PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~OWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO THURS1~AY, OCTOBE~ 4t1~i, i~è~ Pioneer Life in Durham Counly Exciting Slory Told by Mrs. Dowen AI Bowmanville Women's Institute Bowmanville Women's Insti- tute met in the Union Hall on Thursday, Sept. 27, with Presi- dent Mrs. Chas. Johnis presiding and with a good attendance of members and visitors for this first meeting of the fail season. Reports irem the commillees showed that tbey bad been active during the summer aithough no regular meetings bad been beld, Mrs. A. E. Clemens, convener, presided foc the program and in- troduccd Mrs. Fred W. Bowen wbo spoke very rcalisticaliy on "Pioneer Lufe in This Commun- ity.' Througb hec own and ber h usband's parents' experienres in thIis section, Mrs. Bowen impact- ed a weallh of information about our eaciy setîlers oi wbich n) re- cord bas been made. Mrs. Bowen regretted that there were net more books avail- able on anecdotes and experien- ces of bbc early ycars. Eacb year througbout the county ceulen- niaIs and miiestones in the life of the villages. schools and chur- ches are celebrated. At these limes hislory is revealed and pioncer souvenirs are exbibited. There is a neeci in Durham Counîy of an archives wbere these treasures and their bistory rau bc preserved. Mcs. Bowen mcntioned severai xvays icn xvhich a collection of these an- tiques could be gathered and a long lisI ni articles with historie- ai value as bookiets, pamphlets of family, cburch, sebool and town- ship histor 'y. Old maps, books, *atiases, diaries, ledgers, news- paper files, nid sehool books, photos and leters were a few of tbe important items. Continuing ber talk Mrs. Bow- en reviewcd the eariy pioneci ie in Durham and the bardships of this time wbcn se many tbings ronsidered essenlial today were non-existent. S h e mcntionec many substitutes used as tea froni bemlock and sassafras, eniee fromn dandelions or peas, baking soda fcom burut romra cbs-arc eniy a few. .Reminiscences of Qucen Vie- toria's wedding celebration in ,York (Toronto) werc inîeresting and in 1859 the banging of a mur- derer in Cobourg attrartcd 10,00 people oi wbich 500 xvcre wom- en. She told nnanv humorous anec- dotes about frieuds and relatives of the carly dayýs. Sine concinded ber vast knowlecige of Ibis fascin- aling subject hy a resumne of the early history and setlers nf Boxvmanvilic as gieaned frnm 1h' books of Prof. Squair and otiners. with a ceacing and Mrs. Edwiin Wood played a piano solo. Bolin tb'ése numbers were excellent ani mucb enjox'ed. Mrs. Clemnens Ilankcd Mrs. Bowen and alxvbo assisted dur- ing the ai lernoon. During the busiîness discussinn Mrs. Geo. Alcinin and Mrs. Thos. Buttery were a ppoinbed to attend the CenIrai Area convention in Toronto in Noveunher. Mrs. But- tery preseinleti a fine report on Junior Instilute and Girls' Club activilies. Many antiques were displaycd in response to the roli cail. Mrs. Ciemens and group served refresinmeints. You cannt do toda's job with ycstcrday's louIs and slay in busi- ness bomorroxv. 511W and IS AVE, On These Numbers WOOL CREPES In fali shades of wine, gcey, black, green and brown. Ail 54 inches wide at the onc low price of $2.95 yard HOUNDSTOOTH TWEEDS The ideal tweed for coals or sports jackets 4n rolours of brown and white or green and white, 54 inches wide. OnIy $ 1.39 yard Black SiIk Jersey Wabasso Coton Prinis Clearing at Price per Yard 69c yard Flanneleile We have a complete stock of striped and ianry flannelette, ideal fer Ibis season of tbc year. 45c and 50c Marquiselle Curlain Net 13eautiful fluffy dots ini colours oi rase, green or blue, 42 incines wide. Special low price of 39c yard Specials for Men Men's Shortie Rose A Special in Men's Sharlie Hase nnade by Penmans, some nylon aînd xvool, and others rayon wool, rheck designs. Regular $1.00 pair Special 79c pair Bib Overalis Big -B" Ox'eralls in saînforized rlotb. $4.95 pair Boys' Dress Shirts i Boys' faincy stripeci cress shirts, sizes 13 aînd 14. Reg. $1.89 eaeh - Clearing at $1.19 each Penman's No. 71 Underwear Neccis nnointroduction Shirts and Drawers S.5garnient Combinations.------ $4.25 Go A. KENNEDY Successor te Couch, Johnsten & Cryderman 49 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE Phoi ne 836 ENNISKILLEN J Couple to Live Twenty-six relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Ashton to honor F./O. Reg. and Mrs. Kersey on their fifth I wedding anniversary prior to leaving for Alberta where Reg ~ xiii take up his post with the rR.C.A.F. Mr. Kenneth Pooler sspoke a few words of congratu- slations and presented themn with a ecase of flatware. The couple fit- 1 tingly replied. The remainder of i the evening was spent playing cards after which a delicious glunch %vas served. Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNeil visited with Mrs. M. Moore, Bowman- *ville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mrs. . 1Maude Bailey and Miss Kathryn Bailey, Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell MeLaughlin. Mrs. Albert Oke accompanicd Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnce Avery and î 9 Diane, of Burketon, on a visit to 3Mrs. T. A. McLaughlin's, in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer 3c, Maple Grove, at Mr. and Mirs. Donald Carr s. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yen and Lorna, Oshawa, Mrs. Wannan, Almonte, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Yen. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Olde, St. Thomas, accompariced Mr. and Mrs. F. '\V. Wrrry speuidiug the weekend ,vith Mr. ai-id Mrs. Bey- crlyv Vealle, Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fowvlcr, Lea- side, spent Sunday with Mr. and MIVI AND MRS. HAROT Mrs. John Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and whose marriage ývas solemni; familv, Maple Grove, werc Sun- day 'visitors with Mr. Edîgar Forrnerly Miss Helen Bertin Wright and Mr. Norman Wright. younger daughter of IMr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson of Bowmanx'ille, and the bri and farnils were visitors at Mr. Arthur $W. Harnmond, of Bi Floyd Brown's and Mr. Raymond Hmod Bottrell's, Newcastle. Hm od Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp wvith relatives at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke visit-U 4 ed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke U~ Oshawa. Congratulations to Mr: and Mrs. Hoxward Oke on the ar- rival of a fine baby boy. t7 Messrs. Gordon Stevens, Orville Ashton, Edgar Wright and Joir Slembo, our male quiartette, sup- plied the musie for the Dedica- tion Service ut the opening ser- vice of nexv lights at Ballyduff. Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Brunt with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page, New- castle. Mr. Milton Stainton was on the jury at Cobourg last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Degeer, Mr. Ot u Don MeGregor, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Betbany; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin and Jean, Registration Fees Due Purple Hill; Mr. E. Trewin, Black- The time lias corne once again stock, at Mr. and Mrs. John Grif- when the annual registration Ie; fin's.. for both the Cubs and Scouts are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton due. Il is up 10 cach Cub and and family at Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Scout 10 make sure that his reg- McCune's, Courtice. istration fce is paid-aud also) Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, paîd on time! Otherwise no Cub Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, xitb or Scout miay rightfully dlaini their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. that lie is a memiber of an *v Cub Pcthick. Pack or Scout Tcoop. Your e Mr. Herbert Wright, Mrs. Jack sbould bc given 10 Your Ciub- Bradford and son Bruce, Miss mastcr or Scoutrmaster no later Florence Vannest, Toronto, ut Mr. than thc third Friclay of this and Mrs. Norman Wright's. month, (Oct. 19), in order that Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley it be forwardccl to Hcadquartcrs and Brian, Mapie Grove, at Mr. within the proper time. For Arthur Brunt's. Cubs the fee is 25 cents andi for We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Mit- Scouts; 50 cents. chell, Heather and Susan to our And furthermiore. a word b Ih- midst. Tbey have moved 10prnsAlCbsadSot r rooms at Mr. and Mrs. Harold pacvered bv baccidnt ins rc Ashton's. cxvhieeaIthaird'etly mraccu Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling and and eay otheir Scut unio,ifý son, Miss June Whitfield, Cart- atheay ave er ouerlv rcilr- wright; Mr. and Mrs. F. He-pburn, cd aveSou eadqareYr in To- Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. rontoBut this iurace d o MeNeil. ot Bt hsisrneds Mr. and Mrs. Walter *Rahm, unI cover an.v boys who have ilot Tyrone, at Mr. John Griffin',s. bcen registcîcd A correction in Service Club Paper Drive news last week: Mrs. A. Lead- The first paper drive of tbe beater and Mrs. E. Trewin are on fali seasonl is being plaujiec for the social cominittee. Saîiirday, Octoher 13. AILlScouits Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin and Senior Cubs shouflt keep this andl Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace dlate in mmnd aud be on baud ut Griffin and Heather were Sunday the usual place to leud a helping callers at Mr. and Mrs. Jack hand. BRuemi(iiber that the Local Herod's, \Veston. Association depends on the mioiuev Miss Marie Beckett is doing from Ithese drives 10 help finanlce nicely. Sotn nBwolvle \Ve are snrry' vte have to report Sotn uBwavic Mr. Harold Milîs past away in a First Group Toronto bospitdi. Sympatbyv goes Tihc First Truup xxill i l;l< is out to Mrs. Milîs and family in first mîeeting of lbe sealson ut Ibeir sad bereavernent. 7 p.m. on TIburscla.v of Ibis week Mr. and Mrs. R. Bticgess, Ty- in the Lions' Comniunity Centre. rone, spent Sundav wilb bier The First Pack, uncler the l'ader- brother, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stev- ship of Cubmnaster Bob Evans, ens. . xiii hoid ils first meeting on Oc,. 12, the first Friday afler Thanks- givîutig; the place is the Comimun- vs tdMiss GlaVlsErrsn Mr. and Mrs. Selbv Grant. l3owrnanville, visited 'Mr. and Mrs, M. Emnerson. Mr. and Mrs. Endicott, Lindsa-. visitedi their dauglitcr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford. Per capita consuimption of cet- ton cloth in Canada in 1950 was 37.6 yards, higillst sinlce 1947. 1EE Po WE, Ifx'oi i were a lier, yoîi couid, as becs (, m, î,c xuur wiie'siSs a Liin ici oui u'e ic iîtuis. iit îvliidc becs arc i,îsy'xeiit in-,. iiiev cauit b i>g.tliîcî iio lmoncv. So liiýcs xvitli i iîiii- iiiiin roof,;x l itcofil tut (lc-, gruu olii) iii.ikt bucs moluie ellici it. Sonileuiin aminiu iîn hc>nsc,, niaix do the sanie for .\i îiliîînî is an ic iiis ]:ii'r foriiîu- iiiîui.. T1h ii, n t>i(' of a,î unurus 10N ilS Hi uiîiim uifor ,uiiiiiiiitîîîn is gi nusiîîîg so ai .î1>iî and, :îîîi cly zx irc biiiliiii i<î ici iii 1 îî mmii. \iliiiitliîiiî ii C on1- p~ inofCaiiada, Liii. Iticail). in owm nvlleWeelyPaprsdress with black accessories and awa, Lakehurst, Peterborough, inB wm n ileW ekyPa escorsage of iinlc roses. Bowmanville, Nestieton, Black. Last Frontier of Fleigte eetothe sokadMlbok SFree Enterprise bride and groom left on a wed- ding trip te Ottawa, Burkhorn SW. E. McCartney, Brampton, and parts of the United States, managing directer and secretary- the bride wearing fer travelling a trcasurer of the Canadian Weekly suit of medium blue with navyi Nexvspapers Associatien, in ad- bat and accessories. On their dressing the Manitoba Press As- return, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston SMan., said that weekly news- Out of town guests were present 6S ti e ca.ton 36 ~' papers are the last frentier of the from Coldwater, Toronto, Osh-________ I free press and free enterprise. Mr. MeGartney said: "This is due entirely te the fact that in almost ail cases, weekiy news- papers are edited and published 7 by an individual - and individ- uality is the essence of free en- terprise. "Corprat m THE RADIO CA]gï< oreaien taxes,Inceme taxes, deferred depreciation reg- V_ ulations and credit restrictions are killing incentive, while at the hnfm A y hr same time our government asks ifor greater production from worker, farmer and industrialist. "'One of the chief fallacies of governmcnt thin1ting is that gev- P HOUNE 5 61 ernments can more effirîently run AtNg - IEmrey 802 your business and, in fart, yeur A ih nEegny 8 life than you can yourseif. POE92o 48fo kI "Goxrnments at ail levels havePH E92or38q assumed that they have an almost divine right te regulate any and Six Modern Cars . ail businesses." Ail Passengers Insured iq Mr. McCartney urged a return tô private enterprise and recogni- . .Prompt Efficient Service VA tion of the laws of supply and de- E 4 mand , aliewing the seller te price Operatcd by bDW SE A M N is goods at whatever the traffie ahnu rs E V C .~ ELYH M OD will bear. He said this weuld LtageBo.I zed eceniy i Bowanvile.provide the necessary incentive izedrecntl in owmnvile.for a farmer te produce more, a a Osborne, the bride is the workman te work longer and-- 1Mrs. Orville Kniglit Osborne, ulimately resuit in lower prices. idegroomn is the son of Mrs. 'racebridge, and the late Mr. W D IG ~I The Cubs -%viii mccl in the Coin- JOHNSTON - GRAHAM munit 'V Centre bu1t tbe Scouts Against a background of giad- wilcomnc herineinsinili str addalasippdus Cled Children the Hg colgm United Church, Saturday ailer- p On Third Pack noon, Sept. 8th, Velma JoyceIN THIS DISTRICT OnFrida v of this xveek, at 7 Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I H S D S R C panCubuîaster Arnold Sleep Charles Graham, Burketon, was hopes tl ave a fil ttluIoLt If ail united in marriage with Leslie the Cîibs of the Third Pack in Gordon Johnstou, son of Mr. and B U Y A T IN O F orcler lu getlhIe Pack organized Mrs. George Johnston, Cadmus. for the fail seasoii; thev xiii mccl Rev. C. W. Hubton performed the inteCmnnt elr. ceremon.v. Jean Couiter, Ponty- PLA T B" OC T I in theCounmnit Cntre. poolplayed the wedding mPusicTE, S~ KTA Th(- Cubs nofinhe Fourlb Pack eton, was soloist.- xiii met at 7 p.m. on Friday in Given in macriage by ber__A NT the Communily Centre. faîher, the bride wore a gown P E A N U T nf wbite satin with bodice and ONTYPOOL siceves of lace. The train of berFO - 50 PONTYPOOL ~gown was aise of lace. She woreFO -50 a finger-tip iength veil and a three-strand neekiace of peacîs, The Or ange Hall xvas the scenee guif of the groom. Hec bou- from any member of the foi iîesentatiîon addnefrqe was of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Neais ou The bride's sister, Mcs. RobertT Thursdla «% eveuiug. The newly- Fowlec, was matron of honor and 1 Bu0 W M A N V IL L E xveds xvere the recipients of some Miss Joyce Larmer and Nina uice furnitire froun ilicir nany Johusîon, a sister of the groom R;ev BetRchrsnn a harienoe, ieo hebie R~OA RY CLUB reaci the addrcss. Lunch was serv- gnwns of pale bine nylon organdy AND HELP ed anti ,ood music supplied bv and malching flowcr bals and locai talentl. veils. Their bouquets were oi C RI PP LED I I L D R We understand thal Mr. Lorne pink roses. Donald Johuston,-N Farcuxv bas soid bis farn 10 Mr. brother of the groom, acîed as George Vandam. Mr. Farrow bad best man, and Robert Fowler and Advertisernent Sponsorcd By Thomias White a few ycars ugo. For the ceceplion at the home God roresba benmaeof the bride's parents, the bride',s Bo m anv1Ii m uiguSa o I nrexv b arîi be mraced nmoîher wocc a drcss of bine crepe eswm on te n\ý, har beii, cretedon ith lace. Wilh il she xvore navy thne Clani farn. Practiraly. a accessories and a corsage of cedI DODGE- DE SOTO DEALER - BOWMANVILLE new ceînneî 't bloick xvaii s been Iôe.Sewsasitdb h built by Ccv lic iVMartiîn, block- grooses herwa itcd bye lay'er frrn Pet("rborougln. Theygro'moerxeaigary___ îare hopiîng to hnavefine ncw bhun up bhis coîuiugxvecnl Bal iv Nd i fi Churccii bed a tur- key suppner oin Oct .3. Thne Unit- ed Churcix int'î are hoiciing a Boardine t ingIis xve(ek .to ar- raînge for tineïi aînivcr7sary ser- vices. Messrs. Hu1riner anti*ohnn Cars- caclen xveîe Suiilay xisitors xith Mr. J. Pavyne. Most oi the ecar].l'polalo crop bas beeil tlng, xvitinfair )yieitis. sonne lbave( s.tartci tineir Llte trop f nith smalier yields rep<rted. Neariv ail laie croins xvere badlv I ligýintesI Croînin years. Farin ntîers are nunnerons tinese dau'-,s un this localitv. Sonne olheîrs are iooking foir farmns suit- For O ntario C itizens able foi' geieral farin îg. c Pleasant Dreams! Chýlildrcn stay healthy d (lthive 0on w'hole- sonie foods wvhcu tlucv've ea t en well - lialanced nieals that include couin- try-frcsh tlairy products. NiakeSure v<,ur ineals incli(l a gencrotis por- tion of our pure dairy products. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHIONE 444 BOIV.)ANVILLE and $ 1200.00 if married. If further information is required please write' to Department of Public Welfare, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. ONTARIO BLIND PERSONS ACT An applicant may receive $40.0 monthly if 21 or over, a resident of Canada for 10 continuous years, and their inreme, including allow. ance, is flot in excess of $840.00 if single and $132000 if married. f.4 ONTARIO CITIZENS 70 YEARS 0F AGE AND 0VER who are flot now receiving Old Age Pensions should obtain an ap- plication from the nearest Post Office-compiete and forward to- OLD AGE SECURITY, ONTARIO REGIONAL OFFICE, 122 front St. W., Toronto. ONTARIO DEPARTMVENT 0F PUBLIC WELFARE Honourable W. A. Goodfellow, Minister oJ Public W'e/are. i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAMYTLLE, ONTARIO TMMSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, Ilèt