THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1951 TRE CANA1~TAN STATESMAN, EOWMA!~VTLL!, ONTkR!O UAfi'U~ W.WV~V Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werrv, Tyrone, visited bis sister, Mrs. C Awde. Mrs. J. J. Mellor is spcnding two weeks in Ottawva visiting ber sister, Mrs. McPhail. Mr. Charles Wood, Kitchener, ,was home for the weekend and also visited his father at Mr. Wes Woods' and bis sister Allie at Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCallumn and Mr. T Werder of Chattan- oogl!.(enn., are visiting Mr. Mu- Cal1i 's sister, Mrs. Clarence Duncan and family. Other guests for the weekend were Mrs. Win. Brady, Miss Brady and Miss M. McCallum, Toronto. A delightful social event was held at the home of Mrs. W. H-. Carman on Monday evening last week wben Mrs. Carman, Mrs. Glen Allin and Miss Betty Chap- man entertained at a iniscel- Janeous shower in bonor of Miss Jean Turner, a bride-to-be of next Saturday' . There were 23 guests present to on jov a social hour of contests and games. Refresh- ments were served by the host- esses, bringlni4 an enjo yable even- ing 10 a close, We extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. Fred Cornisb and family of Morish in the death of ber bus- band. Mr. Fred Cornîsi, ,vho pass- ed away on Tuiesday morning. Resident of this district for rnany years, Mr. and Mrs. Cor- nish were very %vell known bere and bighlv respected. Mr. Archie Hendr «v. Kingston. spent holidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendrv. Oth- er visitors wvere Miss M. Hendry, Mr. Jack Weese, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mr. Her- bert Marshall, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley, Toronto, were Sundav guests with Mrs. Harvey Curtis. The Evening Auxiliary and W. MS. met aI t home of Mr,,. Furnaces - Veniafors Air Conditioning 2 MILL LANE, OFF SCVGOG ST. Jack Reid, Tbursday nigbt, wiîh a good attendance. Mrs. Harold Allen, President. was in the chair and Mrs. Ivanson Tamblyn's group had charge cf the program. Highiights of tbc meeting were: introduction of tbc studY book, From Lakes 10 Northern L!ghts" bv- Mrs. N. F. Porter: a taik on Christian Stewardsbip by Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Mrs. W.. Armstrong showing pictures of our cburcb from the Iearing down of the oId cburch to the comrpletion of the new onc', show- ing the work in ail the differenî phases. Mrs. Glen Allen and Miss flctt *v Cbapman sang a lovcl v duet. At bhc close refresh- moents wcre servcd. Mrs. Stan Pa vne is ini Toronto xith ber mother who is serîousiy Ml. Mr. Boat of Oakvillc bas been visiting Miss Minnie Hall and wbiie bere lasI week celebrated bis 93rd birthday.' Mr. and Mrs. John Hendî'v visited frîends in Kingston and Stirling wben Archie rcturned to bis duties at Queens University. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leaman xverc in Oakville at a family gath- ering in bonoi of the 63rd wed- ding anniversary of Mr. Lea- man's parents. Tbirty-five of the guests present were childrcn, granccildrcni and great grand- childrcn. On Wedncsday, Oshawa Pres- byý,tery met in Orono United Church wvîbb the Chairman Rev. A. E. Eustace presiding. Dinner and supper were served by ladies of the W. A. The evening session was open 10 the puiblic and xvas addrcssed by Rev. A. E. Armstrong of Toronto. Y.P.U. of Orono United Cburch, went to Oshawa on Monday nigbt to King St. United Churcb 10 7t Presbytery Y.P.U. where thev en- *oyed a pot luck supper at 6:30. This was foliowed bv a sing-song i I PHONE 3412 W. DAVIS PHONE 691 R. FINNIGAN mSkylights Established 45 Yenrs i SATURDAY ABBY DARCH Admission $2.50 per couple You can SAVE MONEY Nowa, Brand New 8 Cubie Foot Westinghouse IREFRIGERATOR New Low Price - Only $319.00 Ociierous trade-in allowance for your old refrigerator or ice box. NEW WESTINGHOUSE RANGES Table top miodel coniplete %vitb autoinatic tinier, minute min(ler, Iigbts, etc. Kithe Pre-lax Price - of OnIy $349.50 One OnIy APARTMENT SIZE ELECTRIC RANGE Four-burner sty le, complete %vitb lights minute minder, etc. Selling at Pre-lax Price - of $249.50 TRADE-INS M'ashers -Clicsterfields- Spacc Hceatcrs - Ice Boxes - Electric Refrigerators- Rangettes Electric Range-,. All reconcitioiicd and gLa1rnteed. MURPHY'S Furnilure& Appliance Store In OSHAWA- 117 Sinicoe Street South In BOIVMANVILLE - 52 King Street West The Orono News Mn. R. E. Lotan AIl expense paid overseas trips and goid medals for winners in hoth horse and traclor Esso Champions classes again head a lieavy list of prizes offcred for competition at Ibis year's Inter- national Plowîng Match, W. R. Bullick, president of the Ontario Plowmcn's Association, sponsors of the big annual farmers' classic, announced Ioday. The 1951 International is bc- ing held near Woodstock, Oxford Counby, on the farms of John Hargreaves and neigbbors. Oc,. 9, 10, Il and 12. The officiai op- coing takos place Oct. 10 wbeni Hon. Thomas L. Kenned. On- tario Minister of Agriculture, is guest of honor at a special cere- mony. Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent will be bbe guest speaker at a banquet in the Woodstock Arena on the 121h when prizes will be awarded. During Ibein ail-expense pald trips to the Un ied Kingdom as guesîs of Imperial Oil. the cham- pion plowmcn will lake part in a number of nid country plowing matches, visit outstanding farms and livestoek stations and sec many historie sites and places of inîerest. Thcy will be accomp- anied by a teamn manager appoint- cd by the Ontario Plowmen's As- sociation. The tour will take about a month and includes a short stay in New York City and possibly some countries on the continent. Informative Talk7 On 'Human Nature" At Newtonville About 60 Womnen's Institute members fromn Orono, Kendal, Newcastle and Ncwtonville, met in the Community Hall, Newton- ville, Sept. 26 wben they enjoy- cd an educational lecture and discussion. Miss Irene McBnide of the Home Eeonomics Service of the Dept. of Agriculture, Toron- to i0 ntercsted ber audience for about bwo hours on thbc 'ubject of "Human Nature." She began ber talk with a quiz, the resuits of wvhich sbowed that the majonity belicved that mental ilI healtb is as important as physical, andI that there sboiild bc no feeling that bhey are different. Inherit- ance is not always or usually the cause. Some bave stronger re- sistance than others, but some also bave mucb more 10 break bbcm down. Vocationai guidance helps people 10 chose positions wheret hore will not be so much pressure from wrong -feelings. Miss MyBride coinpared the modern mental bospital 10 a cov- c red bridge, where one cao - pause, not so fan off bbc main t rack. 10 rest andI get bis bear- ings before going on again. The * lospitals are still ot sufficient in number, but expansion is bc- îng nade. Iluman nature is flexible. We all bave possibilities for develop- ment, but they are flot automatie. Wc reacb physical maturity witb- out effort, but mentaiiy' we arn al 'somewhcre along bbc lino." We cant stand stili emotionaîl-, but muîst consbantlv work atI P if wo., are to continue to gnoxv. Aften a shor't intbermission , iss MelBride contintied bon discuissioil h. stating that the langer number o)f mental ilînesses arc functional. thougli somo are phvsicai. and : smaii number due 10 infection. People dîffer constitutionally. bu-, wve ail have emotional, as \vell as, iplîYsicai needs. The first of those iS 10 cc sCel cCre, bbc infant and lîttie child in bis homo, the older child at school, andthebb aduit in bhc cominUnity. as well as theý 1 home. We nleed 10 feel adequate. able 10 cope %vilh on work and oui- problomns vwith a measure of ýuccess, and again, wc need to (col that xvhat xve do is %vorth- wbile. andI appreciated. We are emnotional beings. Wc bave emiotions wbich ai-e alfectecu i)%-v xxhat happons Ioti s. '<Mcca'i control the pbvîical resuîts f); ion emotions. Oui hodv is con. -i ani lv react ing, andîrliths ean cause illness. W0c md some out- let for the tension whlich resuIt.; j tn our emot ions. Theî'cfore i, is impor'tant that %ve should learn good %N axs of iiandling tbings, We shoUild exorcise on pleasant cmobions and try 10 scO the funny side. Mrs larnv W'arir. presideuit of t he New~tonvillie I s ibu te. c1osed thec meeting w %vth 'C'od Save, +I-, Kig-aton which Nowtnv l ladies sre lunch and ail teni I xeia social lime togethor. M'\anv',,compl imentai-\-'ma~ I vexe %oicod on the pleasant ap- pearnco of the bll vith ils nu%. cuntains and flo\wen arriangement. Nature's first defenice a-ainst so<i]cr:nor. th(- ceaîo' w hich covers the earth. &. Durham County Grain Club Winners Announced in Achievement Program and enterbainment and group discussions. Mr. J. E. Williamson, Toronto, a representatîve of the Ontario Temperance Federation, was thc speaker at Orono United Churen Sunday morning. His timely mes- sage gave much food for Ihougbt. Christians sbould be vers- much cpncerned. as 10 tbe number of teenagers who bave lost touch with the churcb. he said. Rev. A. E. Fustace conducted tbe ser- vice and tbe choir sang a well rendered anthernl'Corne Thou AI- mighty King." Sundav visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Leroy H-amilton wc,,re the former*s cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shearer, Harwood. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allin visit- cd on Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. H-oward Allin. Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson were in Toronto on Wednesday. I Mrs. Watson remained witb beri son Mr. Archie Watson and fam-1 ily for the remainder of the week. 1 Miss Shirley Porter and Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa, spent the wckend witb Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Found have returned from a week's vacation travelling through the States. Inter. Plowing Match Held Near Woodstock From Oct. 9th to l2th 3-Merrill Brown, Newcastle 2 4-Alec Martin, Newcastle 3 5-Ncwton Selby, Newcastle 6-Allun Osborne, Port Hope 1 7-Rav Stapîcton, Newton- ville, R R. 1. 8-Roy McHolm. Port Hope 1 D-Keiîb Stapleton, Newtonî- ville R. R. I 10-Douglas Cruickshank, Hampton R. R. 1 il-Glenn Stapleton, Newton- ville R. R. 1 12-Laurie Stapleton, Newton- tonville R. R. 1 13-Francis Quantnil, Camp- -bellcroft. The prize money for this Club is shared equally by the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, the Domin- ion DepI. of Agriculture and the Durham County Junior Farmers' Association. The team members chosen to represent Durbam County in the lntcr-County Club Competition aI Guelph on Oct. 19 are _Eanlc Brown, Newcastle R. R. 2 and Ray Stapieton, Newtonville. DBailieboro Girl Tops the Winners In E. Dlurham Swine Club Field Day Ai the Port Hope Fair on Saturday The East Durham Swine Club miade a veî'y crodibable showing at the Port Hope Fair with 20 boys coînpleting Ibeir Club Pro- jects. Each boy brougbit out bis pair of pure bned Yorkshire sows and Ihey werc judged by High MeGilI of the Livestock Bc'anch, Toronto. The first fîve pairs of pigs were sbown by the following members: (1) Ethel Perr'in, Bailie- boro R. R. 1; 2 Lor-ne Hickciis, Port Hope, R. R. 1; 3 Gerald Dew, Millbrook R. R. 3; 4 Allan Atch- inson, South Monagban; 5 Ter- once Cruse, South Monagban. For the total standing, points werc aiso given for judging, wnit- ten answers 10 ten questions, management during the scason, feed reports and attendance at meetings with a total of 1,000 points. On tbe total score the standing was as follows: 1-Alec Martin, Newcastle R. R. 3. 2-Ethel Perrin. Bailieboro, R. R. 1.- S-Lorne Hiekens. Port Hope R. R. . 4-Terence Cruse, South Mon- agban. 5-Gerald Dew, Mîllbrook, R. R. 3. 6-Allan Atchinson, South Monaghan, 7-Tommyv Dawson, Soutb Mon agb an. 8-Cliffoî'd Bristow, Camp- bellcî-oft R. R. 2. 9-Merle MeMabon, Bailie- boro R. R. 1. 10-Ellwood Hall, Ida R. R. 2. 1i-Raymond Tnimm, Newton- ville R. R. 1. 12--Ross ElliotI, Kendal R. R. 1. 13-Ross Thompson, Millbrook R. R. 1, 14-Seldon Parker. Newcastle R. R. 2. 15--Donald Holdaway, New- tonville R. R. 1. 16-Nesta Libby, South Mon- agban. 17-Tommy Aiken, Miiibrook R. R. 3. 18-Teddy Maley, Millbrook R. R. i. 19-Malcolm Fee, Ida R. R. 2. 20-Malville Parker, Milibrook R. R. 3. The prize mnney for this Club is shared equally by the Ontario DepI. of Agriculture, the Do- minion DepI. of Agriculture and the Port Hope Agricultural So- ciety. The team mnembers chosen to represent Durbam County in the Inter-County Club Competition at Guelpb on October 19 are Merle MeMahon, Bailieboro and iAlec Martin, Newcastle. Durham and Ontario Counties' Grain Harvest Below Las! Year Preliminary estimates of the~ of 897,600 bushels in 1950. 1 production of grains in Ontario It is estimated that the yield ol and Durham Counties, issucd by oats in Durham County Ibis yeai the Ontario Department of Agri- xii! ho 1,626,900 bushels. Thi. culture, indicates that witb bbc xvorks out bo 51 bushels btb h exception of rnixed grains in both acre. A year ago bbc yield was counties and oats in Durhamo 40 bushels 10 bbe acre of a total County the volume of the harvest of 1,432.1)00 bushels. this ycar xvas bclow that of 1950. The yii f asi Ontario Barley Yield Countv Ibis year is estimated at The report states that 747,10(0 2,133,800 bushels wbich is 47 bu- shels 10 tbc acre. A year ago the busheis is the estimnated yicld offiueva 0usestbcar fali wbeat in Durbham Ibis N'car iruews50bs.otear Witb 24,100 acres planted' this or a total of 2,360,000 bushels. wvorks out 10 a vîield of 31 bushels Barley Crop to bbc adc. A year ago the yîeld The departmcnt estimates Ibat front 28,500 acres was 38 bushels the yield of barley in Durhan t0 bbe acre or a total of 1,083,000 Countv will be 77,000 bushels or busheis. -35 bushels 10 the acre. A vear In Ontario Courîty il is estimjaI- ago the figur-e was 107,300 or 37 cd that bbc fa]] wbeat vicid fr-on, bushels to the acre, 27,000 acres will be 78à,000 or '29 In Ontario Countv bbc bark'y bushels to the acre as comparecd ernp is estimabed at 241,800 bush- xitb a yield of 34 bushels to tbe cis or 39 bushels to bbc acre as acre fromi 26,400 acres. on a tobai comipared xitb a total v\icîd of , ~ LONG IBRANCH Just Off Queen Elizabeth Way and Highway 27, West of TOIRONTO 2Puma SEPT. 24 0o Admission (Including Tax) CTz 17~ CHILDREN UNDETC SIXTEEN NOT ADMNITTED u _____________ M New Improved Parking Lois Firsi Class Restaurant if isMr. and Mrs. E. Twist. V le Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackletonp~ ai Blackburn, Hampton. l [0 itNE WTON VILLE 1-M C Mrs. Char les Reid, Toronto, is y Cvisiting ber daughter, Mrs. Wil- ' fred Wood,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris anrl it family moved 10 Port Hope on1 n Mondlay. 1 lr Miss Dorothy Brown and Mis; , rChristina Jilison, Kendal, are tak- ~ 7ing a business course at Bowman- ville. yMrs. James Stone. Oshawa, ' -visited Mrs. Maggie Smith. 1> s Miss Nora Cox bad the mis- ýf fortune to fail Monday evcnling, -hreaking ber ankie. The Co:ý family, recently from Pickering, v bought the Murray Barrie farin ' Mr. Eugene Norland and bride D<1 of Wyoming, near Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr--, William Milligan. î Mr. Henry Rcicbrath bias sold 'l bis farm and moved in with bis P parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrewv Rcicbrath.I Mrs. Zena Carlaw, Warkworth. > spent the weekend xith ber sist- or. Mrs. Willis Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bickell (ne Shirley Payne), Bowmanville, ~ have rmoved imb thbc ottage ý, which lier father purchascd from o MIrs. Stevens. jMrs. Dax' and son Carl andi b MîsMargaret Bcnssn, TnronîtoP s pont Suindav wîth Mr. andc Mrs. Clinlon Brown. Wc are ploased to bave one of our foi-mer operators. Mrs* Dn Vinkle (ner Mary Burlo.y.îat the Central again.M Mr. and Mrs. W. J1. Knox. Bow%,- manville, spent Sunday %vith Mr. P and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt. Thore will be no service in the United Chu rch next Sunrlav,' Oci . 7. Prosbytenians are baving tlle< b Thanksgiving Anvravthat i day. Service aI 7:0O xvth Rev, Louis Il. Fowler, Port Hope, 'gue. t v speaker. Mr, IVrThomnasBrel.Il-arnil- ton, <s visiting ber daughter, i. Cleland Lane. Focswere placed in thei United Churcb Sundavevnn in memory of Mrs. Juel Workmnan and bis son Kenneth by bis bý daughter, Miss Lily Workmnao. 1t The many friends of Mis. WV.j, J. Trcnotith of Napance m-ill hc Mý sorrv to becar thal as the rez-ilt of a car accident she is baviing a protollecd si avn Memlorial Hs .1. Trenotîth xvýa.~at one lime o puiblic S(,Ihonl tce suber. Mrs. Jac~k Clî\er, Jna;iîa i Bîhl'.v, spent tbcheekeind at St. Thomas. l TThe National Chesc Festival ýi will be obseî-ved across Canada Z' cturing the entire rnonth of Oc-;12 tober. It ik sponsored bv th', ý i)airv Farmrrî;r of Caniada and ,'l the National Dairy Council. 284,900 bushels or 37 bushels to the acre in 1950. Mi.xed Grains It is estimated Ihat the yield of mixed grains in Durham County Ibis year will be 1,622,400 bush- els or 48 bushels to the acre. A year ago the figure was 1,528,800 bushels or 49 bushels to the acre. In Ontario County it is estim- ated the yield will total 2,060,800 bushels or 46 bushels to the acre. A vear ago the total was 1,964,200 bushels or 46 bushels to the acre. Durham Hoisteins Among Champions At Lindsay Fair Durham County Grain Club made a very good showing on Monday nigbt with 14 members of the club out of 16 finishing Ibis Club Project. Each member brought out a peck sample of bis grain and E. A. Summers, Agît. cultural Representative, acted as, the officiai judge. The first five samples wcre shown by the following members:iI l-Doug Cruicksbank, Hampton No. 1: 2-Earlc, Gerald and Mer- nul Brown, Newcastle R. R. 2; 3-Alec Martin. Newcastle R. R. 3; 4-Allin Osborne, Port Hope R. R. 1; 5-Newton Selby, New- castle. For tbe total standing, points were also given for Field Score, Field Notes and Financial State- ment. Judging Compelition, An- swers to len question and attend- ance at meetings, with a total of 1,000 points. On the total score, the standing was as follows: i-Earle Brown, Newcastle 2 2-Harold Hamnmond, Bow- manville R. R. 4. Gerald Brown, Newcastle 2 AGRICULTURAL ARENA, ORONO The entire milking herd of E. J. Browvn, Browtop Farîn, Orono; and 45 head froin the Browview herd of James T. Brown, Newcastle; consisting of fresh and springing 2-year-olds and young cows, and five prospective young herd sires. Nearly ail females are bred to Glenaf ton Futurity XXX - AIi-Canadian Bull Calf 1948: Reserve AiI-Canadian Sr. Yearling 1949; Reserve AiI-Canadian 2-year-old 1950. A good place to select foundation Rag Apple blood-Iines Accredited and Vaccinated Lunch Available. Auctioneers: L. E. Franklin J. A. Reid Wm. J. Murphy. Lindsay, took the female Grand Cbampionsbip in the Holstein classes aI Lindsay Exhibition, winning witb bis dr.N tbree-year-old Innescroft H. S. Lelicia. Reserve senior and reserve grand championship went 10 Ja--. T. Brown. Orono, on Diana Pietie Fayne who headcd the agcd cows in milk. Murphy also sbowcd the Junior Champion female, Iaking Ibis honor on bis first prize senior ycarling heifer, Mayvicw Royal Pathfinder. NexI 10 the junior champion in ciass was Browtop Colantha Dawn, owned by E. J. Brown, Orono. Slie went tbrough to tbe reserve junior cbampionship. In the bull classes, Glenafton Futurity continricd bis winning wa\'s for the Central Durham Bull Club, Orono, taking bbc senior and grand awards aflor heading the class for bulîs tbree iyears old or ovor. Reserve senior' champion was Wm. J. Mui'phy«s two-v-%ear-old bull Keendiale Lodgtc Revelation wbile tbc junior and reserve grand cbampionsbip went to the first prize senior bull ca!f Pabst Walker Ollie owned by the Central Durham Bull Club. Re- serve junior was the first prize senior yearling bull Pomona Vie- torgramn shown by Est. of A. D. Fleming, Reaboro. The quality of the bull classes was outstand- ing. The two junior champions wcre smootb, dairylike individu- als standing on good legs. Sherman Moore, Lindsay, Pre- sident of the Victory County Hol- stein Club, was a new exhibitor Ibis year. his entries making a larger turnout of Victoria Ho]- steins than was the case last year. Altogether 75 head wenc1 sbown by seven exhibitors Thel judge was F. Roy Ormîston. SALEM Salem W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Bob Collacutt. President, Mrs. Werry opened the meeting, and conducted the business. It was decided 10 hold the bazaar Nov. 23 at the Lions Comrnunity Centre. Mrs. G. Shackleton bad charge of the devotional. Mrs. L. Welsb read the scripture. Mrs. W. Craig gave a reading. Mrs, G. Shackleton and her group served lunch and a social time was enjoyed. A representative from the Tem- perance Federation bad charge of the cburch service on Suri- day. E. J. BROWN, IBOWLING ALLEYS NOW IN OPERATION AT THIE BALMORAL HOTEL and are open Io the public - Ideai for clubs, parties, etc. Consuit the manager about open nights (Alleys Have Juat Been Renovated) g I p i No Wonder She's Happy She Used. . . Hooper's BUDGET EASY CHRISTMAS LAY-mA-mWAY "PLAN Yîu'lI be hapipv too, xlien you do ail your Christmas s1hopping, on oui' easy Lay-Away Plan. It's so much odsiI luo shop riow xw-en stocks are complete and you have cnu ci oxvd.s lu compote with. You Save Every Way The LAY -A -WAY Way NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES gUwaf4aîfiaiaM~iRIaaig HO OPER'S JEWELLERY AND GIFT SEOP 28 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 747 ~' 'Se. For catalogues write: JAS. T. BROWN, Newcastle. DAVIS &cou Sheet Netal Workers and Roofers il presents his great new band introducing BODGER McGHIE Canada's Newest Song Stylist DANC4NG 9.-12 Ladlies' Major Buckneli _____ 4 2 9 Bowling League Cate_ 42_ Beauprie 4 2 Oý Of f to Good Start Etcher -..___ 3 3 7 MeNulty 4 2 9e'.ý There are quite a few "lemnon Stevens ______ 2 4 5 leaguers" in the league this year. Davis --- ____ 2 4 5 Agnes Sheehan took the hontors Leighton 0___ O6 O this week with an even 60 in the Gay 0 .-..--- O 6 O third game. 'Could be lier bus- Hg vrg band threw bier off lier stroke Hg vrg whien hie called in on bier. The Doris Joli ___-231 hiigh single \vent to Connie Leigh- Connie Leighton - - 218 ton xvith a xiice 283 and Doris Joli Hilda Brock 198- took the hionors of the high triple Helen Piper ,--------196 with a 694. Thiis is Doris' first Lorraine McFarlane 194 nîiilt out and shie really made Onie Etcher . 193- themi count. LiI Hooper ____189 The league standing shiows Kay Stevens- 187 Piper's tcam stillintr top place Ina King ------186 \vith Luxton and Brock, ticd for Kav« Beauprie 185 second. Neti io r uk Eleanor Hare ------ 184 neIl, Carter, ine are ali tie Lorraine Hayes ---183 for third place. Ga 'v's teaçw have Hazel Davis ----------182 e't to score a point. Luxton and A lice Hodgson ----176 Beaup-îe teams both carne Ruth Culley -----------172 thoghwthafllsvc oitDore. Mutton 171 throungh with c a u svn ont.Ada Luxton -----171 tain h hcegmo.Audrey Bickle --- 171 Teani WV L P Norma Gay --- -- 171, Piper ------ --_ 5 1i11 High Single, Connie Leighton, Luxton -- ----------------- -4 2 10 283 Brock 4 2 loi High Triple-Doris Joli, 694. REDUCTION S ALE 65 ]REGISTERED HOLSTEINS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1951 - 12:30 p.m. IÀP À -THIMSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLLM, OMARTO PAGE ELIMUEN m