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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1951, p. 4

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PAGE FOU' .Cf tlflaAm ,~=s -.-.- Curent and Con fidential HAPPY DAYS HERE AGAIN 'xe de net know. One goos te BA('K TO STAND ARD) TIMI- tork in darkness. ho cornes borne Ho boni'. Dd yc.u notice thur' , n dai'kness. For ail he knows, xtca hours sleup Suînda" nitru-- he nmav bave slid into Lapland foi ail the daxlîght ho sees. ManN ng? 'e'v e bic-n lookitig for'- twbo must ho at work bx' set-eutl, yar-d 10 it et ce since we lost î tanariu have tbis experi- ast spring. Nov:, ftllod with a ente in tbe darkest montbs, anti sciâseo f sciisfaction. %v-- cari fa(- tbov bave cuir s>-rpatbt* . Thev- ho eaî'iv tark cf Octobor igb' i-ýatvtr-uti au gel used Io anYthin!ý, writh cotiuttt. A gr- It duacl baS but 'thec's nothing lîko a blinis been sain iupro and con about Dav- of sunshine te cheer a person up. igbt Sa'.iîg "uie b-ut il ha. I1tit. So ail of the ltîcky peeple v-ho 'cacherlilîrj(- point of being ail iM- oddle off te tîrork at eigbt or tîtutîtun foii'tc suimmer rnonths. Ml lc- hudnwb Vali aiix' itu-of '-i-oni u 'e -haIppy-.ui andîi o'cock.sbeud uiw h 'on w-ou iri Iike te sec the Svitcll t-c-'bap.adontesee - oï-lruckers are ail rigbt fer a back b -snl Iimue cha-lîitî'd10SCI- h l Don't kic-k about il gettiiig temer -o.-ýtan rae te edr dau'k oarlv. After ail, v-r-at au-e of ]aîeihrtile enouglb. ougigtod wîba etr l-1'-c tî-îî ItidtîdIlat wv--o LIiu'] hou' cf davliglî thIese c-bilv vt m,-'r i-ru ir-' thir lbirgili 1aIli a Iîl ights' Dratir-the curtains, puIt oîiuî uîi 'I gISav-ing a Ma i ti. t-rt -feot op before thi' fire anid Lt'r howe i l li iex Ou'bc e '- relax. X'ou'il lit-e longer, act. forî îivtling moi-e dclpt- - * o Irn t t I iii ipitcb înt-"Atr .ISMAL BUT' atilt ocltîtk in thie nîiriuig1 SHINING lMIRA'LE" Need bulbs?l ask for GENERAL' ELECIRIO LAMPS Last tt-eek tte spoke cf peoplo's goodness, tlîeir inmoediate e- zpns t)iOv-len a ueighbou'laisii rouble. We said it liappeuied lin the- citY as weli as tlie cotntr\'. andidt dot-s. No doibt ntaiv tif vîtt are i'oaders of Wessel.v Hicks' t-olîîîîn in The Tilegrani. Lasi îvcok thotod thie stou'v of Crace Heorleison xvbo is dving of tancer cf theo lings. Slîe bas about six moulus to lit-e and slîe wanited t0 e:o bau-k 10 Glasgow wtthere she tyns boî'u. antd seber parents. She atantoti lier îusban id cuti <- t rreuî te acconipan>' lier. andtiafter 'lie is gocto. nake a notv start iin Suotiacti. But tlîet didit lhav-e thie mone v fou' the boat fane. A ,ve-ek ag-o MondaY, Wessclv- hlieRs toldthtuaI tor v iii bis col- îiunn. anîd bx Ttuosla 'v over' $600i nut-it-i 7u5).Buit ocue started. te at-alanche couldti î be stop- pet1. Uit Weticesda v anîubler S1375 canme iii oui tle fiîst mail. andut se i.toutinued ail week. Bt I Saturcdavt' ure v-as $3,734.201. Wesselv Hicks called it "a siiai - hit sh illing miratle." The Hen- deonus, v--li have beeîî dogged by bad luck, uîow bave tlîeir fare anîd a nice bit to see tlîem through the bad dat-s abead. thauîks te the kiuîd beart of nien and v-rooen wr-li read the stou'y on the street and waiked in te the Telegramn wtth their contribution; thanks te r waibresses. policemen, stenogra- phers, betusewit'es and mon in everY occupation; and thanks to peopleie cvec-y walk of life wbo uead the alec-y in the Telegrarn and sent mono>' in from ail ever The NORWOOD Fair THANKSGIVING DAY# MONDAY, OCTOBER 8TH (at Junction of Highways 7 and 45) Opening Parade - Pipe Band, Prancing Horses, Decorated Floats, Etc. An afternoon packcd %vith thrilling entertainrnnt Allfor 50c - Children under 12 -Free ('ore to the Fair - Corne Early - 25,000 Expected Sce Posters - Hear Broadcasts - Movies will be Taken C. A. BRETHIEN, GORDON PARKER, President. Secretarv. -Ontario and even from the States. We have retold this story be- cause we believe that faith in the 1 innate goedness of our fellow men jand women must be restored be- j Needleeraft News z by i t t I I F I I -t c t QUAKER The firsi name in 01 Heaters brings you the lasi word in Feating Ef ficiency l's ino accident that the FINEST 011, HEATERS made to-day hear the niante QUAXKER. For ov er (;0 y ars Quaker lias heen a Ieading naine in lheating. ...QUAXKER piouietred fthe first successful Oit Bîurning space Iteaters. And ever sutucv (èL. f IE h led the way %vitlî heaters that give you better performntce for -ýr xoi roncy. l'or exaîtupille. ul ou wauît te finest natural draft heaters made ( heaters duc t uel , vou the ehimîtie ' alonie t suppdY air te thc fire) sece the lnev QUAKER (î1.XLLEN(ER lhezters. The Quaker Challeniger Heaters arc buit to gis-e you thec greabest efficieîîcy potssible at the lowvest cost. Thle%- NilI work hetter than an ' sintilai' lîcater onuiauiy chiunuucy on w lîich a itatural draft lîcater can be opl)ratttat. lie read ' vfer coid w~eather, w~ith one of these finte Quaker Hleaters. iNo licater te siali or lar.ge for auuy heating rcquirnuîents. - Corne In and See Them To-day- Also QUAKER RANGES Gardon W:ilbur HAMPTON PHONE: BOWMANVILLE 2424 blîeue lias beeuî a coinueus in- take ef moistore which is ladori with roinerat substances. Dur- îng Augtust tlhe pores are becom- uuîg cloggcd with foreign sub- stanices and bbe rays ef the i-un bass intenise. The leaf gives up ts wurking protoplasm; the chloc-opbyll dsiutegrates and ne- beases etreryrthiiîg of value within ils composition. Duî'ing this pro- cess tlie green leaves change te I xeibow, russe-t or brown. The red tlits, v-hicb se enliven Itie Octob- e landscape, are caused by acida ti certain trocs, The iast act in the life drama of the leaf is the cutting off of thie stem. A thin plate of cork celIs foc-m at the point wbere the stem of the leaf joins thie branch le proteet the troc from bleed- ing. It cao now ho understeod Ibat Auturnn colora are dtue to uiechanic-al and chemnical chan- ges, and that the leat'cs die that thie tree nia ' live. Arnoig the fîrst trocs te cbang-- toluir are bbc redt maples. lm, su- inatélt and hîor'seccestiiut. The îuext group incluties tlie sugai i maplt-s. cliesinuIl, mcd oak, beecît. aind birch T'eleIast tut change are bt'the wijte oak, Lombard.v poplar, Ntîrtvayniaple, wilows Iandr fruit treUS. Thluecntiug paraclox of fali is wtutî us unîte agaiî thie sr-asuii tuvhen tbe CuuIutrtside is as gaul:-, 1 cesplt-ndenif as-manx- seîîorla ar- ra>-ed for lier first fiesta. Yet ha- lîmîd btie fac-ada of beautv us an uveî'tone of nmelaîtc-oi. 'rhe t-eau' is d 'viîîg. This is Natures t îuîu momuent uf bent-fieeic-e be- futre tuitirsets i.- St>, tt ieir t oui accr'pt tlîe scien i fi e xpiaîi- toui, ur bulti ia-t Iot he genti - t ohîirttf Jac-k Froust anîd hLi. pariiilt-t . uîhniickcIhaste ho enio.: lice- coloi liispîcuidur. Introducing The Advertising Man l'inIhr le a-t-ïrtsiii-g mnî. 1 Iamtithe tion Itue t-eecls of prou'ress. T h c.v oight moto tviuthrut nie, but tîey v wouldn't uîurute suioctl\ or so efficieutly. I a rn iliv- iiuîkbettveîii te poopîie whoiti vant to sou anîd tii- teo ie hu n tuto1bult- It is i': lob lu hruuîuz lot-ai people togelli- r-hit ig peouple uvho ttauît joo» to pe0fîci- tho vaut lîelp---tri jbrig people tube hav'e lest a trasurr-d possessuorn 10 ptopIc i t'lo nat' hate found iltrit brinus. hie persout wlo seeks shelter Iu hmii t linlias a sheltet'c-1offer- b:o i andto ctiseller togoînl- ce. .,c a turtii-tOc- m'\eir andlii r î-tu< Io pri-Ice a nixtr f a . i t'.ti P(te am av- niagentiof Ion- i'On:ni au- It-Progrcsj. %Who has buit a bet- Il fore we stand muen cnance of unakinga the world a botter place to live in. We can't think of a 'c( 1HRISTMAS CONIE but once botter example 10 show 'that th-- sai hu i il I i l-îî oile nectuil1 beart of the av-erage "Joe" thLu su itilng'l0 trianitilivir hliidax' giM-iii.9 little man, the common man, the' aîd itue aîipret-îation froint'tlie receiv man in the street, or whatet-er t-ou want te eall him, la in the right blace. It's when ho let's bis hoad ruilebis heart that ho sometimes gets off the track. WINGS BEATINGSOT tention te birds except to wel- cerne the xrobins back in spriuîg as a sure sign that warmier wea- ther is oui tbe way. With a little pleasauît studv anud observation,- for -which the country immediate- 1l«v suruounding Bowmianville pro- vidIes ideal opportrunities, anvone cao learri 10 identifv' a large num- beu' of birds. I.ike a ntootbhîr hobby, il grow-s on vou. Spring is ube ideal lime. xvben the biî'ds are iin their brigbtest plumage ploli îîev îvulrobrc' c-n ho made, ai and on thieir way fartber north. 10 lii tl iî 1 - 1i riocf frîvorut c <Ituls. 1 nest. No\wadayNs, the piigrbmage - liosri-tt l., wlitre t itisspeiidutl can is ret-ersed, the birds passin-1,reîprtt-ii tr a ttetvlumir-ulo a.s lie ciisc tbrouigh in flocks 10 a warmer ginîs for i-Bliro. tus at(] girls aluk îlimate foir the winter. MWitii w-tillii-r-s maud Ilai- Ail tlie'e il inan.v kinds of biî'ds. ilhe plnî-utiiigwrul trîrri t> urai-clc eweilrranduît is q nîte diffecent tcotx- than la fatcru t-sîtiis spring. and consequently tbey arte Choice biard 10 identi fv -Who sat's lu 's liard Io find '.oniof li W'e ver-e visited on Sundat. tuv c :u-t4Yli-sri sîtiallv if 'Vr norning byv a flock of SI ate Col.- ou i uuicI-If-u'uclle o mul k0 oîed Juncos, a Ptirpie Finch tici î i v viutgi-ca lt-.r tc erul four -11111 Fl'aItplumage)t and bis wfeand slr iv niîtw re, prinuuas,(I at number of Spaurexvs v-hcna uttat '-aOi.luîl ail ti1(eot1lrungs t-ar w-e d idui't identi fy posit itelv; -«irf v b uut lxe acoul an-tiui lue iii there are about 4f) di fferent kinds. it-tc.'icrailuuîiike t lucut froun Io We had a ringside seat, sioce tb-ely irg wiliu3irtlt- c-lu wi uuIlhosei ianded iust outside tbe wnd rinug gutiatre i r Inuuuthd wîîluin Il as we were baving breakfast and a""lfrugaesoili uevrlnn stayed baîf an bour or more, buis- atoi c d clo li-c . oî tnssot sfruren il3- eabing seeds and beuries. Th,?suuîiiriodrsngo'u.tpothrs mornig beorea wboe fick tlit-mo s a large s-ucfroin wlîîch te cf robins were havîng a ,vo-'u- or oiîradnwswnga-lo derful tune iin our Mountaiu Ait~GFS tree, enjoying lthe scai-let berrieu. FraalrguG ehv ifuture Their famniliai' c-ii-p c-hrp tvas cas a Forii I a Iso itFet tif 3 gui ct ur tveicomie sotuîd. but this timie of - nlas l (to: ofci i course tbey are going away frein frîu: utot ti i iii uutil li tobîî-kr lis. IW< 'or-i l i-his. Ti'tis ptin m is gite: A nv'day noxvtoo. yevoi a- a il out i-I liumif a cii jîpifer. If yvouitl bear a-sad. far-off cr3' fi-rn the tIe- gif1'q, jlî-t seuil a stunîtil i-kv, and iooking up xviii sce era i Ofcuth lis Ituiper rm-ueýinifug fi ' i n g vedge of Canada Geese lleading soutb. Poi- sorrie reason or other, Ibis is one of the most A tm " tbriiliog sigbts and soundcs to ho uum ai Glory fouînd outdoors. Sometbing about Now a Blaze of Color ttheir ntunhers. their wcll-ou'dered fiigbt. their haunting d',y. a ndclIn the Countryside perbapa the fact that thov are de- parting. fis one with a -uad- The couintryside is n0w a blaz( neas mixed witb admiration for of automrnal giory. In order tc their beauty. We hope it will ho comprehend this phenomenon i vour good forttune, and ours, to is necessary te thitîk of each lea have this experience once again as an active working unit doini rthis Faîl. Whcther observed high its part for the benefit of th( in tbcebitte above the FaIl trocs, woeto pigteaa or bx' moenlight on a f rosty nigbt, ened protoplasm begins te streari the sight is unforgobtable. througb the new leaf te fulfil z diefinite purpese. This purpose At the Sandbanks fereat In simply sbated, is te maintain itsel: Prince Edward Corntv, Bov in such relation to the combinec Scouts frorn the Picton Troep set act4on of light, air, warmth anc out 2,000 voung Scotch pine trees moustuire that chierophyli, whicl in the planting area. Th, gîves te foliage its green celer Scouts aise reccived seme bints can ho produced. frorn the Ontario Department of Chlorophyli is a little disk o Lands and Forests' Zone Forest- dense green jolly, embedded ii ors on passing tests fer their Fer- protepiasrn, which. may be trans ester badges. formed int grape sugar, part o which is passed down loto tht P * I *troc, feedîng the celis and pro motung the grewth of the trei - J body, whîle another part goes ou oproduce the fruit of the tree. The workring life of the lcaf î aout four montbs, and il ha rcaclbed its fonctuonal apex b: lm m idsumrmer. Ah somimer loni er ay loooodýs"..ü ch' te £5IIbonid. 8Ots toI5 PER DAY .- ~~zà. i$! - t in 1962r CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPAUV Iimitie r i it if i s s e, d- Pa" "o Boy a p'ar qi an olti and oftn que d i<'iaraifîoniinul iii. lii 'iv iif re kîng now. Suiwi îîîîî aie fun'to îiiiake ,er will be your ietaid. .r~. For the Children Childrcnis love of teys and plaiy tliings i1.9a Won- derful incentive cuddly tovs flint capture flic hearts ef cver,%one. l'ai- terrs ior tîrse practivloveable '1' hl e eu oixdin froin gay nmiii ri- ais w1lii his ail part of their Cliarîn. A comi- ane extra eoqt, froîn hf oesfor ilie Ln lornle vil les acd St ove'S. there are doli ibe iakeli fui a niiw fa-e, br-okUn lîil s vma~ 'e., 1)(,.ipot îlot lirs aie ais-o oliliar c' fi-ed min s, i-s'caie~.-a tOi-, Svý ingýs i baitl indelocf lriglit colored. o clillaîi ge Iiiii, oi- lier, to wir-mOlu hs efor Men ng for iltc men in Iio family? Men are 011 choc-e sinte iîig î-efils" ît-lI as youîî gi', vlir elîiiuTes ofil* pliimg lin ruhi* v- wiitupays-Ii(, i ills). Ail muen ii-il i e -îng goilii, glu v", S avevs, so'-k-, i Il, ic uucî i)v t-on irtie(n's dressing gown.'ý ior eluiliir;îaeiui Io t10ic tvc:îrus ovelv tvolils, >ii înîîîîg Si lits or good- a felf tiiii or a lu-lit Cl (-i.0lnc" k couuîi iiil liai, c:i fi i i triili,'lie îurî moîîî depirimrot isiot i-. lor lieri's gifîr', broitleirv ,or nrrît'r.Boudl11ais lookc s, sarvrs anîllad l lîe- o, voin sec, o choosc. Making giftU for iru niay get et for Men d Lore a pair of scuffs with a matching itts. "lie ýrs antis ccd iare i madle witli a ici111 81l bi- htiiiiîî. "u'golfl u in iti- nandu lîced i iii -oui ouili-invIo uprotivet. ,n for a ltwo-loiuuîîe ,f,îblltian lie malle in wisît Io bav e a uliietion li-alet Ioniako, f-uudire'Serl rît 'Jupe ot lie edp wi g GlFT1', 1-UItMEN, Lcaflet -No. E-300. display ad with its cernpelling message to, the tiniest liner with its whispered suggestion, I arn readv te serve, and unteld mil- lions have found me useful. They seldemn credit me with being an, educator. But I arn. 1 beach new and better \vaYs of do- ing things. I arn a gadfis' const- antly buzzing te prevent people from getting set in their Nvays. In a business civilizatien, I lime the spark-plug of business. In a world where people grow far- ther and farther apart, 1 brîng thern together. Childhood Memory Takes Writer Back To the Old Farm (Bv' yR. J.Deachman) Once., at least in everv year. preferably in midsummer or earlv faîl, every man ought te go back te the place of bis birth, te see it as it is-and net merely as a childhood memory. To thos.' who remain upon bbe farm the picture neyer fades. They see il as it was in childhoed, in youili and early mnanhood. As it was vesterdav se it is todav but to the man who goos back onaiv tbrec or four turnes in fiftYy 3ears it is alwavs new vet somoehoxv ulttrlv 1 old, 'ai-d haunted by the ghosts of the past. There have been rnany changes in the fac-ms of Huron Countv. The 'now era" is flot quite So smooth as it once was. The mia- chine age bas brouglît mauiy new things but there is a scarcity of farm labor. The bindor does a good job but it can't ho uised for trimmning trocs, a tractor wtill net eut tbe weeds along the cotiîntr.v roads. The weeds spreoad loto the fields. In the olden davs the- sheep pastured en the roadside but live stock on couîntry roadza, with autos dashing along at 60f miles an heur, are hardl v consist- ent with modern conditions, su the weeds grow. The hired mon cost 100 mucb. the farma are net quite s0 trim in appearance, hed- ges once neatly trirnmed are no longer hedges-they have ho- comne windbreaks. The wild carnet is now one, of the most common weeds. Per- haps. once opon a time it was an ordinary gardon vegetable but neglected in the garden il took, te the fields and becarne a nuis- ance er it may be that our gardon carrot la only a ld carrot trained te a life cf service. Anyway you like te vbew it this weed is a big nuisance on our Ontario farrns. The farms now lack the polisb they had in the old dayS-when will it return? Another problcm faces agricul- ture. It la difficuit under pros- ent circurnstances te, take care of dopreciation on these farms. The farmer may be prosperous-that is he has more money in bis peck- et than he formeriy had-he bas a car-he may even take som- mer holidays though net at the sarne timo as our city denizens ý 1 ÉIMRSDAY, OCTOn" 4th, lq'Çf "Tr rAlIlADTAN STATI!,qMAN. IOWMANVMLLM. ONTARIO take them. It is on fewf that the ordinary repairs maintained. All Ibis must te lower farn values when time cornes to seli eut anc tire int the towns as soi farmers do. Here and there sorne1 land preferabI.v with a st through il. bas been bougi- groups of farmneis and turnet a park as picnic areas. ThoE nier bar bren slow ,te learn lio ieeneds a t'est. Thisi better tvav cf doîng it. Il farmi can be worked with sli bours and a bit more Icisu -would ho a happy evcn. trend tom-ards the citx' is '-t ovidence but a change mav The city mari may seek r, and peace in the country, might gain frein a mnutual ch ange. These rçnmarks anre just strav ticughts of crue v1bt EVE LEI CH'S Cleaners & Dyers - Laundries PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent:- HOOPERIS LADIES' WEAR j ton moso trap? I arn the aigri- poat that directs the world te bis door. Are there nîower and bot- ter producta, newer, and botter ways of doiuîg things? Through une the v-oc-id bac-na of them. In that way I serve pregrosa. The litIle girl who bas lest a beloved puppy, the aging mari who wants to ellouut the bus- iness te which ho has deveted a lifetime, the innovater with a new machine er a now procesa, the great mecchant with bis fairy- land of new thinga to seli-al these I serve, and many more. I arn aient and aggressive. Op- portunit>' is the gouda in which I deai; 1 arn trabned te sce it and te discever it. From the full-page 1 1 could see more of it and carrnes tbe pieture in the background of his memorv. It rushes te the surface every time he sees a cow, a sheep or a pig. It is early yet te measure the full force of the changes of recent v'ears. One of the saddest sights of in'v recent visit in Western On- tarieoîvas the practical disappear- ance of the stream-s of mY young- er days. The swamps have been drained, the trees have been re- mox-ed fromn arcas which should have been retained as permanent forests and gradually the Nvater table à; being lowcred. What dees the future hold in the light of these events? We ought b ponder thoughtfully the answer te that qucstion. The m-an who removed 4w miountain bcgin carrying the snmali stoncs first.

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