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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1951, p. 11

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- - w- THM SDAT, SMP. 2M.h 1951 You Wonder What Ras Become OfGIThtis Year's D.H.S. Graduates - This Tells What Soue Are Doing A good number of Bowmanvile Tyrone; Dorothy Somer v il11 High School graduates and 4th Courtice; Dareen Powell, Nev Formers are proceeding this castle; Aileen Palmateer, Bom montb to orne formn of higher manville; Hazel May Fisher, Ne' education. Several are registered castle. Audrey Graham, Ne' at universities, sorne have enter- castle, has gone directly from 5t ed Normal School to study for'Form mbnt teaching and will al the teaching profession, at least tend Normal later. four girls have entered hospitals Tbree Bowmanville girls hav as nurses-in-trainîng and threeenrdRyso IstueT girls are enrolled at Ryerson In- onto. Jackeon Ellitt andTLc ',wjute of Technology, Toronto. Wilson are studying costume dE l "'Amang those wbo are attending signing. This fulfilîs a life-lon Universityi of Toronto are: Janet ambition on Jackolyn's part. Joa Dale taking Science of Nursing; Wonnacott bas entered on Marion Dippell and Madeline course in Retail Merchandisini Osborne, Physical Health and Part of this course consistsc Education; Judith Stenger, schol- gaining practical experience i i arship winner, Science; Lloyd stores, and Joan is working part SMartin, Engineering; Mary Mar- time at the Robert Simpson Cc garet Bonathan, Newcastle, Dental Ltd. at present. ~Nursing: Bill Holubenko, New- Clair Allin, Newcastle, is takiri castle, attending U. of T. a one-year course in Domesti Norman Allin is attending uni- Science at Macdonald H all versty n th ~ ~ PterGuelph, and four girls from 4t] SArstroingthaeUr . nd t eruhForm are attending Bowmanvili Armtrog hs rtured o SuthBusiness College. They are: Al Africa ta attend university there. berta Ott, Marjorie Mutton Mary Scuthey, graduate of Haver- lnsNhoaadRuhGbn g:al, is registered at U. of T.« forGNewcastNhlasaRthGbo the course in Social and Philoso- ANewcaste fsuensf phclStudios. Fourth and Fifth Forms hav( a Wilma Richards, Nancy Varcoe, taken jobs. including Don Taylk aJoani Craig and Betty Ann Whit- and Frank Mohun at the Good. a aker, Newcastle. have entered year; Earl Brown with bis fathi i training as nurses, Wilma and er, James T. Brown on the farrn Joan aI Oshawa General Hos- Biih 'Murdoch with the A &1 pital, Nancy at Peterborough and Store and Ken Hockin workiný aBetty Ann at St. Josepb's Hos- in Osbawa. pital, Toronto. These girls will Among Commercial studeni help ta swell tbe ranks in a pro- wha bave taken positions arc fessian whîch badly needs them. Helen Maguire, Peggy Stephens Another profession in need of Maurice Stephens and Ted Dad- recruits, teaching, will receive a son aI the Goodyear; Jean Kitsor anumber fromn Bowmanville and and Virginia Brown are working district when the students listed in Oshawa; Grace Hayward and * elow have finished their course Gladys Hodgson are with Geri aI Normal School: Doris Park, eral Motors, Oshawa; Dorotby f uie reS GENERAL ELECTRIC LÂMPS yst*un \ SE TOUR LAMP DEALER TODAY I Johns and Nancy Johnston ar on the Bank of Commerce stafi Betty Williams is at the Hyd: office and Muriel Willatts at th Registry Office. If we have overlooked an: students we would be gladt be advised of their whereabout so that due mention will be givei them. W- ENNISKILLEN ith Service Club met at Mrs. Floy( t- Beckett's with nine present. Mrs Bud Thompson presided for tht ýve elections which resulted as fol r- lows: President-Mrs. L. Wearn Di Asst. Pres.-Mrs. E. Trewin le- Treas.-Mrs. F. Beckett; Sec'y-- ng Mrs. G. Yeo; Asst. Sec'y-Mrs an H. Ashton- Gift Committee-Mrs a J. Slemon and Mrs. O. C. Ashton g9 Hospital Convenor-Mrs. Buè of Thompson; Social Convenors- in Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Mrs. E rt McNair; ,Calling Comm.-Mrs. H, 'o Mills. Lunch was served by Mrs. J. Siemon, Mrs. A. Lead- ngbeater, Mrs. H. Ashton and the Lie hostess. Next meeting at Mrs, il, L. Wearn's, Oct. 2nd. th Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fergusor, le Maple Grove, accompanied Mr, 1l- and Mrs. Walter Ferguson 'to ,n, visit Mr. Alfred Skayles, Gaît. n, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Doreen with Mr. Austin Brown- n ridge, Toronto. e Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGill and r family, Mrs. H. F. Werry, Mr. and j- Mrs. Harold Werry and family, ,- Kedron, were callers at Mr. and n; Mrs. J. A. Werry's. P Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wotten, To- g ronto, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferguson and s Wilma. e: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke visit- 3, ed Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, 1- Purpie Hill. n Mr. and Mrs. William Bragg, ig Providence; Mrs. E. C. Ashton, ýd Maple Grove, were Sunday vîsi- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold y Ashton. Master Donald Wearn was a Sunday visitor with Master Grant Werry. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Goodman, Oshawa; Mrs. Margaret Gregory, Kitchener, called on their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Moore. Mrs. J. Kennedy, Bowmanville visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Mrs. Sam Rutherford, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Mrs. Bill Stephens and daugh- ters, Bowmanville, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lor- na, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. O. Grills and Lorraine and Marion, Courtice. at Mr. G. Yeo's. Mrs. H. Stevens spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Har- rison, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, Sus- an and Lorna, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Parrott, Chalk Lake, when Mr. Parrott and daugbter Anne accampanied Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and Susan to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dean Parrott at Oriflia. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, Maple Grove. We are glad to report little Marie Beckett bas been removed from the Isolation Hospital and is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono and attended the christen- ing services. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt and Mona with Mr. and Mrs. W. Marks and Mr. and Mrs. O. Jef- fery, Port Perry. We are sorry we have nat a report of improvement in Mr. Harold Milîs' condition. We hope for improvement soon. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, in campany with Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Love, Port Perry. are at- tendine the cattie sale at Thes- salon and Little Current. Mrs. M. Wells, Port Perry, is visiting Mrs. Harold Mills and family. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Robin- son, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson !fl~il ?W~ 9?IAbYWm'A J5wuWZM.A5r, T ~V &~NVILJ LI.L ONTAIO .LJ AM maUV Newly Weds to Live in Bowmcmville Ld MR. AND MRS. ALBERT BANNER PASSANT principals in recent ceremony performed in Holy Cross -Roman Catholie Church, Oshawa. The bride, the former Miss Dorothy Marguerite Sullivan, is the daughter of Mr. 9' and Mrs. Cecil P. Sullivan, of Oshawa, and the bridegroom nis the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Passant, of Bowmanville. and Murray, Columbus, at Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and Lloyd, Blackstock, with Mrs, M. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cadmus, at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson's. Mm. and Mrs. Howard Stevens and Gardon enjoyed a motar trip ta Lake-an-the-Mounlain and Kingston in company with Mr. and Mms. H. Smith, mroronta. when thcy spent bbc wcekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Stevens. Mm. and Mrs. Dora Carr end family with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech. Union. Mrs. Minerva Trewin accamp- anied Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott, Orono, and Mrs. Will Smnith, Osbawa, on a week's tour tbraugh Western Ontario. In spittç of the rein on Setur- day manv from Ibis part attend- ed Lindsay Fair. If any of my subscribers would like ta rcnew their paper before the price raises October isI please do sa before bbc dcadline. I will be aI your service. Flu and colds seem ta be the order of the day in Ibis vicinity. Hope tbe gcmms may soon be clcamcd away with frost. Mrs. H. Fernhey, Mr. Ray Fer- nlcy and friend, Ceesarea; Mr. and Mrs. L. CulI, Mr. and Mrs. F. Parks, 'Newmarket, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lcadbeatcr. Master George Leadbeater is bolidaying with bis grandperents in Toronto. PONTYPOOL Traffic was vcry heavy througb aur village lasI week wben scores of cars passed througb enroute ta Lindsay Fair. Most of aur Ia- ~cals went on Saturday and re- ceived a real soaking. Those aI- tending carlier in tbe week re- port anc of the best exhibitions seen and under perfect weather conditions. Our congratulations go ta Bethany basebaîl team wba elim- inated Blackstock at Janetville an Tbursday evening ta win tbe Nortb Durham Championship twa years in a raw. They will now meet the South Durham champions wben their winner Is declared. We regret ta report the deatb of Mrs. Willis Wbiteside. De- ceased bcd been in poor health for some time. We extend ta Mr. Wbiteside and sans aur sin- cere sympathy. Messrs. Roy Penwarden and "What "St op Sign' My Dear ?" DRIVING through "stp ssgns" can land you ln Eternity fast. Netteetlng adequate auto- mobile insurance can put you ln a big linanciai iam even quicker. Smashed up cars and other property add Up te mighty large bis. Don't miss this Warning slgn. Drive carefuiiy and, te be safe fram financial loss with your car, ses this Agency about your auto- mobile Insurance today. Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Re&. 4931 Kint Street, Bewmanvui Ken Hudson have rented thc Latonia Hall from Mrs. Miller of 1Toronto. Several of aur vacant bouses have also recently been rented, mostly,to those employed ini Oshawa. We were sorry ta leamn that tardon Adams af Roscneath bcd been taken ta Peterboraugh Hos- pitl witb polio. We hope Ihat be will soon he around again. Gardon lived in tbis locality for several years and warked for Alvin Olan. Mr. Talbert Kellettbas sold bis 200 acre farm ta Mr. Darrow af Toronto. This is a very fine pro- perly, having good buildings and one of the best fenced in this la- caliby. Wc will be sorry ta lose such gaod citizens as Mr. and Mrs. Kellett from Ibhis commun- ity. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Webb, Toronto, spent the weckend with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hardy andi Mrs. Marion Bamford, Toronto, are spending a wcck's holiday bere. Mr. Alf Mitchell is driving ane of the school buses ta Lindsay. By having the bus stay in aur vil- lage il will eliminate a lot of extra driving. Good progrcss bas been made an the rcbuilding of thc Olanj barn. The harn at Crystal's farm j bas been tomn down and bbc new cernent block wall started. Mr. Olan is hoping ta have bis ncw barn up in about ten days. Most of the thrcshing is com- pleted now. Mr. Alan Downs ex- pects ta do mare work next year as he intends baving a partner ta assist bim. OBITUARY MRS. JOSEPH FERGUSON (Uxbridge Times-Journal) Witb the peaceful passing of Mrs. Joseph Ferguson of Tomonto Street South, Uxbridge, the con- gregation of Chalmers Pmcsby- terian Church bas lost anc of ils most faithful members, who for lwenty yeams as stmength permit- ted, was ta be found in ber seat et its services. As arganist in the W.M.S. she gave willing and cble services, end ber prayers for the advancc- ment of Cbmist's Kingdom and the womk of aur missionaries were often recorded in Heaven. ln earlicm days ber like-services werc given ta Quaker Hihi con- gregation as cburch organist and choir leader and as president of the W.M.S. Among former co- workers of Ibis cangregatian she, was laid la rest in Quaker Hill cemctery an Sept. 15, 1951. Her daughtm, Elsie; bier two sons, Dr. Harold Ferguson of Bowmanville; Mr. Clarence Fer- gusan of Toronto, seven grand- children, anc great-granddaugh- ter. and a brather, Wm. Brent, are left ta fallow in ber foot- steps and hanor ber mcmomy; and ber many relatives and fmiends will bold ber in loving remcrnb- rance. "Oh Death where is tby stîng- Oh Grave where is tby victary!" "Thanks be ta God whýo givcîb us bbc victory through Jesus Christ aur Lard." YGUR EYES and1 Vision, Rewritten previaus j copyrights of Optometrist Disney BIdg. (p.P.O.) Oshawa - Phone 1516 No. 167 Seeing calored rings around light is a symptam thal elsa should flot be ncglectcd. While lb may be jusb due ta an avemflow of tears at tbc lime, lb also mcy be due ta certain cases of vemy seriaus arigin, like same others referred la. The danger is notbing compared ta the cast of an exam- inetion. Don't delay. Even if il is a simple case you aWE ilta youm family and yoiu1selif t k o . (Capyrighted) Alberta ta help with the harv- est. Mr. Dan Black, Haydon, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and attended the Holmes and Hanna sale. Glad ta report Mrs. Ehi Mairs Is' able to be home and recovering froni her operation. NESTLETON Nesîleton W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Grant Campbell on Sept. 20. Mrs. Campbell's group was i charge of the meeting wbicb opened with the themne sang and devotional by Mrs. A. Suggitt, followed by prayer by Mrs. Hutton. There were la ladies, Rev. Hutton and four cbildren present. Rail Caîl was answercd witb "Money Making Projecîs." Study book was giv- en by Mrs. K. Samelis, reading "Little Enough" by Mrs. R. W. Marlow and reading "The Batthe of the Kettle" by Mms. L. Joblin. Ladies decided la have a fowl supper November 2nd, also to Pack a bale in the near future. Mrs. D. Beacock invited the mern- bers ta ber home for the October meeting. Mrs. Campbell and ber group served a dainty lunch. Al were given a vote of thenks for another enjoyable meeting at bbe Campbell borne. Mrs. R. W. Marlow spent a few days at Oshawa. Congratulations ta Mrs. John Williams who celebrated ber 8lst birtbday Sept. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Suggitt, Kennetb and Richard, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sug- gitt. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and family visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Argue visited Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine visitedi Mr andMrs. L. Joblin. M. and Mrs. L. Jablin visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, Melville and Anna, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Lindsay. Mrs. Ed. Vine, Edmonton, and ber brother, Mr. Wm. Sloane, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Hanna visited Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. Perfect tea is so easy. to make with eV SALADA i TEA BAI35 WEDDING HUNTLEY - MOORE A quiet but pretty wedding was solernnized iAgincourt Un- ited Cburch parsonage on Sat- ,urday, Sept. 15 at 3 p.m. when Helen Louise Moore, youngest deugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore of Malvern, became the bride of Robert Edwerd Huntley, youngest son of Mr. Robert Hunt- ley of Newmarket. Rev. G. A. Beatty officiated. The bride looked lovely in a gown of white. with cbantily lace bodice and bouffant skirt of sheer nylon. Her veil wes of tulle illusion witb pearl tiarra. and she wore a rhinestone necklece. The bride's bouquet was of red roses. Mr. Gerald Jackson bas gone ta ...Ann Pagre 7re.4L MILK BREAD VITAMIN B ENRICHED OR REGULAR WHITE,. WHOLI WHUAT or eCRACKED WKUAT SLICED 24-oz loaf 05 c UNSLICED 24-oz loaf 14c Sugar COOKIES Special Sliced ]MYE LOAFr Chocolate LAYEZ CAKE Austral Choice PEACHES Austral Choce IPEARlS York 130LOGIVA Beekist No. 1 White HONEY York Brand Fancy CORN Q uake r MUITETS LOAF CEEUE lb 43c Ann Page f ]POIRE & BEANS 2 15-« fins 23c I A&P Super Right Quality Meats BOASTIne mt liFad, Grade A qW CHICKENS BOILINO FOWL Grade A BREAKFAST BACON BACK BACON Sliced Peamnealed by the piece lb 89C SMOKED FILLETrS OCEAN PERCE riUETS lb51C 16569C slaced 16 99C No. 1 Jumbo ib 43c ro45C Mrs. William Stephens ci Bow- manville as matron-of-honor who wore a gown of blue taffete and lace wîth blue halo hat and carried a bouquet of yel- low and mauve baby 'munis. She wore matching necklace and e£ rrings, gift of the bride. Mr. Theodore Huntley, broUi- er of the groom, was best man. - The reception was hehd at the home of the bride's parents at Malvern. The bride's mother re- ceived in a dress of navy sheer with corsage of roses and baby mums, assisted by the groom'& sister Mrs. R. Simmons, who wore a dress af royal blue with corsage of red roses. The happy cauple left on a trip, and for travelling the bride chose a brown gabardine with beige accessories. On Iheir re-. turn Ihey will reside in New- market. Pricata b er wedding, the pop- ular bride was given sbowers by gs'oups of friends, notably her associates in the Bell Telephone office, and Malvern graups. Harmanize yaur warlc. Let sunshine radiale and penetrate. Have confidence in yaurself; Custom Grousd DOKAR COrTEE New Pack, Choice TOMATOES Fancy TOMATO RICE A&P Special Blond =à% BACGS Strawberry (Pectin Added) Breakfast Cersai OGILVIE OATS 48-oz pkg 3.5c A&P Ungraded CHOICE PEAS Z 20-oz tins 35c A &~P -Jrujf.$anJ VeyjelaZlej Califarnia Tokay, Sweet, New Crop, No. 1 GRAPES 2 Ibs 29C Waxod and Washed, No. i-Sweet POTATOES 31b, 29C Cap@ Cod, No. 1 CRANDERRIES cello box2Z9c Bradford, Washed, Coreless, No. 1 CAIRROTS 3 is 17c Tender, Crisp, Pascal, No. 1 lb 96c Z28-oz lins 39,c 20-oz tin lSc pkg of 302Z9C plcg 27C 24-oz lef Mc ,eck 39C 28-ex tin 35C 28-ox in 35C 12-ex tin,47e 2-N glass 4& .2 20-oz tins 35c plcg 14c1 'D finnr.. K na K Ni The Town of Eowmanville wiiI relurn Io STANDARD TIME AT 2 A. Sunday, Sept. 3Oth 1951 On Ihis date ail cifizens of the Town of Bowmanville are requesled fo lurn Iheir dlocks and waiches back one hour and thus change from Daylighi Saving fo Eastern Standard Time. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Mayor. Town cf Bowmanvile GOD M1E THE KING THE CANAD" "*"-qMAW- #%vmàDTP% imAý ý 1 24-oz jar 44C

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