A ~U wwr!U~<TlECAAIA( TAEMA, OMMVILE NTMOTURDA. COBR f BIRTHS H-OAR-Ted and Lenome Hoar (nee Colacutt) are happy ta an- nouace the birtb of their daugb- ton, Lee Anne. on Sunday, Sept. 23rd, 1951 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, a sister for Diane. 40-1* DEATH BRIMACOMBE - Af Rochester, N.Y.. on Sept. 29th, 1951, Frank Bnîmacombe, beloved busbaad of Kate Bickell, fonmerly af Bow- inanville. 40-1 CORNISU, IFredeick - At the Pont Hope Hospital, Tuesda 'y, Oct. 2nd, 1951, Frederick Camnish, ho- Ioved husband of Hazel J. Pen- warden, in his 69th year. Funeral service at Mnnish United Church, Thursday, ')ctober 4th, at 2 p.m. Intenment .)rono Cemetery. 40-1* MILLS-At Toranto General Has- pital, on Moaday, October lst, 1951, Harold C. W. Milîs, beloved husband of Vera Mills and dean father of Shirley, Chester and Bruce, la bis 41sf year. Resting at flhe family resîdence, Enniskillea, for service Thursday, Octaber 4, at 2:'30 p.nî. Intennicat Pine Grave Cenietemy, Prince Albert. 40-1 VIRTUE-Suddenly at bis bome on Monday, Octaber 1sf, 1951, Otto L. Virtue, beloved husband of Pearl Devitt and dear brother of GladYs (Mns. T. Findlay), of Thornhill, aged 61 yoars. The funeral tank place frorn the fani- ili'v nsirlence. Lot 3, Con. 8, Dam- lington, on Wednesday, October '3rd. Service was af 2 p.m. Inter- maont Bethesdia Comtery. 40-1 IN MEMORIAM ARNOTT-Ifl ever loving mem- ory of aur doar mother and grandmna, Frances Ann Arnoft, who lfit us on Oct. 3rd, 1946: -Ever remembered by daughfer and iamily. 40-1* BROOKS.-Inl loving rîiernory of Pilaf Officer Glenn Wesley Brooks. wha died on Active Ser- vice Overseas Oct. 7fh, 1944: Laves greatesf giff, Remembrande. -Moni, Dad, Gwendoiyn and Grant. 40-1 JACKMAN-In loving memnory of a doar hushand and father, Fred- erîck Raymiond Jackman, wba passed away October tb;« 1944: We bave fongotten many things Big and sn-all, it's true, But we nover will forget The shock ai losing you. Ris dear bright eyes and cheerful face Ar~e so pleasant to recail, Ho bad a loviag word for each And died beloved hy alh. -Lovingly rememberod by wifo rtnd family. 40-1* MUTTON-In loving memory af our dear son and brother, B-17943 L./Cpl. Frederick Charles Muffon, who died ai wounds in Holland, Sept. 28th. 1944: -Sadlv missed and ever remem- bered by Dad, Mumn and sistors. 40-1* 1,ORDEN - To the beautiful mnemnry of my dear busband, Russell L. Worden, who passed awaY Oct. 4th, 1948: Sxveof is the fragrance o! îerniembran ce. -.Hsloving wife Ethel. 40-1* CARUDS 0F THANKS Mnr. and M\/rs, W. P. Leach wîsh ta convey their sincene thanks and appreciation ta friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during Shamon's rodent illness; also Sharon would lîke ta thank ail those who sent ber gifîs and cards. 40-1* I wish ta take this opportunify Ia expr-ess m'y sincere thanks to \V.A. of Newcastle United Churcb, No. 9 Home and Sehool Club, Rcv. BamnbaY and Rev. Bowler of Oshawxa Puintecostal Church, Rev. Turner. Newcastle, and also ta n mv inuiernuIs relatives, frieads and nighflbors for their genorous gifts of flawers. fruit, etc., and messages of synmpathy; and also Wanted To Buy DES-ýk, a:iy condition, shape or fa-n. Phono 2800. 40-1* BEFORE selling your live poutryi try us. Our pricos are higher. M. Fiatt, R R. 1, Bot hany, Phone 7 r 13, reverse chargez. -51-tt COMING EVENTS Reserve November 7 for Cour- fice Turkey Supper. 40-1* Reserve Friday, November 23, for Salem W.A. bazaar at the Lions Community Centre. 40-1* Maple Grave Evening Auxiliary will hold a bazaar af Maple Grave Church, ta ho held la basement, on November l4th at 2:30 p.m. 40-1 The Goodyear Recreation Club ouchre Friday, October th, at 8 p.m., la Goody ear Recreafion Hall, 6 pnizes. Members free, non-niern- bers 35c. 40-1 Reserve Safurday. December 1, for Salvafion Arniy Home League annual bazaar and sale of home cooking. Afternoon tea will ho served. 40-3 Dance and Poultry Dî-aw in Tyrane Community Hall. Fiiday. Oct. l2th, 19.91. Ruth Wilson and Hon Variety Band. Sp3onsored bv Tyrone Juvenile Band. Admissýion ta dance 50c. 4- Reserve Monday, October lStb. for the Liberal Nomination meet- ing at Oono, at 8 p.m., when a provincial candidate will ho sel- ected. Details ta follow in next issue. 40-1 Anniversary Services of New- tonville Presbyterian Church, on Thanksgiviag Sunday, October 7. Service at 7:30 p.m. Guest speak- er, Rev. Louis H. Fowler, MA., B.D., Port Hope. Special music. You are cordially invited ta at- tend. 39-2 Thank-Offerng Service, Enni- skillen, Suaday, October 7th, af 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker. Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, Albert Street United Churcb, Oshawa. Special music. Came with a good offer- ing. 40-1 Star Weekly Froc Concert, fea- turing the Commodores Quartette and the Videoettes. will ho given Thursdav, Oct. ith. at 8 p ni., ia Trînity United Cburch, under the auspices of No 1 Scugog Street Group. More particulars next week. 40-1 Plan ta attend the W.A. Eall Fair on Fniday, Octoben l2tb, at 1 p.m., in Trinity Stinday Sehool Rooni. Theme will ho booths of aprons. knitted goods, home mad cooking, fruit and vegetables country store, fancy bags, etc. Afternoon fea will ho servcd. 40-2 The annual meeting of the Durhami County Trustee and Ratepayers Association will ho heid at 8 p.m. on Friday, Octohon 5th. in the Newcastle Community Hall. Special speaker, Cecil F. Cannon, Deputy Minister of Edu- cation for the 'Province of On- tario. Every persan is invited ta came. 40-1 Music Instruction LESSONS in singing, theory and piano taught by Miss Jane Ben- nett, at The Hollows, Newcastle. Conveniont for local students. 40-1 * NOTICE Anyono wanting transpc ta International Piawing M Woodstock, Thursdax-, Oct Telephone H. A. Philp,1 Bowmaaville 2620 before nesday, Oct. 1th. For Rent TWO unfurnished roonis ono. Phono 2306. ROOMS for twa adults. Mrs. R. Hathenlyv, Tyrone. FARM ta rent-130 acres, powing possession nnw, 1, south af Kurv Inn, No. 2 way, Clarke Twp. App property. Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom kîlliag. Phono 3243. 32-tf FOR bulldozing, grading, lexcav- ating, etc. Caîl Taylor Bras., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 37-4 HIGH Sehool girl with Commer~- cial Diplama and husine. s exper- ienco desimes work after schonl boums and/or Satundays. Phno 2535. 40-1- BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding Wo specialuze in complote brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phono 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Help Wanted MEN WANTED - Ta help wvith Faîl shipping. Apply Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries, noar C.N.R. Station. 40)-tf HOUSEKEEPER t0 came far eld- erly gentleman, lighf housekecp- ing dufies, sleep in. Write Box 655, c'a Statesman Office. 40-h FEMALE help for lighit factoiy nmachine work. Apply in poison bofween 8 and 5:30 p.m. at 63 Temperance Street. 40-1 GIRL or waman for bousework in Toronto. Separate rooni, most evenings free. Ideal working con- ditions in good home. $1.5 per week. Applv M. Breslin, Phone 85,4 owmaanvilUe. 39-11 :irfationi lath at .1 Articles For Sale SILENT Glow oil stove. Phone 3428. 40.1* PINE lumber. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 106r4. 40-8* NEW gabardine ail weather coat, ,sîze 12. Phone 3617. 40-1* APPLE barrels. Apply Mrs. Frank Michael, R.R. 4, Oshawa. 40-1 ONE only ail hurner for furnace, complete with 2 tanks. Phone 475. 40-1 * ICE box, used, 50 lb. size, special $5.00. The Radio Shop, Phono 573. 40-1 RECORD Clearance Sale - 3 for $1.00. The Radio Shop, Phone 5 73. 40-1 1949 FORD tractar, in excellent condition. L. Chapman, Ponty- pool. 40-l* PIANOS - For information tele- phone 492 Bowmanville. F. J. GIRL'S 2-vear-aid, 3-piece yellow chinchilla outfit. Mrs. V. Jeffrey. Phono 748. 40-1 19,50 Autocycle, excellent con- dition, 12.5 miles ta gallon, $125. Phone 2902. 40-1 GOOD, dlean, hardwood barrels. mav ho seen at 54 Liberty St. N. or Phono 2408. 40-1* LJPRIGHT piano, in good con- dition. W. R. Douglas, Newcastle. Phone Newvcastle 3116. 40-1* LADY'S blue tailored suit, size 15: blue bunny bag, hoth in gaad condition. Phone 3461. 40-I* tRENFREW coal and wood range, 1ail aver white porcelain, new. Murra.v Byers, Burketan. 40-1 * ASTRAL baby electrie refriger- a tors, regular $179.00, now $149.00. The Radia Shap, Phone 573. 40-1 TWO-bumner electrie plate, with aven, bakelite finish, almost new. Phone 3424 evenings, 7 ta 9. 40-1* 1936 INTERNATIONAL pick-up, platform and racks, in good con- 1dition. L. Chapman, Pantypoal. 40-1 ' No. 1 IRISH Cobbler patataes (graded) for sale by the bag. M. A. Pickering, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 40-1 BEATTY washing machine, cap- per tub. $35: also steel bath tub without taps, $5. Phone 2339. 40-1 12-GAUGE and 16-gauge shat- guns; also Auto-Tractor. Cecil Woodward, 58 Liberty St. S. 40-1 WHITE enamel coak stave, in gond condition. Apply B. Den- nuden, Waverly Road, Bowman- FANCY quality apples: MacIa- tosh. Spy, Taiman Sweet. al jleading varieties, by the bushel. Phono 2227.__ _40-1 FOUR slightly water damaged menýs suits, 2 size 42, 2 size 35, reasonable. May be seen at 33 King East. 40-1 ONE large and one small Norge ail space heater, gond condition,1 cheap. Mrs. D. B. Pickering, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 40-1 i. 1lfh, APPLES - Wealthy, Macîntosh r.vrmneO and Baxter. Froni 59e per bus. Wed - up. Gray Brothers, Newcastle, - Phono Clarke 1202. 39-2* FIVE-piece kitehen chrome set, i n ed, excellent condition; also bav's sports jacket, size 14 - 16, in TY- like now. Phono 2366. 40-1 40)- 1I MARCONI 3-speed radio and e- Applv cord combination, new small cab- 0P. nt type. Special $169.00. The hYrRadio Shop, Phono 573. 40-1 lcation VACUUIM Ceaner, new Easy, HIgh- icomplote with attachments, reg- on lar $64.00, now $49.00. The 39~ Radio Shop. Phono 573. 40-1 POTATOES - Specializing in NO. 1 top quality potatoes. Order aour suppl 'y now. Doug Curi, Bowmanville, Phono 3101. 20-ff INTERNA T I1O N A L Fanmall-H tractai; also 3-furrow Interna- tional plow, on rubber, H. M. Kyte, Phono Port Perry 106r4. 4t0-2 * DONT Miss If! Sweef eider, tamiatoos. pears, apples: St. Law- r-encc, Macs, Tolman Swect, Bring container, Shaw's Fruit Mar-ket, Kurv Inn. 40-1 GRAVENSTEIN, Wolfe River, Wealthv and Maclntosh apples; Sweet Cider, 50e per gallon. W. T. Cax, 1 :,~ miles nortb of B.T.S.. Bowman%,ilIle. Phono 2927. 40-1* CONGOLEUM Gohd Seal Ruas, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oieum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard gaods af budget pnices. Phono 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf WE measure and instaîl fiaest quaiity venetian blinds, new plas- tie tapes available, easily kepf cleaîu, many clours fa choose f rom. Phono Morris Ca., 480. 29-tf CABIN Trailer, 16' x 7', insuiated Articles For Sale RADIO and record changer, floor model, RCA Victor, reconditioned, trade-in, Special $89.00. Othor trade-in mantel and console sets froni $12.00 up. The Radio Shop. 38 King St. E., Phono 573. 40-1 GURNEY electric stoves: four- elenient, apartment size, was $264, now $S249; 4-element table top, was $319, now reduced ta $279. Deferred paynients arranged. The Radio Shop, Phiono 573. 40-1 TRADE-IN washiers: Thor, in ex- cellent condition. $95.00; Easy, gasoline type, new guarantee, $149,00; Easy Spin-dry, recondi- tioned, $95.00; Apex, recondition- ed, special, $45.00. The Radio Shop, Phono 573. 40-1 ONE new George White Ensilage Cutter, 16-mn. throat with 40 ft. of pipe and knife grinder, extra set of knives. WilI accept a trace, Arnold Taylor, George White Dealer, Biackstock, Phone Port Perry 184r2. 40-1 PLUMBING. Heating and 011 Burners installed anywhere in Durham Caunty. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates call S. Blain Elliott, Heating. Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phono 3348. 29-tf VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours of tapes, 15 slat colours, Flexaluni, Aluminumn or Steel, measured and installed free of charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabrie Centre. 17-tf TILE - for kitchen, bathmooms, beartbs and fireplaces. Wals- giazed tule or plastic, all colours Floons - rubber, mastic, lino-tile, quarnie and ceramie. Will go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf NEW shipments of Gold Seal Con- goleuni and Rexoleumn Deluxe, 2 and 3 yards wide, choose froni-40 patterns. Imported Pabea war- ranty floor coverings, in new designs. Hall runners, inlaid linoleumn and large selection in rug sizes. Morris Ca., Phono 480. 29-tf ONE 8 cu. ft. refrigerator, $388,00: one electric range, $239.00; ane electrie washiing machine, $160.,50; new home freezer 9.1215 cu. ft., $509.00 up ta $655.70; also new ail space heaters, $79.00 ta $150,00. 10%, off for quick sale. Can be seen at F. S. Allen, John Deere Sale and Service, BA Dealers, 3 miles west of Bowmanville an No. 2 Highwa.v, Phono 283:3. 40-1 TRADE-INS -8 cu. ft. refniger- ator, regular $319.50. for $275, used anc month: Westinghouse 3-piece velour chesterfield suite, 2 NvincI1 green, good condition, $50: 3 - humner electrie range. closed elements, used anc month, $125; Findlay, white enamel, coal stove, with shoîf, $59.50, like new; Ace ice box, 50 lb., like new, $15. Murphy's, Phono 811. 40-1* WAGON and Trailer Axies. Vour choice of Chev.. Ford or Dodge wheels either 15' or 16" so vour own spare will wark. Price only $30 each, while tbey last. This iiicludes: axe, hubs, wheels, tires and tubes, all assemnbled, lined up and painted. Springs $10.00 a pair extra, if desired. Please note that thîs special offer is only gond whîle presont stock lasts 50 order early . Sissons Garage, Phone Orono 1031. 34-tÎ will Irade for car or soîl; also Salesmen Vlanted Beatty washing machine, one year' old. 147 Liberty Street, WHAT are your plans for in-ý SouIth. 38-3 creased earniags? A good Raw- leîgh business is hard ta beat - THANKSGIVING Special-Sweet big lino, woll established, gaod eider, chaîce eating or cookîng profits. Na expenience required. appies, ripe or green tomatoos, 1Write taday for information on swoet dorn, spring chiekens and1 how ta get started. * Rawleigh's, fawl. Nleadowmount Farms, Phono Dept. ML-J-140-225, Montreal. Clarke 2811. 40-11 40-1 Articles For Sale RECESSED hathtubs $60; smart Martha Washington and Rich- ledge stainless three piece bath- room sets white $160.00 ta $189.00. Colaured $274,00 complote with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furnaces $295.00. Special offers ta plumbers and builders fao. Save many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue pnices if wo supply everything you need for complote plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and instal- lation dîagrams. Select stylo of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators. Pressure water systenis, ail bumo- ers, soptie and ail tanks etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Order Di- vision, Streetsville Hardware, Streetsville, Ontario. Phono 261. Evenings 51r15. 31-tf Cars For Sale 1930 CHEVROLET, good running condition. Phono 3294. 40-l* 1950 BLACK Morris Minor, radio and heater, $900 cash. Phone 3653. 40-2 '32 OLDSMOBILE, gond tires, seat cavers. Phono Jim Martyn 560. 40-1 MODEL "A" Coupe, with all new tires, fair ahl around. Phone 3649. 40-1-Y $150 BUYS 1934 Ford, new tires and motor, Sauthwind heater. Phono 3441. 40-1 1937 FORD Coach, with good mnotor, dlean inside and looks verv good. 10 Division St. 40-1- 1947 FARGO Truck, good con- dition, recontly overhauled, with P.C.V.F.S. license. For funther particulars write Box 651, c/o The Stafesman Office. 40-1 Livestock For Sale 15 PIGS, 9 weeks oId; and sanie seed grain. Phone 2661. 40-1 GOOD veal caîf. R. Stenger, Enniskillen, Phono 2824. 40-1 HOLSTEIN heifer, 4-yr.-old, me- gistemed. To renew October 20. Phono 3123. 40-1* 700 BARRED Rock pullets, laving. 5 months old, Peel strain. Phone Oshawa 5-4102. 40-1 300 NEW HAMPSHIRE x Rock pullets, six months aid. Apply George Skelding, Newcastle. 40-1* 20 GRADE Holstein heifers, due ta freshen in Novomber. Apply H. D. Milîson, Enniskillen, Phono 2793. 40-1* LIVE fat Pekin ducks for Thanks- giving or breeding stock, $2.50 each. Mrs. Leslie Taylor, Phono 193r5 Port Penny. 40-If WEANLING pigs, 45c a lb. Regis- tered Guernsey cows and heifers. Registered Tamxvorth boars. Doug Mackie. Nestleton. 40-2 CATTLE-40 head choice year- lings. Hereford steers and heif- ers. 35 yaung feeder cows. heef type, offering froni Oct. 8th ta 13th. E»_A. Werry, Phone 2570). 40-1 Repairs REPAIRS toalal makes of re!rig- erators, domestic and commercial, miiking coolers. Higgon Elec- fric, 42 King St. E., Phono 438. 25-tf FOR pr'ompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garfon Bus Ter- minal. 21.tt, The Caadim Statesmcxn Classilied Advertising Raies Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30~ per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of 25e~ wili be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less B1RTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS- - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms seliing services, ideas ogoods of any description) 30 per word; minimum ohrg 75e cash with order. To regular advertisers payable înonthly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates Ail Classified Ads. must bc in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) North Oshawa. 36-8 Personal How Farm Organizations Operate In State of Ohio, Related i Series 0f Articles hy Sec'Jyy. of Federation Real Estate For Sale MANUFACTURING Property, - 1500 sq. ft., solid masonry build- Jing on No. 2 Highway, just east of Bowmanville. oil-heated, heavy wiring, well lighted. Office and showroom. Phone Bowmanville 3637. 40-3 HOU S E FOR SALE 32 Odeli Street, house of the late MIrs. James Souch Can be seen by appointment. Apply at the office of: APHA I. HODGINS The Sterling Trusts Corporation, Executors. GILL REAL ESTATE In Burketon -- 9-rooni, frame home, full cellar, hydro, barn, garage. $4,000. In Janetville - 7-rooni, s olid brick home, hydro, full cellar, furnace, gond wcll. Open ta offer. In Cartwright - 200 acre farm, level dlay loain, 2 barns, hen house, hog pen, iniplement shed, double garage, 9-rooni home, heavy wiring, furnace, etc., creek, spring and goad wells on farm. Priced at $16,000. Ternis. Il. G. (Hap) Gill, Realtor 78 King St. West, Bownianville Phono: Office 3326 Residence 3514 40-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE $10,500 -9-rooni bungalow, al conveniences, well -built home, furnace, garage. Possession ar- ranged. Brick hanse. 8 rooms, 3-piece bath, new furnace, hydra, heavy wiring, hardwood floors, garage. $6,500. Six roonis, insul-brick, n%-acre, heavy wiring. hydro. as is $6,500. Finished with ail conveniences, $8,000, near Oshawa. Six-rooni solid brick bouse, hydro, 2-piece bath, close ta King St., lot with property. $4,200. Haîf cash. Lots for sale in gond location. James Nixon, Broker 160 Libertv St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 40-1* AUCTION SALES I have receiveci instructions ta sell by public auction for Mr. Narman Taylor on Tursday, Oct. llth, all bis fanm stock and im- plenients at Lot 10, Con. 5, Cart- wright Township, 1 mile north of Blackstock and first fanm west of Taylor's Corners on Port Perry road. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 40-1* I have received instructions, froni Mr. Clarence English, Lot 35, Con). 1. Clarke Twp., fiîst farm south of Kiirv Inni, ta seîl by pub- lic auction on Saturday, October 13, at 1 p.m., ail his fanm stock. iniplenients, hay, grain, wood and saonie fUrniturc. For further par- ticulars see bills. Ternis cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 39-3 Antiques, ail paintings, Limoges china, glassware, linon, bedding, walnut furniture, etc., the estate of the late Rcv. A. A. Drumniond, ta be sold by public auction on Satunday, October 6th, commene- ing at 1 p.ni. sharp, at his late residonce, Kingston Road, New- castle. Don't miss this large sale. Torms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctianeer. 39-2 The undersigned bas rcceived instructions tram Mr. R. R. Me- Clung, Lot 15), Con. 8, Hope Twp., at Gar~den Hill, on Saturday, Oct. 2th, his entire household effocts and plurnbing equipment, includ- ing a 1949 uîiu-ton Fard truck, mileage 14,000: tools of ail kinds; 2 walnut becironîn suites, bath nearly new; Cold Spot electrie refrigerator: washin- machine: now electric s1ave, full size: 2- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - ruhber WE will be pleased fa pick up goods) mailed postpaid in plain dead or crippled farmn animals sealed envelope with prico 1sf. and pay highesf prevailîng prîces. Six samples 25c, 24 samplos $1,00. For immediate service Toiephono Mail Onden Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- Colleet, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or ber Ca.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont 'Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young &. ~12 Ltd -4 (By Ed. Mihîson, Orano) During the week o! Sept. 22 1 bad the apporfunify along wif n two prominent Junior Farmers ai Durham Counfy, ta visit the State ai Ohio and socuro informa- tion about their progressive farm organizaf ion. If is quife likely that Morrill Van Camp, Nestle- ton, and Milford White, Camp- belîcroit, wbo gained much ironi this four, will also wan fatol many Durbamifes their persanal experiences. The tour was arranged by the Ontario Federafian of Agricul- ture and sponsored by those County units delegating members ta go. A number ai such tours, ta different points in the U.S.A., are planned every year for the personal benefif of seeking ad- ditional information for aur farni ca-oporativo movement in On- tario. These tours are mast ec- onomical and wortb a lifefime af experience ta those wbo are in- teresfed in the character and col- lective success ai their f arm business. For a number ai weeks, with the good graces ai The Canadian Statesman, I wihl endeavor ta give you the general sefup and purpose af the Farm Bureau in the United States, the State ai Ohio, and more particularly the specifie phases closely connected with the fanmer patrons. We ahi know thaf through fanm organizatian farmers do togethon ion agriculture those fhings whicb they cannaf do as individuals. Thene are 45 Stafe Farm Bureaus in the U.S.A. All Stafe Farrmo Bureaus are iederated ino the American Farm Bureau Federa- tion. Over 1,250,000 U.S. farm families beiong ta the Farm Bureau. Like Canada, the U. S. farmers are a minonify group-18%/ in the U.S.A. and 15% in Ohio. There is no doubt, therefore. thaf fan- mers do need organizafion ta ho hoard. Jo Washington the Ami- enican Farm Bureau Federation givos the farmer one ai the strongest voices hoard in National Goverament. Gaod proof ai this was illustrated jusf recently whon the iadustrial powers tried ta im- pose a fax on fanm co-operatives fhrough the federal mediumi. The opposition, the groatost in many years, was so effective the bill was turned down imniedi- ately. A fax -of this type would bave meant less dividends ta niember patrons, lowen margin ai profit, and initiallv a dual fax. In Ohio the Ohio Farm Bureau Dehegates, Trustees, Commiffees and Legislative Departmenf rep- rosent fanonrs in State Gavera- ment. The County Fanm Bureau Boards, Committees, and Advis- ory Councils speak for the fanm- St. Paul's C.G.I.T. Eleet Officers For Coming Year On Wednesday, Sept. 26, St. Paul's C.G.I.T. held ifs first meet- ing ai the season la the Sunday Sehool ooni with 14 prosent, in- chuding aur leader Miss D. Croas- ser and assistant and pianist, Miss Ileen Balson. Af fer the opening singsong and prayers, plans were made for a Hallowe'en bard-finie party. Thon flhc eloction ai officors took place with these resulfs: President- Barbara Cryderman; Vice-Presi- dent-Marie Fergusan, Secrefamy -Joan Gibson: Press Secretary'r -Nancy* Mitchell; Treasurr- Donna Moorerait. Relay games wore played and the meeting closed with taps. Ancient Coin Stories Bring More Horded Money to the Surface Old coins are stîll roiling in as a nesult af stonios appearîng la previaus issues ai The Stafosman, IWhiie we are unahie ta doter- mine their preseat day value, we offer information ta coin collect- ans wha cao. Jack Miller, King St East bar- ber. Bowmanville, bas a collection ni somne 500 coins ranging la di- ameter froni anc-quarter loch to three inches. Ho reports coins dated 1748, 1762 and 1838. The oldest coin previoushy _ýportod was dated 1773. Mm. Miller bas two -1r2ican ha]f-dollqrs about thneo inches ini diamnefer and in remarkably good stateofaipreservafion.: Around the edge ai the coins-the edge which is ribbed on modemn quar- . ters-there is writing, but if lu ont neadable. The hall-dollars are dafed 1835 and 1836. The 500 coin collection was giv. en ta Mr. Miler by bis grand- father and includes twa shin-plao., tors whicb were once used as le- gaI tender in the United States. A second reader furned up an- other aid coin. Dated 1820, the coin was given to Mns. V. A. Henry, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, by hem uncle when she leit Englanîd 36 yeams aga. The head ai George 111 of Engiand is on one side and around the fiat edge ai the coin, in French, is wriften: 'Evil be ta hîm whom cvIl thinks." Cleaning the face af a horse collar frequently-pariculariy Ir if is clofh-faced-- and drying it out in the wind and sun. will acid tu its lie, . , -.. BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUJM COST 50c PER AD er at the County love!. t Essentially all organizdlrn i planned ta imprave rural living and farm incame. but just haW are these channels set up in ord- or that they will work effectivelyý, Thraugh the Homo and Commun. ity Committees farm wamen work ta imprave health, safety, schools and cammunity life. The Advis- amy Councils which are sîmilar ta aur Farm Forums deal with ail matters portaining ta botter rural living. Farm Bureau Youth Councils prepare yaung people for rural leadership. Farmn in- came is sfabilized and improved by co-operative purchasing and marketing, insurance services and promotion of the other Co- Op. services such as credif, etc. There is no doubt that Co-Ops. will and are stabilizing the farrn economy by assuring the produ- cer a faim mangin of profit over cast of production. How offen in the past have fanonrs been forced. ta soîl for whatever the market wouid bring? Perhaps the lat- ter statement bas greafer hear- ing bore than in Ohio. Farm Bureau duos are less than 112 cents per day, or $5.00 per year'for the entire farm famihy. Dues are div'ided as follows: - County Fanm Bureau -$25 Ohio Fanm Burteau---------- - 1.50 Amenîcan Fanm Bureau ---.50 Famm Bureau News --------- .50 For this smîiqll fee the farma family becames a, part of the County Farm Bureau pragram, helps support the stato and na- tional organizatian, becomes ehi- gible for group hospitalizafion, and receives two farma magazine subscnipf ions. The Richerts are farmers in Brown Township. Knox County, State af Obio. They do general farming, speciaiizing in turkoy raising. They belong ta an ad- visory council and are active ini community aff airs. The Richerfa estimate that Farmn Bureau ac- complishments saved themn the followiag amounts hast year. Real Estato Taxes, due to 10 miii lumit and 65%ý( vote........$225.00 Personal propemty Taxes due to 50 f appraisal.-- 80.00 Sales Tax Exemption on fanm machinomy. 3/, Fanm truck licenses V ,on thnee trucks . ...... 3 Saving on fertilizer----40.00 $557.90 Their slogan is "Farm Bureau Membership Doos Not Casf-It Pays." r Most of you who are familiar with Fedenafion and Co-Opora- tives in Ontario wiil notice that aur organization is. in many re- spects, quite simular. (To ho coatinued nexf week) THUMDA'T, OCTOBM 4til, 194 Several Showers Held ini Honor Of Lucille Forder Miss Lucille Farder, wbo on October 6 will become the bride ai Gardon Sturrack, bas heen guesf ai honor at sevemal sbowers during the pasf few weeks. On Sept. 7, Mrs. Howard' Sfurrock and Miss Shirley Grant were co- hastessos af a miscelaneaus show- or heid at the home ai Mis. Sturrock, King St. West. Maiy beautiful presents were found by the bride in a decorated basket drawn by a sprigbfly wooden horse. Like the Trojan horse, ho also was hollow and confained hidden treasure. A lovely lunch xvas served by the hostesses, as- sisted hy Miss Audrey Sturrock, Miss Joyce Tbompson and Mrs. Jack Kerr. Mrs. Howard Bickle entenfain- ed on Sept. 14 at a miscellaneous showor for the bride-to-be, wben about 50 guests assembled ta present their giffs and best wish- os ta the bride. Pink and white streamers and vari-colored bal- boons deconated the arch betweon living-room and dîning-room. Af diffeîent tunes thr.oughout the evening, the balloorîs were pune- tured. showering confetti on the bride who sat beneafh. Many beautiful giffs were received. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess, who was assisted in semv- ing by Mns. Sami Black, Mis. Frank Hooper, Miss Edith Brooks. Mrs. A. H. Sfurmock, mothor ai the groom. and Mms. Charlotte Farder, mother ai the bride, pour- ed toa. Miss Audrey Sturrock and Mms. A. H. Sturrock also .enfer- tained at a kitchon and panfrv shoîf shower on Friday, Sept. 21 when about 40 friends and neigh- bans gathered at Mrs. Sturrock's home, Scugog St. Many useful gits wemo found in an umbrella decorated la pink and white and a deliciaus lunch was served hv the bostesses. who wome assisted hv Mrs. Frank Hoopor, Miss Mar- l'a Farder and Mrs. Howard Sturrock. Knowing the hreeding bistory of animais used for breeding is a ,gaod rule Farmers Attention 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOV;IJANVI=, ()"ARIO PAGE POIURTEM