(it DIIAI MRTHALU Us The milffle MWMW*# eMARCH MIDWAY SHOWS ýpec tl Added Attraction t oo" n! m preached from the text, "The life which is Life indeed." Mr. Ross Metcalfe, as guest soloist, rend- ered a very inspiring solo "~The Strength of the His." Mrs. J. J. Cornish and ber father Mr, Roy Winter. are on a trip to the WVest Coast. The milk production of a coMP is reduced more rapidl\- by ton littie water than bv anything else. A faucet drips because it can't sniff. TIC K ET S TO EVERYIVHERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consuit 3 U R y& LO V E14 Bowmanville 13 King St. W. Phone 778 Pal mer Motor Sales TMMSDAY. AITGUST 18, 1951 lMlr CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWYANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 .,;l