W AY SET. 7*b 151 AWAlA " ASUYVA FA 0 - - -OTMC - - _______ Hello Homemakers! Did yo attend the Canadian National Ex hibition? If so, how much du you sec in one day? We joinei the crowd who heard Mrs. Elean or Roosevelt and must have beet .n red by the tamina of tha giý umanitarian who is know; ib world over for "My Day. Here are glimpses of a fewo the manufacturers' themes whicf mnay be of interest to the bus. homemaker. 1. There are electric dryer: wlth controlled heat. with ci Iwlthout fans, with or without tirne controls which have beer approved for safety. 2. The food chopper attach. ment which has an additional power unit for an electric food mixer was being demonstrated. 3. A series of nursery rhymes mnade a meat and shortening dem- onstrationg memorable in re- gard to the various ways to pre- pare meat. World's La: Presented by the THREE RING GJ World's Gri MAPLE LEA TORIB Mlonday, 4 THR Saturday, 4 ,ÏAIL-Y MATI1ý4ES AT 2:1 EVERI GêneraI Admission These tickets may be excha Maple Leaf Gardens onc Tickets SHRINERS' CRI may be obtained from CHAS. WARREN - ARL. BLANCHARD - ODDY R( ons which tasted lik. fresh can- taloupe. 9. Another exhibitor provided a sample of fresh cocoanut milk which wîll soon be available in : i Aour stores. ________________a-_____ 10. AU the fruit luice stands reminded you of Coney Illand, ex- cept that you could purchase cans of fresh or frozen juice to tdke Il. Everyone who visited "De- ou 4. When we listened te a sign for Living" spent consider- x- pleasant voice while holding a able time among the collection of [id receiver ta our car we learried ofmoenrmsdcat wh ed hetrmedos jb f roidnghome furnishings and appliances #î ni today's telephone service, yet a made yCnda aùatr n new telephone is being installed ers.eb Cnaanm uacu-; at in Canada every 75 seconds dur- 'n; ing everir working hour. 12. Kitchen units for counter '~' 1.01 5. henwe ear th gian-and wall cupboards fittcd into ." 5 Whn wehead th gîan-every style of home. They were 0f tic rumble of Niagara Falls and made of steel or plywood with h saw the mist rising we could mn de etrssc a Y visualize more electricity in the spice shelves, revolving shelves, futue a th COmenttorex-bread boxes, towel bars, cup rs plained construction of a new racks and so on. r hydro power station. it 6 Nwindshs 13 At least eight manufactur- SERVED A LA FLAMING SWORD H.B. Parr, right, generai ut 6 Newdesignsi hs b'f ers displayed a home freezer. We mngro leigaddnn a evc o aainNtoa al ýn Canadian potterers are tradition- believe this equipment is now on maager of wslneein thand ding c ar rigs tcnqe for CaainNt oa ai ra' yet cenventional. The colors was, hdw iburdget th trditonlofniia srudtecnlqehfrmras Iand artwork will look well in evrm ugtas o ua oe chickcn and exotic dinners being explained bir chef Guide Moni left. of In inomlmker. The demonstrators at the Chicago's famed Pump Room. The railway serves more than two million il bththefrmlad ... rvd h aleo te ieals annually in its dining cars, but it îî îlot likely ta adopt the luxury d . In settin g.anexhb home freezer. service shown above. 7. i theAustalia exhbit 14. A timely display regarding _________________________________ s we saw glass jars of canned whole the cooking of meals explained i-pineapple and also canned raw how to get the most servings per - bananas. Pound. One roast cooked at aHA P O -8. The New Zealanders were high temperature looked shrivel- talking about their canned mel- led and dry beside a similar cut iEdHA T N ofmeat cookedý at a constant even September meeting of Hamp- temperature which was large and ton WM.S. was held at the home tempting-to-eat.IIjoIILUfl S of Mrs. Ranton with a go t rgest Indoor 15. Knives were being sold at luennaneents, Wer aeforice- every kitchen gadget booth. Al- Pres., was in charge. Final ar- U S ~~though there seemed to be a wde Cl m women buying knives wlth the Oshawa Salvation Army Band csshank stuck into a wooden handle Butch and I attended the wed- concert an Sept. 25. W.M.S. in preference to the more dur- ding, on Sept. 15, of our on]y Thank Offering special service able type of handle which is al- nephew, in St. Clair United will be on Oct. 21 at il o'clock ways rivetted on. Church. Toronto. It was1 quite with a guest lady speaker. Mrs. r'.16. Points on using navy a swanky affair. Vemy sophisti- B ameses Snrîne (white) beans were being adirer- cated doncherknow. We noticed Cole had charge of the progrem. tised as an economicel supper the usher on the Storey side steer Those assisting icre Mrs. Jeffery, dish. We shall list the hints some people into the reserved Mrs. L. Truil and Mms. Wie ALAXY 0F THE here: Pick over white beens and seats. se weited expectantîy at Mrs. Kersey told an interesting wash thoroughly. Soak in cold the door for him to escort "Lord" story of the mission field and the water to cover (use 3 cups water and "Lady" Youngmen in wTith work theme et Gordon Lake, ea e t S a ?to ilcu: beans overnight. If style. He came down the aisie Plummer Lebrun, of hier son Ted eate t S ar, posibe, se oft ate. Daintowrdsusthe Missus transfer- and bis wife during the summer offthesot wte an cok ean rd lerhandbag from the right months. Mrs. J. Smale sang a in fresh salted water at sirnmem- to the left hand, too a deep bréatb, solo. Mms. Honey gave a talk on nt ~ing point. For good flavor, seas- tucked in hier chin, worked up the highlights of the material on beans well. a smug smile end was ail ready contained in the study book, Baked Beansto hook her ermn through his in "Fromn Lakes to Northern Ligbts." BakedDean.the eppmaved manner, to be es- F A UL ~2 cups white (navy) beans corted up the long aisle, while NT1/4 lb. pork fat the audience gezed admiringly at ON O 3 tbsps. brown sugar hem new wine colored outfit and 3 tbsps. molasses sighed cirer hiem girlish figure. - - 1% teps. Salt I improved the shining mom- %/ tsp. dry miustard ent by admiring myscîf in a win- Dctober lst 2½ cuprninced Cnon dow, straighternng rny tie, giv-. 2/ usWater cf my $15.95 hand-me-downs, )UGH With pressure saucepan: Soak and assuming a pertly bored, part- Dr beans in water te cover, aover- ly vacueus smile just te impress -t h r 1 nigbt. Drain and place in bottom any female watchers that might of pressure saucepau with other happen te notice our grand entry. ) o er b hingredients. Cook at 15lIbspres- But the se mrlyokd 15 P.M. six cups. squeezed between us and the I~' VENNG T 830 .M.Bralsed Short Riba wali and went te stand outside Y EENNGAT :3 PM.(An economical meat, the door, apparently ta watch cooked deliciously tender) frmorecustomers. $1 - Ip.00 Brown pieces of short ribs In My wife suggested we tell himi a skillet with a little fat; (Do nt who we were, but I demurred, A anged for reserved seats at caver te brown). Then add t' because, while hie didn't seem te or after September l7tb- mate juice te almost cave rthe mind us fianiing around the door, meat and caver the pan. Cook he might abject te believing we to the in a preheated electrjc aven cf "ere connected with high society, 325 degrees for twa boums. Time even through marriage. Might ~RT IC So cooking willvary, depending eentell us te scîram. So we just any f th folowin: * * te m a nd who should be there but one of oursn-nlw e prs X NORTHCUTT - ART Anne Allan invites you ta Kenur sons-inlaw, Ke n pes write te hemr c/o The Statesman. .mthrndIadaic )BSON* DAVE HIGGON Send In your suggestions on little visit, se feit rather grate- homeakig pobles ad wtchfui ta the neglectful usher. Ihommaimngfoproles.adwac Out here in Manvers the ushers thiscolun fe repiesgo out and drag in anybody right off the streets. Up there they had a matron of honor and two 77177bridesmajds. Around these parts it's bard ta scare Up a bride, nev- crm mmd a bunch of attendants. The wife and I learned a lot at the Tomante wedding on the -~ ~-~'proper way ta conduct such an event. But we've learned tee 1#te. six cf aur affspring are al- ready married. And, by the timcý Bob (aur youngest> gets'hitched, 11 * fflwe will probably have forgotten il, what we've leamned. » The reception was held in the Old Mill, out on the Humber; it's really some joint. Around hex'e EI we eat aur fruit dessert lest, but U up theme everybody gobbled it Up P, first, so we followed suit. 1 heerd someone mention the word cocktail, so got ail set te imbibe a snort ror tw u t 1itfumedeu Mild Building Boom Wet Pavement and In Bowmanville and 'Sudden Stop Causes Darlington Twp. Truck Accident Recent preliminary total. me- Wct Pavement and the sudden leased by the Bureau of Statistics stop of an unkncwn motarist are at Ottawa indicate Bowmanvîlle's held esponsible for an accident population at 5,407. Considering this substantiel population in- et Prestonvale, six miles west of crease in the light of new con- Bowmanville, about 8 p.m. Thurs- struction, it would appear that.a day, Sept. 13. A Quinte Trans. building boom is in progmess in port truck was damaged ta tbe Bowmenville as well as ini the extent of $800 wben bbc vehicle Township of Damlington.. skidded fitec ditch on the south In Bowmanville 48 building side cf No. 2 Highway. No one permits have been issued since was seiously injured. January, 1951, with e total value Travelling east in diving rain of $272.610. In the Township 96 approximatcîy 150 feet beblnd an pemmits, velued et $398.750, have automobile, William Van Wart, been issued. 11 Crown St., Trenton. jammed In August. Town Clerk Alick on bis brakes wben the car abead Lyle issued four permits witb a came ta a sudden stop. The trans- total value cf $13.960. The total part jadknifed, bit a telephone for the samne month in 1950 was a Pale, and came ta rest on thec hp $16.150 velue on six building per- cf a deep, gully-like ditcb. An mits issued. electmlc wire topped the trailer In Darlington Township, new fram sliding into the ditch. construction in the montb cf Aug- Travelling witb bbc driver ust increased over comparable33 figures for lest year. In 1950, seven building permits werc is- sued in the Township, accomding I j ta Clerk Jim Hogarth, for a totalSA of $35,500, wbile in August. 1951, SA - 16 permits were issued with a total value of $51.200. In June f this year, the ig-I est single permit was issued for the construction of the new $16,- E L N1 000 First Refomm Church on Scu- gag St. A $15.000 permit w as 21BN îssued te an Oshawa resident by 2 ODSRE the Township Clerk for the build- ing of a home adjacent to Na. 2WEHV A Highway et the western extrem- EH V AB ity of the Township. 0f the 48 building permits is- Suifs Pants - Spi sued in Bowmanville te date, 44 W were for bbc construction of Shirts -Underweai dwellings. Sii Statesman subscriptions Rec cepted et aid rate up ta Sept 29. SOLD AT RIDICI were his wife and two childrez, one aged two years and the other six months. Van Wart was knockcd unconsclaus aà a reauit of the accident. AU four were taken to Oshawa General Hoa- pital by ambulance, but were re. leased wlthin haif an hour. t The ditching of the transport in 1believed to have caused a second accident at the same place. Whcn John Elliott, Courtice, stopped his car at the point where the transport was ln the ditch, a two. ton truck, owned and driven by E d w i n Woods. Bowmanville, crashed into the rear of the car causing an estimated $45 damage. No charges have been laid in either case by police. Every great scientlfic truth goes through three stages. First, People say it conflicta with the Bible. Next they say lt han been discovered before. Lastly, they 'Louise Aawss ve 1-Ja [WARTZý'S- OUT SALE OSHAWA 31G STOCK 0F iring and Fail Coals ir -- Socks » Work Jackets Now is your opportunity te save money whilc the sale is stili going on. Everything Is Reduccd te Rock-bottom Prices THIS IS A GENUINE SELLING OUT SALE- *1 EYS serv"ices"a«« Yeu have 22 key services at Canada's Firut Batik. Some are personal, somne are striciVy business your w 'S THE BOUNLET THAT TELLS VOi ALMOST ALL... For a quick line-up, get a free S capy of "f21 Wàys a Million Canadians Use the Bocf M"' . .. ta save money, ta borrow money, ta send money away to pay bis by cheque. . .ta bank by ... ta operate a joint account . .. to ,uard valuables . .. to take care cf travel, ncing . .. ta buy and seli securities to handie every banking requirement .Lrming, commerce and industry. kfor your copy of "~21 îbarhood branch cf Wys..." at yur MY BANK". j~t~ qleNewo IANH v Ml CA#IÀ#SiM ail are designed te smnooth ay in rnoney mattera. Soma 1'ou'Il bc glad te use often oniy now and then. Every onc of them is doing a key job for thousands of Canadians ..a To get the most eut of your banking busi. ness, it will pay you togec acquai nted with them aIL. b *1 veTHE 2 BoK e ervc stemdr methad cf money-management - Personal Planning. Already mariy Persenai Platiner, are saving mare money, despioe today's high prices. Get youî dollars out cf the doldrums wîth Personal Planning. Ask for your copy cf "Persan ai Planning" at your neighbor. hood branch of the B cf M. Drap in today. BANKOF'MONTrREAL, GEO. E. MOODY Bowmanviiic Manager ROBERT ARGO Oshawa Manager ANmA 0 1A ms Ia R y w A L x Op LP I 1 y lok on Papas face, se theught itmiht be a good idea ta scram, t» Q.Drive ccarefully. Obey troffic Iows. but alos mudsoe e s cap s impossible, there was a husky male relative guarding Don't risk Iosing your lcens.! each door and window. ThereM Y wes nothing ta do but go through with it. After the ceemony we had a MOA 91111/A bite toeact in the dining reom, a[- jjj 'rn EIL djUtamf ter which we clambored inte a WV.V.WW ~Model T that Jack hed berrowed from bhis dad. had aur pictures taken an Yonge Street and board- cd the 5:15 p.m. train fer Pentx'- weddîng anneuncement, '"t h e happy couple will live on the goomn's femm." The announcement would have been nearer the truth if it had reed, "wheme the groom is eper- ating a hundred acres o! blow sand and gravel that is heavilv maortgaged and where the wor- ried couple intend te try and beat eut the grasshoppers in ordi- w 0 R K I N O w I T M C er te scratch eout an existence.- i5uch jlIffel- TO EASIER, MORE CAREFREE LIVING PACM 14 t" THE dedeND KEY - 9m emàqnuw OMA"MVAV- lkoq~lmmvw Jq~,Amoý 1