THURSI5AY. SEPT. 27th, 1951 TEE CAKADIMf STATZSMA!q, EOWMAKVILLE. ONTAMO WEDDINC. PERRIN - HANC Baskets of mixcc îned the backgrourý àrriage on Sept.1 1l's United Church.c ean Hancock. daugbi( rnd Mrs. Victor Hanec manville, and John Edý rin, son of Mr. Herma Newcastle. Rev. H.P performed the cerer Donald Williamns, a fe] ber with Mr. Ilaner( Traininiz Scbool for Bi sang "Because" and " Love." Mrs. C.'H. Duc -ed the wcddinfi music. NEAR OR F, go hy STA DI1A L 332 24 HOIJR SERV. Ail Passengers Ins Owvned and Oper hv Keith Bic] ME MBE. Coi Sa 1:30> p.ff DR. A. Orono are con mn Roi "Willoi aturday 1 m. until -, F. MeKEN President, IANCJ at VAIRCE SATUR] NIGH, CY McLEAN outstad(iIng dai Friday *EPTI FR'TDAY Merchanî's Disl Band Conc SA Agricultural H Amateur and Bei Caif a OPIl ce -a] Given in marriage by her fa- rvl t9 Gther, the bride chose a gown of MAPLE GROVE ia es 9 white lace over taffeta witn ____ UO(K matching jacket buttoned ta the Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, ., throat and long sleeves buttoned Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mr. 1 gladioli at the wrist and coming ta a Bob Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey id for the point over the hand. Fashioned Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snow- 15 in St. on princcss lines. the gown had a den. Miss Jean Turner. Orono, of Eleanor graceful flared skirt. The bride's atte-nded the Hackson-Snowden er of Mr. fingertip veil of white tulle was wedding in Toronto on Saturday. ,ock. Bow- beld bv a sweetheart crown and Ms letCao on pn ward Per- she carried a cascade of whiteafe dysatwekwthr ian Perrin, roses interspersed -ith red pin- rndagtrMs ihLws A.n Tunerncd orss Mrs. J. D. Stevens has return- oonv and Miss Marjorie Toms, Newvcastle. e fe 110v, memi-%was maid of honor, wearing a e fra6pieasant Visit with.ber ,)koftrcousin. Mrs. Joe Jewell, Canning- ~ 3kof h gown of blue lace over taffeta, ton. Mrs. Jewell- spent a couple y.v;' staff, fashîoned similarl "v to the bride's,,fdaswtMr.Sen. O0 Perfect and a halo brim of blue taffeta. Mr dand i Mrs. Stevens.l lf iclev, play- The matching blue .iacket was vmtro una o ii madewit thre-qarte legthwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. siceves and she carried a nosegay DoN'îe at Summerville, P.E.I, of pink roses. Sharon Hancock, adohrrltvs niece of the bride. was flower Ms uilSees etr girl e rg a floo lenth dress Hospital. Toronto, spent Sundav ofyel11ow rany wh.v~ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C II ~puffed siceves and pwoirecaRs tvn.noetesrie skirt. On her head she wPleaRosetes hida n s of mauve lowrs.andcar on Sunday w ill be on Standard ;'AR Mdra nobeGav. Oshaamauv e 'mmsTifre: Sunday Sehool at 1:301 aAsMc BrobG.a. OshaMr. Duase p.m., Church service at 2:40 p.m. j Mrs. Flora Johnston - asgromsma an Mr.Doulas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steven; RWalton. Newvcastle, and Mr. Gary visited their cousin, Mrs. Joe Daug'hter of late Joseph Cars- Hancock, brother of the bride, Jewell. Cannington, on Sundav. cadden, who is in ber 92nd year, were ushers. Mrs. Stevens returned home with lias returncd to Portland, Oregoni, For the reception. held in the them. after visiting fcicnds ho Colling- R ~Sundav Scbool roomi of St. On Sept. 5th the family of Mr. w codi BowmýnviIle and Oroiro Paul's Church, the hride's mother Sam Snowden, Oshawa, gathered for 'the past thrcc months. wore a goun of navy bloc sheer at the home of his daughter, Mrs.- cr,ýpe w-ith matching picture hat RoN- Van Camp to celebrate hi, and accessories. Her corsage 87th birthday. Mr. Snowden has L N A L was of pink roses, four children, 22 grandichildren, O G A. JU Following the rception. the Il great grandeilîdren. A good-_____ - bride donned a niavY blue suit l.y number of them gatheced to Tuesday evening, Sept. 18. 'th pr aies nard corsage celebrate and enjoy a picnic sup-Ms.dihadMsHaod ur 4of red roses, for the vedding trio per. This community extenos pywr obsess1 3mm to noints east. Out of towilcongratutlations 10 Mr. Snowden. by er o lîhomstAss ociation. msr oto, Newm-arkct, Belleville, President Ms aekoee surehe B.HS. ied M et b Devotionrr !aws War-wrt. roo ndNe- BHS ildM e bvtaken bv Miss M Vaneyk. rated castle. The couple will reside in____Aeomtr ~.apitdt New~cast le.A omt( apnedo Prior to her macriage, the bride (Continued from Page. One) b' y '. stove pipes and sec eh \\as enteclaiiied aI a linen show- McGill, 3. A. Joness. , Out a stove for our chucch, kel er bY ber relatives, with Mrs. let Vault-1. J. McGill, 2. P. also plans for the bazaar this fa!] 11 11 W a n d ~~~to g e t t h u l r ad f o 880-ys-. G. Herron, 2. L oln. Proglrami commitîc Hooper, 3. D. Murdoch. Iben look charge which wvas in Hop-Step-and-Jump1 G. Her- the form of a cup and saucer ýRS AND THEIR IVIVES ron, 2. P. Lycett, .3. A. Richards. shov we r for our popular bride-to- High Jump-l. P. Lycett, 2. C. be, Miss Mary Vaneyk. Miss of the Byam, 3. G. Herron. Eileen Holroy'd read a poem, SeniorBoys'Winter Wooin.c" and Miss Grace Senio BoysSmith sang "O Perfect Love" af- Fishand unt lubChaclie Armstrong gaincd 29 ter xvhich the bride opcned up 1points in the Senior Division to the manv dainty boxes. Martia1Il' invitcd to attend a lead the field. Linton Herron t.banked ev ecynne and1 invibedl *placed second with 17 points and tbem 10 visit ber. A dainty Bruce Caveclv earned 13 points lunch was served. Next meet- istan Ja bo ee for third plaCe. ing at the home of Mrs. Stan ast nd J m bor e 10-vd.dasb -1. B. Caverly, 2. Gobie at 2 p.m., Oct. 16. at the C. Armstrong, 3. L. Hecron. Manv fcom the community at- Sbot-Put-.-. I. Wooley, 2. D. tended Lindsay Fair, " w Gore' LandîngSheep, 3. C. Armstrong. 2.C 220-,ds.-l. B. Caverly, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy, ws" Goe's LndingArmstrong, 3. L. Herron. 2.i Donald and Brenda; Mr. and Mrs. q ftLPole Vault-I B. Martynr, 2 .Albert lVurphy, Bowmanville, a dveRiRg, September 291h Armstrong, 3. G. Buchan. the Murphy home. Bcoad Jump (cuinningî-l. L, Mr. Paul Vancvkli and Stuart ?No Charge Herron, 2. C. Armstrong, 3. B. Hooey c'ntertained a numnber of1 Cavccly. Ibeir friends to a corn r.oasl and1 4ILE ROY HAMILTON, Mile-I. D. Slecp, 2. .J. Stain- dance Thursday evening. Secretar ton, 3. D. Bate. Ghad to sce such a goodhy num- High Jump-l. C. Armstrong ber 10 Church Sundav evening to _______________________________ (new record 5 fI., 3 mns.), 2. J. hear Mi-. Lule's splendid sejmn- ________________________________ Woohey, 3. B. MarIyn. on. Services will bc aI the usual Hop-Step-and-Jump - 1. C. lime Sunday evening. Armstrong (new record .19 ft. 10 Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim wvere Soin-1 SN G irs.), 2. L. Herron, 3. D. Heyland. day guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. Wmi.1 bteJunior Girls' iiio.-v.adMs. Luite, Suisati ands In he unir Grls DiisinDavid, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Den-D Shirley Bathgate placed first with by. HaYdon, witb Mr. and Mrs. 15 points and Marlene Bishop F. Gý Smith. claimed second place honors wâth Mr. and Mcs. 1. Little, Kendal,c IE 'S 13 poins -.S atg ,2 wilb Mc. and Mrs. Gordon Baker.b 60-d. asb I. . Bthgîe.2. Mc. Mac Mactin, Toronto. is V. Stephenson, 3. P. McCullough. visitinig bis sister. Mcs. Maya Broad Jum~p (running) - S. Johns at Mi-. Gordon Bakcr's.' Bathýae, 2. E. Pascoe, 3.N G. Wedding belîs are ringing in DA~Black. u is.I D YBroad Jump (sîanding)-1. ouR. idt Socker. 2. G. Craig. 3. (tic) M. Cunningham and V. Humenick. Snn rf~ 2rflTumpS . BZZ;gte,2. B ____O (ti) G. Quackenbush and R. ____ M.Cunningham. aocd Ian. Godericb, with Mrs. T. C Bisbop, 2. T. Finnev, 3. P. Mc- Mcs. Breck received word Mc.u AND HIS ORCHESTRA Cullough. Tan cua~ .T d Mi-s. WallceBrck andcJ Vi1IIspl Finney (new record), 2. . Black, new home at Camhridge, England. inemsicpand . 3.rH.iCoee.Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter and l necmuican encrairnntVolley Bal] Serve-I. M. Con- WVayne, Peterborough, with cela- Y ingham (new record), 2. M. tives. b Bishop, 3. M. Spicer. Mc. aocd Mrs. Fred Sheelhan and Softbaîl Throw and Catch-1. Shirley, Bowmanviîle, \vith Mr. ti Dancing 9 - 12 S. Pollock and G. Black (new re- and Mcs. B. 1-anthoro. cc cord, 63), 2. M. Bishop and V. Mr. and Mrs. Kenncth Roblin tý $2.50 per couple Humecnick. xiîh relatives ad finsi Intermediate Girls Picton. .~,. ç ~ r1 N-".Bea. Craig earncd first place Mrs. E. Caughill witb friends a!iK VA RCO E'Shonors in the Intermediate Girls' Lefcolv and Toronto. classification tvith 18 points Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke. Osha- N' Eleaor eigtonplacd scon x;a, xvîbbMc. and Mrs. E. Adams. ar ms PAVILION Li-tnpae eo" ýplay M idway BroaàJumD'p (zl nii) D. South Ontario Pl Qu a tril . ýeri Bingo BodJm (staîîding)-l. D.1 to be held on tl îipatrîck (ncw record 7 fi. 51, iis). 2. D. Hockin, 3. L. Osborne. LTURDAY ngh Jeip-1. D. Kilpatrick E .T Osborne, 3. D. Hockin. iotbl and Stock Exhibi.sD. Forrnirly Col. R. S. McLaughli g2. L. Osborne, 3. D. Hockin. East Wbitby, 3 miles noi [ors Racs 4 Softball Tbrov, Accurac-1. F. oirs'e RacesCowý,ey (new record), 2. K. Bran- r'. 1K-j gan, 3. (tic) J. Perfect, R. Bragg, ,,aufyConfet Mid ay M.Allin and D. Kilpaîriek. We nedAI e Volleyv Bal] Service-I. L. Os- and Swine Clubs o-i.ABNUTwl esr Softhaîl Throw and Catch-î. Association of Kedron United Mi. Allîn and A. Husak, 2. D. Kil- t D A Y 1 G H T patrick and P. Mason, 3. B. Alli- THE PUBLIC ARE CORI il the Town Hall oryilieaocnghi- For information Worr islikea rckin chir-Oscar H. Downey, M~ il gives yoîî somneting 10 do, but gels Y'ou n0whiere. Iàons Cub followî.ng an operation. Miss Sylvia Lawrence was rushed the same night ta Oshawa for an (Continued Fromn Page One) 'appendix ope«ation. AIl wish for rict Goverpbr. Mr. Carroll visit- Mrs. Lawrence and Sylvia quick ed a Lions Club and was told the recovery. story of a man whose attendance Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston, picked up 100 Per cent almost Cadmus, called on Mrs. Kitchener overnight. As the story goes, the Burton. Lion was a salesman whe did the Congratulations ta Miss Gwen majority of his business with far- Wilson who received honor stand- mers in the community. At one ing in English, the course she îarm he calhed upon, he was attended at Queen's University, speaking ta the owner when bis Kingston, Ibis summer. seven-year-old son pumped hlm- Miss Eunice Wilson received self up in a wagon and smiled word that she has passed ber '"1ike an old friend." exams., written at Peterborough "Jimmny knows you," the far- tin July, and left this week ta mer said. jain the tlicee other girls at Pet- The salesman was positive he erborough Normal School. Con- had neyer met the crippled boy gratulations. Eunice! before. He voiced this opinion Mr. and Mcs. Jack Marlow (nec to te famer.Marion Thompson) returned on * tathefarer.Monday evening from a trip * 'immy had several operations tbrough New Yock State and vis- on bis legs when he was a cbild," ited her parents, They returned the farmer replied, 'and the ta Toronto where Marion resumnes Lions Club paid for tbem. When ber position on the staff of West- he looks aI your button, Jimmy cmn Hospital and Jack continues knows yoO." his medical course at University. Speaker Is Thanked A rather hilaciaus gathering of Lion George Elliott cahled the young people called Tuesday speaker "a man of dynamic pers- nigbt on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mar- onality," when thanking Mr. Car- low. Brilliant moonlight did flot roll. "We enjoyed your address help the invaders. sa after a very much," he said, *'and feel short session of naiscmaking all tbat Mitcbell's loss is aur gain."Il were invited inside for music, Mr. ElliolI said he was happy to dàancing and singing. The bride know thaltbte speaker was going and groom served sandwiches, to be a neigbbor in Whitby and cookies, POP and ice cream to cxtcnded him an invitation ta their midnigbt visitors and ahl visil the club again. tboroughly enjoyed the social In adding bis thanks ta that of caîl. Lion George Elliott, President Don Several neigbbors from the Williams said onc reason the village aîtended the funeral of Bowmanville Lions Club bas a the late Miss Louise Bowkar, for- good record is because, "We've înecly of Toronto, aI Port Perry been fortunale in beîng guided m iody isBwa a by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i pepehk ocef"l iriend of Mr. and Mrs. Mentioning the recent weekend j> at Cbateau Wembley, Presideol .-and for the past year Don voiccd the feeling of the club ~~ .Jteta r.Mc me aI Prince AI- when he gave credit ta Lion B 1ob bept. L T. of the Presby- Kent and bis committce for t efia'C I - Perry, con- handling the annuah affair. 'We ducted the 'I nterment certainl -v appreciate the work of was .in the I4a. lti vou. and your committee," the Union Cemetery President said. M.Gog ot Music Series Starts Mc9n r.BueIes "t Following tbe main address il the roofing of their ne*,"'i*b. was announccd that the Lions low. Concert Series begîns Oct. 17, eea etltnmnh~ wbe May yme th tlenedbee and finisbed pouring the and cbarming pianist, will be ment foundation of the new Pres- the guesî artist. Season tickets byterian mnanse. It is to be mav be purchased by good mus- hoped work will pragress quickly ic loyers from any member of the on Ibis project during Ibis ideai Bowmanville Lions Club. autumn weatber. Lion J. J. Brown was compli- menîed on bis promotion ta Su- perintendent of the Ontario 5A rI Training School foc Boys. Presi- -SAJ.LEMYJ dent Don Williams and Lion Harry Cryderman celebratcd A Pleasant time was enjoyed birthdays. Tbursday evening when the comn- Considering that there are five munity gatbered in the Lions Mondays in October, il was an- Cammunity Centre ta honor aur nounced that regular meetings of newîyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ken the Lions Club will be behd Oct. Rundle. Rcv. Lute acted as chair- 15 and 29. man and Mrs. Elton Brock read an address conveying the best wishes of aIl presenit. Aftcr the Nestleton Station address Keni and Hilda e p- a bridge set consisting of a table Mc. and Mrs. Narval Crossman, and four chairs. Bath the bride Mrs. Crossman Sr. and Mrs. Con-é and groom replied thanking liin, Oshawa, with Miss Rose everyane for the lovely gifts. Mountjoy. Mrs. Crossman. 's Speeches were made by Bob slaying for a visit with ber niece, Craig, Farewell Blackburn, Wes. Miss Mouîîîjoy. Werî-y and Chas. Cacruthers. The Mr. and Mcs. Gordon Harrison, remainder of the evening was Omemce. were guesîs of their spent ho dancing and playing daughter. Mc. and Mrs. Gardon cards wiîh lunch bcing secivcd Metcalf. at the chose. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gecrits RalIy Day was observed on and family bave moved from the Sunday witb the Sunday Sebool Asa Spinks' farm ta Clinton. and cburch holding a joint sec- Mc. Russell Jackman, Toronto, vire. wîîb Mc. and Mrs. Jas. Harris.. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mae Noon, Toronto, i.s Ross Lane on the birtb of a baby spcnding ber vacation with ber boy. faîher and sister, Mr. Joseph Mrs. Harvey Barrie bas an Noon and Mrs. C. Emerton. Easter Lily in bloom at the pre- Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins and sent lime. This is very unusual Jimmie, Toronto, were aI their for Ibis lime of yqar. cottage foc the weckend. Salem W.A. will hoîd their Mc. and Mrs. George Bowers Seplember meeting at the home wcce SUpper guests with Mca. of Mrs. Bob Coîhacoît this Thurs- John Williams, Wednesday, on day evening. the occasion of ber bictbday. Sympathy of Ibis cammunity is Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- lfn and Lawrence witb Mr. and tirs. George Wolfe and Mc. Hec- bert Hooey, Blackstock. Y oi Congratulations ta the, Hicks ;wîns, Betîy and George wbo celebrated their Ihird bicthday bhis week, Mrs. Louie Johnson (nec Cal- ver) of Rockwood. visiled Mrs. Kitchener Burton. Miss Mac Noon and Mr. Josephi Noon visiled fricnds near Barrie D E and aîtended Lindsay Fair. Mr. andlMrs. Maurice 1amelîs Hon. Major Iowing Match MIIT he facm of .YLOR I Bowmanvi, lin's FarM, Lot 13, Con. 5, I orth of Oshawa, on Lober 3, 1951 Tuesda ,'ed by the Woman's 1Cburch, in the church - The Public .DIALLY INVITED BOWMANVILLE PRO( write ta Uyrtie, OntarioC extended ta the friends and re- latives af the late Eber Cfago, Providence. A fire destroyed the barn and contents on the firm of Mr. and Mrs. Alex MeRobbie last week. A number o! aur people at- tended Lindsay Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chatterson, Miss Evelyn Taylor with Mr. aftd Mrs. Bob Collacott. Miss Joan Craig, Oshawa, aI home. Leading manufacîuring Indus- tries by provinces, in 1948, were: Prince Edward Island, butter and cheese; Nova Scotia. fish curing and packing; New Brunswick and Quebec, pulp and paper; Ontario, aiitomobiles; Manitoba and AI- bé'rta. slaughtering and nicat packing: Saskatchewan, flour and feed milîs; British Columbia, Darton's Ceneral Store Newtonville NOUBS GLASS - Also WE DEL] In the first four mnonths of this year Canadian labor's supp1.amen. tary ncome-that is, employru' contributions ta pensions wbd 1welfare, workxnen's comnpensa- tion and unemployment Insur- ance-amounted ta $102,OO,WOO. BOUSE FOR SALE 32 Odeli Street, house of the late Mrs. James Souch Can be seen by appointment. Apply at the office of: APHA 1. HODGINS The Sterling Trusts Corporation, Executors cut ta any size required, with automatic glass cutter while you wait. MIRRORS eut ta any size required - [VER SEASON TICKET (FOUR CONCERTS> Adulis $2.50 u Are Invited 1 oatn AI MEETIN of the ýowmanville Ive-Conservatn Pissociation EAKERS:- Lrthur Welsh, D.5SA JO PROVINCIAL SECRETARY and John W. Fonte, vol 0MOF RIEFORM INSTITUTIONS Mie Council Chambers 8: 15 P.M. iy, October 2nd is Cordially Invlled fo Attend- GiRESSIVE CONSERVAT.VE ASSOCIATION aod Save The King ~1~ 9 PHONE ORDERS Phone 3020 Clarke 1951 -52 Department of Education CO'NCERT SERIES to be presented in the QOOL AUDITORIUM MARY, SYï pan ~~'0ERVILLE, violinist; MARGARET LAWRENCE FELTNbar CURDY, accosnpanist. e~ WEDNESDAY,. NOV. 21- MR. and MRS. SEARLES, violindst and plan respectively; GABRIEL TATRALLYAY, cello;." LEOPOLDINE PICHLER, soprano with zither, or JOANNE IVEY, soprano. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 23 - JAMES MacDONALD, pianist, JOSEPH PACH, violinist; FEONIA SKAKUN, soprano; Mn. WHITE, tenor. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20 THELMA JOHANNES, planist;- SELMA JET- MUNDSON, soprano; HENRY BTALUSKI, barn- tone; a violinist ta be determined later. Purchase Your Season Ticket from Any Meniber of the Lions Club. Students *1.50 re ce 711URSDAY. SEPT. 27th. 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVtLtt, ONTARIO [-'l. IPAME lmmFý r Studenis $1.50